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#13 of A new chance

After a risked rescue, Wilton and Arlen became the new heroes of the Nottingham, they receive a great reward from their mom and Little John.

Otto receives a notice that obliges him to do a unexpected trip after having a nice time with Nolan.

Three days later Arlen and Wilton pant while they feel like the heat coming from the sun on their backs. They are tired while they feel as they have pain in their muscles.

They are close to Deryck and the captain, both men talk about the punishment. Both boys look at each other with bother because they know that their suffering would last until Deryck was satisfied.

Arlen sees that by the front entrance Little John comes in and he looks pretty hurried and worried. Wilton gets surprised when he listens as the bell that calls to everyone gather together immediately.

It is a bell that never sounds unless something very bad is happening.

Shortly both brothers learn what it is going on, there are two lost children and Little John organizes to almost all the soldiers preparing to join to the search of the two children in the forest.

"Boys, we need the whole possible help." The bear says them while men hurry up to prepare.

"We will help." Arlen says looking Wilton. He nods and next to his brother he rushes to get ready.

The two brothers in the gunsmith's shop help to hand out the torches to all soldiers, it's possible that the search last to the night or the next day.

When all is the done, Arlen and Wilton join the soldiers to go out to the town center and to assemble with the other ones. The people rapidly divide in groups.

Arlen and Wilton join to one group that enter in the forest and split to begin to search.

The two brothers walk near to each other while they call to the boys by their names.

Hours keep on passing and the worry in the soldiers keeps on growing up. With the night fall getting closer, the search would become more complicated. Arlen and Wilton find the ruins of a house in a clearing in the forest.

"Let's see." Wilton says doing a gesture to his brother. He nods and both the two boys get in ruins thinking how much time these ruins have been here.

The house had apparently been destroyed by a fire long time ago, there are remains in each side. Arlen steps on one old piece of timber that breaks instantly due to the weight that is put on him.

"Where do you think that they are?" Arlen asks while he inspects what was once a bedroom. He sees a doll partially charred.

"I don't know." Wilton says before his brother makes him shut his mouth. Wilton raises an eyebrow and wants to say something to his brother, but he puts a finger on the lips and he points at his ears.

Wilton moves his ears and opens his eyes perceiving a light sound, he seems a shout or a whining. Both move their heads from side to side trying finding the source of sound .

It comes from the outside." Wilton says and they come out onto the clearing again.

"¡Please help!!" A deep shout is heard again and comes with more clarity to the ears of the boys that they walk around the house until they get surprised listening a sob that comes from an old well that is near.

It is a boy's crying. Wilton and Arlen hurry to get to the well and looking inside it. They only see darkness; the echo of a sob comes to their ears.

"Aden, Greg? Arlen asks shouting toward the bottom of the well.

"Yes... yes, we are here! a voice that demonstrates despair answers rapidly.

"Please take us out from here! Another voice says with fear.

"We will take you out soon, do not get worried! Arlen says rapidly. He looks at his brother.

He nods and both rapidly run to look for people and soldiers that can help. Soon there are a large number of soldiers that also surround the well.

Wilton sees as men and Little John chat while they try to find a way of taking out the two children.

"We fit in there unlike those fat asses." Wilton says looking at his brother with a mocking grin. Arlen laughs a little, in spite of the fact that the situation is not funny at all.

Arlen nods and both offer themselves for going down into the well.

Some minutes later Wilton has a rope tied to his waist while he has another one rolled hanging from his shoulder. That rope would be tied around one of the children as a safety mechanics in case of something came off badly.

Wilton gets in position below an improvised framework that would be used at the moment of getting up again. Arlen takes a torch in his mouth and he begins to descend while soldiers hold the rope that he has tied around his waist.

The fire illuminates the stones that Wilton uses to descend with slowness, he steps on with care. In spite of having the rope tied to his waist, a slip can be dangerous.

He slowly comes down; his body feels the humidity and coldness at the place. Shortly Wilton can see two figures at the bottom and after some minutes his feet touch the almost dry bottom of the well, he feels a small brook of water below his feet.

The two children are completely frightened and they cling to Wilton with force.

"Hey calm down." Wilton says laying his right hand on both boys that look at him attentively. Wilton sees tears in their eyes.

With care he separates them from his body pushing them softly. He sees that one of the boys is a little higher than he another one, he is certainly the oldest one of both.

"We are going to take you out from here." Wilton says while he smiles at the boys. The well stones have a reddish color due to the fire. Wilton hands the torch on to him to the cub that seems to be the elder brother before taking the rope that hangs from his arm.

"Please take to my brother first." The boy says looking at Wilton and next to his younger brother.

"Are you the big brother, uh?" Wilton asks with a smile. The boy nods lightly.

"I am Greg, he is Aden." The boy says looking at Wilton that begins to tie the rope around the body of Aden.

"What will happen with my brother?" Aden asks with watery eyes while he looks at his brother.

"Don't worry, my brother will come for him." Wilton says smiling and finishing to tie to the rope the body of the boy.

"Now hold me with force." Wilton says while he looks at the boy. He rapidly embraces him with force.

"Don't lose a single moment. If you must, use the claws or your teeth to hold in the event something bad happens, ok?" Wilton asks standing up and holding the boy.

"When my brother is closing, turn off the torch, with the space here, he will be difficult for him not to burn. He will bring another torch." Wilton says looking at Greg. He places a hand on the back of his brother that looks at him.

Greg pushes aside the torch the best that he can. The space is minimal, but it is enough in order that Wilton did not burn himself.

Wilton takes strings and ropes and he does two pulls before holding the boy with force.

He feels a pull the moment that men begin to pull of both ropes.

His feet leave the ground and he next to the boy they begin to rise on the air. Wilton feels as the boy clings to his body with all his force while both rise in the air.

Greg that looks at them without stopping. Wilton smiles at him and he sees up observing that they slowly come closer on the way out. Everything becomes more brightness and he observes the exterior of the well when his head touches the wooden framework.

Wilton does not release the boy while men hold him and they pull him to place it in the ground.

"Great ride, uh?" Wilton asks giving some light blows to Aden in the head, the boy even was holding him.

The boy sees that it is ashore again and begins to cry. Wilton sees that his brother gets ready to enter.

"Be careful, the stones are dampish." Wilton says letting himself fall on the ground with relief. He had been afraid that something badly happened when he and Aden where getting out of the well.

Arlen nods and he gets in position while he bites the torch that illuminates his face with force. He begins to descend with calm having in his head his brother's warnings.

His feet and arms move with calm, his feet step on stones one by one while darkness begins to involve him. As had said it his brother the place is humid.

Arlen can intuit that the water that gave life to the well even ran over there with certain frequency. He clings to two stones with force when his right foot slips, but only it is a scare.

He takes a deep breath and moves down with more care, soon the glare of the torch that Greg supports comes to him. Arlen sees that the boy is waiting for him with a lot of happiness.

To a couple of meters of the bottom Greg's torch becomes extinguished in the water that still remains on the well. Arlen does a light jump and he trembles lightly because his feet touch the cold water.

"Your brother, already is out. Now it is your turn." Arlen says taking the second rope and tying it around Greg waist while the cub does not move and he holds the torch giving the necessary light to Arlen.

He shortly finishes tying everything and picks the boy up from the floor holding him with force. Greg throws the torch that extinguishes in water, darkness involves him and Arlen again.

The boy clings to the young wolf and Arlen gives the signal. Immediately their bodies feel a light pull and both begin to rise. Arlen holds the boy with all force that he has, something that is reciprocal.

"Take it easy, soon we will be out." Arlen says with calm while he and Greg continue rising slowly. Arlen knows that this must be done with calm, make it fast and brusquely can be dangerous.

Both pass of the half a road and see as a couple of men look at them from the border of the well. Their bodies soon appear and as Wilton made, Arlen does not release the boy until everything finishes.

Once his feet touch the ground. Arlen releases Greg. He does not wait until the rope around his body be untied. He runs towards his brother and his mother.

The three hug each other and sob with happiness to be together again. Wilton and Arlen get surprised completely when both are lifted up in the air on the shoulders of two elephants while the people begin to celebrate and to acclaim them.

At the house of Eryn, she is anxious while she controls the dinner. She already had finished, but she has to keep it warm. It already had grown dark and she is pretty concerned.

Otto had returned with Nolan home in a hurry, he told her about the lost children and as the people prepared to look for them. He would also join the search and for which he let Nolan at home.

Eryn was concerned about Wilton and Arlen that would certainly take part in the works of search. The forest could be dangerous at night and nobody would stop until find the two lost children.

Girls are close to her while they are cleaning everything with calm, Eryn notices that they also are concerned. Nolan helps a little piling up the firewood that he picked up in the afternoon.

She breathes deeply to calm down trying not to imagine any bad thing. Her eyes suddenly open when the front door of the house opens and it closes.

Eryn next to the other ones goes out to the living room to meet with Arlen and Wilton and Otto. The bloodhound looks completely content while he has a hand in each shoulder of the boys.

"You are OK!" Eryn says completely happy to see her children and Otto completely unhurt.

"Yes, greet the two new heroes of Nottingham." Otto says squeezing the shoulders of the two brothers proudly. Eryn looks at them with a lot of surprise.

"They found the two lost boys. Arlen and Wilton rescued to the cubs from the bottom of a well." Otto says looking at the two boys. They smile and Eryn gets surprised completely before looking at her two children with complete pride.

She embraces them feeling completely happy and proud of her children. Both feel completely happy when the hug breaks.

Otto sees that his nieces and the boys also are happy. Girls smile smoothly at the boys that inflate their chest proudly. Nolan moves his tail with emotion.

His sister also feels moved. The moment finishes when they all sniff a light burning smell.

Eryn rapidly runs towards the kitchen next to the girls.

Otto does a grin to the boys, the three enter in the kitchen and see as Eryn and girls take the food off the stove. Eryn looks ashamed noticing as food is lightly burned-out.

But that does not matter for Otto and the boys that feel really hungry due the effort of the search. They all sit at the table and they begin eat content while Wilton and Arlen narrate what happened.

Otto laughs smoothly seeing as both boys describe the story as the greatest adventure of their lives adding details, making it really interesting for Nolan and Fleur.

Both listen to with a lot of attention the story while their tails move by emotion. Lorene and Celestine also listen to it with a lot of attention.

They keep on looking at Wilton with admiration and Arlen. Both feel pleased when they notice the attention of both girls.

Dinner finishes, but even so all of them continue to be seated at the table until Arlen and Wilton finish the story. Eryn feels completely pleased for the great news.

Her two children are heroes, she had listened each part of the story with attention.

This had given them one very good reputation in the town, Eryn already can be sure that the bad moments now are an old and bad memory.

But she also feels excited while he knows that both were very brave and she knows the best way to show them how much proud she feels.

Eryn gets up and with the help of the girls she clears the table and begins to clean everything in order that all is in order. Otto takes the boys to the living room where they chat and to get into bigger detail of what happened.

Arlen and Wilton learn that the house in the forest belonged to a good friend of his father. But unfortunately, a night a fire consumed it.

It destroyed the house completely, but nobody died that day. Although the whole family had to move into another city to start over again. While they listen, Arlen sees that from the door of the kitchen his mother does him a mischievous facial expression and he aims at the patio.

He gets surprised when his mother does not that someone notices her, she shows him ten fingers plus one. Arlen's eyes open completely and nod with a lot of pleasure, it had passed quite a while.

His mother smiles at him before going back to the kitchen. Arlen gets close to the place where Otto in addition to Nolan and Wilton are. Arlen positions himself next to his brother that has his arms leant on the back of a sofa where Otto is seating explaining a couple of things to Nolan.

"Mom wants to see us after the hour to sleep, at eleven." Arlen says whispering in the ear his brother. He opens his eyes completely.

"You know... fun." Arlen says while he sees Wilton. He nods content. Both put again their attention in Otto until Eryn announces that it is moment of sleeping.

With search or without search both should wake up early to go on with the training. Arlen and Wilton do not resist knowing that they will have a lot of fun.

Nolan does not resist either and Eryn gets surprised lightly. Shortly boys and girls are in their respective bedrooms while they prepare to sleep.

Eryn visits the girls to say good night to them. Celestine and Lorene look pretty happy, the she-wolf is sure that both had a very good day.

Fleur also looks tired.

After closing the door Eryn is going to see the boys and says good night to them with a bear hug remembering what's proud that she feels of both. Eryn also he hugs Nolan too to not left him out.

The boy embraces her with an unusual force, but Eryn does not get angry before breaking the hug and going out of the bedroom of the boys she closes the door before going to her bedroom.

She arrives there some moments later, Eryn sees that Otto already is in bed while he makes himself comfortable and yawns largely.

"You are pretty tired." Eryn says beginning to get undressed in front of the dog. He nods in the meantime he looks at her. The bloodhound always loves to see Eryn to get undressed.

"Walking in the forest for hours is hard." Otto says doing to a grin seeing that the she-wolf takes off the last garment before entering the bed next to Otto.

"Although at this moment I would like to fuck your ass, I hope that it does not bother you that today it will not happen." Otto says doing a light gesture to his fiancée.

"There is not trouble, boys will care of it later." Eryn says smiling and kissing Otto on the cheek before making herself comfortable. The dog leans on his right side to fall asleep.

Eryn laughs smoothly and decides to expect the moment to meet with her children.

A couple of hours after, Arlen wakes up feeling one light shake on his straight shoulder, he turns over and blinks seeing as his mom that does him a gesture and using her head she points at the exterior of the house.

Eryn points at Wilton using her nose. Arlen nods and sees that his mother with care she gets out from the bedroom, Arlen gets out of bed and he stretches himself a moment before getting close to his brother.

He verifies that Nolan be still asleep, the boy this leant on his right side observing the wall. Arlen shakes his brother's shoulder with some force seeing that Wilton does not wake up.

He finally opens his eyes and sees that his brother looks at him.

"It is time." Arlen says with calm. Wilton gets surprised a little and he realizes that he fell asleep. But he nods and he gets up while he rubs his eyes and stretches him arms to get up.

Wilton and Arlen with calm walk toward the door while they avoid tripping. The footsteps of the two brothers make the wooden floor creak. Each footstep is done with care until both get out of the bedroom and they feel safe for now.

Both head toward the kitchen and from there they leave the house. The night it is clear and with a nice climate. Their mother is waiting for them in the patio.

She is wearing her nightgown, the she-wolf does them a gesture to start to walk getting away from the house. In spite of the boys want to start the action, they know that a couple of moaned noises can wake up to everyone in the house.

Eryn takes them to a clearing where she considers sure for the fun. When three get to the clearing, the boys see as their mom takes off her nightgown leaving it falling to the ground.

Wilton sees his mother's nudity again, he had not seen it since a long time. Since the arrival of the girls and Nolan, they love to fuck both girls, but their mother was their first woman.

"Let's move, we do not have all night." Eryn says laughing smoothly seeing that her boys look at her without moving. Arlen is the first one in react getting rid of his clothes that he throws down and shortly his brother does the same thing.

Eryn smiles and she gets close to the two boys. Arlen does not move when the right hand of his mother takes his balls and she begins to massage them with calm. At his side Wilton enjoys the left hand of his mother on his crotch.

The she-wolf enjoys the feeling in her hands, the balls of her boys emits a pleasant heat.

Wilton's member reacts and it starts to sliding out of the black sheath.

Arlen feels as the hand of his mom catches his sheath. She begins to stimulate it with vigor. Shortly the two young cocks are ready for action while they release little squirts of precum.

Eryn licks her mouth and without saying nothing she kneels down in the ground and she starts with the penis of Arlen. Her tongue begins to lick his right testicle covering it in saliva before doing the same thing with the left one.

Wilton sees as his mother has fun with the balls of his brother, she sucks the testicles softly before releasing them. Arlen feels as the canine teeth of his dive in his skin.

Eryn stretches her left hand and she closes it around the penis and to stimulate it slowly.

She feels the member's hardness, boys have penises of a good size, but the she-wolf cannot wait until her two boys finish developed just like their cocks.

She bites smoothly before releasing her son's testicle, Eryn suspends the stimulation of the balls of Arlen and she begins to lick the knot making that her son shakes with pleasure.

She again perceives the taste of the hard flesh, it is identical at the first time in which she savored it. Arlen moans and the licks cover with saliva his knot before going into his shaft.

The tongue moves up on his cock and moves on the tip, the member rocks lightly with each lick.

The precum that sprouts disappears rapidly.

