Outcasts, Chapter 2

Story by Xtra on SoFurry

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#2 of Outcasts

Chapter 2

The Seviper was curled up on a high branch, resting, after killing and eating an unlucky Pichu that wandered too far from his pack. The little guy put up a pretty good fight, but once his fangs slid into his tiny body, it was all over. The outline of the Pichu could still be seen, as the meal slowly digested.

Then the Seviper heard something below him. He lazily opened one eye to see it was a Zangoose He gave a hiss, his instinctive nature to fight and kill him rising. But after eating a meal, he was sluggish and tired. So he had to be careful.

"Letsss ssse now," the Seviper thought. "If I can drop down at jussst the right time, I can get my tail blade into him before he knowsss I'm here. He should be immune from my poissson, but maybe I can land a fatal blow and end thisss quickly."

The Zangoose, meanwhile, didn't see him. He was still looking around for any sign of the Seviper. He heard from a sobbing and pregnant Raichu that a Seviper ate her son, and slithered off in this direction. She wanted revenge, but he got away before she could. She was about to follow, when the pack stopped her, because of the danger to her and her unborn child. So she asked him to do it for her.

So now the Zangoose was following the lead he was given. He found a couple of clues that told him he was on the right track, but no Seviper. At least, not until the attack came from above. He barely had time to dodge the slash from the tail blade. And while it wasn't a killing blow, it did open a nasty gash on his shoulder, drawing blood. The Zangoose stumbled back, holding a paw over the wound. Luckily, this blow didn't poison him.

Both combatants gave a hiss at each other, as they stared each other down. Both pairs of eyes narrowed, as they stared into the eyes of the other, daring their opponent to make the first move. A light wind blew between them.

"You haven't been building a very good reputation, Seviper. Not only did you do something to a Vulpix, but you also killed a young life for food," the Zangoose hissed. "I don't care about the fact that you have to kill to eat, but killing a kid is over the line."

"Asssk me if I care," he hissed back. "I do what I wisssh. And right now, I'm going to kill you. I've beaten Zangoosssse more experienced than yourssself, so what makesss you think you have a chance?"

"I made a promise. A promise that I would return from this battle. And it's a promise that I intend to keep," the Zangoose answered.

"Never make promisssesss you can't keep, " The Seviper replied, before lunging at him.

The Zangoose slashed at his face as he lunged, hitting him in the side of the face. He quickly recovered from the force of the hit, and aimed a bite at the arm. He missed the bite, and brought his head back, looking for a good spot to attack. The Zangoose watched warily, ready for anything.

Except a Slam attack. Which the Seviper launched right at his stomach, using his head. The Zangoose had all the air knocked out of him, and the force of the attack brought him to the ground. He looked up to see the mouth coming right for him, the fangs dripping with poison, intending to bite through his neck. The Zangoose brought his claws up, and the Seviper's neck got caught between the claws, stopping his strike. The Seviper's mouth snapped at him, trying to hit skin, and failing.

The Zangoose stood, with his neck in his claws. He brought his paw up and threw the Seviper against the ground. The Seviper's head hit the ground, and he sat there, dazed. The Zangoose brought his claws up, and prepared to slice his neck. But then Seviper's mouth came up, and his fangs slid into his arm.

Zangoose could feel the poison seeping into his veins. As the Seviper ripped at his arm, not knowing the poison was affecting him, the Zangoose brought his hand down on the back of his neck, forcing the Seviper to let go. Some blood dripped from the wound, and poison pumped his way through his veins.

Knowing he had to end this quickly, before he succumbed to the poison, he launched himself forward and plunged his claws right into the Seviper's body. His attack came so quickly that the Seviper had no chance to dodge.

The Seviper fell dead, a pool of blood growing around it. The Zangoose, breathing hard, looked at the dead body for a minute before starting back towards his den, stumbling a bit. He needed to get that antidote, before he died.

The Vulpix waited at the mouth of the cave for the Zangoose to return from hunting the Seviper down. She hoped, with all her soul, that he would return. But her heart could tell. He told the truth when he left. He would return.

As the first rays of a sunrise shown over the hill, she could see the one he was waiting for stepping to the top. Her heart leapt, as she saw that he survived the battle. But then it sank again, as he fell and rolled down the other side.

She ran out to where he was, and could tell that it was an intense battle. His shoulder and arm was wounded, and looked like they were bleeding before. Though they began to heal, they still worried her. His breathing, though shallow, told her that he was at least still alive.

"Ant...anti..." the Zangoose struggled to say.

"What is it? What do you need?" she asked, worried.

