Austin's explosive birthday

Story by Tyradark86 on SoFurry

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NOTE: English is not my first language. If you saw mistakes in my story, please don't put it in the comments, only I want to know if you like it or not. If you wish to perfectly translate from your native language for me, go right ahead. I give you credit from your translation. Thanks for understanding.

Today was a special day for Austin. The aliens got up early to go to a carnival that was being held on the island. Their servants had already prepared breakfast for their teachers and continued their chores. Fivo went to work while Austin and Frosty were heading for the island's maritime area. There were many food stalls and little game shops to get a prize. At first, they weren't very interested. But it seemed that the Pokémon had a lot of fun and they played some game of the carnival. Then they tried the food from the carnival that were selling and they liked it. Austin thought they'd forgotten his special day and he started to worry. When Frosty finished eating, she kissed his cheek and told him that she hadn't forgotten. After a few minutes, they left the carnival and took a taxi. The driver was a very polite Simisear and his stomach was huge. He seemed to have made a sexual payment a few hours ago. Austin and Frosty entered to the vehicle and took a seat.

"Hello, good morning." said Austin to the driver. "Where do you want to go?" asked the Simisear. "We want to go here." answered Frosty handing a piece of paper with the right place to the driver.

The Monkey Pokémon took the paper and looked at the address.

"Okay, remember that the sexual payment is still on hold because I have to finish the previous payment. But by the direction you've given me, I think I'll have room for another payment." said the Simisear stroking his swollen belly.

The two aliens nodded and the taxi began to move towards their destination. Austin asked Frosty where they were going, but she told him it was a secret. The taxi continued their journey and had moved away from the city until a few hours later, they came to a quiet little village away from the city until the taxi stopped at their destination.

"Well, we've arrived. It's 23.50." said the Simisear.

Austin saw that there was a hole in the driver's seat where they would surely make the sex payments and began to get excited until double or triple the size of his cock touching the roof of the vehicle.

"Do you have room for another sexual payment?" said Austin. "Yes, but we won't do it here. There is a little inn nearby." said the Simisear as he took off his belt and left the vehicle. "Perfect. Frosty, will you come with me?" asked Austin. "I'll wait for you at the gates. I'm anxious to reveal my little secret to you." said Frosty with a little letter on her hand. "Is it for me?" asked Austin a bit confused when he handed over the letter. "for the driver. I'll see you later. "said frosty kissing him on his cheek.

Frosty and Austin came out of the taxi while the Simisear closed safely the vehicle and told Austin where he would make the sex payment. The winged alien saw that his belly had shrunk a lot although it was still big and he had not finished the previous payment.

"Are you sure you want the sex payment? I can still wait a little longer." said Austin. "Don't worry, you can do it without problem. What I don't want is for me to destroy the taxi. It's very old and soon will be retired it from the company and I don't want to return it made a disaster." replied the Simisear.

After walking for a while, they arrived to an inn at the village limits. It was quite rustic and with a nice atmosphere. The two went inside and a Mienshao greeted them with a pleasant smile.

"Welcome to the Spicy Cherry Inn. Oh, Mr. Simisear! We're glad to see you again." said the Mienshao. "Hi, sweetie. Same bedroom. I have another client to satisfy." said the Simisear. "I see you still have the tip from the Seasmitoads." said the Mienshao. "Yes, and I almost lost my car by his massive payments. Could you bring me that special infusion, please?" asked the Simisear. "Of course. Here's the key to the bedroom. Second floor, third door. "said the Mienshao, delivering the key to the Simisear. "Thank you, when I finish I'll give you a good tip." said the Simisear.

The two walked down to the stairs and Austin looked that the Simisear seemed more relaxed when he had entered the hostel. The Simisear opened the bedroom door and goes inside, followed by Austin, closing the door with his tail. The Simisear began to take off his uniform, stripping in front of the alien and when he took off his belt, the Simisear sighed with relief making his belly grow twice his size and sat on one of the armchairs making a strong creak. Austin left the letter that Frosty left him at the table and looked at him confused by the strange growth of his belly.

"As you can see, I have a very slow digestion. The belt hides my huge belly to be more presentable at work." said the Simisear. "Do you come to this inn often?" asked Austin while the obese Simisear was trying to get up from the couch. "Only when the customers tell me this town. I have special discounts when I bring customers to this inn. I can't get up, can you help me?" asked the Simisear. "Yes, no problem. " said Austin helping the Simisear.

The winged alien helped him get out of the chair and noticed that he was fatter than before as if his body was a walking bomb.

"Hey, are you all right? Your belly is growing. This is not normal." said Austin. "This is only side effects of my sex payments with Pokémon that are effective to my type, such as Water type or Ground type. I just need the Mienshao to bring me that to override the effects. But don't be alarmed, I'm used to this kind of situation." said the Simisear with his stomach about to reach the ground.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door and the obese Simisear was opening it quite nervous as he had to grab it with his hands because of his excessive weight.