Arlen gasps and growls when his member enters in the mouth of her mother. She moves her head slowly. The penis enters and gets out of her mouth slowly and the saliva drips from the knot of Arlen.

Wilton has his closed eyes enjoying the slow masturbation while he listens to his brother's moans. His mom's hand suddenly leaves his penis.

Before he opened his eyes, he feels like the wet mouth around his member. Eryn sucks smoothly the tip of the penis of Wilton with calm.

The she-wolf sees as her son moans and pants with pleasure. Each lick on the tip of his member makes him quiver with pleasure. Eryn's head moves and she takes more of the penis in her mouth.

She sucks the penis with calm, her tongue touches it in different parts, Wilton takes a breath when a part of his shaft enters in the throat of her mother. Muscles squeeze his penis tip.

Her mother's lips touch his knot, she sucks with pleasure and her hand stimulates the two balls. The she-wolf drinks all the precum that sprouts by the member of her boy.

Wilton moans and sees his brother. He does him a light grin while he moves his cock with in a playful way, the two brothers laugh quietly while both see their mother.

She draws the penis from her mouth and smiling he takes Arlen's penis. He and his brother get surprised when their mom puts both cocks into her mouth jointly. Eryn's mouth fills up on meat.

She savors the two members jointly just like the combined precum.

The two penises rub each other and they get covered with saliva that is dripping from the mouth of Eryn. She stops and with care draws both shafts from her mouth leaving them slipping outside.

The she-wolf smiles at the boys and she sits to open her legs in addition to the lips of her vulva showing the rosy inside to the boys.

"Let's begin, make happy to mom." Eryn looking at his children. The boys with a lot of pleasure kneel down to each side of their mom to begin with both tits with calm.

Arlen takes care of right breast while her brother takes care of the left tit. Wilton sucks with the greatest pleasure his mother's nipple with calm, he pulls it and relaxes.

His saliva covers it, he licks it while his brother sucks the other nipple.

His hand caresses the part of the breast that is not within his mouth. He enjoys the moment, the tits of the girls are incredible, but he loves his mother's breast.

They be the firsts ones that he sucked and touched in his life.

Eryn moans with pleasure seeing the boys to breast-feed her breasts, in more than a time when both did this when they were cubs, that is something she did not consider feeling again until that morning after the party of Little John.

Arlen and his brother look at each other and both do some gestures exchanging opinions.

Both release the tits; their mother shakes a little when a light breeze touches her wet and sensitive nipples. Wilton steps down he moves and next to his brother they open his mother's legs wide.

She does not resist exposing her vulva, her boys rapidly lean back on their chest between the legs of their mother with their heads between the two thighs.

Arlen sniffs the pink slit with pleasure, the aroma of her mother fills her nose and he licks his mouth. His brother's snout is below his, he takes out his tongue and he lick the slit the best that he can.

Eryn shakes with pleasure when the tongue goes over his clitoris, soon Wilton's tongue joins in and both begin to attack that point jointly achieving that her mother growls.

Her clitoris keeps on being touched without stopping, Wilton seeing that that little place is a lot for two, he takes down his tongue to penetrate into his mother.

He pushes his tongue dividing the vaginal lips, the tip manages to penetrate and to going into the vagina of slow way. Juices surround his tongue and Wilton enjoys them.

Eryn moans and pants with pleasure while her eyes are closed, her vaginal walls are stimulated at the same time as her clitoris. That is a unique thing for her.

Arlen uses her tongue's tip to twist erect clitoris in different directions. He closes his mouth around the zone to suck the clitoris and to do some soft bites.

"Boys uhh...I" Eryn says raising her head to see her two children working at her crotch.

Wilton takes out his tongue and licks the slit next to his brother.

Their mom mother growls and her claws create furrows in the land when her body reacts to the orgasm that fills her complete. Her juices are free in squirts getting wet the snouts and the mouths of the boys.

Arlen receives the juice squirts in his mouth with pleasure, he savors them before swallowing it. Wilton does the same thing, but his tongue also picks up the juice that is dripping from the chin of his brother.

Both delight in the taste for some moments before to get up and cleaning his faces while their mother pants rapidly and she continues to be lying-down on the floor.

She sees the sky by some moments until her children argue a little. Eryn raises the head and sees as her children push to each other playfully while they have their penises in their hands and they strive to see who is the first to enter in her.

This infantile behavior makes Eryn laugh for some moments, both never change. She surprises the boys to catch them and to pull them toward her and to lean them to each one of her sides.

Eryn smiling licks the face of one of them of slow and affectionate way. Wilton and Arlen close one eye when their mother's tongue goes over those sectors, she catches their penises and she masturbates them slowly.

The tails of the boys move rapidly and both look at her as two cubs. Eryn moves to position herself on Wilton he looks as her mother catches her penis and writes it down to her vagina.

Her vaginal lips hedge the tip, Wilton moans when feeling as the internal heat of his mom wraps his penis up slowly. The vaginal walls cover his shaft with juice.

Eryn moans smoothly feeling as the hard meat penetrates into her pussy until the knot touches her vulva. She reclines forward placing her right nipple on the mouth of Wilton.

He immediately begins to suck with pleasure and his mother moans smoothly.

She leans forward raising her rear end lightly.

"Put it in the same place." Eryn says doing a comic light facial expression. Arlen gets surprised a little and he nods with enthusiasm.

He positions himself behind his mother and he kneel down with calm, his hand holds his penis to aim it at the cavern of the love of his mom. Wilton feels as the tip of the penis of his brother rubs his knot.

Arlen begins to push his penis, the tip he slips continuously and he growls with bother.

But he does not stop and continues trying while he holds his cock with force.

Eryn takes a breath when the tip suddenly enters in her body. Arlen feels it and pushes rapidly. He feels as his member keeps on penetrating in tight passage of his mother slowly.

He feels the pressure of the member of his brother on his penis that keeps on entering slowly. Eryn moans smoothly feeling that her vaginal walls stretch much more of what's usual to receive two cocks.

Soon Arlen stops when her knot is on the one of his brother. Wilton feels the spare pressure around his cock. He releases his mother's nipple and begins to push his penis.

He moans smoothly and soon Arlen also begins to move in the vagina. He holds with force the hips of Eryn while he moves, his penis shoots precum that combines with the precum and of his brother and the juice.

Eryn moans with pleasure with each thrust of her children in her. Wilton and Arlen rapidly find a good rhythm, cocks rub mutually increasing the pleasure that gives them their mother's vaginal soft walls.

The precum of both combines while they pump without stopping. Wilton seizes the tits and he squeezes them with pleasure.

Eryn growls with each motion in her body, the little squirts of precum splash her vagina.

She feels Arlen's respiration in her right ear. Her son growls while he pumps without stopping. Arlen feels as his knot and the one of his brother rub each other in each push.

The moans of three increase breaking the night silence. Wilton releases her breasts and he pushes his knot with force, Arlen feels the pressure of the knot against her member that continues moving.

Eryn moans and clenches her teeth feeling that the knot begins to expand still more her pink entrance. Wilton pushes with force and thanks to the juices he manages to penetrate into the vagina completely.

Wilton sees that his mother takes a breath and she does not move, she feels as the penis of her son is completely locked in her body. Eryn pants and she gets surprised a little when Arlen also pushes his knot too.

But he unlike his brother has the most difficult work. Arlen pushes with all his force searching knotting her mother too. The opening does not open and he does not desist.

Arlen holds her mother's hips with more force and he pushes with determination. Eryn clenches her teeth feeling a great pain when her vulva opens again and the knot of Arlen slides in her body.

Her vaginal stretch even more, Wilton feels the pressure of the knot of his brother on his own knot. Eryn pants with surprise, a long time ago her children do not stretch her vagina in this way.

Arlen suddenly begins to move and soon his brother follows his lead. Eryn moans and pants with pleasure feeling as the two cocks move inside her body.

Each part of her vagina is touched in the meantime her children also moan with pleasure.

Wilton feels as the penis of his brother moves on his, the tips of their penises rub to each other while the combined precum is dripping.

Arlen fastens with force while he pumps without stopping, it is a little hard for him to move because her knot and the one of his brother press each other mutually, but even so both growl of pleasure.

Eryn moans while she enjoys the moment, just a big man could stretch her in this way, she feels as her juices keep on increasing her tunnel of love.

The growls and moans of the trio increase rapidly, the sounds of the evening insects do not manage to calm the orgy. Eryn gasps and grunts of pleasure when her orgasm inevitably comes to her body.

She growls while her vaginal walls release more juice that cover the two penises in her inside. Both perceive as the vaginal walls squeezes their cocks with more force.

Arlen pushes and his penis throbs shooting cum, his brother takes no time to join up releasing his own seed. Spurts combine with the juice of Eryn.

She shakes while her vaginal walls are sprinkled, her vaginal spasms make the two boys moan with much force while both continue ejaculating in her.

Eryn enjoys her orgasm while he listens to the growling of pleasure of her children that fill her with cum completely. The three slowly keep on getting back their breath.

"This is second time that we make this." Eryn says looking at Wilton firstly and next to Arlen.

"But I love your ass, mom." Arlen says moving her hips and rubbing his penis in the tight tunnel.

"I say the same thing mom, I want to fuck it." Wilton says looking at his mother that does not respond for a moment and she just smiles at him smoothly.

"One by One, I cannot take two cock there at the same time." Eryn says while she uses her vaginal walls to give a soft squeeze to the cocks that still are inside her.

Wilton begins to have fun with the tits of his mom stimulating them with pleasure, they are big and pretty soft.

Eryn moans smoothly when she feels that Arlen's right forefinger goes over her sphincter smoothly. Arlen caresses slowly up and down the hole with calm.

Arlen pushes his finger with calm repeatedly to try entering, the sphincter is pressed until he pushes with a little more force making to her mother quiver .

She feels as her rectum is invaded by the finger that sinks until last one knuckle. Arlen begins to move his finger in circles, her mother moans smoothly enjoying the stimulation in her posterior tunnel.

For the next minutes Arlen and Wilton stimulate the two regions and Eryn permits that both keep on. She moans when her right nipple disappears between the lips of Wilton.

He sucks smoothly having a good time to pull it with calm repeatedly.

The size of the knots of Wilton and Arlen keeps on losing size slowly while until Eryn does a sign to Arlen.

Arlen holds her mother's hips and he begins to pull out with determination, but controlling himself not to be too much sudden, he and Eryn moan with pain and bother.

Wilton feels as the penis of his brother moves. Eryn yelps with pain when her son's knot begins to expand her pink opening again and the knot with slowness gets out of her body.

Arlen continues with a little more force and his cock manages to slip out from his mom, he lets himself fall toward back sitting on pasture and feeling as her penis rocks lightly and shoots some drops of precum

Eryn places her hands on the chest of Wilton and she raises her ass, she moans just like her son. But without the other member in her body, she and Wilton can separate easily.

When Eryn stands up a great quantity of cum drips from her vulva and covers some grass forming an ample and white puddle that shines lightly by the light that reflects in it.

Eryn kneels down between the opened legs of Wilton and she begins to lick his balls slowly while she places a hand on her left buttock and she spreads his cheeks to show her posterior orifice to Arlen.

Wilton feels as the tongue of his mom touches balls, she begins to lick them slowly. Eryn feels as the hands of Arlen take her buttocks squeezing them with pleasure.

Arlen kneads the two cheeks besides, he spreads them to see the brown hole in middle of them. Eryn gasps when a lick passes in the crack of her buttocks.

Her son's tongue goes by her sphincter and she quivers lightly, her crack gets wet with saliva.

Eryn moans again and she begins to lick Wilton's knot slowly, she likes the taste of the hard meat a lot as usual, her tongue covers the whole knot with saliva.

Wilton moans of pleasure while he sees as his mother licks her hard meat with calm. He can behind her see as the snout of Arlen is between the round buttocks of his mother and he is eating her ass.

Arlen moves his tip tongue to get wet in more saliva his mother's sphincter. He meanwhile moves his hand up and down on his penis.

The precum drips from the tip falling on the grass below him. Wilton moans feeling some soft bites in his knot, his mother's teeth sink in his meat with the necessary force.

Eryn moans smoothly while she continues giving oral sex to her son, the motion of the tongue in his anus stops and she feels as the hands of Arlen spread her buttocks.

Light permits him see her mother's anus shining by the saliva that covers it, Arlen takes his penis with her right hand and he aims it down introducing his member's tip between the two buttocks.

Soon the tip touches the sphincter and he moves it lightly in circles before beginning to push. He pushes with force until the posterior hole suddenly opens.

Eryn stops her work for some moments and closes her eyes the moment that her son's member begins to enter in her rectum. She listens to him moan while he pushes slowly.

Her anal walls adjust to the thickness and form of the member of Arlen. He moans of pleasure until the knot touches his mother's buttocks.

His hands hold her hips and he begin to move. Eryn moans and she opens her mouth to take Wilton's cock. Her son moans and growls of pleasure when she resumes oral sex.

Her mouth moves up and down sucking the member slowly.

Wilton moans and he leans on the lawn moaning of pleasure, he sees the night's stars while his mother sucks his cock. The tongue touches his meat and she picks up the precum that sprouts by the opening.

The wet lips move up and down, he growls when shaft enters in the throat of his mom.

She growls with each blow in her ass, her ass cheeks tremble being touched by the groin of Arlen.

Her anal walls are stimulated in each thrust, he likes very much that. Her sphincter moves back and forth, the little spurts of precum of his son cover her anal passage. The moans of three combine.

Arlen pumps without stopping while each centimeter of shaft is caressed by the anal walls that squeezes it continuously.

His brother grunts of pleasure in the meantime he even sees stars, Wilton feels as the muscles of the throat moves on his sensitive meat. The saliva covers his knot and drips to her groin getting the fur wet.

Eryn's breasts wobble in the air, Eryn enjoys the taste of the precum and meat in her mouth. Her head budges up and down.

Arlen's hands seize with more force the hips of his mom and he presses his knot against the hole of his mother. She stops the member's sucking feeling the pressure in her posterior entrance.

She closes her eyes with pain when her sphincter opens and surrounds Arlen's knot completely, he sees as all his penis disappears in the ass of his mother.

All his cock is surrounded by heat and tight tunnel. He begins to pump slowly.

Eryn moans and feels as the knot stretches that part of her tunnel for while it moves back and forward. Wilton pushes with calm and she again concentrates on her work.

Her energy focuses on pleasuring Wilton redoubling her effort and achieving that growls and moans of her sons became intenser and strong.

She loves the motion in her rectum.

Wilton pants while he has his closed eyes, the pleasure in his body is reaching to his maximum point. In less than five minutes he pushes his penis against the face of his mother and he growls strongly.

The first squirts get out of the opening of his penis and splash the palate and the tongue of Eryn.

She feels the taste of the young semen, it is somewhat delicious and she swallows it while her moans are heard just like slapping of meat.

Her juices are dripping without stopping from her vulva. The anal sex gives her a different and very good pleasure as to be fucked in her pussy. Eryn takes out the member from her mouth.

She reclines forward and introduces her right hand between her legs to begin to masturbate ferociously. Her fingers move on her clitoris rapidly.

Her body becomes taut and she begins to quiver the moment that her orgasm finally fills her body spreading to each corner of her body and it has an effect in her ass.

Arlen stops when the anal walls begin to throttle his cock making it exploding inside the anal passage covering the anal walls with semen that sprinkles everything.

He pushes pressing his groin against the buttocks of his mother with force while he growls. His sperm covers his mother's anal walls.

Eryn does not move while her son fills her with seed. Arlen's hands press with fortress the buttocks until he calms down and the flow of semen stops.

She begins to lick and to stimulate Wilton's testicles. He closes his eyes to enjoy the stimulation of his genitals.

Eryn's tongue moves on the two balls slowly covering them in saliva, she bites smoothly repeatedly. Wilton enjoys the sucking of his balls before stimulation moves to his member.

He moans smoothly when feeling it, his mother kisses and sucks some parts of his knot.

Eryn licks the shaft slowly, she stops when Arlen begins to take out his penis.

The knot begins to open his hole of slow way. Arlen pulls out without hurrying up and her knot opens her mother's hole slowly. She closes her eyes and she relaxes until her sphincter opens.

Arlen does a fast pull and his penis slides out of the anal passage of his mother.

Eryn feels as the seed of her son drip from her sphincter lightly opened.

"Well go to clean." Eryn says turning over and sitting on the lawn and looking at Arlen's member.

