Where the Wild Things Are

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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Inja the African wild dog goes on an African safari, and very quickly begins to learn an awful lot about the local people and animals.

A surprise birthday gift for sako223 from dibbun, featuring his wild dog Inja and fyasko's zebra stud - plus fantastic art by moonstalker

Inja stared out of the tour bus window, watching the savannah bouncing past as they trundled along the rough dirt road. The fans above his seat whined, doing their best to keep the heat under control, but failing. The wild dog flicked at his face now and then with a finger, knocking away the drops of sweat that kept marshalling along his brow for an assault on his muzzle.

The bushveld was deep into summer. According to the guidebook he'd read, temperatures soared by midday, with only the occasional afternoon thunderstorm to ameliorate it. It didn't look like one would be arriving today, sadly: the fierce, pelagic-blue sky didn't have a wisp of cloud in it, and not a leaf moved in the grassy plains outside either. Their bus was probably the coolest spot for miles around -- although that was very much a relative measure in these conditions.

Inja felt at least somewhat lucky, being made for such weather. He'd seen the other guests when they boarded: an elderly pair of polar bears, probably regretting their choice of holiday already; a family of badgers, loud and eager; and two severe-looking tigers. The badgers might stand a chance, but the others -- with their entirely maladapted coats -- must be dying. He rolled sideways to peer up the coach's central corridor. Yep; they were suffering. One of the polar bears was cooling herself frantically with a paper fan as one of the badger children leaned, wide-eyed, over the front of their chair to watch. His siblings argued in high-pitched voices over something unimportant while their parents dozed next to them, hats pulled down over eyes. A tiger's tail, limp as warm lettuce, draped along the floor a few chairs ahead. Good luck, you poor, doomed furs, he thought to himself.

He rolled back to face the window, looking out at the scenery. Brown grass, and black-barked thorn trees, and rounded granite hillocks covered with shrubs. Shimmering heat waves and blinding sun and huge herds of antelope. Africa. It still felt surreal, actually being here. A few months ago, the thought wouldn't even have entered his mind. Sure, his grandfather had talked about it often, telling stories of his days in the "old country". In fact, as he'd often commented, the only thing he loved more than his original home was his family -- which is why he'd left, following his children when they'd gone elsewhere. Inja didn't think he regretted that decision, but in his heart, he'd never left. In his last weeks and days, he'd talked about it more and more, as if sad he wouldn't have the chance to die where he was born.

After the funeral, Inja had found himself thinking more and more about his grandfather, his stories, his origins. He'd mulled over the idea of visiting the continent his family came from. Reconnecting with his roots. Kinda. He didn't like the term self-discovery, but he didn't have a better one, so he used it in his head and kept it to himself. And now, sitting in this too-hot bus, about to spend three weeks in the middle of nowhere, he was trying to figure out just how he should feel. He was no native, certainly, but not a complete stranger either. Something about this place made sense, deep inside. He felt he...belonged? No, that sounded awful. He didn't belong here, it wasn't his home. It was rather that this place was his...origin. Part of him, anyway. A part that he felt he could benefit from learning more about.

Something different appeared along the roadside, almost immediately whisked away by their pace. If Inja hadn't been focused on the side of the road, he wouldn't even have noticed it: a zebra male, dressed in nothing but a loincloth and a necklace of animal teeth, holding a spear over one shoulder. Various tubers and roots were suspended on the shaft behind him. Out gathering, presumably.

Many zebra tribes still lived out here, he'd read. Hunter-gatherers, mostly, who still lived as people had lived here for tens of thousands of years. So seeing one by the side of the road was nothing special. The remarkable thing had been his expression: he'd looked at the bus with a furious, vitriolic glare that made the painted dog feel quite uncomfortable. They were simply driving past. What would have made him so angry as to--?

A particularly big rut made the coach bounce enough to send him half an inch into the air and knock the side of his skull against the window's metal frame. The angry zebra instantly forgotten, Inja swore, earning him a glare from the badger parents. He ignored them and rubbed the bump. One thing the guidebook had not covered was how many potholes this road would have.

They'd turned off a tarred road onto this dirt track about half an hour before, itself a few hours from the airport. The sign at the intersection had pointed the way: "Mbizi Safari Resort & Spa". The website for Mbizi had promised an "oasis of calm, relaxation and discovery, set amongst some of Africa's most magnificent sights". At the time he'd read that -- hunched under a blanket, with frostbitten toes, and snow piling up outside -- it had sounded like paradise. Located atop a broad hill deep in the bushveld, a selection of cabins and chalets were dotted in amongst tall, green-barked trees. Careful planning had ensured that all the accommodation had an unrestricted view of the savannah that stretched off to the horizon, and prudent gardening had also largely shielded them from one another with shrubs and statuary. One picture had shown a swollen red sun, half-sunken under the horizon, framing two kudu -- he'd had to look that name up -- as a laughing couple enjoyed sundowners in comfortable chairs on their balcony.

His tickets were booked within the hour.

A static noise bleated out of the speaker above him, rousing him from his reverie. "Ladies and gentlemen," effused a female voice, "to your left, in the shade under the trees, you can see a group of Cape buffalo!" She emphasised almost every other word, as if her tongue was trapping the incomplete sentences against her teeth to prevent them from escaping too soon. "We have one of the largest herds of these marvellous creatures on the entire continent. A program of..."

Inja zoned out. The giraffe that was speaking now was the tour guide; the wild dog had almost immediately had his fill of her when she welcomed them all at the airport. She had enquired brightly of him where his partner was, and given him such a condescending look of sympathy when he said that he was alone that he'd almost snapped at her. It was none of her business -- or anyone's business -- if he chose to holiday alone. Like she knew his situation.

When the other couples had boarded, and he realised he was, in fact, the only single person there, it had only redoubled his intent to have a good time. He'd show that annoying giraffe that he could have a fantastic holiday all by himself, just to spite her. Sure, he'd have brought someone along if he wasn't currently single, but that was life. He could replicate the key aspects on demand with his paw, some alone time, and the bottle of lube in his bag.

So, he tuned out her nattering about habitats and animals, and stared instead into the late afternoon sun. It was every bit as big and orange as the photos had promised. Fingers of crepuscular yellow reached out to him through the branches as the trees whisked past, and he let his eyes unfocus, simultaneously taking it all in and remembering nothing. He wanted to feel the land, more than see it. He wanted his body to remember that this was where he'd come from, that this was what his ancestors had seen, going back for centuries. Millennia. He wanted to feel the ancient power of the land deep within him, and take that feeling home, and never forget it.

By the time the tour bus finally chugged up to the top of the hill that the camp had been built on, the sun was starting to sink below the horizon. The vehicle almost shook itself to pieces coming to a stop outside a large, thatched building where a group of people waited for them. The tour giraffe picked up her microphone again. "Ladies and gentlemen," she effused, "we have arrived! Thank you for travelling with Victoria Tours. Please collect all your personal items on your way out."

And that was it. They were here. As the people ahead of him fussed about with their bags -- from the sound of it, one of the young badgers had dropped a favoured toy under a seat, necessitating a desperate manhunt -- Inja sat and waited, looking out at the camp. It was everything they'd promised. In stark contrast to the areas they'd been driving through for the last few hours, the camp was widely planted with well-watered lawn. The same green-barked trees from the photos stood about, their huge spreads alive with yellow flowers. Beyond the large building they were parked next to -- which appeared to be an admin building -- there were only the chalets, facing off down the slopes of the hill with their windows gazing at the middle distance. The thatched roofs gave them a tribal aspect, and stone verandas on each one held a fireplace -- already lit, the flames dancing happily to illuminate the entrances to each one -- and some very comfortable-looking chairs.

It looked wonderful and calm and comfortable, and it all made Inja realise just how exhausted he was. The flight, the transfer, and then the hot, rumbling bus ride had drained him. The thought of a bed to sink into became his entire world. As the final person ahead of him fought their way off the bus with an inconveniently shaped carry bag in tow, the wild dog followed, hiding a yawn behind one paw.

They were greeted by a tall, elegant ibex accompanied by a few smartly dressed antelope; their horns were decorated with bright orange ribbons that curled about them. "Welcome to Mbizi," the ibex said with a smile and an accent, as the antelope stepped forward with damp warm towels for the guests to wipe their faces and paws with. One of the tigers gave a purr like an avalanche as she wiped the sweat from her fur. "I hope you had a good trip," the ibex continued. "I am sure you will find it worthwhile. Please, no -- leave the luggage." She addressed one of the polar bears who was standing expectantly by the coach's side luggage hatch. "You are our guests," the ibex explained, both patient and encouraging. "We take care of everything, yes?" The attendants moved forward to begin unloading, while the ibex continued. "My name is Ubude." She gestured toward the building. "Please -- this way. I am sure you are tired and hungry...Mbizi is far from the airport. We have prepared a simple dinner for you. In the morning, when you are rested, we speak more."

