Malik's Delight, part 2

Story by frear_c on SoFurry

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The gnoll has started living with the human, but him entering heat proves to be a rather an inconvenience that needs to be dealt with... This was written in collaboration with tronntronn, make sure to check the first part of the story!

It was late in the afternoon of a long, torrid summer day. William surveyed his country estate from the shade of the veranda. He had slept off the hottest hours and was feeling quite refreshed. His eyes wandered over the sun-baked garden until they rested on a large wooden shed hidden behind a row of trees. A smile came to his face. It was time to pay a visit to his friend.

He left the cool shelter of the patio and made his way towards the building. Locked inside was Malik, a desert gnoll whom he had met in a tavern of ill repute only a few weeks before. William had been so impressed by the gnoll's talents as a dancer and purveyor of exotic, forbidden pleasures that he had offered him a princely sum to spend the rest of the summer with him. The gnoll had gladly accepted the deal and had escorted the man to his summer residence, officially as a fancy bodyguard but in reality as a much more intimate companion.

William stood in front the door and took a key out his pocket. The gnoll's presence had raised a few eyebrows and caused some gossip among his servants but things had gone smoothly so far. The hyena-man was only too happy to play the role of a docile guardian during the day and to offer his warm body to his human employer after sunset. However, Malik had become quite restless over the past week. His smell, strong even in normal times, had grown increasingly musky and his bottomless libido frequently left the young man exhausted at the end of their nocturnal games. This morning, after a particularly restless night, he had felt irritated by his companion's insistence that they have one last round of sex before getting out of bed. Wishing to teach him a lesson, he dragged the big beast to the shed by the scruff of his neck and left him here to stew in the heat for the rest of the day. Despite the considerable difference in size and strength between the two, the gnoll had meekly submitted to his punishment and offered no resistance to the smaller human.

He unlocked the door and stepped inside. A gust of dry, dusty hot air mixed with a thick aroma of sweat hit him straight away. It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to the semi-darkness. In the middle of the room Malik was waiting for him, his wrists bound above his head and tied to a rafter with a rope, his strong muscular body entirely naked and his tan and black fur matted with perspiration. "Are we still feeling rebellious?" William asked with a smile.

Malik lifted his drooping head, and made a weary grin, a sweat drop rolling off the tip of his snout as he spoke. "Thought you wouldn't be able to stay separated from me. What took you so long, lover boy?" He smacked his dry tongue and leered his toothy smile, trying to keep up his usual insolent act, but his eyes betrayed him by a burning need glinting behind them.

The first half hour had been bad, as his uncomfortable position and constant heat kept sweat dripping off his naked body, but then it had gotten worse. Not being able to touch himself or find relief from his posture, and the dull, aching throb at the base of his cock were driving him slowly insane. He could smell his own, thick mating scent in the humid air, titillating him and keeping him on the edge, like a constant itch he could not scratch. Even as he spoke he minced his legs, catching his swollen balls between his thighs and massaging them with his sweaty, furry flesh. It felt both wonderful and annoying at the same time....

William looked the gnoll over, admiring his strong naked body, all bound up and helpless. Malik was a force of nature yet he could be strangely docile. The oppressive atmosphere in the room made William almost regret his own harshness, but he caught himself being emotional and chuckled at his silliness. A hyena was a creature of the desert and could certainly cope with a little heat--besides, his new bodyguard needed to learn his place and control his urges. Seeing the gnoll squirm in front of him, the man extended a hand and grabbed his black, loose scrotum. He palpated the fleshy sac, feeling the two heavy, swollen orbs inside and drawing a whimper from the hyena-man. "They seem quite full, have they been tormenting you? I thought we had drained them dry last night"

Malik squirmed under the man's touch, his breath running ragged from his arousal. That rough grip on his delicate part felt blissful, his entire skin burning with the need to be touched and groped more. "N-no", he panted, "they've been filling up again, they already feel clogged up..." He bit his lip and thrust his hips forwards playfully, trying to catch the man's wrist his dangling sheath. "Be a good host and I'll let you guzzle it all down", he began with a taunting voice which cracked to a plea towards the end, "Please? Like last time?"

The man did not reply instantly which made the gnoll lash out. "Come on already!" he yelped, restless and irritated, furrowing his brows and snarled. The gnoll's heavy ball sack felt hot, almost feverish, and its smooth shiny black skin was made slick by the constant sweat dripping from his crotch and ass crack. Smooth veins snaked under its skin, normally unnoticeable but now the tightness of his engorged testicles was stretching the skin taut.

"Tsk", sighed the man with an annoyed tone, "I see that your time in isolation has not taught you anything. You are under my roof and we will empty those when I say so."

