The Jaguar God

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

The Jaguar God

By William W. Kelso

"Yee-haaw!" I yelled as we went through some wild water, it was great! The rapids weren't particularly bad, but they were quite long, almost two mile of white water with some pretty spectacular small falls and shallower areas. It was summer and time to play, so some buddies of mine from school; including some babes, had decided to give the Grand Canyon a try. The others wussed out and went with big rubber boats, I was the only one that rented a kayak. We'd been riding the river for two days, camping out on sandbars and eating whatever we could concoct out of what we'd brought. A couple of the guys had brought their girl friends, and disappeared into the brush fairly regularly, leaving myself and the other single dudes with only boners and fantasies, lucky jerks. It was still great though, I loved being outdoors like this, and the canyon was spectacular. I'd gone on a river ride with my folks once when I was a little kid, and had always wanted to come back again.

Just before I went around a bend I looked over my shoulder to see one of the rafts upend against a boulder and dump everyone and their stuff into the river. We all had on the required life vests and helmets, so I was pretty sure they'd be OK. Not being able to turn around I went on my way, and after about an hour came to some quieter water and pulled over to a sand bar to wait for them to catch up. Some of their stuff came drifting by, so I collected it and stacked it on the sandbar while I waited for them. When a cooler came floating by I lucked out, it was full of ice cold beer. Fosters!

I noticed a crevasse in the wall of the canyon, and being the inquisitive sort decided to do a little exploring. It was your typical run-off crevasse the fed water into the river when it rained. It twisted and turned and had some really cool rock formation that the water had carved, and the going was easy as the fairly flat bed was gravel and sand. I was so intent on looking at the water shaped rock I would have missed it if I hadn't; literally, stumbled over it. I hooked a toe in something and fell flat on my face. Sitting up and cursing, picking sand out of my nose, I looked at what I'd tripped over. It looked like a cup or something sticking out of the sand. Curious, I pulled at it, and after some wiggling back and forth it popped up and I could take a good look at it, and almost peed in my pants. It was a gold goblet, inlaid with emeralds. Damn thing must have weighed two pounds. It was partially crushed, but intact otherwise. And it was old, even I could tell that. I noticed a glint of something else in the sand, and reaching down pulled out a small gold bar. It had symbols stamped on it; but the only one I recognized was a "X". I poked around some more, shaking from excitement, but didn't see anything else. So I put the goodies in my pack and started up the crevasse again, my eye rooted on the ground this time. If I'd just been satisfied with what I'd found so far things would have turned out differently, but oh no, I had to be greedy.

And soon I found a gold coin, and recognized it as a Spanish doubloon. Then another gold bar, a bigger one, more coins, and a long length of gold chain with a pendant that looked like some weird dude with big lips and rings in his ears. Then nothing for awhile until I came to the end of the crevasse, it narrowed to the point there was no way to go any further. So I backtracked very carefully, and found a few more coins I'd missed. I figured there had to be a lot more buried in the sand and gravel, but the question was, where had it all come from, and was there more? I carefully scanned the walls a lot closer, and found another narrow crevasse running into the main one. And sitting right in the opening was a small pile of gold coins and bars that had gotten stuck in a small pool. I hoisted myself up and once through the opening it opened up more, and there was more treasure. My pack was getting so heavy I'd have to put it down soon. I must have found a good thirty pounds of gold so far! I was so excited I was shaking, with that much treasure I'd have it made for life! The crevasse narrowed again, and to my surprise there were steps crudely carved into the side. Even more excited now; if that was possible-I could hear my blood pounding in my head, I climbed the stairs as fast as I could, but had to be careful as they went a pretty far way up the steep sheer side of the crevasse and were pretty narrow and worn, and handholds were few and far between. Then I reached a narrow ledge, and at the other end gaped the mouth of a dark cave, and I could feel cool air blowing out of it. I had a pretty good LED flashlight as part of my stuff, so I got it out and entered the cave.

