A PROPER Proper Fusion 2: Bursting Boundaries

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#2 of A PROPER Proper Fusion

Chapter two begins, and it opens on Kal and Kajiit a bit more stuck together than the feline would like, and a fair bit less than what the Crux would enjoy. The pair of them have to attend a business meeting, with Kajiit desperately trying to keep Kal from taking over.

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A Proper Fusion

Chapter 2: Bursting Boundaries

For Kajiit

By Draconicon

Thankfully, Jonathan was as helpful as Kajiit had hoped for, and the bobcat was passed through security and the quarantine teams as quickly as possible. The Diamondback was still under lockdown but considering what might have happened if he'd gone through more than a cursory scan by the customs officials, the bobcat was more than willing to be grounded for a little while.

In all honesty, he was amazed that Kal - the Crux inside him - hadn't been picked up by the cursory scans. Sure, they were less intense and thorough than what the rest of his ship would go through, but the fact that the alien had managed to hide...

He felt a stirring beneath his gloves and quickly pulled them tighter. The creature was stirring again. Not a full attempt to take control - not yet - but more of a tentative push to see if he could. Kajiit pushed him down anyway; he didn't need Kal bursting out while they were in public. The bobcat had explained why a hundred times during the flight back to his homeworld, but only the threat of imprisonment seemed to push the Crux back down. Even so, he found energy to complain.

Nnngh...why do I have to stay inside? They told me that I'd get to play all the time when I got a body of my own...

Kajiit pushed the voice down, the bobcat trusting to the barriers that he put up in his mind to keep Kal from getting out. There had been a small slip on the ship halfway through the trip, admittedly, but the Crux hadn't pushed very hard after that. Maybe it was because the alien was tired, or maybe it was just gathering energy, but whatever the reason was, it was quiet. That was all he wanted.

He left the spaceport, pausing only to look over his shoulder at the docking bay where the Diamondback would be kept on lockdown for a while. His shipping manifest, apparently, had been off; cargo that he'd told the authorities he'd be bringing in had disappeared, somehow, and...

Well, she's not due back anytime soon. Maybe I can get the ship back and find it before she finds out the cargo's missing.

Who's she?

None of your business.

As long as he got the Diamondback back before she showed up, there wouldn't be any problem. Cargo discrepancy or not, he'd be able to find something else to pay off that debt. His meeting with Jonathan would give him the funds to pay for another shipment, even if he would have preferred this payment to go towards rent...and fuel...and medical inquiries...

The feline slipped through the gaudily-dressed crowd around him by instinct, finding his way through the plaza around the spaceport by memory as much as intent. The roar of hovercraft and low-atmosphere ships filled the air, drowning out all conversation but the one in his head, and the smell of fuel and emissions burned his nose, but as distracting as it all was, it wasn't enough to take away his worries.

He was infested. There was no way around it, no matter how the alien inside him kept insisting it was fine. He'd broken galactic law, unintentionally or not, by smuggling a new life form from its home world to one of the civilized worlds. If anybody found out, they'd throw him in prison. Even Jonathan would do it, despite all the work that the bobcat had done for GSN. It would be bad press and bad business to try and keep him out of jail, and would make the bull's company look like it was willing to sponsor smugglers. His boss wouldn't risk that.

More to the point, if the Crux was so integrated with him that he no longer showed up on the customs scanners, then the infestation went deeper than he thought. Kajiit had hoped that he could get into a clinic - preferably a discreet one in the back alleys - and have the alien excised from him, but that no longer felt possible.

All the sanitizer in the galaxy couldn't remove the feeling of filth from him as he crossed the plaza towards the GSN Tower. It was one of many business headquarters that bordered the spaceport plaza, sweeping up in a curve that turned into a spiral towards the top. The outside was covered in a black and silver color, with the windows darkened to keep corporate spies from peering in. He was used to that and looked forward to the privacy even as he adjusted his gloves and stomped his paws deeper into his boots.

It felt wrong to be walking into the building in boots. He'd always gone bare-pawed in the city - at least, where the streets were clean - and keeping them covered only reminded him of the way that his toes and his paws swelled and contracted as the alien kept trying to push for control. The lack of sensation, feeling only pressure, was a constant distraction, but he needed the disguise.