Inja felt as though he'd much rather hit the sack immediately, but was tired enough to be easily convinced to tag along with the rest of the tour group. Various murmured thanks and sighs of relief came from the other people as they followed the elegant Ubude towards the dining area, which looked blissfully air-conditioned. Halfway there, a pack of large dogs came roiling out of the darkness, barking and falling over one another as they sniffed at the guests and danced excitedly about. The badger family shrank together instinctively, children hugged to their parents' bodies, but Ubude laughed.

"Please, do not worry," she said. "These are the camp dogs. They are friendly."

The badger matriarch eyed the hounds. "Why are there so many?"

"We take them with us when we go into the bushveld," Ubude explained. "They help us find things, protect our rangers, keep us company. They are very well trained." The ibex pulled a treat from a pocket and held it up: the dogs rushed to in front of her and sat down obediently. She fished out some more and placed one each of the dog's noses; they might as well have been status. Then, she clicked her tongue, and all of them whipped their noses up, sending the treat skyward and then snapping it out of the air. Their teeth clacked closed in concert like the crack of a whip. The adult guests gasped, and the young badgers shrieked in delight, clapping and ooh-ing. Ubude smiled. "Very well trained, you see? You do not need to worry. They are protectors." She handed out a treat to each of the visitors. "Please. They love to be spoiled, ne?"

As the other guests petted the excited animals and fed them further treats, winning barks of approval, Inja rubbed his tired eyes and looked around. At the edge of the area, all alone, sat another dog. Inja didn't recognise the breed; it looked a little like a Great Dane, but somewhat smaller. The hound sat silently on his haunches, apparently uninterested in being a part of the grand mêlée with the other canines. Inja wandered over to the ibex and pointed the straggler out.

Ubude did not even need to turn and see which dog was being pointed to. "Oh," she said, a hint of exasperation in her tone, "that is Klong."

"Klong." The wild dog tried to match the oddly inflected 'o', and only partly succeeding. "And what breed is that? I don't think I've seen it before."

"He is a ridgeback. You do not often see him overseas, ne? They are a local breed. Here -- I will show you."

The wild dog and the ibex walked over to Klong, who looked up at them as they approached with wide brown eyes, but did not stand up. Ubude stroked a finger down the dog's spine, revealing a ridge of stiffer hairs. "This is the ridge. So, ridgeback."

Inja nodded, looking at the dog. He was as brown as the veldt, with large, floppy ears and a powerful chest. "Why's he sitting by himself? He a bit of a loner?"

Ubude sounded annoyed again. "Yes. He is..." She struggled to find the words she wanted. "He does his own thing, ne? He is a smart dog, well trained, good guard dog...but he does not want to join in. Wants to be by himself."

"Like me," Inja said without thinking, and the ibex looked at him and shrugged.

"Perhaps. It does not matter; he has good genes. Strong muscles, fast. We will use him for breeding." She glanced back at the rest of the tour group; one of the children had used up his treat and was trying to win another from his siblings by force of argument and fist. "Excuse me," she said, sallying over to save the day.

Inja nodded absently, looked down at the ridgeback. His eyes were big and brown and keen. Truly beautiful. "You like being your own dog, huh, boy?" he asked. The dog had a collar on, with his name burned into the leather. Inja lowered himself to his haunches and scratched the dog's big ears. They weren't as big as his, but then, the dog was a bit smaller than he was. Klong sniffed at him and thumped his tail on the ground in friendly greeting. "Aw, nice to meet you too, boy," Inja said with a smile. "So, you don't like hanging out with your doggy friends, huh? I feel you. I'm like that too." He put a paw over the dog's front paws, making the hound sniff curiously at it and then lick it. "Yeah, same appendages, you see? I'm a dog too. A different kind of dog, though. I'm not from around here, even if I look like it." Klong cocked his head as if understanding him, and Inja moved his paw around to scratch the neck. The dog seemed to enjoy that, and it was his leg that thumped now. Inja chuckled and scratched harder. "You like that that, boy? Yes, you do! You're a good dog..."

His voice trailed off a little when he looked down at the foot slapping against the grass. The dog's pleasure at the attention was being displayed in another way, too: a shiny red point, poking out of his sheath. Inja blushed, glancing quickly across at the rest of the group, but they were too far and too busy playing with the other dogs to notice him. "Well, now you're just being naughty," the wild dog murmured. He looked away, but found that his eyes would slide back after a few seconds, and take in more details. The hound's balls were dark-skinned and only lightly furred with the same brown hair as the rest of him...and generously proportioned. No wonder they wanted to use him for breeding. He would probably sire ten litters without breaking a sweat. The tip of the penis did not extend more than half an inch or so, but it did deepen in colour, and the sheath swelled as Inja continued to pet and scratch the animal. It was only when the wild dog realised that he himself was whining -- with pressure building in his pants -- that he jerked back up to a standing position.


Inja coughed and looked out into the gloom of the evening, trying not to think about the ridgeback's hefty penis. Trying not to think about it only made him think about it more, though -- and about all the others he'd enjoyed over the years. He loved canine males of all sorts. That did absolutely nothing to reduce the lump in his pants. He glanced across at the other guests again: they were filtering inside now, and the other dogs were wandering off, curiosity and bellies satisfied. Inja looked back down at the ridgeback, who pricked up his ears and thwacked his tail against the ground some more.

"Go play with your friends, doggy," the anthro canine said, nodding his head towards them. "One of them can help you out with that, I'm sure." The dog cocked his head again, curious, and Inja gave him a perfunctory pat on the head. "Go on, silly thing," he said, and turned to head back to the main party. The gathering darkness -- and his loose pants -- should conceal his awoken soldier until the bulge faded. But not three steps along, there was a bark, and Klong was abruptly alongside him: ears perked, thin tail tucked down between his legs, tongue lolling out. The wild dog looked down at the animal with exasperation, and there was a laugh ahead of him. Ubude approached.

"He likes you!" she exclaimed, looking fondly at the ridgeback. Inja tried to ignore the images that innocent phrase summoned in his mind. "He does not usually like guests. Perhaps it is because you are also a dog, ne?"

"Yeah, I guess," Inja replied evasively. He felt the dog pressing against his leg, firm and warm. He coughed again and looked ahead to the dining area. "Time for some food?" He was feeling somewhat more awake now. What a surprise.

"Yes, yes," she said. "I came to ask you to make your way, otherwise the soup will become cold, ne?" She clicked her tongue at Klong and gave him a command. The dog's body made to move, but his legs remain fixed. She frowned, and said the command again, louder. The dog did move this time, but with great reluctance. Ubude shook her head. "He is being naughty tonight!"

Inja gave a wan smile and coughed a third time. At this rate, people would think he was sick. "Hehe, yeah..." he said.

"Please, you can go inside," she told him. "I will take him to the kennels." Another firm command and a tap on the back had Klong following her, off into the night. Inja watched them go and then turned back to the main building. As he wandered inside, the sounds of cheerful conversation and the clink of cutlery on crockery filled his ears. He hardly noticed. He took an open seat and nodded absently in thanks when he was served up a bowl of mushroom soup. The polar bears were seated opposite him, sipping primly at their soup and speaking to one another. The husband looked across at him and nodded in greeting.

"Your country is very beautiful," he said.

Inja looked back blankly for a moment before understanding. "Oh! No, I'm not from here. Also just visiting."

The bear aaah'd and nodded. "Do you have family here?"

"Used to. Uh, my grandfather. He passed. I thought I'd visit and see the places he used to tell me stories about."

"Oh, lovely."

Inja smiled. "Yeah. I mean, they say you can't go home again, right, but -- here I am!" A titter. "So, uh, where are you guys from?"

Harmless conversation filled the gaps between food. When Inja finally pushed aside his empty sorbet bowl, he sighed. That really had hit the spot. One of the polar bears yawned and then chuckled. "Oh, time for a long rest now..." Inja had to agree. The tiredness of earlier, briefly held at bay, was now returning with a vengeance.

As if on cue, Ubude reappeared, clapping her hands to gain their attention. "I hope you are all full?" she asked, and a chorus of agreement and even a belch from a young badger -- his mother quickly slapped him on the nose -- answered the question. She smiled. "Very good. Your rooms have been prepared, and you can make your way there when you are ready." She began handing out room keys. "Tomorrow, I will go over all of our activities. There is much to do. I wish you all a good night, and thank you for joining us at Mbizi." Hands like porcelain clasped themselves together in thanks, and their host vanished once more. Inja looked back at the polar bears, who looked thrilled.

"I am so excited to see the animals!" the wife exclaimed. Inja had been told her name at some point but had already forgotten it. "They are magnificent. So big and beautiful." Big, and beautiful indeed. Inja fiddled with his key as the bears mentioned all the creatures they hoped to see on their trip, his mind on another sort of animal. "...and leopards!" the wife finally exclaimed. "I do want to see one."