At first it looked pretty much like any other cave, but then I came to a passage that had definitely been worked by hand. It had been crudely widened and you could see the old chisel marks. It went about fifty yards and opened into a large chamber that had also been artificially improved, you could see where stalactites and stalagmites had been cleared away. At first I didn't see much, but then noticed something lying in the dirt. It was an old metal helmet, one like you see in movies with a ridge in the center and turned up at both ends. It was one of those Spanish kind. And next to it was the previous owner, a skeleton wearing an iron breastplate and rotted leather, a sword in one bony grip. Far out man, I thought. Since I doubted whoever had killed the guy was still around; at least I hoped not, I moved farther back into the chamber and there were more bodies, as in lots. But they had all had been dead for a very long time, some had bullet holes in their armor, and more than one skull had been split open by a sword or axe. But then my eyes were pulled away from the scene of the ancient massacre when I saw what was piled up against the back wall of the chamber.

Treasure, tons of it. It made what I'd found so far mere trinkets. I dropped my pack and feel to my knees and just stared with my mouth open. There were stacks of gold bars and ingots, piles of coins spilling from rotted chests, more chests overflowing with gold jewelry and plates, clay jars full of uncut gems I recognized as rubies and emeralds, large and small gold statues, and much, much more. Tons of it, everywhere I turned the beam of my flashlight it reflected off gold and gems. I picked up a few pieces a random and recognized more Spanish coins, and the bars had what looked like Spanish assay stamps on them, but a lot of the jewelry was pretty crude and looked Aztec or Mayan to me. What the Hell was it doing here?? I'd heard rumors one or two Spanish explorers may have reached the Grand Canyon, but nothing about a treasure. Well, wherever it had come from the previous owners didn't have any use for it anymore, so it was MINE now. Wait until my friends hear about this! Hell, I'll even share with them; they can each have one item as long as it's small. I'm a nice guy, but I'm a GREEDY nice guy. Mine, mine, mine! I thought as I dug my hands through piles of coins and gems.

I stuffed my pack full of more valuable looking stuff and filled my pockets with gems, but just as I was turning to leave the beam of my flashlight swept over a small niche carved in the wall of the cave, and something glinted. Curious, I moved closer and standing in the niche was the beautiful statue of a cat woman, solid gold with emerald eyes. It was nowhere as crude or ugly as the other statues. I stood looking at it in amazement, whoever had made it had been a genius, the detail was incredible. It, she, was standing with her arms at her sides, and was part cat, part human. The head was feline, the body more human but with multiple pairs of breasts; the upper pair human, the other pairs human shaped but smaller, and the hindquarters were a blend of both human and feline, and she had a long tail curled around her ankles. The blending of human and animal was perfect; it looked 100% natural to me. The statue was about a foot tall, and gently I reached out and picked it up. The detail was so perfect I could even see the labial lips of her pussy (hah, appropriate) just barely visible on her mound.

"You, I said, are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."

"What a nice thing to say, thank you." I suddenly 'heard' a voice say in my mind.

The statue suddenly squirmed in my hands, and with a yell I dropped it, and stumbling backwards tripped over a dead guy, and getting up started staggering around with my foot jammed in a skulls mouth.

"Aaaaaah, sonofabitch, getofflemmego!" I yelled, kicking frantically. Finally the skull flew off into the darkness with a loud clatter.

About that time with a loud 'whooosh' two large braziers ignited, filling the large chamber with soft flickering light.

"That wasn't very respectful of the dead." An amused voice said.

I froze, having forgotten about the weird statue for a few seconds. I looked up and saw a shadowy figure standing behind one of the braziers, green glowing eyes reflecting the firelight. Then it moved into the light and for the second time that day I nearly peed my pants. It was the statue, but it was alive, and instead of being gold and emeralds it looked as real as I was, very much so. The feline creature was about five feet tall, and very much female, and butt naked. And like I'd said, it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. It looked at me with green and gold feline eyes in a feline head, the body covered in golden brown fur with black circles & spots, the color lighter on her chest and thighs, a long tail swishing slowly from side to side. And she had the most perfect breasts I'd even seen, all eight of them, the upper pair human; full and firm with large nipples and covered by a thin layer of downy fur, the other six being smaller but no less perfect. And I could clearly see the dark red lips of her sex through the thin fur on her mound. I got an instant boner despite the weirdness of the situation, and I'll bet the dead guys had one too.

