Forced Responses

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Something commissioned by FA: Limemas , this story was a rather interesting one to write. I don't know much about Rocket Raccoon save for his stuff in Guardians of the Galaxy, so this was me trying to match his personality as best as I could. I hope you enjoy this slight orientation play and general perversion that goes on here.

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Forced Responses

For Limemas

By Draconicon

For Rocket Raccoon, one prison was much the same as another. He went in, got cleaned off, received some new clothes, and went about his business until Groot or he could figure out a way to get free. That was how it had gone in a dozen other prisons before this one, and it was the way that he'd expected this one to go, as well.

However, there were three significant differences this time around that made him a bit...concerned.

First, Groot wasn't sent to the same prison. The big lug had been separated from him during processing and sent off to a different prison across the galaxy for the stronger aliens. He knew that the walking tree would be okay, but it meant that he was short the muscle that he usually worked with, which meant that his plans had to change.

Second, the prison was separated into six different blocks, each connected to the central hub by wires that were too skinny to crawl through and too dangerous to spacewalk on. Worse, the air supply for the cell block came through those wires and tubes, so nobody was gonna risk choking to death by trying to escape on them.

Third...he wasn't given any new clothes.

Neither were any of the other mooks that lived in his cell block, but that didn't stop him from feeling a bit embarrassed as he walked through the open floor of the big cube. Railings lined the upper floors, and some of the old hands stared down at him and the new meat that was coming in. Rocket was just doing his best to ignore the fact that he was on dick height for most of the inmates, and when he couldn't, reminded himself that he was at ideal ball-punching height for those that wanted to push their luck.

The raccoon looked back and forth across the room, shaking his head.

Not exactly a cakewalk this time, he thought, his hands on his hips as he glanced around. Four vents on each floor connecting us to the hub...Some robots, no human guards...

He was already working on a rewire plan as the other prisoners walked around him. Some reputation from his antics had followed him in, so nobody had tried to shove him up against a wall or anything, but he knew that it was only a matter of time until someone decided to try and prove they were the bigger guy.

Well, raccoons had sharp teeth. They'd figure out what they were messing with soon enough.

While he was still trying to pull the schematics of the floating guard bots to mind, one wall of the prison block sudden flickered.

Vid-screen? Fancy.

The image solidified into a rough outline of something humanoid and purple, with a lot of lines down the chin. A titan, then, maybe one of the ones that got off the planet before it went dead. It adjusted a pair of spectacles, then smiled.

"Prisoners. Welcome to Cell Block D. Those of you that have just arrived, please, pick out the quarters that you want. There's no rules here on rooming with someone or alone, as long as you all fit," the titan said in a too-civilized voice. "The rest of your fellow prisoners have only been here for a few hours, but they're already settled in. Why don't you look around, make some friends? After're going to be here for a very long time."

The titan laughed, and the screen went dark. Rocket glared at it, then made his way to the stairs.

Top floor. Ain't nobody gonna grab a room with me.

He avoided the stairs, digging his toes and fingers into the little gaps between rooms, panels, railings, and everything else that lined the walls. Raccoons weren't normally tree-dwelling creatures, but he had been given more than just an intelligence upgrade when those madmen ripped him apart and put him back together.

In seconds, he was on the top floor of the block, squatting down on the railing. A couple of humanoid prisoners - two pink, one yellow, and one of the pinks having tentacles rather than arms - looked over at him. Rocket snorted, reaching down between his legs and groping himself once.

"Yeah, stare away, numb-nuts. You ain't getting any of this."

"Say that now, raccoon."

"What's a raccoon?" he muttered as he hopped down, strolling over to one of the rooms.

It was already occupied, but then again, that didn't matter to him. He grabbed the few bags of food that were stashed under the bed and threw them out the door. The shank under the pillow he kept; that'd be useful later.

As he was gathering up the messy sheets and bundling them together, the original occupant returned. He was a big guy, having a bit of a horse-like face with constantly exposed teeth, and he stared around, jaw hanging down.

"What the hell did you do to my room?"

"What the hell were you doing in mine?"