The leathery skin of the warm ballsack felt slippery and damp under his fingers. The flesh was so swollen and full of life that he could have sworn that it was pulsating under his touch. He gave it one last cruel little squeeze and let it go. The two orbs dangled for a few seconds and came to a rest between the gnoll's stretched legs. Turning his attention to the meaty sheath above he began to tease it, working his fingers up and down the furry flesh. After some back and forth, he started tickling the opening, tugging the skin between his index and thumb. A strong, heavy scent of masculine sex hit him. "You have been getting quite smelly as of late. Does your own stink turn you on?" he said as he rubbed his stained fingers against the gnoll's nose.

Malik shook his head violently, back and forth between avoiding those fingers and snuffling and snorting them with gusto. He could not stop a whine escaping between his lips from the attention he was given, bucking his hips again and again trying to hump the air as he breathed in his own sex scent. He lunged forwards, making the rope stretch and creak, his head butting against the man's chest, his muscular legs straining as he prodded towards William with his thickening erection. His sheath was already rolling down as his red, throbbing member slid out, letting loose thin strands of precum to the floor with every thrust he made. "I want it so bad you fucker..." he growled, his hackles raised and muzzle dribbling with froth.

William jumped back, momentarily shaken by the raw display of strength and lust, but he soon reasserted himself. The gnoll was still bound by heavy ropes, utterly helpless, and William wanted to make it clear that things would proceed at his own pace. Leisurely, and keeping himself just out of reach of the panting gnoll, he began to discard his clothing, removing first his boots, silk shirt and then unbuckling his belt and taking off his breeches, casually dumping them on the dirt floor. The gnoll slumped back after his outburst, and watched the man, panting and his tongue lolling out.

Now more at ease, William stepped forward again and seized the gnoll's throbbing cock in his hand. The twitching organ spurted a jet of precum which splattered against his naked thigh. Malik shuddered and groaned, eyes closed. William gently caressed the erect shaft before giving it a sharp squeeze without warning. The gnoll gasped and clenched his body, a jolt of pain coursing through his overstimulated flesh before turning into a pleasurable afterglow.

"You like it that way, admit it..." he leered at the man and moved his hips slowly in his grip. "You want to be rutted and bred by a big male like me, feel your hole filled and dribbling with my thick spunk...", he whispered with a low, pleading voice, "come on, let me loose and I'll fuck you hard..." He made little snapping motions, demonstrating how he would bite the man's neck with his lover's kisses, his powerful jaws nibbling amorously...

William shook his head sadly. "You are getting insolent". He noticed a spare length of rope hanging from a wall and took it. He circled round Malik and positioned himself behind him. He caressed his round, well-shaped and muscular buttocks with tenderness. "This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you," he added, before whipping the rope against the gnoll's rear.

Malik yelped and flinched, but did not turn around to meet his tormentor. Instead he arched his back and spread his legs, hanging his weight on the ropes around his wrists. "Ahh yesss..." he groaned and wagged his tail, the sensation tingling along his back. He savored the stinging sensation which took his mind off his turgid sex, even for a moment, yet at the same time even the lash's bite aroused him... His cock was rock hard by now and leaked sweaty precum on the wooden floor. He looked over his shoulder and sneered "Hardly felt that one, lover boy..."

Surprised by his partner's resilience, William lashed his ass again and again but the rope made little impression against the gnoll's heavy hide. If anything the whipping was making Malik even more aroused. Frustrated, the man flung the rope aside, the exertion had made him quite sweaty as well and he was now sporting an erection of his own. His mind clouded by the heat, the musky male smell and by the challenge to his authority, he pressed himself against Malik's back, nesting his throbbing dick between the gnoll's buttcheeks. His hands circled round the captive beast's waist and closed against his genitalia, one hand grasping his long, red shaft and the other cupping his dangling balls.

"You want to shove your filthy rod deep inside me? I don't know if I can trust you to control yourself."

"Fuck control", Malik spat and grinded his buttcheeks against the man's toned body and the hardness in his pants. "Let me cum!" he snorted and huffed like a stud ready to mount his mare.

William gasped as the gnoll turned the tables on him and almost crushed his cock between his muscular buns. Freeing himself, he rubbed his malehood with an angry look, although there was more fear than harm. "You still haven't learned your lesson", he panted. He shuffled through his pile of discarded clothes and took a long silk string from a pocket in his shirt.

"Where are you going? Don't stop now!" Malik pleaded with a whining voice and tried to look what the man was up to without changing his position.

Willian turned towards the gnoll. He uncoiled the string and stretched it in front of his eyes. "Look at yourself, barely able to go for a few hours without your animal instincts taking over. I think we need to make you more docile... permanently."