"Wha...who, what, der?" I stammered.

The weird creature gave an amused sounding purr, and said, "What's wrong, cat got your tongue?"

Oh, har-de-har, I thought, good one. "Umm, sorry, who are you? WHAT, are you?"

"I? Why I'm the Jaguar Goddess; and this is my treasure. You have committed sacrilege and awakened me from my slumber, now you must pay."

"Goodbye, nice to meet you, I'm going now." I said.

"Oh, what's your hurry?" She growled, and I heard a dull thud from down the tunnel. Sure enough my light showed a large stone portal had sealed the entrance to the chamber, the old stone portal over the only exit trick. Oh shit.

"Um, look, I said, emptying my pockets of treasure, I really don't want any of it, really. Please let me go, I won't tell anybody."

"I'm afraid it's not that easy." She purred, tongue licking across her fangs. "You see, by committing sacrilege you're now mine to do with as I want."

"Are, are you going to kill me, like you did these guys?" I stammered. I had no doubt those fangs could rip my throat out easily despite the fact I was bigger than she was.

"Me? She said; they killed themselves, fighting over the treasure. They kept me imprisoned in the statue, but once they were all dead I was free, but I'm bound to the treasure as its guardian."

"Who are; were, they? And who are you?" I asked, intrigued despite the circumstances.

She surprised me by transforming in the blink of an eye all the way into a Jaguar, then jumping up on top of a boulder before changing back to partially human form, and then sitting down, her legs crossed, the view, well, arousing as her spread legs left nothing to the imagination. I tried to look away from the unimpeded view of her sex, but it was hard.

"They were conquistadors, one the last bands to ravage the Aztec Empire. They broke off from the main band and stole the treasure, planning to hide it until they could come back for it later. Their former comrades kept chasing them until they finally lost them in this great canyon, and they picked this cave to hide the treasure. Then greed destroyed them and they killed one another. The sole survivor left, but never came back. I guess the local natives got him."

"Wait a minute, I said, if you're the guardian of this treasure, why didn't YOU kill them?"

"A priest betrayed me, and gave them the spell to imprison and control me, and then they killed the priest. I was helpless."

"Well, if you're a Goddess and everything, why don't you just leave?"

"I can't, the Jaguar woman said in a sad voice, I'm bound to the treasure; I was created to guard it. It wasn't so bad when it was in a temple and I was worshipped, but it sucks now. I get so...lonely."

"Well, no offense, I said, but you're not much of a Goddess, I mean, if you can't even leave."

"Man, she said, I could kill you in more ways than you can imagine, with a flick of my hand, or long and slow. Or I could keep you here until you die of thirst and hunger while I 'play' with you."

"Look, I said, I'm really sorry you're stuck here and everything, but please don't kill me, I mean, what would that accomplish? I'll keep quiet about the treasure, I promise, you can have it."

"But I don't WANT it! The catwoman snarled; I HATE IT! I was human once, like you, the Priests of the Jaguar transformed me into a goddess to guard their damn treasure. All I am is a powerful slave. I've been stuck here, in the dark, alone, for hundreds of years! Do you have any idea what that's like?? To be ALONE for hundreds of years!?!" Then she started crying!

Great, I thought, I set an ancient Goddess free, and she goes to pieces on me. But I felt sorry for her too, she sounded so sad.

"Look, I said softly, I'm really sorry. But I'm just an average guy, not a conquistador or adventurer; I just found this place by accident. Please let me go, I promise I'll come back and visit you. You're, well, fascinating."

"You, you would?" She sniveled, wiping her muzzle with a paw. "I, I'd let you go, really I would, but I'm afraid I can't. Once you're trapped there is no escape, even I can't let you go. All I can do is destroy you, it's what I was created for."

"WHAT! I said, what kind of Goddess ARE you anyway?"

