Fun with His Plush Horse

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A lonely stallion in the barn spends time with his favourite plush horse who knows how to relieve all of his needs...

A pleasure to write up!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Iron Author


Fun with His Plush Horse

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Chief Horse (FA: PaintHorse)

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Chief sighed in his stable, turning around and around in the deep straw bed, simply unable to get himself comfortable. The paint horse was splashed with brown and white, the wide stripe on his face spreading out to cover both his nostrils and his lips, leaving a touch of pink there that was prone to sunburn in the hottest of months. And those months would shortly be with him again as he tried to stretch, oddly working out the kinks in his long, equine back by straightening his front legs and rocking back with a low groan that rumbled up from the pit of his belly.

But it didn't do what he needed and the feral stallion pawed anxiously at the bed, ears flicking and the dark hairs of his tail swishing and swishing. It was hard to hide anything in a feral body, instinct driving him on, seemingly, with regards to every little action, but it was not as if he was confined to the stable by any means. No, the door opened from the inside and he shut it only for the privacy it afforded him, choosing a stable over living in a home that perhaps would have been deemed more comfortable to one of an anthro persuasion.

Oh... He stomped and snorting, shaking himself off and turning around once more without folding to his knees and actually going to lie down, failing to find any sort of position that he might have thought soft enough to sleep in. What was he going to do? He'd had a long day working the trails and he wasn't going to be much good the next day if he couldn't soothe himself off into even a fitful slumber!

And then a thought popped into his head - one that usually only came on the quietest of nights when business was slow, his mind mulling over far too much during the course of the day. Too much for his mind, of course, but that was solely because Chief was interested in the more physical nature of things rather than anything psychological or even philosophical.

James, his little plush horse. The equine blushed, ears splaying slightly to the sides. Well, he hadn't had to get out James in some time, the tack locker outside his stable containing everything that he thought he needed and then some too, but the little pony was there for him whenever he was needed. And it most certainly wasn't as if anyone else was around...

He hardly had to think about it, snaking his head around the half-door of his stable into the centre aisle of the otherwise deserted barn - everyone had left for the night hours ago - and nosing at his tack locker. Of course, it did not contain tack but it had some other things inside in with James that were apt for time alone, although he shuddered at the thought of anyone else uncovering them at an untimely moment. No, he very much preferred to keep that part of his life separate from his everyday trot, thank you very much.

Much-loved, he found James instantly, lipping about within the box in his blind spot until his sensitive lips found the tail of the little pony that he'd spent so many nights cuddling with prior. Carefully, he lifted him and bumped the locker closed after him, the large, white and black appaloosa toy in pristine condition. It was hard to keep the white patches so clean but that was just why Chief kept him tucked away in his box so that he would not become dirty or worn out too white, the white splattered with black spots, some of which that ran into one another. It was a large toy by anthro standards but still on the smaller side for a stallion of his size, standing at a good seventeen hands tall.

Drawing him into the stable with him, Chief quietly locked the door behind him and smiled, a sense of ease settling over his heart once more. There now... Wasn't that better? It was impossible to feel at ill ease with James in his forelegs, allowing him to sink down into the bed of straw with a soft groan and cuddle him in close to his chest and stomach, soothing away the problems and worries of the day. Let the morning worry about those things, if at all. It wasn't for him to have them spinning around a lonely mind all night long, not by any means.

He'd forgotten just how comforting cuddling James could be and yet the stallion could not slip away into slumber as he nuzzled and lipped affectionately at the toy, James secluded away protectively between his forelegs. It was good to have his soft plush once again pressed up against his coat, his heartbeat finally slowing to something, at least, resembling its normal pace, flanks rising and falling more gently in breath. But there was something more that he used James for and just another reason that he kept the plush horse hidden away from curious eyes, just in case they probed a little too far into the other use of the little toy.

Nostrils puckering and fluttering with breath, the stallion whuffed gently, a deeper need rising up inside him. Oh, the last time he'd had James out, he'd had such fun and that had been something else indeed, something truly special. He could not help how his body remembered things like that, drawing his cock slowly but surely from the velvety folds of his equine sheath even as James's mane tickled the very base of his neck, toy ears pricked as if in rapt attention. He was a partner in bed that would never disappoint yet only in the very best of ways, a toy that had modifications to allow stallions like him to satisfy themselves in privacy where the slap of their members up against their bellies simply would not do.

Of course, it was more difficult to find even a modicum of self-pleasure without the luxury of hands or even paws and Chief grunted, tail flagging and balls tensing up as if they too anticipated what was to come. It was practically pre-written anyway with how good James's plush coat felt against him, drawing his breath to come more swiftly and his shaft to plump up, thick and full and hard, a mottled length that could not have failed to draw the eye if he had been so very fortunate as to have a sweetly sentient partner right there in the stable with him.