Inja gave another yawn, this one full of teeth and exhaustion. He really needed his bed now. He said his farewells and got up. The badgers had already retired, but the tiger couple were sitting by the log fire in the hearth and sipping something amber. The wild dog left them to their relaxation and wandered out into the night. A trail of lanterns marked the paths to follow, and he traced them to his chalet. Number seven, right in the corner of the camp. A hedge of thorny bushes acted as a makeshift screen between the chalet and the rest of the camp, and once he was through it, he felt as though he might be the only person around. A single light on the veranda illuminated the entrance, but beyond that...

Darkness lay over the land like a velvet blanket. A flake of moon gave barely enough light to make some distant water shimmer, and to make the wispy clouds glow when they moved in front of it. The silence was the real surprise; Inja had never been this far from a city before, and the emptiness was almost oppressive -- or would be, if it was not filled by the noises of the night. Barks, howls, chirps and rustling noises; nobody would think that the darkness was uninhabited. But somehow, the noises did not banish the silence: they merely stood in counterpoint to it. As Inja stood and took it all in, he became aware of just how ancient this land was. How unchanged in all the many years since people had risen in it, and gone out from it...and come back.

"I'm back," he whispered softly. The land did not reply.

Inja settled into one of the comfortable chairs on the veranda and listened to nature for a while. This is how it had been for ages. This was exactly what his ancestors would have seen, and heard...perhaps with a little more fear at the large animals that lurked in the night, and a little less food in their bellies. There were so many animals here that were much larger than wild dogs. Huddled around a fire, they'd have hoped to keep away the worst creatures who prowled beyond the flickering light. Hoping they didn't become bold and come running despite the fire. Hoping they didn't growl, and jump onto them, and hump at them with their big, long...

Inja jerked upright from his daydream as his body nearly slipped out of the chair, his heart hammering. It took him a second to remember where he was. What...what had he been dreaming? It had fled in the instant he awoke. He tried to recall, but he was now completely exhausted. It didn't matter.

He stumbled inside and passed out on top of the bed, halfway through removing his jacket.

Sunlight woke Inja the next morning when it peered curiously through the curtains. The wild dog mewled softly, scrunching up his eyes and rolling away from the bright light. A big yawn and some slow chewing motions completed his awakening ritual, and he made a face. "Blegh..." He'd not brushed his teeth the night before. Never a good idea for a canine.

He got up, stretching, and picking at the sweaty clothing he'd slept in. Ewwww. He fished his toiletries out of his luggage and wandered into the bathroom to make his ablutions. As the shower warmed up, he did the rest. A splash of cold water onto the face to wake up properly, a big dollop of toothpaste on his toothbrush. Out of the window, through the mosquito gauze, he saw staff wandering about the camp, carrying linens. He scrubbed at his incisors thoughtfully. What was the time? Still breakfast, hopefully. He quickly showered and dressed, then wandered out onto the veranda -- and stopped dead in amazement.

The hill that the camp was built on sloped gently away to meet the plains some fifty metres below. The savannah was flat, dotted with thorn trees and tall brown ant-hills, with only the occasional rocky outcrop giving it relief. Scrub and grass filled the space between, and on the horizon, the watering hole he'd spotted in the moonlight now glittered like a sheet of diamond under the morning sun. Herds of animals surrounded it at this hour: buffalo, impala, kudu, wildebeest, and more he did not recognise. They grazed on the green summer grass, and locked horns in mating fights, and dashed about skittishly for no visible. High overhead, vultures circled some distant unseen meal, while right below Inja -- not twenty metres away -- rock hyraxes nibbled on green shoots. It was nature at her finest.

After a little while, his stomach intruded on his enjoyment of the scene to remind him that there was another hungry creature, and it was him. He made his way towards the dining area, follow the chatter of light conversation and the heavenly smell of bacon. The camp dogs were lazing about on the grass outside, perhaps hopeful for scraps. They perked their ears at Inja and thumped their tails, and he hurried past. The ridgeback wasn't with them, but he didn't want to risk the others behaving the same way. The last thing he needed was an entire pack of horny dogs after him.

The other guests were already seated, and he smiled and exchanged greetings as he dished up a good helping of bacon and sausages. As he took a seat, Ubude appeared, clapping her hands together when she saw that they were all present.

"Good morning!" Childish squeaks and rumbling tenors greeted her in return. "I hope everyone slept well, and you are enjoying breakfast, ne? You must be full for a good day!" The lower third of her horns were dusted with a white powder that gave her a remarkable look. "Before you finish," she continued, "I would just like to tell you what we have here to do at Mbizi."

Inja listened and ate as Ubude discussed game drives, nature walks, thrill-seeking activities, and more local diversions. He'd forgotten the camp had a spa, and noted that for himself. It sounded wonderfully tranquil.

Around halfway through, there was a pressure against his leg. He peeped down, and Klong looked back up, ears perked, giving a silly canine smile. He'd managed to creep inside, unnoticed. With his tongue hanging out and his head cocked to the side, Inja had to smile. The hound was too adorable to chastise. Trying to be surreptitious, he broke off a little piece of sausage and dropped it next to the animal, who wolfed it down as if it was the first thing he'd eaten all day. Perhaps it was. Inja was relatively certain that feeding the camp dogs at breakfast wasn't something he should be doing, but he felt a stubborn canine bond with the loner hound. Plus, perhaps the tour guide would see it and be annoyed. He looked across the table at the giraffe in silent judgement. See, I made a friend. Travelling alone isn't weird. He snuck further scraps to the pup as Ubude continued speaking, until his plate was empty. He wasn't sure he'd ended up eating more than the dog. Oh well.

Ubude finished listing the various things to do and clapped once more to focus their attention. "One last thing, please," she said. "Very important." She pointed to a map of the game reserve on one wall; a red dot, roughly centred, must be the camp. "The reserve is very safe, there are no dangerous predators. But. Our animals are big, and they are wild, ne? Please, do not walk alone. You can ask a guide to join you, or you can take a camp dog. They are brave, and they know the area. You will be safe." She dropped her hand and leaned her head forward, making her long horns tap against the upper part of the map that she couldn't reach. "And over here -- is not safe. Please, do not go here. There is tribe of mbizi -- like our name." She gave a weak smile. "Zebras. Bachelor tribe. Single males. Not like your zebras at home, maybe. Our zebras are very territorial, very tribal, ne? They do not like visitors. Stay away. But!" She gave a bright smile, diluting the sober warning. "They will not come near here, so do not worry. And so much space, ne? You can do everything else. You must have fun! And please be out of the chalets in a bit, our people must clean."

Inja took a sip of his water as the ibex headed back into the kitchens. Having fun over the next couple of weeks was absolutely the goal. For today, he planned to hang around the camp. Mostly because he was still a little jet-lagged...but, now that he'd rested and eaten, kinda horny, too. It certainly didn't help that the weight of the dog against his leg was reminding him of what he'd seen the night before. He carefully adjusted his sheath. Yeah...he'd quickly pop back to his room after the--

"Bad dog!"

Inja nearly jumped out of his chair at the shrill voice to his side, his wide ears flattening instinctively as his head whirled about. The tiger couple was standing there, looking at him. He looked back in confusion. How...how had they known? He suppressed a whine. Did they see him adjusting?

Then the tiger matriarch pointed -- past Inja, at the floor. He turned to look. Klong had moved out from under the table and had his back leg high in the air. He was licking his large balls with evident delight; his tongue slapping across them and pushing them to and fro, leaving them damp and shiny. Inja was glad he'd adjusted himself, because he couldn't help but stiffen up further at the sight.

"Right here in the dining area!" the wife screeched again, her teeth showing as she snarled in disgust.

"Well, dear, it's a game park," her husband said patiently. "That's what they do, I suppose."

"Hmf!" She seemed unimpressed, but whisked her tail back and forth, and stepped primly away. Her husband gave a sigh, shrugged at Inja in a what-are-you-going-to-do way, and trailed after her. "They should keep that sort of thing out in the forest where we can't see it!" she was saying.

"Bush, dear. Not forest. Speaking of which, shall we go for a walk later?" Their conversation faded away, and when Inja turned back, he realised he was alone in the dining area. He looked down at the dog, still passionately cleaning his genitals.

"Don't listen to them," he said softly, stroking the dog's haunch with his paw. "I bet she's just jealous that her husband has got a teeny kitty dick instead of a nice big canine one, huh? You're actually a good dog." He considered. "Well, naughty, but still good." He was naughty, and good...and hung. The ridgeback had a pretty thick member sitting in that sheath, clearly. Something Inja had been needing for some time. The wild dog bit his lip, mind racing as he stared at the cock and balls between the dog's legs. His chalet was the natural option...but they were cleaning soon, as Ubude had said. There was nowhere else with any privacy inside the camp, so...outside, then? Yeah. Easier to get some distance from everything. Find a secluded spot. Play a little.

