Fucking Like Cats and Dogs

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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Jax offers to house-sit a friend's new puppy while they're out one evening. Except, it's not a puppy, and the pet won't be the only thing on all fours tonight...

A gift for my friend FA: Spruce. I said he could ask for absolutely anything, and I'd write it. So of course he'd pick Pokemon :P

I knew NOTHING about the pokeymans before writing this, so I'm curious to know if I got it right or wrong. Let me know in the comments.

The rickety jalopy pulled up outside the brightly lit house, wheezing to a stop with a mutter of shaking parts and a cough of exhaust smoke. The snow leopard inside checked his watch, then grabbed his keys and wallet and climbed out.

He climbed the steps to the front door and pressed the intercom. After several seconds, there was a scrabbling sound as the headset was picked up. A female voice spoke. "Hello?"

"Hey, Kelly," the cat said, his voice deep and sonorous. "I'm here."

"Hi, Jax! Give me a sec, I'll be right there."

"Sure thing." The snow leopard dropped his paw and stuck it into a pocket, looking about casually as he waited. A bright white picket fence around the outer garden looked brand new; must be for the pet. A big fat hole in the lawn was new too; the puppy hadn't wasted any time getting acquainted with the--

"No! Down! Nova! I said down!"

His friend's stern admonishments could be made out from here, and the cat smiled. Sounded like quite the hyperactive young thing. Hopefully, it would tire itself out quickly; Jax didn't plan to be entertaining it the entire night.

The door cracked ajar, and a frazzled-looking panda peered through the gap. "Hey there, Jax," she sighed, glancing across at something off to her side. "Sorry...he's decided it's playtime, so he won't leave me b--Nova! Down!" The cat pointed a finger at something unseen. "Yes...good boy..." She turned her attention back to the snow leopard. "Yeah, sorry for the short notice, but I didn't want to leave him alone in the house just yet...he'd probably eat half of everything, and burn the rest. I'm afraid to even open the door more than this in case he pushes past me. Give him a sec to head outside."

Jax chuckled. "Heh, it's fine. Puppies can be a handful."

The panda looked a little surprised. "Oh, no, he's not a puppy."

"He's...not?" Jax cocked his head. "I thought you said he was still young?"

"Oh, well, I guess...young-ish? He's two." A large figure flashed past behind her, and Jax did a double-take. That was a big animal. "They can live to thirty or forty or something. He's an adopt," she said, eyes turned to look in the direction the creature had gone. "Kinda trained, but just really excited by a new house, with new smells, new people...you know." She leaned back a little, peering. "Alright, he's gone into the garden. Come on in quick."

The snow leopard slipped indoors, and the panda quickly closed the door behind him. She started walking to the back door. "Adam really wanted this specific breed," she said, meaning her husband, "and there aren't any breeders close by -- well, affordable ones. But then someone at work was saying they had to move, and had this boy they couldn't bear to send to the pound, so...it worked out for all of us." A yellow-gold body flew past the screen door. It looked to be as big as a lion. Did people want something that massive as a pet? "Garden's taking a bit of a beating, though..." she mused.

"Yeah, I saw the hole out front."

"Yeah." She made a face. "He kinda got away from me that day. Ran over to the neighbours, ripped a garden gnome right out of the ground, and buried it." She chuckled wryly. "He's pretty strong...well, you'll see now."

They stepped into the garden. There was no sign of the orange-and-black thing Jax had seen dashing past the door. Then Kelly whistled, and a monstrous floofy...thing came dashing around the corner. The Arcanine was definitely not a puppy; it must have been six feet tall, easily able to stare the snow leopard right in the eyes. Or swallow him in one huge gulp. The mane and tail were a pale yellow, but the body was an intense orange, with black stripes. Gorgeous colouring, Jax had to admit, even as his eyes flickered around nervously for escape paths. How the fuck was it so big?

The creature's mane and tail danced about madly as he dashed towards them at full tilt. Jax took a step back in alarm, but the big animal pulled himself up short right before slamming into them, pushing himself up onto his back feet and letting his front paws drop onto Kelly's shoulders. Even the strong panda made an 'oof' as the weight fell on her, but then squealed as a shower of slobber began to rain down.

"Nova! No! Naughty!"

The Arcanine dropped down obediently and came to sniff at Jax. The creature's huge head was level with Jax's own, and the snow leopard got a lovely view of the long, sharp canines and the pink tongue that hung out between them. The teeth were bone-white and glistened with saliva. Didn't canines drool like that before they ate? Jax was sure he'd read that somewhere, and the cat had to suppress a desire to start inching away from the big slobbery death-machine. It must still have shown on his face, however, because Kelly wiped some Arcanine drool away with the back of one hand, and waved dismissively at him.

