Desert Rut

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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Karnal the tiger and his mount, Zaggy, are making their way home from a long journey, when they get a little time to themselves. It's not long before hands wander, and cocks drop...

The utterly delightful Karnal was kind enough to include me into a piece of his art ( original here). I was instantly inspired, and produced this work as thanks to him.

If you enjoyed it, please do leave a comment or a fav. And if you have criticism, please leave that as well, I'd love to know what to improve!

Dust, and sand, and heat.

Karnal slumped in the saddle, holding onto the reins listlessly and feeling the plodding motion of his mount below him. He stared forward with an unfocused look. Nothing but sand and rocks, far into the distance. He wiped his brow for the tenth time in the last ten minutes, but it came back dry; he had stopped sweating some time ago. There was only dust out here. Endless, ochre dust. It caked his fur into points and curls, and even his black stripes looked orange now. Every zephyr that swirled up gave him and his stallion a fresh coating.

The oasis was close, surely. He'd visited it before a few times, but never from this direction. He did not recognise any of the landmarks, and had taken far longer than he expected. His water stores had become dangerously depleted. They'd been running on the minimum of water for several days, and it had taken its toll -- more so on his mount than on him. The big stallion's black hair made him a lot more susceptible to the heat, and his pace was noticeably slower today. Usually, the tiger would have only travelled by night, but with water running low they'd been forced to travel partly by day as well. Karnal had even foregone his own water the night before to give the stallion a little more, but it was far from sufficient for the large creature. If they did not reach the oasis today, he wasn't sure they'd survive another day.

At the very least, the feline didn't need to worry about the stallion hearing him fret. The horse simply did his best, as he always did. The tiger reached down to pat his mount's flank with a paw, making soothing noises. "How you doing, Zaggy?" he asked the Friesian. "Almost there, boy. We'll make it, I promise." The poor equine had pushed himself hard over the last weeks, and deserved a good, long rest. They both did. The oasis -- should they reach it -- would do just fine: it was large, with plenty of greenery for Zaggy, and hunting to be had for the tiger. Karnal would set up camp, and they could both rest up fully before the final push to reach the coast, and the end of this long and arduous journey.

Zaggy nickered back at his owner, and Karnal smiled, trying to ignore the pain as his chapped lips split. "Yeah, we might have bitten off more than we could chew this time, huh?" he asked his travel partner. He squinted up at the merciless sunlight, and then across to his saddlebags. All of this...for that. Sacks of gems, rubies and emeralds and sapphires -- and a blue diamond, as big as his fist. They had journeyed deep into the Westlands, trading and dealing their way along rivers, over mountains, and in foreign cities. It had been incredibly lucrative. "We won't need to do this again, boy," he said. "This will set us up for life. That'll be nice, huh? Just you and me, and all the world to see..."

Zaggy snorted, perhaps in agreement, and Karnal patted him again. "Yeah..." Of course, you couldn't drink gems, and if they didn't reach the oasis today, it might be that some future traveller would find the stones lying next to their desiccated corpses. Karnal was positive it was close, though. It must be. He was simply not familiar with this approach...

When they crested a ridge an hour later, a sheet of light momentarily blinded the tiger. Even as he shielded his sight with a paw, his heart leapt. Blinking through the glare, he gave an enormous sigh of relief: trees! And grass. And a wide, wet oasis, reflecting the afternoon sun like a mirror. Zaggy smelled the water in the air, and his nickered, his ears perked. "We found it, boy!" Karnal exclaimed, as dread evaporated from him. They'd made it. They'd be okay.

The tiger released the reins, giving Zaggy his head, and down the rocky slope they went. Zaggy's hooves sent loose stones clattering ahead of them. The oasis was in a rocky depression in the sand, and as they descended the temperature grew noticeably cooler. When they reached the bottom of the basin, Zaggy's training finally gave in to animal needs, and he broke into a gallop that kept going right into the oasis, legs splashing water everywhere. The exhausted horse collapsed, folding onto his back legs and dropping his head into the water for a long, deep drink. Karnal patted him perfunctorily, gave him a breathless "Well done, boy," before slipping awkwardly from his back and falling into the water himself. The coolness was perfect; heavenly balm on his body. He drank deeply, and sighed, and let himself be soaked...and then drank again, and only when his belly felt full to bursting did he crawl out of the water. He was exhausted: from travel, and worry, and dehydration. They were safe now, though. He could rest.

