Neochu's explosive pool party

Story by Tyradark86 on SoFurry

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NOTE: English is not my first language. If you saw mistakes in my story, please don't put it in the comments, only I want to know if you like it or not. If you wish to perfectly translate from your native language for me, go right ahead. I give you credit from your translation. Thanks for understanding.

Neochu was slept peacefully on his bed until the first rays of Sun, he woke up and got up from his bed. When he go to the bathroom, he found Glacius washing his face. It was white and blue. His eyes were dark blue color and it was very passive with him. It was his best friend and also his best sex toy. He approached to the Lucario when he's dried his face with the towel and touched him his cock rubbing his butt.

"Good morning, Glacius. Would you like an explosive breakfast?" asked Neochu the sleeping Lucario was cleaned his teeth.

The Lucario smiled him and lifted his tail, accepting his request. Neochu, thrusted him with force and Glacius finishes quickly in order to receive his "breakfast". He pushed him to the shower and closed the glass door. The Raichu began to fuck with force while the Lucario opened the tap to be able to take a shower and his cock began to get an erection while it was penetrated. The Raichu increased his speed and Glacius moaned in pleasure until he began to cum, the Lucario's favourite part. His belly started to grow slowly while the Raichu put his hands on his waist and looked like he was inflating like a balloon. Glacius supported his hands on the glass when his belly became the ground and occupied half of the shower. Neochu smiled and gave him more cum to the Lucario, leaving him still and that the glass doors began to crack.

"You want more, Glacius? I can stay all day." said Neochu. "Until the last drop." said Glacius.

His feet already don't reach on the ground and Neochu climbed up the Lucario to continue feeding him with his cum . The glasses of the shower every time creaked louder by the huge and heavy belly of Glacius and Neochu decided that it was time to finish. Glacius concentrated all the aura that he could in his belly to finish with a powerful burst and leaving made a mess the bathroom. Neochu rammed him deeply, releasing an enormous amount of cum and the Lucario exploded very violent, flooding and destroying all the bathroom. The aural blast, leave him a bit stunned and heard a female voice of anger but had not heard what she said. After 5 minutes, Glacius was reformed in a young Riolu and left the bathroom to breakfast. Neochu decided to be cleaned and then went to have breakfast. In the kitchen there was a Blaziken living pooltoy preparing the breakfast and Glacius was eating quietly.

"Good morning, May." said Neochu. "Why you not stop fucking you Glacius every morning? He always coming for breakfast being a Riolu." said the Blaziken. "I will evolve rapidly to Lucario with Neochu's trainings, don't worry, May." answered Glacius. "Well, if for you training means to suck his cock to Neochu and swallow his cum..." said May. "The important thing is to evolve, right?. If he loves to train as well, I am not going to stop him." replied Neochu. "Remember that I also want to have fun. What was the last time?" asked the Blaziken. "Don't be jealous. You know that I love fucking your butt." said Neochu.

Glacius ended his breakfast and he went to watch TV in the dining room while Neochu finished his food. The hours passed and the three were bored at home.

"I get bored... What we could do?" asked Neochu their companions. "Wild sex!" said the two at the same time "Guys, we do it every day." said Neochu. "We can go to the mountains to sleep with the light of the stars?" proposed May. "We can rent a private pool for us, for example?" said Glacius. "We made it May. Luckily you don't burnt the forest the last time. Glacius's idea, seems good. I'm going to call for rent throughout the day a private pool for us." said Neochu.

The Raichu called a company that is focused on rental pools and was treated immediately.

"Hello, how can help you?" said a female voice. "Hello, we'd like to rent a private swimming pool." said Neochu. "What is your budget?" asked the telemarketer. "We would like a luxurious one." said Neochu. "Understood We have a private swimming pool including jacuzzi and sauna. You want for a car to pass by their home to take you there?" asked the telemarketer. "Yes, please." replied Neochu. "Okay, I need to provide me some data to send you the transport." said the telemarketer "Understood." said Neochu.

The Raichu gave his data in order to receive transport to take them to the pool and they ended the call. Meanwhile,t he telemarketer realized that the swimming pool was already booked for other pokemon, but when she tries to call again, she received another customer quickly. While the vehicle was headed Neochu's house, the three pokemon decided to play video games. At the beginning, they played much and the loser chose his punishment. Glacius when he lost, he sucked Neochu's cock and was delighted since it was his favourite punishment and training. With May, she was fucked until she explode in her inflatable form, since in her original form she prefer to do it in places that were not their home. A few hours after playing video games, someone knocked at the door. Glacius couldn't be moved by his weight and began to use his aura to digest his cum while May be reforming for the eighth time.