The gnoll did not seem to understand what the man meant, and simply stared at him with a lustful look. Then realization started to dawn on him, and he whimpered. However, he did not move from his position but kept his feet firmly planted on the ground, his balls dangling between his legs, and waited to see how far the man was willing to go playing with his body...

"You wouldn't dare", he sneered triumphantly. "Go on. I'm waiting!" He laughed hoarsely and sneered.

Without hesitation the man crouched between the gnoll's legs, his head facing the smelly crotch directly. He grasped the swollen ball sack and pulled and stretched the skin downwards. With expert movements, William wrapped several turns of the string around the base of the scrotum and tied it into a knot, drawing a little yelp of pain from the gnoll. Raising his head towards his partner, he smiled and spoke to him in a compassionate tone.

"This will hurt a little but you will feel relieved afterwards. These cruel balls will not torment you for much longer. Wouldn't you like to be a docile and faithful companion? Sleeping peacefully at the feet of my bed every night?"

"Besides," he added, his hand circling round Malik's waist and caressing his butt, "that doesn't mean that we won't love each other anymore, you will simply be a more... receptive partner." Malik snorted dismissively, but his body tensed nevertheless.

"I am sure you will thank me afterwards", concluded William. He tugged playfully at the knot for a few seconds before pulling it up just enough to bite into the vulnerable flesh and compress the blood vessels that fed life into the gnoll's testicles.

The thought of losing his malehood had coursed through Malik's feverish mind, but he had not truly expected to feel the string constrict around the base of his scrotum. He gasped, then gritted his teeth as he let himself become accustomed to the tightly wound string against his tender skin. At first his crotch ached as his bulging veins struggled to deliver blood into the veins where circulation was cut off, his testicles first tingling then cramping from the lack of oxygen. He shivered and spoke through chattering teeth "I'm t-tough, I can h-handle this...f-fuck you're just m-making me hornier..."

Soon a dull feeling of numbness started to spread from below the string, his balls slowly growing colder. "Ha! See, nothing to it!", he exclaimed jubilantly and shook his butt and his dangling, dying balls. "I can handle your tricks, little man. Now untie me, I want to fuck already!"

Turning his back to the sweating, squirming gnoll, William casually picked up his clothes and put them back on. Straightening his crumpled shirt, he walked towards the door. "I need a refreshment, but I will be back soon. When I come back I will also cut off this dead weight from you. Do not worry, in a few minutes you will no longer feel a thing." Before the gnoll could reply, he stepped outside and closed the door behind him.

"Hey. Hey!" Malik barked behind him, but to no avail.

The passage of time seemed to slow down, seconds rolling into minutes with the speed of molasses as the dull throbbing grew more and more insistent between the gnoll's legs. He started to pant heavily, part from the pressure welling up in his tormented lower body, part from adrenaline coursing through his racing mind. Was the man truly intent on gelding him, making him his docile pet? Malik had always prided himself of his virility, and the thought of that being taken away from him was frightening... and thrilling, the fear turning him on unlike anything before. He tugged his bindings, and despite his great strength he was unsure if he could break free if truly needed. He had to wait and see what the man would do on his return--if he returned....

Before soon his body's demands grew urgent in his mind. His malehood was ice cold by now, its flesh colored deep purple under its skin. He sweated, frightened and hopeful in equal amounts, egging on the man to return in his mind, waiting to see his face again like a loyal dog its master. Just a while longer, soon he would return, flashing through his covering mind... His legs trembled and he fell on his knees, arms stretched far above his head.

The sounds of footsteps on the gravel outside broke the silence. The door opened, illuminating the dark room with the last rays of the declining sun. William stepped inside, a bottle of brandy in his hands and a long hunting knife tucked in his belt. He crouched next to the panting gnoll and examined his tortured malehood, now turned an asphyxiated purple by the makeshift castrating device. "A bad case of blue balls, eh?" he laughed. Malik whined and looked at him with pleading eyes.

He extended his hand and seized Malik's left testicle. He squeezed it violently, checking if there was any life left in it. To the gnoll's growing terror he didn't feel anything. He motioned with his snout towards his back and his master. "P-please, I'll be a good boy...", the large beast whimpered. The man was taken aback and moved by the desperation in the gnoll's voice and eyes. "Do you really promise?"

"Yes, yes, Malik does anything you ask! Just cut me loose before my balls are too far gone!"

The humbled beast made tiny whimpering noises and shivered on the floor, prodding his rear end towards the man to display his plight.

