A Proper Fusion Part 4: Outside Help

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#4 of A PROPER Proper Fusion

After some serious issues that nearly got them to be found out, Kal and Kajiit are going for some therapy. Hopefully, it helps.

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? A PROPER Proper Fusion Chapter 4: Outside Help For Kajiit By Draconicon

We need help. That was what Kajiit kept telling himself as he stood outside the mental health building. We need help, even if it means taking a risk.

But what a risk it was. Any alien creature slipping through quarantine meant a long-term 'visit' to the penitentiary, possibly a one-way trip. He was pinning his hopes to the fact that therapists and psychologists were supposed to keep secrets, but...

The bobcat shivered, fingers clenching and unclenching until Kal nudged him mentally.

Should I be front?

"No, no, I...I just need a second."

A second, a minute, a lifetime, as long as it kept him from entering that office for one more moment. He rubbed the back of his head, reminding himself of all the reasons he'd come here. He and Kal agreed they needed someone else involved, someone that could help settle things between them. Despite their ability to work together, they were always infringing on each other's space, Kal pushing him to do risky, sexy things, and him stifling the Crux's need to be free. Sooner or later, one of them would break.

Why was he hesitating? Fear. Blind, stupid fear, worse than any anxiety he had felt exploring planets or in dive bars. Fear of being locked up, thrown away, and he wasn't sure if it was bleeding from him to Kal, or vice versa. The Crux pulled at his thoughts again.

Maybe we should go. Or...or find someone else.

"There's no time to find someone else. We need this fixed now."

Well...if we're going to get help...we need to go inside, right?

"Yes...I know. Just...one more second."

At least nobody was around this early. Before sunrise, the streets were almost empty. No hovercars, no pedestrians. Just a beggar here and there, and they weren't exactly spying on people going to the free clinic.

Though, admittedly, that wasn't the right word. The place was a self-advertised "All-Purpose Wellness Clinic," well-reviewed and state-funded. The man he had an appointment with, Doctor Orian Grao, was certified in relationship therapy and all sorts of other disciplines and was well-reviewed over the net. Kajiit just hoped he was as well-qualified in regard to his problem as any other.

He crossed the street and stepped through the force-field door. As soon as he stepped inside, the bobcat was swallowed up in a low-level symphony, the sound coming from a series of speakers in the ceiling. He smiled, losing himself in the classical tune until -

"Hello, sir. Do you have an appointment?"

The bobcat jumped as the wolf receptionist yanked him out of his reverie. Blushing, he nodded as he walked over.

"Yes, um, yes, I do. Sorry. The music -"

"Heh, don't worry about it." She smiled. "It's all part of the healing. Who are you here for?"

"Dr. Grao. Um, just having some...problems with a relationship."

That was the lie that he and Kal had agreed on. It was true enough, even if it was...atypical. The wolf woman nodded, turning to her holo-screens.

"Hmm, hmm...ah, yes, there you are. Take a seat, please. He'll be finished with his other session soon."

"He had one before mine? That's...surprising."

"He's quite dedicated." She smiled, looking about. "Should we expect your partner, or is this one of...those relationships?"

"Oh, no, nothing like...that. This is just a meet and greet, that's all. Testing the waters."

That's one heck of a lie.

Shut up.

The wolf didn't look like she believed him, but at least she didn't ask any more questions. Tapping her screen a few times, she checked him in and gestured to the chairs.

"Take a seat. The doctor will see you shortly."

"Thank you."

He sat down, trying not to look down at his bare feet. Kal had shredded the last of his boots not that long ago, and he'd been forced to walk the dirty streets bare-pawed ever since. Sure, Kal kept the worst off, but...well, it was rather humiliating. And a little exciting, but mostly humiliating.

The Crux nudged him again.

What did she mean, 'one of those relationships?'

She meant something abusive. Bad. Hurting.

I thought that's what we were doing.

Not the kind she means. And if I said yes, she'd have to report something. Let's not risk it.

Kal subsided again, leaving the bobcat be. Hoping to keep his mind off the appointment and his worries, Kajiit let himself slip into the music once more. It wove its way into his head, the patterns and easy rhythm of the violins soothing him. He started to sway to it, sliding deeper and deeper into the music...