He got up, surreptitiously adjusting himself again, and called to the dog. "Wanna go for a walk, Klong?" The dog hopped up eagerly and gave a bark. Inja chuckled and patted his thigh with a paw, and the dog came smartly to his side. They walked across the camp, heading back to the chalet first. The cleaning staff were still at the first chalet, so there was time. Inja hurried inside, followed by the curious hound, and shut the door. He dug through his bag and retrieved the squeeze bottle of lube that he'd brought specifically in case he had a chance to get lucky -- although he hadn't thought it would be on the first day, with a handsome hound. He tugged his pants down to squirt a little into himself, and Klong wandered over to sniff curiously. Inja gasped when the cold nose touched his fur, and again when the dog licked at him. The tongue slid down, even lapping at his sack, and he shut his eyes for a second to gather the strength to not push back into that amazing feeling.

"No, Klong, no, boy...not here..." he said with a shudder, pushing the hound back with a leg and quickly completing his prep. A hasty look through the window showed him that the cleaners weren't close yet. He knelt down, giving the dog a quick fondle and a kiss on the muzzle. "Come with me, sexy boy. Let's go have a real good time."

They left the chalet and headed back across the grass towards the gate the tour bus had entered through the day before. A guard, with a rifle slung casually over his back, greeted them and gave Inja directions for the best walking paths. Then he whistled at Klong and tossed him a small biscuit; the dog snapped it out of the air and barked happily.

"He is a good dog," the guard said, ruffling his head. "He knows the area. He can show you all the best parts."

Oh, I hope so, Inja thought as he smiled back and headed out of the camp. Starting with his own ones. The two canines--- one on two legs, one on four -- wandered east along a footpath. Klong ran ahead and to the sides, sniffing and pissing on various things. Inja watched his balls bouncing between his legs, and the sheath that showed every time he cocked his leg. He grew harder, and needier, and glanced back towards the camp. They were a good distance now; trees obscured line of sight, and cicadas made a loud enough noise to drown out any sexual sounds. This would do.

"Here, Klong," he called, and the dog came hurrying back to him. "Good boy. Sit?" That command worked. The ridgeback settled on his haunches, sheath pointing straight at the wild dog. Inja whined. Fucking gorgeous.

He got down onto one knee, petting the animal and then reaching lower to touch his sheath. As soon as his fingers stroked along the underside, the dog's front legs tightened around his arm and he began humping. Inja took a sudden breath, delighted. "You like that, boy?" he asked, redundantly. A humping dog was a happy dog. He took more of the sheath into his paw, letting the dog's motions slide it back and forth. The dick within emerged as it had the night before, red and wet. It made Inja's body tremble with need. He desperately wanted to be fucked by that.

"You wanna be an extra-good boy, Klong?" he asked. The dog was quite focused on humping his arm now and didn't pay attention. He kissed him on the muzzle again. "Wanna give this nice painted dog your bone? Give him a nice load of puppies? He wants it, you sexy animal. He wants it a lot..."

A not-too-distant voice floated through the air, and Inja jerked his paw back guiltily, Klong's claws scraping across his fur. Shit. Someone else was out here. The hound whined and tried to grab his arm again, but Inja pushed him back and got to his feet, brushing dirt and leaves from his body. There was a wet spot and a bulge in his pants that even a mole would see, but he had no solution for that. Klong, aroused and ready to play, tried again, gripping Inja's leg and humping against it. Inja tried to shake him off, but the hound persisted, making the wild dog felt a bit panicked.

"Klong!" he hissed. "Stop! No!" The lusty animal paid him no mind, happily scraping its member along his lower leg. Inja looked about rapidly, large ears swivelling to locate the source of the voices. They seemed rather distant, at least, but he'd have to move -- now.

Pulling his leg free of the horny dog with an effort, he hurried away from the voices. Klong ran alongside, barking excitedly and knocking against him, almost tripping him over. "Shush!" Inja hissed again, which only made the dog bark more. He gave up, moving faster instead. Even in his rush, Inja couldn't help but notice Klong's thick cock hanging heavily under him, and the sheath swollen with a growing knot. As Klong bounded around his new best friend, loving this new game, his cock bounced with him: now slapping into his belly, now yawing about. Drops of pre-cum flew off it. Only the threat of potential discovery kept Inja from getting extremely hard at the sight.

He hurried as fast as he dared. If he started sprinting, that'd be suspicious, he reasoned. Right now, he was only another guest out for a walk. A rather fast walk. Almost a run, sure, but not quite. Nothing strange. Nothing wrong. Yes, sure, the dog he was with was sporting a fearsome erection, but that's what animals did sometimes. Silly, horny animals.

The two canines moved around the camp in a wide circle, the other voices growing fainter. Even when they were completely inaudible to his sensitive ears, Inja kept moving. Midway through the rush to get away, he'd realised exactly where they should go to guarantee privacy: north. Ubude had been clear that they shouldn't go there, but that had been far north. The very top of the map. He'd only be a little north. It would be fine, and nobody would bother the two of them -- unless there was another rule breaker in the party. None of the other families seemed the type to him.

Eventually, the camp sat south of the two of them, the smooth granite sides of its hill rising elegantly from the plain like a large stone bubble. Inja decided to risk being noticed, and climbed up into the 'v' of a tree to better scan around. Neither his eyes nor his ears detected anything, apart from a brief flash of motion in the distance which didn't happen again. Probably an animal of some kind.

He jumped back to the ground and sat down with his back resting against the tree, breathing heavily. Klong came to sniff at his paw, and he petted the dog. "Wasn't that exciting, huh?" he asked him, and Klong wagged his tail. "But I figured it out, buddy. Nobody's gonna bother us here." His paw slid under the dog to scratch at his belly, making the dog's back leg thump happily. His crimson member had shrunk back somewhat during their flight from danger, but it took only a little attention from Inja's paw to tease it back out. "Let's get a real good look at you, sexy," Inja said, eyes fixed hungrily on the dog's cock.

The wild dog got onto all fours and tucked his muzzle under Klong's belly. He smelled the pup's prick now: a powerful canine smell, much muskier than his own scent. It quivered under him, stiff as all dogs were -- including Inja, whose member was finally freed when he tugged down his pants with a relieved groan. He stroked himself and the dog simultaneously, curious about the differences. Klong's cock was a lot warmer than his, for a start, and the divot in the head was deeper, making it resemble a fountain pen. His balls, the first things the wild dog had noticed, were even more impressive when the hound was standing: they hung down in their loose sack, skin beautifully stretched by their weight. Inja cupped one and stroked it, making the dog look back to see what he was doing. "I'm a balls guy, don't judge me," he said with a laugh. "But, I get it. I know what you want. Bring it here, stud..."

He released his own penis and leaned in closer, one paw braced on the ground and the other still sliding across the hound's fat balls. His mouth opened, and he took the tip of the cock into it, immediately whining as acrid taste flooded his mouth. Oh, he'd missed this taste. He suckled harder, a little doggy pre-cum squirting into him, and opened wider when the dog humped forward. The paw on Klong's balls helped control him: pulling back on them when he got too agitated stopped him from going full fuck-machine right there and then. Inja did not want him trying to skull-fuck him. Yet.

Inja suckled greedily on the male's member as he fondled the dog's balls. They felt so wonderfully heavy. So full. He imagined the cum waiting inside, ready to be pumped into a willing bitch. There was no bitch around for quite some distance, but Inja had an anus that would be a perfectly good substitute. He slid more of the red penis into his mouth, amazed at how large it had grown. The hound was definitely bigger than he was. He greedily licked the taste from it, loving how it had just a hint of similarity to the other anthro canines he'd been with, but at the same time was far wilder, far rawer. He slid more in, lips meeting up with the base of the knot. The wide bulb of flesh marked as far as he dared go without risking a jaw dislocation, but he pulled the shaft from his mouth and gave the knot a thorough seeing-to nonetheless, squeezing it with his paw as he licked and moaned.

Eventually, he pulled away from the dog, wiping some spit from his mouth. Thanks to his attentions, the cock was soaked, shining invitingly in the bright sunlight. It made his hole flutter. He stood, only long enough to fully remove his pants and put them on the ground to rest his knees on. No sooner was he on all fours than Klong's nose was shoved under his tail, just as in the chalet. He really seemed to like Inja's smell. The wild dog whimpered happily as the hound's rough tongue lapped across his asshole, making his cock squirt. "Come on, boy," he urged the pup. "Come on, jump up. Fuck me hard, boy. Show me how happy you've made all those bitches with that sexy prick."

Klong whined, clearly as aroused as his eager mate, but kept nosing and licking instead of mounting him. The wild dog clicked at him, encouraged him, awkwardly patted his own back, but the dog didn't seem to get it. "Come on, boy, you know what to do, you're so close..."

Abruptly, both canines' ears swivelled to the side. There was a loud rustle in the bushes; perhaps there had been sounds before, but in their lust and noise, they'd missed it. Then -- with a loud, angry whinny -- a huge creature burst out of a thicket, charging at them. Klong yelped and backed away from the wild dog, growling fearsomely at the intruder. Inja's heart rate spiked and his fur stood on end; he dropped onto his ass and skidded backwards, away from it.