He hid his annoyance behind a smile as he walked up to the mouse receptionist. A familiar face, Ann was always happy to see him, and this time was no exception. The matronly mouse chuckled as he approached, shaking her head and adjusting the lens projectors on her nose.

"Kajiit. Finally back from your survey mission, hmm?"

"Heh, yes, yes. Sorry, but you know how long it takes to get to those rim planets."

"Oh, I know. It's just hell, isn't it? How do you even manage to entertain yourself on those flights?"

Ann always asked things like that, and it always reminded him that she'd never taken a flight out of the local system. He smiled indulgently.

"It's just something I've learned to put up with. Is Jonathan in?"

"Yes, actually. He said he was looking forward to talking with you."

"I bet. Usual office?"

"Yep. Top floor, third door on your right."

Nodding his thanks to the mouse, he followed the curve of her desk to the collection of elevators at the back of the lobby. He walked down the line of slanted tubes, stopping at the familiar chamber that went all the way to the top. As soon as he stepped inside and the doors closed, the alien inside started stirring.

Oh, no, no, no, we're not staying in here. I'm not playing in a giant tube. I want out. I want to have fun. I want to -

You are staying right where you are. This is important.

But this is booooring! I want to go back to the ship. Or to that place with all the people. Outside. There were some nice people there, some nice looking playmates. We could take off our boots and start -

No! If anyone sees you, we'll both be locked up. No playing with other people, and no coming out.

Kajiit mentally stomped down on the Crux, and the alien's struggles inside thankfully ceased. It was always a toss-up whether he would have the mental fortitude to force the creature inside him bend to his will, and while good arguments and the threat of imprisonment helped - for some reason - there was always the risk that Kal would be able to force his way through and take over. The last time it had happened, the bobcat had been unconscious for hours, and he still didn't know what had happened between the Crux taking control and him taking it back.

It didn't matter, he tried to tell himself. It didn't matter. As long as he got through this meeting and Jonathan didn't kick him to the curb, he would have the funds he needed to get this taken care of. Then life would go back to normal, and he could pretend that this had never happened.

The lift slowed, then stopped. Kajiit stepped out into a circular office, the floor and walls completely transparent under the artificial clouds in the ceiling. At the far side of the room, Jonathan stood with his back to the elevator, arms clasped behind his back, and the bobcat put on a bigger smile.

"Jonathan. Good to see you."

"Indeed. Take a seat."

Darting to one of the three seats by the window, the bobcat shuffled until his boots rested under the small coffee table nearby, and he tucked his hands between his legs. It left him looking a bit nervous, he knew, but better to look nervous than show any growth if Kal started stirring again.

Waiting for Jonathan to start the meeting was familiar enough. Despite the bull's decent nature, he had to keep up appearances no matter who was watching. The bobcat usually enjoyed the quiet, taking the time to gather his thoughts as his employer gathered his. This time...

Stop it.

He gritted his teeth as his paw swelled slightly, barely able to force it down again. The Crux grumbled as the subtle attempt failed again and went back to the muttered complaining he'd been doing.

Finally, Jonathan turned around. As usual, he had a slight smile that nevertheless felt genuine as he sat down across from the bobcat.

"I hope you have a good reason for all this, Kajiit."

"Doubting me already? I thought I'd earned more credit than that."

"You have, you have," the bull said. "But it is...odd...for a surveyor to ask us to pressure customs and quarantine for quick passage. Almost shady, in fact."

"Just in a hurry to talk to you, that's all. My record is as clean as I am."

"And as neurotic as you are about anything filthy, that is rather clean."

"Indeed. Just trust me, Jonathan. I have quite a discovery for you."

The bull gestured for him to continue, and Kajiit did just that. Just as he was reaching into his pocket, however, he felt another stirring inside. He kept it from making his hands twitch, grow, or anything else, but Kal was already talking in his head as he pulled out the data-chips.

Mmmm, he's a big beefy one, isn't he? Do you think he'd like to 'play' with us a bit?

