An Over-Functional Super Suit

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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I'd say that this is my first non-binary story, which was definitely an interesting thing to try writing. I hope that you guys enjoy the bit of fun that's present here.

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An Over-Functional Super Suit

For Sly

By Draconicon

Sly, a deer-dragon of some girth and prowess, was waiting anxiously for the promised package that had been sent out to them. The hybrid had been offered a rare chance to try out this latest model, and in a world where supers were as common as firefighters and other helpful officials, they were more than a little bit interested in getting involved. After all, it was a good thing to do the right thing, as far as Sly was concerned.

They didn't have to wait long. The door rang at just past ten in the morning, and the official courier was waiting with a pen in hand for them to sign. Sly did just that, took the package, and ran back to their room to get it open.

The suit itself was an interesting two-toned blue color, one that was darker along the sleeves and stomach and lighter everywhere else. It was made of the same unknown materials that seemed to clothe all the other big-name heroes in the city, something that a scientist of unknown origin had created when it was believed that the police were getting overwhelmed. He'd meant it as an advancement to all civilian clothes, but after confiscation by the government, only those that were in either law enforcement or the SUPER program could get their hands on it.

Sly had every reason to think that it would look silly on their chubby body. After all, they weren't the picture of fitness; they were a bit chubby, their belly bouncy and requiring tight shirts that didn't just slide up around the bulge, and their ass pushed out against the back of their sweats all the time, never quite feeling right. And as for the bulges that some supers showed off, they could just about forget that.

At the same time, they hoped that it would work for them.

So, the deer-dragon laid the suit out on the bed, the material shimmery and shiny, and then started stripping themselves down.

Their clothes kicked off to the corner of the room, the shaggy-headed hybrid looked at themself, and then at the suit. It was...unlikely that it would fit, despite all their effort at the gym lately...but they had gone this far. They had to try.

So, they did. The back of the suit unzipped easily, revealing an inside that almost looked lubricated. Feeling a little encouraged, Sly stuck one foot down one leg, and then pulled. Surprisingly, the suit stretched a tremendous amount, at times almost seeming to swallow their limbs. Sly figured that was just part of the process and let it happen, reaching down to help drag it up to their waist.

As it settled, they felt the slow pulling and constricting. The people at the SUPER program had mentioned that the suits tended to conform to the body before adding its own sort of enhancement, so they weren't too worried. The hybrid did sweat a bit, though, hesitating before pulling at the upper half of the suit and sliding their arms down the sleeves.

Before they could pull it all the way on, though, they felt it. The first -


The deer-dragon's eyes went wide at the sudden squeeze that hit their lower legs. Though they'd gotten some muscle from the gym, they had still been rather...plump down there, but the suit was handling that in its own weird way. The squeeze actually seemed to shove their mass somewhere else, pushing it up the leg, making their feet less wide and stompy and more proportioned, and their legs less stumpy.

When the mass reached their thighs, Sly's eyes went wider still and their genitals started to twitch gently. Not much, but definitely enough to feel inside of the suit. Their thighs went from a bit flabby to hard and...and 'thicc', as some would say. They blushed heavily at that, thinking that they might have gotten the wrong suit model.

Before they could take it off, the suit sleeves pulled, dragging their arms down and into the costume proper. Their hands were pulled into gloves, tight ones that squeezed around their pudgy fingers, making them slim down.

Where is all that mass going? Sly wondered, but the suit didn't give them any answers.

Instead, it pulled tighter and tighter, the zipper going up in the back, trapping them in the suit. It sealed tight around the collar, leaving them held tight, and the front of the suit suddenly beeped, some of the blue rearranging itself to form a countdown clock just over their chest.

Four hours in service...

Four hours in the suit...That...didn't sound too bad, at least. As long as they weren't going out while the redistribution and power-up was going on, they should be fine. Everyone would just assume that this was how they looked. In fact, that almost sounded good.

Or did, until the suit ballooned in the back.

Sly jumped at the POOOMF sound that filled the room as the back of their suit suddenly popped outwards. They leaped in the air and stared over their shoulder, unable to believe the sudden growth and size of their rump. It stuck out like a pair of bowling balls had been glued to their ass, hard and yet looking like they could jiggle all too intensely.

