Stallion's Bout, part 2

Story by frear_c on SoFurry

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After their fight the two stallion lovers make up and make out...

This is a continuation of the following story written by tronntronn as part of the Beast City series!

Achilles reached over the table and put his hand over Hector's. "I'll come up with something. I won't let you down." Both stallions had abstained from sex for several days before their match, to increase the quality and volume of their sperm, and in their previous fights against other opponents neither had had any trouble controlling themselves. But at this one, crucial time the lover's scent combined with their need to cum had proven to be too much. Achilles knew this, but could not bring himself to blame Hector for his own failings. "I heard they need strong workers at the docks, the pay isn't much but it'll be at least something."

Hector shivered as Achilles's hand touched his skin, as if an electric current had passed through him. His friend was right, what was done was done and there was no point in wallowing in self-pity. It was in moments like these that he admired Achilles the most, for his ability to be both tender and decisive.

"You are right," he whispered, raising his gaze and looking his lover in the eyes. "We have been through worse. "

The memory of their days at the plantation, when they were both strapped together with leather and steel, naked and sweat-drenched, and made to work from dawn to dusk under the torrid sun, awoke something in his crotch.

"Besides," he smiled, "we have earned our right to a little bit of relaxation tonight. Are your muscles still aching?"

Achilles got up from the table, holding his lover's hands gently to guide him to rise too, then pulled Hector close to himself. "Oh yes they are! You put me through a real wrangler today, you big, strong, handsome stud..." He touched Hector's hips as he spoke, leaning in to touch his nostrils with his lips, close enough to taste Hector's scent as he breathed in.

Achilles's eyes glinted in the candlelight as he gazed deeply into Hector's, and he kissed his mouth.

Hector felt the tension melt from his shoulders as his lover delicately encircled him in his arms and kissed him. He and Achilles had covered their modesty with a pair of short breeches before they left the arena--or rather before they were kicked out of it by the enraged referee--but they had unclothed themselves as soon as they were back home. Both stallions felt more comfortable being in their natural state. Now, their naked bodies were united in a tender embrace, strong muscles rubbing against each other under their short trimmed fur. The bay horse left his hands wander until they gripped his companion's well-defined buttocks and caressed them, his fingers toying with his asscrack.

Achilles grunted in pleasure and pressed against the other stallion, eyes closed and head craned back. He could feel his body heat against his skin, their messy hides crusty and matted from the day's events. Their muscles flexed and tensed along their breathing, pressing Achilles's rock hard nipples into Hector's taut pectoral muscles. The piebald stud turned around slowly in Hector's embrace and leaned his weight on his body, their necks caressing each other. "Mmm, will you undo my tail? It's starting to tug my skin by now." He prodded Hector with his butt and separated from him enough to wag his tightly bundled up tail at him.

The sight of the short, braided tail writhing suggestively above those lovely round buttocks like a living thing was almost hypnotic. Hector felt his long member stir in its fleshy burrow and soon his wrinkled, mushroomy glans peaked out of his sheath. Resisting the urge to rub his burgeoning erection between his companion's ass cheeks, he took the bundle of thick, odorous horse hair in his trembling hands and started unlacing it as well as his excitement allowed. Soon, the long tail was freed and the hair flowed freely between his fingers.

Achilles shook his butt to let his tail loose, its long white strands reaching almost to the ground. His heavy package dangled along, and he sighed from relief as he stretched his tired, battered body. "Would you give me a bath with that lovely tongue of yours, my big stud?" He looked over his shoulder, then lifted and held his hand behind his neck to reveal his armpit to Hector. That warm, moist crevice was dark grey colored and clearly delineated by his well-developed musculature, and the coarse hair of his body made a tuft there. The sharp, sour smell of his horse sweat and arousal lingered in the air, tickling Hector's nose. The room felt suddenly much more heated and humid.

The heavy, masculine smell of horse sweat drifted to Hector's nostrils, the pheromones sending them flaring. His brain was immediately overwhelmed by a flow of erotic thoughts--the straw-filled stall they had shared together, the smell of their sore bodies after a hard day of work, the long nights they had spent exploring each other's bodies and mounting each other instead of resting.