Play with - go away! This isn't the time!

When is, then?! I just want to play, and he looks like he'd be a great playmate. Big, muscular, and those pants look like they're hiding a nice, big -

"Kajiit? The discovery?"

Both thankful for the interruption and embarrassed that he'd gotten so distracted, the bobcat passed the data-chips from his pocket to the bull's hand. As usual, Jonathan merely held them, waiting for his report. Kajiit was eager to oblige him, happy to have a distraction from his internal passenger.

"My scans picked up a great deal of water on your latest acquisition, and my explorations confirmed that literally everything is saturated with it. Ground, rock, plant, everything. If you so much as lean on a tree, it'll squelch and drench you."

"I'm not seeing how this will be of any value. Did you find any -"

"There were no life-forms on the planet, Jonathan," he said, perhaps too fast as the bull's eyebrows went up. "No locals or natives. Just guessing you were going there."

"...No, that was coming later, but I'll note that down."

Kajiit nodded, wanting to slap himself for his own jumpiness. He needed to calm down; if he was going to sell this 'lie,' he needed to keep his wits about him.

For that matter, he wasn't entirely sure that it was a lie. The Crux inside him hadn't mentioned any other members of its species, and even though his scans had missed Kal as an individual, he doubted he would have missed an entire population. Still...if there were parasites out there, it would be better for him to keep quiet. If Jonathan decided he needed a public check-up, then any hopes of keeping his pilot's license would go right down the tubes. Taking anything living off-world was highly illegal, after all.

Pulling himself together, he forced himself back to the original question.

"I did find something, Jonathan. The water I mentioned?"


"Since it goes through everything, it carries everything with it. It's got the highest safe mineral content I've seen in any water, anywhere. I've only analyzed a few samples on my ship -"

"And relatively crudely, I imagine."

"Yes, but I still have some for your labs. Anyway, the results look like you could probably use it for genuine healthcare."


He knew what Jonathan was thinking. It was the same thing that he'd thought. Most of GSN's spas worked under the premise that the relaxation they offered boosted one's health through overall wellness or something like that. However, if they could market their new estate as a genuine healthcare resort, Kajiit knew that they'd get people flocking to it despite the planet's weather.

Before he could go further, though, he felt the pressure in his boots growing again, and this time, they didn't stop. As his toes grew and the edges of his boots began to stretch, the bobcat's fear skyrocketed. Barely keeping his smile on his face, he stood up.

"Pardon me, but my stomach's disagreeing with me. Will you excuse me?"

"Of course. Bathroom is two floors down."

"Thank you."

He darted back to the elevator, doing his best to walk normally. His paws felt like they were on the verge of ripping through his shoes, but Kajiit was quick enough to keep the bull from noticing...he hoped.

As soon as the lift doors closed, he slapped the back of his head.

Ow! What was that for?!

"You! You and what you're doing! Stop it!"

But it's soooooo boring!

"You think this is boring? Really? Do you think it's going to be any better if I get caught and thrown in a cage?"

But why would they -

Kajiit remembered prison. He remembered visiting an informant, and he remembered -

It didn't matter what he remembered, or why. He had the images of a prison in his head, and he forced the alien in the back of his head to look at it. See what it was like to be behind bars. See what it was like when they couldn't leave, couldn't do things, locked away from the world and anything 'fun.' Even as Kal recoiled from them, Kajiit kept pushing it.

"You want that? You want me to be locked up? Do you want to be stuck there with me with nothing? Because that's what's going to happen. You...you...You filthy...you stupid..."

He was sliding down the back of the elevator, his butt touching the floor before he realized he'd lost control. He was shaking; when had he started shaking? The bobcat didn't know, but Kal wasn't talking.

Rubbing his eyes, he wiped away tears of fear and anxiety. His heart was beating a million miles a second, and he forced himself to lean his head back, trying not to whimper.

"I'm not...I'm not going to lose everything I worked this hard to get. Not because of you."

He grabbed at his chest, thumping it a couple of times to calm his heart down. Slowly, it stopped beating so painfully fast, and the bobcat was able to reach for the panel of buttons, turning the elevator around. His paws were still shrinking down when the Crux spoke up again.