"A minor one! She snarled, all I'm supposed to do is kill anyone who tries to steal the treasure! But once you're trapped I have no way to let you go until I kill you!"

"That SUCKS, I said, and how come you speak English better than me anyway?"

"Because I'm a GODDESS!" She yowled and snarled.

I ran over to the portal and tried to lift it, but no go, thing weighed tons. I took a sword and tried to dig under it, but a couple inches down the floor was solid rock. Finally I gave up and sat down with my back to the portal, and looked at the creature sitting on the boulder.

"Please let me go." I begged.

"I'm truly sorry, but I can't. She replied. I have no desire to kill you; that compulsion died with the priests. I want to leave this place too, but am bound here. But at least I'm not alone now."

"But I'll die of thirst and hunger, I said, and I won't be around for very long and I'd be lousy company. Don't you need to eat and drink?"

"Well, I can, she said, but don't need to. They used to feed me, um, sacrifices, and of course I ate any thieves I caught. You'd be surprised how many people tried to steal the treasure. I was kept pretty busy."

"You ate PEOPLE? I said, aghast. But that, that's cannibalism!"

"No it wasn't, she said defensively, I'm not human! You have to be human to be a cannibal!"

Frankly I thought that was a pretty weak argument. I had a sudden vision of her crouching over some poor slob ripping his throat out, eyuck.

"Um, you're not hungry or anything, are you?" I asked, wondering if the sword I had would do any good.

"No, she said, don't worry, I won't do that again. I had no choice at first, but with all the priests dead now I'm free, or at least as free as I can be, but stuck like this. No, I have no desire to kill, or hunger for human flesh anymore."

Well, thank God for small miracles, I thought. As far a guardian monsters go this one was, well, just kind of sad. Then I noticed something, and stood up.

"I can feel a draft, I said, there's air coming from somewhere, there must be another way out!"

"It's a narrow crack about ten inches wide in the back of the cave, she said, but it's much too narrow I'm afraid. Sorry, I've been over every inch of the cave; I have lots of time on my hands, and there's no way out."

"Well, crap." I said, sitting back down. "Look, you're a Goddess for Christ sake, surely you can do something! Call up spirits, split the earth open, find Jimmy Hoffa,call 911, SOMEthing!"

She shook her head sadly, "Sorry, all I do is kill thieves, and eat them. It's what I was created for, damn them." Suddenly she tilted her head and her eyes seemed to go out of focus for a minute. "Waaaait, there IS something!"

"What!?!" I asked eagerly.

"Well, she said, you may not like it. But there is one way you can keep from dying, and have the treasure too. I can let you go if you will, um, mate with me of your own free will."

"Great , I said, so all I have to do is....say WHAT!??!"

"If you mate with me I can let you go, and give you the treasure, every last piece."

"But, I mean, I'm, you're a, I mean...!" I gabbled.

"You mean I'm an animal? She replied. Don't worry, we're compatible. The priests used to use me for their pleasure, bring a male Jaguar to service me, or force some poor slave to service me before having me devour him. It was the only sexual pleasure I ever had, either being raped or raping someone else."

"That's, that's HORRIBLE! I said, and so wrong! How could you stand it! Bastards!"

"Yes, it was. She said, but it's long over with and not something I will ever allow to happen to me again. But the priests said if a man was ever willing to mate with me of his own free will then I could set him free and my curse would be broken, and the treasure would become his. It's the only way."

Well, I thought, this IS interesting. Maybe the day isn't a total loss after all. But still, I had reservations. I mean, she WAS beautiful, but, I mean, still...she had fur and fangs!"

"Sooo, I said, all I, we, have to do is um, mate, and then I'll be free, and the treasure will be mine?"

"Yes." She replied.

Well, what could I do, I mean, there was no other choice. And it wouldn't be bestiality either, I mean, she WAS part human, the most important parts!

"OK, I guess I have no choice", I said. Then it got awkward, "Um, how do we do this?"

"How do you think? She said with a amused sounding purr, surely you're not a virgin?"