"Mr. Akina?"

He jumped. A quick glance at the clock told him he'd been waiting for nearly 15 minutes, drowning in the music. How?

The music. It was putting you to sleep, Kal said.

"Sorry. It's been...stressful."

"It's alright. Dr. Grao will see you now."

He blushed as he walked by the wolf woman. It wasn't like him to just...drop out of reality like that, no matter how good the music was. What was going on?

Nothing he could figure out before finding the doctor's office. The bobcat poked his head around the door, looking inside.

A wolf-dragon hybrid looked up from his desk, thin glasses sparkling in the slow motion. Kajiit was fascinated - and just a bit sheepish - as he was gestured in, stepping through the doorway. The rather...distinguished-looking older man smiled welcomingly.

"I'm glad you could make it, Kajiit. I hope the music in the lobby wasn't too distracting."

"N-no," Kajiit said, shaking his head. "Just...restful."

The doctor stood. The bobcat was surprised to see that the hybrid was a head taller than him. A patched-up jacket, well-worn at the elbows, and a fuzzy pair of pants added to his respectable appearance, but as he stepped out from around the desk -


Kal's fascination with the doctor's bare, big paws stuck to him, and Kajiit hurriedly took a seat before the Crux could start influencing him towards naughtiness. The bobcat cleared his throat.

"Thanks again for your time. I'm, uh...well, I'm not sure how we start this..."

"Quite alright, Kajiit. I'm Dr. Orian Grao, certified in most areas of therapy and psychology. You might have heard of me?"

"Um...not before picking your name out of a phone book, if I'm honest."

"Ah. Well, one takes what one can, eh?"

Dr. Grao chuckled, playing off going unrecognized. As he sat down, though, the hybrid put his large - almost oversized - paws onto the desk, crossing them in the process. Kajiit's ears burned as he poked Kal in his head.

I swear, if you're pushing these fantasies into my brain now -

I'm not doing anything!

Well...just...don't start doing anything.

He shook his head, trying to keep those new thoughts and fantasies from taking root. Kajiit would have sworn that he didn't have quite as strong a need for paws as this before. Was this another consequence of being bound to Kal, or...was it just something he'd never admitted?

A question for another time. The doctor was talking again.

"From what I've been told, you're here to resolve a rather tense relationship with another person, someone with whom splitting is not an option. Will they be visiting us, or are things less serious than you've told me?"

"Well...they will, but...it's complicated."

Dr. Grao smiled slightly.

"Complicated is what I do. Is this someone in your head, Kajiit?"

"Not...quite. It's hard to explain...and I just..."

"Let me assure you, Kajiit, there's nothing to worry about here. You have not committed a crime, as far as I am aware, and as long as you are not intent on committing one, you will be safe. I wish to see all of my patients remain outside the penitentiary system, healed by someone that knows what they're doing. Me. I will take care of you, as long as you trust me."

He was surprised how safe that made him feel. Despite just meeting him, Dr. Grao felt...trustworthy. Loving, even. All those degrees must have been paying off.

Shifting and settling into his chair, the bobcat gathered his thoughts. Kal pushed him, offering to just come out, but that was too much, too fast. He should at least bring up the concept first.

"Um...have you ever heard of the...Crux species?"

"I don't think I have. What are they?"

"Well...they're...a little bit weird."

He rubbed his hands together as he looked everywhere but at the hybrid...everywhere but at his paws. They kept pulling at him, though, so distracting...

Kal, seriously, what did you do? I have NEVER been this distracted before.

I didn't do anything. But he...

He what?

He's making me feel different, too. Like...like I should -

"Kajiit." The wolf-dragon hybrid smiled. "Would it be easier I guided you with questions? Sometimes it helps if you just need to say yes or no."

"That...that might help, yes."

"Okay. We will start with a relaxation technique and work from there. Look at me, please."

He did as he was told, thankful that Dr. Grao had shifted position, feet on the floor and holding out his hand. He clenched and released a fist as he spoke.

"I want you to make a fist for me. Every time you breathe in, I want you to squeeze, imagining all your tension clenched between your fingers. When you breathe out, I want you to open your hand, releasing everything you've gathered there. Can you do that for me?"

"I think so, yes."