"Oh, don't worry. He's big, but he's soft as butter. They're very loyal, you know." She rubbed the Arcanine's mane, and he chuffed and looked over at her adoringly. Her voice turned saccharine. "He's just a big poofy fire dog, isn't he? Aren't you, Nova? Yes you are, yes you are..." The Arcanine barked happily as his owner smothered him with adoration, scratching intensely behind an ear with one hand and under his neck with another. She glanced at Jax. "Come on. I promise he won't bite."

Jax reached cautiously forward, stroking a hand down the creature's mane. The hair was remarkably soft and thick; he dug his fingers into it and scratched the skin below. Nova looked back with a delighted expression, his tongue lolling out pleasantly. As the scratching continued, his back leg thumped against the ground. Jax moved forward a little more, scratching along the creature's broad back. Nova chuffed and flexed his back upward, trying to get more attention. Kelly giggled, and the snow leopard relaxed.

"He likes that," the panda said with a smile. "He's super friendly, and a good boy, and I'm sure you two will get along really well. He's really smart, too, so you can pretty much say what you want him to do. He's amazing at interpreting what you really mean." She checked her watch. "Listen, I need to finish up all of..." She waved a couple of fingers around her face, and Jax nodded.

"Oh, yeah, sure, no problem. You get finished up, I'm alright here." She headed back inside and up the stairs.

Jax scratched the Arcanine a little more, straying down and along his sides, marvelling at the animal's colours and the feel of him. His mane was even thicker than the rest of his fur, like a nest of golden threads. Jax scratched behind the creature's ear as Kelly had done, and the creature barked in approval -- and then shoved his nose right into the snow leopard's crotch.

"Woa!" Jax stepped back. "Careful there, boy...that's, uh, sensitive goods." The Arcanine chuffed at him, pressing forward insistently anyway. His nose found the gap between the snow leopard's balls and his leg, and he snuffled hard, sending tickles dancing out along the cat's skin, even through his clothes. Jax curled away, pressing a hand to the beast's head, having about as much effect as a fly hitting a rhino. "Hey...hey now, that's enough." The Arcanine looked up at him curiously, and the cat tried to inject a note of dominance into his voice. "Nova! Stop that! Don't...uh, don't do that anymore." Pity he didn't have a single dominant bone in his body, and Nova seemed to realise that. He looked at the cat with a silent laugh painted all over his face.

Jax had played with himself before coming out this evening; was that what the animal was smelling? Didn't canines scent the seed of other males as, like, a dominance play? Jax really wished he could remember where he'd picked up these ideas; their veracity -- or lack thereof -- was suddenly extremely important to him. Blessedly, though, the Arcanine seemed convinced by his tone. He sat down on his hind legs in front of the cat, a goofy expression on his face, and Jax blushed and looked away. Guess that answered the dominance-play question: the damn thing was getting hard. At the tip of his impressive sheath, a red point had poked out, and another half-inch had joined it in the seconds before the cat's eyes slid away in embarrassment. Thick fucking dick, though...

He looked around for a distraction and picked up a tennis ball. "Yes, fine, you win the cock competition," he said, and tossed the ball off into the dusk. "Stop showing off and go play with that." The Arcanine shot to attention, a line of fire scorching the air above his body, and he barked with excitement before dashing off after the toy. The fire accompanied him, illuminating the surrounding ground. Jax stared after him in amazement. It was one thing to know they could do that, but seeing it in person was remarkable.

Nova bounded back like a six foot, three-hundred-pound puppy, and dropped the slobbery ball at his new friend's feet. He was clearly utterly thrilled to have a playmate. Jax lifted the toy carefully between two finger-pads and tossed it back out again; the canine leapt after it once more, barking at it as if telling it off for running away from him. He made a stunning sight, with his orange-and-black stripes lit by the flame hovering above him, and his candyfloss tail whipping from side to side in pure joy. He shot back to Jax and dropped the ball again, bouncing up and down slightly on his paws with exhilaration. Jax kicked it away this time; the thing looked real drooly now. The last thing he wanted was Arcanine drool soaked into his fur.

Nova had other ideas, though. He returned, but kept the ball in his mouth, and sat down, cocking his head at the cat. Jax stared back flatly. "Are we done, then?" he asked. The Arcanine dropped the ball and barked at him, then picked it up again. Jax frowned. "What's that supposed to mean? Do you want me to throw it, or not?"

