Midnight Snack

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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#2 of Pitching Dad's Tent

Riker and Thomas are exhausted after a busy day. However, one of them has trouble falling asleep...until he thinks of a possible solution.

This is a semi-sequel to Pitching Dad's Tent. I strongly suggest you read that first.

So, it occurred to me - out of the blue - that while Stable Family got a somnophiliac follow-up, Pitching Dad's Tent (which was very much just a re-imagining of Stable Family, except with better pacing) did not. This offends my sense of balance, and so I am correcting that oversight with this story.

I've also thrown in a pretty obvious hint for what I have planned in the future for both of these lovely. incestuous couples. Oh yes, Mr Peanutbutter. Yes indeed.

I have a Telegram group! Whether you're interested in seeing snippets of upcoming pieces, helping me decide what to write next, like seeing WIPs of my art, wanna provide characters for future art or stories, or just want to chat casually with fun people about shared interests, why not pop in? Readers, writers, and everything in between are welcome :) Join us here: https://t.me/joinchat/G9Tf2kf7xV7E15L374bF5Q

His breathing was soft and regular, a quiet susurration in the night. The curtains were pulled open, and moonlight streaming in made the white fur of his muzzle seem to glow with a cool light. With his face resting on its side, only a single ear poked up; a jib, guiding him across the ocean of his dreams. He looked so rested. So beautiful. Like an angel.

Riker was propped up on one arm, staring down at his son's face. He didn't know how long he'd been doing it. Maybe an hour. The moonlight had moved quite far across the bed since he started. He had tried to sleep earlier, when they came to bed. Thomas had passed out pretty quickly; it had been a very busy night for him, the sexy thing. Riker, though, had lain back in his pillow and stared at the ceiling. Memories of the evening had kept playing in his mind, keeping him awake. He could feel the tiredness under the surface, begging him to close his eyes and drift off -- but it was drowned out by the memories. Still fresh, and raw, and...and so hot.

It had been months to plan. They'd had to build a special sling, and Thomas had had to practise with an escalating series of toys, and Riker had needed to teach his stallion an entirely new sequence of commands...but it had all come together. He could see it all in his mind's eye. Watching Zebra's unbelievably thick cock spear into his gorgeous son, listening to his yips and barks of utter pleasure as the horse's massive prick fucked him raw. He'd swung back and forth in the swing as Riker guided his stallion with voice and paw. It hadn't taken long; Thomas had milked that cock equally as much as it had fucked him, and Zebra had emptied his load inside the husky inside a minute. Then he'd pulled out, dragging another long moan from his living condom, and it was done. Thomas had already sprayed his load over the sling halfway through, and his body was limp and shuddering when his father pulled him into his arms for a kiss.

It had been the first time, but certainly not the last. They had so much more they wanted to try, now that they knew their setup worked. Riker had connected with another father and son couple online: two horses, from down in the country somewhere. They'd built a faux mare to use with their stallion. They'd even invited the two huskies to come and visit sometime, and after the night's experiences, Riker thought they just might do that.

But that was for the future. For now, he only wanted to keep looking at his handsome, talented son. After the horse fuck, they'd spent the rest of the evening excitedly discussing other ideas...which made them horny. Which led to making out. Thomas had finished off the evening by giving his father a blowjob. Riker had wanted more, but...well, shit, the young stud had just taken a horse cock like a champion. He had to be pretty sore. The older husky didn't want to make him feel bad by asking to fuck him, and forcing him to decline his own dad for sex. So, he'd taken the blowjob, and been grateful...

But he was still horny. And hard. And staring at the beatific face of his boy was doing nothing to counteract that. The same image kept flashing through his mind now: Thomas in the sling, asshole wide, stallion cum dripping onto the stable floor, and two big, furry nuts swinging under him...

His knot was making his sheath uncomfortably tight at the recollection, and he slid a paw under the blankets to release it. He squeezed it hard as he looked at his resting son.

"I love you, Thomas," he whispered, barely audible. "So fucking much, son. I feel like my throat's gonna close up when I think about it. You're so handsome, and smart, and...everything. You really make your old dog proud, son." He breathed in and out quickly, a deep breath to stave off the very feeling he'd just described. "I love what we do together, boy...it's the best. Watching your face when we fuck...seeing your eyes close when you whimper...hearing you call me daddy..." His dick was as hard as it ever got now, and he shucked off his boxers under the blankets, trying not to wake Thomas. Luckily, there didn't seem to be much risk of that; the young husky was completely passed out. Apart from a few whimpers and occasional jerks of his limbs as he chased something in his dreams, he did not move.