"Sorry about the wait. Oh, dear! How much you've grown! A little more and I don't get my tip." said the Mienshao.

Simisear's belly began to grow more and his feet didn't arrive to the ground.

"Would you mind giving me the infusion? You're going to have no tip, sweetie." said the Simisear.

The Mienshao nodded and gave it to the Simisear. The fire Pokémon didn't notice the burning of the drink and swallowed it without problems. His stomach deflated like a balloon and burped slightly.

"Welcome to the Spicy Cherry Inn. Oh, Mr. Simisear! We're glad to see you again." said the Mienshao. "Hi, sweetie. Same bedroom. I have another client to satisfy." said the Simisear. "I see you still have the tip from the Seismitoad." said the Mienshao. "Yes, and they almost wrecked my taxi. Could you bring me that special infusion, please?" asked the Simisear. "Of course. Here's the key to the bedroom. Second floor, third door." said the Mienshao, delivering the key to the Simisear. "Thank you, when I finish I'll give you a good tip." said the Simisear.

They left for the stairs and Austin fixed that the Simisear seemed more relaxed when he had entered the inn. The Simisear opened the bedroom door and entered it, followed by Austin, closing the door with his tail. The Simisear began to take off his uniform, stripping in front of the alien and when he took off his belt, the Simisear sighed with relief making his belly grow twice his size and sat on one of the armchairs making a strong creak. Austin left the letter that Frosty left him at a table and looked at him confused by the strange growth of his belly.

"You see, I have a very slow digestion. The belt hides my huge belly to be more decent at work. "said the Simisear. "How often do you come to this inn?" asked Austin while the obese Simisear was trying to get up from the armchair. "Only when customers indicate this town. I have special discounts when I bring customers to this hostel. I can't get up, can you help me?" asked the Simisear. "Yes, no problem." said Austin helping the Simisear.

The winged alien helped him to get out of the armchair and noticed that he was fatter than before as if his body were a walking bomb.

"Hey, are you all right? Your belly is growing. This is not normal." said Austin. "This is only side effects of my sex payments with Pokémon that are effective to my type, such as Water type or Ground type. I just need the Mienshao to bring me the infusion to override the effects. But don't be alarmed, I'm used to this kind of situation." said the Simisear with his stomach about to reach the ground.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door and the obese Simisear was going to open it a bit nervous as he had to grab his belly with both hands by his excessive weight.

"Sorry about the wait. Oh, dear! How much you've grown! A little more and I don't get my tip." said the Mienshao.

The belly of the Simisear began to grow more and his feet didn't reach the ground.

"Would you mind giving me the infusion? You're going to have no tip, honey." said the Simisear.

The Mienshao nodded and gave it to the Simisear. The fire Pokémon didn't notice the burning of the drink and swallowed it without problem. His stomach deflated like a balloon and burped slightly.

"Thank you. Now wait for me to finish with my client and you will receive everything what you want. "said the Simisear. "Okay, I can't wait!" said the Mienshao very happy.

The Mienshao left and the Simisear closed the door. When he turned around, Austin was not there and heard a whistle that came from the bedroom. The fire monkey went to the place where the sound came from and he saw Austin waiting for him with his erected cock.

"I thought you'd gone. And I think you're ready to give me my payment. What are we waiting for? Let's get started. "said the Simisear.

The Simisear lay down with the alien on the bed and smiled at him slightly. Austin grabbed him and get put on top him, penetrating his entire member of a single thrust.

"Wow, how big you are!" said the Simisear very surprised. "Heh, this is just my original size. Let's see if you fit the XXL size you saw in the taxi, but I will increase gradually. I don't want you to have a bad experience with me" said Austin with a nice smile.

The winged alien fucked him very intensely, ramming his balls against his butt and the Simisear noticed that the cock of his client was growing very slowly, causing that his cock was marking more in his stomach.

"Oooh, yes! I love it!" screamed the Simisear of pleasure.

Austin only answered with a strong orgasm causing that the stomach was filled in minutes and the Simisear released a small Flamethrower from his mouth for the enormous amount that his client released on him.

"By Arceus! No customer had ever filled me so quickly!" screamed the Simisear panting with his tongue out. "Well, this is the payment. Now I'm going to give you a double tip! First I'm going to give you my part, but I want you to sit on me!" said Austin. "Will I have a rest for by tip?" asked the Simisear while Austin rose from him and stood up with his cock a little bigger than before. "I have to think about it." said Austin while the obese Simisear sat on his cock violently.

Austin continued to fuck the driver, growing more his cock and that the bulgewas getting bigger while the Simisear didn't stop having orgasms, cumming without stopping until another burst of cum made him scream of pleasure and his stomach expanded all over the bedroom and the bed was breaked in two because of his massive weight.

"We've only been tipped for 20 minutes. Do you want more or we finish the payment?" said Austin. "Only 20 minutes? I want more!" said Simisear. "Let's get on with the first tip!" said Austin.