Neochu went to the door where a driver asked him if he was the customer that had indicated. It was a very helpful Charmeleon and he accompany them to an elegant limousine to take you to the place. The vehicle began its journey while three Pokémon are entertained watching TV who had built the limousine. After 30 minutes, Glacius started to get hungry and looked the Raichu cock while he's licking his lips. Without thinking, began to suck his cock to Neochu before May and to surprise the driver. The Raichu was watching the television but he caressed his head while his companion was fed and "training" with him. At the end of the movie, they reached their destination and everyone got off the vehicle. The Charmeleon left the vehicle and saw the obese Riolu staring at it.

"Do you want something?" asked the Charmeleon. "Yes, I see that you have not stopped looking at me while I was trained by my friend. You want to train with me?" asked Glacius. "Sure, you don't mind? You have your belly is very full." said the Charmeleon. "No, I don't. I have a quick digestion. I am eager to start." said Glacius. "Me too." says the Charmeleon.

The Riolu approached to the carand went on it while the Charmeleon did the same and a bulge was marking in his pants. Glacius went directly to what the driver wanted and had already digested all the cum with his aura to store the Charmeleon. The fire Pokémon lowered his pants and the Riolu began to suck his cock. Glacius continued satisfying the driver until the Charmeleon can't take anymore and fucked him violently his face to cum, feeding Glacius with his cum. His belly was swell slowly while he was still swallowing. The Charmeleon took his cock out from his mouth and smiled to the Riolu.

"Here you go. You do it very well." said the Charmeleon. "I don't have enough, I want more!" said Glacius again sucking his cock faster making cum the Charmeleon twice and he swells faster alarming to the fire-type pokémon. "Hey, stop, stop! You're going to...!" but the Charmeleon fainted with pleasure by the intense blowjob andthe obese Riolu evolved into Lucario. "Well, he not endured nothing." thought Glacius.

The Lucario left the limousine with his belly full of cum and went where they were Neochu and May. The three pokemon surrounded a small house where the indoor pool was back with views of the beach. Only had numerous armoured windows, that you couldn't see what was happening inside or listen with a huge door. When Glacius opened the door, had a few mixed locker room and saw Neochu fucking a giant and obese May almost to explode. The Lucario not have time to protect himself and the Blaziken exploded violently flooding all the locker room.

"Oh, sorry Glacius. I didn't know that you were here." said Neochu. "It's okay. I love to be covered on with cum." said Glacius. "I see that the Charmeleon has given you training." Neochu said. "Yup, while May is back, why we not train in the jacuzzi?" said Glacius. "Of course. You can train me every time that you want." Neochu said.

The Raichu and the Lucario left the locker room and the pool was huge. It had a lot of huge saunas and jacuzzis to relax including small relaxing pools. Neochu was introduced into one of the jacuzzi and Glacius sat above him.

"Ready for round 2?" asked Neochu. "Yes, fill me up until the last drop!" said Glacius.

The Raichu rammed him his cock in his butt and returned to fuck him for the second time while May already had reformed and was headed for them. Neochu cums and began to fill the Lucario, occupying all of the jacuzzi. Glacius screamed out in pure pleasure and his belly was glowing, focusing his aura on that point. The Raichu continued cumming uncontrollably until he returned to explode again leaving all the jacuzzi full of cum

"May, Let's fuck in one of the saunas." said Neochu.

The Blaziken hugged the Raichu and they went to one of the saunas. While Glacius is reforming, a group of pokemon had entered into the pool. They looked like they came to celebrate a birthday. The Lucario when was reformed itself in the Jacuzzi, saw a Wartortle taking a huge Lapras to the pool and headed towards them.

"Hello, what are you doing here?" asked Glacius. "Oh, hi. I thought that this pool was reserved for us." said the Wartortle. "We didn't know it. They told us that he was free." said Glacius. "I see... Are you alone?" He asked the Wartortle. "No, I'm-"

Suddenly, a strong noise was heard in one of the saunas and the door exploded leaving gallons and gallons of cum at heavy pressure until the structure collapsed. Between the rubble, Neochu appeared and went to the second sauna, while May be reformed and was also with the Raichu, ignoring the other Pokemon. Glacius look that were two more with them, a Buizel and a Samurott.

