Anteronia Chapter 2

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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Tik Tik has gotten her first taste of the Anteronian life, but that taste is a bittersweet one as her demon has gotten her involved in a protest! How will she get herself out of this mess?Cover by Heckabun: Posted using PostyBirb

The harpy lowered her voice magnifier, the scowl on her face giving her a frightening visage. She hopped down from her perch on the statue and grabbed my tail. "Are you mocking me, you little shit?" she snapped, pulling me back up against her. "We need to be taken seriously if we are going to tear down the establishment."

Backed into this situation by my demonic trespasser, I had no choice but to be as quick-witted as I could. There would be no time to explain my circumstances, and Zelb knew it quite well. "You no want Tik Tik?" I spoke to her. "You in Anteronia. You have free expression outside temples?"

The harpy's grimace switched as quickly as it had appeared. "Oh, I see. What a clever little lizard you are," she said. "Sure. Let's stick it to the establishment and show them we aren't constrained by their rules!"

With that, she lifted up her tight top, letting her large breasts spill free. "Come on, everyone! Let's show 'em what its like to be Anteronian!" She pulled me in close to her soft humanoid flesh as she fell back, leaning on the statue.

While this wasn't how I wanted to go about doing things, I couldn't help but admire the softness of her body, which contrasted the sharpness of her tongue. I grabbed onto her breasts, squeezing them tightly as I rolled out my tongue, swirling the tip over her nipple.

The harpy's sharp breaths became softer, slower, and her feathered hands stroked over me. She cooed, a sound much more pleasant to my ear, and produced a soft rumbling under her body.

My fingers traced by the pit of her arm, where flesh was replaced by feathers. They were so soft, I almost wished that the rest of her body had the same pillowyness to it. But I suppose I could settle for the large and soft breasts, threatening to spill over her body by their sheer size as she lay upon her back.

All around us, the people started to disrobe and get together in a giant orgy, but I could not appreciate the sights and sounds as the feathery hand of my harpy partner pushed my face up against her sweat-drenched body. The other fingers brushed down along my thigh, up and down, until she decided that those ticklish digits should go between my legs, teasing at my slit.

"Oh, so you think I'm funny, do you?" she asked, her voice a squawk of impish delight. "Well, let's see you laugh at this!" she picked me up, away from her body, her wings wrapped around me as she brought my smaller frame up against her face. Her tongue shot forward, delving inside of me with no regard to subtlety. Her probes quick and shocking as she pecked her nose against my sensitive region as well. I couldn't help myself but throw my head back, crying out as my lust was being sated by this stranger whose name I hadn't even gotten.

I rocked my hips against her mouth, my claws curling up around her wild hair. What did she do to make it stick up like that? Perhaps some kind of compound mixture? Was this her natural hair color, like the plumage of birds, or did she work on it to make it look extra exotic?

Oh, the questions I could ask her. I would love to ask her. I was going to ask her, but the sounds of moans of pleasure were soon replaced with shouts of surprise and shock. My eyes hazily glanced around, only for my own shock to become apparent when I saw the men and women dressed in bright blue uniforms that covered their whole body in tight wool coats, their mouths covered in bandages. One of them pulled down the bandages and produced a bright white club as her allies ran in and broke up the others. "By order of the Grand Judicator, you are all under arrest for public indecency in the temple district!"

"Fuck your decency!" the harpy shouted. She tried to lift me up, but I scrambled, my heel kicking into her cheek, giving me push to jump away. When I glanced back, I saw her on the ground, fighting off three of those uniformed officers with mad flapping wings and screeching voice.

"Tybalt!" I cried "Cynwrig!"

But the mass of the orgy turned riot was too much. It was all I could do to weave in and out of the stampeding people, keeping myself from being crushed. And now, I have no idea where my friends are. Yes, this is my first brush with danger in this wonderful town, and I already find myself separated from my friends with no place to satiate my lusts and no base of operations from which to secure someone to remove Zelb from my psyche.

Oh, come on, you loved getting tongued by that bird and you know it. Shame's she's getting tied up right now, locked in a room and who knows what else happening to her? Why don't you turn yourself in? It can't hurt to be under the thumb of the Judicator, right?

I write this piece sitting on a park bench. Hopefully soon, I shall find at least lodging before I continue my search for my friends and for my aid to rid me of this monster. I wanted to find a city of excitement, and it seems I have found more than I can handle.

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