Lynx's Life 1

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#24 of Sonic the Hedgehog

Nicole the Hololynx has been many things in her life, a friend, a companion, a monster, and a hero. But what exactly is life? When Nicole sees Isabella Mongoose in turmoil, she decides to show the councilwoman her secret projects, but what in the world does her experiment mean for the future of Mobius?

This is part of my series that takes place over 10 years after the defeat of Dr. Eggman. All characters are 18+

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Nicole has had plenty of time to think about her role in life. She doesn't know exactly where she comes from, and the loss of her original handheld container means that she may never know. Over a dozen years had passed since Princess Sally first found her, and all the Hololynx knew was that she was to be the Princess's friend when Sally needed her the most.

That purpose has played it's course, and Nicole's life has gone through many different phases, from protector to overlord to hated pariah to an idle watcher on the sidelines.

People still use the nanites for their everyday lives, though it has never been at the level that it once was before Naugus took the throne. Each and every tiny robot makes up her physical form and allows her to enjoy the sensations any living creature can. But ever since she had felt the sensations of what it means to be alive, she had been seeking some way to make it more real, and, maybe, make it more real for someone else.

The councilwoman stares in awe at the tubes that line the white room. Each of them carries artifacts from the past wars, the vines of the Krudzu Hybrid Hydra, broken-down and discarded legionnaire limbs, and busted badnik bodies, some whose eyes still track the mongoose as she follows Nicole.

"Nicole," Isabella Mongoose says, "this all seems rather morbid. How, exactly, is this going to help me with my little, er, problem? Plus, I don't believe you're correctly zoned for a creepy mad scientist's laboratory."

"In my time living my life as a living Mobian and not some machine," Nicole begins, walking up to one of the tubes and placing her hand upon it, "I have learned that life, even robotic life, is finite. There are far too many factors in our world or the digital space to conclude that anything may go one forever. Even if we robotic beings can seemingly cheat death over and over again, it, too, shall come to us.

Inside the tube is the busted up remains of a Metal Sonic body. In its chest cavity is the remnants of a fractured shard of crystal, broken and destroyed a decade ago by a newer model of its line.

"Existence is finite, and I've come to a conclusion about it years ago, Councilwoman. I wish to ensure that life and existence are happiest for all of my friends. That, it seems, is the true way to go about existing."

Isabella shakes her head. "So, what? Are you saying you are going to try to find a way to solve all my problems? If you've been spying on me like you claim you have, then you should know that's not going to be an easy fix."

Nicole nods at this and motions towards a wall. A panel recesses and disappears, revealing a chamber beyond. "Your problem is a unique one to me, and one that I feel a unique solution can rectify. You are correct. It is not easy... not painless, but possible. I want you to meet someone."

Isabella steps into the room. It is dark, but a light flickers on, showing off one more tube. Inside, there is a young man, a Mobian rabbit, white, nude, and sleeping peacefully. The councilwoman spins around and shouts. "Nicole. Robots are one thing, but this is a Mobian, a person! You can't just hold people in here against their will!"

"I anticipated your response, Councilwoman, but I assure you this one is here of his own volition." Nicole says. With that, some of the monitors flare to life, and the Mobian inside opens his eyes wearily, looking around the two standing before him. He smiles and stretches as the tube hisses open, allowing the naked form to slip free and onto the cold floor.

Nicole walks up beside the Rabbit and places a hand upon his shoulder. "Now, this is Councilwoman Isabella Mongoose. I want you to say 'hello' to the Councilwoman.

Seeming to strain a bit, the rabbit ponders a moment, before extending his hand and saying "hello!"

Isabella takes the rabbit's hand, her eyes glancing downward. "Uh... hello, sir... um... you might want to... ahem."

The rabbit tilts his head and looks down. "Aw, this thing? Haha, sure, I'll slip it away. Sometimes I forget it's there. Though, really, can't misplace such a monster too often, right?" he snickers as he looks over to Nicole.

Nicole frowns. "Please, sir, behave in front of the Councilwoman. This is your first presentation here outside of your, er, trial runs. She has a real chance of giving you a real life upon the surface. With a new identity and areal purpose."

"Real life... Nicole, what are you talking about? This Mobian can be a citizen with a few applications."

"Well, for starters," the rabbit says, rubbing his nose. "I kinda need an official pardon, I'd think. I guess you could say I'm something of a war criminal. Though, really, could you blame me? I was only following orders."

"Oh, THAT'S reassuring," Isabella says, shooting an annoyed, accusatory glare at Nicole. "What crime, exactly has this young man committed?

Nicole steps back, and up from the floor, a pile of junk rises up. "This man is not exactly as he appears to be." The wreck is twisted and warped beyond repair, but among the broken bits is a metallic head, shaped vaguely like that of a rabbit.

The male reaches in and pulls out the head, shuddering as he looks upon it. "It's like looking at a picture, ain't it? Oh right, shoot, I haven't introduced myself!" he holds his hand out to the Councilwoman. "Hey there, Councilwoman Mongoose, my name is Splats, and I used to be a Badnik!"

Lynx's Life 2

"Such a shame that the Councilwoman didn't stick around," The nude rabbit said, sitting on the edge of the bed with one leg crossed over the other. "She seemed like she would have been a fun ride." Nicole stepped into the sterile bedchamber, sighing...

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After a long journey dealing with the constant nagging of my demonic passenger, and a quick stop to an inn to recharge the day before, we have finally found ourselves in Anteronia. The city is much more beautiful than I could have imagined. The Tower...

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I couldn't help myself at that point. When I cried out, I came so hard, I actually squirted onto Shadow. My cheeks were on fire at the embarrassment of it all, but when I saw the love in his eyes and felt the touch of his fingers upon my cheek, I felt...

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