An Education in Dominance 4: Traditions of Dominance

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#4 of An Education in Dominance

And so the story continues, with Basajuan attending another class and seeing some of the general ridiculousness of the foreign students. Some people really need to get a clue...

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An Education in Dominance

Chapter 4: Traditions of Dominance

By Draconicon

Basajuan left the Erotic Criminology class with a lot of information stuffed between his ears. While not all of it applied to being a Doctor-Dom, it definitely went a long way towards expanding his understanding of a dom's work.

It wasn't just taking the lead during sex. Of course, he'd always known that. Part of growing up in Dimash was a thorough explanation of the different roles that tops and bottoms, subs and doms, and switches of either sorts had in society. However, it was one thing to go through essays on the topic and another thing to have it hammered home so hard right in front of him.

He still remembered the sub students that Professor SkyWing had pulled up on a leash. They'd come to him so willingly and eagerly, almost as if he had held some sort of magical control over them, surrendering their collars for the lesson and doing what they were told. They'd confessed to minor crimes and sins from their childhoods - nothing extreme, few of them embarrassing, but nonetheless it had been impressive.

Not really magical, he knew. Basajuan knew that their schooling had gone in two different directions. Doms were encouraged in their more masterful habits, pushed to extend their reach and be a bit more aggressive and assertive than their personality would normally allow. Subs, on the other hand, were given the subtle touches and teachings to encourage them to bend their necks and allow a leash to be put around their necks. It made most subs very happy to be led around, and only the power bottoms really pushed their limits.

He knew all this, and he was still a bit dizzy at seeing the demonstrations of a master at work.

Here's hoping that I never get one of the Spymaster-Doms interested in me, he thought. Enforcer-Doms are bad enough; I don't need someone crawling into my head like that.

Shaking his head, he walked out of the classroom and around the corner, stepping back out into the sunlight. Stretching his arms over his shoulders, the buck savored the warmth for a few seconds before reaching for his schedule.

"Should be just about everything before lunch, but..."

He glanced over the schedule again. Yep. He had two more classes after lunch, one in the Theology of Domination and the other in the Psychology of Leadership. Unfortunately, his first lesson with Professor Rashii wasn't until Friday, but he supposed that he'd probably want to have a break after all the heady work that went into these lessons.

But lunch first. His stomach was begging for it.

Basajuan made his way down from the Criminology building towards the cafeteria. The circular building was the last one at the bottom of the spiraling slope, a large dome-like structure that almost seemed to guard the way into the park-like grounds of the college. A trio of lines of students were slowly trickling into the building with subs and doms distributed fairly equally between the three of them. There didn't seem to be any difference between the lines so the buck jumped into the first one he reached.

After about five minutes, the line had shortened enough for him to get into the building. Round tables rather than long ones dominated the room, and a quick glance proved that there were three large sections for it. One on the left side of the room for doms, one on the right for subs, and a large swathe through the middle for those that were mingling, looking for a little bit of fun during lunch. He chuckled as he watched some men swaying back and forth between tables, their tails swishing invitingly for their doms to grab them, and he saw women leaning over, offering drinks to some tops that were alone.

But it went the other way, too. Some doms stared down others as they approached tables of subs just past the border of the 'to be left alone' section, holding drinks or food in their hands as treats and lures to pull people in. They'd lean over, offering a drink in ways both sexual and friendly, teasing people over to accept their 'hospitality' for the afternoon.

It was all familiar to him, though he'd seldom seen it done on this sort of level before. At high school, it was more overseen by the teachers, and only those that had passed their tests were allowed to make these sorts of overtures to others. Seeing everyone doing it - well, mostly everyone - was damn cool. Made him feel like he'd arrived.

Grabbing a salad, a pair of apples, and a large pitcher of water for himself, Basajuan made his way to the edge of the doms-only side of the room. He could look over the subs that were out there from his spot, seeing if there was anyone worth going for, while not getting disturbed while he made his way through his food.

He had just spread a berry dressing across his lettuce when someone approached from behind. Their tray clattered onto the table and a scaly hand pressed onto his shoulder.

" know, I bet your antlers would be great handlebars."

"You really don't know the rules yet, do you, Danny?"

"Come on. You bucks are all like that, aren't you? Why don't you just bend over for this armadillo? I'm sure I can make it -"


He clipped his voice, keeping it short so it didn't turn into a growl. He turned his head and looked up at the exchange student, glaring up through his antlers at him. The armadillo paused, slowly letting go.

"I was just playing, man."

"Sit down."

"But I was gonna -"

"Sit." He pointed one finger at the seat. "Down."

The armadillo sat, though not without another moment of hesitation. Danny's expression could not have been more confused, though, which told him part of the problem right off the bat. Nobody had gotten through to this guy about how things worked here. Pinching the space between his eyes, the buck sighed.

"Look. I know you're trying to have fun, but you're really pushing it."

"Alright, fine, fine. I won't tease you anymore. Are we done?"

"No. Where's your leashes?"

"Those? I -"

"You just leashed the two boys for the morning, huh?"