"I should hope not!" I said, not that I was all that experienced, but I had gotten lucky a few times. But this was, well, different. But God, she was so beautiful in a sensual scary kind of way.

"Come here, into the light", she said, purring softly. "I have been alone for so long, you have no idea how much I've wanted a male, needed a mate."

With a gulp; and not a little eagerness, I approached her. I mean, she was incredibly beautiful; she had all the sex appeal of a beautiful woman, and the sensual beauty and gracefulness of a feline. Combine the two, and oh My God! She was the most erotic and desirable female I'd even seen, she was naked, and she wanted me! But I had to admit part of me was scared to death.

As I approached her she stepped up to me and flared her nostrils, and putting her hand/paws on my shoulders licked my face, purring loudly. I did my best to 'kiss' her back, but her muzzle and black rubbery lips weren't really made for it. I reached up and cupped her upper pair of breasts, and they were as firm as they looked, her large nipples swollen and rubbery. Her purrs became louder, and she reached down and stroked my crotch, smiling.

"I thought so, she said, I could smell your arousal."

Fact is; I'd had a boner almost the whole time since I'd "awakened' her. Any normal man would have. The fact her nudity obviously didn't bother her at all somehow just made it even more erotic, and her total lack of embarrassment at being exposed in front of a male was a real turn on.

I let her strip me, my whole body trembling. Something in the back of my mind said this was a big mistake, but I was too aroused by now to pay any attention. Being stripped naked by a beautiful female has a way of removing any inhibitions you might have. She pulled my shirt over my head and dropped it, then pulled off my shoes and socks. Next she unbuckled my belt and slowly pulled my pants down, purring the whole time, and I gasped as I felt the cool air of the cave on my balls and aching erection; I wasn't wearing any underwear. Then I gasped again as she cupped by balls, and began to lick my shaft. Ohhh God, I thought, I'd never had a lover do that before. I reached down and gripped the back of her head, her fur soft and warm, silky feeling. Then I moaned as she used her tongue to pull my cock into her mouth and started to suck on it, her fangs gently rubbing against it. This is, this is so weird, and wonderful, I thought. My dick is in a strange female creature's mouth, and it feels sooo good! And from the sounds she was enjoying it as much as I was.

As she licked and sucked me, softly squeezing and kneading my balls, I thought I was going to cum any second. You have NO idea what it felt like. But after a few minutes she pulled away and I gave a moan of disappointment; I'd been so close to cumming. She stood up and started licking my face again, and I ran my hands through her smooth soft fur, fondling and rubbing her breasts and nipples, all eight of them. I ran my hands down her back to the base of her tail, its sinuous length curling around to caress my rear and back of my legs, the soft fur almost tingling as it brushed lightly over my skin. Her purrs were deep and sensual, coming from deep in her chest, her whole body vibrating, and she had the most incredibly lovely eyes I'd ever seen, and I could see the ages staring out of them at me. How old was she, really? How long had she been a beast? And I felt sad for her, was glad I could at last give her some happiness before she was left alone again. And I wanted her, oh God how I wanted her!

With a groan I pulled away for our embrace, and squatting down I looked at her sex as she caressed my head and shoulders, still purring. Her mound was covered in thin fur, but I could see the dark red of her lips. I smoothed the fur down; it was moist from her arousal, and using my fingers I spread her, the wet glistening lips parting to reveal her secrets to me. I could smell her now more than ever, a thick feral female musk, and leaning forward I kissed her nether lips, and ran my tongue into her wet sweet vagina and she gave a loud yowl of pure pleasure.

"Mmm, mmmrrrroooowwwww! She gasped; I've never had a mate do that before!! Mrrr, don't stop!! Please! Mrrrroowwww!"

I was surprised too; I'd never done this before. Frankly the idea of 'eating' a pussy had always kind of grossed me out a little, but I'd never wanted a woman so badly before, and I saw her as a woman now, not a beast. An incredibly beautiful, and desirable, woman.

I probed and plunged her depths as far as my tongue would reach, rubbing her clitoris with a finger, and she gently pulled at my head, breathing heavily and grinding her crotch against my face, purring and yowling, and whimpering sometimes. Finally I couldn't stand it anymore, my cock was so hard and throbbing it hurt, I wanted her, I needed her, NOW!

