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#2 of Blaze's Bitch

Blaze thinks that Lucky will get surprised when he saw Captain's cock, but he is who gets surprised. While everyone is sleeping both pups enjoy some of the toys of Blaze's parents.

The next day after a good morning movie Lucky and Blaze get out of the barn next to the other pups that still are thrilled by the movie that they had seen.

Like a lot of them Blaze and Lucky push themselves playfully. Lucky sees that his friend pushes him smoothly driving him toward the stable. The Dalmatian pup raises an eyebrow, but certainly he knows that his friend has in mind for him.

They finally get to the stable that is almost completely empty for that moment. There are a lot of straw bales of hay, empty buckets in addition to some boxes so that they are old.

"Hi Captain." Lucky tells to notice that the horse is in stable, in his usual spot.

"Hi Lucky." Captain says looking at the pup and Blaze. The horse watches content to the two pups.

Lucky looks at his friend with an arched eyebrow without understanding why his friend brought him here. Blaze smiles and he indicates to him a couple of boxes that are near. Blaze gets close to the boxes and he climbs on them.

He with a gesture indicates to him that he must follow his lead, Lucky comes closer and at one bound climbs on the boxes and sits with Blaze to wait. Lucky turns over when the German shepherd pup does him a grin.

Lucky sees that Captain moves getting out of his corral, Lucky's eyes open completely seeing Captain's enormous cock. The long and thick shaft rocks lightly when the horse takes a step.

Captain with an ample smile gets close to the two pups that keep on looking at him.

Lucky had forgotten about the size of the equine cock, but he smiles without Blaze notices it.

He already had deal with this before and this is not a complete surprise. He would love know how his friend came up with this idea, but Lucky does not have time to think in that because the horse's enormous shaft is in front of his face.

Lucky sees that a thick drop of precum springs forth by the opening and hangs without coming off completely. The Dalmatian pup begins to sniff the hard meat perceiving the different aroma of the penis.

It is intenser than the aroma of a dog, but Lucky sniffs with pleasure. He takes out his tongue and with fast lick he makes the precum disappear. His tongue is covered with the different taste.

Captain neighs with pleasure when the little tongue moves on the head of his sensitive penis. Lucky licks his mouth and moves the content tail before holding the large tube of meat with his forepaws and putting it in front of his face.

The thickness of the shaft can be on a level with the size of his head, but Lucky begins to lick the round head with calm. Captain neighs with pleasure with each lick.

Blaze looks with complete surprise as Lucky licks without fear the penis that is bigger than he. That is something that he had not expected, Blaze had the hope that his friend backed out or doubted about this.

Captain neighs and feels as the little forepaws begin to move in the first part of his shaft. In addition to the little tongue moves without dwelling on the tip.

His sensitive meat is touched by the rough tongue of the pup. He looks between his front legs to see better and to have a good time with pleasure.

Lucky licks does not stop, but he feels as his friend take his hips. Blaze obliges him to stand up and after some seconds Lucky gasps he feels a lick on his hole.

He moans and pants with pleasure feeling more licks, he feels as his penis hardens in his sheath and it starts sliding out, his cock appears and shoots little spurts of precum on the crate.

Captain neigh makes Lucky again put his attention in the shaft of the horse. Lucky reclines forward pressing his chest against the box and taking the penis the horse and aiming at his mouth.

Captain again neighs with pleasure feeling the tongue on his penis. Lucky licks and tries to give the best oral sex to the horse, his mouth is not so big to take the cock.

He starts to gnaw around the tip achieving that the biggest male moaned with pain. Lucky shakes when Blaze's tongue enters in his posterior tunnel.

Lucky moans and pants with pleasure before concentrating on his task again.

Blaze moves his tongue while he is sitting and with his right forepaw between his legs.

Blaze moves his paw caressing his penis, he moans halfway while his precum is dripping from the tip of his member. The knot already is completely swollen in the base of his penis.