"Hey, I was here hours ago. I picked this one. I stabbed people to get it?"


Rocket pulled the shank out from behind him, turning it in his fingers as he smirked.

"You mean with this?"

"How -"

"Yeah, found it under your pillow. Not a great hiding place. Could find it again, shoved up your ass; that'd be a muuuch better hiding place, don't you think?"

The modified Korbinite narrowed his eyes in a slow glare, but eventually backed off, muttering under his breath about uppity animals. Rocket shook his head, stabbing the blade into the mattress before hopping onto it.

He'd worry about the wiring by the door later; if he needed to, he could probably hack it to make it into a security door to keep everyone out. Until then, though, he was gonna get a nap. He crossed one leg over the other, letting his dick flop out on his stomach, and closed his eyes. His ears twitched at the sounds of people walking by, but he trusted his instincts. If anyone wanted to mess with him, they'd have another thing coming.


It was a smell that woke him before anything else. A smell that was almost like a locker room, disguised under some asshole's idea of a good, 'calming' smell. Lilacs or something stupid like that. Rocket opened one eye, looking out the doorway of his cell for some explanation of what was going on.

A few seconds later, the smell was accompanied by some sort of hissing. He covered his mouth, pulling the pillowcase off his pillow and spitting on it a few times. He held the wet spot over his nose, hoping that it'd be enough to keep the worst of what was being put in the air from hitting him.

What the hell's going on? he thought, jumping down and running to the doorway.

Looking around the corner, he could see that the vents were spilling some sort of purple-pink gas into the cell block. Most of it had already spread down to the lower floors, with some of it billowing back up in his direction. It had a tendency to fall, though, which told him that it was filled with all sorts of drugs and cocktails of chemicals; nothing that was pure fell that fast.

Some of the prisoners darted out of the way, but the rest stared up dumbly at it. Rocket ducked down, avoiding the main puffs of the gas as he continued holding the pillow over his face, watching close.

The prisoners that breathed it in first immediately started sprouting boners, dicks of various shapes rising up from their crotches. Some of them started masturbating right off the bat, any shame forgotten as they breathed in the purple cloud. Others, close to either someone weaker or bigger than them, started fondling, either in submission or in demand for more than just a hand on their dicks.

Geez. Desperate, much?

He shook his head, about to duck back into his own cell when he felt a hand on his ass. His eyes went wide.

"Hey, bozo, get your hand off my ass."

"Heh, it's a nice tight looking one. Why don't you just -"

Rocket whipped around, kicking the hand away and holding up two hands with very sharp claws.

"I said, hands off."

"Hey, man, you know how it works. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours."

Great. It was a Skrull. Green-skinned and rather reptilian in their facial features, they looked like something that had crawled out of a nightmare, and looked about as sexy as one, too. This one had no clothes, either, and a dick that looked about as pencil-thin as could be, though longer than his tail.

Rocket wanted no part of it.

"Get that thing out of my face before I snap it like a twig."

"Come on, you don't gotta be like that..."

"Yeah? Apparently I do."

He grabbed hold of it, and twisted it just a bit to the side. The Skrull screamed, whimpering as Rocket threatened to pull it off.

"Please, please, just let me go! I won't bother you anymore!"

"Yeah? You gonna bother anyone else with this pencil-dick?"

"No! No!"


He let go. He kicked the guy in the balls, too, just for good measure. Leaving the Skrull behind, he walked back in his cell. After a second's consideration, he pulled the wires out of the door control panel, fiddling with them until the cell door slammed shut.

Whatever that gas is, it's messing with people. Let's hope that the boss doesn't send too much more of that down here...

Rocket made his way back to bed, sitting down on it and taking a few deep breaths. The air in his cell was moderately clear for the moment, but even he could feel a small throbbing between his legs. He glared down at his humanoid dick, shaking his head a few times before turning around.

"You're making me do this, you asshole."

He kicked his bed. The clanging sound of the metal masked his screams of pain, but at least it made his boner go down.