I pulled my face away from the heavenly embrace of her sex, and standing I kissed her muzzle, letting her tongue invade my mouth, and as we pulled apart I gasped, "Please!" With a snarl she turned away and dropped to all fours, presenting herself to me, tail raised; the wet lips of her sex glistening, beckoning, promising ecstasy. She rested on the balls of her feet, her head low and hindquarters high, and turning her head to look at me gave a loud pleading yowl of lust. From the rear she looked more like an animal then a woman, but I didn't care. Crouching down and bending over a little I got the angle right, and with a deep grunt mounted her. I moaned as the head of my penis pushed between her nether lips, and then slid deeply into her hot, slick, sex. I hilted after only a couple of thrusts, then began fucking her with a rhythm of steady powerful, thrusts, and she squealed and yowled, growling and snarling, heaving under me. I thought she'd throw me off, but I held on, thrusting and thrusting as fast and as hard as I could. And I fucked her and fucked her, not believing I hadn't cum or climaxed yet, the pleasure growing and building as I sped up, desperately trying to reach release. And when it finally came it was agonizing ecstasy, more intense than anything I'd thought possible or imagined. I could feel my balls tensing and pulsing, straining as they slapped against her warm furry thighs, my cock throbbing as I came, and came, and came, and she screeched and I felt her hot fluids spurting out as I kept lunging into her, drenching our crotches to drip down our thighs. My orgasm lasted longer than I would have thought possible, and finally, slowly, our moans, sobs, yowls, and screams faded into gasps as we tried to catch our breath.

I collapsed across her back, kissing the back of her neck and ears, and she purred and murmured softly in contentment. "You're so beautiful, I murmured, so very beautiful." After a few minutes she suddenly pushed back against me and my cock hilted again, and I felt a sudden rush of renewed lust, more intense than ever. Oh yeah, I thought, as I begin thrusting into her again. I felt my need growing again, and it was like I hadn't even come at all. Oh YEAH! I begin to thrust even faster, grunting in pleasure. It was the best sex I'd ever had, and it was getting even better! I felt my lust rising until it was a burning force, and I was helpless to do anything else other then try and satisfy my raging need.

Suddenly I felt a strange tingling warmth growing in my balls, then spreading out into my body. I gave a deep moan of ecstasy, it felt wonderful! All previous soreness and weariness faded to be replaced by lust so intense I gasped. And then; to my surprise, I felt a feeling like I was getting an erection! I could actually feel my cock lengthening and thickening, and I moaned from the incredible feeling. It finally stopped, but now the warm tingling feeling was spreading into my arms and legs, and my skin was starting to itch. What the...? I thought. I rose up from her back and moved my hands from her shoulders to her hips, and looked down at myself as my cock slid in and out of her pussy, and blinked in confusion. My cock looked strange; it was dark red in color and came out of And there was FUR on my lower stomach and the tube! What the FUCK? The itching and burning suddenly got worse; almost painful, and as I looked hair began to spread across my arms, and then thickened into golden brown fur with black spots. I whimpered as my hands cramped, and lifting one watched as my fingernails lengthened into sharp claws. NO, NO, NO, I thought in horror as I finally realized what was happening.

I looked at her back and her fur was thinning to reveal brown skin underneath, and her tail was already shrinking. All of a sudden my legs cramped horribly, and with a gasp I fell across her back, instinctively switching my grip to her shoulders again. I pulled myself back up, and found I was balancing on the balls of my feet now, there was no way I could drop to my knees because my legs were bent differently now. And I couldn't' stop fucking her, no matter how hard I tried. But I didn't really want to, the incredible pleasure wouldn't let me, it just grew and grew the more I changed; the less human I became.

"Plleeaasseeeee! I yowled, what's haapppeenniiiinnnnggg to meeeee! Mrrrrroww!"

