Hunters Moon - Blood Moon -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#1 of Hunters Moon - Blood Moon -

Hunters Moon - Blood Moon occurs ten years after Ely's sacrifice at the end of Hunters Moon, New Moon Rising. Cassiopiea and Pelnak have twins, born from a mixture of Feidh magicks and Pelnak, Cassiopeia and Pelnak love both their fawns equally, and not they've come of age - a special ritual is planned for the Doe, whilst the Buck recieves some cruel, disheartening news. Little do the parents realise, but the young Buck gives in to temptation with his half-sister...

Hunters Moon - Blood Moon

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

8th August, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Cassiopeia had already been pregnant with her human lover, turned Therian, Pelnak's fawn, yet Ely, having sacrificed himself to save them, had his final wish granted. His own pregnancy had been bestowed upon Cassiopeia with her blessing. For six months, both fawns grew within Cassiopeia's body, and when the time finally come, her naturally conceived Whitetail Doe fawn was born first - but the larger Red Deer fawn she carried within her nearly killed her fawning him.

It had taken a few weeks for Cassiopeia to recover from the difficult and traumatic birth, but she managed to suckle the two fawns at her feral breasts and she watched her two fawns as they grew and thrived.

On their first birthday, as was the Therian custom, she named them.

"My fawns - " Cassiopeia spoke quietly. "My dearest daughter, born first, I hereby name you Keira, after my late, beloved mother who died giving me life."

"Hail Keira!" Shouted the voices of the other Therian's, as they bowed.

Keira rose, then rubbed her neck against her mothers, before she walked over and lay down beside her father, who gazed lovingly at her.

"My son, born of my body, with Ely's egg - you are none the less loved and cherished! I name you Cale."

"Hail, Cale!"

Cale rubbed his neck against Cassiopeia's, then went to lay down beside his father, who nuzzled his ears and chuckled.

Whereas Keira took after her mother, being a Whitetail, Cale resembled his father. Thankfully, Cale had been born second, but even still, the pain of that birth on the much smaller Whitetail nearly killed her.

"Welcome named fawns, to the herd!" Pelnak shouted joyously.

"Hail and well met sister, brother!" Come the deafening voices of the Therian's.


Cassiopeia walked over, the ritual complete, then she licked both fawns adoringly on the forehead.

"You are both adults now, in word, thought and deed!. However, Keira, you will come of age - your first heat - in a few months. However, this is a special time for a Maiden Doe, for there is a very specific ritual that takes place."

Cassiopeia turned her attention to the larger fawn, who gazed at her.

" As for you, Cale? I know this will sound cruel my son, but you shall never breed. Your - mother, was originally, meant to conceive and carry you to term. Now, I will not frighten you with the details, but - well, you're_different_ my son, you will grow up to be large. You are of a different species than the others, do you understand me?

"I...think so, my markings are different to, say, Pelnak. My coat is coarser, more shaggy and -" Cale frowned, looking up at the statue. "Like Ely?"

'Indeed. Ely was to have birthed you, raised you and trained you. As I said, that's a story for another time, when you're older and more matured. Now, you're a Red Deer - as such, you'll probably be twice the size of even your father, Pelnak!"

"I...will?" Cale blinked, glancing at Pelnak who grazed nearby.

"You will, see that statue? You'll probably be about that large, so, yes I know you don't believe me now, but already, you're larger than the other Whitetail fawns. So please, listen to me. I know when you mature, and come of age, the urges will be terrible for you, trust me I will understand. When that time comes, I will use what magicks I possess, to help you through the rut."

"I don't understand..." Cole hung his head.

'Not yet, but trust me my fawn, you will - both Pelnak and I will explain it to you in time."

Cassiopeia nuzzled Cale, smelling his scent, as a single tear slid down her cheek. "You are so much like your true mother..."

Cale flicked his ears.

"You birthed me, mother - what do you mean?" Cale asked her.

"You were originally conceived by our protector, Ely. It is a tale I will tell you one day, when you're older Cale..."

Cale nodded, then nuzzled Keira. "Mother, can we go now, please?"

