Bardic Regrets

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#34 of Estrasa's Tower

This is another story in the Estrasa's Tower series of side stories. This is another story featuring Moneysworth's character, Munie!

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The door slams shut. The last chance for socialization sealed behind that door. Munie the kobold maid would sometimes speak to him, but there isn't much to say. His first few days as a kobold were fraught with troubling visions and sensations. He could hardly think about his actions, or hardly even recognize what was happening to him.

"You aren't the first pesky adventurer I've turned into a kobold," the Dark Queen had told him, after he had lost all of his breath, his cock buried deep into the maid's breeding slit. "I'm letting you know this, so you can know that you're in my good graces. I give you food and I give you pussy. What more could a pet ever want?"

He slips out from the maid's body, panting as he looks over to her with a growl in his mouth.

"Oh, dear... it seems like you're starting to get your faculties again. Well, don't worry. I have a cure for that. No more Munie for you."

But Munie missed him, and she would often show up at his cage, giving him treats and talking to him. Now, though, as he hears the maid's squeaks of protest and the magic of his mistress, he fears that his imprisonment will be without reprieve, or, worse yet, that when she deems him useful again, he will no longer have any of his mind.

He had been aware, at least a little bit, when he swallowed those transformed creatures. They had been his companions at one time, closer siblings he had never seen before, except maybe for those twins back at Calin.

He chuckles a bit at that. For having such a short life, it wasn't a bad one. A smooth voice and a smoother tongue got him out of trouble and into many pairs of pants.

It also got him into a lot of trouble.

They begged him not to go, those two. They told him that even though the party had been disbanded, that he didn't need to squander his riches on wine and women and gambling. But Calin, the gilded city, was too much of an opportunity to pass up.

"Good kids," he grumbles, laying back in hs cage, his hands resting on his stomach. "Good meals, too, in a way." Luckily, he didn't have to endure the torture of them churning in his stomach, because Estrasa had put him to sleep not too long after the deed had been done. With them out of the way, there was just one more member of the party left, and there's no way in all of the hells she would come and get him, even if she knew of his current predicament. Vijaya was not someone she would want to mess with, not from lack of power, of course, but conflicting interest.

He shakes his head. Here he is, talking about being rescued, like he is some damsel in distress. Like someone like that kobold ranger, would come swinging in and save him from his fate. Fat chance. And really, is life so bad that he would want to go back to where he was, buried under a mound of debt, serving as a greedy little dragon boy's minion? Passed from master to master, from the Muddy Mistress all the way up to the top, his indentured servitude had been life for a few years now, but there is one thing that interests him.

Without fail, one after another of his former debt collectors had fallen. For awhile, he didn't know, but when he saw HER, he knew what had happened.

That girl, the kobold he robbed just to get a little bit more pocket change, toppled an entire criminal empire, and she did it just to get to him? He shudders at the thought of what would happen, yet, some curiosity forms on him. He whips his tail back and forth, chuckling slightly to himself. "Oh, great Dark Queen. Your walls are the only thing keeping her from getting to me. How much longer will they hold up?"

He drifts off to sleep, knowing that he would not be called on for some time more and knowing that, no matter what, he was safe from the wrath of a jilted lover.

He awakens to being submerged. He desperately claws himself out of the pool, gasping for air. Once more, he finds himself in the queen's chamber, staring up at the figure sitting at the throne. This time, his mistress takes on the form of a snowy-skinned humanoid, her eyes that of a goat. She even wears impressive hooves and tiny horns, fashion accessories more than weapons.

"So glad you could join us," Estrasa says, one hand upon her cheek while the other rests on top of a tiny creature, naked and small. She pets its head with two fingers, and the former bard recognizes it immediately."I have use for you."

"M... Munie?" He gasps, but as he pulls himself out to get closer to the kobold, the mistress flicks her finger and he stops dead in his tracks.

"Her fate does not concern you, my pet," the mistress says. "What you should be more worried about is the trouble you're causing me."

"T... trouble!?" he asks. "W.. What kind?"

"It seems your little follower has finally shown her face in my lands. What's worse, though..." the Dark Queen says, her smile widening, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth. "Is that she's not alone."

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