Rocket stayed in his room for a while, trying to keep away from the purple cloud that continued to linger in the cell block. More than once, he saw other prisoners walking by, dicks in their hands at the very least.

One of them, the Korbinite that had been living in this room prior to his transfer, had come by and dragged his dick up and down the glass wall between Rocket and the rest of the cell block. The pre-cum stains hadn't faded by the time that the lunch call was sent out. Rocket resisted it for a few minutes, but knew that he'd need some food, eventually. Better to keep some sort of equality with the other prisoners while he could; if he went down later, he'd be starving and they'd be well fed.

He wrapped the pillowcase around his muzzle, keeping the front damp to try and catch as many of the chemicals as he could. Sneaking out the door, Rocket dropped down from one railing to another, skipping the stairs to get to the rising food trays that came out of the floor of the room.

No need for a plate; most of the food was nutrient wraps and bars. He grabbed three - two more than he needed, and made his way to a corner. Grabbing a bottle of water, he poured half of it over the front of the pillowcase and tucked the rest against his side.

The naked males were still horny, it seemed. They started out just masturbating around the table, but before long, one of them - another Skrull with a thicker dick than the one that had tried molesting him - grabbed a human and pinned them down. No sooner was the human shoved onto one of the tables than he was getting fucked right up the ass.

Surprisingly, he was groaning in pleasure before his mouth was plugged. Rocket glared at him.

Weak little man. Come on, at least stand up to defend yourself.

He shook his head, shifting his position only to feel that his dick was getting hard again.

Hey, you. Stay down. You're not interested in guys.

He tucked it between his thighs, closing his legs to keep it from standing up like a flag for attention. If anything, he wasn't going to be one of those guys out there. He was just here to serve his time, then get out. Whatever they were sucking down in the air, he was gonna resist.

Still, it wasn't easy when he was watching people going by, and being so short, he was getting an eyeful of a lot of dick.

He was just about done with his nutrient bar when that Korbinite found him again. Thick with muscle and standing nearly three times his height, the alien looked down at him with a smirk. His dick stood out with what seemed to be a perpetual boner, bouncing up and down in front of the raccoon and dripping on the floor.

"You see something you like, rodent?"

"Nah, but if you wanna slam your head into the wall a few times, I might like that."

"You little -"

"Watch it, big guy. I still got your shank, and while I think it's a liiiiittle smaller than that flesh-stick you got swinging around, I think it'd handle it just fine."

"...One of these days, raccoon."

"Yeah, yeah. Get outta here."

The Korbinite walked away...but Rocket couldn't help but stare between the big guy's legs as he did. Those swaying nuts looked like they were probably stuffed full, despite the alien leaking all over his door earlier. Rocket wondered how they might feel -

Hey, whatever's thinking about getting fucked, forget about it. We're waiting for that girl back on earth, remember?

He shook his head, finishing the last bit of his water before tucking the pillowcase back over his muzzle. He gently gripped the other bits of food in his teeth, and then started the climb back to his room.

Damn him if he was going to stay down here with the other schmucks.


He figured it was about a day later when he was feeling his dick throbbing harder than usual. The feeling hadn't stopped for over an hour, and even going so far as to nearly break a toe hadn't made the damn thing go down again.

Ugh, looks like I got some of the chems in me after all, he muttered. Well, you'll have to do better than that, you big purple bitch; I'm not going down that easy.

Either on dick or due to whatever experiment was going on. He shook his head, looking out at the prison block again.

The glass door that protected him was a double-edged sword, to give a mixed metaphor. Nobody came in to see him, but he could see them more than well enough, and there was...a lot of people down there.

Humans, Korbinites, Skrull, and more littered the floor down there. There were men with tentacle arms, men with four arms, men with two arms. There were people that had bits of fur here and there, and others with just a big, thick upper body and tiny little bodies. All sorts of men, for that matter.

And he was starting to like looking at them more than he wanted.

The raccoon leaned back on his bed, trying to keep his tail still. An hour ago - about the same time that the damn erection had started - he'd felt the brushing against his hole as something far more sensual than he had expected. It was starting to feel...good, good in a way that he didn't like.