"Go on, but stay close, alright?" Cassiopeia laughed delicately.

As the fawns ran off, Cassiopeia sighed softly and blinked away salty tears she'd hidden from the fawns as memories, unrelated to the ritual, flooded back into her mind as she gazed up at the stone statue of Ely.

It had become the centrepiece of the Therian's rituals, from the naming ceremonies of their fawns, to the first mating of a maiden doe and other rituals - especially the one where prospective humans come with open hearts and minds, to willingly be turned.

It had been ten years since that fateful encounter, where Ely had sacrificed himself to protect his friends and he had paid the ultimate price, his life... and the pain of losing him, still cut her to the core.


They grew up as brother and sister - but before too long, Cale towered over Keira in size and body. They played together and often with the other Therian fawns. He was forever gentle with them all, never letting his larger size or strength bully or intimate them. In time, they come to trust and love him, and he become their unofficial guardian and protector - just like his real mother had...


Cassiopeia looked out over the thirty odd Therian's that now lived with them. In just ten years, they'd gone from just Pelnak and herself, to a sizeable herd. Of course, Pelnak submit to Cassiopeia's orders or demands - but she never countermanded in in front of the herd.

He established himself as the dominant Buck of the herd, and everyone bowed down to him, even his fawns. As the dominant Stag, it fell to Pelnak to sire the Doe's fawns. Cassiopeia knew _why_it had to be him, but some secret part of her she held hidden from her beloved mate, hated it and him for doing it.

Pelnak had confronted Cassiopeia one night, as they lay alone beneath the moon's cold embrace, and he'd admitted whilst mating the young Doe's was a pleasurable thing, the only Doe he truly cared for with all his heart and soul, was Cassiopeia. What he done, was expected of him, but there was no truly mating bond between the Buck and the Doe, it was done purely and simply to add to their number and because Pelnak's urges during the rut could become quite violent if suppressed.

He bred other does of the herd to further their numbers, but, even with Cassiopeia's blessings, he was sure it angered her. The does had all been humans; some hunters, others were scientists, and occasionally some would willingly come and pledge fealty, begging on hands and knees to be turned. Whether willing or not, they all bared their throats to the two Therian's. Every Therian that survived their first change and the trials were honoured and celebrated as they were brought into the herd as brother or sister.

Sadly, not everyone could survive the stress and trauma of the changes. Often, the human's first change would cause so much pain their hearts would fail from stress. Those that survived still needed to control the wild, feral beast within that held all Therian. The beast would slaver, scream, and threaten the most gruesome tortures and suffering upon anyone who it laid eyes upon. Those who could not dominate it were quickly and efficiently put to death. Cassiopeia or Pelnak would perform the duty, depending on who led the ritual. After the losses, the herd grieved together for their lost brothers or sisters.

After the Blood Moon Ritual, the new Therian's may have chosen a new name for themselves, as they started their new lives, or kept their old one. Needless, every one of them swore before the statue, they would never willingly divulge the location of this secretive enclave of Therian's, nor would they violate the trust or bonds that bound the herd


Cassie sighed, as she lowered her head and cropped some sweet grass, letting her memories wander. Cassie wished that Ely had been able to help her with magicks to help Pelnak, alas, she had received only a small amount of training in the Therian magicks. What frightened her more - was that none of the newly turned - had even the vaguest connection to magicks, be they Therian or otherwise.


Cassiopeia snorted, then shook her head as she had accidentally bitten her tongue whilst grazing. Grass, leaves and herbs wouldn't sustain a Therian for long, but it helped supplement their diet. Cassiopeia sighed, as she mentally counted the days until the next Blood Moon and the ritual...

Now, that sacred night was closing in quickly, too quickly Cassiopeia thought. Her two fawns, now adults in the herd, would take part in their first Blood Moon Ritual. Cassiopeia couldn't believe they'd aged that quickly, but they had and as was the tradition - the two young Adults would be present to witness what Cassiopeia prayed silently, would be a joyous event.

