The Best Recipe

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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Raise your hand if you want sausage for breakfast!

A fun little romp I put together for a certain sabretooth. I hope the recipe meets his expectations.

Thanks to for proofreading and suggestions about where hands should not go.

Sunlight woke Noel, a bright beam sneaking around the curtains to press insistently against the sabre-tooth's eyelids. He scrunched them tighter, making an upset noise and then batting at it with a paw. "G'way," he mumbled. The sun ignored him.

He lay in that position for a few moments more, laziness beating out discomfort. Only when a light breeze tugged the curtain aside to let a wider ray in, hitting both eyes, did he vent a frustrated growl and roll onto his back to escape it. As he did every summer morning, staring blearily up at the ceiling, he made a mental note to fix the curtain rail's position so the sun couldn't get past it. But he knew he'd forget as soon as he got up.

He blinked a little, then turned his head away from the window. One hand slid across the bed, under the blankets, fetching up against the weight of his husband, Alejandro, next to him. The huge stallion was lying on his side, facing away, blanketed form rising and falling like a miniature mountain as he breathed. Every exhalation from the horse was a miniature snort; the sabre-tooth had long since ceased to hear it unless he focused, but always found it comforting. He stroked the horse's back gently as he stared at him, simply enjoying the feeling of being rested and warm, in bed, next to his partner.

It didn't take long for other parts of Noel's body to join him in wakefulness. The sabre-tooth sighed and pushed a hand down to adjust his balls, slightly twisted as they were by the night's motions, and plumped his cock while he was there, stroking the skin and pulling his foreskin up over the glans. Luck of the draw had given the sabre-tooth an ordinary humanoid penis, rather than the barbed member some of his species ended up with. He didn't mind; a cock was a cock, and this one served him fine.

The sabre-tooth always slept naked. The way he saw it, he had to wear clothes at work, or if he went out in public -- but that was as far as it went. The undesirable materials came off almost the second he stepped over the lintel, and they stayed off. Especially in bed. He loved the feel of the silk sheets against his uncovered body. The way they rubbed against his fur, and caught on his foreskin if he thrust lazily against them, or stuck to him if he wrapped himself up, damp after lovemaking. Like his own personal cocoon.

He was still stroking the horse's back with his other hand as his thoughts wandered, and he let his fingers slide down to his husband's lower back, and then under the elastic of his boxers, tugging at them a little and letting them snap softly back. Alejandro always wore boxers to bed, the silly thing. Noel teased him about it weekly, suggesting he join the sabre-tooth on the dark side, but the stallion didn't budge. He claimed he needed some support down there while he slept. "Else, you're going to be the one woken up by a scream when I drop during the night and roll over my dick," he said. Noel simply smirked, and said he'd be more than happy to lick it better for him if that happened.

He smiled now at the memory, sliding his fingers further under the boxers, feeling the fine fur covering his husband's rump. He loved this ass. His fingers played over it, feeling the muscle under his fingertips, enjoying the curves. He strayed to the middle, and down, feeling deeper into the warm, hairy cleft until he touched a firmer piece of flesh. A purr began to rumble in his chest. Horse doughnut for breakfast today? He was rather tempted. Slide down under the covers, tug off the boxers, and get snacking on that fine ass. He could slide his hand over to the other side and coax out the black beauty which slept in the sheath there. Alejandro always did enjoy waking to find his husband had done half the work of getting him ready for a morning fuck...

Noel's stomach interjected with a point of order. He was quite hungry, now he got to thinking about it. Without sabre-tooth molestation, Alejandro wouldn't be up for an hour or so yet. And doughnuts were really more of a side. He nodded lazily to himself, pulling his hand out from the boxers and patting the ass. "Eat you later, then," he murmured, before rolling out of bed and sitting on it. He gave a wide yawn, stretching one arm straight up and the tucking the other behind it, pulling the muscles taut. One hand tugged the fabric protectors off the ends of his long canines -- who wanted to wake up with a pillow impaled on their mouth? -- and the other scratched at his crotch again. His cock was chubby, still very interested in the concept of a mouthful of horse, but it would have to wait.

Time for an omelette.