"So, what's your plan, big guy?" he muttered, wondering if the titan warden could hear him. "Just turn us all into a bunch of cock-gobbling idiots? Well, it's working for those guys. You want to get at me? It's gonna take a lot more than purple gas."

He shook his head, rolling over and trying to ignore the twitching of his asshole and the general grumbling inside of him that wanted more than just a hand on his dick...or a finger in his hole.

The idea burned in his head as he tried to go back to sleep.


Mealtimes were becoming dangerous. Rocket panted as he sat at the edge of the top railing, looking down at the orgy going on down there. It was like staring into a feeding frenzy with predators ripping limbs from limb, except in this case, they were spreading ass cheeks and shoving their tongues in before following up with their dicks.

A hierarchy was definitely forming down there. The strong - like that Korbinite - and the weak were definitely getting split off from each other, with the former getting little harems of the latter. Rocket knew where he'd land if he went down there; tough as he was, they would overpower him eventually, and if he got a dick in him...

Not gonna break me that easy, he thought, looking at one of the Skrulls. A long but thin thing, that would probably kill him if it was slammed in, simply due to the fact that it might go all the way through his small body.

Him, though...

The horse-faced Korbinite was ruling his part of the cell block like a king of a mini-kingdom, having one slut after another bounce on his dick. Rocket could feel a tingle running through his ass every time that he watched someone impale themselves on the big guy, and he knew that some part of him was wondering how it would feel.

Well, he wasn't gonna find out...he wasn't...

Even if he was straddling the bar and grinding his ass back against the cool metal.

Fuck all you guys that think this is hot. Something's wrong here...

The vents started chunking and hissing again, and Rocket groaned, rolling to the side. He meant to land on his feet, but he slipped, falling right on his face. In the time it took him to get up, the vents had already started spewing their purple smog.

He took a deep breath of it, his eyes going wide at the taste of musk and cum (he'd been forced to taste his own a while back, and it wasn't dissimilar), and an overlay of something sweet. Almost chocolate-y.

He ran through it, jumping into his room and slamming the door shut as hard as he could. Even though he was already safe, he could feel the chemical running through him, sending a jolt of pleasure right to his cock and making it feel like someone had rammed a steel bar right through the damn thing. It stood up stiff and hard, and he groaned as he waddled back to his bed, flopping down on it.

It was even worse under his tail, like something invisible was rubbing around his hole, grinding down on it. His hips rose up, almost like he was presenting himself to an invisible lover, and it took every bit of willpower he had to bring himself back down. He rolled onto his back, keeping himself from humping the bed, and gripped the sheets tight with both hands, clenching hard until his claws popped through into the mattress.

Just gotta hold on...just gotta hold on...

The raccoon slammed his head back into the pillow, trying to beat the fantasies of the other men out of his head...and keep their cocks from invading his dreams.


Another day, and he was shaking, panting. He wasn't sure how long this had been going on. A week, maybe? He knew that he'd had to go down for two more re-supplies of food, and he was running out again. They were going to get him if he wasn't careful.

Rocket perched on the railing again, looking down at the men. Some crawled on the ground, nothing more than dogs looking for dick, while others walked with their asses pushed out, and their cocks dangling for the dog-prisoners to suck on if they wanted to.

Only the top of the tops got seats down there, now, unless you were 'lucky' enough to be seated in their laps and fucked while you ate.

Rocket groaned as he felt the twitching continue under his tail. It hadn't stopped for almost a day, now, and his cock felt like it was begging to burst. He hadn't even touched it, for fear of being like them. What if indulging in sex with this drug just gave it a better handhold? So far, he'd held out, and he still had his mind...mostly.

It didn't help that he kept putting himself in the place of the other guys down there. He imagined himself crawling on all fours like the animal that they saw him as, his mouth open for dick and his ass open for anyone that couldn't get him from the front.

He imagined himself as one of the people walking around serving the big guys, getting groped and fingered by other people in the same position, maybe getting his dick sucked.

The only thing he couldn't imagine was being like that Korbinite down there, having a throne of his own and his dick down someone else's throat. He wanted to - and in the early days, he had - but he couldn't any longer.