Riker stroked himself, suppressing a needy whine. "There's nothing like you ass, son...oh, fuck, I love it. You're so tight, and the way your balls bounce around when I push in, and the way they pull up when you're gonna cum..." He whined again, deeper. This was a lot more arousing than he'd expected. Telling his sleeping son about how much his body turned him on was...turning him on. He could do more, though. He could show him.

With a breathy grunt, he slid under the covers. The thick duvet blocked out the pale moonlight, but he didn't need his eyes down here. His nose told him everything. The close air was thick with the smell of Zebra's cum; Thomas had tried to keep as much of it inside him as he could, and it was probably leaking out of him now that he was asleep. The thought made Riker's cock jerk. Layered over the semen scent was the tight pungency of the husky precum his paw had smeared over his own dick, as he jerked off. And on top of that...the broad, wonderful smell of his son's ball sack. He could have picked that smell out from a mile away these days: solid husky musk, with a hint of sweetness. He couldn't begin to count the hours he'd spent with his nose buried in that.

He slipped carefully over his son's leg and pressed his limbs gently aside, giving his muzzle unfettered access to everything that waited between those legs. Riker moved forward until his nose bumped into husky balls, and let his tongue slip out to lick them. Slow, languid licks, to capture the full taste. His son tasted sublime: the muskiness was in full effect from the evening's exertions, and there was even a hint of stallion in there from where the nut sack had rubbed against the dripping ass right below it. Riker turned his mouth to one side and took one of the orbs into it, suckling very gently. Another soft whine came from his mouth as felt the taste of the big, furry testicle resting on his tongue. Oh, it was so good. The taste, the feel of it...his boy had big nuts, same as his dad. The older husky's paws rested on the muscled thighs to either side as he wetted the fur with his freely-running saliva, and swallowed the musky, cummy result.

When the first ball was entirely soaked, he allowed it to drop from his maw and took in the other. That got the same treatment: soaked, and sucked on, with soft snorts of delight. His hard cock rubbed against the bedspread as he writhed under it, driving him even madder. When both balls had been sucked clean of their taste, he nosed against them, the cool wetness feeling so good against his nose. He was breathing through his mouth now, and when his tongue darted out for another sample of husky nut, it missed. He got a mouthful of husky ass instead, with a stallion cum chaser.

Riker had to bite down to avoid groaning very loudly. That had felt fucking incredible. Wet, and warm, and smooth. He hadn't wanted to force Thomas into ass-play earlier...but he was asleep now. He wouldn't feel it. And Riker wanted...needed...another sampling of his son's wonderful body.

His tongue flew out again quickly, like a hummingbird, lapping at the hole under the balls. Ohhhhh. His eyes closed in delight. He slapped it flat against the bottom of Thomas' taint and slurped it upwards, feeling the muscle of his pucker tense ever so slightly under his attention. He stopped for a moment to listen, but Thomas' breathing hadn't changed. Only an automatic reaction. Back to licking. Tasting. So hot. So delicious. One paw meandered down to his cock, accessible when he awkwardly lifted his ass into the air under the blanket, and stroked it. Why was this so hot? Sucking his sleeping son's balls. Licking his son's asshole while he dozed. Licking out the cum from the stallion that had fucked him. He could wake up at any moment. He had to stop. He couldn't stop.

Another groan, this one not suppressed nearly as well. Riker's tongue pressed forward that much harder...and the ring of muscle gave. In he went, and found new tastes. It was hot inside Thomas....and loose. It was one thing to know that a stallion's fat prick had been in here a few hours before, and quite another to feel the stretch, the space it had left inside the young husky. So loose, in fact, that anything less than a stallion would probably barely register for another day or two...

Riker felt bad as soon as he thought of it, but -- well, he'd technically never asked Thomas in the first place. He'd simply decided not to put him in that position. So he'd never said no. If he'd known how loose his son still was, he'd have taken his chances.

And he'd never know. He'd never know. Just a little sorer in the morning. Just a bigger gush of spunk to wash out in the shower.

Riker lifted his head and pulled the duvet off, shrugging it backwards over his shoulders. Before him lay his son, fully revealed in the moonlight. His gorgeous white fur looked like it was lit by an inner glow, while his darker areas glimmered like silver. He was so beautiful, Riker nearly howled with lust and joy and adoration. But that would wake him, and he did not want to do that. He only wanted to love his son more.

More deeply.

In the ass.

He put his paws under Thomas's calves, carefully lifting his son's legs upwards, exposing his wide, pink hole. He shifted forward on his knees until his cock was at just the right angle, and with a final glance at the still-sleeping young husky, he pushed in.