As their first Blood Moon Ritual approached, the fawns who were of an age to participate, were beside themselves with awe and surprise. They had never partaken of the ritual until now. An old Therian, way older than any even Cassiopeia had known could still be alive, had been the first to be turned.

Cassiopeia had feared this old woman would surely die - but she had surprised both her and Pelnak, and come through stronger and more resilient. She had taken up the keeping of the Fawns, watching over them and on the night of the Blood Moon Ritual, she took them away and hid them in a deep cave, swearing on her life she would die before letting a single fawn befall harm.

Now, they were thirteen winters old an adult but by Therian standards Keira was having her first heat cycle this Fall. Cassiopeia had promised herself she would have the talk with her young daughter, but one thing lead to another and Cassiopeia just never found the time to explain it.

Now, the stress and anxiety of the Blood Moon Ritual was mere days away and Cassiopeia's entire concentration was on it.

First, prospective candidates were thoroughly screened in the three months before the Ritual would take place. These were the Initiates, who come to humbly beg to become one of the herd. They were met at the edges of the woods, where they were extensively examined by Cassiopeia, using a mixture of Fèidh magicks and Therian, to test their inner selves. If they passed this test, then they would be watched for three months by a member of the herd at all times, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.

If they showed the slightest hint of being untrustworthy, or turning in the Herd, then Cassiopeia or Pelnak would kill them quickly, cleanly and humanely, then dispose of their bodies.

Thankfully, this was exceptionally rare occurrence...

Other's were turned on an ad-lib basis. Hunters who stalked the woods would be given multiple chances to recant their ways. If they disarmed, they were politely escorted to the edges of the forest and told never to return. However, if they did, or harmed one of the Therian's - then there was no mercy or quarter given....

If they recanted, disarmed and pleaded for mercy - at Pelnak's or Cassiopeia's whim, if they felt the person was genuine and truthful - they would be bitten and turned there and then.

Often, these were the true exceptions.

Cassiopeia's mind began to wander again, as she idly grazed on a small bush whose new shoots were tasty and surprisingly nutritious. Her mind turned to the scientists, who had come to the wood, nearly two years ago...


A pair of Scientists had come to study the Therian's. Cassiopeia had wanted to murder them there and then - but Pelnak talked her out of her brash, impulsive desire. He studied them, as they thought they were studying the native Whitetail who seemed to be thriving in this wood. None of the Therian's gave the slightest hint, they were not what they appeared to be - until one day the scientists darted a young Doe.

Her scream of surprise and pain had awoken Pelnak's anger, and he'd instantly shifted to his feral form. Without thought, he just acted to protect his herd mate and had trampled and gored one of the Scientists, killing him, before he turned on the second one. She had been terrified, kneeling before the bloodied antlers that were mere inches from her body.

Pelnak was filled with rage and anger, as he glared at the woman and what he'd done all those years ago, flooded his mind. He remembered that hunter and her son - what he and Cassiopeia had done - and he swore never to do it again...

"It's...a tranquilliser dart - it won't hurt her, I swear!" Wailed the woman, as she gestured slowly to the Doe. "We just wanted a little..."

Pelnak shook with rage, then shook his antlered head and roared at her in his deepest, most terrifying voice.

"No...please don't kill me - I didn't mean too -" Wailed the woman, then she moaned as a growing puddle formed under her as she wet herself from fear.

Pelnak moved even closer, inhaling her terrified scent, but as he gazed into her eyes, he realised she spoke the truth. They had never meant any harm, and he had acted out of fear and one of them was dead at his hooves, this one would surely follow if he didn't suppress the...

No! Pelnak's mind screamed at him, as his head flashed forwards and his sharp fangs sank into her throat mercilessly.

Blood gushed from the wound, as Pelnak bit harder, his salivary glands working overtime as his tongue flicked and slobbered over the deep bite, rapidly passing the Therian traits to a new host.

"Urk..." Gurgled the woman, her hands beating at Pelnak's chest.

He held her tight by the throat, then used his heavy weight to hold her down as she choked and shuddered, quickly losing consciousness from blood loss. Pelnak extracted himself, watching the wounds as they bled a bit more - then healed themselves, leaving only pale white scars.