"There, it's almost over, let me finish this" William said and unsheathed his knife. The man moved the sharp blade close to Malik's dying balls. He cupped the numb scrotum in his hand and, with great caution, lodged the tip of the blade between the tight string and the flesh and with one quick movement cut the rope and freed the tortured balls. Flinging his blade aside he began to rub the asphyxiated orbs between his fingers, hoping to massage life back into them.

Malik sighed in relief and relaxed in the man's hand, his racing heartbeat slowly easing down--but then the sensation started flooding back to the oxygen deprived flesh. It started with a tingling feeling, then warmth and red color surged in bringing the hurt with them. As his nerve endings started to recover one by one they all send their alarm signals to his brain, a vice-like electric jolt biting into his tender parts. He winced and and groaned, fearing to even breathe too deeply so he wouldn't jostle his privates. It felt like a leg fallen asleep waking up, except burning deep down in his testicles. He huffed and panted tiny gasps of air. "Ooofff...."

William watched with a smile of relief as Malik's heavy sperm-makers were rescued from the verge of death and slowly came back to life under his touch. Despite his bravado, he had not really wished to turn his companion into a servile pet, only to frighten him a little, and for a moment he had feared that the cruel joke had gone too far. "There", he said uncorking the fortified wine, "you need this." He raised the bottle above the gnoll's snout, ready to pour the fiery liquid down his throat. Malik craned his neck and opened his mouth obediently, his tongue out ready to drink what his owner wanted. As his body started to recover from his ordeal so did his lust. He wagged his tail and his cock slid out of his sheath again, warm and glistening with unspent precum.

William put the neck of the bottle to the gnoll's lips, letting him drink to his heart's content. When the flask was half-empty he poured the rest on the gnoll's still-painful balls. Bending his head over, he began to lick the wounded flesh and nibble at the skin with his teeth, hoping to reinvigorate the numb organ. Malik stayed on his knees but spread his legs wider to let his owner full access to his sex. He started breathing heavier as both the alcohol and the man's tongue worked their magic on his plump balls, the deprived organ warming up quickly under these attentions. His balls felt like they had been pounded on with a heavy mallet, still aching and throbbing, yet the tender care and the eagerness the man showed in slurping and taking them in his mouth spread waves of pleasure through them.

"Oh yess..." he huffed, "they're yours, do what you want with them, my master, my sexy owner... Lick them gobble them up cut them apart I don't care, I want you to decide my fate", he spoke with a husky voice, thrusting and swaying his hips. He was fully aroused again, his urgent need to cum welling up again from the back of his head to his chest, his stiff cock, his entire being....

William shifted his attention to Malik's erect organ. The gnoll's pulsating cocktip was staring at him and spurting watery precum onto his clothes. He gave it a few playful licks, relishing the now familiar taste of gnoll juice on his tongue. Drawing back reluctantly, he grasped the twitchy penis with his hand and casually wagged it from left to right.

"It seems like you have finally learned your lesson", he said, barely able to conceal his excitement, "maybe you have earned the right to mount and breed me today. Do you think you deserve this reward?"

The gnoll leaned in as far as he could to sniff the man's face, murmuring "yes please" again and again with his baritone voice. He had long since lost control, taken over by the man's hold on his aching sex, driven on by his need to breed, and to submit to someone who had shown being stronger than him. He tried to lick the corners of William's mouth like a puppy, little licks with his dry tongue.

His heart beating fast, William rose to his feet and took off his clothes for a second time this day, almost tearing them off his body in his excitement. Stark naked once again, he stood in front of the panting gnoll, crotch facing the hyena's muzzle.

"I will cut you loose in an instant", he said, "but you will not fuck until I grant you permission, is that clear?"

The gnoll nodded emphatically and made happy yipping sounds.

Satisfied with Malik's answer, William recovered the knife from a corner of the room and cut off the ropes that had kept the gnoll bound and immobile through the day. This done, he kneeled on all four and, turning his head towards his partner, said "I don't want you going in dry, why don't you lubricate your master for his comfort?"

The gnoll did not even stop to rub his wrists, but crawled instantly to the man and planted is slavering mouth on his tight asshole. He licked and slurped the man's smelly asscrack with gusto, slathering it with his thick saliva, his long tongue running over the entire length over his taint to his pucker in one hungry motion. He whined the entire time like a dog wanting to come inside, grasping the man's buttocks with his clawed hands and spreading them apart, spitting on them and licking it up only to do it again and again. His coarse tongue tickled William at first, but when the gnoll pressed his cold nose against his hole it made him flinch involuntarily. Malik's snout increased its pressure against that opening, sniffing and huffing its aroma, breathing in deeply as it started to work its way in...