He tried to be quiet, he really did. But it was too wonderful. The slickness of the cum, with the wideness of the hole...he slipped in right up to the knot without resistance. It was like putting on a perfectly-fitted slipper. He pulled out and thrust back in, this time with some soft words.

"Oh...son...I love you...love fucking you..."

Each thrust was careful. Not too hard. He didn't want to wake Thomas. The fluttering ass, though, was awake and welcomed him as deeply as he cared to go. Slick, wet noises began to fill the bedroom as the husky's thrusts grew faster, his instincts -- not to mention the fucking fantastic feeling of his boy's asshole -- gradually eroding his self-control. He kept the knot out, at least; that was bound to wake him. He could finish like this, it was fine. Half from the feelings...and half from the knowledge of what he was doing. He was fucking his sleeping son! The idea filled his mind with fire, and he gripped Thomas' calves a little bit harder, moved back and forth a little bit faster. He lifted his head, trying to suppress the howl that would almost certainly try to escape when he came...


Riker froze in mid-stroke and looked down at Thomas. Sleepy eyes looked back at him, barely open. But definitely awake. Riker immediately felt dark guilt wash through him. He was disgusting. He'd taken advantage of his sleeping son, like a pervert. He tried to think what to say, how to explain what he'd been feeling...


No sweeter words had ever been spoken. Riker stared at Thomas for a second, and then resumed his motions, hips filling and emptying the loose hole with daddy husky cock in turn. Thomas stretched and sighed, his eyes closed again, a small smile on his face.

"Didn't think you...wanted to...tonight..."

"Every night, son," Riker replied huskily. Slow strokes. Loving strokes. Let him feel every inch. No rush. "Every night, from now until forever." With his son awake, he was free to make his own sounds of pleasure. His grunts intertwined with Thomas' soft moans as the gentle fucking continued.

When Thomas spoke again, it was quiet and gentle, as if he feared a loud tone might shatter this perfect moment. "Love you...unnnnhhh...in me...Dad...so good...uhhhh...but..."

"But...what?" Riker asked. He kept his voice quiet, too. It seemed right.

His son's small smile grew wider. "I took a horse today, Dad," he said, with wonderment in his tone.

Riker chuckled. "Yep. That you did, handsome. And it was amazing."

"Am I still loose, Dad?"

Riker nodded. "I slipped in without even trying. Didn't even wake you."

Thomas giggled. "You did...you were fucking me...mmmmnnnhh...when I woke up..." Soft whines and pleasured sounds interrupted him every few words. Riker didn't mind. They had all the time in the world.

"Yeah...yeah, handsome," the older husky said. "You were just too beautiful, I...I couldn't resist..."

"That's alright," Thomas said lazily. "I like it when my hot dad fucks me. Even if I'm asleep. But...hhhuuu...but it was naughty...so...you gotta...do something for me..."

"Anything, Thomas. Anything." Riker had slowed his pace to keep his orgasm at bay. He never wanted this night to end. This was perfect. He wanted to spend all his life talking softly to his son about nothing, about fucking, about their lives together as the moonlight played over his fur and his dick pleasured his hole. What could be better?

"Daddy..." Thomas drew the word out, making it a benediction. "I took a horse...soooo...I'm loose...soooo..." A tip of pink tongue ran over his lips, slow as honey. "Soooo...you can fuck me with your knot..." He paused again. His eyes were fully open now, and glittered with reflected moonlight. "Hard, daddy. Rough. Like...like Zebra is fucking me again...like an animal..."

A loud growl came from Riker at that suggestion. "Alright, son," he said, adjusting his paws to have a stronger grip. "You can have daddy's knot." He sunk back into the soft depths of his son until his knot stopped him, as before. But now he pressed in harder, feeling the anus stretch around his girth, stretch and resist and slide inward until -- with a wet, sucking sound and a squirt of horse cum -- he entered fully.

The huskies moaned: one high, one low. Riker instinctively tried to thrust in deeper, but he had no more dick to give. So, he pulled back instead, feeling the entrance to Thomas' hole resisting his exit: the horse had been thick, but Riker's knot was a close second. Thomas groaned louder and louder as he felt the pressure build, and then it collapsed into low, needy whining when the knot popped out. "Daddy, again," he begged, one of his paws reaching out to grip his dick, which had slipped out of his sheath as soon as he woke. "Don't stop. Don't you dare stop."