The bobcat looked at his hand, wondering if it was really that easy. It...mostly fit with the techniques for relaxation as he knew them: repetition, visualization, deep breathing. He shrugged, squeezing his fist tight as he took a deep breath. His arm tensed surprisingly hard, only to go limp as he let the breath out again. In, tight, out, loose.

He repeated the action, slowly adding to it as the doctor guided him along. Curling his toes in time with his fist, clenching his core muscles, expanding until his entire body was involved. Eventually, each exhalation was making his entire body go limp, his head lolling forward as each inhalation found less and less tension to gather.

In about five minutes, he had nothing left. The bobcat was just breathing, quiet and silent, unable even to speak.

Feels... Kajiit struggled for the word.

Funny... Kal thought. Good...

The bobcat agreed, the pair of them giggling in their head. They felt a little bit drunk, silly, though still completely safe and in control of themselves. Just...utterly...

"...relaxed. It feels right to release your tension. To have your body loose and limp, your mind empty and clear. No longer worried, no longer scared. Just open, and empty, waiting to be cared for."

Kajiit and Kal both nodded, smiling at the wolf-dragon's words, obeying him as they relaxed, letting him take charge.

The bobcat had forgotten how this felt. Having someone else looking after him, someone else taking care of him, took away so much of his anxiety. Kal did it, to an extent, but required so much in return that it wasn't the same. Finally giving himself to someone with the skills to follow through was, in a word, amazing.

Bit by bit, he and Kal slipped from a simple state of relaxation to a full-on trance. They were pulled down to the deep, dark parts of their mind where they could not think, only exist, only listen to someone else. Dr. Grao was that someone else, his voice filtering into the darkness as if from far away.

"I'm going to ask you some questions now, questions that you'll find easy to answer. You already know the answers; I'm just telling you the questions. There is no wrong answer. All you have to do is speak. Do you understand?"


"Good. Now, what is a Crux?"

"Something I found on an...an uninhabited planet...It...It's inside of me...sharing my head...I have to take care of it...and it always...always wants to play ..."

Play...yes...play good...

Kal's tranced response almost yanked Kajiit free of it, but Dr. Grao was already talking. That comforting, warm, loving voice nudged him back down, taking away his worries with another question.

"So, you mean to say you have an alien inside you?"


"Does the alien scare you?"


"Is it fun when the alien plays with you?"


"Interesting. So, tell me. What does this alien -"

"Kal...Its name is Kal."

"It has a name. Thank you, Kajiit. What does Kal do to you?"

The bobcat was too relaxed to be embarrassed as he described everything that Kal had put him through, from the masturbatory incidents in his own home to the various things in the alleys and semi-public places around the city. He even explained the events of the Pink Pucker. In this state, nothing embarrassed him.

Dr. Grao listened in silence for over an hour before he finally cutting him off with a wave of his hand. The hybrid nodded to himself with a smile.

"It seems to me that the pair of you need balance. The pair of you, together, could form a person free of either of your issues. Kajiit's intelligence and caution fused with Kal's impetuousness and confidence would create a powerful person, indeed. But neither of you can, or will, find it on your own.

"Which, I suppose, is where I come in."

The bobcat didn't move, only watched as the wolf-dragon stood up and crossed the room. He continued to stare at his reflection in the doctor's glasses as Dr. Grao tucked something into his shirt pocket, listening to that soothing voice.

"You will find my address in your pocket. Later tonight, you will make your way to my home willingly and with an open mind. You will not question it; it is merely out-of-office therapy."


"Good, good. One last thing."

The wolf-dragon pushed his glasses into place, a little shine reflecting from them.

"I'm curious what this Kal looks like. If you can, please allow him to take over one side of your body."

"Yes, sir."

Yes, sir.

The blue ooze flowed out his ear and down his left side, thicker than paint and warmer than latex. It spread over his arm chest, only to stop at the center-point of his body, squeezing and rubbing as it settled in.

A second layer followed, spreading over his clothes before knitting through them to touch the first. Kajiit was vaguely aware that he was half-naked, but he barely cared, too deep in trance and relaxation to mind. Bit by bit, Kal converted the left half of his body to his own, going so far as to inflate one paw out of a shoe and show his half of their penis, twitching against the barrier of Kajiit's pants.

