Escaping the Tower

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#35 of Estrasa's Tower

This is another story in the Estrasa's Tower series of side stories. This is another story featuring Moneysworth's character, Munie!

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Collith enters into the room, just like he usually does, and sets off to changing the sheets of the bed and other sort of cleaning of their mistress's bedchambers. Munie curls up in her soft bedding, opening one eye as he enters, and closing it as she sees he's just doing his normal duty.

A gentle rumble stirs Munie to wake, but Collith pauses, looking around, his mandibles chittering nervously. Another rumble follows suit, followed by the clanging bells of warning issuing from throughout the tower.

Squealing, the spider boy scurries on underneath the bed. Munie, meanwhile, is stuck in her cage. She takes her straw and covers her body up with it, not covering up her tail as she shakes underneath her new hidey hole.

Then, the door bursts open. Whoever it is says nothing at first. Then, a struggle from under the bed makes the kobold whimper, until she hears the voice from the intruder.

"Where is she!?" the blue kobold snarls, He holds Collith by the collar, shaking the spider maid.

"I-I think the mistress went downstai-"

"Not her!" barks the bard, the father of Munie's eggs. "Munie!"

A trembling finger points over towards Munie's cage, and the bard drops the spider unceremoniously as he stomps on over towards it.

Still covered in the hay, Munie yaps up to her lover, her tail wagging happily. He scoops her up and looks down to her, seeing that collar over her neck and frowning. "By the gods, what has that monster done to you...?"

Collith scurries out towards the door, only to be stopped as her mistress materializes before them, her foot resting upon the spider's head, keeping him from escaping. "My tower is under attack, and you run the opposite direction...? Why?"

The bard has no time to say anything to Munie, but instead spins around, using his legerdemain to slip the tiny kobold into his maw, his tongue batting her around.

For a few scant moments, the wet muscle laps at her naked body before tucking her away underneath, pressed down between teeth and cheek as he speaks up. "Sorry, Mistress. I was just... seeing if you were safe."

Estrasa does not answer at first. "Of course I'm safe. I have a tower filled with monsters to make sure that I'm safe. The intruders, however, are down on the first floor now!"

The bard gulps, the rough gesture pulls Munie back a bit , sliding down against his soft, slippery, saliva-drenched gums towards his throat. Her feet claw at the back of his mouth, tickling him like a cold.

"I uh... you let me keep my mind," he says. "I was merely thinking you'd want me to use it, m-mistress." He coughs, holding his hand out in front of him.

Munie tumbles forward, seeing the hand there for a split-second and thinking that she would land right there in front of her mistress, but the bard's tongue curls up, catching her, but not without the point pointing up between her thighs.

Munie squeals as she's penetrated by her lover's tongue, her hands wrapping around it to hold on.

"And what exactly," Her mistress begins once again, "were you planning on doing once you got up here?"

He tries to flick her back, his tongue bucking and clicking, but Munie holds on for dear life. All he can manage are quick, stilted "mmmm, uaaaah...?"

"Yes, of course... you really had no idea what you were doing," Estrasa said. "I would punish you now for your short-sightedness, but you are needed elsewhere, my little friend. There's a sorceress down there who would love to tear you apart, but I'm sure that you will have quite the time with my power destroying her yourself." She chuckles, that dark chuckle she usually has when she is feeling creative. What would that mean for poor little Munie?"

Taking a deep breath, the bard speaks up, his voice booming through the room. "Wait."

His dark mistress stays her hand, if only for a moment, quirking an eyebrow. "Whatever for?"

"I ask you not to transform me, my lady," he says, his expert glib the only thing keeping his voice from sounding like it was full of stimulated kobold lady. "My skills have taken on these intruders before, and succeeded. All I need is the power of my voice to win the day for your cause. I humbly ask that I use the skills I've developed over the course of my training to serve you."

Estrasa taps her lip a moment, but then nods. "Very well, then. But... " she presses her finger up against his forehead, a warmth radiates throughout his whole body as the magic takes hold. "That's a little contingency. Now go, and if you deviate from your course, I could crush you in an instant." She squeezes her thumb and forefinger together and suddenly, the bard coughs, feeling a tightness around his chest.

She pulls her fingers apart and instant relief washes over him. He looks up to her, nods, and runs out of the room. And together, Munie and her bard escape the confines of the queen's cage, only to jump headfirst into the thick of battle.

Bardic Regrets

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