The winged alien continued to pay the driver with all his strength and his cock had already reached his maximum size. His balls were huge as watermelons and his cum began to overflow from Simisear's butt as if it were a waterfall. The fire monkey just wanted it not to end and his belly began to destroy the place. The walls of the bedroom collapsed, the window exploded, leaving his bellyoutside, the door began to swell like a balloon and broke until Austin released a big scream and a big geyser came out of his butt but at the same time also went out from his mouth like a Hydropump and Simisear was loving that. Finally he exploded, destroying the entire second floor of the inn and the ceiling was shot in the air. Gallons and gallons of alien cum flooded the place until the roof fell into the forest making a loud noise. The residents of the village, already knew that this type of sexual accidents happened very often and they did not worry because the buildings had a system of reconstruction. Austin rose up from the ground and went to the bathroom, the only place that had survived at the explosion and started to shower while the Simisear was reforming. When he left the bathroom, the fire monkey thanked him for his tip and put his butt back in front of the alien.

"Do you want the second tip? I'd like to but we could do it again on another occasion," said Austin. "You told me two tips." said the Simisear. "Oh, it was a letter that I had left on a small table but by the wave of cum I've released, I think it will be hard to find. That was part of my girlfriend." said Austin. "Wait a minute, don't go yet." said the Simisear.

The Simisear left the bathroom and in a few minutes returned with a small card.

"Here, my number if you need to move around the city and about the letter, I found it. He's safe, "said the Simisear. "Okay, then I'm leaving." said Austin.

The winged alien opened the door and the Mienshao was waiting for the Simisear. The fire monkey winked at his eye and the Mienshao entered the bedroom with him. The alien left the inn and went to the only hotel in town. It had 12 floors and it was very modern. When he went inside, an explosion was heard from the inn and Austin laughed slightly. When he came inside, he got a big surprise. Frosty with Mika and May congratulated him on his birthday and on the ceiling there were colored balloons with a golden ribbon attached written "Happy Birthday Austin". His girlfriend kissed him and hugged his two inflatable toys.

"I have booked the whole hotel for us to give you a pleasant and explosive birthday." said Rika. "But you're not going to start with us. You have to start from the top floor." Frosty said. "All right. What should I do? "asked Austin. "You must check in at the hotel and talk to the receptionist," said May. "Rika and May will be on the second floor and I on the first floor to finish your birthday." said Frosty.

The winged alien nodded and went to talk to the receptionist while the three females grabbed the elevator. The receptionist was a Zangoose and she attended him.

"Welcome to Hotel Floral Blast. Congratulations, Mr. Austin. To start, fill out this document with all your data. Then I will explain how our sexual program works and we have organized thanks to miss Frosty." said the Zangoose.

The winged alien began to fill the document that he had given him and once finished, the Zangoose gave him a small tablet tied in a chain with all the information.

"Here you can see on the screen, all the Pokémon that Miss Frosty has selected for you for each floor . It's totally waterproof. Don't worry about the building, it has a very effective reconstruction system," said the Zangoose. "Perfect, then I'm going to start with you." said Austin putting on the collar with the small tablet incorporated and the Zangoose smiled with a big smile. "Follow me, Mr. Austin. I have a little bedroom here and you can give me all your gratitude." said the Zangoose.

The winged alien followed her to the small bedroom and the Zangoose lay down on the bed. Austin turned to her, opened her legs and shoved her whole cock into her cunt.

"Oh, for Arceus! It's huge!" screamed the Zangoose. "They all say the same thing," said Austin.

The winged alien continued to ramming stronger until he cum into it and her belly began to grow. Her clothes began to going tight until was shattered and continued to grow uncontrollably. The Zangoose screamed with pleasure and the bed began to creak because of her weight but Austin was not surprised. He continued to cum without stopping and knew that the Zangoose was just a warm-up. With a potent final thrust, the Zangoose exploded, screaming happy birthday before detonating, flooding the entire bedroom with cum.

"Thank you, now rest." said Austin heading to the little bathroom that had the bedroom.

After cleaning and drying, he went back to the reception where he took the elevator to head to the twelfth floor. As the elevator ascended, the winged alien looked at the applications of the small tablet on his neck and was very entertaining. He could see how many Pokémon there were on each floor, with all the necessary information and it seemed that the Zangoose was also part of his gift. The elevator stopped and the doors opened to the floor that he had pressed. When he leaved the elevator, Austin went to the first door that he saw and suddenly a note appeared on the tablet. It was from the Zangoose receptionist who had exploded a few minutes ago.

"Oh, I forgot that on all floors, the Pokémon like to play hide-and-seek. Every floor there is a gift hidden for you. Once the floor is finished, when you find it, you will be in fully protected at the reception. Have fun and if you want a second round... You know where I am" finished the note with a picture of the Zangoose covered with cum.