Throughout the transformation, Dr. Grao didn't panic. If anything, he seemed...fascinated. Entranced, almost, but with great interest rather than hypnosis.

"Such a remarkable thing. I must admit, I expected very little, but this...this is truly amazing."

Kajiit didn't respond. What was there to say?

Dr. Grao pointed at their pants. "You may let it out. Let it rise."

Rise. Their shaft was already pushing free of its sheath, and Kajiit groaned as he fumbled for his button and zipper. He'd barely undone them when it pushed up and out, one half covered in the shimmering blue of the Crux, the other a natural flesh tone. It was mis-sized, in a way, one half slightly longer than the other, but still hard as could be.

"Remarkable. Half and half, exactly."

The words came through more as a feeling than a thought. Approval. Goodness. Rightness. It was nice.

"Kal. Kajiit. I want you to masturbate," the good doctor whispered. "Touch yourselves. Stroke yourselves. Let your pleasure overwhelm your fears, your worries, and your problems. Tease yourselves, and let the pleasure push it down and away. Let it chase away all the bad things, shoving them down, down, down between your legs. Under the pleasure, under your cock, into your sac."

As soon as they were told, they'd started. Masturbation was easy, and they were big enough to need both hands. Furred and smoothed palms pressed against either side, gripping tight, gripping loose, it didn't matter. They just wanted to follow orders. Following orders, feeling good. It was so much better than feeling all that...bad...even though they were already close. So close. Dr. Grao was...very...appealing...

"Let it swell under your pleasure. Growing, churning. You want to get rid of that negativity. And the only way-"

Was obvious. They sped up slightly - only slightly - and it was enough to push them over the edge. The half-and-half pair gasped as they thrust forward, their cock twitching as they came on command. Kajiit moaned through his half of their mouth, feeling his stress running out in thick, liquid ropes from their cock.

The feline/Crux hybrid rolled off the chair to the floor, stopping at the feet of the wolf-dragon. The doctor chuckled.

"Well, now, you needed that. And more, besides. We're going to be busy tonight..."

The bobcat 'woke' to find himself back in his apartment. Kajiit blinked, shaking his head as light filtered through to the back of his brain.

"When...no, how did we get back here? Kal?"

Hmm? Huh? Wha - how did we -

"We...we were both out?"

I...wow. We were. That...that shouldn't be possible.

"No kidding..."

Nice doctor, though. I mean...old, but...nice. And sexy.

"Yeah, but - well...Okay, maybe a bit sexy, but still."

Kajiit sighed. It still felt...off. He'd had hypno-therapy before, but never quite like this. And never to the point where he couldn't remember what happened. The bobcat shook his head, reaching for his pocket -

"What the..."

He tugged a business card free. On one side it had the wolf-dragon's name - Dr. Orian Grao - and on the other side, it had a contact number and...a home address.

Just reading it felt...good. Calming. Kajiit realized he was smiling and shook his head again.

What's that?

"His home address. Didn't he...didn't he say something about out-of-office therapy?"

Now that you mention it...yeah, he might have.

"We should probably go, then. If he thinks we need it -"

Even though we can't remember anything?


It was a good point, but there was something...Kajiit didn't know what to think. On the one hand, Kal made a good point, but on the other, there was a...a need, a desperate need to go. Like it was required of him. That they needed this. That, there was no denying, and Grao seemed very...competent...

He wasn't sure if the thought came first from Kal or his own imagination, but soon they were passing mental images back and forth. First with the wolf-dragon's shirt off, and then with a bit less...and a bit less after that...

Alright, we'll go. But, uh, let's be careful, huh? He shouldn't have gotten both of us there...

"Yeah. We'll, uh, we'll be careful. Let's see..."

Black suit? It'd go well with our fur.

"And with a few gold clips?"

Oooh, yes, very good.

For nearly a quarter-hour, they bounced ideas off each other, and it wasn't until they were dressed in a suit and tie - complete with spacious black shoes - that Kajiit realized that they hadn't bickered once. He froze, shaking his head. Whatever Grao had done in the office was nothing short of magical.

As he modeled the clothes in front of a mirror, he could feel the Crux imagining their therapist without his clothes again. The bobcat chuckled.