He moves his tongue and sees as his friend moves his ass while he continues pleasuring the horse.

Lucky drinks each drop while he sees as the legs of Captain move and his helmets hit the floor while he neighs of pleasure while Lucky caresses his cock using his forepaws in addition to the licks on his meat.

The Dalmatian pup feels Blaze's weight on his body. Blaze's forepaws hold his hips and soon the tip of the member of the German shepherd pup touches his sphincter.

Blaze panting with pleasure pushes with force, Lucky embraces Captain's shaft and he moans when his sphincter opens and the length of his friend slips without stopping in his anus.

The German shepherd pup moans with pleasure at the moment that Lucky's entrails wrap his cock up completely and only his knot is out of the other pup.

Blaze begins to move and to moan with pleasure along with his friend.

Lucky whines of pleasure and meantime his forepaws move on the cock of the horse.

His body rocks by the thrusts and his fur rubs the member.

Captain neighs while he sees as the two pups moan of pleasure. Blaze pumps inside his friend, but he sees as Captain's penis tips is in front of his face.

Blazes takes out his tongue and he licks the tip picking up equine precum that sprouts by the opening. He feels the taste for the first time, Captain neighs with more pleasure.

Lucky moans while he does not release Captain's cock. His chest is scrubbed against hay, some straw intrudes in his fur. Blaze tries his best to fuck Lucky and to pleasure the horse.

The two pups whine of pleasure just like Captain, he neighs with pleasure. Each minute that pass is a great moment for the pups and the horse, Blaze pumps without stopping and his balls slap Lucky's balls.

The precum of Lucky wets the straw behind him, his member wobbles in the air. The dalmatian pup clenches to the equine shaft with much more force, Captain feels the extra squeeze around his meet and he enjoys it.

Lucky enjoy each thrust, he yelps with pain when his friend's knot suddenly passes through his sphincter and it stagnates in his rectum.

Blaze whines and increases his velocity, he bites and licks the tip of the penis of Captain. The horse closes his eyes and his precum increases covering completely the tongue of Blaze

He swallows the precum without stopping his pumping. Lucky feels as his penis rocks on the air without stopping, he growls while he feels as his knot is pressed directly.

That makes him shake in addition to the motion that caresses his anal walls.

Lucky feels as his pleasure intensifies inside him, he whines and begins to growl squeezing Captain shaft at the moment that his climax begins with force.

Blaze stops when his friend's entrails squeezes with more force his penis, the German shepherd pup stops and he clenches the teeth at the moment that his semen goes out by the opening of his penis.

His seed covers the anal walls, but in his stupor, he receives a strong blow of a sticky and abundant liquid that becomes a rain of cum. Captain neighs of pleasure with force, Lucky with a little bit of difficulty sees over his right shoulder.

He pants and he laughs seeing as his friend is covered by the equine semen, Blaze tries to get covered with the falling deluge of seed on him. But the German shepherd pup cannot move because he is tied to Lucky.

Captain neighs and presses his penis tip against the face of Blaze, he has to push aside the penis when he feels that semen shoots enters in his nostrils.

"This is sticky." Blaze says trying taking off the semen that covers his fur.

But it is somewhat near-impossible to make, he shakes off while Lucky laughs.

His semen is dripping from the tip of his penis.

Blaze growls smoothly with bother while the equine cum is dripping from the tip of his nose. He expected that Lucky be who ends up covered in semen, he had imagined it since he saw as Captain's abundant semen got out of the vagina of his mother.

The horse laughs and moves to come back to his place while his penis hangs below his body and keeps on going flat slowly. Blaze crosses his right leg over Lucky.

Both stay united for about fifteen minutes while Blaze's knot keeps on decreasing in size. At last, Blaze can pull his penis out, it slides almost without problems of the ass of Lucky.

The Dalmatian pup feels as his inside becomes shallow and semen drips from his gaping hole and it cover his balls.