Riker growled again and pushed back in. His knot was smeared with cum now, and entry was a little easier, but with just enough resistance to make him pant. He pulled out again, loving the way his son's asshole gripped, pulled, tried to keep him inside. The flesh bulged outward with the size of his knot, and in again when he pressed forward in turn. He sped up, his thickness now as lubed as it would ever be. The noises coming from the fuck were like music to his ears: churning, squelching noises as he pummelled his son's guts with his dick and knot. Thomas' paw was sliding quickly up and down his shaft -- as hard as his father now -- and his moans were constant. Whispered exhortations in between kept Riker pounding hard, eager to show his son that he could fuck him just as well as any dumb horse.

"C'mon Dad, yeah, fuck me...fuck me hard...you're so hot daddy, I love you...love your body...big beefy daddy bod...hhhhnnnn...sexy old face, sexy greymuzzle...fuck my loose, sloppy, horse-fucked ass, dad, show me who's in charge, yes daddy...gimme that nice dick, I love you dick daddy, your knot, it's so thick, I love it when you stretch me, daddy...fuck me good, fuck me so hard daddy, I want your cum...uuuhhhh..._fuck yes, fuck yes, oh yes, fuck me, dad, _fuck me with your knot, fuck me with the knot that made me, daddy..."

The bed was shaking with every thrust from the taller husky, the wooden legs squeaking unhappily as they bore the weight of the two males and their frenzied mating. Riker's swollen knot had stretched Thomas' ass as wide again as it had been right after taking Zebra's member, and the crimson mass was fucking him as easily as if it was any old penis. Riker was gripping Thomas' legs so hard now, it must be painful, but his son didn't seem to notice. Between the moaning and the dirty talk, he jerked his dick rapidly. "Oh daddy, oh, oh, I'm..._hhhhuuu..._I'm close...close, daddy...I'm gonna..."

Riker let go of one of Thomas' legs and slapped his son's hand away from his penis, gripping it himself instead. He leaned forward, keeping his knot-fucking up, and stroked his son's dick as fast as he could. "Yes, Thomas, come for daddy...let me feel you cum, son...let daddy feel you orgasm while he fucks you...come on, son, spray for daddy..."

Thomas pressed his hands up against the back wall as his father took over the job of finishing his pleasure, and began to make high-pitched yelps whenever the knot muscled its way inside him. The yelps grew higher and higher in register, and Riker felt the cock in his paw swell a little more...and then Thomas scraped his nails up the wall while a keening, soprano wail of ecstasy burst from his muzzle. His body convulsed in and around Riker, and the older husky felt his son's urethra grow; a moment later, a thick spurt of cum burst from it, flying through the air and splattering into the wall over his son's head. Thomas could shoot like nobody else Riker had ever met. As the ass he was buried in tried to clamp down around his thickness, he quickly angled his son's dick to face towards him, and the next shot hit him square in his open mouth. The hot taste of husky cum was just what he needed, and as his son's powerful squirts painted his face and chest in doggy cum, his own orgasm arrived, deep within the other husky. He bent forward with spasms of pleasure, and he finally let loose with a loud howl as he added his own impressive contribution to the sea of animal cum already filling his son.

When their pleasure was done, Riker hugged Thomas' one leg to him, kissing it gently. His knot was still inside. It felt good. Thomas was panting, tongue lolled to one side, and looked up at his sire with satisfaction.

"Was that good, Dad?" he asked, sliding a paw up the wall to feel the wet spot he'd made there.

Riker kissed his leg again and nodded. "Everything with you is good, Thomas."

Thomas blushed. "No, but really."

"Of course!" Riker said, amazed that Thomas could think otherwise. "Of course, handsome. What could ever go wrong when I'm with you, huh? You're the best son a husky could ask for."

The younger husky squirmed happily, and then held out his arms. "Come lie with me, daddy."

Riker grinned and pulled back, letting his knot pop out one final time. He crawled up the bed and dropped down next to Thomas; his son immediately snuggled his nose into his father's neck. They sighed together, and Riker slipped an arm over his son's side. There were still many hours to morning. He would sleep very well, now.

"Daddy?" Thomas' voice already sounded muted, as sleep began to reclaim him.


"...I wanna visit those...those other horses...and their pet."

Riker turned his head and kissed one of Thomas' ear. "Of course, handsome. Of course."

"What's their names again?"

"Eric and Ronald. And their stallion is, um, Thor."

"Thor..." The name ran off into the distance from his son's lips. "Pretty name...pretty horse...horse cock..."

"Three horse cocks. You'll be in heaven, huh?"

"Nu-uh." The denial was emphatic, if sleepy.


"Nuh." Thomas snuggled deeper into Riker's fur. "This...heaven..."

The two canines fell asleep, dreaming of horses.

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