In moments, he'd fallen asleep in the shade of a tree.

When he woke, the sun was rising, not falling. He took a moment to make sense of it; he must have slept right through until the next day. The hard ground had not been an especially good mattress, and his limbs were complaining, but that was easily ignored. What mattered was that the aching thirst was gone.

He sat up with a muffled groan, crossing his arms around a knee and looking around. "Zaggy?" he called. No response. The stallion was probably off grazing somewhere. Karnal wasn't concerned; their bond was deep, and the horse would never simply leave him. Besides, there was nothing around here that would be a danger to a large, shoed stallion. At most, he might kick an optimistic hyena to death.

It was midmorning, and the desert heat was climbing rapidly. Heat waves shimmered on the rocky outcrops around the oasis. In the partially shadowed cleft, though, it remained merely warm. A breeze blew across the water, cooling the air around it. Karnal lifted his face to feel it, eyes shut, and chuffed happily.

He got to his feet, growling a little at the discomfort. A small deer eyed him from across the water, but fled into the brush when he moved closer. He waved after it. "See you for dinner later," he said to himself, then laughed. Being able to laugh again without worry felt fantastic.

He waded into the oasis, his fingers tightening in pleasure at the coolness. At its deepest point, it only reached his upper legs, but that was enough. The tiger lowered his body until only his head was above the water, and then just floated. He drank his fill, as he had the day before. It was a little muddier today from the silt they'd kicked up in their frenzied arrival yesterday, but still fine beyond measure. Once his thirst was quenched, he stood back up and began to rub his paws across his skin, kneading and pulling at his soaked, tousled fur. The grime and dust of endless days of travel took some effort to remove, but it felt so good to get clean. He breathed deeply of the cool air again, just to feel his chest muscles stretch. Breathing deeply in the desert had always felt like taking fire into himself.

He was fiddling with a particularly tricky clump of fur on his thigh when a sudden splash made him turn his head. Zaggy was standing at the edge of the oasis, ears perked. He looked vastly better than he had the last few days, and it warmed Karnal's heart to see him already so recovered. "Hello, handsome," he said in greeting, and the horse waggled his head, making the tiger giggle. The big horse could be so cute. He still had the saddlebags and all his tack on, and the tiger realised he'd slept with that weight on him all night. Karnal tsk'ed at himself and stood up, wading over to the stallion and patting him on the muzzle with a soaked paw. He gave him a big wet kiss on his nose, too. "I'm sorry, boy," he said. "I was so tired yesterday, I couldn't think of anything else, and you had to spend all night with this uncomfortable stuff on you, huh? I'm a bad tiger. Let's get you sorted."

He took the horse's reins loosely, and led him over to the tree he'd slept under. With a few deft motions, the saddlebags were unhooked and lifted off, then placed on the ground. No sooner was that done, though, than the horse snorted, whinnied, and reared a little before dashing off. Karnal gaped after him. "Hey! Dumbass! Let me take the rest off!" But as far as Zaggy was concerned, it seemed, this was freedom enough. He galloped in a tight circle, mane flying, black fur shining in the sunlight, muscles like hammered metal under his skin. The tiger felt a powerful joy at seeing his horse exert himself, and he couldn't help but laugh, and cheer him on, whooping and clapping at his antics. He was such a magnificent creature.

He watched the stallion cavort for a while longer, and then reached down to dig in the saddlebags. In between the currently-worthless sacks of gems, he found the one thing he really wanted right now: a comb. He gave a chuff as he looked at it. Oh, yes. He waded back into the water, and began combing through his fur, rumbling with deep satisfaction as the teeth scraped along his skin. He loved to be clean. He could put up with dirt and filth as long as he needed to, but give him some time to relax, and sufficient water, and he would make every inch of himself gleam. Every single inch. Even the inches that didn't need a comb...

There was splashing behind him again, and a head butted gently into his back. He smiled, and turned his head; Zaggy was back, pushing his nose forward. The two of them nuzzled one another for a moment. Karnal reached a hand up to scratch his ear, and leaned a little into his stallion. "Hey, big boy," he said, "you done having fun?" Zaggy made a good-natured noise, and dropped his head to take a drink as his owner stroked his mane. "We'll wait here for a while, I promise," Karnal told him. "As long as we need to feel good and strong again." A week, at least. Probably two. Then, the final stretch of desert between them and the sea. Another day's travel down the coast to reach Port Argiech. Trade some small gems for passage home. And then...