"I think that I should take a bath." Blaze says with a little bit of annoyance feeling the dry semen covering his fur.

Lucky laughs and Blaze growls with bother, both get out of the stable and walk toward the hiccup hole while Blaze feels uncomfortable. The semen in his fur is pretty dry with a strange way.

They cross with a couple of pups, they make fun of Blaze. He growls complete pissed while he frowns. Lucky laughs, but soon both get to the hiccup hole and they come across his parents frolicking side by side in the water.

The two couples kiss repeatedly while they swim side by side, Lucky sees that his father kisses with Lucy. The female dog watches him content while their mouths are united, his mother and Jack are inshore.

They are kissing passionately. The four adult dogs stop their frolicking when they see as Lucky and Blaze are coming closer at the bank.

Blaze growls when his parents begin to laugh stridently. The German shepherd pup jumps in water and shortly afterwards Lucky follows him. Their heads appear soon.

Lucky sees that his friend nothing to get away from his father. Lucky follows him and both begin to play letting his parents to go on with his activities.

Both play and enjoy water. Lucky pushes to his friend and he puts his forepaws on the head of Blaze to push it softly in water. The Dalmatian pup achieves it and frees his head from the grasps after some moments.

Blaze emerges and doing the same thing with Lucky.

Lucky and Blaze continue the bath for a half-hour more before to come out of the water and to lean back to dry their furs. Pups see that their parents also come out of the water, but they do not lean back.

Lucky sees that his father and Jack have hard erections from where water drips, Perdita gets close to Jack and with a lot of pleasure she places her head under the body of the German shepherd.

Jack moans and closes his eyes when his friend's wife takes his hard meat in the mouth. Lucy and Pongo are kissing for some moments before that the female does the same thing for him as her friend does for Jack.

The two pups rest and see as their parents have fun with sexual frolicking and pleasure. But Lucky feels calm without feeling an erection that is the most common.

Around forty-five minutes later they stand up when their furs are totally dry. Lucky stretches his body and moans contentedly; his tongue hangs out from his mouth.

"We are going to watch television." Lucky proposes looking at Blaze. He shows up completely in agreement and both head toward the barn leaving their parents alone in order that they have fun with their own plans.

For the night Lucky again is close to other pups watching television, a new episode of their canine hero. The barking of the pups fills the barn.

Lucky and Blaze move their tails with emotion while they watch television.

The Dalmatian pup feels as his heart pumps with force seeing as Thunderbolt leaps over two thieves achieving to knock them out and to defeat them. Lucky in addition to the rest of the pups jumps and barks with great emotion.

He and Blaze look at each other and they hit paws with complete happiness, both agree completely upon the ending of the episode. As always, their parents indicate to them that it is time to go to bed.

Blaze and Lucky whine with disappointment, but he knows that he can say absolutely nothing, but Blaze does a grin indicating to him that this was not important. Lucky moves his tail knowing that there would be fun that night.

With calm Lucky and his brothers separate for to spread for all the barn, next to them the brothers and sisters of Blaze. About ten minutes about Pongo and the other adult dogs get out of the barn.

From the window Lucky sees that her parents and the parents of Blaze go away to the house while they chat. The Dalmatian pup notices that the four dogs do not play around as often they make before beginning to have fun.

They will not apparently fuck tonight, Lucky does a funny face.

His parent and the ones of Blaze must take a break in its lustful life from time to time.

Blaze and he begin to play around, but both are not the only ones that are awake since in some sectors they are heard moaned of pleasure in addition to fast heavy breathing.

After some minutes Blaze stops frolicking and he looks out the window toward the house. Lucky does the same thing and he sees as all the lights are off, that suggests the Dalmatian pup that his parents are sleeping.

Blaze looks at Lucky and he makes a grin. Lucky nods and both stand up and with calm they begin to descend to the inferior floor to walk toward the barn door, for the corner of the eye he can see that Blaze's two sisters are in the center of a gangbang.

