Power of the Plant

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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Warning for Sex... Odd... Trickery... Neutering... Nullication... Empty sheath docking... Plant...

My little sequel to [[](%5C) charn](%5C) hot tale http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3637081 Hope he likes it...

Power Plant

The three young stallion's trudged across the over grown field slowly, in the deepening gloom of evening. They talked excitedly as they trotted along... "I bet he's going to play the mare for us..." The tall thin pale gray stud nickered excitedly, as they walked past the old homestead. The abandon house was overgrown and it 'sroof had collapsed in on it's self. "I mean why get us to come way out here..." Jerome the gray stallion nickered obviously wanting that very much.

"My dad sez stallions don't really do that." Cameron the thick bodied Roan countered, as the evening wind picked up... tousling his mane.

"Well my dad sez some stallion's do... do that." Tad the huge black and white draft horse in the middle grunted. "And he's seen more and traveled more than anyone else in town." Which was true... the draft horses family ran the trade caravans that traveled all up and down the valley. And even as far away as the coastal cities... which were huge compared to the towns and villages of the valley.

"So then you think he's gunna..." The young Roan stallion asked, clearly shocked and yet aroused by the idea.

"Nawww..." The big draft horse smirked, shaking his big head. "Denny likes mares... hell thats all he talks about some of the time." The big draft horse snorted... thinking about the horny little pony. Denny was the only pony in town... and so was shunned by the full sized mares. And picked on by most of the stallions, many of whom like Jerome the gray thought he was a stallion lover. The three of them were not exactly Denny's friends... but they at least talked with him. And two of them had tried to get the little pony to pleasure them. One more forcefully than the other, Tad had only tried to get a muzzle job. Jerome had tried to force his way under the ponies tail, over his protests. Cameron had not really been invited by the pony, but had tagged along with his friends.

As the wind swirled up again, Cameron's long slotted equine nostrils twitched. The Roan stallion inhaled deeply, feeling his broad chest expand as he filled his lungs with cool late summer air. But even as he did so, he felt something else expand as well. Under his rough woolen kilt, the young stallion's thick cock dropped from its sheath. He couldn't explain it, but he felt his fat balls roll in arousal. As though he had spotted a nice firm round rump, he glance guilty at his big friends. Thinking that Tad sure had a sweet rump on him... and that he wouldn't turn Jerome's away either. The young Roan shook his head savagely... these were thoughts he'd forbidden himself to think. Still he let out a soft grunt, as his stomach tight with sexual excitement. Glancing around he could see that the other guys were feeling it as well. Tad's huge cock was dangling a dozen inches below his kilt. The sight making Cameron's mouth water, as he was suddenly almost overwhelmed with the desire to suckle upon it.

"What the fuck is that!" Jerome whinnied excitedly... "Smells like mares in season..."

"And Alfalfa sugar candy... all mixed together..." Tad snorted in agreed, as the three of them rolled their upper lip's back to scent taste the breeze. Even as they picked up the pace, their slow trot becoming a excited jog. While ahead of them, the old barn loomed up out of the growing gloom. Denny stood by the partly open barn door smiling faintly, as the three of them approached. The pony stallion looked surprised and upset when he saw that there were three of them. But quickly covered that up as they drew closer.

"See I told you... you'd be interested." He greeted as the three almost entranced studs stopped in front of him.

"What is that?" Tad and Jerome asked together, as they inhale deeply in ragged excited breaths.

"A little something I discover..." Denny answered truthfully enough, he had found it back when it was still tiny. And he'd cared for it... nurtured it... as it rapidly grew. Until he'd discover what it wanted, what it did... "It gets better... come on inside and see." The little pony invited, pushing the barn door open wider so the three could enter. The damp earth smell of the in the old barn was comforting, and the scent that was arousing them grew stronger as they stepped inside. Their long cocks were straining rock hard now, making the three horny stallion's shed their kilts. The blackness of the barn daunted them for a second, until they noticed the pale soft green glow in a far back corner.