He opened the first door and was completely empty but he went in to check it out better. He looked everywhere until he found one. It was a female Dewott hidden inside the closet. She was very happy that he had found him and fucked her inside the closet. As she fucked her, the closet trembled violently and the Dewott was screaming of pleasure until he started to cum, swelling her belly and the closet will begin to swell like a balloon. The cum started to get out of it and the Dewott couldn't hold it for long. Finally she exploded causing the doors of the closet to be opened violently and the whole place was covered on white. Austin looked at the tablet screen and the Pokémon that remained on the floor appeared. He continued in search of the Dewott and found 4 of them in the next room. One of them started sucking his cock while the others were waiting for their turn. Austin stopped the Dewott and pushed him gently.

"Wait, I have for everyone," said Austin.

The 4 Dewott looked at him confused until three more cock came out of his crotch, surprising the water-type Pokémon. Then Austin sat on the couch while the Dewott began to suck a cock each one . The males were quite newbie while the females knew how to please him. Austin was relaxed while they're giving him pleasure until he started to cum. The males opened his eyes surprised by the amount of cum that he was releasing while the females swallowed happy. The winged alien continued to cum and saw that one of the Dewott was swelling more than the others but he knew that he can take more. They spent 10 minutes and the four Dewott were already big beach balls but continued without leaving a drop. Austin smiled and cum harder forcing to swallow more. He could see that the cum came out of their mouths and one of the Dewott exploded, surprising the remaining three.

"Well, who will be next?" asked Austin looking at the Dewott and cum even more than before.

One of the Dewott couldn't swallow more and pulled out of his mouth and the other two exploded at the same time, leaving the male Dewott alone.

"Wow, I didn't expect the females to explode before. I think we'll have a great fun, you and me." said Austin.

The other three members disappeared into his bag and opened Dewott's legs.

"Ready?" said Austin.

The Dewott only answered with big burp for all the cum that he had swallowed and for Austin was a yes. He rammed with all his strength and his belly was swaying violently. The Dewott moaned with pleasure at first but he tapoed his mouth to not vomit the cum he had in his body. The winged alien, released a huge burst of cum and the Dewott screamed with pleasure and exploded covering the whole place of cum.

"Well, you've endured more than the others, but where will the last one be?" said Austin.

The winged alien left the bedroom and went to the next to find the last Dewott of the floor. 4 rooms after, found him watching TV quietly.

"Hey, it's time! I was beginning to get bored!"said the female Dewott. "And why didn't you come looking for me?" asked Austin. "I was just watching my favorite show." said the Dewott. "I see, I have a special program for you." said Austin showing his cock in front of her.

She smiled and Austin sat next to the Dewott. The female began to suck the cock to the alien and Austin started to fuck his mouth hard. The Dewott loved it and in a matter of minutes, Austin began to fill her and her belly began to swell. Dewott continued to swallow his cum until her body started to glow. Austin watched as the Pokémon changed shape to be a Samurott. The Samurott sat on his cock and smiled at him.

"Thank you for evolving me. Now. fuck me harder! said the Samurott. "Of course." said Austin smiling at the Pokémon.

The Samurott began to jump on top of him and a violent burst of cum came out of the vagina of the Pokémon and quickly filled, spliting in two the couch for her massive weight and continued to grow without control. The Samurott shouted of pleasure and the walls of the rooms collapsed by her belly and continued to grow, invading the whole floor. Finally, the Samurott exploded flooding the entire floor and outside the hotel, all the windows had been painted white. Austin got up from the shattered couch and went to the elevator to go to the next floor. When he came inside, there was a gift but when he was going to pick it up, itwas gone. The tablet screen went on by itself and the floor had been overcome. The elevator went down to the eleventh floor and when is opened, there was only a long hallway and at the end a big door. The winged alien walked to it, opened it and the room was like a huge spa. There was a large swimming pool, followed by numerous jacuzzis and saunas to be able to relax. Austin decided to relax in one of the jacuzzis while was looking for Pokémon that was on this floor. When it was introduced into the jacuzzi, he noticed something strange. I couldn't see anything from the bubbles but he had an idea.

"I think I've caught something." said Austin.

The winged alien noticed that were sucking his cock and started to cum. Suddenly, among the bubbles, came a huge belly to the surface and smiled slightly.

"I've fished a Floatzel with my cock! Let's see how much you hold..." said the winged alien.

The Floatzel was able to free himself and sat on his lap with a defiant smile.

"You may have filled me a little, but I can hold much more than other Floatzel!" said the obese otter.

Austin penetrated his cock in his butt and cums harder making that the belly of the male Floatzel will start to come out of the jacuzzi and he smiles without stopping.

"See? You can put me all the cum you want but you're not going to--"

The Floatzel exploded, making a sonorous BLORF, covering the entire Jacuzzi with cum.

"Less talk and more explode. Let's see in the others and look at the saunas " said Austin.

The white alien continued to enter the remaining Jacuzzis but there was nothing. After relaxing in the Jacuzzis, he went to the first sauna. He opened the door and the steam released an aroma of eucalyptus making that the alien relax.When he came inside, there was another male waiting, wiggling his butt.