The Arcanine brought his head forward, pressing the outer half of the ball against Jax's paw, and waited. "I can't throw it if you don't give it to me, boy," the snow leopard explained. The animal made a rrrruff noise and pressed the ball more insistently against him. "What? Must I throw it? I don't understand what you..." He sighed, gripping the visible half of the ball, and the canine's legs instantly braced, pressing outwards for leverage. His tail wagged furiously and he gave a happy growl, pulling back slowly. The cat unsheathed his claws and dug them into the soft rubber for grip, pulling in the opposite direction. The canine seemed to realise he was far stronger than his new friend and did not pull too hard; only hard enough to make the impromptu tug-of-war a game. He'd growl, and pull back insistently until the cat was forced to take a couple of steps forward. Then he'd pause, and let the snow leopard gain back a little ground -- before pulling him backwards once more.

Step by step, the firedog pulled him into the middle of the garden. It seemed that this was a game he didn't get to play much, and his body language said he was loving every second of it. Jax was amused, but it wasn't an especially exciting game. He was considering pulling his claws back in and letting the Arcanine win when the big animal opened his mouth, releasing the ball. The snow leopard, suddenly overbalanced, stumbled backwards and landed on his ass with a thump -- only to be driven straight to the ground by a mass of hot, sweaty Arcanine flesh. The animal surrounded him: skin and fur and wet, licking tongue were all Jax could feel.

"Aaaah!" he yelled, paws batting at the creature's face. "Get off, Nova!" He pushed up at the creature, but it simply licked at him harder, mouth wide, tongue flying around as if it had a life of its own. In his flailing, one hand flew right into the animal's maw. The Arcanine was big enough that even though the feline's arm was enveloped up to the elbow, he barely noticed. The hot, slithery wetness of his mouth instantly soaked into Jax's fur, and the squirming tongue below palpitated against his fur in a manner altogether unique, unexpected...and not entirely unpleasant. The snow leopard gasped and tried to pull back, his mind screaming warnings about the fangs he'd seen before. The Arcanine seemed to think it all part of their play, though, and growled happily, closing his jaws a little on the cat's arm. Jax's face paled, and he pressed his other paw to the canine's nose, pushing him back as strongly as he dared.

"Nova...bad boy...let me go...!" he gasped. Please don't bite my arm off, please don't bite my arm off...

Nova cocked his head -- almost dislocating the cat's arm in the process -- and opened his mouth wider, letting Jax yank his arm out, unhurt. No sooner had the cat done that, though, than the animal went straight back to playing, soaking the rest of his playmate with wide, wet slaps of his tongue. How could one creature even make that much spittle? Jax did what he could to cover his face, but there was nothing he could do about the rest. "Novaaaa....stooop!..."

Nova did not stop, and indeed, accelerated Project Cover My New Friend In Drool. He was big enough to keep the cat pinned under him, and smelled powerfully of...what? Jax couldn't quite place it. He didn't smell like a dog; the cat knew that scent well. Half the mutts at his work never seemed to bathe. It was a spicier scent, as if the heat inside him was generating a smell all of its own, and it floated out on every breath. Like the feeling of his arm buried inside the animal's volcanic mouth, Jax was surprised to discover it was not unpleasant at all. A third realisation was a little more confusing: the creature's impressive sheath was being pushed against his leg as Nova thrust his body around with his rear legs. Jax could even feel the tube of flesh inside it, and it seemed to be growing thicker as the animal's excitement grew.

"Nova! No! No!" He slapped ineffectually at the Arcanine's chest; he may as well have been slapping a barrel. "Get off me now, come on!"Before your owner sees. Wait -- why did that matter? They were just playing, this wasn't something weird. Of course it wasn't. Why would it be? Thinking it was weird, was weird. Nobody thought like that. Except for him. Right now. Repeatedly.

Jax felt confused, and he made an effort to crawl out from under the Arcanine. He kicked out at the animal's rear leg -- "sorry, boy" -- and that seemed to convey the message at last. Nova sat back on his hind legs, regarding the snow leopard with a curious expression. The Arcanine had definitely grown harder during their tussle; his dick looked even bigger than it had felt. Jax coughed and stood up, patting Nova perfunctorily on the head. "You...go have fun, boy," he said awkwardly, heading up the steps and into the house. The Arcanine made to follow, but the cat turned and pointed at him. "Stay!" The crestfallen expression on Nova's face was so unexpected, Jax almost relented...but the animal had to stay outside, and get all that nervous energy worked off. Jax wasn't planning to spend the evening fighting off the playfulness of a huge, orange ball of drool and...and dick.

The mental picture of the animal's dick slid slyly into his mind before he realised. Why did animals get the big dicks? It was as big as one of the cat's toys, perhaps. And that was minus the knot. Did Arcanine's have knots? He supposed they must. Perhaps he wouldn't ask Kelly that, though. Oh, hey, Kell, so listen, does your pet have a knot on his dick, or is that only other canines? Fuck...if that monster mounted people's legs like other dogs, it'd leave a mark for sure. That'd be a story for the dry cleaners.