"Well, yes. I thought I'd have fun with them, we didn't exactly have a lot of time, so I cut them loose and thought I'd look for some more fun. And I thought a bit of dom on top of a dom fun -"

"Danny...I'm going to give you some advice that you're going to want to listen to. Never, ever, ever say that you're looking to go dom-breaking."

"But...what? I thought that you guys did pretty much everything?"

"Pretty much being the operative word."

Basajuan shook his head, looking back down at his food as he tried to settle his thoughts on the matter.

There were a lot of interactions between doms, but never on matters of a sexual nature. It wasn't quite to the degree that straight men avoided being seen as homosexual with how they didn't get that intimate with each other, sometimes, but it was a little like that. Anybody that showed a sign of submitting to someone else embarrassed themselves, and while most doms were more than willing to overlook it, every so often you would run across an asshole that wouldn't let it slide.

Worst were the 'dom-breakers,' people that thought that they were such good doms that they needed to establish their authority over other doms. It never went well. Doms of Dimash were very good at their job, but it also made them very inflexible at bending and submitting to anything without a special procedure they knew to follow. Someone trying to break them to task wouldn't 'break' a dom. They would snap them, destroy them, utterly break a part of their brain that would require a Fixer to put back together.

He'd seen it happen. Once. A bully in high school had been chasing after anyone that he could get his hands on, and one of the other kids, a big tiger, thought that he could teach the bully a lesson, give him a taste of his own medicine.

The bully had ended up being sent off to a psychiatric ward, while the tiger was so wracked with guilt that he fled the country.

He shook his head.

"Look. There's things that you don't do. When it comes down to it, just think about it like this. You dom subs. You don't dom doms. You just...don't."


The armadillo sighed.

"Fine. But I don't get what the big deal is. You don't have this problem in the outside world."

"The outside world doesn't make you specialize so much. We're nudged this way again and again until we're so deep in domination that if we did anything else...well, it's like bending a young branch versus trying to do the same thing to an old one. One twists a bit. The other snaps. You don't want that."

"Fine." The armadillo sighed, shaking his head. "Do you do anything fun, or is it all bound up in rules?"

"There's a lot of fun out here. More fun than you get out there. You just need to know the rules of how to make it work."

"There should be a book about that or -"


The armadillo blinked, staring down at the tome that Basajuan had slammed down. It was at least three inches thick, bound in leather at the sides, and had the look that older books tended to have of yellowed, mis-sized pages and loose corners. He pushed it across the table to Danny.

"Rules of Domination are the first two hundred pages."

"What is this, a law book?"

"Pretty close. We have to memorize that before we graduate high school."

"...You have some kinda Mickey Mouse weirdness running around here...But if it's what I gotta do to have fun..." The armadillo hesitated. "Mind if I borrow it?"

"Long as I get it back by the end of the semester."

"Thanks," Danny muttered.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I think that rat over there is shaking his ass for me."


"Rules first, then you can have fun." Basajuan chuckled, grabbing his tray and stepping into the mixed section. "Talk to you later, Danny. Good luck with your studies."


Lunch took a turn for the better after he shot a load up the rat's ass. The rodent had been very accommodating, eager to serve since he had already had lunch and just wanted a bit of cream to finish it off. All Basajuan had to do was sit down and the rat was off to work under the table. A blowjob, a handjob, and anal all in fifteen minutes, and without him having to do anything to boot.

Life was good.

Course, now I have that crotch-itch that comes from not cleaning off my load properly,, not that bad, he thought, scratching his cock idly as he walked back up the spiral. Theology of Domination was further up the ramp, somewhere between the dorms and the top. From what he remembered, there was a tiger in charge there, but he couldn't remember the feline's name, nor did he feel like digging his schedule out again.

On the way up, he passed Keremy and gave the orca the phone numbers of a few doms he trusted, just as he'd promised. The orca thanked him profusely, promising to come by later with some take-out to pay him back. Basajuan tried to say that there was no need, but the orca was already running off to his next class.

Heh, he's an eager one.

Still shaking his head, he kept walking until he reached the Religious Studies building. The various holy symbols from religions all across the world were gathered together at the archway over the door, and over it all was a carving of a tract of paper, upon which was written 'Facts Will Out.' He chuckled.

"Well, if you're going to treat them all the same...worse ways to do it."

He stepped inside, counting off the door numbers until he reached room 147. The name on the door just read 'Taj,' which he assumed was the name of the professor. Shrugging, he stepped inside.

Unlike the Erotic Criminology room, it wasn't set up in tiers. Instead, there were long, thin desks that would force people to sit across from each other running from the front of the room to the back. There was just enough room for a student to have a piece of paper in front of them, and that would require them to shove the other student's paper out of the way.

Please tell me that this is mostly a discussion class...

The buck walked up to one of the empty places at the table nearest the door. He was about halfway down from the podium at the front, giving him a decent view, if a little bit cramped among the other doms that were taking the course.

"Come on, a little room..."

He elbowed the two guys nudging in at his sides, driving the rhino and the shark to scoot over a bit. Settling in place, he hoped that the professor wouldn't make them wait for long.