He nuzzled his snout against his companion's flank, feeling the heat of his lover's body against the sensitive skin of his nose and lips. After a few seconds, he drew closer to the warm, damp pit and breathed deeply. "Yes, I can do this for you", he whispered. His mouth kissed the tuft of wet hair, his lips parted and his wide, long tongue began its slimy work. After a few licks the salty, raunchy flavour of his lover's stale sweat was all over his taste buds.

Achilles chuckled and sighed as the moist appendage worked its way into his pit and alongside his sweat coated flanks, trying not to squirm as it tickled his sensitive spots. It didn't take him long to rest his hand on his lover's shoulder and lean over to lick his body in turn. The two muscular males coiled together in a warm, moist embrace as they enjoyed the meaty taste of each other's bodies, smacking their lips and spreading their thick saliva on their rugged skin. Achilles moved upwards and bit into Hector's mane, taking in a mouthful of his loose, flowing hair, biting it between his teeth and tugging at it teasingly like some bale of hay. "I fucking love you so much", he blurted between his clenched lips, puffing hot air against the nape of Hector's neck as he spoke.

"I... love you too", blurted Hector, barely able to speak coherently as his senses were filled with his lover's touch, smell, taste and voice. He thrust his hips, wanting to draw even closer to Achilles, his whole body trying to claim him. Already his erection was growing, his long, black cock wedging its way between their muscular stomachs.

Soon Hector could feel Achilles's erection pressing against his, their stiff, flat heads grinding together between their bellies, his black veiny truncheon versus the other stallion's pink meaty fuck stick. Achilles did not resist when he felt Hector's hands groped his smelly ass crack again, but instead welcomed them with muffled whinnying noises. When the probing fingers found his moist asshole and pushed in one by one, stretching and kneading the soft, unwashed flesh he couldn't resist moaning and shivering from pleasure. He kissed Hector again on the lips, their soft noses touching each other, breathing in unison as air flowed from their flaring nostrils into lungs and back.

Achilles reached between his legs and cupped their balls in his palm, smooshing them together in his grip. Those heavy orbs moved slickly under the thin skin, grinding and slipping around each other in their hairless, velvet pouches. Both ball sacks were slippery from sweat and oil, hot and musty from arousal, the testicles inside turgid and throbbing from unspent sperm. "Mmm, I want your seed squirming inside me, my sexy hunky husband...", he rumbled between gasps of air, "to take all of you in my body, to feel every inch, my love, my lover..."

"You will feel it soon enough..." Hector grunted as he nibbled at Achilles's lips and nostrils. "But you need some loosening up first..."

With a hint of regret, the two horses parted their faces from each other after one last noisy, wet smooch that left a small string of saliva connecting their mouths for an instant. With infinite slowness, Hector dropped to his knees and slid his face down the sweat-stained fur of the piebald stallion's wide chest and bulky stomach. He drank deeply of the acrid, male scent before he reached the long, throbbing shaft that stood proudly erect between his lover's legs. He gave the throbbing cocktip a little peck, his delicate attention immediately rewarded by several thick drops of precum that oozed from the flaring hole. He lapped them up greedily, the fat globs a foretaste of the manly juices his partner was ready to spill for him.

After teasing the underside of the quivering shaft with his muzzle, Hector leaned his head backwards and contemplated the impressive spectacle of Achilles's virile member. A glorious pair of heavy male orbs was dangling majestically before his eyes, both larger than oranges, the left one hanging noticeably lower than the other. He stared at them for almost a minute, fascinated by the egg-like shapes and the squirming life they contained. A deep, rumbling whinny above his head broke his reverie. Achilles was struggling to contain his excitement and his shivers made his loose ball sack jiggle. Hector ran his hands up his lover's thighs and grasped his scrotum in his cupped palms. With a delicate gesture, he brought the two heavy jewels to his nose and took a deep whiff, inhaling the intoxicating blend of oil, crotch perspiration, stale semen and unwashed sex. He licked the bulging orbs with loud slurping noises and greedily nibbled the loose skin, covering it with his drool. The feeling of the warm, firm and slippery flesh against his slimy tongue made him hungry for more. Reaching his hands around to grope Achilles's muscular buttocks, he buried his face inside his crotch. Straining his jaws to open his mouth as wide as he could, he wrapped his lips around the stallion's left testicle and sucked it into his mouth, massaging it with his powerful tongue.