Why are you thinking about Arcanine dick?

He blinked and shook his head. He really needed to get laid again, soon. His mind was even looking at pets and getting ideas.

Big, warm, fluffy, hung pets.

Stop it!

He wandered into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water. Kelly came downstairs as he was busy, affixing some earrings and tugging a dress down over her body. "So, there's some soft drinks in the fridge if you want," she pointed out. "Or some wine...uh, somewhere." She waved in the direction of the pantry, then eyed his wetted fur. "Oh. Did Nova give you a welcome licking?"

"Just a little," Jax said with a wry smile. "He's very friendly, I see."

The panda chuckled. "Told you. Nothing to worry about with him. As long as he's worked off his evening energy, he'll be quiet as a mouse."

"A massive, orange, flaming mouse."

She tapped a finger to the snow leopard's nose. "You got it." The earrings finally attached to her satisfaction, she smoothed down her dress and eyed the clock on the wall. "Well, I'm off, then. Eat whatever you like, don't feel shy. Nova's been fed, so if he makes puppy eyes at you, just say no. Else he's going to end up a roly-poly ball of an Arcanine, and we don't want that, Nova, do we? Do we? Awww, who's a good boy, then...?"

The animal had come into the kitchen as they spoke, and his owner's voice turned to mush as she spoke to him. She grabbed his ears in her hands and shook them back and forth, making the canine's head flop about with a simple, happy expression on his face. She let him go, looking down with obvious affection. "I had my doubts before we got him, you know," she said, "but they just win you over. Such wonderful creatures. Really fills up a spot inside of you." She grabbed her handbag and waved farewell at her friend. "Anyway - see you later! Probably be back between eleven and twelve. Have fuuuun!"

The door swung closed, and Jax and Nova stared at one another.

Jax took another sip of water. "You all tired out yet, boy?" he asked. The Arcanine chuffed at him, then flopped down onto the floor. "Perfect," the cat said. "You be a good boy, then, and stay there for the next few hours, alright? And don't set anything on fire."

The snow leopard wandered through to the living room. Kelly had a massive television; that would do. Jax felt a little flustered after the impromptu play session with Nova, anyway. He settled into a chair and grabbed the remote, flipping through some channels until one caught his eye. He settled back, letting the dulcet tones of Gordon Ramsey wash over him. It amused the cat to see how people cowered before the infamous howler monkey's rage. "Shouldn't have spent all that money on the fancy menus," he told the television archly. "Rookie mistake."

There was a protracted, wheezing sound, and Jax looked over to where Nova lay. The mountain of striped fur was sighing, apparently. Jax snapped his fingers, and the canine's head rolled about to regard him, upside down.

"You alright, there, boy?" he asked. A lazy blink answered him. "Kelly's gonna be back later, don't worry. I'm not replacing her. I don't have the patience, for a start. You're exhausting."

Nova chuffed, pulling himself around with his paws until he was side on. It was amusing to watch, and Jax giggled. "You look ridiculous, dummy," he told the big canine. Nova's tongue dropped out, and he bounced his head from side to side, making the pink muscle flop about. It was mildly hypnotic. It slapped to one side, and then the other. The dog's maw was lazily open, strings of spit running between his teeth, and a dark wetness pulsating in the middle. The cat's eye was drawn to the blackness, remembering having his arm shoved right into it. Ugh. He could still smell the dried saliva on his fur. He sniffed at his arm. The spicy odour -- a little cinnamonny, a little nutmeggy, a little something else -- really wasn't that unpleasant. It reminded him of...pancakes. He stared at his arm...and then licked his fur, impulsively.

The taste was even stronger than the smell, and the cat blinked his eyes. Wow...potent. He glanced back at the Arcanine. He, too, was licking himself now: his rear leg was raised now, and he was casually sniffing around his belly and groin, lapping vaguely here and there. When he noticed the cat looking, he gave a whine and turned to nuzzle at his sheath. In moments, the red rocket from earlier was peeking out, but this time it didn't stop at an inch or two. It simply kept growing, sliding up along the Arcanine's dark belly at an impressive pace, like a red snake slithering along black velvet. The canine was clearly making it happen himself.

Jax blushed, willing himself to look away. And then willed it again, when he found himself still staring. It wasn't as weird now, not like before. He was simply sitting here, looking at the pet. Nobody else was around. Animals had dicks, nothing strange about that. It was just...there. And he was curious. So: that's what an Arcanine dick looked like. Shit, were they all that big? He felt bad for the females. When Nova started licking the tip, Jax raised his glass to him. "Props to you, big boy. Wish I could do that." The cat would have needed a good extra fifteen inches to pull that off. "Are you just bored, or...?" He got a little shock when the Arcanine barked loudly at him when he said that, and his eyes slid away as he shrugged. "Alright, alright, sorry for looking..." Not like he'd wanted to look, anyway. Even though he had. It didn't mean anything. He was really horny lately. Even playing with his toy earlier hadn't fully sated him. Perhaps another round was in order when he got home later; with the wolf one this time. It had that nice, fat knot. Like Nova.

