Colt's Boundaries

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A colt experiments and finds out where his limits in submission lie...

One of a set for Lord Legion - enjoy!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Iron Author


Colt's Boundaries

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Lord Legion

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Axel hadn't thought that things would get so hot so quickly but looking at Serenity - otherwise known as Sheriff Pinto of Appleloosa to the rest of the town citizens out West - dressed up in black lingerie that was less of the frilly, 'lace-y' variety and cut more with slick daring lines was most certainly a hoof-step in the right direction. The brown and white paint mare knew when she had to be harder in her line of work, maintaining law and order in Appleloosa, but that was not something that had ever entered the bounds of their relationship, even though he'd been just a little bit curious right from the beginning how hoof-cuffs would feel locked around his fetlocks.

The trials and teasing of power play were hardly something to be trifled with and lines had to be drawn around them even in the bounds of lust and love - although it was hard for even Axel to do that as he lay on his back on the bed, fore-hooves drawn up to his red-furred chest, sweating just a little. It was what he wanted, of course, to take things a little further and see just what they may be able to enjoy and explore together, but seeing his sweetheart standing over him with a smirk on her lips and a glitter in her eye was nearly enough to stop his heart.

It settled for skipping a beat, however, and he groaned deep in the back of his throat as she paced around him - or at least as much of the bed as the room allowed, the headboard pushed up against the wall. The lines of her body were cast into sharp definition in the tasteful light, a crimson bulb making everything seem that little bit saucier than usual, the stallion shivering delightedly as she ran a hoof down his front to his sheath and balls.

"Heard y'all got something here for me, darling," she murmured, although there was a decided 'bite' to her tone that set Axel's heart racing in the very best of ways. "Something...real special..."

She could not turn off her heavy accent entirely even as she softened her drawl, taking on a seductive yet commanding tone as she teased him. A little slap of her hoof to his hindquarters had him trembling as he had their very first time together all over again, heart pounding and blood rushing to his cheeks - not that it was visible, however, with the hue of his coat being what it was.

"So needy," she purred as he could not help but allow his cock out, the fat length of horse-flesh thickening up before her lustful eyes. "Does it really only take a little touch for a colt like you to get so randy an' all riled up?"

Axel gasped and nodded quickly, eyes closing, heat driving a course down his neck, even up to the tips of his ears. But then Serenity's hoof was under his chin, firmly forcing his head up even as his shaft throbbed wantonly and she met his eyes with a gaze that held more seductive steel in it than he'd ever had the luxurious pleasure of seeing ever before.

"Look at me, pony."

He was not just a pony, he wanted to say, but his lips were sealed shut, nostrils fluttering with breath as he groaned in the back of his throat and nodded faintly. Unable to suck enough hair into his lungs, Axel gulped noticeably as she produced that coveted pair of hoof-cuffs, magically infused so that they could be locked around the typically thicker pony legs where the fetlocks did not provide some soft definition and narrower point to cup and clasp.

As a pony, he would not be able to keep his hooves up over his head with the magically infused steel shining dully, erotically, around them for long, chest heaving and cock seeming to twitch with each and every breath.

"How long 'til y'all release this for me?" She breathed, tail flagged as if in anticipation. "Now? Oh, you can't hold back, can y'all, little colt..."

It was all a tease, just something to test the waters, and yet Axel could not help but do as she asked, her commands coming easily from lips that had trained in such acts, if not in the bounds of the bedroom. And Serenity most certainly seemed to be enjoying herself too, if the scent of a needy mare flooding the room was at all anything to go by, tail flicking back and forth in a swish of long, fine hairs. His eyes followed the sway of it as she controlled him lightly, massaging the length of his shaft between her hooves with a sexy flutter of her eyelashes that, somehow, looked different to any sweetness she had put on show for him before.

No... There was something more to Sheriff Pinto when she was in control, teasing his length and showing him just how easily she could make beads of pre-cum glisten at the tip of his cock, the veins pulsing out as if his body simply could not contain itself. And she seemed to know just what to do too, testing the waters and dipping a hoof in as she judged his reactions carefully, pushing further whenever he gave a particularly delectable wriggle of delight or moan that came oh so very breathily.

The pinto mare hummed lightly to herself, need rising up in the pit of her belly too, flanks rising and falling just a little too swiftly with her increased rate of breathing. Maybe next time she'd have to find some bandanas and see just how helpless she could make her brave, strong colt when all he could do was whimper and moan with desire for her...

But it was her own arousal and longing in heat, her marehood tensing and pulsing with need, that was her undoing as words stuttered from Serenity's lips before they had been carefully reflected on and chosen for. If she'd taken a moment more, perhaps things could have been different, and yet sometimes the only way that a pony could possibly learn was through experience and, of course, making mistakes.