He nods and he stands up to walk toward the restroom. Eryn laughs smoothly seeing the naked ass of Arlen. It no longer seems strange to her to see her children walking naked from one place to the other.

Wilton still is offered in lawn seeing stars. He gets startled lightly when the right hand of its mother closes around his sheath.

He sees as she begins to massage his sheath slowly. Eryn moves her hand back and forward.

Her son's black sheath is hot, the slow stimulation makes the member of Wilton begin to react again. Meat hardens and the boy feels that the tip is touched by a soft breeze when it emerges through by the hole.

Wilton shakes for this reason, but a pant slips from his mouth the moment that he feels a lick on the tip of his member. His mother's tongue moves circularly.

Eryn with her lips surrounds the tip and she sucks smoothly. Her tongue's tip touches the hard meat that keeps on growing up slowly in her mouth. Her saliva coats it dripping to the knot.

The heavy breathing of Wilton is hear, he feels as the mouth of her mother begins to move up and down on his penis. Eryn draws the penis from her mouth and she licks it completely.

Her tongue goes over the knot that already is completely full of blood and that stands out clearly. Her tongue moves up and down on the shaft of Wilton, he has his closed eyes.

The she-wolf enjoys the taste until she sees that Arlen returns.

His penis wobbles lightly with each step that he does. Meat shines brightly lightly by the obvious light of the moon that reflects on it.

Eryn leans on her right-hand side waiting for Arlen, he arrives in less than two minutes.

"I believe that I have an interesting idea to put it into practice." Eryn says smiling and looking at her two boys. They nod and put her attention in their mom.

"Wilton, put it in me." Eryn says placing on her left hand on her buttock and spreading it.

Wilton does not stop to think and he obeys. He positions himself behind his mother and also, he leans upon his right-hand side.

Using his hand, he aims his cock at the crack of the ass of Eryn. Soon the tip disappears between the two cheeks and touches Eryn's anal entrance. She only puffs when her son pushes his penis.

The shaft slides in her rectum without a lot of trouble, his sphincter still is relaxed and Arlen's semen helps a lot. Wilton moans smoothly feeling the affectionate hug of the entrails of his mother around his shaft that disappears slowly.

Eryn has her closed eyes feeling as her anal walls stretch again around the hard meat and fills her anal passage until her son's groin touches her buttocks.

"Now while I suck you, you pleasure me also." Eryn says opening her legs lightly and caressing her slit.

Arlen gets surprised a little, but he takes no time to place himself in position of sixty-nine with her mother. Eryn licks her mouth having the member in front of her face, she moans when Wilton begins to fuck her of slow way and soon Arlen's licks to her vulva joins up.

Eryn opens her mouth and it takes one of the testicles in it stops with calm. Arlen enjoys the sensation and resumes her work in the vulva of his mother.

His tongue hits the clitoris and sees as the penis of his brother that enters and gets out of the ass of her mother. Balls move of with each thrust that he does.

Wilton growls pumping over and over again, the tight and affectionate inside of the anal passage squeezes his cock giving him a good pleasure. His knot gets inside between the buttocks of his mom and the sphincter moves on his shaft.

Eryn whines sucking her son's member, her head moves slowly making the pleasurable the experience for her boy. The aroma of his balls gets to her nose.

The knot touches her mouth time after time.

The boy growls in the meantime his tongue is moving, he feels as part of his member enter in the throat of his mother. His shaft is squeezed by the muscles of her throat.

His tongue hits the clitoris of his mother that trembles. Arlen sees as juices drip abundantly from the brilliant slit. He closes his mouth around the vulva and pushes his tongue in between the two vaginal lips.

His tongue penetrates inside the moist vagina. The wet walls surrounds it completely, Arlen moans while he enjoys the taste, his mouth gets wet with the juices that increase.

Eryn licks Wilton's knot with calm and she moans feeling her Wilton's another strong push, her buttocks are hit and they shake lightly. The hard shaft stimulates his anal walls giving her a pleasure that combines with the one his other son's tongue supplies her with.

The three moans and growl of pleasure. Wilton pushes his knot with force, Eryn's posterior hole is pressed and forced to open.

Wilton opens his eyes seeing as the knot between the buttocks of his mother disappears when it is wrapped-up by the sphincter of his mom. She growls with pain to feel that the big piece of meat of his son enters in his anus.

She puts Arlen's penis into her mouth to suck with a lot more eagerness and force introducing the shaft until her mouth kisses her son's knot. Arlen feels as the saliva drips from his penis, the muscles of the throat of his run on his member.

As they are near to the climax, Arlen moves his tongue inside his mother, but besides he uses his fingers to stimulate the clitoris. Eryn growls even with the member inside her mouth.

Her saliva drips on the grass that shakes lightly by a soft breeze.

Arlen twists her mother's clitoris with some force, Eryn moans and her body begins to shake the moment that pleasure has the whip hand of her.

Her juices flow like a torrent that fills Arlen's mouth and a couple of little spurts sprinkle his face obliging him to close one's eyes.

But he does not get worried pushing his penis and releasing sperm in the throat of his mother. His seed slides right along the esophagus of Eryn that in between the orgasmic pleasure feels as her son's sticky seed gets to her stomach.

That is not the only thing that she can feel, the member in her ass takes a little more thickness. She listens to Wilton's growl and soon her rectal walls are bathed in semen.

Wilton has his eyes closed growling, the anal spasms around his member drains each drip that springs out filling the cracks in Eryn's rectum.

Arlen moves away and she leans backwards panting heavily while semen little spurts goes out by the opening of his penis.

"We should make this more often." Eryn says her children with weariness in the meantime they agree.

The three rest without moving while the different sounds of the night surround them. Eryn feels as the penis of Wilton still throbs in her inside, but the shots of semen had finished.

She says absolutely nothing when her son takes his breasts from behind to caress and to stimulate them to spend the time. Wilton kneads them with pleasure.

His knot slowly loses size and around fifteen minutes later he can pull his penis out, his cock slips out of the ass of his mom without a hitch.

Eryn feels as the seed of Wilton mixed with the semen of his brother oozes from her posterior hole.

"Time to clean and to sleep." Eryn says looking at her boys. They nod standing up and taking their clothes just like her. The three head toward the restroom to clean up.

Eryn is the first in finishing.

"Good night." Eryn says giving a soft kiss in her in front of the two boys with a lot of love.

They embrace her a moment; the hug lasts for some minutes before Eryn separates from both and go to their bedroom.

She walks with calm on the house to wake up nobody needlessly, the she-wolf arrives there soon and opens the door with care. All this in complete silence and in the darkness.

By the light that enters by the window Eryn can distinguish the figure of Otto that sleeps leant on his right-hand side. With care Eryn comes closer and getting undressed she gets under the blankets.

"Did the boys fuck you hard?" Otto asks turning over and yawning while he smiles with a light fatigue.

"Yeah, it was very good to make it after so much time." Eryn says a lot happy even feeling as some seed drips of its two holes.

"You should look for more time for them." Otto says yawning again and smiling at Eryn.

She nods completely in agreement.

Otto kisses her a moment and both look for a comfortable position to sleep.

The next morning Eryn wakes up feeling that somebody shakes her body. She opens her eyes and sees that Fleur is near shaking her arm.

"What happened?" Eryn asks getting up while she moans lightly.

Blankets fall down and leaving her breasts in the open. Otto also wakes up feeling the motion in bed and he smiles at the girl that waits close to the bed.

"The girls already got up." Fleur says looking at Eryn. She nods with a little bit of fatigue.

"Ok, soon we will be ready." Eryn says looking at Fleur. She nods and gets out of the room letting Otto and Eryn alone.

The bloodhound sits while Eryn gets out of bed leaving her naked ass in the open.

"I will make sure that boys be awake, I do not want them to be late." Eryn says with some sleep. She gets surprised when she feels Otto's playful spank.

"I also get dressed, have work to do." Otto says getting out of the bed and stretching his body. He gets surprised when his ass is hit by a pretty resounding spank, but also playful.

Otto looks over his shoulder and sees as Eryn laughs smoothly. The bloodhound laughs smoothly and looks for his clothes just like Eryn.

She gets dressed and gets out of the bedroom, first she goes by the room of the girls and girls already evidently are awake and with the made beds.

Eryn goes into the boys' bedroom, she knocks the door before opening it.

It is not a complete surprise to find them sleeping. Wilton and Arlen rest back in their beds with their blankets hanging from the borders of the two beds.

The woman opens her eyes with some surprise seeing Nolan. He is sleeping in a somewhat strange pose half as much superior of his body is lightly hanging out from the bed.

Eryn laughs a moment getting close to Nolan to move him. The boy wakes up with a little bit of confusion while Eryn leans him backwards.

The she-wolf sees that Nolan's eyes are open of surprise, but his look is locked in her breasts that are near to his face. She sees that the boy looks at her tits without shame.

But she notices the tent in the blankets just on the groin of the boy. Eryn gets surprised noticing the boy's erection, Nolan rapidly notices it and he takes the bedspreads to sit on the edge at the other end and that way not seeing Eryn.

She stretches her hand to touch his shoulder, but she stops and retracts her arm.

Eryn decides to do nothing for the moment and she gets close to her children to wake them up.

"Come on, time to wake up, I do not want you to be late." Eryn says beginning with Wilton.

She shakes the boy energetically, he growls with bother and he tries to resist, but he wakes up growling.

Eryn now takes care of Arlen that takes no time to wake up too.

"Come on... we are heroes, we can be late." Arlen says sitting in bed and rubbing his eyes.

"I don't know nothing about that, but I do not want this good luck be ruined." Eryn says with some bother looking at her two children.

"Oh mom, you know that we were awake until very late." Arlen says again without stopping to rub his eyes. Eryn raises an eyebrow, but for the corner of the eye she notices that Nolan looks at her in a different way.

It is an inquisitive look, but also shows that he knows something or he understood Arlen's words.

Arlen moans when he feels a pat of disapproval on the nape.

"Hurry up, girls and I have a lot to do." Eryn says growling a short time before leaving the bedroom. She closes the door and thinks about Nolan, he perhaps knows something.

Eryn considers it time after time until she gets to the kitchen. The she-wolf sees that girls already are preparing everything to go to the market. She likes that and she joins to them to prepare breakfast.

Everything is ready just in time before Otto and the boys join up to them in order that they all sit at the table to have breakfast.

During breakfast Eryn cannot avoid noticing that Nolan's look toward her is different. His look focuses on her breasts once in a while, he makes it sometimes without hiding it.

But she is not the only one that notices something different. Otto sees as Fleur looks at his sisters with the frown. She also looks at him in a couple of occasions without changing the look.

That makes Otto raise an eyebrow. It had not been nothing out of the way between the girls and Fleur. But now she seems to be annoyed for some reason.

Around thirty minutes later the breakfast finishes and Eryn clear the table with the help of Fleur.

Girls place a couple of old sacks on the cart because they would buy the supplies with Eryn and Fleur. Nolan would assist Otto with the blacksmith's while boys would be in their training session of today.

When all is ready, they leave the house and Eryn closes the door with a lock, Otto helps to get on the wagon, the boys and girls are waiting in the posterior part of the wagon.

Otto climbs in the wagon and he sits on the seat to take the reins, the wagon begins to move to head at the town. The travel is slow while Eryn reconsiders what she is going to buy and counts the money.

After around twenty minutes the cart enters in the town and the first stop is in front of the headquarter and in the first ones in come down are Arlen and Wilton.

Both walk with calm and they push to each other playfully, both get close to the front door and see as two rhinoceros are mounting guard.

The two men look at the boys. Both soldiers smile a moment and they tilt their heads lightly as a greeting. That surprises the two brothers that look at each other without understanding it completely.

The men are greeting them with respect, that is something that Arlen and Wilton did not expect it, but this makes them happy a lot since it is a good change. What they made gave them a status that they enjoy.

Wilton enters in the patio followed by his brother.

At that moment the patio is lightly busy, there are groups of soldiers that go and come in different directions and different activities. Arlen sees as a couple of soldiers drag along a prisoner toward the dungeons.

The guy seems pretty beaten, certainly he refused to be arrested.

Arlen sees as in the center of the patio the captain is with a couple of soldiers. He explains them something while he indicates in a map some place.

Arlen does a gesture to his brother and both get close to the captain. He finishes talked with his men, they go away and the captain turns over noticing that the two brothers are coming closer.

"You did come, I did not expect that. You could have rest for today." The captain says doing a mocking face to Wilton and Arlen.

Both get surprised and growl with some bother. They had the day off without knowing it and now they have lost it for show up for their training.

"But that is not problem, Little John wants that you take the day off." The wolf says looking at Arlen and his brother. He gets surprised just like Wilton.

"But that is does not come free, he is thinking that it would be good for both to have your first experience in the night watch." The captain says looking at the two boys.

They nod with a bit of expectation.

Both know that it would be somewhat interesting, but also something bored because both would not sleep tonight.

"But that not is totally confirmed, so Little John would let you know it until midday." The captain says content.

Wilton nods just like Arlen.

"Well... then enjoy the day that you won, both had a lot courage to descend for those children." The wolf says with a lot of certainty and pride in his voice.

Arlen and Wilton nod before saying good-bye to the wolf and going toward the way out of the quarter completely excited and very happy.

While all this is happening, in the market Eryn and the girls had spread to buy different things.

Eryn is buying carrots, a dozen of them. She takes the money that she needs and she keeps on counting how many carrots Loretta put in the sack that Fleur keeps open.

Loretta is a doe of his same age and she is the owner of this stand.

"Loretta, you did put fifteen carrots." Eryn says seeing as three extra carrots fall inside the sack.

"I know it." The doe says sketching a soft and friendly smile to Eryn. She raises an eyebrow without understanding nothing. Before Eryn can say something, the girls return with the things that they had bought in the market.

"We buy all that is necessary." Celestine says showing a canvas sack where she has what she had bought. Her sister does the same thing while Eryn nods approvingly, girls were a great help for her.

"But something weird happened." Celestine says looking at his sister, she nods. Eryn arches an interest-bearing eyebrow.

"When we were buying tomatoes, I received three more in spite of I just did pay for half a dozen and it was all the same with the other fruits that we buy." Lorene says looking at Eryn. She gets surprised completely.

"I happened the same thing to me, I try in returning the excess of fruit, but the owners did not allow it." Celestine says opening the sack to show the inside to Eryn and that she verifies that it is truth.

Eryn gets surprised a little, but she becomes confused a little when seeing that Loretta seems content smiling openly while she does not try to laugh.

"What happens?" Eryn asks looking at the doe with a look of bother thinking that she somehow is making fun of the situation.

"Nothing... we thought that a couple of supplies extra would help you a lot in your home." Loretta says looking at Eryn. She feels a little more confused just like the girls.

"Eryn, what happened with your children and the rescue of the well is somewhat incredible and we believe that it is something that it should be rewarded. All salespeople of the market we had a meeting and we agree that from now on we will give you and your family a little more of what you buy us, in order to help you and to reward the courage of the two boys." Loretta says smiling soft and in a friendly way to the she-wolf.

Eryn gets surprised completely and she cannot believe what she is listening to, the supplies extra they would be a good thing, but now her children are respected in the town.

That thrills her and she controls herself to avoid crying. This is something that she waited for quite a while.

"I know that they are training to be soldiers, aren't they?" Loretta asks looking at Eryn.

She nods with a lot of happiness while she squeezes the carrots sack with force.

"So, a better reason to help." Loretta says smiling at Eryn. She nods again giving her the reason. Girls also look content with the news.

"As the festivity is in three weeks, I will need some help these days. Would you like to help me a little? You will earn some money." Loretta says looking at Lorene and Celestine.

They get surprised a little but they nod with a lot of enthusiasm of helping and winning some money to help in the house of Eryn. The she-wolf nods approvingly.

At that moment she and the other ones see as Little John enters in the market with a group of soldiers.

Some of them spread heading for the market's different points two by two. Eryn can intuit that soldiers begin to patrol the market to avoid some problem.

Little John gets close to the place where Eryn and the girls are. The bear greets them pleasure and women greet the Lord with respect.

"Loretta Is my order ready?" Little John asks addressing to the doe. She gets surprised.

"No... I am sorry... I am going to prepare it right now." Loretta says hurriedly and beginning to look for what she needs to prepare the order.

"Eryn, I want to talk with you a moment." Little John says looking at the she-wolf.

She gets surprised and only nods in silence seeing that the bear smiles and both go away to a place where the people that passes near cannot hear them.