Stop. It!

Jax settled back into the chair, mind wandering, dreaming of thick toys. The television muttered on. He sipped his drink.

With a loud flop, the Arcanine flipped over, looking across at him. Nova got to his feet and padded closer, coming between Jax and the television, close enough to the cat to trap him in the chair. The snow leopard sighed. "Come on, boy..." He gave Nova a firm push on the rump, but the creature was unmoved. His big head turned back to look at the cat with what Jax would have sworn was a calculating expression, if it wasn't only a pet. Nova chuffed at the cat again, softer and more insistently, and when his tail whisked aside, Jax found himself staring at a very erect Arcanine cock.

It turned out, they did have knots. The penis was yet more erect than before, with twin balls of flesh swelling like fruit just beyond the lip of the furry sheath, like a cross-guard for the red sword of a dick that it framed. The member was appropriate big for the large animal; on reflection, Jax didn't think he even had a toy as long as Nova's cock seemed to be. Even if you ignored the length, you couldn't ignore the girth. The snow leopard probably couldn't wrap a paw around it. The colour was unique, too; a far deeper red than the other canine cocks the cat had had over the years. They'd all been veined, with a shattered-glaze pattern of thin lines all over them. Nova's, by contrast, was more consistent: a single deep, crimson colour all over, shining in the light, throbbing gently and bobbing up and down with each beat of his heart. Fuck...that would fill a pussy for sure.

Or an ass.

Jax blinked. Wait -- what was he thinking? This was a...a pet. The cat squirmed, feeling how his own member had thickened at the thought of a nice, thick canine filling. But -- not from Nova! He gave the big animal another push, but Nova was a wall of muscle. Behind them, unseen, Gordon destroyed someone's self-worth with pithy wordplay. "Please move, Nova?" Jax asked. The Arcanine's hazel eyes regarded him, and then he turned away. Jax sighed. "Good boy--" he started to say, before a canine muzzle was shoved into his crotch for the second time that day. He gasped and pressed back into the sofa, and Nova snuffled around, taking deep sniffs of the cat's scent. He almost seemed to be searching for something, and eventually raised his head with what could only be described as a smirk. He turned away, as if about to leave -- but raised his tail high instead, and backed up like a truck.

Jax had a second to be alarmed before hot, sweaty Arcanine ass enveloped his face.

The cat yowled, hands flying forward to push the creature away. Nova was unmoved. He was chuffing rapidly now, even barking softly in between, and...fuck, he was grinding. The thick ass was wide enough to leave Jax no room for himself, and his first shocked breath inward was of the same hot, spicy smell he'd sniffed off his arm earlier -- only far, far stronger. The Arcanine's tail was thumping happily up and down on top of his playmate's head, and Jax's nose was smushed into the flesh, less than an inch from the beast's tailhole. He pushed back against Nova with all his strength, but the powerfully muscled animal resisted him easily. Thighs as thick as a stallion's had Jax trapped in the chair, and the canine's forelegs were pressing back hard, forcing as much of his rear against the cat as possible.

Jax had taken an alarmed breath right before his face was swallowed by the beast's rear, as if he was about to be drowned. He held onto the lungful for as long as he could, but had to breathe eventually; with a gasp, he expelled it, and took in a fresh breath that smelled...lovely. It caught him so by surprise, he forgot to take a second breath. He'd been expecting unpleasant animal smells, but the Arcanine smelled good. Attractive, even. Like a strong alpha male, fresh from exercise, soaked in his signature scent. The scent of domination. Jax's dick started to harden, and he took a cautious second breath. Clean, and spicy, and almost delicious. Fuck no. No, no. He couldn't. But...if the creature smelled this good, Jax wondered if...

His tongue flicked out, lapping across the tight pucker. Whether it was because the creature was an Arcanine, or because he was an animal, Jax wasn't qualified to say. He only knew it tasted way better than any anthro canine he'd licked before. He licked again, harder. Nova's attitude had changed the moment the cat's tongue touched his hole; he'd grown still, his tail lifted even higher, and he made a rumbling, satisfied sound that ended when the rough tongue left. Jax licked once more, and it returned. Fucking hell. The animal wanted him to lick his ass? What sort of fucking pet was this?