"Your mother would be so disappointed... Wanting a stallion and all she got was a colt. My colt."

It may have been erotic to someone else, anyone else, but the look in Axel's eyes, glazing over as his lower jaw fell ever so slightly slack, told a different tale. Serenity backtracked immediately as his shaft softened, taking no chances and retreating quickly into his sheath, the fleshy folds hiding his most vulnerable part even as the rest of his was left, not very erotically in the slightest, exposed. The hoof-cuffs fell away but he hardly noticed as he withdrew into himself, his forelock hanging down heavily over his eyes as if he was trying to shield himself away from even her, his sweetheart and the love of his very life.

"I'm sorry, honey, that was too far, I'm so sorry, Axel."

She drew him into her forelegs as he shuddered and tried to shake off the memory, the darkness that clung to him and threatened to override everything that he'd worked so very hard towards on the coldest of winter nights. He had not known her for very long and, well, that was something he'd told Serenity in the early days of their dating life, something that Axel had never really wanted to make a big deal of for fear of dredging up bad memories. And yet it was sometimes the holding back of information that brought up those memories, all the same, an ill-timed comment flowing from lips that were as inexperienced at the nuances of a little kinky play as he was.

And she'd meant no harm even as she drew him against her, tucking her muzzle down against him as Serenity shook right along with him. To have hurt her stallion, her lover, her life partner... It did not bear thinking about and yet she had to admit to her mistake, taking a deep breath that did nothing to ease the ache in her lungs (it was likely nothing in comparison to what he was feeling at that time), brushing his mane tenderly back from his cheek and neck.

"Axel... I'm so very sorry," she breathed, fighting with herself to meet his eyes, the stallion blinking rapidly as if to force back the threat of tears. "Please... Can y'all ever think to forgive me?"

But, of course, he could and he would too, nuzzling into her neck even as he whispered his acceptance of it. At least then they both knew where the line was drawn and he was able to slink his foreleg, tentatively back around her too, Serenity not knowing until he did just that how much she'd needed him to hold her too. Shaken to her core, deeper than she would have truly have cared to admit out loud, she kissed him deeply, fiercely, passionately, showing him every last bit of love she had for him and more, her apology ringing through sincerely and true.

That was the boundary line, the one that they had drawn in the sand and filled in with concrete, cemented into place. Whereas there would be more to come, in the future, to speak of on that point, for such an event warranted introspection and reflection on the count of both partners, digging into an issue that had presented itself outside of the bedroom. There was more, indeed, to be undertaken on that count but they need one another right there and then in that very moment and two equine bodies would not be denied their trembling nuances of lust in the filtered red light spilling from the lamp.

Kissing turned into something more, something that may have been out of place if they had not already been so close to one another. After the loss of his mother, Axel had so very badly needed to feel something and yet that had been so very long ago that the stallion was acutely aware that he had a warm, loving mare in his forelegs right then and there, someone who adored him unconditionally and would always, irrevocably, be there for him. He would have found himself severely amiss to not respond in kind, to take what was offered and give it all back tenfold, their love only growing stronger for the overcoming of a mistake.

They'd come back to a little kinky power play in time but there was nothing more for them to discuss in the moment as he slid her hot, black panties down her muscled legs, moaning for her even as she took his newly throbbing hard-on into her mouth. There was nothing else for Axel to do but enjoy the sweetness of her marehood too, lapping and suckling at her clit as she 'sixty-nined' him, their bodies moving together in sweet yet carnal bliss, tongues knowing every last ridge and bump in their most intimate of regions. And that was just why they were able to move on from an incident, kissing and moaning against one another as they heated up once more for all the right reasons and so much more again.

Serenity huffed over his shaft as she drew back to the tip, struggling to contain herself as his tongue made her heart sing, pounding to a beat that he commanded, despite his desire too to give up that command. There was no holding back as he dug his tongue softly into her sex, knowing just how to push her over the edge, and the mare could only howl mutely around his length as she swallowed him down again, taking a load of hot stallion-cream down her gulping throat even as she flooded his muzzle with the heady juices of a mare who had been exceptionally well satisfied.

Things may have run awry of their original plans but they would be better for it, strong and more loving as a couple. They would grow and learn and comfort and love for many, many more years and, well, they could expect more mistakes too. That was just why they had to forgive what was never intended.

Future times would be all the sweeter for their understanding.


**Haunted** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _A follow on from Frankie's monologue: Cages of the Past. An experimental piece, warning for themes of abusive relationships, death/suicide, mental health issues and self-harming._ _ _ _...

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Blind Date

**Iron Author** **Blind Date** ** ** **Blind Date with Jenny** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by FlintHorse_ _ _ _ _ Dinner with a stranger: how sublime. Or cliché. Or any other thing that it could possibly turn...

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