"Does something bad happen with the boys?" Eryn asks intuiting that her children already got involved in again some problem and her emotion was slapdash.

"No, no. I was thinking that both deserve a good reward for what they made... so I was thinking that both would love a visit to the honey house." Little John says making one friendly gesture to Eryn.

She opens her eyes with some surprise, but she laughs impishly.

"I believe that they would enjoy it." Eryn with complete certainty that her children would love it completely.

"Do you give me your authorization in order that I take them there?" Little John asks content when seeing that Eryn does not seem to resist to the idea.

"I do not see why you ask me, you are the lord of this land." Eryn says looking at the bear.

He laughs a moment.

"That does not entitle me to go over the will of a father." Little John says making a grin.

Eryn nods content of seeing that he is a guy with power, but even so he respects the people.

"I do not disagree, I know that they will have a good night." Eryn says thinking that boys deserve to enjoy their fame.

"Then please just tell them that tonight they will have his first experience in the night watch. I want it to be a surprise, I will proceed to pick them up after-dinner and everything will be covered by me." Little John says a lot content.

Eryn nods and both return the stand where Loretta waits with the order of Little John. The bear gives thanks to the doe and he says good-bye to everyone there.

"Well girls, it is time to return." Eryn says looking at Fleur, Lorene and Celestine. They nod and take the sacks with supplies, Eryn is grateful to Loretta for everything before saying good-bye.

She and girls start to walk. Eryn says hello and with the motion of her head be grateful to the salespeople that gave them a some more supplies.

At this same moment in the blacksmith's, Otto works next to Nolan. The bloodhound hits a sword giving it its final form while metal is red hot. Nolan is near supporting it with some pair of tongs.

They had been working on the swords of the boys in order that they could practice, but some pending works had prevented him from finishing them until now.

Nolan sees as sparks jump on the air when the mallet hits the back tightly in the tip. Otto is completely focused on the last details before Nolan pulled his leathern apron.

Otto stops his blows and he sees that Nolan indicates the door to him. The dog takes off the ear corks and hears that somebody knocks at the door. Otto takes the sword and submerges it in a small water tank.

The steam fills the place while Nolan also takes off the ear corks. Otto gets close to the door and he opens it, he smiles smoothly when meet with Wilder, the sheriff smiles at him in a friendly way.

"Well you got in time, your order is ready." Otto says looking a couple of swords that are backed up in the close wall to the fireplace than this turned-on.

"Great, but that is not the only thing that it brings me here." The sheriff says introducing his hand one of his pockets and taking out a white envelope that he passes from Otto.

The bloodhound gets surprised and takes the envelope. He recognizes the seal of the sheriff of Ely clearly, he is one of his friend's letters.

"Thanks again." Otto says looking at the dog. He nods.

"Can pick them?" Wilder asks looking at Otto. He nods and permits that the man enters at the place and pick up the swords.

"I don't know how you can you can work in this hell." The dog says with discomfort by the great heat that comes from the fireplace.

"You must get used with time." Otto says laughing while Wilder gets out of the blacksmith's and breathes with relief. The sheriff says good-bye to Otto before going away, Otto closes the door and opens the letter to read it.

He unfolds the letter and he begins to read it.

"What it says?" Nolan asks while he sees Otto that raises a hand to suggest the boy that he shuts up a moment. Otto's eyes open a moment with some surprise.

"Somebody is interested in buying the house of my brother in Ely, he requests to me that I go there to meet with him and agreeing on a price." Otto responds finishing to read the letter and looking at Nolan.

The boy nods while Otto looks at the letter and knows that he must prepare to travel to Ely. A good money would come from a lot of aid to his nieces and the other ones.

"As our work is done for today, we can take the rest of the morning to rest or to make something fun." Otto says content and looking at the boy.

"Really?" Nolan asks with emotion while he looks at Otto and his tail moves rapidly showing his happiness. Otto nods and smiles seeing the completely happy boy.

He looks always disposed to help in everything and was showing a lot of interest in learning the abilities required to be a blacksmith.

"Can we make the same as in the lake?" Nolan asks with emotion and expectation. Otto opens his eyes with some surprise and he just smiles at the boy.

"Well... before nothing let's put everything in order. I will turn off the oven in order that we can leave." Otto says looking at Nolan. He nods and begins to put everything into its place while Otto proceeds to close the mouth of furnace depriving it of oxygen.

Heat begins to diminish while the fire keeps on becoming extinguished. Otto waits while Nolan places last things on their place. The bloodhound sees that the boy moves about rapidly.

It can be evident that he is very excited. Otto laughs smoothly and he also gets excited in being able to have fun with the boy in that way again.

When Otto is sure that the fire of the oven is completely extinct. He does a facial grin to Nolan and both get out of the blacksmith's, Otto proceeds to put a couple of padlocks on the door while Nolan waits for him.

"Let's go to my house." Otto says doing a gesture to Nolan. He nods content and both start to walk taking a close street. The business of Otto is outside of town of the town, it was for security measure and to avoid bothering the other people with the sound of the blows of metal.

The house of the bloodhound is not far away and they arrive there after around five minutes.

It is a fairly commonplace house like the other ones of the town, made of stone and straw for which the blacksmith's is not near to prevent that an unexpected fire begins by accident because working with fire is dangerous.

Otto opens the padlock of the front door and he pushes it. The door opens, the whole inside is dark because windows are closed.

He does not usually come to this house often because Eryn's house is practically his home now.

"Go to the bedroom." Otto says aiming at a door with his nose. Nolan nods and he is the first to go there. Otto smiles seeing that he finds himself hurried to continue.

Otto follows him and both enter in the bedroom. The bloodhound sees his bed and he decide to open a little the window to allow light to come in. The inside lights up rapidly clarifying everything.

Otto does a soft smile thinking that he had not been in this bed in a long time, but with the fun with Nolan or the girls, perhaps it will be good idea to dust the bed.

He sees that Nolan begins to get undressed with a lot of haste, Otto makes a grin and also proceeds to do the same thing. In one pair of minutes after both are naked.

Nolan looks at Otto with anxiety. He does a sign in order that both climb in the bed. Otto has his open legs and Nolan sits in front of him with the same position, but his legs lie on the legs of Otto.

The bloodhound holds out his right hand to place it on the crotch of Nolan, he begins to caress the balls of the boy smoothly, his hand squeezes and stimulates them smoothly.

Nolan enjoys the sensation, he opens his eyes when he sees as Otto does you a facial expression and aims at his crotch. Nolan rapidly stretches his hands to take the sheath and balls of the bloodhound.

He stimulates the big testicles that are bigger than his hands, his right-hand closes around the sheath and he begins to give it fast pulls.

"Do not haste." Otto says smiling smoothly at the boy. Nolan nods and he slows down his motions. Otto smiles and holds the sheath of the boy to give it soft pulls.

He does not get surprised at the moment that he feels that the boy's penis begins to take thickness. The knot begins to grow and soon the tip slides out just like the rest of the cock.

Nolan shakes when his meat again finally is touched by the hand of Otto. He had wished to make this stuff again but did not know how to ask it to Otto.

The boy has his eyes closed while his hands keep on moving in the sheath of Otto. He feels as his penis gets filled with blood rapidly, the knot begins to grow too.

Nolan opens his eyes to see as the penis of Otto slips out of the sheath and it grows quickly. Soon his hands lie on the swollen knot of Otto, he boy feels the hardness of that mass of meat.

Otto feels as the member of Nolan is completely hard in his hand, he moves it up and down slowly on the shaft. He can see as a little drop of precum appears in the tip of the member of the boy.

But he also enjoys the stimulation of his own penis, Nolan's hands does not stop moving on his member slowly. It is a very pleasant sensation.

His precum drips from the tip going up to the hands of Nolan and passing over them.

Nolan moans and growls of pleasure, but Otto's touch stops and he opens his eyes while he breathes agitatedly.

"We are going to do something interesting this time." Otto says doing a gesture to the boy, he looks closely him. Otto leans backwards in bed.

"Lay on me, face down." Otto says looking at Nolan. He nods and with calm he positions himself on Otto. He sees as the member of the boy rocks on his face releasing a couple of little spurts that drips on his cheeks.

Nolan shakes and moans when he feels a first lick that goes over the length of his penis.

The more big and strong tongue makes that Nolan's penis rocks on the air in different directions.

Nolan's moans are heard in the room, he opens his eyes to see Otto's cock in front of his face. He sees up observing the great pole of hard meat of the bloodhound.

Otto closes his eyes and stops the licks when he feels as the tongue of the boy begins to move on his knot. Nolan moves his tongue feeling the taste of the meat of Otto.

It is the same taste that he had enjoyed close to the lake, his little tongue moves on the knot in the meantime his right hand is closed around the shaft the best that he can, Nolan moves it up and down.

Otto smiles and again licks the penis of slow way, Nolan's cock dance in different directions in the meantime it shoots precum.

The boy moans of pleasure, the tongue feels incredible, the viscous saliva gets wet each corner of his penis.

The tongue touches the tip the of the member and Otto and it licks that sector slowly picking up the young precum for some minutes before licking the knot and taking down his tongue even more.

Nolan decides to do the same thing in his side. He begins to lick from the bottom the shaft of Otto, the cock has a pretty delicious savor, he likes like it were a piece of candy like those that they buy at the fairs.

He sees as a great quantity of precum slides slowly from the tip of slow way. He begins to lick the trails of precum with a lot of delight, he likes piquancy.

Otto moans smoothly for the slow licks on his penis, the bloodhound stops and takes down his snout to nuzzle Nolan's two white testicles.

His nose raises them on the air without a lot of trouble, Otto feels the aroma of the fur that surrounds them. He begins to lick them slowly raising them on the air, his left hand takes Nolan's penis and he caresses it slowly.

The heavy breathing of the boy become fast while he feels the licks.

Soon his balls are completely drenched in saliva, he feels as his right testicle enters in the mouth of Otto. The bloodhound sucks and uses his tongue to play with the ball with calm.

Otto makes this for a couple of minutes before stopping and making the same thing with the another one. His hand is moving slowly on the shaft of the boy, the precum sprouts over and over again.

Nolan using his hands aims Otto's cock at his mouth, he opens it largely to take the tip and quite a bit of the shaft of the bloodhound in it. The boy feels as his mouth fills up to the top and the tip touches the entrance of his throat shooting squirts of precum in it.

Without waiting he begins to suck the hard organ.

Otto growls of pleasure and releases the testicle that it is in his mouth. He opens his mouth to take Nolan's cock. A strong groan of the boy is heard and he closes his eyes having a good time while he sucks slowly.

Nolan feels as his shaft is surrounded by the mouth of Otto. He begins to move his head in the cock of the boy slowly, there is no problem for Otto managing the boy's erection.

It is not very large neither thick. He feels the taste of the precum that drips on his tongue, using his tongue he stimulates the erection and his lips touch the knot repeatedly.

The sound of sucking fills the room just like the choked moan of Nolan, he pants and growls while his pleasure grows slowly. Otto's technique is good and slow not to speed up things and to give the boy a good oral pleasure.

Nolan's saliva makes the swollen shaft of Otto glistens.

Nolan shakes when he feels as two fingers get in the crack of their ass and they begin to move up and down. He gasps at the moment that the fingertip Otto's index touches his sphincter.

The bloodhound moves his finger circularly in Nolan's posterior entrance, he presses smoothly without wanting to enter really. His mouth moves without stopping.

Nolan begins to move his hips to fuck Otto's mouth while he sucks Otto's without stopping the hard member. Otto feels as the knot of the boy hits his mouth and part of the cock enters in his throat.

Otto takes the penis out from his mouth and with calm he moves the boy pulling to the boy on one side. Nolan sits in bed while he pants rapidly and he sees Otto.

"I am sure that you wish to begin first." Otto says looking at the boy. He nods with a lot of enthusiasm and catches his penis to stimulate it. Otto does not move and he opens his legs largely for Nolan.

He raises an eyebrow without understanding.

"This is the so-called missionary position." Otto says looking at the boy. He nods and he gets between the legs of Ott, the boy kneels down between the thighs.

Otto raises his ass enough for Nolan, he takes his penis and he aims it at Otto's crack.

Nolan moves his penis a little until he finds the adult dog's hole.

The boy pushes and the tip enters in the ass of Otto. Nolan moans when heat surrounds his penis, Otto moans with some pain, his hole was not ready yet. Otto takes down his hips and the boy's penis slips from his provinces.

"We are going to do something easier." Otto says to see that this is not working.

He turns over positioning himself on his knees and elbows to expose his ass to the boy.

Nolan rapidly places himself in position with his penis in the hand, he points his penis toward the midway of the buttocks of Otto.

The bloodhound does not move and soon the tip touches his sphincter, Nolan pushes and he moans with pleasure, his member slides in and he holds Otto's hips to begin to pump in the dog.

Otto closes his eyes and enjoys the pleasure that the penis of the boy gives him, Nolan's shaft moves in and out without stopping, the little squirts of precum sprinkle the anal walls.

Nolan moves his hips without stopping seeing as his member enters and gets out of the anal passage, he likes the rubbing of the anal walls while his eyes are closed.

Otto feels as his penis rocks on the air lightly, Nolan's thrust are not very strong, but the best is that the tip of the penis of the boy hits his prostate and this increases his pleasure as well as the hardness of his penis, the precum is dripping in more quantity.

Otto feels pleased listening Nolan's growling of pleasure; the penis knot gets inside between his buttocks repeatedly touching his sphincter.

The bloodhound does not move permitting that Nolan had fun in the way he likes it. The boy pumps without stopping, his penis enters and goes out from Otto. The adult dog reclines forward to take his penis with a hand and to masturbate incrementing his pleasure.

His hand moves up and down on his member, the precum increases and it drips in large and thick drops on the bedspread of the bed where a whitish puddle is absorbed by the cloth, but there is the check mark.

Nolan pushes with force introducing his knot in Otto. The bloodhound gasps and he does not moan with pain to feel as the whole member of the boy is in his ass, Nolan's velocity increases just like his growls.

Otto groans releasing his penis. His cock is pretty hard and pleasure intensifies just like the one of Nolan.

Otto feels that the penis tip presses his prostate with force, he becomes tense and he growls at the moment that his penis begins to shoot powerful semen spurts.

Nolan listens to Otto's growl; the anal walls squeezes his penis with more force than before leading him to the orgasm. The boy presses his groin against the buttocks of Otto and he barks ferociously.

His penis releases squirts of seed that spatter the rectum of the older male, Otto feels it, but says nothing while his semen even flows by his penis to get out of through the opening and it gets wet the bed with more fluids.

None of them moves for some moments, Otto looks over his shoulder and he sees as Nolan has the closed eyes with the mouth lightly opened.

Otto laughs smoothly and waits until the boy finishes enjoying the orgasmic stupor. Nolan opens his eyes and he begins to take out his penis slowly while he moans smoothly.

His knot stretches Otto's sphincter and it opens the hole without difficulty, he feels as the penis of the boy slips out of his ass and some seed is dripping from within.

Otto turns over and he sits in bed to see like Nolan also sits in bed. The boy gets surprised when Otto holds him by the legs and he drags him along toward him.

Soon the legs opened of Nolan are to each one of the sides of the hips of Otto. The boy's buttocks relax on the thighs of the bloodhound,

Nolan feels as the shaft of Otto minces his right buttock and the precum gets it wet. Otto takes his cock and he aligns it much better, the tip gets inside between Nolan's two cheeks.

Otto moves his penis a little until the tip touches Nolan's sphincter.

"Are you ready? Otto asks looking at Nolan. He nods quietly and feels as the big hands of Otto take his hips before he begins to push his penis with some force.

Nolan moans with bother feeling as the tip presses his posterior entrance, Otto holds the boy's body in position until a groan of pain is heard.

Nolan clenches his teeth in when Otto penetrates into him. Otto does not move expecting some moments, his precum sprinkles the anal passage. The bloodhound begins to push sinking his thick member in Nolan.

The anal walls stretch as the member keeps on entering, Nolan pants over and over again, the thickness of the hard meat stretches his anal walls to the utmost, but it is not something that he has pain in.

This feeling is not new, and he likes to feel it. His gland is pressed in its inside by the shaft that enters until the bottom of his tunnel is touched by the tip.

Otto releases Nolan's legs and he leans his hands in bed to begin to move slowly inside the boy. Nolan moans when the penis moves out and it next re-enters in his body.