It's done... His mind told him. For good or ill, she's one of us now...

Kelly had passed the trial, but only just - it had taken everything she had and then some, to resist the dark impulses of her Therian and force it into submission. Just last fall, Pelnak had covered her - and as Cassiopeia looked out over the herd, she seen Kelly grazing rapidly, her belly very swollen and heavy with her unborn fawn. From what Cassiopeia assumed, and the size or Kelly, she'd be bearing twins.


At their favourite place, a little secluded grove as far on the outskirts of their 'home range' as Cassiopeia told them, they played tag and mock-fought and roughhoused in general. Keira was smaller than Cale, but he never let his size and strength overwhelm her. He was gentle with her, often letting his elder sister win their games of strength and endurance, even though he could even at this age, have run laps around her if he set his mind to it.

Finally, hot, sweaty and played out, Cale rested his neck over his sister, who splayed her legs out and stood panting. Sniffing, Cale shuddered and flicked his ears backwards, as Keira frowned, then squatted and urinated in a long, steady stream.

"Urk - " Cale suddenly moaned, his nostrils flaring as he smelt the powerful urine scent that hit him between the eyes with such force, he was nearly driven mad. It was the scent he'd smelt around the glade - the scent of an in-season Doe...

Instinct seized him, there was no words for it, as he reared and slid onto Kelsie's back. She looked back at him, at first amused - but then when she felt his length flicker against her tail, her eyes widened and she began squirming in fear.

"Cale,!" Kelsie wailed, then tried to buck him off.

Cale growled and bit down on her nape, his powerful forelegs gripping her hard, as he began dancing from one hind hoof to the other, poking and stabbing at her tail in his frustration and inexperience.

"!" Kelsie squealed, now truly frightened.

He bit down harder, his teeth drawing blood, as he growled and grunted, before manoeuvring himself to push her tail away. With a series of quick thrusts, he positioned himself - then like his feral brethren, he leapt forwards, his hind hooves coming off the ground as he slammed himself into Kelsie's virgin body,

"CALE!" Kelsie screamed in agony, before she felt her body instinctively react to the Stag's mount, her vaginal passages crushing down.

Cale was lost in the emotion of his first mating - his seed blasted from his body and squirted deep inside Kelsie's womb in a single thrust and heartbeat, as he stepped back and dismounted, lapping at her folds with his tongue and tasting his own seed which reassured him she had been well mated.

Suddenly, Kelsie turned about and her teeth slashed across his left ear, shearing through it as blood spurted.

"Howcould you!" Kelsie shrieked at him, then bit his ear again, biting down hard.

Cale screamed and tire his head away, tears streaking down his muzzle, before he burst into hysterical crying and bolted into the woods, blood spraying from his torn ear. Kelsie dropped to the ground, crying her heart out at the shame, guilt and pain of the cruel and violent lovemaking. It had been _nothing_like what Cassiopeia had promised it would be like...she felt nausea clawing at her entrails, the hot coppery taste of her brothers blood made her nauseous.

"Kelsie..." Come a distant call - Cassiopeia's voice.

"Here..." Kelsie croaked, then swallowed and forced her salivary glands to work. "HERE, mother, I'm here...please - help!"

Her last words were a choking babble as tears sluiced down her muzzle and she curled up, her body aching and hurting as it'd never hurt before. Crashing branches and snapping twigs rang forth, as Cassiopeia plowed recklessly through the thicket, then skidded to a halt. She looked at her crying daughter, then sniffed the air and her eyes widened in sock and fear, before a cruel, hardened gaze come over her eyes.

"I'm going to tear his fucking throat out...." Cassiopeia growled, her hackles rising on the back of her neck.

"Mother, no...please!" Wailed Kelsie. " wasn't his fault..."

"Stay out of this!" Cassiopeia snarled at her, then began sniffing the ground, trying to find Cale's scent. "Go!"


"Now Kelsie..." Cassiopeia's voice snapped like a whip. "I'll deal with you later..."

Her anger and disgust boiling like a white hot flame within her, Cassiopeia began her hunt for her errant offspring...


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