"I see that now they are direct to give me the gift" thought Austin.

The winged alien penetrated his butt and enjoyed his gift. The Floatzel moaned of pleasure, feeling like his stomach was filled with cum and grew without stopping until he exploded covering of cum all its interior. Austin went to the next, where he found two other Floatzel performing a 69.

"Did I help you?" asked Austin.

The two Floatzel accepted and Austin penetrated one of them while the other Floatzel continued to suck his partner's cock. All of a sudden, his partner, who was on top of him, started to swell up like a balloon and didn't get to suck his cock. The other Floatzel was with his tongue out, asking for more but ignoring that he was crushing his partner. Austin lifted it up and explode him, leaving the other Floatzel to breathe.

"Well, you're next." said Austin. "Give me every last drop. I'm thirsty. "said the Floatzel.

The winged alien obeyed and gave him his cock to satisfy his thirst as he relaxed in the sauna. The Floatzel looked into his stomach and was filling faster than his partner and decided to stop and finishing him with a pleasurable explosion. Austin penetrated his butt and continued to cum in it, occupying the entire sauna and begin to collapse the narrow place. The Floatzel shouted out of pure pleasure and the sauna could not withstand the pressure and was shattered by filling even more the Floatzel that his belly was approaching to the pool. Austin, gave him his final thrust, blowing him up, ending the last remaining Floatzel. The explosion caused that the entire spa was completely white and Austin decided it was time to leave. As he searching it, he heard a female voice behind him.

"I'm still here! There is no secret gift if you do not accept mine." said a Buizel. "I had completely forgotten. I thought it was five Floatzel." said Austin. "I was a Floatzel before, but my companions de-evolve me after I fucked all the males and now I want to be a Floatzel again." said the Buizel. "No problem. Do you want blowjob or sex? "I ask Austin. "Blowjob. I evolve very fast doing blowjobs, which my partners do not let me do." answered the Buizel.

Austin sat on one of the banks that had survived the explosion from the last Floatzel and began to suck his cock. Austin relaxed while the Buizel massaged his balls and each time he felt heavier until he could not contain himself anymore and began to cum in her mouth. The Buizel began to swallow all the cum that the alien gave him and in 10 gulps her belly reached the ground but she did not have enough. She continues growing without stopping occupying half of the pool until her body started to glow, evolving to an obese Floatzel. She had lost half of her weight after evolution, but her belly was big and full.

"Come on, I'm not done with my present yet!" said the obese Floatzel lifting her tails.

Austin rose from the bank and a second erected cock came out of his bag to penetrate the Floatzel by her butt and cunt at the same time. The Floatzel felt the two cocks fucking her at the same time, shouting of pleasure. In a few minutes, cum inside her and instead of growing her belly , she was growing in size! The obese Floatzel continued to grow in size until she reached the ceiling and Austin decided to take out the heavy artillery. He took out his two cocks and one of them grew triple of the normal and penetrated the huge Floatzel suprising her by her massive cock by the vagina. The otter decided to take control, but it was a big mistake since Austin released a huge cumcannon, filling the huge Floatzel quickly and her belly destroyed the entire floor. Her belly went out the windows until it exploded, releasing all the cum and fell huge waterfalls of cum through the windows. Austin smiled at the mess he had made and his gift appeared floating on the pool. As it happened before, when he touched it, it disappeared.

The winged alien went to the elevator and presses down to the next floor. The tenth floor there were two Luxray hidden in it and began to search. The first one found her in the kitchen and she started sucking his cock without stopping, getting faster, storing electricity. Austin grabbed her head and cums in her and she uses Thunder from the Luxray, causing his cumshot was going faster and the Pokémon exploded in a few minutes. The winged alien was paralyzed for a few minutes, but he recovered immediately. The second Luxray, was found hidden under the bed and came out to give him her gift. He penetrated her cunt and started to fuck her with all his strength, making her roar of pleasure and noticed that she was storing electricity as she penetrated it. The Luxray desired more and her desire was fulfilled. The winged alien started to cum into her and she responded with Thunderbolt forcing it to cum faster. In a few minutes, her paws didn't reach the ground and continued to grow to the ceiling. The Luxray bit the bulb, absorbing more electricity, transforming into an electric bomb. Finally, Austin blew her up and caused a short-circuit throughout the hotel, leaving the elevator inactive. As he left the bedroom, another present appeared and disappeared. Austin already ignored the surprise gifts that appeared once the Pokémon of the floor exploded, because he knew that they disappeared and he would find them at the reception. As the elevator didn't work, the winged alien go downstairs. Arriving on the ninth floor, Austin went to the door on the right and opened. A big and powerful Dragonite awaited him.