Otto's sticky precum helps to the bloodhound's motions. His hips move while he lies on Nolan.

This is the first time that both use this position.

Otto sees as Nolan moans with pleasure with closed eyes. The dog enjoys the anal passage that squeezes his cock, this is the best that he can fuck, neither the one of Eryn or the girls surpasses it.

Even he is surprised that a little the boy may take all his organ with the knot included, that is something that he should give recognition to the boy. Nolan opens the eyes to see that Otto smiles at him smoothly.

Nolan feels somewhat ashamed, but he squeezes the bedspreads while his penis bounces without stopping, his precum sprinkles his stomach. Otto pumps and growls of pleasure.

The anal walls caress his penis in each thrust in the ass of the boy, pleasure increases and he holds Nolan to raise it and to press him against his own body.

Otto takes his time to fuck the boy, he wants to enjoy the tight anal passage the most that he can. His pushes are deep and slow, the minutes pass while the moans of pleasure fills the bedroom.

Nolan gets surprised a little, but he says absolutely nothing and closes his arms around the neck of Otto being afraid that he is going to fall. But the bloodhound holds him without stopping to move.

Nolan's penis bounces rubbing on the adult dog's fur, this increases the boy's pleasure.

Otto holds Nolan's hips and he pushes with force, Nolan's eyes open with force and the barks with pain the moment that his hole opens incredibly to receive Otto's knot.

Otto moans with pleasure while Nolan's body bounces lightly, the pressure of the knot on the special spot inside the rectum increases the grunts of pleasure of the boy.

Two thrusts later Nolan begins to shake and to cling to with more force Otto, the boy's climax is strong and his legs moves on the air while the bloodhound does not release him.

The young semen sprinkles Otto's stomach, but the squeeze of the entrails around his penis is the most important for the old dog. His cock shakes and releases sperm squirts bathe the anal walls of the cub.

Otto growls and he pushes raising the body of Nolan a couple of centimeters more on the air. The boy feels as his tunnel fills up to the top with sperm.

Otto panting leans Nolan backwards in bed while he sees as the boy pants and a couple of semen little spurts go out by the opening of his cock. He feels as the anal walls squeeze his penis with force.

"Do you want a second round?" Otto asks looking at Nolan. He opens his eyes and nods.

"May I ask something?" Nolan asks looking at Otto. He smiles and nods while he tries to clean the seed off the stomach of the boy. Otto sees that Nolan thinks and reconsiders before asking.

"Ask what you want." Otto says smiling at the boy while he kneels down on his thighs and the rear end of Nolan relaxes on them.

"Would we can go to the honey house?" Nolan asks with a care and looking at Otto. The eyes of the dog open largely by the question.

"What you know about that place?" Otto asks with a little bit of surprise. He did not expect that the boy has a little bit of that information.

"I listened to Wilton and Arlen saying that they would like to visit that place because there are girls to do... that." Nolan responds with something while he moves a little to be more comfortable.

"I see, the honey house is a place where you pay to have a good time with a woman, I mean that she pleases you having sex with you. It is outside of town." Otto says while he sees that Nolan listens to him with attention.

"But it is a place where you never should go, at least not for now. Neither Wilton and Arlen can do it, you are very young for their standard." Otto says while he holds Nolan's hips and places the boy on his knees and elbows.

Otto holds the boy's hips and he begins to pull his penis out, Nolan moans with bother and pain to feel that Otto's knot begins to stretch his sphincter. The bloodhound keeps pulling out with calm and care.

Otto does not slow down while the hole keeps on opening with a lot of slowness, he listens to the groan of bother of Nolan, more no of pain. The boy feels as his sphincter opens gradually and the mass of canine meat keeps on appearing without stopping.

Otto sees that his knot keeps on appearing between the cheeks of the boy, he continues and this half stops outside. The adult dog does a final pull and all his member slips out of Nolan.

A light sound of a cork takes place, and semen leads in little squirts of the ass of the boy. Nolan sits in bed perceiving as the seed drips from his hole.

"So... you want to have an experience with a girl." Otto says embracing the boy in a friendly way while he takes his penis with his left hand to stimulate it.

"Yeah... I would like to know it feels, if boys talk thereof it should be great. I heard that they think that Celestine and Lorene are hot." Nolan says taking his penis to caress it and to stimulate it.

Otto gets surprised a little and smiles.

"Do they seem attractive to you too?" Otto asks with calm and sketching a smile at the same time that he presses to the boy against him in a friendly way.

"Sometimes... you know thinking about them, but I feel somewhat guilty... they are my sisters." Nolan responds with a little bit of discomfort. He did not want Otto to get angry with him.

"They are beautiful and in a couple of occasions I also tough about them too... I did cum a lot many times." Otto says moving his hand on his penis with more speed for some seconds to demonstrate his point.

Furthermore, he had fucked his nieces, and he could not feel anger with the boy for this.

Nolan nods and he moves his tail content.

"If you have the chance to fuck a girl, do not waste it. But you should know that to take a woman is not the same as fucking me or a male." Otto says looking at Nolan.

"A girl's body is different, has several different points to pleasure them and that we have a good time. The breasts, for instance." Otto says looking at Nolan.

"I know... as I saw you and Eryn." Nolan comments while he releases his penis that is erect again.

"Of course, but one of the more different things is what they have in the legs, you know that men and women are not similar there." Otto says while he moves his hand a last time in his penis before releasing it.

"How is it?" Nolan asks looking at Otto. The bloodhound smiles smoothly.

"It is warm, slippery and soft. But it is not just putting your cock there, you should know how to stimulate it and to touch it to pleasure the girl." Otto says looking at Nolan.

"Can't you teach me?" Nolan asks looking at Otto. He gets surprised a little but he just smiles smoothly.

"I cannot do it, there is not a woman here. Sometimes learning this from a most experienced girl is best. She can teach you a lot better than I can do." Otto says giving a soft squeeze to Nolan's shoulder.

"But I can teach you a little now. It is not the same, but I can give you a general picture." Otto says looking at Nolan. He nods with enthusiasm to learn something new.

"As I fucked you some minutes ago it is a classical body posture to fuck a woman." Otto says looking at Nolan.

"But I cannot make it." Nolan says with a little bit of surprise. He had tried it, but he was a body posture pretty. Otto laughs smoothly.

"Of course, I do not have that problem because I am taller and I have a bigger cock than yours." Otto says while he looks at Nolan, he listens with attention.

"With a woman that is not a problem because her entrance finds the same height of your penis, you just need to push and move." Otto says looking at Nolan. He nods while he caresses his penis and closes his eyes for a moment trying imagining himself in that position fucking a girl without particular face at that moment.

"But I will show you another posture that can serve you." Otto says looking at the boy. Nolan nods and waits to than Otto him of the indications.

Otto holds Nolan and he leans him backwards in bed, the boy sees as Otto moves and he positions himself on him. Their penises touch and the difference of sizes between the cocks is clearly visible.

The bloodhound moves a little and takes Nolan's penis to aim towards his own buttocks.

The tip gets in the middle and it soon touches Otto's sphincter. The dog moves down his ass and his hole opens without problems.

Nolan moans when his cock again enters in the anal passage of Otto. The bloodhound takes down his hips and in a few seconds after the knot gets in the crack of his ass.

Otto leans his hands to each one of the sides of the body of Nolan, the dog begins to move slowly. His ass bounces with calm around Nolan's cock, as it is a small member he must control his movements.

The boy closes his eyes enjoying the stimulation on his penis, he feels as the anal walls of the dog move up and down around his member, the tip gets in a couple of cracks stretching them lightly.

Otto moves his ass while he loves the feeling, is not so direct like the previous one, but it is good. His precum flows and it is dripping on the stomach of Nolan creating a transparent and abundant puddle.

He opens his eyes feeling as the member of Otto rocks on air and it hits his stomach and some drops of precum splash his chest.

"Some help would be not bad." Otto says moaning and looking at Nolan. He rapidly takes the wobbling erection to stimulate it.

The boy masturbates Otto rapidly, his hands move forward and back on the canine thick shaft. The bloodhound growls of pleasure by the spare pleasure, Nolan also moans.

His pleasure slowly intensifies and Otto takes down his ass with a little more force, he closes his eyes when the knot enters in his anus. Nolan closes his eyes when feeling like centimeter of his member is surrounded by the hot and tight tunnel of Otto.

The dog increases the velocity of the motion, his penis moves in the hands of Nolan releasing more squirts of precum. Otto tries to squeeze more the cock of the boy using entrails to increase his pleasure.

Nolan moans and pants with pleasure, he feels as the member of Otto throbs with more force in his hands.

Otto moves his ass in circles for some moments, he listens to a barking of pleasure coming from the boy. Nolan pushes his hips with force and releases his sperm in Otto.

Semen spurts splashes the anal walls, Otto feels as the hands of Nolan squeezes his penis with more force while they continuing moving. The bloodhound clenches his teeth.

Sperm squirts begin to get out from the opening of his penis flying through the air sprinkling chest and the face of Nolan. He does not open his eyes feeling as the seed of Otto splashes his face.

His hands keep on moving in the meantime Otto's semen continues gushing out, the dog continues clenching his teeth until the last straw gets out from his penis and it drips on the stomach of Nolan.

Otto opens his eyes and he sees as there is a great stream of white seed that goes from the abdomen of the boy to his face. The bloodhound with a smile uses his right hand to clean Nolan's face.

He does not open his eyes until he feels that good part of semen disappears of his face.

Nolan seems pretty content and Otto gets up with calm, he feels as the knot of the boy stretches his sphincter again.

But his hole opens without problems and the member leaves his rectum. Nolan moans smoothly, his penis covered in cum hits his stomach.

"Before I get soft, let's finish this to go to take a quickly bath." Otto says leaning backwards in bed and taking his penis to maintain it raised aiming it at the roof.

Nolan nods and he moves positioning himself on the crotch of Otto. He moves his ass a little and the tip of the member of Otto gets between his buttocks. The dog moves his cock a little until the tip touches the boy's sphincter.

With calm Nolan moves down his ass, the boy moans smoothly feeling that Otto's penis enters in his anal passage. Otto moans while his member disappears between the buttocks of Nolan.

The posterior tunnel keeps on becoming full of hard meat slowly, the seed lubricates the shaft of Otto, it slips easily well. Nolan stops the moment that the bottom of his rectum is touched.

The boy's penis rests on the stomach of Otto. Nolan puts his hands on the chest of Otto to begin to move his ass slowly. He moans of pleasure every time that the cock enters and goes out of his body.

Otto moans also, the sphincter moves around his pole over and over again, the hot and tight passage caresses each part of his shaft. He sees as Nolan moans of pleasure while he moves.

The boy's penis bounces shooting precum on the air, its hardness did not disappear after ejaculating. Otto closes his left hand around the small cock.

The bloodhound begins to masturbate the boy slowly, Otto growls of pleasure without stopping, the left hand of Otto takes care of the two testicles of smaller size, meanwhile Nolan's tail moves without stopping.

Otto's balls bounce lightly on the air, Nolan's motions are not fast because both had ejaculated a little while ago and the stimulation in their penises even is somewhat painful.

The pleasure in both slowly keeps on increasing, Otto releases the boy's genitals and takes his hips to pushes his penis. Nolan moans with pain feeling as the knot is between buttocks and it presses his sphincter.

Otto pushes harder and soon the hole opens surrounding his knot again, Nolan barks with pain and he clenches his teeth. The pain is not so intense as before.

Otto feels as all his member is trapped inside the boy. He takes Nolan and he turns him on his penis with calm. When it is done, he leans the boy backwards on his chest.

Nolan's balls rest on the big orbs of Otto. He begins to move inside Nolan. He moans and growls of pleasure feeling as the cheeks of his ass are pressed by the groin of Otto.

The knot of adult dog presses his gland making that his pleasure and precum increase.

Otto pumps with force achieving that the penis of Nolan bounces without control scattering precum in the whole bed.

Otto takes it and he begins to masturbate him rapidly, Nolan moans with much more pleasure. The precum that sprouts from the penis of Otto is more plentiful.

He and Nolan growl of pleasure while the bed creaks over and over again. Nolan's whinings become stronger, he clenches the muscles of his ass when the climax comes inevitably.

His penis begins to shoot semen like a fountain that releases white liquid that drips in his stomach and the bed. Otto growls and he does his final thrust shooting seed in the anal passage.

Nolan's posterior tunnel again is flooded completely. Otto pushes with force and raises the boy's ass even more. The bloodhound feels as the anal walls hugs his penis with force.

His cock throbs with force inside the anal passage and Nolan, he feels it. His semen continues getting out by the opening his cock. The cum smears in the fur of Nolan just like the seed of Otto.

Otto calms down and stops his push, he and Nolan breathe agitatedly while their bodies recover from the orgasm.

For the noon Nolan and Otto walk back to the home of Eryn. Otto feels content to have shared a moment of fun with Nolan.

For him his relation with Nolan already is very close and Otto can get used to idea of having a parental role with Nolan. He needs a male that teaches him and that can help him to grow up.

Nolan also is content, he wished to have other great time with Otto again.

He enjoyed what happened in the lake, but it is a little hard to look for the moment to make it and to be able to talk with Otto. Eryn's house is not adequate because there is not a lot of intimacy.

Both arrive home and open the front door to enter in the living room. Otto gets surprised a lot just like Nolan when they see than Wilton and Arlen are there.

"Weren't you in your training?" Otto asks looking at the two boys that are playing a chess game.

"We have the day off." Arlen says a lot content while he moves a black bishop.

"Of course, but they have the night watch." Eryn says getting out of the kitchen next to Fleur.

Otto gets surprised while he sees that the woman smiles content.

"I came across with Little John in the market, he told me that he thought that it is moment that Wilton and Arlen had a first experience with the night watch." Eryn says while she sees as Fleur places a flower vase on the center of the table, there are a couple of flowers in it.

Florene and Celestine get out of the kitchen to greet their uncle and Nolan.

"Well that are interesting news. I have other ones too." Otto says while he hangs his leathern overall on the wooden hanger.

"I received one letter from friend in Ely, there is a buyer for the house of my brother." Otto says looking at Eryn and the girls.

"So, I must go to talk with him and to see, if I can sell it." Otto says while he sees that Eryn gets surprised just like the girls.

"I will depart tomorrow in the morning." Otto says looking at Eryn and the girls nod.

The two girls in addition to Nolan and Fleur look somewhat sad knowing the house of their parents will be sold, but also it is something necessary because the odds are that they never return there.

"Can I go too?" Fleur asks with a lot of enthusiasm. This surprises a little Otto and he just nods. That makes the girl happy.

"I suppose that I will take you two to the barracks tonight." Otto says looking at Eryn's two children.

"It will not be necessary, Little John told me that he would pick up the boys after dinner." Eryn says smiling smoothly. Otto nods and he goes the bedroom.

Nolan does the same thing.

Otto enters in the bedroom to change clothes, while he takes off his pants, Eryn enters in the room and embraces him from behind with joy. This surprises Otto, but this draws a smile in him seeing that his fiancée is very happy.

"You do not know what happened on the market." Eryn says looking at Otto. He shakes his head and smiles. The bloodhound waits until she tells him what happened, it should be somewhat quite good.

"Loretta and the other salespeople of the market in a meeting agreed always to give us some free products in each purchase, it is reward for the courage of the boys." Eryn says with a lot of happiness.

Otto gets surprised and he feels very happy hearing this.

"They are heroes." Eryn says overflowing with joy. This is the best that she had waited, the moment which his friends and town people see in a different way to her children.

"That is incredible." Otto says taking Eryn's hands to her to kiss her on the mouth.

They are kissing some moments and Eryn laughs smoothly feeling that Otto's sheath and balls touches her stomach.

"Do you want something... quickly?" Eryn asks looking at Otto. He smiles and kisses her on her mouth smoothly.

"I always like that, but now I believe that the best is having lunch. Wilton and Arlen need to rest for the night watch." Otto says while he takes some pants and he puts on it.

"And I do not doubt that they need all their energy." Eryn says laughing impishly. Otto looks at her with a lifted-up eyebrow.

"The night watch of the boys will be in the honey house." Eryn says looking at Otto while she smiles smoothly. She sees as her fiancé gets surprised completely.

"It is a surprise that Little John did for the boys. Their cocks will be in alert all night long." Eryn says looking at Otto. He smiles with certain envy of the boys.

"I suppose that, if I want a something similar, I should do a great feat." Otto says looking Eryn. She laughs smoothly and she kisses him seizing Otto's crotch to squeeze it with calm.