"That interested in him?"

Oh, as if you aren't.

"I...not as enthusiastic as you," he muttered.

Well, if you don't want to be under his paws, I'm happy to be in charge tonight.

"You...um, I'll stay in charge...for now. But not for that!"

Kal was laughing in the back of his head as they left the apartment. Judging by the address, it'd take about an hour to get there, but that was fine. It'd give Dr. Grao time to close the office and get back home.

The fact that he'd lost track of time between the morning and evening should have bothered him. He knew it should have...

But why?

The light of the sunset gleamed off the dragon-wolf's glasses as he opened the door. He smiled, and the grin immediately eased Kajiit's lingering worries.

"Ah, welcome. Come in, come in. You're right on time."

"On...time?" he asked as he stepped in.

The mansion was well-appointed, to put it mildly. Rather than the old-style hunting trophies some kept, Dr. Grao lined his walls with maps and diagrams of the minds of different species. They all had the same label, too.


"What are these?"

"Oh, just my version of records. Every patient is a new lesson, and I never want to forget someone I've helped."

Kajiit was amazed as they walked by mind-map after mind-map. He'd known that the wolf-dragon was good, but this number of successes was astounding. They'd lucked out on this therapist.

Expecting to be led to a sitting room or den, the bobcat was surprised to be taken down a nearly-invisible set of stairs. For a moment, he hesitated, but a strange pressure drove him and Kal to keep walking.

Down, down, down they went, following the thudding footsteps of the good doctor. They must have been past the normal level for a basement, yet they continued to descend. Strangely, he felt no need to question it, and neither did Kal.

Eventually, they reached an out of place wooden door. Dr. Grao unlocked it and stepped inside.

"This is a safe place," he said. "You will always be safe here."

There was a kindly tone to the hybrid's voice that drew him in. The door closed, and he blinked, looking around.

"What...This is..."

"Yes, a dungeon."

He should have guessed. The doctor walked forward, lighting up the room and revealing many tools. X-frames, bondage chairs, toy chests and closets, stockades and wall chains: all these and more were present, and all maintained and well-polished. Neither Kajiit or Kal knew what to think or how to feel.

Despite their confusion, neither felt anxious. Kajiit thought they probably should, all things considered, but for some reason - whether it was Dr. Grao's presence or something else - he felt...calm. Even happy.

"I understand your fears. And tonight, we'll take our first steps towards fixing them. And the very first step is to name your fears.

"Kajiit, you are afraid of judgment and temptation. You've wanted this, and still want it, but you worry that you'll never be able to stop. You worry what will happen if you can't, if people find out. You don't have to. You're safe.

"Kal, you're afraid of control. Why, I don't know yet, but you fear someone else stopping you from doing anything. Fear that if you take orders, you'll never be free again. So you keep running. You don't have to. You're safe."

It felt simple. Too simple. But it worked. The bobcat and his companion relaxed, slowly breathing out their stress.

They watched - purring all the while - as the wolf-dragon started stripping down. Everything he took off was folded delicately and set to the side, exposing fur and a speckling of scales as he went. They appreciated different things, of course. Kajiit rather liked the doctor's thick shoulders and wide chest, while Kal loved the hard rump and dragon tail. Heavy balls and a thick sheath had them both smiling, and of course...those paws were a spectacle all their own, massive and powerful.

"You are safe, because I'm here. You are safe, because you trust me. You are safe, because I am in control here, and only here." He turned to them, smiling ruefully. "The result of a mild trance, I'm afraid. But a necessary one, to calm you. And now...to go deeper..."

Deeper. Such a simple word, but carrying such power. The bobcat swayed, groaning.

"I will care for you."

Care for...us...

"I will tend to you."

Tend to us...

"And you will tend to me."

Bobcat and Crux nodded together, wobbling side to side in a state of half-awareness. Tending to the older man sounded...good, and if they were really...safe...

It was a wonderful thought, more than enough to drive them forward as he gestured to them. He led them to the stocks, then helped them into the holes. Then, click, they were locked in. The doctor stood up, patting their head.

"Kajiit will go first tonight. If I have time, I'll start your treatment as well, Kal, but whether it's tonight or tomorrow, you'll get your turn. Master will take care of you."

