Dangerous Dragon Musk

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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And this is why you do not deal with dragons without protection...

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Dangerous Dragon Musk

For Trozeles

By Draconicon

Buying a slave had been a lifelong ambition for the lynx. She had seen others with good slaves, pleasure toys that would keep them happy for years to come. She'd seen others buy more practical slaves, soldiers and artists that would protect or amuse them in many ways. Still others - even others of her family - had used their fortunes to buy mage slaves, buying up those that had been collared and then repurposing them for the power of the family.

Hanna had always wanted one of the latter...and now, she finally had one.

The lynx approached the chained dragon with her head cocked to the side, looking him up and down as he stood within the runed circle that the slavemasters kept the new slaves in. He was a big one, black-scaled and white-eyed, and he seemed more annoyed than angry. It was a rather different look for any captive, particularly one that would be sold for the pleasure of another. She almost chuckled.

Shaking her head, she turned to the white tiger in charge of the sales.

"How much is this one?"

"This one? He's -"

"Irrelevant. I'm buying him."

"You - what?"

"I am buying him."

"...As you wish, Mistress Hanna."

The feline leaned in, looking the dragon in the eyes. That deep white was enough to send shivers down her spine. It looked almost exactly like the men that her family would hypnotize to use for later, those eyes blank and empty and...oh so fascinating.

She chuckled, patting him on the cheek.

"I look forward to putting you to use when we get home."

"You'll regret this."

"Oh, I doubt it. But you might, if you whisper another threat, slave."

"I'm not threatening. I'm just -"

"Be quiet. I'm buying you for your looks, not your words."


They returned home a few hours later, the dragon finally let loose of his chains save for a control collar that he'd been fitted with. The steel band was welded around his neck and wouldn't come off save for at the order of a slavemaster. Not even she could take it off, now. It marked him as her property, and had a large metal ring that could hold either a leash or a finger.

She used the latter as she dragged the loincloth-wearing slave through her manor. He followed without a word, not speaking up as she showed off the many pieces of art, carpets of fur, and general opulence of her home. Instead, he just kept quiet, almost as if he was waiting for something.

Perhaps he was staring at her ass. She'd understand that; the feline had enjoyed many lovers before, but none had ever put more than a tongue inside of her hole. She doubted she'd use him for that, but he was allowed his dreams.

As they walked around, though, she started to notice something else, something a bit more...unique about him. Going up the stairs, she caught hint of a scent. Something hot, almost spicy, with a hint of saltiness and bitterness in it. A little sweaty, and at first, she thought that it was the dragon smelling of work, but that wasn't right either. There was something else under it, something...hot...Something...


Hanna rubbed her nose, trying to put it out of her head, but the scent was just getting stronger the longer that she led the dragon around the house. It was getting to her, too, pushing from her head down her body, building up a heat in her crotch and making her nipples pop inside of her dress. She blushed as she pushed at them a bit, shaking her head.

"What in the world..."

"You're feeling it, I think."

"Quiet, slave. I'm thinking."

"You're being affected by my scent."

"Your - what are you talking about?"

She finally turned around, narrowing her eyes at him.

"What possible effects could your scent have on me?"

"Besides a raised libido, fogged thought processes, artificial heat, and a general need for more of the scent itself?"


She shook her head.


"No, just a warning. You might want to get rid of me before you get a stronger dose of it. It's still reversible right now."

"As if I could be affected by a lowly slave's stench."

"Alright, but I'm warning you...it's going to get worse."


And it did. Even after she sent the dragon to his quarters, she found herself getting more and more turned on. Had his scent rubbed off on her somehow? She had stroked his cheek, she supposed, though her shower should have fixed that.

As it was, her pussy was clenching down on nothing, her ass twitching in a way that it had never done before. She huffed and puffed, trying to resist the urge to touch herself for as long as possible.

She lasted less than an hour.

Her hand gave her one bit of satisfaction, but after the first orgasm, no others seemed forthcoming. Instead, all she ended up doing was stretching herself out. Her hand slipped four fingers into her pussy, three into her ass, and she hammered herself with them.

Yet...nothing happened.

She rolled over, whimpering, groaning.



She had perfumed herself before going to his quarters, but it barely did anything once she opened the door. The dragon turned to face her and her eyes dropped, following the line of his body to his loincloth, and her jaw dropped at what she saw.

He must have been tending to himself as she had been doing to herself, because his cock was hard and the head was shiny with pre. The smell coming off him sent a wash of pleasure straight through her, her pussy squirting down her legs and her body tensing up as her muscles clenched in a spasm that was nearly an orgasm in and of itself.

"What...did you do...to me?"

"I did nothing but warn you."

"You...you did..."

She gestured at his cock, that big, heavy, thick, fat, dripping cock. It was bigger than any feline's, smooth, but with a slippery look to it that made it seem like it would fit inside of her so well. Her mouth was open, almost drooling at the idea of it inside of her, and she could almost taste the musk coming off the footlong thing. Her knees weakened, bent, and she was kneeling before she realized it.


"It's not too late to send me back. With some time, you can overcome the addiction my pheromones have caused. If you send me back now, you could be yourself again after a month."

She barely heard him, her mind burning under the influence of his scent. He was right there, not doing anything, yet his body was doing everything to her. The humiliation, the degradation of being put through this...it only made her hotter.

Putting one hand forward, she started crawling towards him. He didn't move, but he did talk. Some sort of warning, something about the scent up close being nearly irreversible. If she took a breath, she would lose herself to the addiction. She would never be able to get off without that smell present. She'd need him, and just him, if she wanted to stay sane.

She barely heard him. That scent...that heavenly scent...

The lynx leaned up, brushing her nose against his balls, the scaly sack big enough to cover her eyes as she slid her nose and muzzle beneath it. The smell of sweat and manhood left her shivering, strings of her juices running across her clit to the floor. She moaned, the perfume overwhelmed completely as she kept sniffing, her tongue hanging out, her mouth agape as she worked her way back.

The dragon turned for her, offering her his ass. The round, half-muscular, half-soft and padded rump. She groped it, pulling the cheeks apart to look at the hole between. A single breath brought his scent of sweat and sex to her, the pheromones burning through her brain. She leaned in, dragging her tongue from his balls to his hole -


And came from the taste along, her body spasming and shaking from head to toe. She fell to the floor, clutching her hands around her middle as she came, and came, and came, the musk settling into her brain like a spell of old. She was warped, broken on its power, her eyes left fuzzy and glazed over, her hips twitching, trying to fuck something that wasn't there.

"On all fours, I suppose..."

The dragon's words were like a command from the divine, forcing her around and on all fours without a murmur of protest. She hiked up her hips, spreading her ass cheeks. She expected his cock to slide into her pussy, but no. It slid up further, the head thicker than four fingers resting against her pucker.

She didn't complain. She just spread her ass cheeks further, then moaned when he pinned her down with his foot on her face. The scent was back, and with that on her mind, there was nothing to stop her from enjoying this...even as his massive cock took her virgin ass.

He was not slave anymore. He was master, and she was his musk-drunk slut and slave. And she loved it.

The End

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