His daydreaming was interrupted by a horse nose. Zaggy had finished his drinking, and was snuffling at his owner's crotch, just above the waterline. Karna laughed and petted the stallion as he nosed at his owner's furred sheath. "It's been a while, huh?" he said softly, feeling himself begin to rise from the soft touch. "Shall we play a little, handsome?"

He stroked the horse's neck as he let his mount explore his midriff: now dipping to nuzzle his master's balls, then lifting back up to sniff at the sheath. When a pink tip of tiger cock emerged, the stallion gave it a lick, and the feline gasped at the feel of the tongue rasping over his sensitive tip. Oh, he'd missed this. It took him back to the very first time they'd been together as lovers, all those years ago, only a few days after he'd bought Zaggy.

They had been a long way out from the city, scouting for buffalo herds. One night, with the sky a starry wonderland overhead, and the breeze whispering through the tall grasses, he'd sat by the fire, his body warm and full...and needing release. His hand had untied his breeches, and he'd lain back, eyes shut, to stroke himself to hardness. Unexpectedly, a warmth had enveloped his member; Zaggy was there, suckling on him like a calf to a teat. Karnal had no idea where he'd learned it, but the horse had known exactly what to do. The long muzzle and surprisingly deft tongue had given the tiger a blowjob better than any he'd had from the whores he fucked back in the city. Warmth and softness had surrounded the tiger's dick, making him squirm and growl and arch his back, his claws extended and digging into the dirt, until -- with a yowling cry -- he'd emptied his seed into the stallion's mouth. After, as he'd rested, panting, the stallion had walked closer and turned to one side, revealing the size of his own need. Karnal had been more than happy to oblige.

In the years since, they'd explored one another's bodies in every way they could, finding out what the other liked, and discovering new joys to share. And as the stallion licked his growing member now, and his mind recalled those early days, Karnal felt his lust rise up, fiercer and hotter than it had been for a good while. Their journey had been very hard, and he had neglected the needs of both their bodies. It was definitely time to rectify that.

He scratched behind the horse's ear as the equine licked the tiger's long length. "Yes, Zaggy...good boy...oh, I've missed your mouth, you gorgeous creature," he whispered. He leaned to one side, watching the long horse cock emerge from its sheath. The stallion enjoyed this every bit as much as the tiger did, and the proof hung under him, long and fat. The tiger's mouth began to water as he watched it lengthen, harden, and finally slap its owner's belly, like an invitation. It was so beautiful, and it had been weeks since he'd been able to attend to it. Unacceptable. He pulled away from his stallion, shushing and petting him when he snorted in annoyance at losing his toy. "Don't worry, boy, it's just for now. You need a cleaning after the last few weeks. For a start. And after..." He rubbed his thickening sheath with one hand, and splashed across to the stallion's haunches, getting down onto his knees; the cold water felt like ice against his blood-hot penis. He forgot that quick enough, though, as he lost himself in the sight and smell of the pillar of masculinity in front of him.

Zaggy's penis was simply perfect, as far as he was concerned. The pink-and-black mottled shaft grew to slightly over twenty inches in length, and was as thick as his arm. It emerged from a dark, matte sheath, and was accompanied by two wonderfully heavy balls. When hard, like now, the flared end bulged much wider than the shaft, with a nubbed corona that demarcated it. That part was as black as the stallion's body hair, and usually shiny; their travails, and lack of attention, had left it dirty and dun. The cock swung impatiently now as the stallion tugged on it repeatedly, letting the prick say what his mouth could not.

It's my turn, bitch.

Karnal could almost hear him say the words, and chuckled. "Yeah, yeah, it's your turn, I know," he groused, good-naturedly. "Let me just admire your cock a bit, you horny animal." But in truth, even a cursory examination had shown him how poor an owner he'd been. The stallion's prick was filthy. The tiger soaked his paws in the water and wrapped them around the shaft, each paw barely managing to cover half, and stroked slowly with both, from the sheath down. A nicker from Zaggy made him smile. "See?" he said. "I'm touching your cock now. It's happening. I just need to clean it before I do anything else, alright? You'll feel better too, trust me." When he reached the medial, he let go and washed the dirt from his paws, then repeated the motion. Each swipe took a little more grime off the horse's cock, and moved a little further down, revealing the smooth, clean flesh underneath. Stroke, stroke, stroke. The tiger knew this didn't stimulate his stallion in the same way it would him, but the horse still enjoyed it. He stopped for a moment, and an equine face swung around to give him a level stare.

