Pup's Punishment

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A bad pup is sealed away in a latex vac-bed by his mistress for disobeying her orders...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Iron Author


Pup's Punishment

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by D.C. Yote

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He shouldn't have done it: he knew that. But it had been so tempted to lean back against the cool wall of the shower and moan out his pleasure as his senses tingled under the spray of hot water. Of course, Dora always said that he had the shower too cold for her but it was just right for him and that was all that mattered as he wrapped his paw around his shaft, pumping and teasing himself to the edge over and over again. It had been too long since he'd gotten off, his mistress away on a mission, and he just wanted to feel her paw on him again so badly, the poor, little 'yote who really should have known better than to trifle with a mistress who was quick to lay down the law and whatever cruelly kinky punishment too that she saw fit.

Caught with his cum spurting, Yote knew he was in for it but he remembered little of it as he was hauled out of the shower by the scruff of his neck and the taste of regret thick in his mouth. She screamed something about coming home early to surprise him, that she'd had so much in store for him but he'd just gone and ruined it. That wasn't all that difficult to believe, in all honesty. It was funny how things like that happened so quickly that all that came around it was a blur, the pleasure of his orgasm but a distant memory as his punishment began.

Hindsight, however, was a wonderful thing as he lay in the latex vac-bed, his senses cut off and his backside stinging vehemently from the seemingly most brutal beating that she'd delivered to him in months. The latex clung to every feature and bump in his form, flattening even his thick fur down to his body so that he was, surely, just a coyote-shaped lump in the bed, a hole and tube fed to his muzzle so that he could breathe through it. But he wouldn't have put it past Dora to block off that tube from time to time too, a fact and a threat that set his heart racing every time his chest felt just a little bit too tight for comfort. Was she doing it? Controlling his air supply? He could not tell whether it was his own over-active imagination at work or the divine cruelty of her paw.

There were other things to take note of too, most notably the thick vibrator wedged up under his tail. He wriggled, or at least tried to, feeling it shift slightly but not budge. Of course, it would not come out until she was good and done with him, a bulge at the base that was not entirely unlike a canine knot forcing it deep up into his tail hole, the vibrator threatening to buzz to life at a moment's notice. He'd felt it once already in the bed, his fur damp with sweat, as she'd turned it on briefly just to give him a taste of what was to come, his cock throbbing painfully as if it too regretted the orgasm he'd stolen in her supposed absence.

Panting heavily, he struggled to control his breath, the latex seeming to close in on him even more although there was, truly, no space for it to move into. It was already as tight around him as it was possible to go.

Steps? Was that Dora? He wasn't sure if the drumming of his own heartbeat in his ears was playing tricks on he swore her shadow passed over him too, his dominant mistress surely stalking around him. Or was he imagining it, merely to be left in the vac-bed overnight until he had well enough learned his lesson? Heavens... He groaned, trying to roll his head back as the latex drew in restrictively. What if she left him in there for days? Could he even survive in there for days?

He did not know but it was no longer in his power to escape, fingers stretched and splayed flat so that he could not even curl them into fists. His bodily autonomy and control no longer belonged to him and that was a luxurious sense of escape and submission in itself, the coyote in question sinking quickly into deep sub-space as the world closed in around him. Whatever happened was out of his control and he had to accept that he could not do anything about it.

But just as he'd come to some sort of peace with his forced submission, pleasure thrummed through him, sending his mind into peals that could not even be contained with pants. He tried to writhe and yet could not, the need and drive of his body seemingly coming above what even he knew was possible. It took him longer than he was proud to admit to realise that the vibrating pleasure came from his crotch, his cock swelling up conveniently into a space that had been left for it. With so much latex pressing in around him, he had not even noticed that a ring had been locked around the base of his cock and, of course, around his balls too, but that cock ring made itself very well-known as he swelled into it, locking him hard and in position.

The coyote growled and moaned, struggling to contain his pleasure as the pleasant vibrations pushed him closer and closer to the edge, even though it felt as if he never wanted to cum again at that moment. Would Dora punish him if he climaxed? It had to be a test! Well, he would pass, he would hold out, he would not...

Oh... Why did she have to make it so difficult? The coyote whimpered and panted and squirmed within his bondage as the dildo until his tail also thrummed with vibration, pulsing deep up inside him as he tried not to make his pleasure too obvious. Was she watching? Was she even in the same room as him? There was no way to know at all with his vision and hearing cut off, the only taste in his mouth that of latex. He could touch, he could feel... Oh, how he could feel... Pleasure ruled him and his chest rose and fell in short, sharp, fluttering little breaths as he tried to contain himself, to hold back his driving, pulsing need even as his mistress clearly sought to push him over the edge.