The big cat got to his feet and padded out of the room, squeezing his pads extra-hard against the thick carpet of the upper floor on each step. The fibres felt so nice, squeezing up between his toes. Down the stairs he went, each step making his hanging cock jiggle and his balls bounce, but upon taking a sharp left into the kitchen, a stale smell hit him. Oh. Right. They'd made paella the night before, and not cleaned up. be fair, he'd wanted to clean up. He'd even started. But then Alejandro had appeared, standing in the doorway like a vision, dressed in nothing but that white jockstrap that Noel had bought him for his birthday. The one that would barely have fit the erect cat, let alone the thickening horsecock it was then straining to contain. And if that wasn't distraction enough, the sexy stallion had wetted it, turning it almost transparent. Noel's mouth had started watering, and his brain had decided that greasy pans weren't so bad.

He casually cursed his horny past self and moved the greasy crockery to the side. It would have to wait even longer. Stomach first.

Humming a nameless tune, he wafted around the kitchen, collecting ingredients. Mushrooms, cheese, bell peppers. Tomato? Hmmm...nah. Not today. But cheese, yes; lots of cheese. Maybe two kinds? Yesss -- oh, and he'd pick some parsley from the window box, it should be ready. Lovely. And perhaps goose eggs rather than chicken...oooh, and some ham, too, lovely prosciutto from the farmer's market...

The sabre-tooth worked happily, assembling the food and then starting to chop it up with deft motions. Nice thick chunks, the way he liked it. He wanted an omelette that looked like a variety of foods had foundered on an eggy coastline. Ham, parsley, mushrooms...done. Mix the eggs with a dash of milk and some seasoning...

Two hands slipped around his waist, and a warm body pressed against his back. Noel smiled, leaning back into his husband and turning his head to the side to receive a soft kiss, careful not to stab into him with his canines. "Hey, handsome," he said. "Didn't expect you up already."

The stallion smelled of warm hay and floral soap. The Andalusian was always clean. "I smelled parsley," he said, and the sabre-tooth chuckled and picked up a sprig, holding it over his shoulder for the horse to take. Wet lips engulfed his fingers, sucking the herb from between them, and the cat giggled as his husband chomped the little herb to shreds with evident delight. The big stallion really loved parsley.

"I'm gonna put some in an omelette," Noel said, as strong hands stroked up and down his sides and parsley breath wafted over him. He put the whisked eggs aside and pulled the cast-iron skillet onto the hob, tossing in a blob of coconut oil. "You want? I can make two from this."

The horse's lips returned, sliding along his ear before the teeth nibbled at the tip. "I'm fine," he said softly, breathing deeply as he smelled the cat. "Got a recipe of my own to make. You keep on cooking."

The cat smiled to himself. He could feel the horse's nakedness pressing against him, far from flaccid. "A recipe? Feels like all you've done is bring me the sausage." He lifted the cutting board as an exemplar. "But I already have some prosciutto..."

Alejandro's nose pressed into the side of his neck, burying itself in the fur. Half-muffled, he spoke. "You don't want prosciutto. You want a real meat. A stallion's meat." He licked down to reach the cat's skin, and Noel giggled and leaned away from the tickling feeling. "I always bring the sausage," his husband continued. "You know that. Sausages and cream, the Alejandro...speciale." Noel felt a little quiver run through him as the stallion used his full Spanish accept. God, he loved that accent. Alejandro slid his nose down from the big cat's neck and along his clavicle, leaving soft kisses as he went. "But you'll like this new recipe even more, kitty. I just know it." His arms slid further along the cat's front, making his thick fur slide between the horse's fingers. "I'll tell you part of it every time you add an ingredient to yours. Go on."

The cat chuckled again, but picked up the liquids and poured them into the pan. As sizzling noises filled the kitchen, one of the stallion's hands slid down to the cat's crotch, cupping his cock and teasing at the glans with one finger. "First, you need to work the sausage," he said huskily into the cat's ear. Noel mewled, loving how lusty his husband sounded. "It's going to be a bit soft at first, so you just gonna have to knead it firmly..."