"It" was a massive, muscular zebra, easily twice Inja's height. In his loincloth and beaded necklace, he looked almost exactly like the one Inja had seen on the way to the camp. The equine carried a long spear, which was pointing directly at the growing dog, and his face held a scowl. Klong had transformed from horny to fearsome in no time at all: legs spread, body held low, he made blood-curdling noises and bared his too-white teeth at the huge equine. The ridge of hairs stood erect all along his back now, making him seem even larger than he was. The zebra kept still, the steel tip of his spear the only thing moving as he snapped it back and forth, keeping the dog's eyes busy. He flicked his own eyes to Inja, and they were no friendlier than the eyes Inja had seen beside the road.

The three creatures kept stock-still, waiting for someone else to make the first move. Only Klong's slavering growls disturbed the peace. In the end, it was Inja that made the first move; the wild dog made as if to get to his feet, thinking he might talk to the zebra. But it only made the zebra snap a command at him in a language he didn't speak, and the wild dog froze again. Klong, however, took advantage of the equine's momentary distraction to dart forward and try to snap at his leg. The zebra screamed in anger and kicked out, his hoof narrowly missing the hound, and instantly following that up by grabbing something from his waist and hurling it at the dog. A small animal -- a squirrel, perhaps -- thudded to the ground, and Klong sniffed cautiously at it. Then he settled down and began to chew.

Inja watched the dog abandon him over a small meal with dismay, and felt his blood turn to ice. His heart thudded and his legs no longer seemed to work. The zebra turned back to face him, able to give him his full attention now. The equine's glare was fearsome, and the wild dog gasped, scrabbling backwards along the ground as the big equine stepped purposefully towards him. Only when he fetched up against a tree did he stop moving, and wait to see what happened with wide eyes and shivering ears.

The enormous male stepped right up to him, blocking out the light. Inja whimpered, but some stubborn part of his mind was refusing to let go of the arousal he'd felt moments earlier, and couldn't help but notice the equine's huge balls, visible to either side of his loincloth at this close distance. The tip of his cock extended below the loincloth: wide, and dark, and curved. The zebra was fucking hung, and now was the most useless possible time to be noticing that.

The zebra's hands tightened around the shaft of the spear. Inja's eyes locked onto them, alert for the slightest movement. His breathing was ragged, and his muscles were tensed. When one huge black hand finally reached for him, he screamed and slashed at it, claws scraping across the skin. The zebra brayed angrily, dropping his spear and grabbing at the wild dog with both hands. Inja screamed again as the big equine pulled him by the arm towards him, kicking out frantically with his legs like a drowning dog. One foot caught the zebra on the side, ripping the black and white hairs off and making the bigger male scream. Another kick caught his attacker's thigh, and yet another one of his ass-cheeks...and then the zebra managed to get his hands around the wild dog's neck, pressing him up against the tree. Inja made choking sounds, legs windmilling uselessly as the zebra's powerful arms held him flat and his hands squeezed. The zebra held his neck with one hand and reached again for his waist with the other.

Then a damp cloth slapped over Inja's nose, and he took a huge breath of something that smelled extremely odd, and fell into darkness.

The wild dog awoke in a darkened room, his body a map of pain and bruising. His neck throbbed, and every movement of his head sent spikes of pain through him. His legs felt like formless concrete blocks, and the restraints they'd used to suspend him from the ceiling were chafing horribly against his wrists. Plus, for some reason, he was entirely naked.

But...he was alive. So that was a step up.

As his bleary vision adapted to the gloom, he could make out details: thatch walls, reinforcing wooden poles, a compacted dirt floor, and a doorway covered by a hanging cloth. A makeshift table stood to one side. Light filtered through the gaps around the cloth, but he couldn't see details -- only motion. Figures moved back and forth outside, and he became aware of raised voices speaking an unintelligible language.

He looked up. The restraints were tied to a point where all the wooden supports met in the centre of the ceiling. He tried to tug on the chains, but they didn't budge. He couldn't reach anything with his feet from here, and when he tried to call out, his voice was raspy and his throat burned. So, he hung there, uselessly, and waited, thinking about Klong's betrayal. Perhaps that was unfair: he was only a pet, and he had hardly formed a great and lasting bond with Inja. But it still felt like a betrayal.

The voices outside grew louder as the speakers approached, and Inja's stomach knotted a little, and his balls rose. When the entrance cloth was abruptly whisked aside, he blinked in the sudden illumination. A figure stood in the light; another zebra, also holding a spear. This one had markings all down his chest: red and orange paint, lines curved into circles and splayed into trees. Perhaps they were marks of seniority, or some special office. The equine snorted when he saw the wild dog was conscious, and lowered his spear at him, the point only a couple of inches away. He raised one eyebrow in an unspoken question, and Inja nodded tensely. Message received: the zebra was in charge.

The big equine walked closer and stuck the point of his spear into the dirt. He leaned down to take something from a bowl that sat on the table, rubbing it between his fingers and then lifting them to Inja's mouth. The wild dog shied away: whatever was on his fingers smelled foul. The zebra grabbed his spear again, pressing the tip insistently against the wild dog's paw, and with a great sense of unease, the canine allowed the equine to push his fingers into his mouth. The substance was strong and unpleasant, and if the zebra's fingers hadn't been pushed deep into his mouth, he would never have swallowed it. But swallow he did, and felt a warmth blossom inside. A slight haziness appeared before his eyes, then cleared; he felt his muscles relax a bit, and his balls lowered. He felt...better. Not physically: he still ached all over. But he felt...like he needed something. And was eager for it.

The zebra squinted into his eyes, pressing each wide in turn, before seeming satisfied. He reached up high to fiddle at the chains, and moments later they collapsed to the floor, taking Inja with them. He groaned as the impact made pains from his recent scuffle flare up, and then groaned again when the zebra pulled his paws roughly upward and tied a rope around them. Gripping the knotted rope like a bull's nose ring, the painted equine tugged the wild dog to his feet and led him outside.

Inja was temporarily blinded by the intensity of the midday sun and took a second to get his bearings. It seemed he had not been unconscious for too long -- or he'd been out for over a day, which Inja doubted. He was in a tribal camp of some sort: thatched huts -- like the one he'd been imprisoned in -- were scattered about. Interspersed between them, cooking fires, piles of dried grass, and racks of drying skins indicated a simple but active settlement. No people, though -- or, rather, lots of people, but not going about their business. Instead, they were all standing around him...and every single one of them was a tall, imposing zebra male.

Inja felt his body react in the most confusing manner at the sight of all the large, dangerous creatures: arousal. He did not understand what was happening. Part of him -- growing smaller by the second -- was afraid, confused, and desperate to escape. Another was looking at the crotches of the males and dreaming about what lay under the loincloths, making his sheath twitched.

The zebras seemed to be discussing something. Probably, him. Words flew across the circle, their tone mocking, and Inja became aware they were all addressed to the same individual. He was standing with his arms crossed, glowering, brow furrowed and staring at the wild dog. When he turned to one side to make what must be a rude gesture to one of his tribe mates, Inja saw the fresh welts on his side and leg. His captor.

The zebra holding him by his bound wrists was calling out cheerfully to the zebra who had captured him, and when the big equine snapped back, everyone else laughed. His eyes fixed again on the wild dog, and he clenched his jaw. Then he called something out to the gathered males, pointing at Inja, and they variously laughed or made an odd cha-cha-cha sound. The wild dog stared at their reaction uncomprehendingly. His captor smirked and waved his tribe mates to silence before snapping his fingers to get Inja's attention. The zebra made it simple for him. He brought his hands together, making a circular shape with the one, and sticking two fingers into it with the other. In, and out. And in again. And then he barked like a dog.

Inja blushed and looked away, and the zebras laughed uproariously, making the cha-cha-cha sound again. It must be lewd, or mocking, or both. He felt that he should be ashamed, but his body was reacting in the precise opposite manner: getting hard. What was this? What had that first zebra made him swallow? His captor, meanwhile, looked pleased, as if he'd just won back some level of respect from his peers. He made one more comment that won additional laughs. then tossed his head and stalked closer to the wild dog, taking the rope from the other zebra before kneeling down to put his head at roughly the same level as the wild dog. His English was simple and rough, but clear.

"Hurt me." He pressed a finger to the welts on his side and winced.

Inja whined, and gulped. "I..." What could he say? "Y--you...attacked me..."

The zebra's glower almost darkened the sky. "You in our land. Not allowed."

That was, unfortunately, a good point. All the guests had been carefully warned. It was only Inja's lust for cock and bad luck that had let him end up there, but he doubted the zebra would appreciate that. He tried an appeal to reason. "You...can't simply kidnap me..."