The Dragonite without saying anything, turned around and Austin penetrated it without thinking twice. The Dragonite contented by the quick acceptance of her gift, she wished it would begin to fill it right away. Austin speeded up, grabbing her waist until he started to cum into her. The Dragonite roared of pleasure while the winged alien continued to fuck and her belly started to grow rapidly, destroying the entire bedroom and the window brokes, and her belly went outside. Austin continued to cum in her cunt and the belly of the Dragonite was forming a huge hole where the window was until she exploded violently blowing up the entire wall of the west side of the same floor. Austin surprised, went to the east side of the ninth floor to find the second Dragonite. The winged alien found her sleeping on the bed and woke her up penetrating her cunt.

"Good morning, sweetie. Time to give me my surprise, don't you think?" said Austin.

The Dragonite looked at the door where he had entered and she could see a gigantic hole on the other side while she was fucked by the alien.

"I can do better. Give me the best of you!" said the Dragonite. "Let's see if you can beat your partner." said Austin ramming more forcefully to the Dragonite.

The alien took control and the bed trembled violently by his strong thrusts until he started to cum into her, making her swell twice as fast as the previous Dragonite but he was surprised that the female pushed him interrupting his sex.

"Don't you like it?" asked Austin. "Yes, I love it. But I prefer to do it to my liking,"said the Dragonite.

The obese dragon rose from the bed and sat on the alien's cock, crushing with her weight and the bed creaks violently.

"Come on, will you be able to continue?" said the Dragonite with a huge smile.

The alien giggled and cums hard, expanding the dragon more to occupy the entire room and the other windows will explode while her belly grew throughout the ninth floor. Finally, Austin gave her a big final blast destroying everything that was left of that floor. The winged alien went down to the next floor and it seemed that the Pokémon were no longer hiding. A huge Tyrantrum waited for him in the hallway to give him his gift. The winged alien went to her but the female entered one of the rooms to follow her. Austin smiled and entered the bedroom where the huge dinosaur was waiting ready to play with him. The winged alien used the heavy artillery as the female was much larger than him and his cock grew twice as normal to be able to give pleasure to that huge Tyrantrum. He penetrated her cunt into a single thrust and at the same time, after a few minutes, started to cum , beginning to fill the dinosaur Pokémo . The female roared of pleasure while she was transforming into a gigantic cumball, destroying the entire bedroom, expanding throughout the floor and outside the hotel, the eighth floor was swelling like a balloon. Her belly broke the windows and ignored that on that same floor there was another Tyrantrum waiting for his turn. The other Pokémon dinosaur, who was male, waited for Austin to come. Time passed and decided to look for it, when suddenly, the wall collapsed and the belly of the female Tyrantrum invaded his bedroom, destroying everything and without any chance of escaping. When the female's belly was about to crush him, Austin gave her his final orgasm and that the eighth floor will explode, releasing all the cum and that Tyrantrum male, swallowed all the cum at high pressure and exploded minutes later making the white waterfalls that came out from the hotel never ends.

"Well, to the next floor." said Austin leaving the desolate and flooded room as he headed for the seventh floor down the stairs.

Austin came to one of the doors and opened it where two Garchomp were ready to fuck him.

"Mr. Austin, we are glad to see that you are still full of energy!" said the first Garchomp. "We want to do it at the same time." said the second Garchomp. Perfect. Let's see how much cum you can hold between the two." said Austin.

From his bag came a second cock and went to the bedroom to receive his gift. The two Garchomp sat on his cocks, one for each and started to jump wildly on top of him, shaking the bed. Austin smiled that the Pokémon Dragon had so much desire to give his gift and started to cum in them. As her bellies grew, he noticed that the objects that were on the furniture and the paintings that were hanging on the walls started to shake. The two Garchomp continued to grow until they roared of pleasure and everything will begin to shake more.

"What's going on?" asked Austin.

The Garchomp only roared loudly of pleasure and her bellies were bigger anda lot of cracks in the walls started to appear. Austin realized that the Garchomp had already lost control and were using Earthquake while they're holding his cum. The more they stored, more powerful are their attack was and decided to give them a good and pleasant final explosion. Austin shouted of pleasure, releasing a large amount of cum, risking that the hotel will collapse by the intense double Earthquake of the Garchomp, boosting their powers. Finally, they exploded, shaking the entire building and having his cum out of the bedroom and all the windows on the seventh floor. After finding the hidden gift, he came out of the bedroom and went downstairs to the sixth floor. It was quite warm and opened one of the doors where two female Charizard, gave him a warm hug.

"Are you ready to give us all your power, Mr. Austin?" asked the first Charizard. "Of course. Shall we fun the three together? "proposed Austin. "Yes, double fun!" said the second Charizard very happy.

The two Charizard looked like from his bag, three more cock appeared to penetrate into her cunts and her butts. Austin lay down in bed with his four erected cocks and the Charizards sat on their cocks, beginning her gift for the winged alien. While he fucked the females, the flame of her tails grew slowly by the sex received but also started to release white steam from her bodies as if they were preparing a special attack for when Austin will exploit them. The temperature of her bodies was increasing and their cocks started to burn.

"I can't stand it anymore, girls!" shouted Austin. "I'm nervous!" said the second Charizard. "Release it all!" shouted the first Charizard.