Something's messing with me.

He knew this wasn't him. He knew that this was something, and knew that...knew that once, he'd known what was causing the problem. But as he got hornier and hornier, it was harder for the raccoon to think. Instead of figuring out ways to keep from getting worse, he had prioritized not getting fucked, and he'd slowly started to forget everything else.

Maybe he could have picked something better.

He was about to go back to his cell, willing to skip a meal against that sort of danger, but before he could, he heard something.


He remembered that it was bad, but didn't remember why. He hissed in return, trying to climb down from the railing, but it was too late. He turned, facing the vent, and got blasted right in the face.

Rocket stared at the opening, his eyes wide, his mouth wide open. He breathed in the fumes, the harsh smell of male sex rushing down his nose and burning into his brain, his tongue coated with something sweet and chocolate-y at the same time. He groaned, swallowing it down, breathing it in, again and again and again.

Each time he took a breath, his cock throbbed hard, and it spat pre on the metal floor in front of him. He took another breath, another throb -

Another breath. He came.

Rocket screamed as his hands let go of the railing, and he fell dozens of feet. His body spasmed as he came and came, his swollen balls emptying a huge load of seed all over the place. He shook, flailed, white ropes shooting through the air.

Something snapped in his mind, restraint falling away, thought disappearing. All sorts of feral instincts clicked in, knowing what he needed even as he fell. All consideration faded away, leaving just one instinct left.

Get humped.

Someone caught him, Rocket wasn't sure who, but it was enough to pull him to a dick. He rolled down the arm - human - and slid down to the human's legs. No worry about finding a cock now. There was one right in front of him, and due to the prison's lack of uniform, the human was completely naked. Perfect.

He rammed his head forward, pulling the semi-hardon into his mouth right off the bat. There was a moan from above, but he was already bobbing his head, working it hard and fast, soaking it with his spit. Rocket barely knew what he was doing, but he was hitting it with the same enthusiasm that he had always felt for the other things that he did.

In and out, in and out, he forced that cock to go deeper with every thrust. He needed it deep in him, so deep that it would never come out again. Or at least, so he felt at the time.

Some of the snuffling dog-prisoners came around, sniffing at his perpetually hard dick, and he guided them around to the other end. Tongues worked along his cheeks, along his tail, and then beneath it.


The raccoon groaned, flagging his tail up, going on tiptoes to help the bigger males get to his hole. That perpetual twitching continued, but it was no longer so hellish, no longer almost hurting him with the need that it came with. He needed it, felt the tongues sliding along his pucker, guiding them in even as he kept sucking away.

A tongue pushed into him, and he pulled back from the cock. It slid back, and he thrust forward. A human's hand on top of his head kept him in place to a degree, kept him from pulling all the way back, but he never wanted to.

He kept his claws in a better place as he guided the human's balls towards his face, rubbing them, fondling them, encouraging them to blow their load. He pushed and pulled, tugged and rubbed, squeezed ever so gently -

"Oh, fuck..."

The mushroom head of the shaft in his mouth expanded as the human came. Hot, salty cum - salty as the gas had been salty - blasted down his throat, coating the inside with the lovely, thick load. It was great...but it wasn't what he needed.

The raccoon growled, pulling back and then leaping between the human's legs, running like a feral across the floor. He didn't know what he wanted, but he knew what he needed. His claws pulled him across the metal panels like something possessed, dragging him to the one big guy that he knew would be able to fill him the way that he wanted.

Rocket - or the thing that had been Rocket - finally found the big Korbinite. The alien was humping away at some four-armed, blue-skinned humanoid. It didn't matter what it was; Rocket slammed his fist into the balls of the big, blue, muscular thing, and yanked him down, pulling him off of the biggest dick in the room.

The Korbinite looked down at him with a shocked expression that quickly turned into a more sly one. He leaned back, grabbing hold of his cock.

"Heh, you finally decided to get what you wanted, huh?"

