Breaking the Kallu 3: Under the Dragon's Heel

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#3 of Breaking the Kallu

Just bought, Anya_Arctic's vixen is in a bit of trouble, and very, very confused. A great deal of culture clash is coming, and she's not quite sure how to handle it. Both interested and angry at the same time, the poor vixen is in for a wild ride.

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? Breaking the Kallu Chapter 3: Under the Dragon's Heel For Anya_Arctic By Draconicon

Before she could summon the urge to fight, he broke the kiss. Anya panted, shaking her head, but her self-proclaimed master had already stepped around her, standing behind her and tracing a finger along her neck. He followed the line of the metal collar that bound her, almost like he was reminding her that it was there, taking away what little dignity that she had left.

"You were taken quickly, from the looks of you. No beating, no punishment, no fighting to subdue you," he said, still speaking in her language rather than the babble that everyone outside the Willows used for speech. "Were you surprised?"

"...I was...put to sleep," she muttered. "And then raped."

"I'm not entirely sure one can rape the willing," the dragon said, chuckling. "I imagine that your rape might have started out without need, but towards the end..."

He patted her ass, leaving her growling under her breath as he trivialized her capture. She had been tranquilized, then tied up, and then fucked by someone that wasn't even of the tribes. The only reason that she wasn't pregnant was because he'd fucked her ass, not her pussy. There were enough herbs and plants through the Willows that could render one of the Kallu open to pregnancy from another species. If he had done that...

Well, she wouldn't have been able to stop him, but it wouldn't have made her happy.

"What do you want?" she grunted, trying to shift her feet to get more comfortable. It wasn't easy with the metal bar between them, but she tried. "Some sort of plaything?"

"Mostly, yes."

"...Hmmph. At least you're honest."

"It is a failing of mine. Most dragons tend to be good liars. I am not."

He walked around to stand in front of her again, looking her in the eyes and cocking his head to one side, then the other. He seemed...more interested in her than she really liked, particularly as he turned her head to face him.

"You have an appealing color, 'Anya.' Your white fur would fetch a great price in the other lands."

"There are no other lands. And I am not for sale."

"Certainly not yet."

The way he said that forced her to think through her anger. She had always prided herself as being good in a fight and good with her head, so she made herself use it.

The strangers had come from somewhere else. They had not been born of the Willows and were not part of the Kallu. That meant that they had to come from somewhere that was not here. And if he was saying that she wasn't for sale yet, that might mean that he hadn't made up his mind about whether to keep her or not.

If he takes me away...

She had seen the great craft that floated in the water. If they were the things that took people to and from this land, then she must never board one. If she were taken from the Willows, she doubted that she would ever be able to return, and she would not live her life beneath the heel of someone that was not one of her own people.

She had to be smart. And being smart...meant bending the knee.

"...What do you want from me?" she asked again.

"First, let's start with a word. Do you know what the word -" And then he said something, something that didn't quite have a meaning in her language. "- means?"

"You said that before. There's no word in our tongue for that."

"Heh. Do you have a word for someone that's in charge of another?"

"Like...a father, or -"

"No. Like someone whose command is more powerful than anything else. Someone who can tell you what to do, and you must do it, no matter what you feel about it. Do you have a word for someone that can command others like that?"

"...No." She shivered. "That is against everything we live for."

"Heh...that would explain a great deal."

The dragon shook his head, smiling at her.

"Then repeat it after me. Say the sound. Ma."


"If you do not say it, Anya, I will make sure that you regret it. You have a fine body, but it will be just as beautiful with scars as it is unmarked. Ma?"

Doubting that he would injure his property, she kept her mouth shut. There was no reason to fear this one. He seemed to be all talk and no -


She squealed through gritted teeth as his tail whipped about, the ridged tip pushing up and into her gaping, stretched asshole, lifting her up on her tiptoes. At the same time, he brought his hand to her cheek, the claws on the tips of his fingers scratching slowly through her fur. It reached her skin, raising little red lines under it.

"I will ask you one more time, and after that, you will have to deal with a face of red whiskers for a few days. Ma?"



"S-ster..." she managed to grunt out, her ass clenching down on the ridges along the top of his tail rather painfully. She hissed under her breath, trying to keep herself suspended on her tiptoes so that the tail couldn't go in any further, but it was a struggle, and a serious one at that. She wobbled from one foot to the other, desperate to keep her balance.