The snow leopard couldn't quite believe what he was doing, even as his tongue stroked across the quivering muscle again. This was one fucking smart pet. And a fucking tasty one. Fuck. This wasn't right. He should push the pet away and leave. Tell Kelly he had some emergency or something. That was definitely what he should do.

Instead, he gripped the creature's haunches and pushed even deeper into his tailhole.

Nova liked that very much. Noises of canine pleasure were floating from his mouth as the cat started to attend to him in earnest. Rough whimpers and the click-clack of claws against the wooden floorboards as he adjusted his legs -- not to mention the non-stop smacking of his tail against the top of Jax's head; the universal sign of a happy canine -- gave Jax all the cues he needed to know what the Arcanine liked the most. Jax took note of them, but relegated them to a corner of his mind as horniness took over. He couldn't get enough of the beast's ass.

Firm with muscle, the tailhole itself was pert and held shut; the cat's tongue could lap across it, but it never quite opened for him. He was rather interested to see whether the creature's tunnel tasted as pleasant as the rest of him, but he could wait. So many other aspects to enjoy. The heat of it: the Arcanine radiated like a small sun, every inch of its flesh more than blood-hot to the touch. The smell, still; drifting out of the fur and filling the cat's nose. The pleasing way it whimpered with pleasure when the feline's rough tongue stroked over his sensitive flesh.

As fast as the cat left his spit smeared over the Arcanine's tailhole, it evaporated. He teased at the ring with the tip of his tongue, willing the creature to let him in. He'd fucking started this, after all, and the cat was invested now. He gripped the fur covering Nova's legs, pulling back at him. With his face covered, he couldn't speak, and hoped the creature would get the message. Let me in, sexy thing, let me in...

At last, Nova chuffed and relaxed his anus. Jax's tongue slid inside easily, the creature's huge body accommodating his tongue as if it were only a finger -- although a finger wouldn't have been sensitive enough to feel the incredible heat of the creature's insides. No wonder they could make fire...they were filled with it. Jax groaned, pushing himself deeper. The spicy taste was at its height here, like some kind of melange, and he was torn between pulling his tongue out to spread it all over his mouth, and pressing deeper, to taste it more. His eyes, long since closed, rolled up behind his eyelids as he felt the quivering muscles inside the creature's body. The Arcanine was actually -- inadvertently or not -- a better lover than half the guys he could remember. The beast's body massaged his tongue in a way that spoke of experience. There was simply no way the creature had never done this before.

He wasn't sure how long he spent like that, lapping at and lubricating the Arcanine's fiery interior. When Nova pulled away, though, he gave a sad mewl. "You can't be done, boy?" he said plaintively. "Come on, handsome thing, lemme back at that ass..."

He reached a paw forward to stroke the Arcanine's muzzle. The animal was looking directly at him, his eyes carrying the same calculating expression of before. He yapped softly, pushing his jowls along the cat's arm. "I know you were enjoying it. So was I. Come on...let's have some more fun." Jax kept his words soft and eager, trying to convey what he meant in tone. "Please?" He may as well beg. The Arcanine wouldn't tell, and the warmth of the spice was already starting to fade in his mouth. He licked his pads, hoping to have a little of it left there. Nova sniffed at them when they returned to his muzzle, and then opened his mouth, swallowing the cat's entire paw like it was a treat.

Jax froze for a second, but then relaxed. Nova didn't attempt to take more than that; merely staring at the cat. "You like this, boy?" Jax asked quietly. He pushed his arm forward a little, past the wrist, and the Arcanine's tail wagged. The cat stroked the big tongue below his pads, sliding their spit-slicked surfaces back and forth, their roughness stimulating the Arcanine in a way he seemed to enjoy. Jax pushed his arm further, past his elbow. He slid his paw sideways, feeling along the edges of the creature's fearsome teeth. Hot, humid pants of breath alternately warmed and cooled his skin. The heat in Nova's mouth was comparable to the heat of his anus, only wetter. Jax let the drool soak his arm fully this time. He wanted as much of the scent on him as possible.

When he pulled his arm out, he realised the Arcanine's drool was thicker than his own, and long threads of it pulled between his fingers and the animal's mouth. He licked them clean, sighing with pleasure at the return of the spicy taste. Nova licked his own lips, and the two of them stared at one another. Jax raised his well-soaked arm. "Does this count as marking me as yours?" he asked.

The reaction was unexpected. Nova barked loudly, pushing up on his rear legs and planting his front paws on the armrests of the sofa. His body towered over the cat -- and right before Jax, pointed at him like an arrow, was the Arcanine's thick cock. It had deepened even more in colour now, like cooled lava -- with the heat to match. Jax didn't think. He shuffled forward, one paw wrapping around the back of the Arcanine's knot, and opened his mouth to swallow the entire member in one impressive gulp.

