New Adventures in Possession Loss of ones self Chap 5

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#5 of On the sending out of the soul...

Warning for Non Con sex... Snuff... Gay Male Sex Magical Body Possession Transgender Body ...

Warning for Non Con sex... Snuff... Gay Male Sex Magical Body Possession Transgender Body Possession

Davor goes looking to possess Veronika's body and ends up getting more than he ever expected... While Toby stumps onto Davors body and gets the same thing...

Loss of one's self

Chap 5

Davor pulled his big floppy ball's back between his leg's, making his sheath gape open as he trapped them there with his thigh's. Then starred at himself in the mirror... it almost looked like he had a pussy between his leg's. Slowly the big wolf admired himself, reaching down to slip a finger into that hot damp orifice. However the illusion was ruined almost at once, as that finger tip touch the pointed tip of his quickly hardening cock. Making the big jock wonder, if there was some way he could keep himself from getting a hard on.

But sensing the level of his own arousal, Davor knew it was hopeless. His trembling paws reached out to his bedside table, picking up the slender red tome. It was the only way... he knew it... the only way he could experience that pleasure again. He would have to take possession of 'her' body again... The big Wolf jock shiver as he thought about it. That lush female equine body... with its burning need for male companionship. Memories of the last time he had been with her spilled out into his mind. Impaling her lush body on his own hard male hood... suckling upon it and later on his Mule roommate's as well. He could still remember the feeling of that big hard male body atop her... Holding that lush body down... as the big horny equine had rutted him... Errr her. Into a state of orgasmic bliss that most males could not even being to conceive of... Giving up at last Davor flipped that little red book open, and began to read...


Veronika's squeal of pain and fear was choked off, as those huge powerful paws tightened around her slender equine neck. The pretty young mare thrashed and kicked out wildly, but the heavy body of her attacker was safely between her powerful legs. "I'll show ya... ya stupid slut!" The big Rhino snarled wildly, as his massive hand clenched tightly around her throat. His thick cock stiffening at last, as her gagging struggles subsided into the passivity of unconsciousness. The nymphomaniac mare had been making fun of the drunken Rhino's inability to get and erection for her... He didn't stop choking her even then, but kept both big hands clenched even as he maneuvered his hip's. Lining up his now stiff cock, with her dewy black teardrop shaped sex. And then plunged it into her hot depths, fucking her dead body swift lust and savagely. "How do ya like it now slut!" The big drunken jock slurred as he began to rut her cooling corpse lustfully.

Davor hung suspended in the air watching in horror as the light vanished from Veronika's eye's. Even as the big Rhino raped her dead body in swift needy lust. And still the magic of the book drew him on... down... down into that cooling empty shell. Slowly at first... and then he was dropping like a stone into a pit of utter blackness. And for a endless moment he was starring into the abyss... while the abyss starred leeringly back into him. All was darkness... and Davor felt a strange pulling and ripping at his being...

And then she sit up gasping for breath, reaching up to slowly caress her sore neck. "OH MY GODS... OH MY GODS!" Davor leaped up and pranced around the room on her hard hooves fearfully. But her killer was gone... the big Rhino had orgasmed into her corpse and left. Looking around the seedy hotel room Davor gagged slowly choking and rubbing her bruised throat. "He killed her... he...killed." She paused for an instant wondering just what had happened. 'Was Veronika dead... or had he saved her?' Davor searched around within her brain for that feeling he'd gotten the last time. But it wasn't there... she wasn't there, he was alone in her body this time. There was no resistance to his presence... to his control of that lush body. Davor ran her big three fingered hands over that body... Noticing suddenly that the burn need that was always there within her was gone. Indeed the big mare felt sexually sated, for the first time since he'd been possessing her body. Going into the run down hotel bathroom, she looked at her lush sexually potent body.

Shocked to discover blood leaking from her long slotted equine nostrils. Hurriedly she wiped it away, and then starred more closely at herself. Something was different... it was the eyes... they just shone with a different light now. Slowly she moved over and turned on the shower... waiting for the hot water. Wanting to wash the scent of the Rhino's semen off of her and the blood. It wasn't until she stepped under the hot running water, that she realized just how beaten and battered her big lush equine body really was...


Toby closed his eye's and concentrated on the spidery old writing... he was getting good at picturing it in his mind now. He pictured the cryptic red writing in his minds eye, his mind was highly discipled, his memory detailed and vivid. Carefully he read through the small book, and then found himself floating above the bed. Unlike the times before he didn't instantly begin flying off. And it took Toby a minute to realize, that he'd been concentrating so hard on the book; that he'd forgot to think of object. Clearing his mind the little Ground Hog began to think of big sweaty jocks. Almost at once his body began to drift, as powerful naked masculine bodies filled his mind. Within seconds he was fluttering like a leaf in the wind across campus.