The Dalmatian pup sees that many of his brothers surround the two girls. He only can see the hind legs of the two females that are on the air. Blaze fails to pay attention to that.

He pushes the door that opens with calm and gnashing, this does not make that no head turn over to see at them, so Lucky gets out of the barn behind Blaze.

The German shepherd pup starts to walk and Lucky follows him, Lucky sees that both head toward the trailer that is parked near. This makes him move the tail with a lot more enthusiasm.

They get to the door and they slide inside the trailer using the dog's door.

Everything would be dark had it not been for a dim light that enters through the window and it bathes the place.

Lucky sees that his friend gets close to the drawer of the toys of the parents of his friend.

Jack and Lucy had accumulated a lot of toys that Lucky does not know completely yet.

Blaze opens the cabinet and he hangs himself from it to put one half of his body into the drawer. Lucky sees as the body of his friend hangs while he looks for something.

Lucky sits and a moment after he sees that his friend takes out a couple of toys that hang from his forepaws and his mouth. Blaze drops toys in the floor before looking up in the drawer again.

The Dalmatian pup raises an eyebrow for a moment without understanding how many toys his friend needs or plans to use in him. After some moments Blaze again places other toys in the floor and he with a smile does a kick to close the drawer.

Blaze moves to open another drawer comes closer, he introduces his forepaw to draw a small bottle from lubricant. Lucky looks at him with surprise and he moves his tail completely happy.

His friend comes close to the pile of toys that he created and that he begins to choose a pair.

Lucky raises an eyebrow when he sees that Blaze selects a toy with the form of a worm made of pink marbles. In the first one there is painted a smiling face of a worm.

They worm has little round legs in each other of the balls that compose the body of the toy worm. Blaze takes a small remote control and he places it close to the other ones that he had selected. The other one is canine toy with a cable goes out toward a control.

The worm toy looks like one of his chew toys, Lucky sees as his friend takes one of the dildos that is near to him. Lucky raises the eyebrow seeing as it shines with a greenish color, clearly it is made of a phosphorescent material.

Lucky sees as his friend introduces his forepaw between the lot of toys and takes out what seem to be a mushroom with and rounded base. It is something lightly big like the penis of his father.

Blaze looks for something more and he smiles when he finds what he needs.

Lucky opens his eyes when he sees that his friend pulls something that is between the pile of toys.

Lucky raises the eyebrow seeing a somewhat strange device, it is a long metal tube with a base. Blaze with a smile gets close to Lucky and he indicates to him that he must bend over while he drags along toys.

Lucky turns over leaning forward and he raises his tail that moves with emotion.

The fun with his friend always is unique.

Lucky gasps when Blaze's tongue passes over his sphincter from below to up. Blaze repeats the motion and begins to cover the Dalmatian pup's posterior hole with saliva.

Blaze's left-hand forepaw gets between the hind legs of Lucky, he feels as the paw of his friend catches his sheath and he starts to stimulate it back and forward.

Lucky moans and pants with pleasure, his friend begins to push his tongue against his sphincter. Blaze moves his tongue while the tip presses the center of the posterior hole, his tongue penetrates into the anus of Lucky.

That makes the pup shake when he feels as the tongue moves in his rectum, the anal walls get wet with warm and viscous saliva. Blaze feels as the member of his friend starts gets hard.

Lucky whines and soon his cock tip slides out of his sheath. His member sweeps along out.

His knot grows on the base of his penis and his member releases little squirts of precum that sprinkle the floor forming a couple of puddles. Blaze stops and release the penis before withdrawing his tongue from Lucky's inside.

Lucky pants and sees over his shoulder, he sees as Blaze takes his phosphorescent toy and he begins to lick it to lubricating it slowly from the tip to the base.

Blaze stops and rests the toy tip on the sphincter of Lucky. With calm he pushes the toy against the hole of Lucky. He closes his eyes and he gets ready in addition to relax.