"Now say it together. Ma. Ster."




"That's it. Remember that word, Anya. That is what I am to you...or at least, what I will be when we finish your training."

He pulled his tail free, slowly, and her hole finally relaxed as she wasn't held up by it any longer. He let go of her face, too, though the heat of the warning scratches remained beneath her fur.

"You were raped, you said. By how big of a male?" he asked.

"Very...And I hadn't..."

"You hadn't had sex before?"

"Not...back there."

"Ah, that would explain things. Well, we should fix that."

"What are you -"

"Do not speak."

The dragon's words sounded like a suggestion, but he had been very clear about the definition of that new word. 'Master.' It was something that she didn't understand, but he said that person with that title was to be obeyed in all things. If she wanted to avoid more pain, it wouldn't be a bad idea to go along with it.

At least, for now. She could wait, she could hold out if she needed to. Eventually, she would find a way forward, and then she would be able to make a move.

Once she found a weakness in this place, she would escape, and then she would be able to warn the other tribes of the Kallu just what was preying on their woods. They needed to be warned before more of their people were stolen for playthings.

As she kept quiet, the dragon pulled something from his shirt pocket, some sort of vial of see-through material. He walked around her and knelt down on the wooden floor, and she heard the sound of it being uncorked, almost like the flasks that she and other warriors used to cancel out the worst of the herbs and fragrances in the air during the hot months.

He rubbed his fingers along her bruised, gaping asshole, then pulled his hand back. She wondered what he was doing, if he was going to rape her again, but no. The next time he touched her, she felt something cool, something that was soothing away the pain that lingered back there from the too-large plug that had been shoved inside of her. It left her feeling...better. Not perfect, but better, and it was only improving as she felt her hole tightening up again.

The fact that it was making her better wasn't unexpected; she imagined that these people had a number of different tools and medicines that she didn't understand, and she didn't expect to know everything that they could do.

But the fact that one of them was willing to help her, even though it was probably just to make his property more effective...

He's doing it for his own reasons. Not for you. Remember that. Not for you.

Still, she felt a bit of gratitude that she couldn't entirely quash, and she blushed as he stood up and walked around her again. The vial that he had been drawing the goo out of was nowhere to be seen, and she imagined that it had been put back into whatever pocket he had drawn it out of.

"Thank you," she managed to make herself say.

"You're welcome. Now. I imagine that you have a need to use the toilet after this long?"

She blushed. That was...a bit more true than she wanted to admit. She had been made to march for some time, and she had been in a drugged-out trance for most of that. Now that she was...sober, she supposed, she was more ware of her body than she expected to be, and it was quite eager to get some relief.

The dragon, however, made no move to untie her. He just smiled, standing there with his hands on his pockets.

"If you want to be let loose, you know the word to use."


She stared at him, her eyes widening slightly. He was going to make her beg? Beg to just be let loose and eliminate her wastes? Surely not.

But the dragon just kept staring at her, his lips turned up in that slight smile, his eyes just as empty and vague in that white mistiness as they had always been. He didn't look away, and he didn't give her any clues. All he did was wait.

She, on the other hand, didn't have that sort of privilege. She could feel her body squeezing down, her lower parts not particularly happy at being made to wait. Anya shifted from foot to foot, trying to pull herself together, but there was little that she could do when she had that explosive need in her bladder.

Finally, she groaned, lowering her head with a bright red blush.

"Please...Master...let me go...and..."

"And what?"

"Let me go pee..."

"All together now."

"Please master, let me go pee..."

The dragon nodded, reaching up and undoing the restraints over her head. The fact that he was so much taller than her - nearly two heads over her own - meant that he was able to really loom over her as he did that, and she blushed as he pulled the chains down and held them like a leash. He shook them, nodding for her to walk.

The bar between her legs made her move in more of a waddle than a walk, but there was little she could do about that. At least she was moving; she could make do with that.

The building they were in was different from the slave trading house. Rather than plain wood floors everywhere, most of the floor was covered in some sort of carpet over the wood, making it softer to her bare paws. She could feel the little fibers of them rubbing against her toes and the pads under her feet, and she could see that the other rooms were likewise comforted and appointed.

More than that, there were large tomes with white sheets in them all over the house, things that were left open and facing upwards. She didn't know what they were, but they made her curious.