Rocket couldn't respond. There was a slight blush on his cheeks, but he was already dragging himself up, pulling himself into the alien's lap. His feet kicked off of the Korbinite's knees, dragging him up into position. His fingers trailed up along the alien's muscles, and his tail flagged up, his furry ass cheeks spreading slightly against the fat head of the alien's cock.

God, he wanted it, but it was so big. So fucking big.

And that's gonna make it better, heh. Bigger's better.

He pushed back, grinding down against his pucker, feeling the thick cock pressing back against him. The Korbinite laughed.

"Oh, I knew you were going to be a slut."

The alien pushed a finger against the raccoon's mouth. Rocket did the thing that any raccoon would have done then. He bit. Hard.

As the Korbinite pulled his hand back, the raccoon reached back with one hand, grabbing that dick and squeezing it just under the head, tight. If the alien wasn't going to ram it in properly, then he would just have to do the job himself. He might have been feral again, but that didn't mean that he was just going to let someone insult him.

The head of the alien's cock was thick, almost as thick as his wrist, but he had taken bigger things back there to hide them from searches. He could take this thing. He was pretty sure. His feral nature left him cockier than usual.

Growling and hissing like a raccoon that had never been experimented on, Rocket pushed back, grinding his pucker against the thick head as hard as he could. He could feel it oozing, could feel the pre-cum that the other creature had been getting rubbing against his ass. The fact that it had been in others only made it hotter to him, because now...he was gonna own it.

Rocket slammed back, hard, and the tip of that shaft pierced his hole. He howled, even as he felt it working its way deeper, his hips moving on their own to fill him up further and further. He growled and hissed and panted and moaned, feeling his legs shaking from the sheer girth and length of that shaft.

But it felt good.

It felt right.

And he was going to keep riding it.

He squatted down until most of it was inside of him, his flat feet pressing hard against the Korbinite's thighs. He looked up slowly, meeting the alien's eyes. He saw fear there, worry, probably wondering if he was getting in over his head.

Rocket smirked. Even as a feral, he could do that.

He pulled up and slammed down again, almost like he was dancing with that dick, lifting and lowering himself in a squat. He hissed and growled in the old feral tongue, slamming himself back like the good little cock-lover that he needed to be. Up and down, up and down, feeling that thick piece of meat between his ass cheeks, impaling him, making him feel good.

This was new. This was right. He reached out, grabbing hold of some passing guy, stroking his cock and pulling it into his mouth. A quick flash of his teeth would keep him from walking away anytime soon. He started sucking, gagging on it for a moment before feeling it go right down his throat.

They were muttering about the crazy raccoon, he was sure. They were talking about him, muttering, wondering if they were dealing with something possessed. Who knew what they meant, whether they were right. He was getting what he needed.

He bounced faster, taking the hard Korbinite cock into his hole, squeezing down just enough to keep the big guy from thinking that he was in charge. Those exposed teeth clenched hard, and he knew that the alien was trying to hold back.

No way. That cum's mine.

Faster, faster, and faster still he slammed his ass down, his toes curling into the alien's thighs, his mouth working the cock down his throat harder. He was giving it everything he had, and the two males over him were gasping for breath, as if they were the ones running a marathon instead of him. They were panting, throbbing. The Korbinite even tried to grab him and pull him off, but Rocket growled and pulled himself back with his legs.

Up and down, up and down, his cock bouncing with them, dragging along the muscled abs of the alien in front of him. Up and down, up and down -

Splat. Splat.

He felt the shots of cum in his ass, felt the blasts of heat and wetness against his prostate. Rocket moaned, his own cock throbbing and cumming at the same time. He pulled back from the shaft down his throat, stroking it with everything he had, feeling it about to reach its own climax.

Even as it sprayed his face, the Korbinite moaned, shuddering, collapsing under him. Rocket smirked again.

Done already? Then I'll just get more from someone else.

He laughed in his chittering way, feeling more himself, but not better yet. Not by a long shot. He needed so much more.

And so, he ran to find it, darting from throne to makeshift throne of the big guys, cum trailing from his ass, and many prisoners finally remembering fear as the predator raccoon darted among them.

The End

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