He does not moan of pain when the toy opens his sphincter and penetrates into his rectum. The sphincter closes behind the head of the false cock. The Dalmatian pup moves his hind legs a little to be more comfortable.

Blaze pushes and the toy keeps on sliding in the anal passage of his friend. He pants and feels as his tunnel stretches around the cock. His rectum keeps on filling up rapidly until soon the bottom is touched.

Lucky takes a breath and he feels full, it is not something strange for him, his father's and Jack's penises when do that. Although the toys that the two adult females use are not precisely little.

The toy begins to move in and out of his passage of slow way. Blaze uses his forepaws to move the toy, Lucky begins to moan with pleasure, he does not move while the phosphorescent object makes his anal walls shine and move.

The face and the chest of Blaze have a greenish tone by the shine of the toy.

He hears that Lucky whines smoothly.

Lucky's sphincter moves on the toy for several minutes until Blaze stops. He releases the toy leaving it inside Lucky, he pants of pleasure.

He feels as his precum drips in long and thick drops. Lucky moans at the moment that the toy begins to leave his rectum, his hole keeps on remaining empty until the tip leaves his tunnel.

Thanks to the greenish phosphorescent shine Blaze sees the hole lightly opened of his friend. Lucky sees over his shoulder and sees as the other pup takes the worm toy.

Blaze takes the small bottle of lubricant and he opens it, he with calm covers the toy completely. Every one of marbles is covered with the slippery substance.

Normally he would lick them one for one, but that would bother him and takes more time that he refuses to waste. Soon the marbles shine lightly in the darkness, Blaze puts the first marble on the posterior hole of his friend.

Lucky feels the pressure in his hole, he closes his eyes while Blaze pushes with a little more force. A groan of surprise comes out of the mouth of the Dalmatian pup at the moment that the first marble enters in his hole.

He feels as the small legs of the worm get stung superficially in his anal walls, Blaze pushes the second marble inside Lucky. He moans smoothly when the marble first gets shoved by the second one.

Lucky moans and Blaze with pretty calm pushes each marble that keep on disappearing in the other pup's posterior tunnel. Around ten minutes later Blaze stops and he laughs noisily for some moments.

"What it is so funny?" Lucky asks looking at his friend over the shoulder with a facial expression of bother. He sees that his friend rolls around of laughter on the floor.

"You have a worm in the ass." Blaze says while he sees as one half as the toy hangs out of the hole of Lucky. He growls while he feels as a couple of marbles touch his balls.

Lucky does not say absolutely nothing and he runs out of breath the moment that the worm begins to vibrate inside his body. The Dalmatian pup moans and shakes with pleasure feeling the great pleasure that gives him the toy.

His legs shake and he falls on the floor beginning to whine and to roll in the floor while he pants and his penis release more spurts of precum that fly through the air.

A couple of drops fall on his chest and face in addition to the carpet that for that moment already is pretty covered with semen and juices of the adventures of the family in the past and present.

Lucky moans feeling as every one of marbles vibrate in his ass, but it is not the only thing that pleasures him. The little legs of the worm also vibrate and a pair cling to his prostate making it vibrating with more force in addition to press it in some parts.

For Blaze it is so funny seeing as worm moves in different directions out of the ass of his friend. Lucky whines over and over again. He sees as his friend moves his right forepaw on his penis slowly.

Blaze feels as a drop of precum seeps through the opening of his penis. He also feels a great pressure on his bladder, but Blaze closes his eyes and concentrates not to run out and to look for the closer possible tree.

Lucky's intensest moans make him open his eyes and to see at his friend.

Lucky lies on his back while he growls with pleasure and his claws dive in the carpet. His body arches and his member get harder, a powerful squirt of sperm that splashes everything around Lucky in addition to the chest and the face of dalmatian pup.

He feels as his seed falls on his face while he does not stop to get out of his penis while his gland is continuously stimulated. Lucky looks at Blaze, he with a soft smile takes control of the toy and he presses the button to turn it off.