"Anti...dote," he gasped. "Five...berries. In...side...cave. Crush...into...li...quid. Hurry."

The Vulpix ran full speed back into the cave. Since she hasn't seen the back room, she figured that that's where they were. She ran back, and found the berries he was talking about. They were in a large wooden bowl, and they looked as if he's been collecting them for a long time.

She looked around, wondering how she was going to carry it out, when she noticed a smaller wooden bowl, this one empty. She carried it over and took five out. The Vulpix used her paw to crush them, doing it until she was sure it was liquefied enough. Picking it up in her mouth again, she rushed back out where he was. By now, he was unconscious. The Zangoose's breath was also ragged, each breath becoming a struggle.

The Vulpix used a paw to force his mouth open and poured some in, then held it shut. She then tilted his head back, forcing his body to swallow it. She continued like that until the whole thing was gone. She then waited, hoping that she wasn't too late.

After about an hour, ,the Zangoose's eyes closed tightly before slowly opening. The Vulpix, who was by his side, leaped up when he saw him awaken. Her face had a look of extreme relief on it.

"I thought that, either way, I'd see an angel when I woke up," he said with a small smile. "And it looks like I was right."

The Vulpix blushed, thankful that her red fur made it hard to see. The Zangoose got up, and they both walked back towards the den.

"What happened to the Seviper?" the Vulpix asked him.

"He won't harm you, or anyone else, ever again. I made sure of that," he said. "And I guess you repaid me for saving your life."

"You saved mine," she said. "But you also went after a Seviper, even at the risk of your own life. But there's more to it than that."

The Zangoose turned, wondering what she was talking about. They both stopped at the entrance, and the Vulpix took a deep breath. She was ready for this, and for whatever came after.

"I know...we don't know each other...that well," she stammered. "But I can tell you care about others, and you'll even risk your life to help them. So...I was wondering...if you...want to be...my mate."

She blushed again, this one easily seeable, ass she turned away. The Zangoose smiled and turned her face back towards his yellow eyes. The Vulpix's brown eyes looked into his yellow ones, as he softly gave her a kiss on the lips.

"You don't even need to ask. I would love to be your mate, and for you to become mine." he whispered, as their lips parted.

They went into the den, as the Vulpix could feel her heat burning inside her again. She seductively walked in front of the Zangoose, using some of her tails to rub under his chin. She then walks away from him. She raised her tails, her cunt clearly visible. Her smell reached the Zangoose's nose. One sniff, and he could feel himself becoming aroused, and his shaft started to peek out.

The Vulpix walked towards him, and she took it in her mouth. Acting on total instinct, she moved her mouth up and down the growing erection, careful not to let her teeth scratch him. Her tongue moved around over it as well. She wasn't sure what his expression was, but his groans told her she was doing something right.

The Zangoose just put his paw on the back of her head, and moved it up and down, as she gave him a great blowjob. Soon, he could feel something coming.

"I'm...going to..." was all he could gasp out before his cum got sprayed into her mouth. She took as much as her small mouth could handle and swallowed it, then stepped back. She licked a bit off the tip, before turning and revealing herself to him again. Her tails twitched, as they seemed to point at his target.

He didn't waste any time, stepping forward and shoving his cock into her vagina. She was worried about pain, since that's all the Seviper gave her. But this, this was completely different from anything she felt before.

She felt immense pleasure. The most pleasure she ever felt at one time. She gasped, as the pleasure hit her full force. Then the Vulpix groaned in total happiness, as he started moving back and forth.

The Zangoose was immersed into the pleasure himself, as he moved inside of her. He went soft at first, but his instincts soon took over, and he started slamming into her hard and fast. Her groans grew louder, as she enjoyed him slamming into her.

The Zangoose thrust one last time and stopped, ,as his cum started coming out and filling her up. Or, more like overfilling her, since some leaked out of her cunt. When he was done, he pulled out, and they both collapsed next to each other, enjoying the afterglow.

"I love you," the Vulpix managed to whisper, as she fell asleep.

"I love you too," the Zangoose answered, as he fell asleep himself.


Outcasts, Chapter 1

**Note:** If you read the first one, you probably wondered why I decided to delete it earlier. It was because I figured i should release the whole story at once. So I deleted it, and now I'm putting it back up, since I'm finished. **Disclaimer:**...

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Ancient Love

Disclaimer:Tails, Tikal, and the Chaos Emeralds belong to Sega and Sonic Team. Riona is a character of my own creation, and can't be used without my permission. --- The sun was just about set, and Tails was planning to wrap up his inventing...

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