The cat had always been subtly proud of his deep-throating skills. It was a pleasant ego-boost to face off with a guy who expected people to be impressed by his dick, and to take it to the root without pause or problem. The faces were priceless -- right before they changed into pleasure-fooled ones, anyway. The cat couldn't see the Arcanine's face while buried between his legs, but he liked to imagine he would make the canine equivalent: eyes askew, tongue lolling loose, ears flattened in delight as his feline lover smoothly took his huge length from its pointed tip to the base of the massive knot...

Which made it a little embarrassing when he got about a third of the way down and almost choked.

The cat quickly pulled the Arcanine's cock from his mouth, coughing. "Fucking hell, Nova..." he said in wonderment. The creature's dick was a lot thicker than he'd expected. He sucked it greedily back into his maw, limiting himself to just the first few inches this time. He just wanted a taste of it -- before he made the creature shove it somewhere else. Nova's cock was as spicy as the rest of him, but with a fresh flavour: Arcanine pre-cum. It was thick, almost cum in and of itself, mixing with the spiciness to make a creamy, tasty amalgamation. Jax thought he might be happy to drink only that for the rest of his life.

Nova wasn't thrusting into his mouth, thankfully, but he pressed forward intently, clearly eager to have more of his member inside the snow leopard's maw. Jax finished licking up the cream and flavour of the Arcanine, then pulled his mouth off the animal's fat dick. It was the Arcanine's turn to whine sadly, and Jax petted the broad belly in front of him.

"Don't worry, boy...I've got a much better place for you to bury your bone."

The animal had no trouble understanding that, apparently. With a happy bark, he hopped down onto all fours, tail a blur behind him as it wagged at full speed. As soon as the snow leopard stood up, the canine's nose pressed eagerly against his crotch again, in the same spot he's sniffed at when the cat first arrived. With a perfunctory glance through the gauze curtains to confirm privacy, Jax undid his belt and let his pants fall. Nova wasted no time in getting his nose pressed deep into feline's crotch, sniffing all over his balls, his sheath, and the penis extending firmly upward; Jax had been entirely erect from the moment his tongue had slipped into the Arcanine's ass. He purred at the pleasant feeling, scratching the beast's head. "You are a good boy, Nova...yes...and so big...mmmhhh..." He licked his lips. "And I bet you fuck like a machine, too..."

With a hiss of need, he pulled away from the Arcanine, kicking off his pants and getting down on all fours. His tail -- fluffed to its full extent -- swung left, exposing himself. "Come on, then, boy," he said. There was a slight quaver to his voice, he realised; a touch of the nerves. His jaw was still a little sore from the aborted deep-throat. The animal was so fucking big. But...he could take him. Probably. He was just like a new toy. A big new toy. A fucking big, hot, delicious, animate new toy...

Before he could reconsider, Jax felt a warm breath on his back, and then leg fur stroking his sides. Nova was so big, he could simply walk above the snow leopard in this position. Jax tilted his face up, seeing the canine's long maw above him. It smiled at him -- no matter the species, that expression was unmistakable -- and opened his mouth wide, as if he was about to swallow the cat whole. Dribbles of spit splashed onto Jax's face as he stared up into the red, quivering flesh of the Arcanine's mouth, marvelling at the colours, the textures, the heat coming out of it...

The animal seemed to enjoy catching him unawares, because once more Jax only had about a second's warning. He felt the tip of the creature's cock at his tailhole and had to fight down the urge to clench. That was definitely a good decision, because in the next two seconds the salami-thick length was pounded into him without so much as a "I'm no horse but I'm hung like one". All the way from the firm tip, right up to the start of the gigantic knot.

The cat screeched, ears going flat, claws snicking instantly out of his paws and digging into the carpet. "FUUUUUUuuuuucccckkk me..." The exhortation faded out as quickly as it had come. "Fuck, oh fuck, fuu_uuuuuuck_..." he whimpered, instead. Jax was shaking, and he tried to focus, but all he could feel was the sensation of something bigger than the biggest toy he'd ever taken, grinding against his prostate like it was fulfilling its only purpose in life. His cock had already started dripping arousal onto the wood below him, and every motion of the creature fucking him set off fireworks deep inside him. "That all you got, Nova?" the cat asked, half-thrilled, half-terrified by his boldness. "I thought you were bigger than that..." He trailed off and waited. If there was ever a time for the animal to understand him, it was now.

A lusty growl emanated from the face above him, the legs to either side of the feline contracted, and the Arcanine began to fuck in earnest.

