Employee of the Month

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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It can be frustrating when you fall for a coworker at the office. At least when you work at a strip club, it's a little easier to find a way to deal with it that satisfies both parties.

A gift for my friend FA: Atlas, based on a piece of art by SigmaX featuring his stallion and Sigma's horse, Diamond.

Interested in porn writing, or just wanna make some suspiciously equine new friends? Why not join me at https://t.me/norsewriting/

"Diamond! Diamond! Diamond!"

Atlas tried to focus on the orders his customers were making. "So, uh, that's one... Moscow Mule..."


"Yeah, baby!"

"Uhm..." Atlas stared down at his blank notepad. "And... one Moscow Mule..."

The fox sitting in front of him yipped in annoyance, looking at his partner with a can-you-believe-this expression. "No! One Mule, and one strawberry daiquiri!"

"Fuck yeah, Diamond!"

Atlas nodded rapidly, trying to ignore the escalating yells. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the spotlights centring on the curtain at the back of the stage. "Right, yes... one Mule, and... and one... uh... daiquiri..." He scribbled them down and hurried away, then twirled around and hurried right back, his pen raised questioningly. "Sorry, uh... was it a... banana daiq--"

"NO!" The fox threw his paws in the air. "Strawberry! Straw! Berry! What exactly is the problem here?"

The problem is that Diamond, the hottest fucking stallion I've ever seen, is about to come onto the stage and dance like he's the only thing in the universe and I want to crawl up to him and suck his dick forever.

The young stallion kept that thought to himself, though. He mumbled something about being understaffed and hurried away a second time. At least walking to the bar let him look towards the stage more easily. The spotlights were fixed on the curtains, and it was a Tuesday. Tease Tuesdays; Atlas' favourite night to work.

He slapped the order down onto the bar and leaned against the stainless-steel surface, watching the curtain intently. The patrons continued whooping and screeching for Diamond, and there were hints of motion behind the curtain, but no sign of the main act. Wait for it, Atlas thought. He'd seen this little show at least thirty times before, and it never got old.

The curtain jumped, and the patrons screamed. It wasn't clear what had happened at first, but as it repeated, it was obvious that something long was being slapped against the other side. The action continued for only a minute, and then two points of the cloth clumped together -- gripped from behind by someone's hands. The curtain was pulled backwards, and slowly outlined the form of a large stallion. The fabric was too thick to show off any real definition on the body, but it did show what could only be a long, thick horsecock. Fuck, he was big. Stripper material all the way. When the unseen owner made it flex and jump against the fabric, Atlas thought some patrons might crawl onto the stage there and then and try to grab it. He'd have joined them, given half a chance.

The invisible hands holding the curtain let go, and the form disappeared. A few seconds later, the heavy fabric parted to reveal a tall horse, dressed in nothing but a hat, a jockstrap, and a holster. Diamond the stallion: the club's most popular performer. The horse was tall, leanly muscled, and the juicy bulge in his pants pointed to a big dick, even for a horse. His face was almost boyish, and it always carried an inviting smirk. He was standing still, striking a pose: one hand holding his hat, the other resting on the faux gun in its holster. For a few seconds after he was revealed, he stood still: head tipped down, not making eye contact. Then his muzzle rose, and he gave a wide grin, as if seeing a room of old friends. "Well, hello y'all," he drawled.

The crowd lost whatever remaining inhibitions they'd had. Money, suggestions and lustful offers of holes to fuck rained down on the handsome stallion as he sauntered forward and began his act. Like a burnished statue brought to life, the incredible male slid about the stage, first rising and falling along a pole, then slipping close to the edge to tease a bear sitting right next to the stage. He tugged his barely-sufficient jockstrap down enough to let the guy see his crotch and an inch or two of cockflesh -- and then released the elastic, letting it snap back against his body, hiding the treasures from view. The bear got a wink and a blown kiss in recompense as the horse strolled back to the middle of the stage.

The stallion was a stud, and he knew it.

Atlas was rock-hard already, which was common enough in the serving staff, and even encouraged. Horny patrons spent more. But tonight, it was worse than usual. The cream stallion hadn't been fucked in so long. In fact, he couldn't remember the last time he'd had a drought like this. For two weeks, the only satisfaction he'd had had been his extensive collection of toys. He just hadn't been able to find guys he liked, guys with the... qualities he desired. Guys like...

Well, like Diamond.