In horror I reached up and felt my face, a blunt muzzle pushing out as fur spread and thickened over my entire body now, my ears pushing into points as they slid back, and up, on my head. I could FEEL my skull flowing and taking on a new shape, and squealed as I felt something push out from the base of my spine.

"Plleeaasseee, errroowwwwyylll, it hurrrtttss, make it stoooooppppp!" I screamed as the agonizing ecstasy grew and intensified even more, on the verge of cumming with every stroke into her sex. "It huurrtttsssss! MRRROOOWWWYYLL!"

I looked down at her again, slobbering and moaning, and she was almost human now, the last traces of fur disappearing from her brown skin, her ears now rounded and entirely human, the stub of a tail fading away. With a gasp she fell forward onto her knees, and I lunged into her even deeper with a yowl of lust. She had long black hair that hung down around her head as she moaned and squealed in pleasure, and she was still so very, very, female, and I still wanted her so badly, knowing somehow that this wouldn't have been happening if I hadn't, but unable to stop servicing her. I snarled and yowled, snapping my jaws as I felt my orgasm building and approaching, but it felt different this time, much more powerful, more...feral. When it exploded in my loins I reared up grasping her waist and gave a deep screaming roar of sheer sexual euphoria, and even as I came I knew I had sealed my fate. Her own scream was almost as loud as mine as I pumped my hot cum into her quivering body and had my first orgasm as a beast.

As my orgasm faded I dismounted with a shriek of terror, backing away from her on all fours. Then I stood up and looked down at myself; whimpering, at the beast I had become. I watched as my penis, now much longer and larger, strangely shaped and definitely no longer human, began to withdraw into a sheath until just the pointed tip showed, cum still dribbling from it to bead on the fur covering my penis sheath. My balls were larger too, but snug and fur covered, carried close to my body with no sagging. I looked at the golden brown fur with black dots and circles covering my body, darkening considerably on my sides and legs, and turning my head could see; and feel, a long tail whipping frantically behind me. I looked at my legs, all the wrong shape, my posture digitigrades, my feet paws. Whimpering, I lifted my hand/paws, and ran them over my large blunt muzzle, rubbery lips and large wet noise with sensitive whiskers, and then up to my large pointed ears, and then looked at the long sharp claws I could snick in and out of the tips of fingers. NO, NO, NOOO, this isn't possible!! I thought.

I noticed movement, and with a snarl looked at the female, now human, as she got up and looked at herself in apparent wonder. She was a dark tan color with ebony black long straight hair, clearly Indian. She was also much smaller then I was; even with my bent forward posture, her large conical breasts fairly full and firm, her waist narrow, her hips wide and sleek. She looked up at me, and the smile on her face faltered.

"Why?" I asked, sobbing, tears running down my muzzle. Why??"

"I'm sorry, she replied, it was the only way I could become human again, by having someone else take my place."

"But, but, you lied to me! I yowled, you promised nothing would happen to me, that I'd be free, that the treasure would be mine! You didn't say anything about THIS! About becoming a MONSTER!"

"And you ARE free, and the treasure IS yours, to guard as I have done for over a thousand years. You also have my powers now, and are immortal. You will never ag, never die. You are a God now, the Jaguar God."

"But I don't want to BE like this! I yowled, I don't want to be an animal, I don't want to be a God, I don't want the treasure! What good is it!?"

"I'm truly sorry, she said, but I just couldn't stand to be alone anymore. Now that I'm mortal again I will grow old and die, but at least I will live a real life. But I cannot leave unless you let me. Since I did not come to steal the treasure you may release me. If you don't then I will remain here with you until I die."

And she was telling the truth, I could tell. Somehow I knew that, knew lots of things, and knew what I had become, a creature of great; but also limited, powers. I had no power over her since she had not come to steal. But I could just keep the portal closed, thus trapping her here with me. But as I looked at her I knew there was no way I could do that, because I loved her. Despite what she had done, but no, I realized, truthfully my own greed was what had done it. This was my own damn fault. I had wanted the treasure, and had gotten what I wanted. I was now the richest God on Earth. And it was totally useless and worthless to me.