The finger teasing the glans slipped under the foreskin, making Noel gasp and then growl with pleasure. "Don't let the eggs burn..." Alejandro whispered, and the cat started, grabbing a spatula and moving the eggs about a little. It was pretty tough paying attention to cooking as a naughty finger played over his sensitive glans, tugging on the foreskin and even pushing down behind the corona to squeeze and press. Then the other hand joined it, fondling his balls. "Never neglect the eggs, kitty," the stallion whispered, nosing at his whiskers.

Noel had hardened in moments under his husband's attention, and now sighed delightedly when the stallion's arms tightened around him, muscles relaxing. He could simply melt into his body, given half a chance. He was so warm, and strong, and comforting. "I got you," the Andalusian said, as if reading his mind. "Keep on cooking." The cat grabbed the bowl of vegetables, spreading them over the eggs using his the other hand. "There we go," Alejandro said, his head resting on the cat's shoulder to watch him work, even as his hand worked at his husband's cock. "That's going to be delicious, I can see. Much like the next step in my recipe. A good hunk of meat."

The stallion pushed his hips forward, and the sabre-tooth groaned as he felt the thick mass of a horse's cock slipping up and down between his ass-cheeks. "Does kitty like that?" came the question, and a barely-muffled yowl of need from Noel answered him. "Well then, kitty should stand very still. The recipe calls for the meat to be thoroughly worked. Let me show you."

The Andalusian slid his body from side to side, making his cock slide across the sabre-tooth's butt like a rolling pin. Every time it slipped into his crack, the cat whimpered. He wasn't a size queen, but that didn't mean he wasn't very happy that his husband was a stallion. The fat flesh hit all the right spots for him; both inside and out. As the stallion rubbed against him, the big cat reached around with his free hand to grip the muscles of his husband's side, massaging them as he waited for the eggs to thicken in the pan. He wasn't even sure he was that hungry anymore. For food, at least.

"How is the omelette coming along?" the tall stallion asked shortly, pressing forward insistently. He moved his hips down a little to make his flare slide under his husband's tail, pressing firmly into the tight hole waiting there. Noel growled again, lifting his small stubby tail in a redundant display of heat.

"Forget the fucking omelette," he said. "Fuck me!"

Alejandro laughed, only pressing harder against the cat. "If you don't follow the recipe, dear, it won't come out right. It's time for the cheese, I believe?"

Noel took a pawful of cheese and hurled it over the omelette. "There!" He stabbed at it with the spatula, vaguely flipping it over and then pushing the skillet aside and extinguishing the flame. "Breakfast done. Give me cock now, you horny tease." He stuck one hand behind him, feeling for the penis that was taunting him and poking at it lightly with a claw. The horse gasped and jerked back, before chuckling in a deeper voice.

"Careful, kitty, don't score the meat before it goes into the oven."

"Alejandro, please." The cat's body felt hot, and his paws were curling and uncurling in need. "It's too early, I'm hungry...I need you..."

He quivered once more when the stallion snorted a hot breath into the fur of his neck. "You need me?" the Andalusian teased his partner. "Or do you need just...part of me...?"

"Uuuuhhhh..." The cat felt lightheaded. Hunger or lust...who knew? Who cared. He slapped his hands onto the edge of the kitchen counter, bending his body forward and lifting his short tail as high as it could go. "Fuck me, you big dumb horse. Fuck me now or I swear I'll never let you fuck me again...I'll take that fucking dick from you if I must..."

"Liar." The stallion nuzzled into him as his hand reached over to pull the jar of coconut oil closer. "That's what you said the other night and I've painted you white you twice since then." His hand scooped up a glob of the oil; moments later, the cat felt it being smeared onto -- and inside -- his anus. He shivered, pushing back against the feeling of a lubed finger slipping into him. It wasn't nearly thick enough, but the horse simply stroked around his hole, not even inserting a second digit. Noel couldn't bear it any more.

With a yowl, he turned and pushed the horse hard against his chest. The equine whinnied in surprise, hooves skittering on the tiled floor and letting him fall heavily backwards with a crash, face surprised and confused. "Ow! What the fuck are you--?"

The sabre-tooth wasted no time, straddling his husband and reaching back to position his flare right at his hole. With a single massive push, he forced his body down, sending the horsecock burning all the way inside him and his ass smacking against the horse's belly.