The winged Alien, cum by his four cock filling the two Charizard at the same time while the flame of her tails had tripled her size and didn't stop releasing steam, transforming the bedroom into a sauna. Austin looked at the Charizardthat they not saying anything, they were concentrated and sweating a lot while her bellies continued to grow non-stop. Suddenly, her bellies began to gurgling violently as if the females were boiling Austin's cum inside huge ovens. The cheeks of the Charizard swelled and the steam was very denser and started to lose sight of the huge heat bombs that he had created with his cum. Austin shouted so hard that the Charizard finally roared of pleasure releasing a Fire Blast from their mouths and exploded using Overheat in her bellies, carbonizing and destroying the entire bedroom. The windows burst, releasing fire and cum everywhere while Austin released more cum hitting the ceiling. His four cocks were burning and he had a lot of steam. The alien decided to cool them in the shattered bathroom as he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Wow, I think these Charizard must contact them again to do it again." said Austin.

Austin came out of the warm room and checked if the elevator worked again. The elevator had stayed on the tenth floor and it seemed that the problem had not been solved. The alien continued to go down stairs to the next floor until they reached one of the doors and opened them to fuck the next Pokémon.He found two Typhlosion playing cards and seeing the winged alien, they stop playing.

"Well, girls. Prepared to satisfy the alien? "said Austin.

They smiled and went to the bedroom. Austin went with his four erected cocks to the Typhlosion and when he entered, he pounced on them and began to fuck them hard at the same time. At first he penetrated them by turns, with two cocks in each hole, filled of cum. The two obese Typhlosion wanted to do it on top of him and sat on his cocks, two for each. Austin watched as they continued to grow and the flame on their backs started to grow while a red aura surrounded their bodies. The bellies of the Typhlosion occupied the whole bedroom. One of them, came out the door while the second was leaving the bedroom and started to invade the hallway. The winged alien ended with a huge shot of cum and the females violently exploded like volcanoes, crossing the ceiling of the bedroom and the rest of the floors to the roof, forming a great white fountain. Austin sighed satisfied and he takes a good shower to relax a bit. After being cleaned again, he went back to the elevator. Suddenly, he heard that he was rising and he was very surprised.

"Had not he remained damaged in the tenth floor? They must have fixed it." thought Austin.

The elevator arrived and when the doors opened, he found two Lucario kissing. Austin went into the elevator with his four erected cocks but decided to save two of them as he was having fun with them. One of the Lucario, pressed the button down while Austin fucked the other Lucario. As the elevator went down, his partner was already a cum ball in less than 5 minutes and exploded in front of him feeling a lot of envy. The second Lucario sucked his two cocks at the same time and in a few seconds began to fill it. The elevator reached the fourth floor and a lot of cum came out of the elevator. The second Lucario had been exploited. The winged alien was a long time looking for the other two Lucario but he didn't find them unti he heard loud noises in one of the bathrooms but when he opened the door, there was no one. A secret door opened and two Mega-Lucario came out, surprising the alien.

"How nice of you," said Austin.

The alien pounced on one of the Mega-Lucario and penetrated his butt making moan the Pokémon. His belly soon grew and Austin was cumming at great pressure but the Pokémon lost his Mega evolution to his original form, a huge and obese Lucario that continued to grow without stopping until he couldn't stand the rhythm of the alien. The other Mega-Lucario wiggled his butt and Austin penetrated him instantly with his two erected cocks. The Mega-Lucario smiled slightly and felt like the alien fucked him with intensity wishing he would explode. Austin screamed of pleasure and the belly of the Mega Lucario came to the ground as it continued to grow non-stop. Austin kept on cumming while the Mega-Lucario was screaming of pleasure and concentrating all his aura on his belly. In 30 minutes the entire fourth floor was occupied by the belly of Mega Lucario and Austin finished with another cumshot causing that Mega Lucario explodes with so much power that destroyed the entire floor and gallons of cum were shot in all directions. Austin left for the third floor and smelled the scent of Frosty, a sign that was approaching to her.

As he entered the bedroom, he found a huge Lugia twice his size and the space to fuck was huge. The Lugia without saying anything pounced on him and sat on his little cock directly to his big cunt. Austin increased his cock to the max, making to surprise the Lugia and started to jump over the alien savagely. The two moaned of pleasure and noticed that Austin started to cum like a high pressure Hydropump. Her belly was not growing but the alien continued to cum uncontrollably while the Lugia shouted of pleasure at the massive amount of cum released by the little alien. The two continued to fuck and cumming non-stop for hours until her belly began to swell.

"Now begins the real show," said Austin. "I wanted this moment too," said the Lugia.

Her belly grew uncontrollably all over the place until she occupied the entire third floor. Doors and windows couldn'tt with the belly of the Lugia and Austin shouted with all his strength releasing all the cum that the Lugia could until she exploded making the whole hotel shake again and gallons of cum came out everywhere at big pressure except in the two first floors. After satisfying the legendary Pokémon, he went to the second floor where the elevator had been again out of service by the explosion of Lugia. He went down the stairs again and when he reached the second floor May, the inflatable Blaziken, jumped on him.