Jax's mouth dropped open in lust mere seconds into the aggressive fuck. The creature's dick felt as hot as lava inside him, and its girth made it press hard against him, scraping and pulling along his anal walls as it was pushed and pulled roughly about. Every time it pushed in, Jax would give a wordless "guuuuh", swaying forward ever so slightly, and then "uugghhh" when it withdrew. He could feel drool running from the corner of his mouth, and his dick was as hard as stone. The Arcanine was making short, hot chuffs that brushed over the back of the feline's neck, reminding him that he was there -- just in case the tens of inches of dick inside of him was overlooked.

He fucked Jax like a personal cock-sleeve, without care or restraint. The cat could hear the squelch it made every time it withdrew a little, and feel the impact of the massive knot when it pushed in again. His asshole was in pain, trying to accommodate the monstrous canine member, but the cat wanted more nonetheless. He wanted to feel not only the heat of the amazing creature's cock, but the burn of his feral seed as well, as it seared its way even deeper into him than his member. Jax could feel the beast in so many ways, surrounding him, inside him, dripping onto him...but he wanted more.

"Come on, Nova," he gasped between impacts. "Fuck me harder. Come on! Push it in, you can do it...gimme that fat knot..."

Another lusty growl, and the canine stopped fucking. He started pressing forward instead, the pressure on Jax's ring building instantly. The cat growled, fighting through the pain. "Do it," he snarled. "Do it, you fucker...sexy fucking animal bitch...knot me...harder...DO IT!"

He couldn't suppress the scream when it finally popped in. It felt like a planet had been rammed into his ass. Nova screamed along too, in his own way; a loud, long howl that almost deafened the sensitive cat ears below him. The two of them cried out in tandem, Jax's head hanging down limply as his rear throbbed like it was on fire. Nova wasn't thrusting anymore, and thank fuck for that. The battleship in his anus would have torn him apart if it tried to move freely. But the pleasure that came with it was a spear thrust into the very centre of his mind, and as it pierced him, his cock responded. Watery feline cum splattered over his braced hands, his arms, even his chest, and the way it made his ass clench around the knotted dick inside of him nearly made the cat faint.

The orgasm overwhelmed the discomfort like a tsunami, and when it retreated, only dull, wonderful pleasure remained. Jax had never felt so full before. The Arcanine's body was all but cradling him; his head resting atop Jax's in front, his legs holding him tight on either side, and his heaving belly pressing against his back. But all of those were immaterial. The massive dick filling him was all the cat cared to think about -- until he felt a small whip-crack of heat sear his insides, and he realised the great beast was cumming at last.

He closed his eyes, letting it happen. "Good boy, Nova...good boy..." How long did Arcanines knot for? If they were anything like their cousins, the feline could expect to be here for a good half hour yet--

A key slid into the door, and the lock clicked. Jax's blood turned to ice, and his head lifted up to stare at the door just as Nova's did. The doorknob turned with hateful slowness, and the door opened. Kelly was fiddling in her handbag as she entered, and only raised her head a few steps in, stopping short at the sight of her pet buried knot-deep in her house-sitter. The three of them compared positions in awkward silence -- and then Kelly sighed.

"When I told you to have fun, I wasn't really thinking in those terms...but whatever keeps him occupied," she said absently, already looking beyond the two of them. The panda bustled past them, digging through a bowl of odds and ends before lifting something out triumphantly. "Forgot my damn credit card," she explained. Jax stared back in guilty silence. The panda wandered back to the two of them, petting Nova's head. The canine licked her fingers. "I'm pretty impressed," she said blithely. "He's really fucking big. You're quite the talented snep." After a final pat on her pet's head, she was heading out the door again. "Just don't let me find cum on the floor when I get home, alright?" she warned.

The door shut behind her, and Jax blinked at it. Nova's head came down and licked along his ear, like a mother cat, and he giggled with sudden relief. "Are you sufficiently occupied, would you say?" he asked in an academic tone, and the canine growled happily, his mouth swallowing Jax's ear and half of his face. The animal's knot was throbbing as his long orgasm continued, and Jax sighed happily, crossing his arms under him.

"You'd better help me clean up the mess after this..."

Employee of the Month

"_Diamond! Diamond! Diamond!_" Atlas tried to focus on the orders his customers were making. "So, uh, that's one... Moscow Mule..." "_Woo!"_ "_Yeah, baby!_" "Uhm..." Atlas stared down at his blank notepad. "And... one Moscow Mule..." ...

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Stud Son

Dylan slumped against the wall of the changing room, hooves splayed out in front of him. One hand lay on a towel next to him, restlessly playing with a set of car keys. He stared off into the middle distance, oblivious to the activity around him as his...

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A Side of Venison

"Ale! Ale! Ale! Ale!" Pewter mugs thumped heavily against the table, approximately matching the rhythm of the chant. Some landed firmly, making the makeshift trestle shudder; others hit it at more of an angle, simultaneously spilling liquid onto...

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