Uncontrolled evolution

Story by Tyradark86 on SoFurry

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NOTE: English is not my first language. If you saw mistakes in my story, please don't put it in the comments only I want to know if you like it or not. If you wish to perfectly translate from your native language for me, go right ahead. I give you credit from your translation. Thanks for understanding.

2 years after being defeated by the Dragonite in the sex battle that she never lost a single battle, she has her revenge recovering her powers, her territory and help the Zoroark, the witch has her new sexual slave Simisear, made her reconsider that she could not be so vengeful and she's going to help the Pokémon with problems just like their older brothers. The Delphox lived in a tree house built with her psychic powers and his interior had a resemblance to a house for humans. Time passed and the Simisear doesn't like to be a slave to anyone but in the end making a pact with the witch, made his life easier than ever and giving him the power of immortality. During that time, the Delphox only fell in love with Dragon type pokémon like Hydreigon, Flygon or Garchomp among others, making the Simisear who lived with him, was the sex toy of his previous boyfriends every time the Delphox refused to have sex with his Master. With Tyranitar as a new couple, the witch entertained herself by creating potions, learning new spells thanks to the magic books that her brothers lent her or without using her magic stick while her slave could relax from being penetrated by the big Pokémon. The Simisear was in paradise. he could fuck all the times he wanted, but the bad thing was that only when she ordered it or when her boyfriend was not around the area. Rarely caught her distracted or asleep but did not get angry with his slave because he liked to make him angry to give him what he wanted. To have permission to do so he had to do everything she asked. The Delphox noticed that when he got angry and uses Frustration, he wasn't such a bad toy as she thought. But the witch kept that rule in her territory for all males: to challenge her in a sex battle and defeat her. If they did, they could stay in her territory. In the case of females, there was no problem, they were welcome but gave them a spell of immortality to enjoy all the times their new friends wanted. One day shw was reading a spell book while her tummy looked like the size of a big barrel, someone knocked on her door. The Delphox was trying to get up but Simisear had it well held by her waist with his strong hands so that his sexual fun would not be interrupted.

"Let me get up, you idiot monkey. We will continue when we I attended the door." said the witch leaving the book on one side of the bed. "Come on, Can I go on while you're headed for the door? You know I get more horny if you insult me?" said the Simisear leaving his Mater to get up from him. "You're a very insatiable ape. You remind me of that stupid Dragonite." said the Delphox grabbing her stick from the ground and with a simple spell, her swollen belly vanished. "Oh, come on. Now I'll have to fill you again." said the monkey somewhat frustrated. "Clean my room and go to your room. I'll leave you a clone for fun. I don't want to smell like sex. Move your ass!" ordered her Master. "Yes, Master." said the Simisear as the witch closed the door with a strong blow leaving her slave with his cock still erect.

The Delphox just wanted to freshen up and opened the door to know who was his opponent. She looked down and was a Froakie.

"Are you the one who needs my help?" asked the Witch to the frog pokémon. "Yes, I've seen a group of attractive female Greninja in your territory and I'd like to evolve as quickly as possible. I am also a newcomer and I have heard that I need to do a sort of challenge to stay here. What should I do? "said the Froakie. "I'll explain it to you right now but come into my house." said the Delphox.

The Froakie entered her house and the witch closed the door behind her. The frog sat on one of his chairs while the Delphox grabbed a white book. It was a list where he wrote the Pokémon that had passed her sex challenge and the one he was waiting for, he was not on the list. It left it in his place and went to look at his bedroom. His sexual slave was not, surely in his room but needed to be alone with the Froakie. She went to the Simisear's room and saw her clone more massive than a plane. Her belly came to the ceiling and the Simisear seemed not to get tired until the witch made her disappear her clone and the Pokémon was angry with her.

"Now what's the matter? Cannot I fuck your clones quietly? "said the ape. "I need a few of ingredients for my potions. They're the usual." said the Delphox. "Again? If you had the warehouse full." said the Simisear. "I spent it all, a few days ago with a horde of Raichu, remember?" said the Delphox. "Oh, yes. They left the place a mess. What a remedy. I'll be back in a few hours." said Simisear. "You better not come back here for a few days. I want some peace for myself. "said the Delphox. "I'm going to miss that big butt. Goodbye, Master." said the Simisear. "I don't have a fat ass, you idiot! Go away from my sight before I turn you into a shitty Pansear!" shouted the Delphox.