Five minutes went by, then ten. Fifteen ticked along the clock, and several students got up and left. By the time that the clock was twenty past the start of the lesson, Basajuan was wondering if he had gone to the wrong classroom, and judging by the amount of people checking their schedules, he wasn't the only one thinking that.

He was just about to stand up and head out when he heard a soft whirring sound, one that was steadily getting louder.

"Does anyone else hear that?" he asked.

Heads tilted and others cocked to the sides as the sound got louder and louder. Whirring mixed with some sort of...clacking? That was strange. The buck stood up, making his way to the classroom door. He poked his head out -

"Out of the way, out of the way, out of the way!" the tiger barreling down on him shouted at the top of his lungs.

Basajuan leaped to the side just in time to avoid a well-built tiger on top of a bicycle. He shot through the doorway, popped a wheelie at the podium, and just about flipped his bike over in the process. The tiger himself went flying out of the seat, hit the top of one of the tables, and cartwheeled over it to - of course - land on his feet at the far side of the room. By the time he was dusting himself off, the half-flipped bike finally collapsed.

"Hmm. Not quite enough lift on the jump; I'll need to start building up more speed before the spiral," the tiger said.

Trying to keep his heart from beating out of his chest, the buck walked over to the bike. The clacking sound was solved, at least; there was a sex-ball card clipped to the side of the front wheel, probably to get the sound of a motorcycle the way that a kid might have done.

Guy certainly knows how to make an entrance.

The tiger walked up to the front of the room, holding out his arms for the bike. The buck passed it over, shaking his head.

"If you're not the teacher, could you fill in for him?" he asked.

"Heh. You flatter me. But luckily for all of you, I am the teacher."

"Good. Then in that case, I think we can all agree..."

He took a deep breath with the rest of the room before they all shouted in unison.


The mass shout would have sent most people stumbling back. As it was, the tiger's fur ruffled a bit along his face, but he just chuckled, tweaking his whiskers a bit as he set the bike down behind him.

"Oh, I have been exploring the world, seeing the city, making my way from one end of it to another."

"...You got lost, didn't you?" one shark student asked.

"Well, everyone can get lost on the path of life from time to time. It is how we find our way back onto our paths that matters."

"You kept us waiting for half the class!" another student shouted.

"And what the hell is up with that bike?" yet another called out.

"Hey, being fair, that entrance was freaking awesome," one of the students said with a laugh.

A grudging agreement was reached on that as Basajuan made his way back to his seat and Taj took his spot at the head of the class. The tiger cleared his throat, silencing the room. He peered across the gathered masses, not in the same hungry, measuring way that SkyWing had done, but rather in a curious, interested way, something that invited them to show off a little bit rather than confess.

It was an interesting feeling, another more specialized approach to domination that he hadn't seen before. Just a way of treating other people, he realized, a way of encouraging them to open up rather than pushing it out of them. He didn't quite know how the tiger managed it, but suddenly he wondered if that huge entrance had been done to create such a spectacle that nobody could look away, like everybody was interested in being as different and fascinating as he had just been.

Well, it works...

The buck tried and failed to get comfortable as Professor Taj finally smiled.

"Welcome, everyone, to the Theology of Domination. Now, what is the motto for this part of the school?"

"Facts Will Out!" they shouted.

"Wrong!" the tiger said with a laugh. "That's just the words carved into the side of the building. All the more reason not to make too many assumptions, hmm?"

"Then what it is?" the lion across the table asked.

"Always Take A Second Look."

Taj chuckled, leaning forward over the podium.

"There is nothing in the world so simple that it doesn't deserve a second look, and religion most of all deserves to have a second look, or a third, or fourth, until you completely understand the topic that you're working with. There's so many layers of information buried inside of holy texts. Some of it is historical, some of it is figurative, some of it literal, some of it raw legend, and here and there, some little bit of facts or old wisdom that still applies to our modern day and age.

"Domination is the same thing. We are all doms here, yes?"

The crowd nodded.

"Then we all know how it goes. What we perceive as domination, what we are taught to use, is just the surface layer. Our first look at domination, so to speak. This class is going to be a study into the philosophy and religion of domination, how it has been used through history, how those that worship at the altar of power use it to their advantage, and what we can learn through the deconstruction of this philosophy and religion that can benefit you in your day to day life.

"We'll start with first impressions. Can anyone tell me, aside from smashing a bicycle into your own lecture stand and doing a fine set of acrobatics, how to make a first impression that keeps all the eyes on you?"

Called it. I freaking called it.

Even so, he couldn't help but smile a little at the tiger's attitude. There was something about him that just made it fun to listen. He knew it was another means of taking charge, injecting a great deal of personality into the room to steer and dominate his audience through his own charm and wit, but it was something that didn't hurt or change or put him underneath the control of another. It was just a way of keeping control and making sure that everyone was paying attention.

Basajuan was pretty sure that he was going to enjoy this class.

The End

An Education in Dominance 5: Demonstrating Dominance

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