Atlas made moon eyes at the dancing stallion, watching the big male's hardening cock bounce around inside his skimpy clothing, and running his eyes over the rest of the dancer's firm body greedily. Tall, strong, hung, and confident. Atlas needed it all, right now, inside him, so much. His tailhole was twitching as he thought about it, and it was making his balls ache. He had to get fucked tonight, or he'd die. But he'd already sussed out the evening's clientele, and none of them would do. Most were horny, needy cock-hounds like him; they were dead ends. Atlas' dick had no interest in someone else's tailhole. There were a couple thickset polar bears at one table, but they seemed to be a couple, and Atlas wasn't in the mood to share. He could try finding a decent top on one of his apps, but most of the time they didn't deliver half of what their profiles promised...

He sighed. Who was he kidding? He wanted Diamond...but that was a dream. The perfect stallion would have his pick of guys to fuck, and Atlas was just another nameless waiter at the club. Why would the stallion even give him a second glance?

The horse on stage whirled about, facing away from them and making his tail bob and his ass-cheeks bounce, spreading his legs to show a cock slowly dropping between them. The patrons screamed themselves hoarse, and Atlas had to grip the edge of the bar to stop himself from sliding a hand down his panties -- standard dress for the waitstaff -- and fingering himself on the spot. He wouldn't last the night at this rate. Perhaps he could jerk off in the bathrooms, or get fucked through a glory hole. It wouldn't be Diamond, but he could imagine.

"Mule and a daiquiri for seven." The deer behind the bar placed the two drinks next to him and looked at the stallion's expression with amusement. "Enjoying the show?" he asked knowingly. Atlas blushed, mumbling thanks and taking the drinks in hand, making to move away. The deer clicked his tongue to draw his attention. "Wait a sec, cutie." He gestured him closer with a hooked finger. "You like him, huh?" he asked, nodding at Diamond. Atlas nodded back, and the stag looked the young horse up and down perfunctorily.

"I dated him for a while, you know," the stag said, more than a hint of pride in his tone. Atlas' mouth dropped, and the deer nodded with self-satisfaction. "Yeah. He's everything you think he is. Up here" -- he tapped his skull -- "not so much. But here" -- he gripped his crotch -- "it's fucking magic." He looked the other stallion over once more. "I wasn't really his type though. Didn't last long. He prefers..." A pointed finger slid up and down Atlas's body. "This." He leaned in even closer, his voice a faux whisper. "And he's extra horny tonight. You can see the stain on his jock."

Atlas didn't know what to say to that, and the stag chuckled, grabbing an incoming order and looking down at it. "He's not as complicated as you think. He sees a pretty little thing like you, it'll turn all the right dials in his head." His eyes met Atlas', and the horse must still have looked confused, because the stag sighed and braced his hands on the bar, leaning forward a little. "What I'm saying, sweetie, is: pay a visit to his dressing room sometime." A wink. "Like... maybe tonight." When Atlas still didn't move, the deer rolled his eyes. "Like now, cutie." He turned away, grabbing some bottles and some shot glasses. Back to work.

Atlas hurried back to his table so fast, he nearly upended the drinks onto a tiger along the way. He slammed the glasses down on the table when he reached the foxes, making them jump, and was already hurrying away as one of them called out, "Uh, hello? Can we order...?"

He didn't care about them. He didn't care about anything else. As far as he cared, the bar deer had given him permission. If it didn't work, he could blame him, or run away, or... fuck, who cared? Atlas stopped even trying to justify it. He was horny, and he wanted to get fucked by that big, sexy horse. Diamond's first act ended in five minutes. The timing was perfect.

There was nobody in the corridor when he reached Diamond's dressing room, and it was the work of a moment to use his staff key to unlock it and slip in, unseen. The horse shut the door, resting his back against it and looking around the room.

Now what, genius?

His gaze fell onto a large mirror hanging on the wall, and he smiled.

When Diamond opened the door a few minutes later, Atlas could see him in the mirror's reflection. The young stallion had taken it down, leaning it against the wall opposite the door and then kneeling in front of it. As soon as the door opened, he tugged his thin panties to the side, tail raised, showing off his hole. Diamond would see his cock through his legs, silently speaking to the young stallion's need. He'd tied a blue bow to the base of his tail -- liking the extra dose of femininity it added -- and raised one slim arm to stroke his mane. He knew what guys liked to see, and this pose had never failed him before.