The zebra turned to his companions and said something in his other language that seemed to be a translation of what Inja had just said, and howls of laughter made the wild dog flatten his ears in embarrassment. He turned back to his captive, looking merry. "In our land. Ours now. Our pet now." He yapped like a small pet dog, highly amused. "You like this?" He released the dog's paws and stood, flicking his loincloth aside to reveal his stunning manhood -- fully dropped, but soft -- and pushed his hips forward to make the flesh press against Inja's face. The wild dog tried to ignore the part of him that squealed with delight and lust at the zebra's incredible tool and fulsome balls. Now was not the time to be a horny little shit. But he couldn't stop a little bit of cock peeking out of its furred home, and nor could he stop his tongue flicking out for a lick. That made the zebra rumble with satisfaction.

"We all male," the big male told him, with a smirk. He hardly needed to point that out: everywhere Inja looked was muscle. "All like male." That was somewhat more of a surprise. The big zebra's dark pink tongue roved along his lips for a second as he leered down at Inja, eyes taking in his crotch -- with his cock betraying his arousal -- and colouring. "Male like you...you pretty. You learn."

The metal point of his spear rammed unexpectedly into the dirt a few inches in front of Inja, making the wild dog flinch. His bound paws were grabbed, and the rope first loosened and then tied into a new knot that snaked around the spear's shaft as well as Inja's paws. The canine was left tied to it, unable to move away. The zebra tested the knot and snorted in satisfaction. He patted Inja's head.

"Mate first," he said, and then gave a command to someone else behind Inja. Inja looked up at him, not understanding what he meant -- until he heard a bark behind him. An actual bark. He tried to turn his head far enough to see what it was, but could only make out that a zebra was leading a smaller creature by its collar. Was that...?

Someone raised the wild dog's tail, and Klong's nose pushed under it. The wild dog gave a sudden moan at the cold nose on his sensitive ring, and a ripple of noise ran through the watching zebras. Not a laugh, as before, or even a chuckle; something throatier, more lustful. They were all watching, he saw, when he looked up: watching with intense looks, and hardening cocks. Their loincloths were swished aside, and they openly jerked off as they watched the painted dog receive an extremely aggressive sniffing by the ridgeback hound.

Klong's tongue replaced his nose, the warm, rough surface sliding up and down Inja's crack, just as it had earlier. The wild dog whined at the intensely erotic feeling, his sheath starting to fatten as electricity seemed to run over his skin. That felt fucking incredible. Far beyond how it had ever felt before. The zebras were using him for a show, he realised. They seemed to think Klong was his mate. His head whirled, trying to make sense of everything, the dog tongue licking over his asshole making concentration difficult. He really needed this. He needed it every bit as much as he'd needed it out in the veldt.

The final barriers fell to some vague reasoning. The zebra tribe didn't seem interested in hurting him. And it wasn't like he could escape. And he was...so fucking horny. Whatever they had fed him was some kind of aphrodisiac, he'd decided, because he was hornier than he could ever remember being. And still lubed up. So...

The wild dog put his head down and pushed his ass backwards, claws wrapping around the shaft of the spear for support. He lifted his tail even higher, trying to give Klong all the access he needed. Whoever had lifted it felt him do that, and let go. There was a rumbled cheer from the zebras as their prisoner gave in to his needs, and his captor stepped away, merging into the ring of equine horniness. Klong lapped away happily, whining now and then. Inja whined back, imagining the thick dog cock he'd sucked on earlier hanging underneath his attentive friend. Nice and long and thick...oh, fuck, he needed it...

He glanced up again at the zebras, looking at their dicks. Far bigger than any guy he'd ever had, and pitch black. The skins of the huge phalluses were shiny in the sunlight. He didn't know if that was natural, or if their masturbation had spread their own emissions over the skin. There was surprising variation between the shafts, too; that one was thinner and longer, that one shorter and thick. All of them had flares the size of oranges, though, exactly like the zebra that had captured him -- and most had the same goose-egg-sized balls hanging below as well. Inja's mouth watered at the sight. He was entirely hard now, and dripping; one of the zebras nudged his neighbour and pointed, and they gave wide grins. The wild dog whined at them, holding his muzzle out and opening his mouth in what he hoped was an obvious gesture.

It seemed to do the trick. One of the zebras untied his loincloth, tossing it aside and walking up to Inja's face. Inja wagged his tail -- still held high for Klong -- and sniffed eagerly at the equine. He had a dry, clean smell, like the savannah. A little grass, a little dust...and a lot of arousal. The zebra smelled fantastically horny, which only made Inja even hornier himself: he was drooling like a faucet, both from his mouth and his cock. The wild dog whined again, more urgently, and tried to reach the zebra's crotch with his tongue. The equine put a hand on his head to hold him still, and the dog waited expectantly. He was not disappointed: the zebra stepped forward, burying the painted dog's face in his sheath, cock, and nuts.

Inja's body quivered as his every sense was suffused with zebra. The thick, musky smell of him; wild and unkempt. The softness of the cockflesh, sliding across his jowls and muzzle. The incredible warmth of it all, as the hot-blooded equine's heart pumped to keep him hard. Veins ran along the inky shaft, feeling as hard as steel from the male's incredible blood pressure. Inja's tongue started licking every inch it could reach, mirroring what Klong was doing to his own rear. The equine tasted absolutely wonderful. Inja's tail wagged even harder, and he ran his lips up and down the shaft -- or at least, the part he could reach. The night-black beast was too long for him to reach the flare from his restrained position, so he made do. The balls were well in range, though, and received special attention.

Either the zebra had decided he trusted Inja, or he was too horny to care, but when Inja sucked one of the heavy weights into his mouth to lick it clean, he wasn't stopped. He was careful to keep his mouth loose to avoid scraping his teeth over them, letting his tongue do the work. It curled around the weights, tasting and probing. A faint hint of sweat had covered them, but he quickly removed that. He couldn't believe how hefty they were, and it made him wonder eagerly about how much seed lay within. Fucking was fun and felt great, but the best feeling was right at the end, when the male blew inside him. Filling him like a bitch, marking him, and making it drip out of him. Every bitch-like instinct that Inja had ever had was front and centre right now.

He desperately needed to be fucked silly.

When Klong was pulled away from Inja's rump, the wild dog whined. But it was only temporary: a hand patted his back, and seconds later the dog thumped onto him. So now the pup got the message. But he didn't mind. He just moaned lustfully, knowing what was to come, and needing it now more than ever. His desire was a roaring fire, and he looked up at the zebra before him, opening his mouth as wide as possible. "Please let me suck your cock," he whined, hoping this zebra could understand. He could see the other zebras still standing around, all hard; their dicks stood stiff and eager, either being stroked by their owners, or by helpful neighbours.

Then the equine right in front of him pushed his fat flare into Inja's mouth just as Klong's thick canine cock punched through his ring behind, and the wild dog's body exploded with pleasure.

The zebra flare was slippery with pre-cum, and felt even wider than it had looked. Inja gagged as it blocked his throat, before his instincts kicked in and he started breathing through his nose. The fleshy mass was pushed deeper, and he swallowed around it, feeling the veins against the sides of his throat and the trickle of leaking pre-cum running down into him. Behind him, Klong was doing his doggy business like a living jackhammer. The wild dog's passage was quite used to canine visitors, but his usual lovers were at least somewhat restrained. Klong, by contrast, was going at him as if he'd die if he didn't dump his load as deep as he possibly could. The animal's thick cock simultaneously stretched Inja wide, and plumbed his deep depths -- all the while hitting that button inside that made Inja's mind scream with pleasure and his cock squirt like a faucet. Klong's knot -- the beautiful knot that Inja had been so recently licking -- was grinding into him at the apex of each thrust, and the wild dog's big ears quivered with the anticipation of it entering him soon.

The painted dog's body swayed back and forth between the two creatures fucking him, moving forward whenever Klong's hips slammed against him, and back when the zebra tried to push deeper. The equine's flare was too wide to go any deeper, though, which was good for now: it gave Inja's tongue a lot of surface area to rove over. His slobbery whines as he licked over every part he could reach of the zebra's flare were outdone in volume only by Klong. The hound was a surprisingly loud fucker: not only whines, but growls and even barks every time he tried to push his knot into the wild dog and failed. He was determinedly trying to knot his mate. Inja wasn't even trying to keep him out -- he was massively swollen, and couldn't fit. Which was fine by Inja: it meant more time to feel the dog's thickness pressing against his hole in the most wonderful way.

Klong did not give up, and after a few minutes of whining, drooling, and pummelling wild dog asshole, his efforts were close to paying off. Inja felt more and more of the knot managing to squeeze past his loosened, beleaguered anus, and shivered. He loved dicks, in whichever hole he could get them, but none of them -- not even horses! -- compared to the fullness of a fat canine knot plugging his rear. The zebra flare made it impossible to speak, so he tried to beam his thoughts to the dog instead. Do it, boy, you good boy, give me that knot, make me your bitch, fuck yeah, pup, I wanna feel your thickness in me, come on boy, fuck me good, fuck me, fuck me...!