Kappa house loomed up and he found himself drifting around to a window, he'd never thought of before. Pasting through it like it was the surface of water, with less than a ripple. The Ground Hog found himself in the typical messy, disheveled, disorganized jock's room. On the big lay the motionless form of a big Wolf... Toby vaguely remembered him. As he floated closer the nerdy Ground Hog saw it... the little book with its red writing. 'Son of a bitch!' Toby thought as he saw the book in the big Wolf jocks paws. Putting two and two together was easy for a genius level IQ. The Wolf was out of his body clearly... idly Toby wondered who he was possessing. Who would a big popular jock stud want to be besides himself?

Oh well it hardly mattered... because while the Wolf was away the Ground Hog would play. Slowly he drifted over the still body and began to sink into it. Toby knew something was wrong almost at once... as cold and darkness swirled up to meet him. He panicked then and tried desperately to pull away... to escape that vortex of darkness pulling him downwards. But it all was happening to fast... the world spun and cold oblivion rose up to met him... All was darkness... and Toby felt a strange pulling and ripping at his very being...

Toby awoke with a start... sitting up and looking around the strange cluttered room in horror. 'It had not been a nightmare...' Standing slowly Toby staggered over to the mirror and peered into it. A Wolf's long handsome muzzle starred back at him... he was in Davors body... And he was alone... there was no feeling of pent up resistance the bodies owner was gone. Lifting a big paw Toby placed it over the racing heart in the Wolf's chest. Confused by this strange turn of events... he suddenly realized the Book was still clutched in his other paw. Looking at it he remembered his plan... he was going to use the Wolfs body. To have some fun of course... but also to return the book to himself. Of course that plan had disintegrated with his strange descent into the Wolfs oddly empty body.

It creeped the little Ground Hog out... and so he made up his mind to take the book. Hide it somewhere public and close... and then return to his own body. And as he thought about it... he had the perfect place. The statue of the old steel magnate, who's philanthropy had paid for the historic campus library. There was a secret hidden compartment in the statues base... that very few furs knew about. Originally built into the statue's base to house the old fellas ashes... but the family had decided differently. And so the hidden compartment had remained empty and forgotten. Quickly Toby threw on some shorts and a sweat shirt... then hiding the book in his waist band quickly headed down to the statue. He wanted to get the book hidden before he was pulled back to his own body. He had learned form past experience, that each time to sojourned in someones body. That he could stay a little long next time and that control of that body grew more total with each possession. And so he wanted to be sure to get the book hidden, and away from its hiding place. Before he was forced to return to his own body... as had always happened in the past.

It was a cold rainy afternoon and the quad around the statue was deserted. Luckily so that he was able to get the book safely tucked away quickly. Once the hidden compartment was shut up tight, he turned and was starting back across campus. When a familiar sounding voice reached his keen lupine ears. Turning Toby peered down a dark deserted alley way between building. The Antelope was half surround by a semi circle of furs. Not jocks... but still pretty big guys who looked serious.

"You don't wanta do this." Cameron warned, as he paced back and forth in the small alcove he was trapped in.

"Oh I think we do Faggot." A big Bulldog growled as the guys behind him laughed darkly. "Gunna kick yer ass... jock or no jock."

"Ya like yer teammates should've... if they were to busy letting you suck their cocks!" A smaller feline growled as the group edged in closer. Cameron was half crouching now his fists up, and a look of cool determination on his muzzle. There were obviously far to much for him to beat... but he was just as obviously determined to go down swinging.

"Come on then..." The Antelope challenged as the crowd readied it's self to pounce.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?" Toby snarled, in a voice that was so loud and vicious sounding it startled even him. The crowd paused looking back down the alley way, as he strolled swiftly down it towards them.

"Mind your own fuckin' business." The Bulldog snapped over his shoulder, as he turned back to the Antelope. Who it seem had taken courage from the lone voice of support.

"You go attacking my friends... I guess that makes it my business." Toby retorted the anger within him... that before had always been pent up. Now suddenly boiling to the surface... attacking someone just because of his sexual habits...

"Oh you a friend of this Faggot are ya?" One of the crowd asked... sneeringly. "I guess that makes you a Faggot too huh..."

"Thats right I'm a cock sucking... ass pounding... cum swallowing Faggot." Toby snarled as he stepped into the light... and the crowd got a good look at the big Wolf body for the first time. "Whatcha gunna do about it?" The crowd of hateful furs stepped back as he strides forwards... more stunned by his powerful admission of self. Than even by the size and power of his big heavily muscled frame. Toby pushed past the Bulldog, who hadn't moved. And moved to stand beside Cameron... who favored him with a wide smile.

"Dav... buddy I never knew."