Eventually, he led her through the hall to the front door, and she was able to step out. The loincloth over her pussy made her feel a bit better about being pushed outside, but the fact that her breasts were still bare...

Well, all the eyes of the other people walking around outside only made her feel worse, more exposed as she was made to walk down the steps, waddling along.

"Where -"

"Right here will be fine, slave," the dragon said, pulling her off to the side. He made her stand by the steps leading up to the door, smiling at her. "Just squat down and let loose."

" mean..."

Her eyes were wide as she looked about, seeing over a hundred of the people in the strange clothes all around her. They were all over the place, and more than a handful of them were looking her way.

The dragon pressed down on her shoulders, her 'master' nudging her to drop down into the squatting position, and she had no chance to push back against it. He was too strong, too powerful for her to fight, and he was the one that held the chain, too. She went with it, wobbling back and forth before she caught her balance on the balls of her feet, managing to drop into an animalistic squat.

The feeling of the cool air on her pussy and ass was not...unpleasant, but the fact that she was doing this in the open -

"Ah, you will want this out of the way, I'm sure."

The dragon flipped her loincloth over her thigh, leaving her fully exposed. She could have died of embarrassment as her cheeks flared with heat, her pussy squeezing down on nothing as she squatted there, her body completely flush with humiliation.

And she couldn't hold it for any longer.

"Release, slave," the dragon whispered, and she did.

The hot, wet feeling of her urine running out of her was mixed with the feeling of the ground turning to mud beneath her toes. She shivered, feeling the hot liquid running down her toes as she wobbled, realizing that her urine was going all over the place. The fact that she could smell it, knowing that she was essentially marking territory like an animal, only made it worse.

She had to lean back against his hand to keep from falling over with the bar between her ankles, and she shivered as she felt her feet slipping into the mud she was making. She tried to shift her position, but that only made it worse, her toes squelching into the pee-mud.


Her cheeks were on fire, but eventually, she stopped. She no longer needed to go.

"Are you done?"

She nodded, unable to bring herself to speak.

"Alright. Come here."

He helped her to her feet, and then pulled her along by the chain. Her slit was still slightly damp with the last bit of her waste, but it was better than it had been, and her insides no longer felt like she was going to explode.

He walked her around the side of his wooden house, surprising her by showing her the water on the other side. The dragon led her into the lapping waves, letting the water wash away the mud that clung to her toes. He reached down, cupping water in his hand before bringing it between her legs, washing her.

"That should keep you clean enough for now."



"...Why, Master?" she tried again.

"Why what?"

"Why did you make me do that?"

He looked at her, one eyebrow raised. The urge to growl almost overcame her, but she managed to squelch it down with the greatest of effort.

"Why did you make me do that, Master?"

"You're learning." He patted her head. "Because you need to learn your place. You are not under a chieftain. You are not a warrior under an experienced veteran. You are mine. You are my slave, and I am your Master. That means that everything you do, everything that you need, is my responsibility."

"I am not a child. I do not need to be cared for."

"I never said you were a child. Nor would I fuck one."

He tugged the chain leash, pulling her back towards his house. She was forced to follow, grumbling under her breath as she did. What he had planned, she didn't know, but she doubted that it was going to be good for her. Not in the way that she needed right then and there.

They were back inside in short order, and he shut the door behind them. She half-expected to be led back to the other room, chained up and left for later use, but instead, he took her to one of the side rooms, one of the ones with many of those white things pointing towards the ceiling. He gestured for her to kneel on the floor, and she did, her legs kept spread as he sat down in the chair in front of her.

He didn't say anything, at least, not at first. Instead, he looked at her, staring at her. There was no way to tell just where he was looking, and the prickles that usually came when someone was staring at her seemed to come from all over her body rather than just one spot. Anya shifted, the three-tailed fox trying not to think about what he might be looking at her for.

Eventually, he reached down, tilting her head to look up at him, running his other hand through her hair.

"Do you hate me?" he asked.

"...I don't like you," she answered, shaking her head.

"But do you hate me?"

"...Not as much as the others."

"But a bit?"

"A bit."

"That is understandable. You've been taken from everything that you know, everything that you understand. You're being asked to be something that you never knew existed. You will hate me...probably for a while."

He didn't sound sad about that. Resigned, perhaps, like he knew it was coming, even though he seemed to have hoped for a different answer.

Why? she wondered. Why would anyone be happy to be turned into something like...this?