The ridgeback must have been a mind-reader, or he sensed how close he was to his goal, because his hips sped up; if he hadn't tightened his grip on Inja's midsection, he would have pushed himself upwards and over. Bam, bam, bam, went the knot...and then the middle point pushed through, and in a sudden rush that had the horny dog's weight falling heavily against Inja's back, his entire cock was buried into Inja. From root to stem, nine inches of cock and two inches of knot were deep inside the painted dog, and Klong lifted his head and howled a triumphant, dominant sound. The bitch was his, at last. The pressure of the dog's big balls, which had been slapping constantly against Inja's ass-cheeks, disappeared as they lifted. His cock twitched, and then started pulsing; Inja groaned happily as the animal began to cum, pumping his runny seed deep into the wild dog's body.

Inja considered himself lucky; every time he was knotted -- no matter who it was -- the thickness of that wonderful canine gift pressed directly against his prostate. The hard mass of flesh pressing intensely against his softer one was like someone repeatedly hammering a button labelled "Reach Orgasm". It never failed to work for him. The flare in his throat notwithstanding, he took as much breath as he could and gave a muffled howl of his own, one of lust and happiness and just a little pain. Klong was a gifted boy, after all, and the zebras hadn't let him take it slow.

The equine filling his throat must have felt him loosening up around his member, for he took his own chance. As Inja gave his muffled yell of ecstasy, the striped male pushed forward, and his flare sank past the barrier it had been stuck at, snaking much deeper down Inja's throat, filling him with the sexy black shaft and making his throat bulge. The zebra made a happy sound and began to throat-fuck his canine cocksleeve.

The wild dog's eyes bulged at the unexpected intrusion, his ears flicking back and forth excitedly. He had to work to breathe now, grabbing air whenever the shaft moved to one side or another. The zebra was so deep inside him! Had he ever taken someone this deeply before? He didn't think so: without restraints, he would have pulled back already as the feeling of suffocation built. That feeling was still there, but manageable. His body was being pumped full of adrenaline, ready to fight, but he could feel zebra dick all the way down his throat...and he liked it. He imagined the way his throat must be distending from its size, and tasted the shaft against his tongue as it slid back and forth. The huge equine was right in front of him, head tilted, eyes lidded, looking down at him with his mouth ajar. The horniest look. Inja felt obscenely proud that he was making this enormous stud feel so good, and he didn't want to stop.

Then he felt Klong's leg slide over his back as the animal twisted around to complete the knotting, and he tensed his anus as hard as he could to keep the knot inside. He'd earned it, and he wasn't giving it up until every last squirt of ridgeback cum was squeezed out of that dick and swirling inside him. Besides, the knotted cock in his anus was making up for whatever discomfort he felt in his trachea, like some wonderful weird pleasure-exchange system.

He closed his eyes, trying to pleasure his tribal fuck-lord even more. Squeezing his throat closed around the obsidian cock made the zebra moan, but cut off his air. He'd become light-headed, and have to release to grab another breath -- but then he'd try again. Squeeze, release, squeeze. The zebra certainly seemed to be enjoying the unconventional blowjob, but it was only when he started muttering a phrase, over and over again, that Inja knew for sure. He didn't speak their language, but it was a phrase any canine in the world would recognise purely from the tone.

Good boy. Good boy.

Perhaps it was slight oxygen starvation, or the agonisingly drawn-out sexual tension of the entire day thus far, but something about that made Inja's inner puppy howl with delight. He was a good boy! He'd show them. And not only this zebra, or the hound tied with him...all of them. He'd fuck every single zebra in this entire fucking tribe until the cum roiling in every magnificent set of balls that he could see was no longer in them, but in him. Starting with the stud in his throat.

He redoubled his attentions, breath snorting messily in and out of his nostrils as he squeezed his muscles, twisted his head, and did everything he could to get the zebra off. The big equine gasped, even pulling ever so slightly out of Inja -- before growling and slamming deeper, fucking the wild dog's face almost as hard as Klong had fucked his rear. Inja's head bounced around, no longer able to control things, and only when the zebra's flare began to grow -- incredibly -- even fatter, did a small kernel of panic set in again. He was completely unable to breathe now, suffocated by a monster cock, and felt the light-headedness building once more. His vision grew fuzzy, and he could feel his heart pounding, loud in his ears. Down his throat he felt hot, gooey liquid streaming, directly into his stomach, filling him to fullness and beyond...

Then, an explosion of sensations. The cock: pulling out roughly, scraping painfully along his insides, leaving his throat raw and aching. The cold sweetness of air replacing the cock, making him gasp and cough in relief. The wonderful tang of warm zebra seed filling his mouth, as the gigantic flare dragged a mouthful of it along for the ride as it rose from his depths. The swollen weight of his belly, carrying an entire zebra load. The triumphant braying of the stud standing before him, at his successful conquest. The cheering of the onlookers. The sight of the equine cock he'd throat-fucked, long and wet, streaked with white cum. The glory of the unbelievably massive flare that was still drooling cum onto the ground. The continued, wonderful pressure of a fat dog knot in his ass.

His own orgasm arrived like a moment of apotheosis, and he gave a bestial howl that matched the power of the muscle spasms in his pelvis. Without so much as a sniff at his cock by anyone, he exploded with cum, and his balls pained with the intensity of it. He splattered semen all along his belly, like a good dog, and the rest was drunk up by the dry, eager soil. His homeland welcoming the gift of her prodigal son's seed. His hips bucked instinctively, and as his muscles loosened, Klong's knot popped out of him with a wet pop and a rush of cooling semen down his legs. His body emptied itself with spasms of almost painful power, and the wild dog's mind flowed along with it, lost in perfect, smooth sexual bliss.

Only when his cock began to shrink back into his sheath did more mundane feelings begin to register again. The zebra who had fucked his throat had retreated. Klong was licking his well-loosened tailhole clean of the mess he'd made. And Inja's nose was full of the smell of semen: Klong's, his own, the zebra's. And the zebras surrounding him were...chanting? A low and throbbing beat, repeated, getting louder each time.

It wasn't until another zebra entered his line of sight that he understood. It was the zebra who'd captured him, circling him now like a bird of prey. His eyes were triumphant, and his cock swung free, hard and proud. The balls under it were dark and powerful. Inja watched it all, already missing the satisfaction of something thick and hard and male inside him. He gave a whine, and looked up at zebra he'd fought, unsure what to say. The zebra solved that problem by reaching forward and thrusting three fingers into the wild dog's mouth.

"You mate good," the zebra said, pushing his digits deep and rubbing them against Inja's mouth. Inja gave a short, hard bark, slobbering greedily on the faux cocks in his mouth, tongue sliding over the skin and sucking them clean. His erstwhile captor took his flare in one hand and pumped it, then let go. "Nijari say, good throat. He say...you good dog." Inja whined hard at that, sucking harder on the fingers, his tail wagging frantically and his cookie-sized ears pitched forward to catch every word of praise from this tall, striped master. The zebra circled around his side -- keeping his fingers in Inja's mouth until the last possible moment -- and slid along the canine's rear. Inja quickly raised his tail as high as it could, indicating how absolutely ready he was for whatever the zebra wanted to do.

The hooved fingers he'd just sloppily coated with his spit probed at his hole, and sank inside him, making him shiver and yap with excitement. Talking was extraneous now; most of them couldn't understand him anyway. But there was one thing that they might understand from tone, just as he'd understood them.

"Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me." He put every ounce of neediness and desperation into his tone that he could. "Oh, fuck me. Please fuck me. Fuck me, you equine god, fuck me, fuck me with your huge fucking cock..." He pushed back as far as his restraints would let him, signalling his extreme willingness to be used, fucked, mated, owned by this magnificent tribal equine master.

The fingers vanished, and a flare slapped against his winking pink hole. Inja could already feel how much larger the zebra was than the ridgeback cock that had loosened him up. Two massive hands slipped around his sides, feeling his swollen belly -- full of who knew how many litres of zebra cum -- and making the zebra rumble with satisfaction, deep in his chest.

"Good dog make mbizi empty." His hands slid down the belly, to Inja's hips, and lifted the wild dog up a bit -- and then punched forward with his hips, driving almost his entire cock into the canine in a single motion.

Inja howled loud and long -- in pleasure, not pain. The barrelling train of cockflesh rubbed over his most sensitive places, setting off fireworks in his head. He'd had one of the most intense orgasms of his life not minutes before, but already wanted more. He was their good dog, all of them. Good dogs got fucked until their horny masters were satisfied, and this master was extremely horny.

Whether it was revenge for the injuries sustained in their tussle, or a naturally enormous libido, the stallion did not hold back. If Klong's knot hadn't widened the wild dog in advance, it would have hurt like shit. Instead, it felt perfect; wonderful. Being filled by a male such as this was precisely what Inja needed, and he never wanted it to end. His muscles went a little slack as the zebra's arms supported him, and only his toes touched the ground. He whined and grunted as the zebra fucked him, the enormous cock barely fitting inside, feeling amazing when it expanded within and slid deeper, deeper. The canine cum had painted his insides perfectly, ensuring that this bigger stud could ride him as hard and as fast as he wanted to.