Achilles petted the bridge of Hector's snout, murmuring to him in a soothing voice while his cock leaked precum profusely, a steady stream flowing along his shaft and onto the bay stallion's nose. He reached between his legs and pushed his left testicle deeper into Hector's wide maw, squeezing it past teeth and into the back of his mouth where it rested on his tongue. The right testicle was left hanging out against Hector's lips, so Achilles lifted it and worked it too into the hungry stallion's mouth. The heavy package filled Hector's mouth cavity completely, pressing against his tongue and the roof of his mouth, reducing him to making just muffled moans. He drooled from the corners of his mouth as he glanced upwards with asking eyes, and Achilles nodded, cupping his cheek and caressing his lover with his large palm. "Go on, give it a squeeze. I want to feel my balls between your molars."

Hector nodded eagerly, sending droplets of drool flying out of his stretched lips. Using his tongue, he began rolling the fleshy orbs inside his maw until the left one rested between his molars. After a moment's anticipation he bit down carefully, feeling the firm flesh yield slightly under the pressure of his powerful teeth. He raised his eyes towards Achilles, looking for any signs of discomfort. Finding none, he bit down again, harder this time, and started munching enthusiastically on the egg-like shape.

Achilles clenched his teeth and sighed, and stroked Hector's snout rougher, scratching him behind his ears then caressing his head again. "Mmyess, that's good..."

He could feel hard tension on his most vulnerable part, the flat teeth teasing and torturing him in a manner that sent wild thrills along his spine and made him shiver. He stroked his throbbing cock with his free hand, rubbing its tip and pulling it back, clenched its base and moved upwards slowly rolling out even more of his clear, gooey precum.

"Good boy." He patted Hector's nose with this hand slick with precum, then slipped his thick, slimy fingers into his nostrils. "Hold it."

Hector's ears rose in surprise as the thick digits suddenly penetrated his nostrils, blocking the flow of air to his lungs. He raised a questioning eyebrow but soon understood the meaning of Achilles's words. It was his turn to show that he trusted his lover. Both his nose and mouth now blocked, Hector found himself struggling to draw breath. He chewed on his lover's balls with renewed enthusiasm, his cheeks now puffed up from the tasty male flesh that filled his hungry mouth. The fact that his partner was willing to entrust him with his most intimate of assets sent waves of pleasure and warmth into his chest. He grunted and tried to smile as his lover tenderly patted his snout with his large hand.

Achilles's caresses grew more urgent, just as his moans and gasps did as his tender manhood was being chewed on. The jolts of exquisite pain that twinged through his stiff, sperm filled testicles ran into his crotch and spread into his entire lower body. He huffed and breathed heavily, now sweating profusely from the effort of holding on even little longer in that cruel, terrible mouth that his poor balls were trapped in. He felt as if he was being tenderized by some rough cook, smacking his orbs with a mallet. "Just...a little....more", he gasped as he slid his fingers even deeper into Hector's slime-covered sinuses.

His clogged nostrils made a wheezing sound as Hector's chest tried in vain to fill with fresh oxygen. Hector tried to remain calm despite his accelerating heartbeat and troubled vision and he kept chewing on the tasty meatballs to take his mind off the fact that his lungs were running on stale air. His cock, already rock hard, was now almost painfully sensitive, each heartbeat and fresh flow of blood to his throbbing organ bringing a wave of almost excruciating pleasure. His glans was leaking profusely, a little pool of translucent precum forming on the floorboards between Achilles's legs.