"You have the same chance, only we need to find a good opportunity to make it happen." Eryn says looking at Otto.

He nods and expects to have that opportunity soon. He finishes getting dressed while Eryn and girls serve lunch. They all meet at the table to have lunch and to chat.

After having lunch, the two brothers go on with their chess game while Nolan is an onlooker of the game. Otto prepares everything for his travel, they must depart early tomorrow.

Girls help the she-wolf to clean the kitchen and the house.

The rest of the day they all spend it content and resting, Arlen just like his brother are the more ones who are excited and lightly worried for their first experience in the night watch.

It is difficult for Eryn and Otto not to laugh knowing that both boys would have a very different guard to what they waited. Join half-past dinner he all they get startled lightly when somebody knocks at the door.

Otto gets close to the door and he opens it.

He finds that Little John is waiting.

"Hi Otto, I came to pick up the boys to take them to the headquarters before going to my home." Little John says looking at the bloodhound. Otto nods content and he calls Wilton and Arlen.

Both get out of the kitchen and see Little John. The two boys nod and begin to say good-bye of their mother and the other ones.

"I feel envy." Otto says with the undertone and looking at Little John. He the bear smiles smoothly.

"The same thing that any man." Little John says making a grin. Soon Wilton and Arlen leave the house and walk toward the carriage of Little John. The bear is near them.

"Climb in boys, I don't want to be late, the captain does not like delays." Little John says looking at the two boys. They nod and get in the carriage closing the door.

Windows are covered with thin drapes.

Soon the carriage starts moving and the two boys feel some jumps by the little stones on the road. Only there is some light inside the carriage, it becomes stronger when drapes move letting that more light comes in for some moments.

"I believe that we should have brought the chessboard, it will be a pretty long night." Wilton says looking at his brother while they give a small jump just like the carriage.

"I suppose that we will not be able to rest, you already know the captain will make it difficult for us." Arlen says looking at Wilton. He growls with bother knowing that it is true.

The more probable is that both do not have a rest that night.

"Do you think that we get the guard of the front door?" Wilton asks trying cheering up.

"I don't. Certainly, it will be in the walls or backing up the other people. The entrance is a very important place just for soldiers." Arlen says knowing that both are simply boys in training and they do not qualify to get an important position in the guard.

They continue chatting about their expectations on what they would do in the night watch.

They do not fail to pay attention to the road, after some time the carriage stops and the door opens.

"Well boys, we are here." Little John says content and smiling at the two boys.

Both come down from the carriage with calm and soon their feet touch the land.

They open their eyes wide seeing the honey house. The big house is illuminated by the light that goes through by the windows that are covered by red drapes, besides some moon light helps too.

Wilton is completely surprised just like his brother. Both shake to wake up when they feel some friendly squeezes on their shoulders. Little John pushes them with leading to both brothers to the front door.

Arlen y Wilton look at each other with surprise, the bear pushes them with a little bit of force until both are in front of the front door. Little John does three knocks to the door and he waits.

Wilton feels as his heart pumps with force and he feels pretty nervous.

He and his brother in more than an occasion had drawn plans to be able to try an escape to the brothel to fuck a girl. They knew that Antonette, the friend of their mother worked there.

In spite of fucking their mom, they wished to be able to sneak in the brothel, but that desire had diminished after the arrival of the girls.

Now in an unexpected way they were out of the brothel, soon the door opens and the head of a young gazelle appears in front of the boys and Little John.

"My Lord, be welcome." The gazelle says opening the door completely for Little John and the two boys. She smiles at the boys, they become uncomfortable and that open their eyes when both see as this female only has put on a lingerie that does not let anything for the imagination.

"Hi Deanna." Little John says smiling and pushing Wilton and Arlen to put them into the big house. The feet of the boys stop on the red carpet that covers the floor.

They look at everything with a lot of attention because this is the first time that both are in such place. The two boys get surprised seeing to many of the girls are sitting near to them.

They are talking until they realize that there are new clients waiting. Arlen gets surprised and swallows hard seeing that a lioness looks at him and she smiles openly.

Wilton has his attention in the two Persian cat sisters that move their whiskers smoothly while they look at him suggestively and they lick their mouths seductively.

Both brothers swallow hard when they see that Antonette is smiling at them smoothly.

Since that time, they had not crossed ways again roads with the lioness.

"Come boys... where is that temper?" Little John asks shaking the two boys.

"Why are we here?" Wilton asks and he gets ashamed and inconveniences listening to the laughter of women.

"I told you that you would have a night watch and this point is vitally important." Little John says looking at the two brothers. They look at him with surprise, they see to the right when both see as Ruby appears to get close to them and Little John.

"Hi Little John, we were waiting for you." The tigress says while he comes closer walking with grace toward the three males. Wilton and Arlen look at her devouring her with the look.

She is wearing a pretty revealing dress that shows a lot of her pretty attractive breasts.

Both boys feel that the region in their crotch begins to react.

"I only am passing by, but these boys are two very good recruits that will give me a report to know, if even I should hire your girls for the future." Little John says making a soft grin.

"Ohhhh, as my business can be in danger I believe that I will close the site at night in focusing on giving the best possible service to these two good-looking representatives of the Lord." Ruby says smiling smoothly while she uses her fingers indexes to caresses the cheeks of the two brothers while the other girls laugh mischievously.

"You cannot fail, you made a lot of money in the last celebration, you know that I pay the fair thing." Little John says looking at the tigress. Wilton's eyes open with surprise to listen to that, party is only a simple description of what really happened.

"Well boys, if you manage to become my officers, you will have a lot of good parties, I always reward my men when they do a good job for me." Little John says giving a very strong squeeze to the shoulders of the boys, they moan with a little bit of pain.

"Leave everything in our hands my Lord, we will not fail you." Ruby says smiling smoothly at Little John.

"I am boys, but you will have to go back home for your own feet, take it like a spare training, you can take the day off tomorrow." Little John says looking at Wilton and Arlen.

Both open their eyes and they get surprised when Little John gives two friendly pats on the back to both. The bear says good-bye and he goes out thought the door letting to both boys alone there.

"Dottie, lock the door and put the ad of closed, we will take the opportunity that tonight there is no a lot of customers, girls quickly, we have work to make with the two heroes." Ruby says looking at the other girls.

Wilton sees that the female dog with a smile obeys the tigress and she gets close to the door. When she passes near, she pinches Arlen's ass playfully and he gets surprised completely before listening-in as the door is locked.

But he rapidly forgets thereof when women surround the two and with a lot of happiness they proceed to undress to both boys playfully. Arlen sees as Ruby sees what happens with a lot of fun.

Girls laugh while they take out each one of their clothes rapidly, the garments of both boys fly through the air landing on the floor, in different sectors of the lobby.

The pants of the boys fall to the floor and both move two steps advance forward remaining in shorts. Wilton gets surprised Millie catches his crotch and she squeezes it softly.

For his part Arlen feels Lily's squeeze in his crotch.

"This is seen quite good, girls." Lilly says laughing impishly.

"I agree." Millie says looking at the girls. They laugh and the two boys get ashamed.

"Come on girls, before beginning let's show our guests what they will have to have fun tonight." Ruby says making a grin and taking the straps her dress begins to untie them.

The eyes of both brothers open completely seeing that the woman opens her dress showing her white breasts. Ruby smiles to them smoothly and soon her dress drops to the floor.

The eyes of the boys move in different directions seeing as women to their around also they begin to take off their clothes, some moments later they are naked giving to both boys a great moment. They are living an almost impossible fantasy of many of their friends.

Hadley takes Arlen's hands and she places them on her tits, the lioness presses the two hands against her breasts. The boy feels the heat of the two mammary glands.

She smiles on him, but Wilton has also his hands on two tits, Dottie winks at him while she allows him touching her breasts. Wilton feels their softness and the heat of the soft fur that covers both mounts.

The pink nipples are between his fingers, both boys squeeze with pleasure and fascination while their penises already are erect, but trapped in their shorts.

Girls begin to touch them everywhere, Wilton feels as hand from behind gets in his shorts and it begins to caress his balls. His brother shakes lightly when a finger gets in the crack of his ass and it caresses his anus slowly.

"I will lick it for you with the greatest pleasure." Antonette says whispering from behind in the right ear of Wilton. He opens his eyes listening that and the woman laughs smoothly just like the other girls.

Wilton sees that Millie whispers the tigress something to the ear. She nods content.

Ruby takes Arlen's and Wilton's hands to pull them and to take the boys to a lined red sofa, the tigress pushes them to seat them there. The female places her hands on the crotches to caress them.

Arlen feels as the woman squeezes his balls and his penis through to the cloth. His brother pants while he receives the same deal.

"Boys... did you ever see two women having fun?" Ruby asks the two boys suggestively.

Wilton and Arlen shake their head. That draws a smile on the face of the tigress.

"If that is the case, choose two of my girls in order that they show it to you." Ruby says releasing the crotches of the boys and moving to one side.

Arlen and Wilton have the girls that smile to them smoothly opposite while they are standing in semicircle around them. Every one of girls begins to introduce themselves to the boys.

They examine them one for one while more precum is dripping from their cocks.

"Each one of you, choose one." Ruby says from behind the boys while she leans forward to introduce her head between the heads of Wilton and Arlen and smiling to them while she uses the hands to caress the chests of both boys.

"Dottie." Wilton says with emotion and some nervousness. The female dog smiles smoothly and nods. Arlen looks at the other girls to choose one of them.

"Deanna." Arlen says looking at the young gazelle that without resisting nods with pleasure to be selected. The two boys open their eyes when both females begin to be kissing while the other women make room for them.

Wilton looks with eyes completely opened as they are kissing passionately quitting seeing as their tongues fight. Millie and Lily purring kneel before them and take the waistbands of their shorts.

The two females smile and they take down the underwear for them, the hard cocks are freed and their members bobble on the air releasing a couple of little squirts of precum.

"They have certainly a good thing between the legs." Lily says looking at her sister. She nods and takes Arlen's penis to masturbate him slowly, he moans smoothly feeling as the hand moves.

The two sisters manipulate the genitals of the boys with still, Arlen feels as a right hand of Lily moves up and down on his shaft slowly touching the knot repeatedly.

Millie squeezes the balls of Wilton while she caresses with a finger the member's tip.

Wilton trembles lightly and he continues seeing as Deanna and Dottie continue the show.

The female dog is sucking the tits of the gazelle, she whines of pleasure. Millie leans forward to begin to lick Wilton's knot with calm achieving that he moans with pleasure.

He feels as the rough tongue moves on his hard meat providing him a great pleasure, his precum glistens in the tip of his member while the licks continue.

Arlen also moans with pleasure, he does not know where pay attention, if seeing the woman that give him oral sex or the two females that rub mutually their crotches of looking at the woman.

He sees as the female looks at him and she purrs smoothly, she moves her whiskers before opening her mouth and taking the cock in it. A groan comes out of Arlen's mouth when his member is surrounded by wetness and warmth. The woman begins to move her head slowly.

The member enters and gets slowly out of his mouth, Lily enjoys completely the taste of the young penis in her mouth in addition to the precum. At her side her sister also uses her oral talent to pleasure Wilton.

He feels as the tongue of Millie moves down and up on his hard meat, the female cat licks with a lot of pleasure. She bites some sectors making him shaking with pleasure smoothly.

The female cat licks over and over again going up to the tip, the tongue moves on the tip making shaking to the boy. Wilton sees as Hadley gets close to Ruby with two cups in a tray.

"Boys with this we will have fun much better." Ruby taking the two cups and passing them on to the boys. They moan while they take cups, Wilton for the corner of the eye sees as Dottie and Deanna kiss repeatedly before Dottie position herself on her friend and both begin to rub vulvas mutually.

Arlen moans and sees as Lily moves her head on his member, the female's saliva drips on the length of his member getting to his knot. His precum goes out by the opening getting to the female cat's tongue.

She sips it herself enjoying its taste.

Arlen feels a lightly mentholated aroma in the tea that have a green color, he raises an eyebrow and he looks at his brother. He looks at the cup and moans when he feels a soft bite in his knot.

Both look at each other and shrugging his shoulders, they begin to drink that infusion with calm. They find out that the taste is somewhat spicy, but they do not stop drinking because if this aids them to fuck all night long they will make it with pleasure.

Wilton is the first to finish off the brew, he feels a heat moderated in his stomach. His brother feels the same way while he continues seeing two sisters to give them oral sex.

They make it very well, Millie stops and she stands up to position herself on the crotch of Wilton. The feline female smiles at the boy smoothly before taking her penis and to guide it.

Wilton feels as the hand does not release his penis and soon the tip settles between the vaginal lips of the female. Millie winks an eye to Wilton before taking down her hips.

Wilton growls of pleasure when his penis sinks in the tunnel of the love of the female, she purrs smoothly of pleasure. Her ass goes down slowly until the knot kisses her vulva.

"Leave everything to me." The female cat smiling smoothly and beginning to move on the boy. Wilton moans and closes his eyes to completely enjoy the tight pussy.

Arlen sees that and he looks at the Lily. The sister smiles and releases his penis that they smoothly juggle to him. She rapidly places herself in position between the legs of the boy.

The woman moves her hips until the member's tip enters in her vagina. She closes her arms around the neck of the boy and she kisses him at the same time that she takes the cock in her vagina.

Arlen moans feeling that her shaft is hedged in with by the velvety and moist walls the female. She begins to move with slow way making the same as her sister.

Lily moans and sees her friends that laugh impishly, Arlen's hands take her breasts to squeeze and to stimulate them. The boy feels the heat of the fur of both breasts.

His fingers twist nipples smoothly making to meow with pleasure the woman. The lesbian spectacle finishes when Rubi gives the order, she can see that boys no longer pay attention to them.

Wilton and his brother moan while the two sisters ride them. The two females have a good time as much as they, the rest of women surround to both couples to see the spectacle.

Millie whines of pleasure while her tits bounce in front of the face of Wilton, he looks at them and he manages to catch the left-hand nipple using his mouth to begin to suck it with pleasure, her right hand catches the free breast.

He caresses it with a lot of pleasure, it is a soft and round breast that he likes to bit softly.

The two couples moan and growl of pleasure for a couple of minutes further. Lily takes down her ass with force and she takes a breath when the knot slides in her vagina and the canine penis stuck in her.

Her sister sees her and she presses the knot against her vulva with force, Wilton moans and growls when the opening stretches itself covering the knot of the young wolf. She moans enjoying that somewhat painful feeling, but incredible.

Arlen feels as the opening closes behind his knot, the woman begins to ride him with more impetus on his crotch. He moans and growls of pleasure just like his brother.

Wilton takes Millie's buttocks to squeeze them while she moves over and over again.

The female laughs impishly when she feels as the right forefinger moves between her buttocks caressing her anus lightly. She shakes and of moving, her pleasure grows rapidly just like the one of Wilton.

The wolf pants and soon he growls of pleasure pushing with force, his penis begins to release sperm squirts that spatter the vaginal walls of the female cat. She meows and moves her tail rapidly at the moment of the orgasm that comes to her body with force.

Millie clings to the boy with force while he growls and he pushes with force.

At his side Lily moves her ass in circles in the groin of the boy and she whines of pleasure, her breasts hit Arlen's face. That does not matter to Arlen, soon he listens to his lover's meow and the vaginal walls squeezes his cock with a lot more force.

He shakes with pleasure and his penis does eruption inside Millie. The seed springs out covering the vaginal walls that secrete juices that combine with semen.

The body of the Siamese cat shakes and she whimpers of pleasure because the cum shoot increases more her orgasm. Girls smile and look content a lot as their companions enjoy the orgasms how much they do.

After some minutes the moans of pleasure stop. The two sisters look at each other content and purring they begin to caress the chest of the boys.

"We will use the room three." Ruby says looking at the girls. They nod and laugh impishly.

That one is the big house's amplest room and special for small orgies.

Women go away toward the stair while they laugh impishly.

Millie and Lily begin to move to separate from the two boys. The two sisters moan with bother just like the two boys. Millie feels as the knot stretches her opening slowly, taking a male's knot is unique, but also it has its bad side.

Wilton pants while he sees Lily and his brother. Lily raises her ass and the knot keeps on getting out of her vagina slowly. Soon the knot of the young wolf begins to appear.

The female has her closed eyes and some moments after she manages to separate from Arlen. The penis leaves her body and the member hits the boy's stomach while the seed drips from the slit of the woman.