"The pool is huge, but... Where is the orgy you promised?" asked the Lapras to the Samurott. "They will be here soon but if you like we can have fun with the Lucario" answer the Samurott. "Oh, I would love that. I would serve as a warm-up. You don't mind, huh?" asked the Lapras to the Samurott and looking at the Lucario. "No, but first I want to play a bit with them." said Glacius looking the Buizel and the Wartortle.

Glacius grabbed Wartortle's head gently and put his cock in his mouth. The tortoise grabbed him and he suck it quickly, looking forward it to came immediately.

"Would you want my cum already? Then there's no turning back." said Glacius.

He began ramming his mouth until he cums inside it. The Wartortle began to swallow all the semen and his belly to fill up slowly. He noticed as his shell squeezed his body and he felt that the Lucario didn't stop cumming. He continued to grow without stopping until he exploded, releasing his cum by where were his hands, head and legs, leaving his shell fully intact with some small cracks. The Lucario left the shell of the Wartortle on the ground and with a powerful thrust penetrated the butt of the distracted Buizel making him scream of pleasure. He opposed no resistance and watched as he swelled like a balloon and begging for more cum. The Buizel was twice as large as the Wartortle until her exploded leaving only his yellow float floating in the pool.

"I think you've had enough fun. Now it's my turn!" said the Samurott.

The Samurott jumped on him and penetrated him with a powerful thrust. When his cock entered inside, the Samurott exploded inside him, beginning to fill him slowly.

"What a tight butt! I love it!" said the Samurott. "I always have it tight for everyone. Let's see if you can give me pleasure." said Glacius.

The Samurott didn't stop groaning of pleasure and the Lapras watched as his companion filled him with his cum.

"When's my turn?" asked the Lapras. "When I can't release more! shouted Samurott releasing more cum overflowing Lucario's butt "Is that all you got? I think I'm starting to get bored." said Glacius yawning while Samurott was fucking him.

The Samurott grunted and cums again, expanding more to Glacius and the Lucario smiles slightly.

"Much better. Can you give me more?" Glacius asked to the Samurott.

The Samurott released another big cumshot until Glacius released a huge orgasm and focused his aura on his belly about to blow. Glacius exploded throwing the Samurott into the water and all the cum covered in white the Lapras.

"Wow, that's a good explosion!" said the Lapras.

Meanwhile, in the second sauna, Neochu and May continued to fuck without control but he hadn't cum yet. His balls had doubled his size by containing his cum and the temperature of the sauna was really high.

"Oh, yes Neochu! Come on, I want those balls bigger!" says May screaming of pleasure. "I can't contain anymore, they're going to blow up!" shouted Neochu panting intensely and sweating a lot. "Then release it and give me every last drop!" says May screaming of pleasure.

The Raichu shouted of pleasure releasing gallons and gallons of cum on the floor and filling the Blaziken very quickly. Her belly hits violently the 4four walls of the sauna and continued to grow without control while her body was glowing with a red aura.

"Make me explode! I want to destroy more things!" screamed the Blaziken. "Here you go, destroy and flood everything that you find in your path!" shouted Neochu.

May shouted with all her might and exploded cum like a volcano over the place. The Lapras dived in the water, because if not the cum and the fire shock wave reached created by May after the explosion. Neochu woke up between the remains of the sauna and saw May changed into Mega Blaziken.

"Let's go for the next. " said May.

May and Neochu headed into the next sauna while Glacius returned as a Riolu. The Buizel and the Wartortle that exploded before, reformed evolved into Floatzel and Blastoise. The Blastoise put his cock on his face and Glacius smiled slightly.

"Do you want a rematch? Let's see if you can evolve me." said Glacius.

Glacius began to suck the huge cock of the Blastoise while the Lapras came to the surface of the water to see the show. The Riolu continued to suck quickly while the huge Pokémon tortoise was surprised by the great skill that he had. He swallowed his cock to the bottom of his throat and continued to suck without stopping. The Blastoise began to cum into Riolu's mouth, filling his cheeks in seconds and swallowing every last drop. Glacius continued to suck his cock wanting for more and surprising the Blastoise.

"Would you like some more, little boy? You'll be a big, obese Riolu in a few minutes." said the Blastoise.