Achilles stepped on Hector's balls, slowly but steadily crushing them under his heavy hoof. The dense, overfilled testicles were firmly pressed against the hard floor, and the large stallion tested how much they would give by shifting his weight ever so slightly on them. Their stiff springy material yielded under pressure until they were tense like boiled egg being squashed between pliers, oozing and sweating testosterone, packed full of thick pearly sperm aching for way out.

Hector's eyes welled with tears from the rush of pain and pleasure. His tortured balls felt like they were ready to burst open and turn into a mushy, gory mess inside their fleshy pouch. Unable to move with his maleness trapped between the hard floor and Achilles's iron hooves, he could only look up to his lover-turned-master with pleading eyes. His sense of fear was genuine but he remained hopeful that his lover would not cross that bridge and emasculate him forever.

"Heh, bit hard to speak with your mouth stuffed." Achilles chuckled. Hector had stopped chewing on his balls while he waited with a pleading look. The muscular piebald tugged at his scrotum until his balls popped out of Hector's mouth, one by one with a spray of spit and drool, then dangled between his legs glistening with dribbling saliva. The bay stallion gasped and wheezed for air, feeling the sweet rush of fresh breath in his lungs. His heart thundered in his chest as it pumped the new, oxygenated blood into his body. Achilles shrugged and pulled out his warm, snot-covered fingers and popped them in his mouth, licking them clean one by one. Finally satisfied he stepped off Hector's malehood, and sat on the floor in front of him, resting his hands on Hector's shoulders. Their erections bobbed slowly as both of them caught their breath after their ordeals. "I love you so much, Hector", he finally managed with a husky voice, and looked into his satin eyes, with absolute sincerity.

"Me... me too..." managed Hector, still struggling to catch his breath. The acute pain in his balls slowly turned into a dull ache. The sensation reminded him of how far the two of them trusted each other in their little games. He raised his eyes towards the nude stallion opposite him, admiring his muscular frame, his powerful limbs, his mighty pink shaft and the loose, saliva-coated ball sack that rested on the floor.

"I want to own you completely, to be inside you and deposit my seed in your body."

Achilles nodded. "And I want to be owned by you, to carry your seed inside me, always." He stood up, taking Hector by hands and helping him to get up too. They walked towards their bed side by side, nuzzling each other, Achilles slapping Hector's rump playfully then receiving a smack himself from his lover.

The bed creaked as Achilles got on all fours on it, its wooden frame protesting against the weight of the full grown stallion. He whisked his tail back and forth, revealing his rear end tantalizingly to Hector. His black, velvety asshole pulsed as he flexed his pelvic muscles, gaping open to reveal his pink insides and shut close into a tight pucker. His cock hung engorged between his legs, its slimy, teased glans resting on the unwashed bed sheets. Achilles gripped the dirty linens and looked over his shoulder. "Ffffuck I've waited for this so long, mount me already! Fuck me with your big, fertile stallion cock, please!"

His voice lowered into a continuous mumble as he worked himself up to a sexual frenzy. "Breed me like a mare, ram your entire meaty length in me and spray my ass guts with your thick spunk...!"

Hector gripped his long, massive truncheon with one hand and cupped his drooling glans with the other. He was oozing precum in such quantities that artificial lubrication was unnecessary. He collected some of the warm goo inside the palm of his hand and rubbed it up and down his shaft, causing his tip to shoot several more jets of precum which splattered against his lover's rear end. His drilling machine now well-oiled and shiny, Hector inserted first two, then three fingers inside his partner's gaping pucker, testing the waters and finding them warm and welcoming. He twisted his digits, lubricating the opening and teasing the powerful sphincter muscles, knowing that his touch was making Achilles squirm and whinny with impatience. "Stop messing around and fuck me already!" Achilles shouted with a low, needy voice. Hector could not have contained himself any longer even if he had wanted to. He lunged forward and aimed at the pulsating asshole under his partner's tail. His first few stabs bounced off their target, his swollen glans failing to penetrate the fleshy opening. After a few maddeningly unsuccessful attempts, he groaned in frustration, seized his cock and forcefully rammed it against Achilles's asshole until it finally managed to slip past his anal muscles. A velvety sensation of warmth immediately surrounded his member. He savoured it for few seconds and then started pumping like a ravening beast.