But James was sweet and his fur felt so good, Chief clenching and grinding his teeth as tension lined his body, needing something more from the plush toy - but not yet. James was so sweetly innocent and pure and pristine pressed up so warmly against him, almost seeming to radiate his own heat as Chief grunted and passed on the warmth of his body to him. Tucking the horse down between his legs and up against his belly, he teased the toy between his shaft and his belly, letting the strength of his throbbing, aching shaft keep it there, softly pinned and pleasurably so.

And then...the real fun could begin. He could almost feel his cheeks warming up as he rounded his hindquarters as much as an equine body could, the flex coming from the point at which his back end began to rose, using the little thrusts and squirms he could make to lustfully grind his shaft up against James. It slid hotly between the appaloosa pony toy's legs, teased up there against his stomach, and the stallion nickered wantonly, ears flicking all over the place as if they were trying to catch a sound that not even he could, at that moment, chance to pick up on. He doubted that he would even be aware enough to know if someone was about to walk in on him, so wrapped up was he in his passionate lovemaking to his plush toy.

He could almost imagine James nickering back at him as he thrust and ground, relishing the softness wrapped around his shaft, the tip drooling pre-cum. James, however, didn't have a cock of his own and going too far into any sense of realism would have, of course, spoiled the warming pleasure of spending time with his very favourite plush toy, which was its own kind of special enjoyment in itself. It was something about those little, glassy bead eyes and the white coat that was swiftly becoming rumpled under his thrusts, the spots simply gorgeous and begging his lips on them.

And yet there was one more secret that James held for his stallion lover and Chief could not wait to feel it once more. It was all well and good thrusting and grinding against the toy but he drew back slowly, huffing and near enough panting (yet horses, of course, could not pant as dogs did) as he found the hole in the rear end of the toy, tucked up secretly beneath James's tail. He never seemed to mind Chief using him in such a way - of course, there was nothing, truly, for a toy to object to in being loved - and the stallion held his breath for a moment before exhaling in a heady whuff of air as he pushed in, easing the toy down on his cock as he limited his range of motion with being lying down.

His head swam, lungs tight with the need to breathe that he could not seem to drag into his lungs in time for an extended lovemaking session. As a feral horse, he had lasted a long time already, enjoying his toy, but there was little any male could have possibly done to hold back with that exquisite softness caressing their cocks. Like the little pro that he was (so sweet!), James took every last inch of his stallion lover's cock, even up past the medial ring where it thickened up towards the base, the tip flaring and shuddering lightly as if Chief was going to reach his high right there and then. But he had to wait a little bit longer, enjoy the pleasure of his plush toy pressed up against him in the most intimate way that he could have possibly imagined.

Cuddling had nothing on what James could do for him but, all in all, it was truly a very special kind of 'cuddling' indeed as he grunted, ground and thrust, lost to stallion pleasure and the need to fuck. He had his needs and that was just one more thing that James was there to sate and help him with, his soft, plush hole almost seeming to grow tighter around him as the stallion thrust and thrust, the twitching and jerking of his hard shaft enough within the pony plush to send him spiralling sweetly over the edge with a throaty nicker.

He did not neigh though, so used to keeping himself quiet when he spent time with James that he could not help but clench and lock his jaw, twisting his head back and forth as his cock throbbed and spurting, sending a thick load deep into the toy. James was tighter than ever around him as his cock flared out, the meaty tip demanded that every last drop of his seed was spilt right where it belonged. And James would take everything he had to offer, his tail softly brushing up against Chief's sheath as the equine humped and ground and shook his forelegs through the straw from the sheer pleasure of release.

And when he came down from his high, James was still there, soft and warm and leaking just a drop of his seed, taking it all into his plush depths like the good little pony that he was. Huffing and puffing in the afterglow, Chief tiredly nuzzled his toy and took a chance, as calculated as it was, by falling asleep right there with his plush pony tucked up between his legs once more, back where he belonged. After a thorough clean, he would be as fresh and ever, sitting sweetly while he waited for Chief to need his soft touch of comfort once again - something that he would, undoubtedly, always be able to provide.

There was nothing like spending time, after all, with his favourite plush.

Spanking the Sub

**Iron Author** **Impact Play** ** ** **Spanking the Sub** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Akiba82_ _ _ "Morgan! Just what do you think you're doing?" The sabre-toothed cat shrieked and dashed into the...

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Pup's Punishment

**Iron Author** **Punishment** ** ** **Pup's Punishment** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by D.C. Yote_ _ _ _ _ He shouldn't have done it: he knew that. But it had been so tempted to lean back against the cool wall...

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