Glacius wags his tail wishing to swallow more and the Turtle Pokémon cums more in it swelling the size of a big beach ball but it kept growing non-stop. The minutes passed and the Glacius was insatiable. The Blastoise was reaching his limit and his cum reserves were running out. Glacius was a monstrous ball of semen that came to the ceiling and seemed to be about to explode. Suddenly, the Blastoise fainted, leaving the Pokémon out of combat. Glacius with his aura, digested all his cum and provoked the Floatzel to try to explode him.

"Come on, try to defeat me!" said Glacius wagging his butt and lifting his tail.

The Floatzel went to the Riolu and rammed his cock to the bottom making a small bulge in his stomach. Glacius moaned of pleasure while he was fucked by the Floatzel until he noticed his stomach filling of cum from of otter pokemon. The Floatzel continued to cum and fuck with all his strength, but when Glacius already had half of his capacity, his body started to glow, evolving back into Lucario. The Floatzel can't release more cum and fainted just like the Blastoise leaving Glacius alone with the Lapras.

"Come here! Get ready for a good explosive sex!" said the Lapras showing his huge cock.

The Lucario jumped over the Lapras, falling into his cock, forming a huge bulge in his stomach. Glacius began to jump on top of the Lapras while he was fapping quickly. The two moaned of pleasure while the Lapras smiles at the gift that Glacius was giving him. The Lapras could not contain the intense rhythm of the Lucario and began to cum intensely. An explosion of cum came out of Glacius's butt and his stomach began to swell like a balloon while the Lapras asked him to sing ' Happy Birthday ' while he was filled by him. Glacius obeyed and his whole body glows again as he sang to the Lapras. It grew non-stop pushing the Lapras and plunged underwater until it reached the bottom of the pool. Glacius held his breath and stopped singing to reserve oxygen until his belly creaked very violently, making the Lapras smile for his imminent explosion. The Lapras released every last drop of his cum to his birthday present and the explosion was destructive. A white geyser came out of the pool, impacting violently against the roof and the Lapras was completely covered with cum as it fell an intense white rain that lasted a few seconds.

Neochu and May continued fucking wildly in the last sauna and they didn't listen nothing about what was happening, were too focused to giving all his love. The Lapras came to the surface covered in cum and all his friends were too covered. Glacius returned to being a Mega Lucario and began to fuck all those who had given him pleasure. The first was Samurott. He pushed him to the pool and penetrated him all his cock in his butt. He fucked him at high speed and the Samurott was completely possessed by the Mega Lucario's powerful thrusts. A huge explosion of cum made to fill the Samurott in minutes, leaving his gigantic belly to the surface and another geyser of cum came out of the pool, surprising the Lapras. The Floatzel would be his next target. He jumped out of the pool of semen while the Floatzel was ready wagging his butt. Glacius grabbed his waist and rammed his huge cock to the Floatzel causing a bulge in his stomach. The otter screamed out in pure pleasure and Glacius took not too long to cum. In 30 seconds it filled it up to the size of a beach ball and another 30 seconds increased three times his size crushing his friends and it kept growing. With a loudly crack, the Floatzel exploded again flooding the place. Glacius went to the Blastoise that was stunned by Floatzel's explosion.

"You're next." said Glacius." "¿Are you going to fuck my mouth like the last time?" asked Blastoise.

Glacius not answered and helped the Blastoise to get up. After he gave the turn and put his cock in his tight butt.

"Fuck, you have a tight butt! " said Glacius with just the tip of his cock in his butt.

The Lucario pushed his cock more deeper, beginning to crack the shell of the Blastoise and finally his cock was completely inside doing the largest crack.

"¡My shell! How I am going to fix my shell now? "said the Blastoise." "No worry. Soon I will finish. "said Glacius."

The Mega Lucario increased his speed to penetrate Blastoise's butt until he cums inside. His stomach it swelled quickly and the shell was making more tight until his cannons releases gallons and gallons of Glacius' cus. The Blastoise was screaming of pure pleasure while the Mega Lucario boosted his cumshot until he exploded violently. His shell became into pieces and their cannons came out flying, but he knew that he would return in a few hours while another wave of cum filled the place. The Mega Lucario looked at the stunned Lapras and came up to him with a big smile.