The big cat roared.

He'd overestimated both his own looseness and the amount of coconut oil that had been smeared onto him, and his tunnel was complaining loudly -- but not loud enough to drown out the feeling of being so wonderfully, uniquely stretched. Only a horse could make him feel like this. The huge, warm beast filling him was so wonderfully right. He was stuffed to fullness, and every little motion made it press against parts of him that he only knew where there when his stallion was inside him. He wanted to keep him inside forever.

With a low and menacing growl, teeth bared and saliva dripping, he pulled up a few inches off the horse as the sharp pain in his rear faded to a dull throb, and then pushed back down. It still hurt, but it felt so fantastic. And it would get better. The thick flare pressed him wide, and the shaft behind it filled the space it made. He was intimately connected with his mate. Nothing could match this. His husband's face, meanwhile, had gone from annoyance to bliss the moment his cock was engulfed in cat ass, and he lay back limply now against the kitchen floor, muttering softly.

"Good boy...good kitty..."

"Fuck you, horse!" Noel snarled. "I told you I'd fucking take your cock if I must." He rose and fell on the shaft a couple more times, making the Andalusian gasp and nod rapidly.

"Yeah...take my dick...take it all...such a sexy kitty..." His hooves clacked against the floor as his flexed his legs. "You're my good good kitty cock-rider..."

Another snarl from the big cat as he began to ride his husband faster. "No, fuck you, horse, for teasing me so early in the morning!" He put a paw behind him to grip his mate's hefty sack, and pulled -- merely hard enough to make the horse snort and give a sudden jerk underneath him. "Fuck you, for making me so needy!" he cried. Another paw took a nipple and twisted it hard, making the stallion cry out -- and making his dick throb and grow inside the cat. "And fuck you for being so fucking irresistible," the cat finished, releasing the balls and nipple, and putting his paws to either side of the horse's sternum. With the tips of his claws barely extended, he began to scrape down the horse's chest, ever so gently scoring the skin, making his husband's handsome head swing back and forth against the floor, eyes screwed shut, whimpering and whispering to his mate.


The cat sped up on his dick. "Fuck you, you sexy big-dicked stud," he said. The pain was gone now, replaced with pressure and fullness and little fireworks of pleasure whenever the fat prick buried inside him rubbed over a special spot. He had a lot of special spots. His ass-cheeks made slap, slap noises as they beat against the horse's flesh, and his balls jiggled about in their furred sack. His cock -- hard as a whetstone before he'd even poured the eggs -- bounced above them, the tumescent purple glans straining within the foreskin that looked just about to slip behind the glans. Veins snaked proudly along the shaft, making it look like a one-eyed monster.

"Fuck you even more, horse," the sabre-tooth gasped, his words belied by his lustful tone and his continued riding of the stallion's cock. "Fuck you for your fucking amazing dick. Fuck you for how you make me feel when you fill me. Fuck you for being so perfect for me..." One paw slapped the horse's face lightly, and the stallion's eyes flew open. The cat leaned down, rasping his tongue over the horse's muzzle and then bending in for a kiss. "And fuck you," he said softly, when he broke away, "for not fucking me harder already."

The stallion's hands came around to grip his husband's sides, and he began pushing and pulling with his hips to match the cat's rise and fall. The cat mewled like a kitten, making the horse smile and pull him down again for a sloppy kiss. Saliva drooled down the cat's long canines, even as pre-cum and coconut oil dribbled into the folds of the horse's sheath below him. Noel's hands tightened around the stallion's neck -- not coming close to surrounding the thickness -- and he broke the kiss again to snarl and show his teeth.

"Kitty wants your cum, stud. Do it."

The horse's long tongue lapped at his face and he smirked. "Yes, sir..."

The horse's hips switched to a shorter but sharper motion, jack-hammering a couple of inches of slick wet flesh in and out of the cat. Noel sat straight up, arms slack, only his legs supporting him as the horse under him fucked him hard and fucked him loose. "Yesssss...harder...uhhnnn..._don't stop...I'm..._aaaaahhh...I'm close...nnnnffff...fuck me, Alejandro, fuck me, sexy, gimme your cum, fill my needy ass..."