The strength of the gnoll's assault on his undefended asshole took William by surprise. He did not expect Malik to have this much stamina left after standing in the suffocating heat for a full day, not to mention having his malehood almost strangled to death. Yet, behind the brute animal vitality there was an undeniable gentleness to the caress of the warm, silky tongue on his skin, and the gnoll's barely restrained enthusiasm was more endearing than frightening. William moaned as the long slimy organ made his way past his anus and coated his insides with saliva. He could have remained in this position for much longer, enjoying his lover's gooey attentions, but he realized that his partner deserved some release as well.

"Fuck me with all your strength, I want you to mount me and flood me with your bestial cum", he groaned.

Malik pulled out to draw breath and then clasped his big palms around William's waist. His hands felt rough against the noble's soft skin. His sweat made their grip slippery, but even then the gnoll had no trouble pulling the lighter man to him and his waiting erection. His throbbing member was bright red, with blue veins crisscrossing on its surface filling it with his hot, bestial blood, its hefty weight swaying like a truncheon dangling from his crotch. With little ceremony he started to hump the man's rear, poking his buttocks with its pointy tip as he searched the entrance, leaving strong smelling precum kisses on the jiggling flesh. He grunted and whined, too horny to even guide his cock with his hand, much to William's frustration.

Just about when the man was about to do something about it, the beast found its target, and slid the tip inside William's pink folds. He growled like a rutting animal, and thrust deeper, throwing the entire weight of his massive body behind his motion. William was pushed off his hands and squeezed flat against the floor as the great animal pounded on him without a care.

The thick rod penetrated his ass, hot and thick, its girth stretching his anus wide and spreading his buttocks apart.

The gnoll was much hotter than human, his body heat burning inside the man in a most pleasing sensation. His girth massaged the man's prostate, grinding against it and sending electrifying jolts along his spine and legs. The beast on top of him grunted and huffed, his hairy body smothering and hot against the man's naked back.

He was constantly leaking precum into the man's rectum, spreading a sense of wetness inside him and making wet, smacking sounds as his pistoning cock pumped more in and out with every thrust.

William struggled to breathe under the weight of the massive, furry body above him. Finally free to relieve the strain that his mating hormones had put on his body, Malik was breeding him with a passion that was unmatched by anything the two of them had done before. The man was stretched wide by the gnoll's massive girth but the relentless pounding on his prostate made the experience intensely pleasurable, and he pushed his ass against his lover's furry crotch. Before long he felt a burning sensation move from his loins to his cock. William moaned, his penis twitched and shot a long rope of whitish cum onto the floor.

Malik did not notice that his breeding hole had climaxed, but the contractions William's ass made as he jettisoned his load on the floor massaged the gnoll's cock just the right way. He started to orgasm mid-thrust, spraying hot, thick gnoll cum in the man's ass, pulled back and then plunged his dick into his own semen with one last heave that buried his cock to the hilt in that ravaged ass. He moaned and howled with every twitch of his cock pumping sticky, gooey beast seed in that tight hole, his urethra pulsing as he shot load after load into the man.

William could swear he felt his belly swell with the sheer volume, but the gnoll's orgasm showed no sign of subsiding. His rank smelling sperm gushed from the man's ass as it became filled, clinging in a sticky mess into his ass hair and Malik's crotch.

Eventually the gnoll collapsed on top of him, completely spent. He just laid there panting, letting his rigid member soak inside the ass overflowing with his cock-milk.

William was almost crushed, sandwiched between the cum-stained floor and the heavier male. The massive beast had probably spilled a full pint of manly juice deep inside him. It was no wonder that his aching balls had almost driven him to madness. Even now he could feel the thick liquid seeping out of his gaping asshole as the meaty dick slowly deflated and softened inside his rectum. He remained immobile for several minutes, the gnoll atop him panting, covering him with his warmth and with his sweaty, musky smell. Finally, he gave Malik a gentle nudge, fearing that he would fall asleep where he was and keep him trapped.

Malik snapped back to attention. "I'm awake! I was just resting my eyes!" He realized that he was squeezing William against the hard floor, and rolled over looking apologetic. "You're all right, master?" he asked and touched the man's shoulder gently.

The man caught his breath with relief. His whole body was strained and his ass would probably ache for a while. Yet the experience had been the most intense he had ever felt. It looked like a little rough treatment only made his companion even more eager. He absent-mindedly wiped his cum-stained ass with his hand and grasped Malik's softening penis, rubbing the warm and rubbery flesh up with his fingers. "Maybe we'll have to wait until it's dark outside before we get out of here."

"I'll help you hide the evidence", the gnoll grinned, and started lapping him clean...

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