Outcasts, Chapter 1

Story by Xtra on SoFurry

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#1 of Outcasts

Note: If you read the first one, you probably wondered why I decided to delete it earlier. It was because I figured i should release the whole story at once. So I deleted it, and now I'm putting it back up, since I'm finished.

Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Game Freak and Nintendo. The story belongs to me.

Chapter 1

A Seviper slithered through the plains, searching for prey. He knew that he had to be careful, since there were many Zangoose in the area. Usually, he'd me more than a match for a Zangoose, but his hunger made him weaker than normal. He flicked out his tongue to sniff the surrounding air.

And his tongue picked up a nearby scent.

He flicked his tongue out to give another sniff. Unless he was mistaken, he picked up the scent of a Vulpix....and she was very much in heat. And unless he was mistaken, she's a virgin as well. It wasn't prey, but this was too good of an opportunity to pass up.

He changed direction to go towards the Vulpix.

The Vulpix, meanwhile, knew she was in heat. Her late mother explained everything about sex and being in heat, since it was information all young females needed to know. She was being hit on by just about every male in the area, and she rejected them all. Not because she didn't want to mate, but she wanted someone that wouldn't just impregnate her and leave her.

She stopped by a lake and sat there to think. Before she knew it, she was rubbing at her vagina, trying to get some relief. She was so lost in the feeling that she didn't notice the Seviper that slithered up behind her. Not until he wrapped a loose coil around her neck.

"Ssso pretty," he said, in a voice that said his intentions weren't kind. "And ssso innocent."

"W-What do you want?" the Vulpix stammered, though she could guess what he was after.

"Oh, not much," he hissed.

He started licking behind her ears, as well as scratching softly with his fangs. Both actions caused her to shudder involuntary with slight pleasure. He then quickly twisted his body around the rest of her body, tangling her up so she couldn't scratch or bite at him. But just to make sure, he positioned his blade tail at her neck.

"You ssstruggle, or make any attempt to essscape, and I will kill you. Sssimple as that," he hissed. "Nod if you understand."

The Vulpix nodded, and he positioned both his cocks. The helpless Vulpix just shivered, hoping this was just some kind of nightmare, that she'd just wake up in her den. But she knew that this was real, and unless somebody came by, there was no way to stop him.

Without warning, he penetrated both her holes, ripping away her virginity with one swift motion. The Vulpix cried out in absolute pain. Not only was this a new experience, but he was not being kind about it. Tears fell down her face, as he silently cried. Some from the pain, more from the fact that she was being violated in the worst way. She heard that sex was supposed to be pleasurable, but she was feeling nothing but pain.

The Seviper, meanwhile, was enjoying himself. Not only was he getting some sex, but her virgin pussy was nice and tight. Just the way he liked it. He sped up, just giving the Vulpix more pain. When the Seviper was finished with her, he gave her a few more scratches with his fangs before untangling her and slithering off.

The Vulpix just laid on the ground, tears still falling down her face. She felt so violated...so dirty. And she let it happen. When she realized that, guilt welled up inside her as well. She stood up and started towards the lake, hoping to feel at least slightly cleaner afterwards.

But before she got 2 steps, she fell to the ground again. She weakly raised a paw to the back of her head, and it came back with blood. Not much, but it showed that her skin was penetrated by his fangs. Which meant that he poisoned her, either accidentally or deliberately.

The last thing she saw before darkness overtook her was something with white fur coming towards her. The figure lowered a clawed paw to take some of the blood and gave it a sniff. When he did, his fur bristled.

"Seviper poison," he said. "Luckily for you, I can help."

He gently picked her up and carried her off into the forest.

The Vulpix woke up, fully expecting to be in heaven. But after she saw the rock walls around her, she figured she was still alive. She glanced around the empty room , noticing that she was lying on a bed of leaves. Nearby, another bed was made, which was made of ferns instead. Ferns were more comfortable than leaves, but harder to find. So whoever lived here has done so for a while.

The room itself was made of a grey rock, and a sandy floor. The ceiling was a good 4 feet above her head, so whatever brought her here was a lot larger than her. The doorway in front of her showed a night sky, meaning that she was out for a while. Her stomach growled, reminding her she was hungry.