"It's time! I was so bored! "said May. "Well, I'm here. Rika wait for me in the bedroom." said Austin. "All right." said the Decidueye.

Rika closed the door and Austin penetrated May for her impatience.

"Here's what you wanted? There we go!" said Austin. "Oh, yes! I'm going to flood it all! "said May.

Austin started to fuck her with a lot of strength until he cums and filled her up right away. The Blaziken screamed of pleasure as the alien's cum stretched all over her plastic body and her belly was expanding all over the aisle. Her body was increasingly creaking and the inflatable Blaziken asked for more and more, reaching the ceiling. Austin finished her with another burst of cum and May couldn't contain any more and flooded the entire aisle.

"I hope you've learned the lesson." said Austin.

After exploiting May, the inflatable Blaziken, went to the bedroom where Rika was waiting for him. The winged alien lay on top of her and penetrated her cunt, starting her gift.

"You're more attractive in the flesh and blood, you know? When you're an inflatable, you can't hold too much, "Austin said. "Oh, how big you are!" said Rika moaning of pleasure.

Austin continued to fuck the Decidueye while the female grabbed at him until the first cumshot entered her cunt.

"Austin, make me huge!" cried Rika "Huge? I'll make you so big you'll take care of destroying this room! "shouted Austin releasing another shot of cum, filling the Decidueye quickly.

Rika pushed him and put on top of him with his cock in her butt and the winged alien continued to cum without control. Her belly was growing and the bed split in two by her massive weight. Her expansion by the bedroom was very fast, the windows were broken by her belly and continued to destroy everything that was in her path, occupying all the bedrooms on the second floor. The Decidueye not stop screaming and had reached the ceiling while Austin was going to give her his final cumshot. The alien realeased a huge cannon of cum and Rika destroyed by her explosion, the entire second floor of the hotel making another fountain of cum by all the holes that had the damaged hotel. Austin sighs relieved and with a huge smile, he left to the last floor that stood, where Frosty awaited him. The winged alien opened the door and frosty kissed his mouth, stroking his crotch.

"I hope you liked my presents," Frosty said. "I've loved it. Now it's your turn. "said Austin.

The two aliens went into the bedroom and sat on the bed. Frosty started to suck his cock and the winged alien stroked her face while she's doing the blowjob. Austin couldn't hold more but cum on her, starting filling her slowly her belly. Frosty took his cock out of her mouth and put over him.

"I want everything you've got. Every last drop." said Frosty.

The winged alien smiled and from his bag came three other erected cocks and Frosty sat on top of them, two in her cunt and the other two in her butt. The blue alien started to jump wildly on top of him making moaning of pure pleasure to Austin while he's holding her girlfriend with all his strength. Austin cums and her belly expanded quickly destroying the bedroom and the windows starting a cumshot. Austin climbed up Frosty and continued to fuck with his four cocks while Frosty's belly was invading one by one the floors of the hotel. The entire main entrance was destroyed by the blue alien's belly and seemed togrow. A few hours later, her breasts grew like mountains and the building was still standing by the serious structural damage that it had. After 4 hours of intense sex, Austin and Frosty didn't stop kissing while gallons of cum overflowed from her cum, but they continued to fuck. The whole building was filled with Frosty's gigantic belly and her breasts came out of the hotel roof while the two watched a beautiful sunset.

"I want more, I want more!" shouted Frosty. "I love you very much." said Austin. "By the way, happy birthday." said Frosty. "Thank you and now... give me an explosive end!" shouted Austin

Austin gave him a final cumshot and the hotel inflates a lot until it collapsed but the belly and Frosty's breasts continued to grow. Finally, Austin blew her up, making it tremble and flood all the Pokémon town, covering it all white. He fell to high altitude but he uses his powers to stop the fall and waited his girlfriend and his pokémon inflatables to regenerate. All the Pokémon that exploded had already been reformated and the gifts were safe. Frosty reformed and hugged Austin.

"Shall we go back home?" asked Frosty. "Of course, but first we need a taxi to get back home and a nice shower." replied Austin.

All the villagers started to clean up the sexual disaster while Austin looked at the tablet, as he had forgotten about it. When he turned on the screen, all the Pokémon phone numbers that had exploded during his party appeared until a taxi stopped a few meters from the hotel destroyed. The door of the vehicle opened and came out the Simisear that attended him before.

"I think we already have transport." said Austin. "Isn't the Simisear that we took us?" asked Frosty. "Yes, and the one that I fucked. Hey, could you take us home? "asked Austin. "Of course, let me help you with all the baggage." said the Simisear.

The Simisear began to collect all the gifts while the aliens and the pokémon inflatables said goodbye to all. When he finished loading the baggage, they headed back home to open his presents.


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