[Sketch] Dom Training

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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#9 of Story Sketches

Concept for a potential future series.

I have a Telegram group! Whether you're interested in seeing snippets of upcoming pieces, helping me decide what to write next, like seeing WIPs of my art, wanna provide characters for future art or stories, or just want to chat casually with fun people about shared interests, why not pop in? Readers, writers, and everything in between are welcome :) Join us here: https://t.me/joinchat/G9Tf2kf7xV7E15L374bF5Q

"He's so tight, Dad," Dal gasped, his uncertain thrusts still managing to bury all of his cock inside the deer, making the cervine bleat happily every time his balls swung up and kissed his own. "I...I thought the play would...loosen him up..."

Dal's father was looking down at Ark's face with a pleased expression as the young buck serviced his cock like it was the greatest thing he'd ever tasted. "Deer are always tight, son," he rumbled. "It's what makes them so much fun." He took one of Ark's antlers in hand and slowly pulled the deer off of his cock; the long, dark meat pulled out and fell back against his thigh with a wet schlock. "Let me try him."

Dal huffed and pulled out, his own cock making a similar noise, and leaving a winking, lube-covered hole asking for a new entrant. Ark didn't say a word, simply gasping and shivering every time the horses talked about him like he was their plaything. Dal's father grunted in satisfaction when he saw the progress his son had already made. His hand lowered, and he slipped one finger inside to stroke the deer's inner muscles. "Fuck, yeah, he is fucking tight!" he said in surprise. "You two are going to have a lot of fucking fun, huh?"

The finger slipped out as Ark mumbled his pleasure-dulled assent, and was replaced by the head of the big stallion's blunt-force cock. "I'd better get a taste of you before my son's pretty cock loosens this hole up even more, hm?" As he started to press in, Ark's hands gripped the bed tightly, and his head rose in an increasing cry that ended with a screamed bleat.

The horse paused. "Should I stop, cute thing?"

"No!" The deer screamed it. "More! Please, sir, please...I...I didn't know...oh, fuck, it feels good..."

The big stallion chuckled. "Ah, deer are fun." He casually stroked his son's cock with one hand. "And I have so much to teach you both..."

[Sketch] The Personal Touch

"...sir, as I've explained-" "_Stop_ talking to me like I'm a child!" The sales rep had to suppress her sigh - holding a hand over her headset mic to ensure the customer didn't hear - but she did roll her eyes as widely as possible. _Well, stop...

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[Sketch] Quickie

"Taaaakiiing...things out of the dryyyyyerrrrr..." The sabretooth hummed tunelessly as he pulled warm clothes from the machine. He was bent over, his pert ass raised in the air. He liked the warmth in the dryer right after it finished. It fluffed up...

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[Sketch] War Stories

"...and then I fucking _gutted_ him! Bam, bam!" A knife jabbed outward twice, into empty air. "And he fell back, right, and he was all, 'No, please stop, I have children, I have a dog, I might have left the gas on!', and he's crying, and bleeding, and...

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