Lucky lets himself fall on the floor while he breathes agitatedly and a little more semen goes out by the opening of his penis. Blaze gets close to his friend and he takes the toy begin to pull it to it slowly.

Lucky's eyes close and he moans when marbles keep on getting out of his rectum, the legs that are dive in his anal walls pull its anal walls lightly.

One by one the marbles keep on going out, the sphincter moves on each one until the last one gets out of his body. Lucky's sphincter stays open for a couple of moments.

Blaze does a facial expression to his friend while he is caressing his penis. Lucky rolls and he positions himself on his chest before standing up while he feels somewhat weak by the great moment of pleasure.

"I bet that you would love this." Blaze says taking the long toy and passing it on to Lucky in order that he looked at it more of near. He takes the toy to see it better.

It is something pretty strange that he had never seen in his life. Lucky examines it with calm, it has a couple of green-colored buttons, blue and red in a side in addition to a little knob. The Dalmatian pup sees as the point of union between the base and the toy is not rigid and it is movable.

The extreme that is not united to the base is open and Lucky can examine the inside. For the hole Lucky sees the inside a similarity has a tunnel of cloth with several nodules.

Lucky pushes a claw inside and he gets surprised a little noticing that the material is very soft, almost velvety. Nodules are also soft and they can be pressed without difficulty.

The Dalmatian pup sees his friend asking to him with the look as this works.

Blaze gets close to Lucky and takes the toy before positioning himself at the side of his friend. Lucky moans when Blaze begins to lick his penis slowly, he pants feeling as the tongue moves of palm to palm on his erection.

Lucky feels as the viscous and lukewarm saliva of friend covers his cock completely. After a couple of minutes Blaze stops to take the toy.

The Dalmatian pup sees between his legs, he sees as his friend points the opening toward his penis. The tip disappears in the opening and Lucky feels as his penis begins to be wrapped-up by the soft walls of the inside of the toy.

The material is clearly very soft as silk, more of his shaft keeps disappearing slowly until the opening touches his knot. Lucky sees that his friend puts the base on the floor.

Lucky raises the eyebrow and sees as his friend smiles at him and he surrounds him to position himself behind him.

Blaze with a lot of pleasure mounts Lucky rapidly. His forepaws cling to the other pup's hips. Lucky knowing what comes he moves his tail letting his hole completely exposed.

Blaze's hips move a little and his cock tip touches his friend's sphincter. The precum gets it wet and Blaze pushes with force, Lucky gasps at the moment that his hole opens and Blaze's penis slips in his body without no opposition, his sphincter still is completely relaxed.

Blaze growls smoothly of pleasure feeling the hot hug of the tunnel around his hard meat. Few seconds later the hips of the German shepherd pup start to move slowly.

He moans of pleasure smoothly just like Lucky. He loves this feeling; his inside is stimulated over and over again. While Lucky moans in his mind he begins to wonder what it is the function of the toy.

His penis releases precum that accumulates in the bottom of the toy.

The answer appears some moments later when Blaze stretches his right forepaw and he presses one of the buttons of the toys. Lucky's eyes open completely the moment that the toy starts functioning.

The inside gets warm rapidly and squeezes with a little more force around the canine member of Lucky. He moans of pleasure the moment that the toy begins to rotate around his shaft.

The velvety walls and nodules inside the toy move stimulating each sector of his cock without stopping. Lucky whines of pleasure for this sensation just like the motion of the penis in his ass.

Blaze fucks him with the same vigor that always, Blaze balls hits his own balls.

The toy continues whizzing while this continues rotating and stimulating the Dalmatian pup's sensitive meat.

Lucky pants while his eyes are closed, the penis in his tunnel touches his passage bottom. The knot touches his sphincter time after time, Lucky enjoy much as Blaze. He takes his time to fuck his friend and for the next ten minutes both groan of pleasure.

