[Sketch] Quickie

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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#7 of Story Sketches

A quick story concept I did as a follow-up to The Best Recipe

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"Taaaakiiing...things out of the dryyyyyerrrrr..."

The sabretooth hummed tunelessly as he pulled warm clothes from the machine. He was bent over, his pert ass raised in the air. He liked the warmth in the dryer right after it finished. It fluffed up his hair and made him feel good.

"Puuulling...Alejandro's big underweeear...out of the dryyyer..."

The horse's underwear had a deep front and an extra-strong elastic, naturally. The sabretooth looked at them in satisfaction, then pressed them to his nose to sniff. There was barely any scent there after the wash...but there was a little.

"Smelliiiiing...a horse's cock and baaaaalls..." he said, more to himself than before. Fuck, it smelled good. He took another sniff...

Hands slapped onto his waist, and he gasped. Moments later, he felt a thickness pressing under his tail, and he whimpered. "Alejandro, no, no, wait, let me finish..."

"No, kitty," the stallion rumbled lustfully. "Let ME finish."

His fat cock pressed in, and the cat growled. He dropped the clothes he was holding, and gripped the side of the dryer with one paw, and his uncut cock with the other. He could have put an end to this if he really wanted to, but the stallion knew he didn't. He took advantage of the cat's raised angle, and his still cum-slicked tunnel to press in firmly and deeply. Noel moaned, pressing back into the dick, loving how it stretched him.

"Fuck you," the big cat gasped. "Do me hard, then, sexy. Rough up my kitty body."

The stallion was only too happy to comply. With a nicker and a repositioning of his legs, he started pounding the cat as hard as he could; hard, endless inches of prick sliding to the root and pulling back out with only a slight 'pop' when the medial ring slipped in and out. The cat swayed back and forth a little from the force of the fuck, moaning loudly as his body was filled over and over and over. Nothing could match the feeling of being full of dick. He needed this so badly. He daydreamed about it all the time, and yet the reality was always better.

"Fuck me harder, horse," he said, jerking himself off even faster. "That all you got, stud? I thought horses had stamina. Fuck your kitty, bitch! Fuck him like you mean it!"

The horse whinnied and sped up, slamming into the cat so hard on each inward push that the drying machine shuddered from the force. They both grunted and huffed and snorted with the effort. The cat's paw was flying up and down his shaft, pulling the foreskin back and forth over the head, slick with pre and purple with need. His balls had pulled up. He knew he was close. There had never been any chance of thing being a drawn-out fuck anyway.

When the horse heard his feline's breath start to stutter, he pulled his arms close, holding their bodies together and hammering into him with fast, sharp thrusts like a dog. "Come, kitty, come for me...come for Alejandro..." The cat couldn't have resisted that voice at the best of times. His paw tightened on his member, and with an orgasmic yell, his cock spurted, spraying his musky load all over the front of the dryer and the newly-washed clothes. His anus gripped the horse's cock just right, and the stallion's orgasm followed in seconds with a bellow. The cat felt his husband's warmth filling him, and groaned in delight. His spray was drooling now, forming a pool of seed at his feet, soaking in between his paw pads. They'd be musky later. He'd press them to the stallion's muzzle to remind him of this. The horse was still thrusting, pushing his semen simultaneously deeper, and pulling some out to coat the cat's ass, but the fierce fuck faded almost as quickly as it had happened.

The horse pulled out entirely as the cat rested, both his paws braced on the dryer. Alejandro walked around and petted the cat's head. The feline's fur was standing out at all angles, and he was breathing heavily. The stallion looked down at the cum-covered clothes in front of his husband.

"You're going to have to wash those again," he pointed out blithely. The cat gave him an incredulous stare, then laughed.

"Fuck you, horse."

"Maybe later." The stallion smirked and gave his husband a kiss. "Gotta run, dear. Late for work thanks to your ass. See you later." And off he went.

When the cat trusted his legs again, he stood upright, and looked around him at the cum-soaked scene. He shook his head slowly. He should be mad, but the pleasant ache in his ass and the musky scent of mingled cum in his nose made it hard to be truly angry. He rubbed his feet on the floor, getting the scent of his own seed deep into the pads and the fur. Yes...he'd get his revenge later.

"Getting fuuucked...by my husbaaaand...in the laundry...." he said to himself, before grabbing the cum-covered clothes and starting up the washing machine again.

[Sketch] War Stories

"...and then I fucking _gutted_ him! Bam, bam!" A knife jabbed outward twice, into empty air. "And he fell back, right, and he was all, 'No, please stop, I have children, I have a dog, I might have left the gas on!', and he's crying, and bleeding, and...

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The afternoon storm had rolled in unexpectedly, catching the group of them unawares and without brollies. It was Dalarius who ran for the chip shop first, huddling in the scant protection of its eaves as water streamed down in front. Everything below...

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Fucking Like Cats and Dogs

The rickety jalopy pulled up outside the brightly lit house, wheezing to a stop with a mutter of shaking parts and a cough of exhaust smoke. The snow leopard inside checked his watch, then grabbed his keys and wallet and climbed out. He climbed the...

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