The pressure of the metal on her ankles and her neck was a constant reminder that she was no longer free to wander the Willows the way that she once had. It was a constant reminder that someone else could tell her what to do. That she was no longer free. It was a horrible thing. Why anyone would want it...

Even if she...

The vixen shook her head, turning away. The dragon, however, wasn't about to let her off the hook.

"You smell aroused."

"I do not!"

"You did in the yard, and you do now."

"...Lies. Or just the herbs from before."

"The drugs they gave you at the auction house are long-since washed out of your system. Anything that you're feeling right now is all you."


That was impossible. Just because she had gotten a little wet at the exposure outside didn't mean anything. That was probably mostly waste, anyway, not like she would be interested in doing anything with that. She just had been embarrassed at being looked at, and she was sensitive, that touching might have done something.

She was rationalizing, excusing herself.

What was wrong with her? There was no shame in this sort of lust in the Willows, no shame if someone lost a fight with sex between one warrior and another. They were all sensitive to the effects of the plans in the swamp, knowing what they did to each other, what it made their bodies want.

Why did she feel embarrassed about it here?

Mmph. Because he's not one of us. Because he's using it against me...

The dragon rubbed her head gently, tilting her head back so that she was forced to look at him. Anya struggled not to glare, but she knew she failed as he sighed.

"You think that it's that much worse here?"

"I know it is. I was a warrior. I was good at it, too."

"And who's to say that you won't become better here?"

"You did! I'm to be a plaything, remember?"

"Yes, and is that all you are going to be?"

"...I...I can only thing..."


The dragon shook his head, which confused her. She had thought that she was having to fight against limitations, that he would be putting all kinds of restrictions on her. The fox looked down as he tapped her collar.

"This makes you a slave. More importantly, it makes you my slave. Which means that you will do whatever it is I say. However, inside of those boundaries, you can do whatever you want. As long as you ask my permission, you may be, you may do, whatever it is that crosses your mind. And I would not say no to a bodyguard."

"Then I will have my spear back? My weapons?"

"When you earn them."


"Heh, or perhaps, better, when I know you won't stab me in the back with them."

Anya slowly nodded, her thoughts coming together again.

If the dragon was telling her the truth, if she was really free to that extent, then there was a chance for her to be something better than she was right then. If she was hearing him right, then there was still a chance to escape.

She had to earn his trust, though. Whatever that required, she had to do it, otherwise, she would never get her weapons back. If she could just do that...

Well, she'd put herself against just about anyone in this camp, as long as she was able to keep from being surprised. And as long as there were no more blowdarts hitting her. She needed to avoid that like the plague.

And if it means sleeping with be it.

The memory of the horse was still with her. He had been big, bigger than any fox, and she had no idea how large the dragon was between his legs. She looked down, her eyes running over his crotch. She could make out a bulge, looked like she might be able to take it. Maybe.

She hesitated, then looked up at him.

"What will you make me do?"

"Anything that amuses me, pleasures me, or seems like a good idea at the time. And I am quite well-read; I have many different ideas."


"Is that another term that you don't know?"

She nodded, watching as the dragon reached over to one of the things she'd been curious about. He picked up the white stuff, folded two pieces of leather around it and holding it out to her.

"Have you ever seen something like this?"

Anya shook her head.

"This is a..." He paused. "The word in my language is book. It is an object where people write down stories, information, teaching, so that it can be stored and told to other people. That way, if an expert dies, we don't lose it. If someone needs to be taught it, the best teacher doesn't have to go and do the teaching. They just have to read it."

Information...that could travel without people? Anya's eyebrows almost jumped off her face at the very idea. She looked down at the book again, her hands shaking as she slowly reached out.

The dragon let her take it, and she opened it, hoping to see pictures, hoping to have some way of making it make sense.

But there was nothing. Just scratches on the page that looked like some strange creature had left tracks across the white pieces between the leather. She groaned in frustration, throwing it to the ground.

"It doesn't say anything!"

"It says what it needs to, to those that understand how to read."

"I don't even know what that is!"

The vixen was getting angry, but she didn't care. She'd been dragged out of her home, she'd been put through hell, and she had no idea where she even was. All she knew was that everything had been taken away from her, and the one thing that sounded good about the people here, the one thing that she might be able to lose herself in and give her a chance to escape, was completely out of reach.

She wanted to cry. She really, really did, but she couldn't break down in front of the dragon. So, she did something else.