The Pokémon monkey left laughing at her Master through a secret door and went in search of what she had asked. Now that I was alone, I could do the challenge with that little Froakie.

"I hope you don't faint the first few minutes." thought the witch as she was heading to the dining room.

The Froakie startsto suspect what kind of challenge she was trying and he noticed a bit horny.

"I see you don't need to know what you have to do. Get ready for the challenge. You're not getting out of here until you beat me." said Delphox.

The Froakie with his little cock erected was ready for the sex and challenge went to herbedroom. The witch left her stick aside and lay down on the bed face up. The Froakie stood up to him and thrust his cock into it, beginning to fuck it with all his strength.

"Well, don't rush to fill me. You do it well" said the Delphox while she's collecting the book of spells that she had left before with his slave and starts to read ignoring the Frog Pokémon. "I can be small, but soon I'll be a Greninja thanks to this." said the Froakie. "Ha! Many Pokémon have evolved but the effort has been in vain. Do you think you're going to make it?" said the Delphox without stopping to look at the book.

The Froakie continued to fucking hard until he started to cum inside her and her belly started to swell slowly but she continued to read without noticing that her belly continued to grow until a pregnant belly. The little frog screamed of pleasure pushing hard until the witch smiled, leaving her book of spells aside and her belly was already the size of a barrel.

"Well, you doing it a little better than my slave but you don't try hard enough.Harder and concentrate!" said the Delphox patting her swollen belly.

The Froakie used everything that he had until his body began to glow up and stopped for a few minutes. The Frog Pokémon evolved into a Frogadier full of energy ready to continue. The Delphox seemed not to surprise her but when she went back to fuck her she couldn't resist to moaning of pleasure for his strong thrust. In a matter of 10 minutes, the Frogadier released an enormous amount of cum causing the witch's stomach to grow to the size of a car and her bed will begin to creak because of her massive weight. The Delphox started panting and she couldn't see the Frogadier.

"Come on, is that all you can give me?" said the witch as the Frogadier continued to fucking her harder

Another burst of cum entered into her making her bed no longer hold her weight, broke and fell the floor showing her huge butt to the Frog Pokémon and her tummy looked like a huge boat. She was completely immobilized and herarms and legs did not reach the ground while the walls of her bedroom appeared cracks because of the heavy pressure of her stomach. The Frogadier looked hypnotized for the huge butt of the Delphox and smiled from ear to ear. TheFrog Pokémon climbed the belly of the Delphox until it reached the top and started to masturbate quickly until the light of the evolution returned again.

"Be prepared, I will give you so much ninja pleasure that you will plead so that the challenge will never end!" shouted the Frogadier about to evolve again.

The Frogadier thurst his cock again with all his strength to his butt making the Pokémon glow brighter and evolved into a powerful Greninja. The walls of the bedroom collapsed and continued to expand through the house destroying everything in its path. The Greninja stopped and began to make those forbidden sexual jutsus he wanted to do since he saw them using only in his mating season.

"What's the matter? Are you done yet? Pathetic. Well, I'll just have to use my stick and... "

But all of a sudden, the Greninja gave a good spanking to her huge butt by shutting the witch's mouth, smiled and his member doubled his size making her scream of pleasure.

"But what the hell?! Since when do you know magic? But I'm not giving up!" said the Delphox, noticing that the Greninja started to push his new huge cock. "This is just a little demonstration of my sexual jutsus, you'll soon feel like a big Hydro Cannon of cum coming into you." said the Frog Pokémon while noticing that his balls began to grow with each thrust that gave her butt thanks to another sexual Jutsu .

Near where Delphox was "helping" the Froakie, she did not know that she had spectators when she was doing her sex challenge at home or outside her. A group of Pokémon saw how the house began to swell like a balloon and her belly came out of the door and her windows.