Blaze begins to press his knot against the hole with force.

He growls to knot Lucky, his forepaws hold Lucky hips with force. Lucky clenches his teeth feeling that his sphincter opens surrounding Blaze's knot completely.

His anal passage squeezes the cock of his friend that resumes his thrust with more force. Lucky moans of pleasure, he feels that his friend slowdowns his pushes and his right forepaw loose his hips.

Blaze moves down his forepaw and he presses to touch a button in the toy. Lucky gasps and whines with more intensity when the friction on his member intensifies at the moment that the toy moves a lot faster around his shaft.

The sound of the toy increases surpassing the whining and growling of both pups.

Blaze pumps ferociously and dives his claws into the flesh of Lucky, he moans with pain when he feels it.

His precum already had accumulated at the bottom and now it begins to cover the rest of his penis while the toy continues rotating over and over again.

His pleasure comes to the maximum and he clenches his teeth the moment that his penis frees spurts of cum that mix with the precum.

The seed surrounds the member. Lucky whines, his anal walls clenches around Blaze's penis with a lot more force. The German shepherd pup presses his groin against the anus of his friend growling and beginning to ejaculate.

His member throbs and releases sperm that splash and covers Lucky's anal walls. He continues growling while he feels as his rectum is bathed, but his sensitive penis still is stimulated by the toy that does not stop.

Lucky whines for the painful sensation, his legs move with nonconformity without that Blaze took it into account until his sperm gets dry. Blaze stops and pants, he becomes aware of the whining of bother of Lucky.

He does a pant of relief when Blaze stops the functioning of the toy, Lucky gives in on the floor while his tongue hangs out from his mouth. Some little squirts more of semen get out of his penis getting wet the fur of his stomach.

His ass is raised on the air hanging from the member of his friend.

Blaze also pants for the sexual stupor of the climax; his seed is dripping inside the anus of Lucky. The German shepherd smiles seeing the expression of sexual pleasure of his friend.

He still feels last sensations of the climax. His mind to be somewhat cloudy by those feelings, but her eyes open completely at the moment that he feels that the bottom of his rectum is hit by a hot liquid.

"Are you peeing? Lucky asks looking up to see his friend.

"Do you want separate now and fast? Because I need to go..." Blaze asks raising his eyebrows playfully.

Lucky shakes his head and he closes his eyes while he feels as urine keeps on filling him completely and his friend's semen keeps on dissolving.

Blaze has his eyes closed while he empties his bladder. His urine surrounds his penis completely. But not even a drop appears from Lucky's inside because the knot in his ass impedes it.

"Well... we should go out." Lucky says looking toward his friend.

Blaze arches an eyebrow.

"I suppose that no would not like getting the carpet wet and get your parents angry." Lucky says doing a mocking face and getting up.

Lucky moves and Blaze places himself in position of tail with tail with the other pup.

With a grin Lucky indicates to him that they move. Blaze nods and Lucky begins to move over to the way out of the trailer dragging along Blaze. The Dalmatian pup walks and looks over his shoulder to his friend.

Lucky laughs seeing as his friend moves with difficulty while he walks toward back being drag by Lucky. He does small occasional leaps while he tries to not stumble with a couple of toys scattered on the floor.

While Lucky walks he can feel as the urine of Blaze moves in waves in his inside while he walks.

Some moments after Lucky goes out of the trailer and soon Blaze goes out, but he trips and falls to the ground. He moans with pain while Lucky laughs smoothly for some moments.

Blaze gets in position of tail with tail with his friend to wait to separate.

The two pups are surrounded by the sound the evening insects while their bodies are occasionally covered by the shadow of the clouds that go by the sky.

"What for is that last toy that you chose?" Lucky asks looking over the top of his shoulder.

"It is not a toy as such, it is useful for see how much you can stretch yourself to receive a cock." Blaze responds looking at Lucky. The Dalmatian pup opens the eyes with some surprise.

