Blind Date

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Out on a blind date, dinner turns to fun...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Iron Author

Blind Date

Blind Date with Jenny

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by FlintHorse

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Dinner with a stranger: how sublime. Or cliché. Or any other thing that it could possibly turn out to be, depending on just how the date turned out in the end. The white-scaled dragon had spent perhaps a little too long standing in front of his full-length mirror at home that day, combing and parting his black mess of a mane, the hair so wild that it, truly, was untameable, before growling and giving up, his first impression not always being his best one. He wasn't one though to spend all that much time in front of mirrors normally; he knew how he looked so why should he stand there for hour upon hour grooming and preening? But that didn't mean that he wasn't nervous, his lack of experience with the seemingly 'fairer' sex drawing a rise to his fluttering heartbeat that simply could not be quelled.

"Table for two, Mr..."

The host at the restaurant, tastefully lit with lanterns (although the lights within were sadly artificial and not real, flickering and dancing flames) smiled pleasantly at him, a shorter doe with softer angles to her face than most. Her nose twitched and he suppressed a smile, messing with his hair yet again as he ran his claws through it and hoped against hope that he had wiped off the last of the soothing oil from the larger, 'plates' that ran down from beneath his chin right down the front of his body in a darker shade. Now that would be embarrassing... Worse than leaving toothpaste on his shirt that time he'd gone into work!

He smiled the best he could, shaky but still falling back on his natural confidence in social situations. It wasn't the location, after all, that made him sweat but just who he may or may not have been meeting.

"Silver, just Silver... Thank you."


The doe hostess perked up, the corners of her lips twitching up in time with the rise of her ears, attention thusly caught.

"She's already here! A Miss Jenny said that she'd wait for you..."

And that was her name then, was it? Jenny? Was that short for Jennifer? He could not know and the doe most certainly would not be the one to ask as he was led through the round tables of the rest of the restaurant, interspersed with pillars and columns that were for elegant decoration rather than for any sort of weight-bearing purpose, until they came upon a small table for two that would put the diners in close yet comfortable confines. Right there at that little table was a donkey with long, elegant ears and a smile on her prettily made-up lips who would turn his whole life around and then some.

"Please - relax! I will be back in just a moment once you've had a chance to look over the drink menu."

And then the hostess was gone, scurrying off to do her work while they were left behind, one standing and one sitting. Silver gulped, his eyes fixed on her - not that he could have taken them away if he'd tried. A donkey was far from what he'd expected but her silvery-grey fur had been groomed to perfection, a little thicker than what most may have expected, however, in the garb of her winter coat. Her mane had been trimmed short in the modern style and she was dressed cutely in a skirt that fell just above her knees and a buttoned blouse that hinted at the fun that could, if he was so lucky, be yet to come.

"Silver..." She said slowly, turning the sound of his name over in her mouth as she gestured to him to sit down. "You're everything they said you were."

"All good things, I hope?" He laughed, nerves bubbling up from the back of his throat. "I know what Tom is like with things... He can exaggerate."

He perched on the edge of the wooden chair as if it was going to bite him, head spinning as she played with a corner of her napkin. But all Jenny did was shoot him a cheekily coy look, one ear flopping back and to the side, her thick, ropey tail swinging back and forth beneath the table as if a secret chanced to leap to her lips that she simply could not resist letting spill out.

"I'm sure he would never exaggerate about you."

Just like that, he was hooked, gone and lost in the aquamarine pools of her eyes, as cliché as that was to think. He was, however, on a first date and Silver thought that he could well enough be as cliché as he liked as long as he kept the conversation flowing as they dug into one another's likes, dislikes, hobbies and passions... All the normal stuff that played out while their legs brushed together, oh so very subtle, beneath the long, luxurious table cloth. He was happy to be lured in and everything came together so wonderfully that, in all honesty, Silver caught himself wondering on more than one occasion why he'd been against going on blind dates to begin with.

Tumbling into bed later that night with Jenny felt more right than it had any, well, right to feel, her legs wrapped around his waist as he carried her to the bedroom in his arms, face to face and giggling like teenagers all over again. They were far from teenagers, however, as he pushed up her skirt with as much alcohol-fuelled lust as he could muster (they'd only, truly, had but a drop to drink and wet their throats) and took in the sweet aroma of her sex.

There was something about enjoying the freshness of a new partner that would always take him by delight though, nuzzling up gently into her sex as his snout bumped into the softness of her inner thighs. The donkey moaned softly, her arms cast back over her head onto the sheets of his bed as if she was more than comfortable with the sensation, the alcohol giving the dragon just the edge he needed to be cold and confident - to push onward where he may have otherwise worried and pulled back himself. It wasn't that he wouldn't' have done anything at all with the sly-eyed, witty donkey if he had not had a little liquid confidence warming his belly, but only that he perhaps may not have had as much fun in doing so if not for its assistance.