Achilles shivered and grunted, arching his back to let more of Hector slide in. His guts were filled with the hot, heavy sensation of a stallion cock making its way into them, stretching out the twists and turns and prodding his sensitive spot. He braced himself as Hector threw his entire weight behind his thrusts, rocking the bed and making it pound against the floor as their two, muscular forms slammed into each other, half a ton of combined stallion flesh smacking together wetly in absolute fuck lust. He did not even need to stroke his cock at this point, being so overextended by constant simulation. Simple fact of being his lover's cum dumpster was enough to drive him crazy with arousal, and make his cock twitch. It was already spitting out globs of semen-stained precum as Achilles groaned and brayed in the throes of his cock orgasm that showed no sign of stopping.

Hector was now drenched in sweat and steaming, his mind completely overtaken by the primal urge to mate and fill the warm body of his partner with his seed. The animal grunts that issued from Achilles' throat only increased his lust. He grasped his lover's wide hips and redoubled his onslaught. He wanted, he needed to mount him like a mare in heat. He pushed deeper into his lover's guts. His cock, now slick and covered in a shiny mixture of gut slime and precum, slid in and out of Achilles's stretched pucker at an accelerating pace. His heavy testicles were dancing to the rhythm of his fucking and slapped against the other stallion's ball sack each time his meaty sword was buried to the hilt.

"Ahh yess, push it all the way in", Achilles moaned, "I want it sheathed and all inside my ass!" A pool of strongly smelling cum had already collected under him, and his cock grinded in the white slimy mess with every thunderous push from Hector.

The bed creaked, then snapped, as one of the bedposts came off. The two stallions were thrown off balance, leaving Achilles's face buried in the pile of mattress and cum and his ass propped up. The entire floor of their apartment thudded as they crashed on the floor, still fucking, twined together in a single creature connected by primordial need to breed.

The two rutting horses were now united as one frantic mass of sweaty flesh and muscle amidst the ruins of their bedding. Hector groaned, the pressure inside his balls and the tension in his swollen shaft were becoming almost unbearable. Upon hearing the primal cry of his still satisfied lover, he unleashed a series of fast-paced and powerful pelvic thrusts, pushing himself deeper that he thought was possible. Finally, with one last ditch effort he impaled the stallion in front of him, burying his quivering cock until his crotch pressed directly against Achilles's wide ass. His whole body tensed, shook, then came in an orgasmic explosion. A torrent of seed gushed out of his dilated cock hole and flooded the cavernous halls of his lover's intestines.

Achilles reached behind his back and grasped his lover's neck, pulling him as close as possible as the waves of hot, gooey sperm flooded into his guts. He could feel his taut body glued against his by their sweat, the softness of his sheath pressing on his strained anus, the gasps and grunts resonating in his chest. They smelled of semen and filth as they laid together, their hearts throbbing as one. Achilles's own, much suffering cock was lodged against his belly muscles and smeared him with pale cum fluid leaking from his pounded and bruised testicles. He sighed, filled with warmth and feelings of mutual love, his husband's load gushing around in his belly. "Mmmmm...", he stammered, "don't pull it out..." He patted his stomach wondering how many litres of thick, fertile seed had been pumped into his body.

Hector squirmed against his lover's warm body, his cock still lodged deeply into that pile of horse flesh. He nuzzled his soft nose against the muscular neck, covering it with kisses and licking the salty sweat that trickled out of it. The two stallions remained cuddling tenderly against each other for several long minutes until Hector's softening cock finally squeezed itself free from Achilles's asshole and retracted into its sheath. The gaping hole immediately heaved out a flow of thick, off-white cream. Hector patted his partner's massive belly affectionately, knowing that much of his seed was still sloshing around inside his guts.

"You have been fantastic," he finally said, kissing him again. "But I'm afraid," he added, looking sadly at their ruined bed, "we won't be able to afford new furniture any time soon."

Malik's Delight, part 2

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Tales From The Beast City: Tenshal

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