Did I say you could stop?

"Don't stop. Got it. Sorry, sir," the tiger said with a smirk, and resumed his cleaning of the penis. He didn't really need his stallion's encouragement to keep doing it: a stallion cock was an incredible thing to touch -- especially his stallion's -- and he was only too happy to take every opportunity to get his paws on it. With the skin now dirt-free, the full extent of the pink-and-black mottling under it was revealed. Karnal ran a finger along the border between two patches, pressing his pad into the flesh, feeling its remarkable texture and firmness. And the was amazingly hot to the touch. "Who's a sexy boy, then?" he asked softly, and receive a head-shake and a whisked tail in response. "Mmmhm. That's right. You are. You sexy, sexy thing."

There was only one more task needed now. Karnal allowed a claw to snick out a tiny amount, and began to scrape away the dirt that had become compacted around the stallion's medial ring. "Hold still now," he said as the stallion shifted a little, his brow furrowed in concentration. "I really don't want to damage your pride and joy. We'll both be sad if that happens." With a little more effort, he was done. He splashed some water over the penis, and stared at the mass of cock, glistening cleanly in the sun. It was irresistible. "Good boys get a reward," the tiger said huskily, licking his lips and pulling the cock towards him. "Horses and tigers both..." He lapped at it, licking up from the flare to the sheath in one long, smooth motion. "Oh, Zaggy," he murmured, when he broke for a breath, "you marvellous stallion...I fucking love you..." The stallion shivered, perhaps at his owner's words, perhaps at the feeling of the rough tongue against his dick, but nickered in agreement either way. He knew he was sexy, and he expected to receive the treatment due to him.

Karnal licked up and down the long cock, taking in Zaggy's sweetness. The tiger knew the taste of his horse intimately by now, and how best to cultivate it. He hadn't scrubbed the dick anywhere near hard enough to remove the wonderful, musky flavour of stallion that he loved. The horse stood quietly, merely nickering now and then as the rough tongue lapped along him and moaned. Karnal could do nothing but moan: the sound that best expressed the joy of sharing this bond with a stallion, of being able to pleasure him and hear his happy reciprocation. Plus, moans didn't need him to stop licking, or tasting. Stallion flavour filled his mouth now, and he loved it. But this was but one of the pleasures he enjoyed with his stallion, and his own hard cock was telling him it was time for another.

Karnal let the dick fall from his paws. It stuck out at an angle still; Zaggy was young and virile, and it would be many years before he could not maintain a ram-rod erection. Karnal got to his feet, patting the stallion's side when his head swivelled around to demand answers for the cessation of attention. "Patience, you old satyr," the tiger chided. Karnal considered himself rather horny as far as things went, but the stallion had him beat hands down. Once he was aroused, he was...well, a beast. He would pester the tiger for lewd attention for hours, until he decided that he was satisfied. Even an orgasm was no guarantee: half the time, the tiger had only barely finished soaking himself in a pool of fresh stallion semen when the horse stepped up to him with his cock lengthening again. The tiger had only found one sure-fire way to ensure the horse was well and truly sated, but it took a while. Time, however, was not a problem at the moment.

Karnal pressed his face and upper body to the stallion's side, feeling his heat, listening to him breathing. The smell of the saddle's leather mixed with the smell of the horse's hair; a calming, medicinal combination. One hand slid towards the stallion's rear, and Zaggy gave an excited whinny. His tail flagged high, giving the tiger's questing fingers unfettered access to his hole. He loved having his tailhole played with. Karnal rubbed his fingers over the muscled ring, hearing the satisfied rumble deep inside. "Yes, boy, it's gonna happen," he said, rubbing the side of his face over the dark hair as he stroked the ring. One finger probed at the sphincter, and then pressed inwards very slightly, bringing forth another happy whinny from the stallion. The equine took a half-step back, trying to press the finger in, and Karnal chuckled, giving him a kiss on the thigh. They were a perfectly-matched pair: a horse who adored anal play, and a tiger who adored giving it. "Alright...we can do it now, you insatiable thing," he said. He gave the stallion's dick a final squeeze. "And I'll see you in a little while again," he added.