Diamond had frozen just inside the doorway. He stared down at the unexpected horse with a shocked expression: wide eyes and a half-open mouth, his hand resting against the door. He wore no clothes; the final part of the act was tugging them all off and tossing them to the crowd, before letting them see him in his full glory for a few teasing moments before the lights dropped and he vanished behind the curtain. He'd be returning in ten or fifteen minutes to start the tease all over again. Hopefully, the stag had been right, and he was as horny as Atlas felt...

The dark stallion stepped forward, pushing the door shut. "I know you," he said. His voice was mild. "You're one of the serving staff."

Diamond had noticed him! Atlas almost squealed with fanboyish glee, but held it together. He nodded silently, and pulled his panties further aside and leaned forward a little more, making his tailhole wink. Diamond might not have a PhD, but it was clear enough what was on offer. The big horse walked closer, taking a strand of Atlas' mane in his fingers.

"People keep trying this," he murmured, tugging gently on the stallion's mane. "Coming in here and trying to get me to fuck them. Like I'll just fuck anything that shows me a tailhole. So, I'll tell you what I told them." He leaned down, closer to the young horse's nervously flicking ear.

"Get on all fours, ponyslut" he whispered.

Atlas gave a soft moan of delight. Diamond reached down to grab at his tight shirt, pulling it up and over the cream stallion's head. However, when Atlas reached for his panties, Diamond slapped his hand away. "Nu-uh," he chided. "Leave those on. Ponysluts always wear panties, don't they?"

Atlas whimpered and nodded. "Yes, Diamond." He gasped as the taller horse dropped to his knees behind him, grabbing his tail with one hand and pulling him backwards, towards his dick. The other hand reached forward to grip Atlas' mane and push his head down.

"I'm back on stage in ten," he said, "so I hope you like it rough. This ain't no beginner dick."

Atlas shivered with excitement. "Oh, please, Diamond, yes..." He yelped as a swung palm caught him flat on the butt-cheek, the slap so loud Atlas was sure someone would hear. It was aimed right at the white heart beauty mark on his butt. It also made his ass sting, but he liked that part. Another slap, and another. Each on the same spot. Atlas cried out softly with each impact, and his cock jerked under him.

"That pretty star on your ass is going pink, ponyslut," Diamond said. "It's blushing, knowing what I'm gonna do it." Slap. "Fill it full of horse dick." Slap. "Spread it nice and wide." Slap. "Fill it with cum." Slap. "That what you want, you dirty little mare?"

"Yes, Diamond!" Atlas cried, face still lowered in submission. This was too fucking perfect. He couldn't have asked for more.

"Hmf." A final slap, and the horse stopped. "So eager. We'll see, ponyslut." He pulled back on Atlas' tail, and the young horse obliged... then felt the tip of the other stallion's cock at his hole. He had about a second to gasp at how thick it felt, and wonder if he'd taken one this big before -- and then the stallion drove inward.

Diamond hadn't been lying about making it rough. He didn't give Atlas any time to adjust to his ridiculous length or his marvellous girth; he pounded in and out, as hard as he could, at full speed. If Atlas hadn't already been used to being filled with big things daily -- if not someone's dick, then his toys -- it might have been very uncomfortable. But he was prepared, and it was heaven. The horse's eyes closed, moaning and gasping whenever the cock hilted in him. His ass gripped down on the fat member trying to spread him wide open, and from the things Diamond said to him, that seemed to work for him.

"You like that, you dirty little ponyslut?" he murmured, his voice getting huskier. "You like getting filled with Diamond's big dick? I'm not your first big dick... I can feel that. You can tighten that ass pretty well, though. I bet I'm the biggest you've had." He pulled Atlas' tail higher. "I bet you dream about it, huh? You watch me on stage and wish I could fuck you? Well... wish granted." Atlas found it incredibly hot how much raunchier the stallion was off-stage. Whenever he did a show for a client, he was all sweetness and care... yet here, in private, he was as nasty as any filthy back-alley fuck the horse had ever had. It was fantastic.

"Yes, Diamond," he whimpered. "You're so fucking hot, I can't get enough of you... fuck me rough, Diamond, c'mon, fuck my slutty ass, make it burn, use that big dick..."

The big stallion leaned over him, pushing his head down again with one hand again as the other held onto his waist for leverage. His hips were a machine, thrusting his incredible cock deep inside Atlas before pulling right back out. The head always stayed just inside him, and the young stallion's asshole would hang onto it greedily, inviting it back in. Then he'd feel the warm, thick mass sliding back inside, every inch rubbing over his prostate and making his own cock spit pre-cum all over the carpet under him, and it would repeat.