And that was alright, he thought, as he lapped her sex, her hooves scrabbling lightly against his back as she seemed to suck in a bray, legs quivering wantonly. He needed her as much as Jenny very much so seemed to need him and that was all a lustful encounter had to be, hearts racing as their lust curled together like two blades of grass melding greenly into one being on the bliss of a warming spring day. Her pussy pulsed around Silver's tongue as he dug it in even deeper, tasting of her essence with his heart pounding, and she arched up against him as if drawn there by the string of a puppeteer, although she was, at least for the moment, very much in control of her actions. It was easy for her to shake her hips just enough to help the dragon too to hike up her skirt so that it did not fall over his head and horns, allowing her to see first-hand just how he leaned into her, hungrily digging his tongue into her sex simply as if he could not get enough of her. The scent of a lady in need truly was intoxicating and Silver lost all sense of himself as he groaned into her pussy, tail thrashing as if he was trying to hump his hips right then and there, powering into her in the tremor of his mind's eye.

But Jenny wasn't going to settle for such intimate attention, not even as she trembled on the very edge of climax, biting her lip without a single nuance of delicacy and grinding her crotch up onto his snout. She needed more than that, the sweetly carnal and his shaft driving into her, that dark rod of thrumming flesh simply craving her attention. Gently, she murmured to him between breathy pants and sighs, coaxing him up the length of her body as their clothes hit the floor beside the bed, bed sheets rumpling up between them - not that either of the two lust-struck furs would have even noticed their mess, so caught up were they in a moment that may or may have lasted forever. Who was truly to say about anything like that?

They rolled together, exchanging kisses as they swapped positions and breath, giggles breaking the barrier of lips that may have otherwise been locked tight and fumbling in the grasp of nerves. But it was okay as long as they had the pleasure of one another to enjoy in the moment, her paws running down his bare chest-scales as Silver groaned and shuddered, cock swelling out hard and full and proud, needing the warmth of her even as she softly wrapped her breasts around him and suckled just the very tip of him into her mouth.

His eyes rolled back into his head as she squeezed her soft, warm breasts around his cock, intent on her actions even as her pussy throbbed for him, clenching down on nothing and her inner thighs soaked with her juices. Oh, how she needed him and yet the taste of the dragon was exquisite, sending her head reeling and spinning in the very best of ways, the donkey's ropey tail swishing back and forth in the raw lick of pleasure vibrating through her soul.

Yet it was too much to ask her to restrain herself to oral alone and she moaned out his name, Silver breaking away only to push over her intensely, fire burning in his eyes. He was everything that she could have wanted and so much more but he wasn't thinking about any of that as his cock drove him, teasing into her swiftly as she lay on her back and tried to find the strength in her body and presence in her mind to wrap her legs around him. They only trembled as he turned her body into goo, melting into the bed as each powerful, driving stroke claimed a little more of her mind.

Silver could not have stopped if he'd wanted to, hissing through his teeth as he relished in the sensation, confidence growing and nerves falling away, bit by bit. It was hard to worry with her hot wetness squeezing around him, pounding in as she cried out for more, passionately clinging to him as if he was keeping her safe and secure in the eye of the storm. And maybe that was the beginning of something more between them or maybe not but it didn't need to be any more than it was in the moment, the dragon capturing her lips in a kiss that made her moan and climax right there on the spot while his cock caressed her G-spot oh so very sweetly.

There was only so much a dragon in need too could do as her sex rippled around him as if she was trying to draw him even deeper into her in the dark of the night, the glow of a street light outside the window illuminating their tryst in a shaft of artificial light. He joined her in sweet orgasm with a cry that perhaps should have been kept a little quieter, for the sake of the neighbours, but his head flooded with heat, ecstasy tingling down to his claws as his tail flicked and swayed in time with his short, sharp thrusts, intent only on gleaning every last drop of pleasure from their blissful interlude while her orgasm rolled on around him.

Slowly, however, they had to come down from their joint high, hot and sweaty and panting and chucking without even the breath to talk. Kisses were shared and the donkey, sleepily, curled into him, eyes flickering closed even before they'd had a chance to clean up after the deed was sweetly done. But that did not matter as he drew the covers over them with the tip of his tail, only needing to wriggle and manoeuvre them slightly to get the sheets where they needed to be. They could sleep together, all made up in a mess and oh so very satisfied, and see what came of a single blind date, if anything special needed to come of it at all. That was the beauty of something that began with two strangers alone and developed into so much more so swiftly.

Only the morning would tell what further delights lay in store for the two who had only started off on a blind date.

Breeding Lust

**YCH** **Breeding Lust** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _A YCH round commissioned by Chief Horse (FA: PaintHorse) & Xander_ _ _ _ _ "Hey there." The red fox sat on the edge of the pool dangling his hind paws over the end of...

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Three for Pleasure

**Iron Author** **Threesome** ** ** **Three for Pleasure** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Jet3270_ _ _ _ _ "Ohhh..." The silvery Pegasus nickered softly, eyes rolling back into her skull as two pairs of...

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