One arm moved, smacking their ass.

"Uh...that wasn't supposed to happen," Sly said, staring at their arm as it moved back, their ass still shaking. "I thought...Where's the instructions?"

There weren't any, but there was a small warning leaflet in the center of the box. They pulled it out and read it.

To the operator of the suit:

You are the proud owner of a Super-Suit 800b model, run by an AI system that is constantly learning your abilities as well as your personal style of fighting. It is also assigned to learn your personal habits so that you may finish them as efficiently and quickly as possible for extra time spent on patrol, so please don't be surprised if it gets a little touchy-feely or 'helps' you with personal things. It will stop this when it believes that it understands you well enough to do its job.

We advise that you continue to allow it to do this until it has finished acclimatizing itself with you, and to use the suit in the same mood that you have on the first outing, unless you want to start the process over again as the suit adjusts itself to another 'new' wearer, according to its sensors.

As a final warning, please do not wear the suit while aroused. The suit will detect this as an anomaly that needs purging, and will set itself to reducing arousal as swiftly as possible for maximum efficiency.

Sly's eyes widened. AI? Not wearing while horny? Purging an anomaly? None of these things had been mentioned at the SUPER program office.

Before they could reach for their phone to call the helpline, though, the suit continued its work. Muscles along the belly, a slight exaggeration of their 'moobs' into something more like a femboi's 'chest,' a greater set of real muscles along the arms. It was all exaggerated to an absurd degree, particularly the...the chest.

Sly's cheeks burned as they watched their pecs push out, becoming heavier and swollen, losing the entirely masculine look that they'd had before - even with the sag - and becoming something more...sexualized. Heavy. They swore that there were even little nipple bumps pushing through the suit. Just when they thought it couldn't get worse...

Their genitals swelled.

Sly blushed as they stared down at the bigger, heavier set that was pushing against the front of the suit. Unlike most suits, which would have simply held their equipment down, this one allowed their erection to rise, pushing forward yet still swallowed up inside of the strange material. They blushed worse as the suit seemed to take control, carrying them over to the foot of the bed and sitting them down.

"Okay, what's going o-oooon!"

The suit forced them back, making them lie down on the bed as their legs were pulled into the air. Turned about, rotated around, forced into displays of flexibility that the deer-dragon really wasn't sure that they should have been capable of, the hybrid's legs were moved until their feet pointed down towards their swollen package. Their eyes widened still further.

"You have got to be kidding me. You aren't going to - mmmph!"

Yet the suit was. Perhaps it had scanned their mind, or perhaps there was something that the SUPER program probe had picked up from their computer, but it knew what they liked. Their feet wiggled, or rather, were forced to wiggle by the suit, and were soon pressed down onto their genitals.

The hybrid leaned their head back, groaning under their breath as their toes were pointed, rubbing along the sides of their shaft, rapidly stroking up and down from base to tip. The warm feeling of pre slathering the inside of their super suit only made it worse, making them feel slick and dirty on the inside, even though the outside didn't show any sign of marks or wear. They shuddered, turning their head to the side, blushing as they tried not to look at the self-abuse their body was being made to do.

Yet, the stroking continued, their feet coming closer, pressing flat against their throbbing tool. It bounced, twitched against their soles, the suit in full control as it worked to rid them of the 'anomaly' of their arousal, the pressure of their suit-covered soles pressing tightly against their shiny bulge.

Up, down, up, toes, toes curling around the head before dragging down to the base, only to pull the feet back up to stroke the sides again. Heels pressing in, nudging and grinding on their other dangling bits, almost milking it out.

Up, down, up, down, until -


Sly moaned, arching their back as their suit was flooded in the crotch, filled with several long strands of slippery, slimy wetness. The suit didn't carry it away; if anything, it concentrated it around their shaft, leaving it to sit there in its own scent.

Panting, the deer-dragon finally sat up, shaking their head. If this happened while they were out on patrol, they...well, they were doomed. Nobody would ever be able to take them seriously out there.

And they still had three hours and fifty minutes left.

The End

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