The trio moved towards that glow quickly, and found the light was not green. It was simply a reflection, a single beam of light shone down from a lamp onto a majestic, shiny, transparent green plant. It was unlike anything the young stallions had ever seen. All broad fern like leaves and coiling, curving, knotty vines. The trio's cocks twitched powerfully, and for a moment each lost himself in fantasy. Jerome shuddered and pictured himself raping the pony's ass... Tad snorted, as images of a tall black and white draft mare lowing herself on to his cock filled his head. "Ohoo sis." He moaned under his breath, unnoticed by everyone except Denny. Who well knew the effects his pet had on a male at this range. Cameron was bend over so far his muzzle was almost touching Tad's rump. Little doubt what he was lusting after... the little pony almost pulled him away.

The three of them moved closer... finding and old rope stretched across the stall opening. Just then the coiling tendrils slowly began moving, gyrating around on the damp earthen floor. The three young stallion's stepped back nervously looking startled. But then Denny stepped past them, moving right up to the rotten old rope. He thrust his short thick erection over towards those coiling tendrils. He felt them caress up the back of his calves, entwining loosely around him. Like a lovers caress... it was something that had happened many times. Reaching down he pulled a big dandelion like head over to his cock. And thrust the tip within... moaning with pleasure as the suction began at once. "Ammmmmm..." He moaned turning his head to flash the bigger stallion's a leering smile. And then humped that flower head for a long moment before pulling out and stepping back. The plant came off easily in his grasp as he showed that disentangling would not be a problem.

"Fuck'en hell... let me give that a try." Jerome grunted eagerly stepping forwards and grasping one of those flower heads. Thrusting the thick tip of his cock within it... those soft petals parted for him. And the inside while cool, was extremely soft and wet with a slick mucous. He groaned and pushed himself into that cloying, phleghm like substance, and watched as the head of the plant swelled around the girth of his thick stud stick. Those weaving tendrils began to curl around his legs, and two of the thicker ones moved to coil around his groin. As the plant leached over his thick equine cock... Yeah leech was the right word, as he could see the petals that formed the flowery head of the plant twitching. Pulling outwards, which pulled suction on his cock, making it swell out. He felt his cock head flare at the incredibly slow, seductive sensation. Jerome humped his hips, but the plant moved with him. Not allowing him any more pleasure than what it gave him.

"Ohoooo gods..." The gray stallion moaned as the sensations washed over his aroused organ. Making him lean hard against the old rope, that moaned in protest. "Oho guys you gotta try this..." He moaned a bit late, as Tad and Cameron were already at his side. Big balls churned wildly, warming as they approached the plant. The three heavy bodies leaning against it, proved to much for the old rope which snapped with a weak pop. Not that the three horny stallion's paid any attention to it. They were thrusting their heavy junk into the cluster of big flower heads lustfully now.

As Denny stood well back and watched with a delighted smile on his short muzzle. As he watched the three stallion's slowly allow themselves to be drawn farther in. Vines curled all around their powerful equine leg's, and over those needy groins. Coils wrapping around the neck of hefty sack's, big colt makers were slowly tugged down lower. And the trio sighed with pleasure as another huge dandelion like flower head pushed over those low danglers. Slowly swallowing one, then the other of those mighty nuts, with a tightness that made them all grimace at first. They were almost too big for the plant to handle. That made each one of they're chests puff with pride. And then they huffed, an whinnied as that flower head on their cock began to pulsate.

"WWWWEEEEEHEHEHEE!" The three studs whinnied, as the foamy 'pith' inside of the huge flower heads churned and stroked their huge throbbing cocks. Caressing them more intimately then anything the young stallions had ever experienced before. They failed to notice the surging vines... or that those flower heads where moving steadily up their long shafts. As the powerful fluids digested the meat of their mighty cock, sucking the protein rich goo down into the plants body. Those same digestive fluids sending waves of nerve tingling pleasure through the stallions as it did. This sight was nothing new to Denny... he'd been suppling the plant with food since he'd first found the seedling. Insects at first... and later tidbits of grain and later meat. And then one day he'd found his feral pet Rog in the very same position the trio was in now. That was when the idea had came to him, a way to get ever with some of his abusers. And of course to get himself a couple of play things... If the mares wouldn't have him... well he'd just make himself a couple of mares who would have no choice really...