He splashed around to stand right behind the horse, keeping his finger inside the stallion to the knuckle. His cock jerked at the sight of the horse's dark, striated entrance with his white-and-orange finger penetrating it. He fucking loved stallion assholes. A few splashes of water cleaned off the patina of dust that coated the stallion's rear, and made the ring glisten. The stallion flexed his muscles, making it bunch up a little, tightening gently around the finger. Karnal didn't need to be a mind-reader to know what was being said now, either.

Welcome. Please come inside.

"Only too happy to oblige, sexy," the tiger answered. He twisted his finger a little, and the stallion raised his head in a trumpet, and pushed backwards once more. But it wasn't a fingering he wanted. Not really. Karnal took the invitation, pulling his finger out and instantly replacing it with his mouth. He could fit his lips around the entire protruding muscle, allowing his tongue to slide into the winking middle and push deeper. His eyes closed, and he made a deep, thrumming sound of pleasure. He loved how Zaggy's ass tasted. Musky, and earthy, and... horse. Just pure horse. His paws slapped onto his stallion's rump, one on either side, and he grunted with happiness as he dug into the equine with huffed, slobbering actions.

The horse whinnied when he felt his owner begin to rim him. He belly-slapped, the sound of flesh against flesh echoing around the rocky cleft even as Karnal's tongue dug into a fleshy one. His tongue pushed through the first barrier and made the tiger's hips jerk when the electric taste of stallion flooded his taste buds. "Oh...mmmhf...Zaggy..." he said breathlessly, when he pulled back for a moment to take a breath. "Why have we waited so long... oh, fuck I've missed this...can't wait to..." He gave up on the sentence and pushed back into his stud, the horse meeting his attentions with equal and opposite force. Karnal's entire face was buried in stallion ass, and his paws tightened against the muscled rump whenever he wanted the stallion to push back extra-hard. That way, he could get as much tongue inside him as possible. The muscles of the equine's tunnel wrapped around his tongue like a hug, squeezing back when he pressed against them. It was so hot, so musky inside the horse. He was in heaven.

The small deer that the tiger had seen earlier came wandering out of the brush, unnoticed by the two lovers. It froze, unsure of what to make of the sight of what looked like a six-legged creature, snorting and grunting and writhing in the water, swaying back and forward. When the creature appeared to split into two and gave a feral, predatory cry, the deer decided it wasn't all that thirsty after all, and fled.

Karnal pulled back from the horse's ass, and looked hungrily at his work. The stallion anus was soaking wet, tiger spittle both coating it and drooling out of it, and stretched just wide enough to see a little of the interior. This would do. Karnal took a few seconds to jerk his painfully hard cock as he looked at the pulsing, leaking hole, easing the burning need in his loins a little. He walked back around to the stallion's front, and when the soft nose pressed into him, gave it a kiss. "I want to paint your asshole white, stud," he growled. The horse nickered and flagged his tail again. He might not know what his owner was saying, but he knew that tone. He liked that tone. "Good boy," Karnal said, and took the reins, to lead the horse out of the water. There was a ledge of rock a short distance away, and he left Zaggy in front of it, his ass facing it, before walking around and clambering up onto it. The height was perfect. He stood behind the stallion, one paw on equine rump, and one on his own dick. A single click with his tongue, and Zaggy moved back. The stallion's skin was quivering now with endless shivers of anticipation, and the slapping of his cock was like a metronome. Karnal used it as his rhythm when he lined his cock up with the hole, and pushed in hard.

The tiger roared, and the horse screamed. Birds took to the air, and the sounds echoed around the rocky walls. Karnal's mind went fuzzy, and he forgot anything except the exquisite warm wetness of his stallion's hole. It really had been far, far too long since they had last done this. He was grateful that his cock had no barbs; with the way they fucked, they would have been very painful for his stallion. As it was, he could press inwards without resistance. His forward motion was matched once again by the horse pushing back, trying to get as much of his owner's penis inside him as he could. Zaggy was nickering constantly now, the sound he made when particularly aroused. Getting fucked was one of his favourite things. His steel beam of a cock was almost parallel to his belly, and dripping endless onto the dusty ground like rain. Every belly slap sent a fine mist of it floating off. Karnal was certain these sands had never seen a shower like this before.