"Ah, good. You're awake," a voice said from behind her.

The Vulpix turned to see her white-furred rescuer. Though, now that she could see him clearly, she could tell he wasn't completely white. He had a red line behind his left eye that went up to his right ear, also red. He also had a red jagged line across his chest, and some red behind his claws. He was also holding a few fruits and a couple of dead herbivore pokemon.

"I wasn't sure what your species ate, so I got you a little of everything," the Zangoose said, dropping it near her.

As the Vulpix munched on an apple, she asked, "Where am I?"

"This is the den where I live, not too far from the lake where I found you," he answered.

The Vulpix continued eating in silence for a moment, savoring the taste of the apple. Then another thought occurred to her. Something that she remembered hearing about Zangoose

"Why do you live here?" she asked. "Doesn't your species usually live in packs?"

The Zangoose sat down on a smooth rock behind him, his eyes towards the ground. The Vulpix suddenly regretted her words, looking like she touched a sore spot. She stepped over next to him and laid down next to him.

"Sorry if..." she started to say, before the Zangoose stopped her words with a paw.

"No, it's nothing you did. It's just that, to other Zangoose, I'm what they call...an outcast," he said, his eyes still towards the ground. "One out of every one thousand Zangoose are born with a birth defect. This defect prevents us from producing what we need for our natural immunity to poison. Since we are constantly at war with Seviper, this can be deadly. If we get poisoned, we run the risk of dying."

The Vulpix was appalled. His pack, the very ones that took care of him since birth, threw him out just because he was different? Just because of something that wasn't his fault?

"They told me I was a danger, since if I was able to survive, my genes may cause my children to have the same defect. That would weaken our position against the Seviper," he continued. "So they forced me out and to try and survive on my own. That's how I ended up here. I was eventually able to find an antidote to Seviper poison, so I could rescue myself if I happen to get poisoned."

"Or others," the Vulpix added. "I guess I'm kind of different from my own species as well. Most Vulpix females, as soon as their old enough, go and get banged by the first male they see. Instead of that, I wanted the one that took my virginity to be a true mate, someone that would stay with me and our kits for life. Most of the Vulpix that heard about it just laughed, and others tried telling me how great sex was, and that I should try it."

The Zangoose smirked.

"So it looks like we're just two lonely outcasts, shunned by our own species, looking for our place in this world," he said.

The Vulpix nodded, thinking of the Seviper that not only ripped away her virginity, but also ruined her plans for the future. And what if he made her pregnant, and she would be forced to carry and take care of some kits that were the result of rape? Every time she looked at them, she would just be reminded of what happened to her. The Zangoose noticed her troubled expression.

"Something wrong?" he asked. "It looks like something is troubling you."

She paused for a moment, thinking whether she should say anything,. Should she tell him...no, it was her problem, her situation. Not his. She couldn't bring him into this.

"It's...nothing. I don't feel comfortable talking about it." she answered.

The Zangoose nodded, then got up and walked towards the entrence of the den.

"I'm going to find that Seviper. He did something to you, something you didn't like. I don't know what it was, and I don't care. I'm going to hunt him down and kill him.

The Vulpix stood and used her Agility move to get in front of him. Her brown eyes were full of worry, as he looked in the yellow eyes of the Zangoose.

"You can't. He may kill you, and I'd never forgive myself if you got yourself killed because of me," she said.

"Don't worry. I will return, I promise," he said, giving her a small kiss to reassure her, before going around her and walking off to find the Seviper. The Vulpix watched as he walked off.

"Please be careful..." she whispered.

To be continued...

Outcasts, Chapter 2

**Chapter 2** The Seviper was curled up on a high branch, resting, after killing and eating an unlucky Pichu that wandered too far from his pack. The little guy put up a pretty good fight, but once his fangs slid into his tiny body, it was all...

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Ancient Love

Disclaimer:Tails, Tikal, and the Chaos Emeralds belong to Sega and Sonic Team. Riona is a character of my own creation, and can't be used without my permission. --- The sun was just about set, and Tails was planning to wrap up his inventing...

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