He couldn't! It was all too much and the coyote howled helplessly into the latex covering his muzzle as orgasm claimed him, ripping through his body and pulsing cum from him - to where, he did not know. There was no way for him to tell, in his position, just where his cum was going, but it turned out in the end that Dora was collecting it for entirely more wicked means entirely.

An orgasm taken by force was, by its very nature, unsatisfying, and he panted heavily as he came back down from his high. Or, at least, his body tried to relax into something of an afterglow only to find that the vibrations did not let up in the slightest. If anything, they ramped up tenfold and buzzed away through a pulsing, rippling kind of cycle that made him moan and pant and groan all the more, his wriggles and squirms becoming all the more desperate.

But she'd had his orgasm - was that not enough? Ah, he was only just beginning to realise the true extent of her cruel plans for him, for a transgression as large as a pup ejaculating without the permission of his mistress was most certainly not something that she was going to allow to repeat for a second time. He huffed and tried to twist his head back and forth, thrash his tail - anything at all that may have allowed him to hold back, if only for the sake of his own sanity.

Yet Dora was far too skilled for something like that and she knew just how to manipulate his body to her will even while she could not see his features and expression, controlling every last twitch and jerk of his body in her lustful grasp. He was swiftly forced into another orgasm, mind-numbing pleasure sweeping through him like an otherworldly force, although it was less satisfying than the first again, leaving him sweating and panting all the more heavily while the vibrators teased and pulsed. Even the one around the neck of his sack seemed to tighten and constrict all the more demandingly, reminding him well and truly just who really held his nuts in her paw.

He should never have thought that he could take an orgasm from them all on his own.

Hindsight was beautiful in its simplicity, everything obvious when one had the time and space to look back on it, yet Yote did not have the presence of mind to even reflect at that time as he writhed and tried to ignore the sensations pulsing through him, the soreness of his aching shaft shoved up to the forefront of his mind as she demanded pleasure from him. He could almost imagine her, see her in his mind's eye, cackling away as she took his orgasm for his own, claiming what he had thought, ignorantly, that he could keep from her if only to steal a snatch and a drop of ill-gotten delight.

More and more. There was nothing his body could do as he twisted and strained and fought to the point of exhaustion, in the end only able to lie there and part his lips in a moan that would not even be heard, even his tail limp where it had once sought to wag and flick at the very least. He couldn't stop cum pouring from him, weakly trickling forth as if in one continuous orgasm, although it didn't at all feel like an orgasm any more. No... An orgasm was pleasurable and being milked of his cum when he struggled to do something as simple as breathing was not pleasurable, even if a twisted part of his mind found it oddly hot in a kinky sort of way.

Quiet. Nothing. Nothing at all. The lack of sensation was startling in its abruptness and a sob burst from his lips, cock and balls aching fiercely - not to mention his exceptionally sore tail hole. Was that it? Was it all over? Had he survived her torture? Oh, he so very dearly hoped so, he still had to apologise to her properly, kiss her paw, make her tea, bring her wine, do everything a good pup should have done for their mistress on her return home - not be caught wanking off crudely in the shower without even her presence, let alone her permission.

Eyes closed, not that it mattered, he breathed deeply, sucking in breaths through his open, gaping paw. He'd be a good pup, for her. He could be a good pup again.

And then everything, once again, ramped up, shattering the illusion that she was taking mercy on him and sending him howling and writhing and failing to make any impression at all as the latex closed in around him, sealing him in his doom of being forced through climax after climax. Her dominant paw would never have let him off so easily but that was for Dora's enjoyment and not his.

All he had to do was go along for the ride. The very twisted, torturous kind of ride that would leave him not wanting to even think about getting off for many months.

"You wanted to cum, Yote," Dora giggled, sitting comfortably in a chair beside the vac-bed as her pup squirmed within in, forced to climax after climax. "Well... Cum for me, darling. And we'll see just how long you last!"

And there was no telling how cruel the German Shepherd would be that time around, only that it would at least last until she finished sipping her red wine, eyes dancing manically. One thing, however, was quite certain with regards to the fate of her pup.

He'd never again cum without her permission. She turned up the dial on the vibrator for his tail hole, chuckling softly as his moans ramped up, muffled deliciously through the latex covering.

No...he would not. She'd make sure of it.

In the Hangar

**Iron Author** **Impregnation** ** ** **In the Hangar** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Dragnor1 and WhiteTail-Designs_ _ _ _ _ The aeromorph F4J-32-MC soared, jetting down to the runway with more than one...

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