She hit him.

It was barely more than a light punch to his knee, but it was more than she should have done. Her fingers felt bruised, even a little scratched up from the blow.

The dragon, however -

Anya yelped as she went from kneeling to lying on the ground, his foot in her face, the black scales surprisingly pristine from them walking outside. He ground his heel down against her chin, his claws digging through her hair and clenching into her scalp. She could feel the claws just about ready to pierce through her skin, and she looked up at him in a mix of fear and anger, surprised at being caught so off-guard. She couldn't believe he was that fast.

"I understand you being angry, and I understand you not wanting to be here. Both of those are completely logical, and I cannot - and will not - force you to feel something different to what you do. Your emotions are your own, and I cannot take those from you.

"However, I will not allow you to attack me with impunity. If you think that you are being treated unfairly, then you will use your words, not your fists."

"Of course I'm being treated unfairly! I'm a slave!"

"You were captured and sold. So, yes, you are a slave. Your point?"

"I should be free! I don't belong here!"

"And yet, here you are. That is an inescapable fact.

He pressed his foot down more firmly on her face as he knelt down beside her, looking her in the eye. She wanted to look away, but his grip on her face, the way that he turned her head so she was forced to look up between his toes, prevented her from doing any of that.

"You are a slave, Anya. Unlike most masters, I have allowed you to keep your name. And more, I am allowing you to think rather than drugging you out of your skull."

"And if I was one of you, you wouldn't be doing any of that."

"No, but you are not. You are Kallu."

Again, there it was. The statement that she was less. Even if it was the same word that all tribes within the Willows called themselves, it was not the same out here. These people, this dragon, they all meant it in the same way.

Kallu was less.

Kallu was slave.

The dragon pressed his foot down that little bit more firmly for a few seconds before finally pulling it back. Anya remained where she was on the floor, shaking her head and trying to pull her rage and helplessness back. She needed to think clearly. She needed to make herself useful. To be trusted. That was the plan.

But it was so hard to think of that when the dragon looked at her like that, when he said things that pushed her down to such a low level.

He stood over her, shaking his head, and she knew that she'd lost whatever ground she'd gained with her obedience. Eventually, he reached down, pulling her up by her collar and standing her on her feet.

"I will start your training tomorrow. For now -"

"You'll fuck me?"

She said it with more venom than she meant to. The vixen had meant to make it sound vaguely eager, hoping that it might inspire the dragon to do more with her, to give her a chance to make up for what she'd done. If she could just...

But no. He just looked at her and shook his head.

"For now, you will be hung up your room again. If you are better behaved in the morning, we will see about getting you a bed. Until then, you will sleep standing up."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

The dragon didn't answer. Probably because she didn't use that word again. Master. That...that word.

A few minutes later, he had her tied up and in chains once more. She didn't fight it, not even when he pulled her arms above her head to keep them restrained as much as the rest of her body.

I will find a way out. I don't care what he does in the meantime, but I will find a way out. I will.

The black dragon looked her in the eyes after fixing the various restraints, shaking his head. Again, it almost felt like she saw resignation there, like he was thinking of something to say and not finding it.

He leaned in and kissed her again. Once more, she wasn't sure how she felt about it, and just let it happen.

"Goodnight, slave," he muttered. "I hope that tomorrow will be better."

He hoped...

She watched him leave, shaking her head as he shut the door. Anya knew that these people were strange, but this...this was something that she truly didn't understand. He offered kindness with one hand, and then brutality and humiliation with the other. Why couldn't he just be one thing?

Why...why couldn't she?

The End

Breaking the Kallu 4: Training Begins

Breaking the Kallu Chapter 4: Training Begins For Anya\_Arctic By Draconicon The night was long, and it was warm. Anya shifted from foot to foot when the weight of her body on her shoulders and wrists woke her up, groaning as she...

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Breaking the Kallu 2: Taken to the Block

? Breaking the Kallu Chapter 2: Taken to the Block For Anya\_Arctic By Draconicon The effects of the drug lasted for far longer than Anya expected, keeping her floating and barely aware of her surroundings until she was forced to...

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Breaking the Kallu 1: Taken from the Willows

Breaking the Kallu Chapter 1: Taken from the Willows For Anya\_Arctic By Draconicon White fur was no good for camouflage, but Anya didn't believe she needed it. In the Willows, one did not hunt by sight so much as scent, and...

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