The cat felt the horse tensing up under him, and knew what it meant. He stopped supporting himself, falling back against the stallion and letting his rutting thrusts lift his whole weight, pushing every last inch of horsecock into him. "Make me cum, stud," he begged, "make me cum all over you, it, do it..." His cock, untouched by either sabre-tooth or stallion, jumped frenetically in front of him as his body bounced. Pearls of pre-cum flew from his tip, landing on and around them both. The foreskin had pulled right back, and the folded skin around the bulging glans looked like a scarf. The urethra gaped, leaking pre-cum, wide and black and waiting...

The horse's ears went flat against his head, and his mouth opened in a bellowed whinny; the sabre-tooth felt the stallion dick inside him explode, so strong were the jets. It was all it took for him. His own orgasm came screaming, semen roiling out of his furry balls and shooting far over his husband's head in a huge, thick whip of fluid, like an enormous white tadpole. The tail caught in Alejandro's mane as it fell, and the next joined it. The rest didn't go as high, splashing directly into the horse's face, covering him in hot, musky cat seed that was licked up with moans, even as the horse's own ejaculation continued to spend itself inside his husband's tight, spasming ass with equine force. The horse and the sabre-tooth were crying out, mewling, whinnying, roaring in pleasure: an orgasmic menagerie brought to life on the kitchen floor.

The cat finally finished, a few last dribbles of cum running down his shaft and soaking into the fur of his balls. He was exhausted; he felt his legs shaking, only held upright by the stiff pole of flesh he was impaled on. Even now, though, he felt that long member retreating from him, sliding back inside his husband's body; its duty completed. The stallion looked even more befuddled, his head tipped to one side, tongue out loosely, like the horse off the television that was always having breakdowns.

The two of them breathed heavily, spent. The sabre-tooth slowly leaned forward, nestling his head underneath his husband's, and sighed. The horse lifted a hand to stroke his head.

"I think my legs are broken," the big cat said.

"Good for you?"

"Mhm." He gave the chest under him a soft slap. "You teased me so fucking much this time..."

The horse kissed an ear that he could reach. "Don't lie, you love it."

The cat giggled. "Maybe. Fucker."

"Fucking by name, fucking by hobby." The stallion sniffed at the air; over the smell of their mingled seed, the smell of freshly-cooked eggs, parsley and mushrooms wafted. "I think your omelette's probably cold and nasty by now. Sorry."

The cat sighed. "Yeah. And I'm still hungry. Sadly, my ass can't eat for me."

"You want pancakes?"

Noel pushed himself back upright, lifting himself on his knees to let the sopping wet horsecock and attendant small flood of cum slide out of him. "Uffff..." Even when his husband pulled out, it felt good. "Yeah. You cooking?" He carefully got to his feet, the muscles in his legs not quite certain yet. The Andalusian lay on the floor, hands tucked behind his head, face and mane and upper chest veined with cat cum. His soft penis lay curled like a large black worm on top of his sheath, surrounded by a moat of his own semen. The cat admired the scene for a few moments, smiling at his stallion.

"Sure, I'll cook," the horse said, and then grinned. "Or...I can just stand behind you and tell you what to do." His eyebrows danced, and his wide teeth shone.

The cat bit his lip. He really was extremely hungry now...but...

He stepped in front of the stove and pulled another skillet towards himself, then patted at his loose, oozing hole with a hand. "Come stand right here, horsey, and show this kitty your best recipes..."


"Come on, you any of you even _know_ how to catch a ball...?" A handful of popcorn kernels hit the television, followed by a snort of derision. Their origin was a middle-aged stallion, splayed across the couch in front of the screen.,...

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Keeping Secrets

He was late. Alexander slouched on the couch, hooves up on the table, watching the television. Some local news person was talking excitedly about a local festival. Or perhaps a recipe book. The bay stallion really wasn't focusing. On the floor...

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Filling Station

My first apartment was a shithole. I already know what you're thinking. _Everyone says that. You gotta start somewhere. You never forget your first place_. Bull. Shit. Believe me, I almost wish I could fucking forget about all of it. That sad,...

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