Which was very fast. And very hard.

Inja's little body swayed back and forth as the zebra used him, making the spear lean alarmingly. The endless inches of zebra cock were hitting spots he didn't even know he had, and when he looked up at his mate -- towering over him like a striped mountain -- he saw gritted teeth, firm muscles, and the swinging bone necklace that he wore. The male's eyes were partially closed, looking ahead -- not down -- as he focused on fucking the wet, tight hole beneath him. Inja sighed and let his head hang down, doing the same, only making time to whimper and grunt with sublime pleasure. He let the sensation of hard, hot flesh inside his ravaged hole fill his mind, driving out all other thoughts. He was a vessel for this beautiful male to use and fill, now, nothing more. He would serve their needs and receive the gift of their seed in return. He squeezed down on the zebra dick as tightly as he could, trying to give his master all the stimulation he deserved. He wished his paws were free so that he could run them over the amazing body that was fucking him, feeling it flex and tense in rut, licking the sweat off of it and glorying in their blissful union.

The zebra sped up, and Inja cried out in joy, urging him on. "Yes, yes! Harder! Fuck me, fill me, master!" The zebra balls he'd admired earlier were slapping wetly against his dog-cum-soaked upper thighs, like smooth black wrecking balls. His big belly, as if recognising the source of its most recent meal, growled and bounced under him, and the zebra's cock stretched him even further. The big male's hands jerked his body about; he was trying to push in deeper, and only now did Inja realise with a shock that the zebra had not even hilted inside him. The dick on this guy was terrifyingly big. A moment of fear flashed through the wild dog's mind at what might happen if he did bury it all in him, but the rest of him was too far gone to care. He needed this. All of it. No matter what that meant.

In the end, he needn't have worried. The zebra's pace reached a fever pitch, slamming into the wild dog so fast that the spear he was tied to was worked almost entirely loose of the ground, and practically lifting his rear off the earth. Inja could feel his medial now, slipping in and out of him, thicker than the rest and pulling his hole back and forth every time. And then it went in, and stopped, and the dog felt every muscle surrounding him go taut as steel cables. As he gave a triumphant howl, the flood began.

The cock down his throat had been too deep for him to truly appreciate the volume of a zebra orgasm. Only his stomach's size had hinted at it. This time, he could feel, smell and hear every part of it, and it awed him. He actually felt the first shot, smacking into his intestinal walls, and he grunted in shock. That was followed by a second -- barely weaker -- and a sloppy, squelching sound as cum started oozing out of his ass. That sound became louder, the volume soon becoming a stream as the equine's balls poured themselves into Inja. Inja's balls were emptying themselves as well, in an orgasm even more potent than the last, but he barely noticed. The sensations he cared about were all inside him.

It simply didn't end. The air was thick with the male's smell, driving Inja mad with need and thirst for a taste of it, and the cum flowed out of him as if the fat cock blocking most of Inja's asshole was not even there. He couldn't begin to think how much cum the equine must be pumping into him for the relatively small amount that escaped to still be such a volume. He felt the backsplash against his hocks when it hit the ground; it soaked the earth to satiation, and then ran across the ground, oozing between Inja's footpads and toes. The zebra himself wasn't thrusting anymore: merely hanging above Inja, almost frozen, completing the insemination. His nose snorted hard, and through his gritted teeth came the odd nicker, but that was all.

Zebra and wild dog, joined by cock and cum and need, did what they had always wished to do.

When this zebra was finally done, he simply let go, and the wild dog collapsed to the ground. The long cock was pulled out of him, and the spear clattered loosely to the ground. Inja shook his head and looked up to see the zebra step over him. His immense penis hung down, suspended right above the dog, cum still dripping thickly from the softening tip. Inja eagerly opened his mouth to capture it, whining and licking up every drop, revelling in the taste of male puissance.

The zebra looked down impassively, and then cocked his head upward in what looked like a gesture of approval. "Good throat. Good hole." He leaned down, untying the wild dog's paws; Inja reached for the swinging zebra cock the second his paws were free, smearing his paws with the semen that still coated it. The zebra smiled as he stroked his member. "Good for tribe." He got up, gesturing for the canine to stand as well.

Inja blinked. Good for tribe. He got to his feet, thinking he understood, but not daring to believe it. His muscles complaining from their bondage, and he rubbed his aching wrists -- then slid a paw down to feel his ass. His hole felt like a cavern, and he trembled with the beautiful memory of what had done it. His other paw reached again for the hanging cock before him, hefting it to feel its weight. Massive. Massive beyond his imagination. And he had taken it.

His body was grumbling, but he didn't care. His ass was a cum-drooling mess. He was a good dog, with a tribe of new masters. All of those new masters were fully nude now, loincloths tossed aside in a final rejection of whatever semblance of civility they'd cleaved to before now. Theirs was not the world that covered up such perfect virility. The wild dog took some awkward steps -- his cum-filled belly preceding him, like a herald -- towards the ring of zebra around him, falling to his knees in front of one and licking up and down his cock. It tasted better than anything...except the cum that could be coaxed out of it. And when the zebra turned and lifted his tail, Inja yapped in delight and stuffed his muzzle under it, nose and tongue taking in the sweet, clean, grassy smells and tastes of the male. The wild dog slid a paw between the zebra's legs to stroke the big balls, and his tail wagged wildly -- until someone gripped it, pulled upward to raise his rear, and pressed another flare against him. Inja was trivially fuckable by now, and the long pole slid in whisper-smooth and began to fuck him all over again.

Inja's world faded into a long and endless rut. He rimmed the zebra in front of him as long as he was allowed to, until the ass was replaced with a cock. And then he sucked, sucked until a whinny proclaimed a new load of zebra seed to fill him. His ass was also given another load, and a third, before he felt someone lifting him bodily and carrying him. His lust-addled mind could tell that dusk had fallen, but nothing more. And when he was laid down on a stone slab, on his back, he sighed, and opened his legs, and mouth, and paws. Zebra cocks were slid into him, over him, alongside him. He stroked and teased them even as they ravished his ass and filled his throat. Whenever an ass was presented, he explored it deeply and with gusto; when a mouth took his member into it, he squirmed and whimpered and fed it his own seed.

He saw only scenes of lust around him, now lit by firelight; the dancing shadows giving an ancient feel to the same scenes that had played out in this land since the beginning of time. Zebra males fucked one another with wild abandon, glorying in the knowledge of the pre-eminence of their masculinity -- and their pricks -- across the continent. Lustful whinnies and climactic bellows played out alongside softer, tender sounds of kissing, licking, and groaning. Hands roved over muscled bodies and tight asses, prodding eager doughnuts and gripping spongy flares. Inja's every hole was filled, every inch of fur doused in semen, and every memory of before whisked away.

This was where he belonged.

The tour guide paced nervously and hurried forward when Ubude and the other rangers appeared. Their faces looked grim, and she raised a hand to her mouth in fear for what they would say.

"Is...he...?" she asked, voice quavering.

"He is not dead", Ubude said, and the giraffe sighed in relief. "But," she continued, "he will not go home." When the giraffe frowned, not understanding, she held out an item: a dog collar, with the name 'Klong' burned into the leather.

"This was left at the gate. Klong was the dog that was with him."

"So...he ran away with the dog?" But no -- who would have left the collar, she realised. And indeed, Ubude was already shaking her head.

"No. It..." She seemed to be struggling with something she wanted to say, and eventually gave up. She handed the collar over to the giraffe, gruffly. "Smell."

The tour guide sniffed, and jerked her head back in surprise. That was extraordinarily musky. What was that? When she asked, Ubude took a moment to reply, and even so, answered vaguely.

"Guests are told not to go near the zebras. They are so territorial. But we do not say why. They...this is their mating range."

It took a moment for the giraffe to grasp what she was saying, and then she made an 'o' with her mouth. She turned, looking out across the wide savannah, painted in the ochres and purples of falling light.

"So...what now?" she asked. She had no idea what she would put on her report. Trip 1165, guest lost due to being abducted by horny zebras? She'd simply say a lion ate him.

Ubude was considering. "I think..." She nodded. "Yes. I would say...he has come home."

A Visit from Sven

The video started out black. Scrabbling noises played as something scratched over the microphone. After a few seconds, there was motion in the darkness; the auto-focus kicked in, and dark horse fur could be seen, pressed tightly against the lens. Then...

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Evening Shift

I was sitting outside in the communal office recreation area, eating my lunch, when my phone moaned at me. I paused, looking at it lying on the table in front of me. My heartbeat sped up. The moan was the sound I'd configured it to make when I got...

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Midnight Snack

His breathing was soft and regular, a quiet susurration in the night. The curtains were pulled open, and moonlight streaming in made the white fur of his muzzle seem to glow with a cool light. With his face resting on its side, only a single ear poked...

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