"Well, are ypu ready? I don't think that you can't contain me." said Glacius." "I think that is the best birthday I've ever had in my life" answered the Lapras. "

The Lapras layed on his back, showing his huge cock and butt, causing that the Mega Lucario was horny and desire to fuck at the same time. Suddenly, they heard a thunderous crack behind them, and it was the sauna where May and Neochu were fucking out of control. The sauna had swollen to a gigantic size and the belly of the Mega Blaziken began to slowly go about to destroy the sauna. Glacius began to fuck very quickly the Lapras before sauna ceded and the gigantic May's belly crush them. The Mega Lucario started to cum in the Lapras and his belly grew slowly while a big orgasm came from the sauna alerting that the structure would not bear much longer. Finally, the sauna exploded and the belly of the Mega Blaziken expanded at high speed and Glacius use all his aura to fill to the Lapras quickly to not be crushed. The two bellies, big as mountains, collided between them and continued to grow. Neochu and Glacius were cumming non-stop until the two huge mountains of cum exploded violently, destroying completely the place and everything were painted on white. Glacius lost his Mega evolution and was in search of Neochu. The Raichu stood up and hugged his friend while May and the other pokemon were reforming. After 15 minutes, a car came and comes out a Charizard to receive them.

"¡Wow, this is a huge disaster! " said the Charizard to see all the cum was all over the place. " "You came to pick us? Wait for May again and we go. "said Neochu."

The Blaziken was reformed and went with Glacius and Neochu his home by car. 2 hours later, they arrived at his home and the three pokemon came out of the car. The Charizard came out of the vehicle and called the Lucario to converse with him.

"¿Something wrong? " asked Glacius. " "Don't you remember me? I am the Charmeleon who came for you this morning. " said the fire-type pokemon." "You want a rematch? " said the Lucario.

The Charizard assented and entered into the vehicle followed by Glacius in the rear seats of the vehicle. The Charizard without saying anything penetrated his huge cock to Glacius. The Lucario moaned of pleasure and began to ram him hard. It doesn't take long to cum, starting to occupy the car quickly. The two Pokémon screamed of pleasure and his belly shattered the crystals of the car, then the roof and the stomach continued to grow, until it exploded violently, throwing pieces of the car in the air and the Charizard had fainted from the pleasure. In a few seconds, Glacius was reformed again, still a Lucario and went home.

"Thank you for taking us home and for the payment " said Glacius closing the door.

The Charizard woke up and flew away leaving the Raichu's house as he returned home. Glacius went to the bathroom to take a shower but when he's trying to turn the knob, he couldn't open the door. Glacius put his ear to the door and he not hear nothing.

"May? Neochu? Are you in the bathroom?" asked the Lucario but no received any answer.

Glacius was looking at all the dorms until he heard a big orgasm coming from the basement. He opened the last door and down the stairs until he saw the whole place painted white and in the bed was Neochu fucking a Mega Blaziken. May was screaming for pleasure on top of Neochu, jumping over wildly while Neochu liberated a huge cumshot, flling May quickly .

"Oh, yes! One more round, one more round!" screamed May while it was as huge as a car but Neochu continued to cum without stopping. "Hey, why is the bathroom door closed? Do we have any guests?" asked Glacius.

The two didn't answer, they continued to fuck without control and May was as big as a mountain approaching to the Lucario. Glacius went up the belly of May while the Mega Blaziken was surrounded by a red aura preparing a Blast Burn to explode. Glacius without thinking twice, he put his cock in her mouth interrupting her attack.

If you do that, you'll going to destroy the house!" screamed Glacius.

May was surprised by Glacius and her Blast Burn was interrupted. The Lucario concentrated his entire aura on his crotch ramming the mouth of the Blaziken. Neochu released a huge orgasm, expanding more to May while the Lucario continued to fuck her mouth until cums in it and finally exploded flooding the place again. Glacius fell over the Raichu surprised him

"Where have you been? What did that Charizard want?" asked Neochu. "A rematch, but it was quick" replied Glacius. "How about you play with me now? May has already played a lot with me in the pool." said Glacius. "All right, we'll do all three until we get tired." said Neochu with a huge smile. "By the way, is there anyone in the bathroom? It was closed." said Glacius. " I've locked it up since we have sex this morning, remember? We have to call someone to fix the mess." said Neochu. "Oh, I see. I hope they make the bathroom tougher." said Glacius. " If you don't boost your explosion with your aura, we wouldn't be repairing the bathroom every week. I also have to inform May that she didn't fire her bedroom when we have sex." said Neochu. "I will try to contain myself." said the Lucario with a huge smile.

The Raichu and the Lucario began to have fun while May ran towards them to join the party. They were fucking for the rest of the day until the three Pokkémon were tired and satisfied.

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