"Fucked so many sluts like you, right here... naughty, horny boys that need Diamond dick to sort them out." The hand on his hip slid under him to feel his cock -- not pausing for a second with the jackhammer fuck -- and the big stallion chuckled. "Look how hard you are. What a good ponyslut. Are you gonna cum just from my dick in you, pony bitch?"

Atlas whinnied. The dirty talk was driving him mad. "Yes, Diamond, I'll do it for you... fuck me harder... make me cum..."

The big horse's hands moved to Atlas' hips, holding him in place as the fuck accelerated. Diamond's breathing was hoarse, mostly snorts and whinnies, and Atlas' hands tightened on the carpet as he felt his own pleasure rising. It felt too good, and the dirty talk made it harder to hold back... but they had limited time...

"D--Diamond..." he gasped, "I'm... close... uhhhhh..."

"Cum then, you fucking ponyslut," the big horse told him, and the stallion's command was enough to push Atlas over the edge. He gave a high-pitched cry, and his muscles quivered as his dick bounced rapidly, then flared, and finally started emptying his creamy load onto the floor with intense, rapid spurts. Atlas' arms felt like steel rods as his muscles tensed, and his ass clamped down on the long invader within it, hugging it tightly -- until it pulled out.

"No, no...hhhnnnnnn..." The orgasm was exploding his mind. Words were hard. "Dia... pl... more... cock..."

Behind him, there was the sound of wet, rapid masturbation. Diamond muttered something to himself, and then took a sharp breath in, followed by a long, satisfied groan. Atlas felt a warm wetness splattering over his back, and he moaned in delight. "Yes, Diamond... yes, sir..." He couldn't think of anything else to say. The big stallion was marking him, and he loved it.

Diamond's load was impressive, and Atlas soon felt it oozing down his sides, mirroring the last drops draining from his own member. Then, with a meaty wet smack, the cock slapped down against his back, into the pool of semen it had produced.

"Well, ponyslut," the stripper said with satisfaction, sliding his cock over Atlas' back, "that was pretty good. You've got a decent ass." One finger probed the well-loosened hole, making Atlas moan again. "It could even be a great one -- with the proper training." He stood up, walking around to Atlas' front. "Clean me up before I hit the stage again."

Atlas opened his mouth, and Diamond thrust his cum-soaked cock into it. Atlas suckled and licked, cleaning Diamond's seed off the skin, and sucking out the last drops from inside it. The big horse tasted delicious, and Atlas couldn't help but moan and whimper as he slobbered over it. Diamond looked down at him in satisfaction and then glanced up at the clock. "Shit. You're too good at this. I'm gonna be late." The cock was pulled out of his mouth, and Atlas whined unhappily. The bigger horse didn't seem to notice.

Diamond slapped Atlas' ass one last time as he walked past him, going over to a cupboard and pulling on a new jockstrap. "Get dressed, and get back to work," he instructed the other stallion as he picked out a new hat from a set hanging on a hat rack. "You don't get the night off just because I fucked you." Atlas nodded, and Diamond flashed him a naughty grin. "But that was pretty impressive for a quickie. Be here after the show tonight, and I'll give you some more in-depth training." With a squirt of scent across his chest and an adjustment of his bulge in the mirror, Diamond disappeared.

It took Atlas a while to recover -- not to mention cleaning all the cum off his back -- but he eventually wandered back into the main area, feeling lightheaded and happy. His ass was sated for the moment, although his panties did nothing to hide his loose hole, or the stink of cum that covered him. More than one patron gave him a leer as he walked by, but he didn't mind. He was a proud ponyslut. He'd been fucked by Diamond, the hottest horse around, and he wanted people to know.

He reached his table, and the two foxes turned on him with angry expressions. "It's been fifteen minutes--" the one began, before sniffing in the horse's direction and pausing with a confused expression. Atlas hardly noticed. He was staring at the stage, where Diamond was prancing about again. The big horse whirled, hand to hat, pausing with one hand pressed to his bulge. The tip of his cock could barely be seen poking out of the side, shining wetly under the lights, and when Atlas finally lifted his eyes from that beautiful sight to the stallion's face, he saw him looking right at him.

The stallion winked, and blew him a kiss.

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