"Since she was defeated for the first time, she has helped many Pokémon with health problems." said a female Girafarig. "Also other things. Before there were more females than males, now the males have tripled but more females continue to appear to be immortal. "said a female Pawniard. "How many Pokémon have destroyed her house? Because that Froakie is getting it." said a female Persian. "I think it's the seventh or eighth that lets her into her house. The Delphox doesn't usually do her sex challenges at home without his slave leaving and every time it is destroyed it builds with much more resistance." said a female Bellossom. "How's going with the Froakie, Luxray? Some news?" asked the Girafarig. "Yes, a lot. That Froakie is now a Greninja and he's slapping her butt while his balls are like huge watermelons. I'm sure he's using a trick or something." said the male Luxray using his vision that he could see through any surface. "Is he already a Greninja? I don't think the witch endures much longer. "said the Bellossom.

While in the house, the Greninja was ready to release his final shot.

"This is the best treatment I've ever had! Prepare to lose!" screamed the Greninja. "We'll see about that!" said the Delphox as she listened as the house violently creaked and more cracks appeared all over the place.

The Pokémon Rana stopped fucking and with a big Giga Impact on her butt, a huge cannon of semen made him scream of pure pleasure while gallons and gallons of cum came out of her butt and his balls began to shrink like his massive cock. The Delphox also screamed with pleasure and her belly expanded uncontrollably causing the house to become more gigantic and the nearby trees will begin to crumble. The Pokémon who watched the show began to think they had to flee if they did not want to be drowned by the wave of cum that was about to happen.

"Girls, isn't it better that we flee? I don't want to be drown in Greninja's cum... "said the Persian. "Do whatever you want, I'll stay here. Let's see if the witch makes a new record." said the Luxray. "Go Greninja! Explode this bitch!"cried Bellossom supporting the Greninja while all the cum was coming out of all the cracks of the house. "Don't let yourself be defeated by that stupid frog!" shouted Pawniard supporting Delphox

The two Pokémon continued to shout of pleasure until the witch exploded destroying her house and a large wave of cum was heading towards the group.

"For Arceus, run!" cried the Persian.

The Pokémon started to flee while the Pawniard fled jumping through the trees. The oor Bellossom fell to the ground and asked for help from her friends.

"Don't leave me here! Help!" she cried out desperately the Bellossom as the white wave destroyed everything he found in his path.

The Girafarig used Psychic and elevated her to her back as she continued to run. They could see more Pokémon fleeing the place. Some were hit and saw 7 Aegislash followed by numerous Pokémon behind them.

"Over there! We're saved! They will protect us!" said the Persian.

The Pokémon came to the Aegislash group and saw how other Pokémon couldn't arrive to the Aegislash. The wave was about to reach them until the Aegislash using Real Shield at the same time, created a big barrier protecting all the Pokémon that were behind them. The white wave strongly impacted to the shield making numerous cracks alarming the Pokémon.

"All Pokémon who know how to use Reflect or Protect reinforce cracks! Everything is under control!" shouted one of the Aegislash.

The Pokémon nodded and obeyed the Aegislash. After a few minutes of maximum tension, the white wave had lost all his strength and returned the tranquility. The barrier was gone and the whole forest was white. Some trees were still standing by the disaster and those who lived in the territory of the Delphox knew that this happened often. All the Pokémon that were reached survived but with some weight on their bellies. Minutes later, at the scene of the sexual explosion, the Delphox came back to life and approached to the Greninja. His face was of extreme happiness, sleeping placidly.

"Wake up, Sleepy!" said the Witch kicking the sleeping Pokémon.

The Greninja woke up and gets up, looking impressed to the disaster he had made.

"Congratulations, you've defeated me. Welcome to my territory." said the Delphox. "Ehhh, thank you? I didn't expect to do so much destruction. I've lost control as I evolve " said the Greninja. "Don't worry, with a couple of spells it'll be all as before. Now go away." said the Delphox.

The Frog Pokémon left leaving the Delphox alone. The witch with her powers, made disappear all the cum that had destroyed her territory, making appear a large glass barrel and all the cum appeared inside to use it in future potions. Then she restored the forest and finally her house. A few days later, Simisear returned with the things she asked in the new store, more spacious and bigger than before and went to play with her Master, who was in the mood to satiate his love in her.

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