Master. A strong word that felt no less than right. Kajiit felt safe and knew that Dr. Grao wouldn't expose them. He was too honorable. And he could feel Kal relaxing, safe in the knowledge that he could play and be safe in loose boundaries.

Kajiit was so distracted by the floating feeling that he didn't notice the toes at his face until they pressed against his lips. Dr. Grao smiled at him, glasses shining.

"Let's begin, Kajiit."

Many scenes filled the night, but no more than a few remained through the hypnotic blur that filled it.

The soft warmth of the Master's toes, the taste of the pads as they run across his tongue. The warm flavor lingers after every lick, the paws smothering them, reminding them of their place beneath their Master, the wolf-dragon...

Kajiit stumbled into the wall, then through his door as he shuffled towards his bed. The memories kept coming.

_A warm hand on his rump, a thick finger in his rear. Expert touches, stroking slowly over his prostate. He moans, so hard, so horny.

"Beg, little cat," the wolf-dragon whispers. "It's there for the asking, but you still have to ask."

He shivers, shakes his head. He can't admit it. It's so dirty, so wrong. He wants it, needs it, but he's been told not to for so long -

Kajiit gasps as the finger rubs his prostate. The stocks hold him down, the pleasure inescapable, the need undeniable as he arches his back._

"Please...please master, more..."

He fell on the bed, too tired even to blush, too tired to hold back his moans. His cock still throbbed, horny even after the hours with their Master. Even after what they'd done...

_He rolls out of the stocks, lands on his back. One big paw presses down on his face, trapping his muzzle between the toes. Kal tries to play, but Master tells him to wait, and he does.

Kajiit has to lick, and he does. The first lick transitions to the second, then the third as he grinds his tongue between the toes, licking them clean, making them wet. The paw slides down, pressing on his chest before going down to -_


He whimpered as his cock begged for attention. He needed to get off, but he was so tired...

Heh, how about I take over?

"Nnngh...how do you even..."

I didn't get to play, you did. Get to sleep; I'll handle it.


The bobcat stepped 'back' in his head and let the Crux take over. Even as the blue ooze spread over his body, he was already slipping away. Not even Kal's hand on his cock was enough to pull him away from dreamland and more memories.

_Bondage. More bondage. His arms helpless behind his back, pinned on his knees by the paw on his cock. He moans, going cross-eyed as he stares at the Master's cock in front of him. A well-aged scent fills his nose, making him whimper as the paw teases his cock further.

"Let go, Kajiit. You're too tense. Let it go, and have fun. I'll keep you safe..."

He gives in, giving the Master some of what he wants. He licks the tip of the wolf-dragon's cock, panting over it.

His Master rewards him, teasing him, stroking his paw up and down so that the bobcat's cock shifts between the toes. Every little stroke teases him with fur and flesh, raising his excitement, his curiosity, his needs more than ever.

He wonders how far he'll go in this safe place..._

Kal groaned, both frustrated and intrigued by the constant arousal that this 'edging' was putting him through. Their Master had introduced it as a concept, giving it to him as a game. If he kept them on edge, chaste until their next session, the Crux would get a treat. The challenge made him curious, and he was willing to try, even if the limits frustrated him.

Limits. They were like a cage, but...not? It certainly gave him more ideas of how to have fun within those limits.

Despite being 'forbidden' from cumming, he kept teasing their body, riding the happy feelings and happier memories. They were strong enough to replace porn, and he particularly loved seeing the ones where their Master played with them in Crux form. Kajiit seemed to...really enjoy it, and it actually made him feel...wanted. It was a nice feeling.

The shimmery Crux edged himself three times before giving up, looking out the window at the full moon. He folded his arms behind his head, sighing.

"A master..."

He'd taken control of Kajiit before, but he always liked to be the one stared at, pursued. It wasn't hard to imagine someone wanting him that way, but having authority...

This was Dr. Grao, though, and the old man seemed so nice...

The Crux sighed. He was aware of the hypnosis now, which meant that he could take care of it. He could...he could be safe from it. No need to worry about being locked up. No worries about being pinned down. He was...he was safe. Even if Dr. Grao was bad - which he really didn't think he was - but if he was...

"I'll keep us safe. I'll keep us happy."

The End

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