"We could try it later." Lucky says with enthusiasm. He wanted to take his father's knot.

"Of course, let's see as much as you can take." Blaze says with interest to know how much Lucky can stretch himself.

Slowly Blaze's knot of deflate and in the right time he pulls his penis rapidly.

Lucky's sphincter opens moving around the knot of his friend and soon the penis gets completely out of the anus of the Dalmatian pup.

Lucky feels as a great urine waterfall immediately afterward goes out by his dilated hole. The hot liquid gets his balls wet completely, a great puddle forms between the legs of the pup.

His entrails get empty rapidly and Lucky feels relief, the feeling of having the liquid in is passage was pretty uncomfortable.

Lucky sits a moment while he sees as his friend cleans his penis slowly. The last drops of the urine of Blaze drip out from his anus and it gets a couple of leaves wet below him.

In a few minutes later, Blaze stops and he licks his mouth slowly.

"Are we going to try it?" Lucky asks with some emotion of trying his limits. Blaze nods content also and both again enter in the trailer.

Lucky sees the toys thrown on the floor, the aroma of sex still is felt on the air.

Blaze moves away a little and takes the last toy that he chose that night before coming closer to Lucky.

The Dalmatian pup moves his tail and he turns over bending over lifting his ass for Blaze. He positions himself behind Lucky without waiting he spits saliva in the small pads of his forepaws.

Lucky shakes with some discomfort when the wet small pads of the paw of his friend touch his sphincter. He closes his eyes at the moment that small pads begin to caress his hole of slow way.

Blaze's forepaw moves in circles without stopping, Lucky pants smoothly until the other pup paw stops. Blaze takes the toy and points Lucky's posterior hole.

The tip touches the Dalmatian pup's sphincter, he feels the pressure in his posterior entrance. Lucky moans with a little bit of bother for a few seconds and he gasp the moment that his sphincter opens.

His passage is again invaded. The toy stretches his anal walls.

But what's different begins the moment that he feels as the toy begins to grow up taking thickness in his inside. Blaze presses the button while he waits.

Lucky can feel as the anal tunnel keeps on stretching themselves more and more.

But this begins to be uncomfortable and painful within some moments. He feels as his hole opens more and more.

"Stop it Blaze." Lucky says whining with a little bit of discomfort. He feels that he no longer can resist much more. The pressure on his anal walls suddenly stops.

Lucky pants and the thickness of the toy begins to decrease rapidly giving a great relief to Lucky. He feels that his inside reverts to normality.

"Well you did it well, I do not arrive farther away either. Dad can make it better, you know, he can take the knot of a Great Dane." Blaze says looking at Lucky and pulling the toy to pull it out.

"My father can also make it and also taking a horse cock." Lucky says looking over his shoulder and moving his tail content while he feels as his sphincter opens.

He gasps when the toy gets out of his rectum and his hole gets open.

"I know, our mothers already are in that too. My mom could do not avoid moan with Captain last night." Blaze says looking at Lucky. He turns over seeing as the German shepherd pup begins to pick up toys.

"Help me. My dad will get pissed if we left all this here. He always says me what your masters will think if they see this. Will they think that my former master was a pervert?" Blaze asks with a mocking tone.

Lucky laughs and he begins to pick up toys. The two pups put every one of the toys in the cabinet before closing it. Lucky does a gesture to Blaze.

He nods and both get out of the trailer to go back to the barn and resting after a good moment of fun in the night.

Pongo, Perdita, Lucky, Blaze, Pepper, Two Tone, Cadpig, Rolly, Patch, Tripod, Little Ann, Roger, Penny, Jewel Disney

Jack, Lucy, Amanda, Cindy and Kaleb plow my characters.


In the Dearly farm as in every night, the pups and their parents sit down to observe the Thunderbolt's television show. The most famous canine star in the whole country and perhaps the world. Two of his bigger fans are Lucky and Blaze. Both are good...

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