It didn't take long for Karnal to hilt inside the stallion. His mount was well-trained to take the tiger's cock by now. When he felt his furred balls meeting the stallion's taint, he sighed, and laid forward across his back. "Love your ass so much, Zaggy," he whispered to the horse, flexing his cock and feeling the ass muscles flex back. Even after years of regular fucking, his stallion still felt as tight as the first day he'd slipped inside him. The marvellous heat of him took it to the next level. The tiger always took a moment to savour this special union, to celebrate the unique bond they'd built -- before really celebrating it. With a good, hard, bestial fuck.

He pushed himself upright again, and pulled back until only his cockhead remained inside. Zaggy rumbled deeply as the cock withdrew, and squealed when the tiger shoved it all back in. Karnal also cried out again as he was enveloped, and one hand took hold of the horse's tail for support, lifting it out of the way. He yanked his cock back out, then drove in once more, deep as he could, until hair met fur. The horse needed this every bit as much as he did: if Karnal paused more than a second after pulling back, the horse would shove his own ass backwards to swallow him again. The tiger's pace sped up, and with it, the horse's noises. Karnal had never heard other stallions make the same sorts of noises that Zaggy did when he was being fucked. They were sounds of pure pleasure: animalistic snorts, and guttural rumbles, and squeals that started high and ran down into rumbled coughs and whinnies.

Not that the tiger was silent through any of it, either. How could he be? Fucking Zaggy was a torrent of feelings, a glorious assault on every sense he had. He looked down on the stallion's broad back, admiring the play of muscle under his sable hair. The air was hot and dusty, but that same lack of moisture made it easy to smell the stallion's precum. It meant that every breath he took came with a reminder of how much his partner was enjoying this. At the same time, his mouth still carried the tang of the stallion's cock' he swirled his tongue about to spread it. And above it all, the sheer ecstasy radiating from his dick as he fucked his stallion with wild abandon.

Silence in the face of all that was an impossibility.

"Ahhhh.... yes, boy, push harder...oh fuck, stud, you're so fucking tight...good boy...nnnhhh..." Precum and spit made a juicy mixture that flicked out on every backstroke, splattering onto the tiger's fur and the stallion's thighs."I love fucking you, Zaggy, you're such a gorgeous like it boy, huh...yeah you do..." He pulled the tail towards him and buried his nose in it, desperate to be even closer to his lover. "Oh, fuck yes," he sighed, "you sexy hung stud...getting fucked by your tiger daddy...gonna fill you with my kittens...and suck them right out again..."

The speed of his fucking increased, his full, pink length only visible for a fraction of a second at a time between thrusts. His balls were slapping against the horse hard enough for it to be painful, but the tiger embraced it. That was simply how it was when studs fucked. Intense. Explosive. And when the pain eventually stopped -- as his balls retracted -- he knew he was getting close.

"Ohhh...I'm close, boy, I'm gonna...oh fuck, Zaggy, yeah, gonna paint your ass, stud...push back, c'mon, push into me, stud, slut...gimme that ass..." He pulled on the tail to encourage the horse to press back even more, and when he did, he thrust in deep, and stayed there. Both paws slapped down onto the horse's back, as far as he could reach, and his arms tensed. His body was shaking, and he hissed, then gave an ear-splitting, yowling cry as his every nerve in his body caught fire, and he began spurting into the stallion's passage. Weeks of thick, backed-up tiger spunk pumped into the horse with a series of powerful blasts. Zaggy whinnied back at him, his ass muscles churning around the spurting cock within him, and the combined melody of their rutting filled the desert.

When he was spent, Karnal suddenly felt so weak that he would have fallen over if he wasn't leaning into Zaggy, his cock still inside the stallion. His muscles were like jelly, he was hyperventilating, and felt lightheaded. He was suddenly aware of the fact that he hadn't eaten since the day before. Well, luckily, he was about to have a small meal. He braced his legs and took a step back from the horse, letting his softening cock slide out: a sated, sleepy, pink worm, streaked with white. The stallion's anus pressed shut as soon as the penis was out, and Karnal patted his rump, making him nicker. "Good boy...I've not forgotten, don't worry...I promised, I know..."