With a rumble the portal raised, and I watched as she put on my clothes, and under other circumstances I might have laughed as they fitted her like clown clothes. As she started to leave, I said,

"Please wait, please!"

Picking up my pack, still full of treasure, I handed it to her. "You'll need this, I said, it's an expensive world to live in now."

"But, but I can't take any of the treasure!" She said in surprise.

"Yes, you can, I said, IF I give it to you freely. Since you are not stealing it I then I am not compelled to stop you. Please, take it. For me."

"But, but why?" She asked.

"Because, I love you." I said.

"Even after what I did?" she said wonderingly.

"No, after what I did, I replied. You only wanted to be free, I let my greed blind me and seal my fate. You only gave me what I wanted, and so much more. I don't, I can't, blame you."

She suddenly hugged me, crying, and I held her close, purring into her sweet smelling hair, my tail curling around us.

"Please, I asked, please come and visit me from time to time. I'll be here you know, waiting for you. Don't leave me alone, in the dark."

And she did come back, so I wasn't left alone for long in the dark with the ancient dead. But how she had endured it all those centuries amazed me, I would have gone insane, or maybe that wasn't allowed. I reverted to my statue form for most of the time as it helped to pass the time in a kind of hibernation, but I woke when she entered the cave again, and our reunion was joyful and we made love for a very long time.

In the end things turned out just fine. She removed the treasure, and me, from the cave leaving only bones behind. Since she wasn't actually stealing the treasure; I was giving it to her, she could do that, we had figured out how to work around the curse. Many of the Indian artifacts were returned to grateful governments in Mexico and South America, but we kept the rest. Collectors paid us a small fortune for the Conquistadors armor and weapons as well. She had learned most of what I knew from our first contact, how to read and write English, what the modern world was like though it was still a big shock, and as it turned out she had great business sense. She turned 'our' treasure into an even larger constantly increasing fortune, and bought a huge mansion in Beverley Hills as she liked the place. She made quite a stir in the local society circles, the dark mysterious extremely rich woman that had come from nowhere. Of course most thought she was a lesbian as she showed no interest in men. And that pet Jaguar of hers was just plain weird, but at least it was well trained. Being able to take on an entirely animal form came in handy.

As she entered the room and shut the door I reverted from my statue form to my 'natural one', jumped down from the alcove she kept me in, and with a purring growl pulled her into my embrace, and she squealed as I tickled her ears with my tongue.

"How was your day my love?" I purred, undoing the buttons on her blouse.

"Boring, that is until now!" She answered as she slipped out of her bra. The rest of her clothes quickly followed.

I gave a deep growl of pleasure as I mounted her, and then yowled as my penis slid deeply into her slick wet pussy. She was tight, very tight, but it was a perfect fit. As we coupled I licked the back of her neck and purred as I serviced her, her own moans and gasps of pleasure increasing my own lust. And we made love, oh how we made love, every day without ever growing tired of one another, and never wanting another, each of us insatiable. And perhaps because of what I was; or what she had also been, she didn't age either; or maybe it was because of our deep love for each other. But for whatever reason we would spend eternity together and I did not mind giving up my humanity for that gift at all, not in the least. I sped up my thrusts yowling in pleasure, and we both screamed in ecstasy as we climaxed, the Jaguar God and his mate.

The End


The Gates of Hell, Chapter 7, The Accidental Tourist

My stories are copyrighted, so no takee! The Gates of Hell, Chapter 7 The Accidental Tourist By William W. Kelso Rodriguez wiped a filthy kerchief over his sweat soaked face. Madre de Dios, but it was hot! The jungle was sweltering, the humidity...

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Revenge is a Dish Best Served Alive

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This story has a tie-in to 'The Seeker' and other related stories. Revenge is a Dish Best Served Alive By William W. Kelso Margaret watched from across the street as the man and woman entered a room at the...

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Pet Pleasures

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! Pet Pleasures By William W. Kelso Dianna rubbed her temples as she leaned back in her chair. Well, that was taken care of at least. Ten hours of mind numbingly boring routine shit that left her feeling like...

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