Arlen pants and sees at his lover, she smiles at him smoothly and her sister scrubs her tits on the face in the meantime also it is in one's last moments of her union with Wilton.

He moans and growls when his knot slides out from Millie. She gasps and with calm she gets up, Wilton moans feeling as his penis caresses the female's vaginal walls.

The tip leaves Millie's tunnel, the seed drips on his balls. The two sisters see the two boys with a smile and taking them from the hands, they pull up to both boys help them to get up.

Millie and Lily pull to the boys leading them through the big house, soon all of them reach the room number three. The members of the boys wobble over and over again.

Lily pushes Arlen inside the room. Millie does the same thing with Wilton and the two boys enter the carpeted room, they see that the rest of women are expecting them.

Antonette smiles at them and seizes them by the hands to pull both boys to a big where she pushes them leaning them backwards, the lioness positions herself between both boys taking members and caressing them.

"Bueno boys, I am happy to have a good time with both again." The woman says looking at the two boys. They get surprised completely while she smiles to them.

Both did not know what they were going to say now, that escape of sex with his mother would be exposed.

"Did you know them?" Deanna asks with certain surprise just like the rest of the girls.

"Yeah, these boys kept on looking at me and with a small wink of eye I took them to a little-used path in the forest." Antonette says winking an eye to the two boys.

They get surprised a little and they feel calmer. Apparently, the friend of his mother he would keep her mouth shut about what happened that afternoon.

"I am sorry Antonette, but it will be my turn with the boys." Ruby says from the right-hand side of the bed. The tigress expects to enjoy the meat completely.

"I suppose that you love the tits too." The tigress says looking at the two boys. They nod with a lot of pleasure. Girls laugh impishly and rapidly they get on the bed.

Girls rapidly split into groups to begin to rub their breasts on the faces and bodies of both boys slowly while they smile and enjoy the touches of the boys.

Both boys enjoy this, their hands squeeze any tit that fall in their hands. Wilton feels as two breasts move on his crotch slowly.

His shaft moves between the two tits that rapidly surround his cock and they begin to move up and down on his penis. A mouth takes his member's tip to suck it slowly.

Arlen also feels as a couple of breasts run in his penis, but the two round breasts hit playfully his cock. Nipples press his balls for a moment.

But with a snap of fingers of Ruby, the massage of the girls that move back leaving the boys alone. Wilton sees that the woman in charge gets on the bed and she smiling to him positions herself on him.

"Eryn never said that she had two pretty good-looking and well-endowed boys." She says caressing the chins of both brothers for some moments while she moves her hips on the member of the boy.

He feels as the wet vulva covers in juice his cock, Arlen moans when he feels as a couple of hands take his penis. He sees that Dottie smiles at him and she begins to cover his penis with cold oil.

Hands move up and down, his hard meat shines lightly in the meantime his knot is also covered by the slippery substance. Wilton feels as the tigress takes his penis.

She points the cock toward her crotch, the tip divides her vaginal lips. Wilton moans with pleasure and closes his eyes when his member is hedged in with by the internal heat of the woman.

It is a velvety heat. Ruby takes down her ass slowly until the vulva touches the knot.

"Uhmmm... great, but now the other tunnel." Ruby says giving herself a playful and resounding spank. Dottie pushes Arlen and he crawls to position himself behind the tigress.

Ruby raises her rear end lightly and she kisses Wilton surprisingly. He closes his eyes while he makes out with the woman, Arlen meanwhile gets comfortable and points his cock toward the buttocks of the tigress.

Hadley climbs in bed to separate the buttocks of her boss. Arlen reclines the tip on the sphincter and he pushes with force in the little hole that opens.

He growls and closes his eyes when his penis begins to slide in the rectum of the feline female. Ruby moans softly in the meantime she kisses with Wilton.

She separates her mouth from the boy and closes her eyes feeling that her anal passage keeps on filling up slowly. The member is not so thick, but it feels pretty well in her anus.

Arlen enjoys it while her precum keeps on releasing little spurts of precum, oil does the pretty easy penetration. Wilton sees that his brother stops some minutes after when all his shaft is within the anal passage of the tigress.

"Come on kids, make me happy, or I rip out your balls out." Ruby says smiling and licking his mouth while she sees Wilton and next to Arlen. Both boys get surprised and shake lightly.

The other girls laugh smoothly and impishly. Arlen holds Ruby's hips and he begins to move. He closes his eyes and moans of pleasure feeling as the anal walls caress his cock.

Arlen also enjoys the moment, her precum sprinkles the vaginal soft walls that wrap up his penis. Juices drip from the opening getting his balls wet and his knot.

Both look at each other while they pump and the tigress growls of pleasure. Ruby enjoys the members of the boys completely, they have the size enough to make her quiver with pleasure.

She had not had so young lovers in quite a while, her tits rock on the air directly on the face of Arlen. He looks at his woman's breasts and catches the right nipple between his lips.

He begins to suck it with pleasure and nibbling soft that sensitive place, Ruby shakes with pleasure and smiles at the boy. She does a shriek of surprise and pain when she feels a spank in her left-hand gluteus.

"These boys are intense." The tigress says looking at the other girls. They laugh impishly while the sound of slapping meat is heard in addition to the moans of the three members of the trio.

Wilton moans with each thrust, his groin hits buttocks. He sees as the tail scratched of the woman moves, his penis enters and goes out being tight by the sphincter that moves over and over again.

His precum scatters in the rectal tunnel. Wilton below him moves with motions coordinated with his brother. He can feel as the shaft of Wilton moves in the other passage.

Arlen releases her tit and both oscillate over and over again, Ruby leans upon him and moans of pleasure. The tigress begins to cover him with kisses passionately while the motion does not stop.

Wilton holds with force the hips of Ruby and he pushes his knot. The sphincter is forced to open, something that is pretty easy for Ruby. She only growls separating her mouth from the one of Arlen.

The wolf's member enters completely in his anus, but also his tunnel of love gets filled with masculine meat because Arlen's strong drive makes the knot of his brother slide through the pink opening of Ruby.

She growls when feels full in both tunnels, the sensation gets better when both boys resume their pushes in her body. The knots of both brothers rub mutually through the membrane that divides the two places.

Arlen moans moving her hips without stopping, each part of her penis is caressed and his precum increases as his pleasure also grows. His brother also growls and grunts.

She moves his ass in circles, he listens to the comments of the girls and he likes that.

They apparently decide who will be next, Wilton expects to be able to have the whole necessary energy to fuck all of them.

Ruby clenches her teeth and growls ferociously squeezing the bedspread at the moment that her orgasm begins. Her body shakes and it achieve that both boys howl of pleasure.

Arlen incessantly is the first one in releasing semen inside Ruby, his sperm spurts sprinkle the vaginal walls that release juices without stopping. That feeling makes the orgasm of Ruby intensify.

But his rectum also is bathed with seed of Wilton. He growls pressing his groin against the buttocks of Ruby. The anal walls clench around the penis with force while the semen fills a couple of cracks.

The motion in bed stops while Ruby and the two boys pant having a good time enjoying the last moments of pleasure. Wilton gets surprised lightly when a hand gets between her legs to begin to massage his balls.

Dottie smiles at him and she kisses him smoothly in the mouth. Arlen sees as her brother kisses with the female dog, he feels as a hand takes his left hand to lay it on a naked breast.

He squeezes and sees that she is Antonette, the woman smiles at him and she clearly says that she is next she hopes to have a great moment of pleasure too.

"Well girls... I believe that we made a good deal. These boys are very good at this." Ruby says getting up lightly and looking at Arlen with a smile.

"Time to separate, girls give us some help." Ruby says looking at Hadley and Millie.

Both position themselves next to Arlen, they smile at him and they force him to release the ass of their boss.

Both pull Arlen's body smoothly toward back. Arlen moans feeling as his knot presses the tigress's sphincter and it begins to stretch it, the hole begins to open.

Arlen moans feeling as the sphincter goes over his knot his penis slides slowly out of the hole of the woman. The tip slides outside and his member hangs up between his legs.

Some cum drips on the bed. Arlen sees as his seed goes out from within the anus of Ruby. The tigress gets up with calm and she moans with bother and some pain while her pink opening stretches itself around the knot of the boy.

Wilton moans and has his closed eyes. Soon his penis appears and hits his stomach. He moans when Antonette catches his penis to caress it slowly, he pants with certain surprise to see that his penis still is hard.

Arlen also this surprised, but that does not seem to surprise the girls.

Wilton sees as Antonette and Deanna watch at each other a moment, both move in bed to lean on his elbows and knees. Millie and her sister spread the buttocks of the two females to show the posterior holes.

It is an obvious invitation for the two boys, Wilton gets up and he positions himself behind Deanna, her hands rest in the buttocks of the gazelle. He squeezes the two cheeks while the woman looks at him smiling smoothly.

Arlen moves to place himself behind Antonette with his penis in hand, in spite of having ejaculated a little while ago he cannot wait to fuck another girl.

For him and his brother this is a dream come true and they would not waste the opportunity. His penis tip gets inside between the buttocks of the lioness and presses the sphincter.

Arlen does a lightly strong drive and her penis passes through the posterior hole of the friend of his mother. She growls smoothly at the moment that the erection begins to slide in her rectum.

Wilton sees that his brother moans of pleasure. But he dedicates himself to finish covered his penis with oil before getting comfortable better and prepare to fuck his first night's ass.

His precum gets it wet and he moves the tip slowly in the little hole until somebody pushes him with force. Wilton moans the moment that his penis breaks forth by the little brown hole.

His shaft slides continuously again inside Antonette. She moans with the closed eyes enjoying the sensation, soon the knot of Wilton is between the buttocks of the lioness.

He holds the with force the hips of Antonette to begin to pump in the tight anus of the woman. The hips of both boys move slowly.

Wilton's groin hits Deanna's buttocks, her ass-cheeks shake with each blow. Deanna moans of pleasure while her breasts rock just like the ample tits of Antonette.

The pleasure in her body makes her juices be dripping in bed. Wilton takes her with moderate force, he not yet was completely recovered of the previous experience.

His velocity and the one of Arlen are lower, but they do not stop. Arlen enjoys the affectionate hug of the entrails of Antonette around his penis, he remembers as he enjoyed this anus the first time in his home next to his mom when all of them were discovered.

The buttocks of both females shake with each blow of the groins the young males. Arlen growls feeling as the anal walls squeeze and they lose hold rhythmically.

He sees that the lioness looks at him and she winks an eye before closing his eyes and moaning with pleasure. She loves to feel a penis in her ass and the boy is quite big for somebody of his age.

Wilton surprises Deanna giving him a spank on her right gluteus, the girl opens her eyes and next she simpers. The other girls laugh and roll the eyes before beginning to give some appreciations of what it happens.

Wilton and Arlen slowly increase the rhythm of their thrust achieving recovering their normal speed, both growl of pleasure while their hips do not stop.

Deanna opens her eyes and she clenches her teeth the moment that the knot begins to press her hole. Her tiny posterior entrance opens devouring the knot completely.

Wilton stops when all his penis is completely surrounded by the internal heat of the woman. Deanna moans and closes her eyes at the moment that the pushes of the wolf resume.

She pushes two fingers in her vagina to increase her pleasure, her moans are strong, at her side Arlen holds Antonette's hips with more firmness and he pushes with force.

The Lioness growls with some pain at the moment of being knotted. Arlen enjoys the moment which the sphincter slides around his knot.

He immediately resumes his movements growling of pleasure, his penis moves caressing the anal walls that stretch themselves around his member every time that he moves.

Antonette closes her eyes enjoying each blow, she loves the anal sex. The precum increases more and she notices him, the woman smiles smoothly in the meantime her other friends look at what happens with a lot of interest.

The bed creaks with more intensity as the most incredible moment comes closer. The first couple in getting to that point is Antonette and Wilton, he stops when he feels as the anal walls around his cock begin to shake.

Antonette bites the pillow when her body comes to the orgasm, her juice drips from her pink opening. They all listen to the growl of Wilton, his groin presses with force the ass-cheeks of the lioness at the moment of the climax.

His penis throbs and it begins to expel semen spurts. While Wilton is enjoying his orgasm, Arlen does not stop his pushes, he has his closed eyes while his hands are squeeze and knead Deanna's cheeks hard.

She says absolutely nothing because the only thing that gets out of her mouth are moans of pleasure.

Her body is ready to burst with pleasure, his vulva is soaked in juices while the boy's balls hit her hand, her fingers even move in her tunnel of love.

Arlen suddenly stops and he begins to ejaculate inside the gazelle. She moves her tail with more velocity and enthusiasm when the pleasure is free in her body. Juice squirts get wet Arlen's balls, he feels it in addition to the squeeze of the entrails around his member.

His semen covers the anal walls and fills a couple of cracks.

The sexual stupor of both brothers makes that both slide on the girls squashing them against the bed. Ruby laughs seeing as the tongues of both boys hang out from their mouths.

"Well we will have a short break, I do not want have to give Eryn the news that her children died from fatigue in my establishment." Ruby says looking at the girls that laugh impishly.

Antonette looks at the two brothers over the shoulders and winks to them.

"Your already can take them out." The lioness says smiling at the two boys.

Arlen and Wilton do not wait for beginning to pull their penises out. Wilton is going steady and his knot begins to open Deanna's posterior hole. The gazelle moans with bother just like Antonette.

The lioness's sphincter begins opening as Arlen pulls with more force, he feels as his knot begins to go out. Arlen separates the two buttocks to see as her knot appears in middle of both cheeks.

He gives a pull more and all his penis he slides out of the woman. His semen drips from the tip of his cock, his brother has it more difficult since Deanna not yet is totally accustomed to the knot.

She clenches her teeth and her hole refuses opening. Wilton pulls with more force and the sphincter finally opens. The young wolf controls himself to not hurt the girl.

The knot little by little opens the posterior hole. Deanna gasps and she clenches her teeth when her posterior passage gets shallow. Semen leaks from her open hole in bed, Wilton lets himself fall toward behind worn-out in bed.

Arlen sits and sighs with weariness seeing as her penis frees a couple of drops from semen, they get out from his penis to drip in bed. He lets himself fall next to his brother.

"It was impossible imagining this, Right?" Wilton asks looking at the room roof while he catches his breath.

Arlen nods while he feels like his heart again he retakes its normal rhythm.

"It is far Better than all plans that we did." Arlen says sitting in bed to see to his around, he had been able to pay attention to what surrounded him before.

"Well, now we can come more frequently, but we would have to pay." Wilton says without being able to believe that Little John is paying the cost of all their night of fun.

"We should make good use of it, but I am not sure, if we can keep on at this rate." Arlen says looking at his brother. He nods.

"We must have to, we cannot waste a great opportunity like this." Wilton says with true certainty that it is truth. Although also he is somewhat concerned. Their cocks will not rest that all the night.

"At least we have a break." Wilton adds looking at his brother. He nods and both start to rest and to try replacing forces. The girls will nor force to keep a constant erection on them.

They have around thirty free minutes to rest, both try to concentrate and both exchange opinions about their training.

But the door suddenly opens and girls again surround the bed.

The looks of the boys focus on them completely. Antonette and Dottie take to both by the ankles and both women drag along to both brothers toward them, Wilton and Arlen do not resist.

Dottie smiles at Arlen, he does move while the woman places a hand on his chest and he caresses him slowly moving down her hand before getting to Arlen's crotch.

The female dog holds him by the hips and Antonette flips him over suddenly, to her right-hand side the same thing happens with Wilton. He gets surprised when the hands of the lioness rest on his buttocks squeezing them smoothly.

He feels as the woman squeezes them and girls laugh impishly. Wilton opens his eyes with a lot of surprise when he feels as a snout gets between his buttocks and a tongue moves through the crack of his ass.

Wilton shake lightly and his brother also gets surprised because the between his buttocks the same happens. He feels as the nose of Dottie moves on his anus slowly, the hot respiration touches his hole caressing it smoothly.

The female dog separates his buttocks and she begin to lick the boy's posterior hole, he blurts out a long and intense groan of pleasure. Both boys fail to pay attention to the girls' silly giggles.

Wilton raises his hips when Antonette's hands pull his ass, he feels like his member again react and it begins to grow inside his sheath while he moans.

Dottie's tongue moves in the crack of the ass of Arlen, the tip concentrates on the sphincter of the boy. Arlen moans and pants, his penis slides out of his sheath and it grows up over and over again.