The three young stallions eyes spun, as their balls contracted in their own slimy, pithy prisons as they began to shoot. Long hot blasts of thick stallion seed, sliding down that semi transparent fibrous tube. Leading away from the head of the flower and deep into the tangled plant roots. The trio's orgasms went on for a long time, as days of unspent seed finally emptied into the plant. Jerome who had started first finished first as well, he could feel his muscles weakening. His head was spinning pleasantly with the pleasure that the plant had provided. He didn't really understand What was happening at first, when he saw the first bulge begin to form under the head of the plant that was suctioned onto his fat nuts. He felt the tension on them getting stronger while he was orgasming, but that was normal. Only that tension didn't stop with his release as it normally would. He cried out loudly, as he felt something snap inside his groin. And that bulge abruptly was excreted from the flower head, and into that fibrous clear tube. It was... an odd silverly gray lump with dark blue lines crossing through it. His eyes were having a hard time focusing on it, his body weak with the pleasure and exhaustion.

"Uhuhuu wait... wha was that..." He mumbled even as that tension was building once again, as the second hefty nut was plucked from his groin. Pulled slowly and softly from him, to follow the first into the tube that carried them to the heart of the plant. He began to struggle then, as he saw what was happening grasping at the flower on his cock. He felt it beginning to crimp into his sheath, his cock seemingly sealed inside. He took the head of the plant in big three fingered hands and pulled. Twisting and yanking at it, not caring about the sloshing and slurping sounds he heard coming from it and his sheath. Assuming it was the cloying, slick mucous like substance. None of them had any idea that it was actually the digested remains of his once huge proud male hood. Suddenly the flowers head came loose from his crotch, and the young stallion looked down to observe the damage. Almost passing out as he saw the flat empty sheath hanging open... drooling pinkish sludge. Below that the naked red skin where his mighty jewel pouch had hung. He looked up at his friends, even as the big Draft horse and the Roan squealed in horror. As they were experiencing the exact same thing he just had.

"I... I've been gelded..." He croaked at last, in shock and horror. As he staggered backwards and fell right into Denny's waiting arm.

"More like turned into a mare!" The little pony snickered as he dragged the gray former stallion across the barn to a waiting bed. "But thats ok you can be my first..." He explained as he listened to Tad and Cameron squeal and struggle.

"Wha... No you... you can't." Jerome stammered weakly as the little pony stallion slipped between his leg's. And then sank his short fat pony cock ball's deep in that hot slimy sheath hole.

"Ammmm but I just did... my little mare." Denny chuckled as he heard Cameron squeal that the plant had just swallowed his left nut! The little pony hilted himself in the weakly struggling Jerome. "What you said you wanted to rut me..." He taunted knowing very well Jerome had wanted to fuck his tail hole.

"Oh gods my cock..." Tad squealed staggering backwards, while all the time fondling his denuded groin. The big draft horses eyes rolled backwards in his head and he slumped limply to the ground. Cameron seemed to be frozen in place watching as his right testicle vanished slowly down that clear tube. Denny was slamming his hips savagely into the former stallion who had attempted to rump rape him now. Even as Jerome lay back watching slack jawed as he was rutted. All his struggling had stopped now and his breath was quickening with excitement. Denny was unsure what the big gray was feeling, and honestly didn't care...


The wagon creaked softly as the big black and white draft horse pulled it down the road. The harness was a little loose on Tad's frame... having been made for his father or one of his older brothers. Denny had decided that they would borrow it... for their move. Tad's little pin ears swiveling around as he heard the soft moans and grunts behind him. Their stallion was enjoyed one of them... from the sounds of it Cameron. Most likely as Jerome licked and kissed whatever parts his could reach. The former attempted rapist had turned into quite the little slut... and Denny had already rented him out to pasting merchants...

The little pony lay back panting for breath, as the after glow washed over him. Idly glancing at the tiny plant growing in the clay pot in the corner of the wagon. He wasn't sure where they were going... but he knew he would make himself a bigger herd once they got there...

"Wagon approaching..." Tad called, making the pony grin. He looked over at Jerome who was still licking creamy spoo from Cameron's tail hole.

"Time to earn your keep slut..." He teased as his lead mare sat up and smiled submissively.


In Desperate... not so straights

A young Lion abroad for the first time has some money troubles in a Foreign land and gets taken advantage of by some naughty preds... This is part of a story trade I'm doing with my big sweety Tiger buddy Charn... The original idea for this story...

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The Bad Sport... Konu needs a sparing pardner and a certain big overly proud and confident stallion steps in...

Konu needs a sparing pardner and a certain big overly proud and confident stallion steps in... but things end badly for the big stud... Ok looks like the Badger is going to need a new Sparing Pardner any...

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