He got down from the rocky ledge with a lot more care than he'd climbed up originally, and walked a little distance away, clucking to get Zaggy to follow. The stallion did, and even turned to offer his ass up to the tiger with a practised motion. The stallion loved being fucked more than almost anything, but there was one thing he liked even more -- and so did Karnal. Licking his lips, feeling his mind clearing a bit from the overpowering orgasm, he stepped close and buried his face in the horse's ass once more -- except this time, there was a tangy tiger filling to be enjoyed as well. The feline didn't know what felt different for the horse when he was rimming him after a fuck -- as opposed to before -- but the stallion almost went berserk. His head jerked around like a crazy thing, he stamped his hoof, and he slapped his belly with wild abandon until Karnal slipped a hand between his legs, under his balls, and gripped the flare. He had to stretch to reach it. His other hand fondled the stallion's balls, and through it all his tongue licked him out. For the stallion had not yet cum, and stallions must always cum.

This was how all their favourite sessions ended. Karnal buried in his stallion's ass, fondling his magnificent instruments. The tiger's large paws were the ideal size to fit around the stallion's flare -- more proof of how perfect they were for one another -- and his rough pads stimulated the spongy flesh delightfully as he squeezed and twisted and did whatever other motions made his partner shiver in lust. The stallion's fat balls in their leathery sack were already half-risen from the extended bout of lovemaking, and they rode up faster still as his master's tongue dug inside and cleaned him out, enjoying the mingled tastes of tiger and horse. Squeeze, and fondle, and lick...repeat...harder, harder, faster, deeper...

When the stallion froze for a moment, the tiger knew, and pushed his tongue as deep as he could. He loved this part. A second later, the big equine bellowed with all his might. The muscles of his powerful anus collapsed like a dying sun around the tiger's tongue, the penis in Karnal's paw felt like it had doubled in size, and then it was hit with a jet of something that filled the dry air with a potent new smell. Stallion cum. The horny tiger's ambrosia. He moaned and huffed into the ass as his tongue was pressed on all sides, snorting in deep breaths that smelled of musk, and cum, and male horse. More jets of cum followed the first, first soaking his paw and then draining off it, splattering onto the ground until the final, gooey expulsion hit his paw and stuck there, oozing between his fingers. The vise around his tongue loosened, and the huge stallion cock began to shrink.

The stallion was satisfied.

Karnal fell to his knees and sighed happily. In front of him, the stallion cock hung limp and shrunken, with folds of skin forming around it like a concertina as it slid up into its sheath. The last dribbles of cum formed long, gooey stalactites from the tip, and the tiger held a paw out to catch them and lick it up. Delicious, of course. On days when he didn't feel like fucking the horse -- or when the horse didn't demand it himself -- he loved to masturbate him, catch it in a glass, and drink the hot, pungent liquid straight from the source. He licked up the rest from his paw, enjoying the stickiness, and then got to his feet with a groan. With his body's second-most pressing need attended to, he realised how sore he was. And hungry. And thirsty, again. And in need of another clean. But it had been worth it.

He patted Zaggy, who had lowered his head and was cropping at some young grass shoots, the tiger completely forgotten for the moment. "We're not going to struggle to keep ourselves entertained while we're here, that's for sure, huh, boy?" he said thoughtfully. "Daily schedule...have breakfast, go for a walk, fuck until we pass out, then dinner, then more fucking." An agreeable nicker in response made the tiger smile. He walked back to the saddlebags and dug out some dried meat, settling down with his back against the tree and stretching his legs out as he ate. He thought again of the gems he would sell, and of finally being free. Able to do whatever he liked -- whatever he and Zaggy liked. He yawned, showing a maw full of teeth. Sex always made him sleepy. They'd move to a huge estate, for sure. With lots of space for the stallion to run around. They'd go riding, and get a few more horses to keep the stallion company. He could plant a few crops, perhaps...

His last thought as he drifted off to sleep was about how the oasis must surely be used by others. Other lone explorers, travellers, fortune seekers. Out on their own, same as him, with only their mounts for company. He wondered if any had their own close bonds with their stallions.

He wondered if any would stop by during the weeks they'd be resting here.

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