Precum drips from the opening getting the bed wet. The rough tongue moves up and down between his buttocks without stopping, the saliva gets wet all that place before the tip concentrates on his sphincter.

Wilton moans and pants with the closed eyes, his member hangs up between his legs completely hard, he takes a breath when Antonette pushes her tongue against his hole and it opens.

The tip enters in his passage and of moving, he feels as the lioness moves her tongue and she pushes it deeply in his rectum. Her left hand gets between his legs to take his penis and to caress it.

His tunnel rapidly gets covered with saliva, it drips to his balls getting them wet completely.

The two young wolves moan and growl of pleasure enjoying the two tongues.

Their pleasure grows and suddenly disappears when the oral stimulation in their holes stops and the two tongues get out of their anuses. Both boys are about to protest, but in least half minute, two tongues penetrate into their bodies again.

Wilton moans and seeing over shoulder, Hadley is eating his ass and Ruby takes care of the ass of his brother. He can notice that girls laugh and they lick their mouth.

Around twenty minutes after, Arlen and Wilton drop their bodies in bed with their cocks are throbbing with force and releasing precum in great quantity, every one of the tongues of the girls had passed by their holes.

They had taken their time, with just using their tongues, they almost were able to take to the boys to the climax. Arlen feels that they hold him and they roll him over, he sees as Dottie is smiling to him smoothly.

The female positions herself on him and she caresses his chin softly, she takes Arlen's penis.

His hand caresses the member making moaning to the young wolf, Dottie stops stimulation and she turns over looking at Wilton.

She holds the boy by the ankles to drag him along, Wilton lets himself be moved and soon his thighs rest on the ones of his brother. The testicles of both boys press themselves mutually.

Dottie positions herself on both and she slowly takes down her hips before stopping, Wilton and Arlen get surprised when the female dog takes their penises and he joins them. The precum that sprouts of both mixes.

With calm Dottie moves her hips and the tips of the cocks get between her vaginal lips.

She does not release the two penises and she move down more her hips, The female closes her eyes and moans feeling that the tips of both members enter in her vagina.

Arlen just like his brother moan; the female's ass moves down even and she moans with bother feeling as her vaginal walls keep on stretching around the two penises. The interior pressure of the tunnel makes that two brothers moan.

Dottie releases her penises when one half of both already are in her vagina. She places her hands-on Wilton's chest before closing her eyes and continuing moving her hips down.

Arlen pants while he feels as her penis is squeezed by the vaginal walls in addition to the penis of his brother. He moans and feels as the tip of his brother's penis rubs his shaft.

Wilton sees as Dottie's ass moves down and his cock disappears inside her, he and his brother usually do not fuck his mom's pussy at the same time.

She takes both cocks with certain difficulty, but Dottie makes it with more facility, she is more lubricated. Soon the vaginal lips touch the knots of the boys, Golden retriever female dog smiles at Wilton.

Her ass begins to move slowly and the two boys begin to moan with pleasure just like Dottie. She moves and closes her eyes, she usually takes two cocks in her vagina when her customers are of sorts of medium size and they fit perfectly on her inside at the same time.

Wilton and Arlen are well-endowed, but she wanted to try them at the same time and with a little bit of work she manages to feel both penises to slide inside and out of her tunnel of love.

Arlen moans and sees like the anus of the female bounces, Dottie's tail moves sending surges of feminine aroma to Arlen's nose. He enjoys them and his penis hardens a little more.

He can occasionally see the posterior hole below the waggly tail. He is sure that she has tail hole as good as the one of any of the girls, but now his cock and the one of his brother are trapped in the other hot and moist tunnel.

Wilton also enjoys the velvety grotto, he feels as his body bounces lightly in bed while Dottie whines of pleasure. Woman's breasts bounce over and over again.

The little spurts of precum get out of his penis and the cock of his brother does the same thing, both members like two little fountains. The juice covers the vaginal walls with natural lubricant, although the juices that are secreted do the greater part of the work.

Wilton sees as around the bed the other girls and Rubi look at the show laughing and making a comment. Hadley receives a playful spank from Millie, the sound of that spank gets lost between the moans of the members of the trio.

Dottie's feet slip surprisingly and she barks with pain when her pink opening stretches itself wrapping both knots that disappear in her vagina.

Both take a breath and feel the internal pressure of the female around their penises that are pressed mutually inside the cave of love. Dottie pants heavily before beginning to move.

She has her hands leant in the thighs of Wilton, her hips move circularly. Wilton pants and growls, his penis is squeezed and stimulated in each sector only for the vaginal walls of Dottie, but also by the penis of his brother too.

Arlen growls with the closed eyes, her penis tip is rubbed by the tip of the penis of his brother. Both tips press mutually, the precum that sprouts accumulates before blending in with the juices of the female dog.

Wilton begins pushing his hips and soon his brother follows him. They move the best that they can in that situation, their balls bounce slapping mutually.

Moans intensify and the two members begin to throb with more force. Wilton growls and the first semen squirt begin to get out of for the opening his penis.

His sperm blends in with the semen of Arlen, he pushes his hips at the moment of ejaculating in the female. Both brothers howl with force while Dottie stops and she barks of pleasure when her body shakes.

The sperm squirts spatter each part of her vagina, her orgasm is intense like few in her live, she fights not to collapse on Wilton while her vaginal walls clench around the two cocks with force.

Pressure makes that Arlen and his brother grunts, their members throbs releasing sperm that runs out after some incredible moments.

Both boys pant rapidly and only look at the roof. Arlen listens as girls laugh impishly.

Dottie leans upon Wilton while he whines smoothly, Wilton does not move and feels the pressure of the tits on his chest.

Millie gives him to drink water to Arlen. He drinks with a lot of pleasure the insipid liquid that refreshes him in the meantime his heart slowly keeps on retaking its rhythm.

Minutes pass slowly by and soon both cocks begin to lose size inside Dottie. In around twenty minutes after, the knots already have lost good part of their size.

Dottie gets up and she moans with bother while both knots stretch her pink opening one more time. She stands up with bother, Arlen and Wilton growl when their asses are raised on the air.

With a pretty audible and particular sound the two penises slip out of the vagina of Dottie.

The asses of both boys fall in bed and they bounce lightly.

Arlen sits and he sees at his brother. He even is laying in the same place, Wilton takes a breath just like his Arlen when a hand closes around their members, just a quarter of them are out of their sheaths.

Wilton sees that Hadley smiles at him and she begins to masturbate them slowly. The lioness will take her time to achieve that both members again are erect.

"It is my turn, boys." Hadley says looking at the two young lads that do not move. The lioness does not get angry and without a lot of effort drag along his friend's children to lean them side by side.

"As you are tired, I will take care of everything." The lioness says looking at the two boys.

Hadley takes the two members in his hands and she begins to masturbate the two boys, Arlen and Wilton close their eyes and moan with pleasure by the manual stimulation of the woman.

Hands move slowly up and down over and over again, Hadley does not wish to be aggressive in the stimulation not to give any pain sensation to the boys.

She just like the girls, she is surprised by the resistance of both boys. Although they are some young lads, a young boy has more sexual impetus than a man.

Arlen moans when Hadley's right thumb caresses his penis tip in circles, he shakes with pleasure feeling that that sensitive part of his cock is stimulated slowly.

The precum sprouts by the opening of his penis and it is spread by the tip by the finger of the woman. Wilton also moans of pleasure, his member releases precum that drips on his stomach and his legs.

His feet move lightly, the hand releases his cock and it moves down to take his balls and to stimulate them slowly. Hadley squeezes them achieving that the boy grunted of pleasure and pain at the same time.

Hadley takes the oil bottle and pours the slippery liquid in his hand right-hand, Arlen shakes when the oil-covered hand closes around his penis.

Hadley's hand starts moving and in a few seconds after Arlen's cock is covered with the slippery substance. Hadley proceeds to do the same thing with Wilton before again masturbating the two boys again.

The two penis glistens brightly for the oil that covers them. Hadley sees that both moan and they pant with pleasure.

The lioness stops after around five minutes to see that both cocks are completely hard.

Wilton and Arlen pant when their penises are freed. Arlen sees that the woman smiling positions herself on his brother and flips over turning her back on him.

"Guide it to my ass." Hadley says separating her buttocks with the hands and showing her posterior orifice to Wilton. He nods and uses his hand to aim his member, the tip gets between the round buttocks of the lioness.

Her penis tip touches the sphincter, Hadley takes down her hips a little and she moans smoothly at the moment that the tip pierces her sphincter. Wilton feels Hadley's interior heat.

She takes down her ass, her passage slowly is devouring Wilton's erection, he moans and feels as the anal walls keep on caressing his penis as it keeps on entering more the rectum of the lioness.

Oil is a good lubrication, the penis slips with a lot of facility until the knot gets between the buttocks of Hadley, she moves her content tail a moment and with pretty still she leans back leaning upon Wilton.

The lioness opens her legs and looks at Arlen, he rapidly reacts and crawls to kneel down between the legs opened of the lioness, Arlen takes her penis to guide it, but he gets surprised when she covers her vulva with both hands smiling.

"That hole not." Hadley says looking at the boy that opens his eyes with surprise just like his brother.

"Dottie loves two cocks in her pussy, I love two in my ass, but not the knot." Hadley says purring and smiling at Arlen. He swallows hard and nods aiming further down at the sector where his brother's penis is.

The tip rubs on Wilton's shaft and it touches Hadley's sphincter smoothly. He pushes his penis against the hole, but his cocks slip moving up.

Arlen takes his penis to try it again, he presses his penis with force and again it slips toward the right-hand side. He growls with distaste and tries again, but in this occasion he holds his limb with force.

The tip presses Hadley's sphincter, she moans with bother and her hole suddenly opens.

She clenches her teeth when the tip of the member of the boy jumps the queue in her hole.

Arlen stops when he feels the pressure around the tip, he sees as the sphincter closes with force about his penis and the one of her brother. With calm, Arlen pushes his penis.

His shaft is disappearing slowly in Hadley. She moans feeling as her anal walls stretch to a large extent. Wilton feels friction and as his penis is pressed by the cock of Arlen.

After some moments he stops and he begins to move inside the female. He moves with calm while he holds Hadley's legs to keep them open.

Wilton also begins to move inside Hadley, his motions are a little hard by the weight of the woman, but he rapidly finds a good rhythm just like his brother.

Their movements soon mark the rhythm, Wilton pushes his penis while his brother withdraws it and vice versa. Their members engage in caressing each other in addition to the anal walls.

Hadley moans and pants with pleasure, her tits rock without control. Her sphincter moves by the hard thrust, the two boys take her with pleasure.

Her anal walls are caressed and get covered of precum that aid a lot to the movement of both members, the two boys have good penises and will certainly grow up much, the wolves are big guys.

Wilton takes the breasts of the woman to squeeze and to enjoy them. He likes their good size while enjoying their heat and softness. His fingers twist nipples achieving that the lioness whined with more pleasure.

The two brothers growl and pant while the other girls look at them with a lot of attention and comment what they see. Ruby is surprised of both boys have so much vitality.

She would do not forget to praise them with Eryn, certainly her mother would receive with glad the information about the good performance of her children. Wilton and Arlen feel as his knots rub and they press occasionally.

Hadley begins to moan with but force and the two boys increase their thrusts inside the woman.

"¡¡The knot... remember it!!" Hadley says closing her eyes and dropping her head toward back. Boys listen, but do not forget to move, they feel that both are close to their great moment.

Hadley roars with pleasure and she shakes. A big juice squirt comes out from her vagina hitting the stomach of Arlen getting it wet with juice. Both boys clench their teeth when the anal walls contract with force on their penises.

Arlen pushes and semen spurts begins to be shoot spattering the anal walls of the woman, he feels as the member of his brother throbs next to his and it begins to expel seed too.

Wilton pushes and growls, knots press Hadley's posterior entrance, but are not able to make it into the posterior tunnel of the lioness. Arlen does not release the woman's legs until his semen's last spurt pass by the opening of his penis.

He releases the legs of the lioness and he lets himself fall toward back seating, his member slips out from Hadley. She rolls to move out of the way on top of Wilton, the penis also gets out of her anus.

Arlen sees as semen drips from the ass of the woman, she smiling sits at the edge of the bed to take a cloth and to clean up.

"Bueno girls, let's give them a rest. Even we can use them the rest of the night." Ruby says doing a mischievous face to the girls and next he looks at the two boys.

Arlen and Wilton get surprised completely and girls simper.

They in a row leave the bedroom, the two boys let themselves fall backwards in bed while they get back their breath one more time.

Next morning Wilton wakes up listening to his brother's moans, but he takes no time to feel a great pleasure in his crotch. Wilton rubs his eyes and moans before seeing that Antonette rides him with a lot of pleasure.

At his right-side Dottie does the same thing with Arlen, he does not move permitting that the woman continues using him. The two brothers just look at both females, Arlen feels as vaginal walls caress his member and juices get wet his knot and balls.

Wilton enjoys the affectionate inside, he looks attentively as the breasts of the lioness bounce every time that she moves. Wilton and the woman look at each other and she smiles on him smoothly before pushing down her crotch with force.

Both close their eyes when the knot slides inside the pussy of Antonette without problems.

Dottie sees this and presses her vulva against the knot, the opening soon swallows the mass of meat in the base of the penis of the young wolf.

Arlen gasps and the two females begin to move with more velocity in the crotches of the boys. The two brothers moan and growl with a lot of pleasure, their penises are caressed completely.

The sexual sounds fill the room until they reach the climax, Wilton is the first one to release his seed inside Antonette. She stops and growls ferociously feeling it.

Her vaginal walls contract with force on the penis of the boy by the orgasmic pleasure.

Both do not fail to pay attention to the couple at their side. Dottie moves her ass in circles until she listens to Arlen's howl.

Arlen pushes with force at the moment of exploding inside the woman. His semen hits the vaginal sensitive walls and achieve that the woman reaches an orgasm, her howl joins up to the one of Arlen.

After the climax, the two boys pant rapidly while the two females look at each other and smile. They begin to caress softly the chest of the boys.

Around twenty minutes after the two couples manage to separate. Dottie and Antonette take the hands of boys to turn them out of bed and to guide to the bathroom.

Women take them inside the water in the swimming pool where both women give them a slow bath. In spite of the sexual possibilities that can present the situation, the two girls do not try to excite to the boys.

Although Dottie or Antonette could tried it, the boys did not believe that their cocks can pull back to life again in that day. Water and the bath allow them to a moment to relax and to rest.

When Dottie and Annette finish with the bath, they take to Arlen y Wilton to the lobby where their clothes are still spread in the floor. The two wolves can pick up their clothes and getting dressed.

It is somehow slow because both are tired. Arlen as much with his brother gets startled when they feel a squeeze on their shoulders, both turn over and see that she is Rubí.

"Well boys, I expect that you give a good report to Little John in order that he hires me and the girls continuously. We always receive his money very well." The tigress says looking at the brothers.

Wilton nods content just like his brother.

"As you already have come here, I do not see problem in which you visit us from now on, but no longer it will be free. I will give to our two heroes a pretty reduced worthy tariff.

"I like that." Arlen says looking at his brother.

"I also like it." Wilton says agreeing and achieving that Rubí laughed smoothly.

"Give your mom my regards, tell her that we miss her here." The tigress says looking at the two boys. Both nod before the woman led them to the door.

They get out of the big house and stretch their bodies a little.

"Do you still cannot believe it? This was not expected." Arlen asks looking at Wilton.

He shakes his head.

"I think that my cock will not get hard in a month." Wilton says looking at his brother.

"I hope that mom will not want some action, or she will get pissed until Otto comes back" Wilton says taking a deep breath.

"Well... Nolan could be in charge." Arlen says looking at his brother. They start to laugh and both begin to walk toward their house. They feel pretty tired and they could not wait for letting themselves be to fall in their own beds to enjoy the day off that Little John had granted them.

Otto Little John © Disney

Eryn, Wilton, Arlen, Fleur, Nolan Lorene, Celestine Wilder and Jake, Giselle, Haze, Gregory are my characters

Written by Janus Oberoth


The next morning Lucky opens his eyes with slowness and he moans smoothly seeing the barn roof. He is resting backwards on the floor, some whining of pleasure near attract him and his head turns over in that direction. He sees that Rolly is leaned...

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The next day after a good morning movie Lucky and Blaze get out of the barn next to the other pups that still are thrilled by the movie that they had seen. Like a lot of them Blaze and Lucky push themselves playfully. Lucky sees that his friend pushes...

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