"It came on kinda suddenly." Toby snarled, wondering how this would go when he left the Wolfs body.

"I know whatcha mean..." Cameron grunted.

"Ok so we got two Queers... to be teaching a lesson." The Bulldog snarled, clearly not giving up even if some of his supporters were not as keen now. Toby realized suddenly where he'd just placed himself... the Ground Hog had not been in a fight since grade school. And had lost that one... now here he was about to...

"I don't know how much good I'll..." He started to warn Cameron... when the Bulldog and his supporters charged them. And Toby's big body reacted... one big paw reached out and caught a canines muzzle. Lifting him off his foot paws and hurling him back across the alley way. A hard fist collided with his well toned abs... but the pain just made him madder. Toby waded into his onrushing attackers with both big fists flying. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Cameron kicking and head butting wildly. But his world quickly became a swirling maelstrom, of kicking and punching furry bodies. Pain flared in his head as his right eye was smashed by a flying fist. Insanely Toby began to snarl his teeth at anything that came within reach. Even as his arms flailed wildly throwing powerful punches at his attackers.

And then suddenly he almost fell over... and the soft furry bodies his paws had been smashing into vanished. Glancing around Toby found himself alone with Cameron in the dark alley... Only a paw full of silent motionless body on the ground around them.

"Damn dude... we whipped'em." Cameron panted, as he staggered over and wrapped his long powerful arms around Davor's broad powerful shoulders. "Thank you... thank yo..." Cameron panted as Toby suddenly planted a long powerful kiss of the Antelopes soft lip's. "I don't really... have never really kissed..." And then he pressed his mouth back to the Wolf's sharing the passion with him.

"Lets do it..." Toby panted when Cameron at last came up for air.

"Wha... right here?" The Antelope choked glancing around nervously... Toby hadn't meant that of course. But before he could explain Cameron had shoved his shorts down. And was fondling the big Wolfs growing erection... even as he shimmed out of his sweat pants. Pressed back into the alcove... Toby tried to protest. But then the Antelope was smearing two fingers of saliva over his own tail hole. And then he was in Toby's arms again, wrapping those long powerful leg's around the big Wolf's waist.

"Ohoooo gods!" Toby growled, as Cameron sat on his huge throbbing lupine cock. The Antelope had gotten very good at opening himself up it appeared, because that huge throbbing canine cock slipped easily into him. Toby had never imagined having sex standing up... and in his own short fat body it would have been impossible. But in Davors tall strong athletes body... it was easy and very exciting. Leaning back against the wall... he hump his hip's up. Even as Cameron bounced down the resulting meeting, spearing that huge fucker ball's deep.

"Ohooooo fuck the Knot!" Cameron squealed as there was a sudden tightness on Toby's Wolf cock. And then he understood... the knot of his canine cock had just been forced up Cameron's tail hole. He had just tied with Cameron's ass... but that hardly mattered at the moment. As the two of then rocked back and forth working that big cock around within the Antelopes hot hole. Cameron's long slender cock was rubbing on both their chests... drooling pre-cum. Toby bent his head down and flicked that long slick lupine tongue over it. Making Cameron moan in delight... as even more pre-cum fountained from its tip. Bending that thick lupine neck to its limit... Toby took the tip of Cameron's cock into Davor's muzzle. Suckling expertly on it as he bounced the Antelope up and down on that aching knot. And once again time seemed to vanish for him... as his world became a hot blur... Of firm around butt cheeks and hot drooling cock... scalding hot depths and rasping breath. How long it lasted neither of them could ever be sure... but then suddenly climax exploded...

The bright beam of a mag light illuminated the panting, trembling pair. As Toby just barely managed to stand on trembling legs. And a lewd chuckle could be heard... from behind that spotlight. "Well... well... I thought those little shits were lying." Officer Jonny from the campus police snickered as he lowered his flash light to look at the unconscious furs scattered around the tied jocks. "Saying that a bunch of jock jumped on them and beat them up." "Obviously this bunch here..." He gestured to the unconscious furs on the ground. "Were the real culprits... when you fellas get yourselves sorted out." He snickered lewdly... a big German Shepard Officers Jonny obviously knew all about knots. "How about giving me a hand loading them into the car."

"Ammm sure thing..." Toby and Cameron grunted embarrassed as the big German Shep looked them over lustfully...


Power of the Plant

Warning for Sex... Odd... Trickery... Neutering... Nullication... Empty sheath docking... Plant... My little sequel to [![](%5C) charn](%5C) hot tale [](

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In Desperate... not so straights

A young Lion abroad for the first time has some money troubles in a Foreign land and gets taken advantage of by some naughty preds... This is part of a story trade I'm doing with my big sweety Tiger buddy Charn... The original idea for this story...

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