Does it hurt all the time? When...when you get like that?

"Only when I'm freaking out...so...stop giving me reasons to freak out."

There was no response. If anything, the Crux alien seemed to have pulled back far enough for him to forget that there was anyone in his head. That was fine with the bobcat; if he could have some peace and quiet, this meeting could be finished in minutes. And then...

Well, he would have time to see if he still knew anyone that could do illegal procedures like the one he wanted.

The bull must have been reading the data he'd handed over, because Jonathan took a few seconds to look up when he returned. Kajiit waved, walking in and sitting down across from his employer.

"I'm sorry about the wait. There shouldn't be any more delays."

"Glad to hear it. Now, I have a new project for you."

"A new -"

"I already have ideas for that mud pit you found. I'm not wasting my best surveyor with marketing details, not when there's more worlds to explore."

"You give me the coordinates, I'll give you the data...as soon as the Diamondback is out of lockdown."

"...Will that take long?"

Kajiit shrugged, barely holding back a wince at Jonathan's shifting expression. The bull obviously wasn't happy, but there wasn't much he could do about it. Missing cargo, suspicious return, cleaning a ship that had gone to an unknown planet: it could take a couple of days, or several weeks, depending on how the docking authorities wanted to take it. Not ideal, but compared to the alternatives...

Finally, Jonathan nodded, and they talked contracts.

It didn't take long for Jonathan to pull out the difficult assignments. Kajiit knew from experience that each of them would take months to complete, either due to ludicrous transit times to get there or because of the dangers inherent to the planets in question. Several had black holes to consider, and they were the simplest assignments.

Still, he didn't get the big paychecks by taking the small contracts, and if he wanted to deal with -

One contract slipped across the desk, one that would require slipping through several wormholes and pirate-infested territory. The very idea made his heart leap into his throat, and he started to push it away -

Only to freeze.


Kal. Kajiit's eyes went wide as his hand froze over the distant scan of the planet orbiting around a wormhole, his fingers spreading so that the alien could look through his eyes and stare at a star-shaped green continent. It expanded outwards almost like a flower on the surface, brighter than any other landmass.


This time, it took everything that Kajiit had to force the blastedly-curious Crux down, and Kal screamed all the way. He barely kept himself from panting as he took control again, but the assignment was already in his hand. He'd never grabbed it. Kal must have...

"You'll take that job, then?"

"This one, and another," he said, hurriedly covering his slip. What was going on? Why did Kal...

It didn't matter. He grabbed one of the black hole jobs, too, quickly signing his name over the contracts. Normally, he would have read them in detail, first, but that had been such a shift, such a horrifying moment, that he didn't dare let Jonathan think that something had gone wrong.

It was only after, when the bull had taken the files back and the beeps of transferring funds caught his attention, that he realized that he'd just agreed to a job without knowing what he was being paid.

"When do you need the jobs done?" he asked.

"As soon as possible. Three months maximum, for the black hole job."

Three months. His heart started speeding up again, his anxiety running ahead of him before he could stop it. Three months would barely give him the time to get out there, do three days of scans, and then get back. If the quarantine lasted longer than a couple of days, he wouldn't even have the time for that, and the fees for reneging on a contract -

More than I have, he thought. More than I'd get for selling my ship, my apartment...

His breath caught in his throat as he imagined losing everything, everything he had, everything that he'd worked so hard to get. The advance wouldn't matter, then; he'd be on the hook for that, too.

Out on the streets, alone, filthy, desperate, hungry -

Too long since the last job. Too long in space, too long before he'd taken this contract with GSN and too little of a payout for it. He didn't have the savings, his accounts drained dealing with another debt. The bobcat had planned on building up a new fortune with this, making his way to prosperity, and it could all come crashing down in one giant, horrible, dirty mess, all thanks to -


Yanked from his thoughts by the sound of leather ripping, the bobcat sat straight up. He felt a slight breeze through a hole in his boots and shivered as he felt the leather tighten again.

No. Not the leather tightening. His toes...his paws growing. Fast.

Kal! What are you doing?!

Protecting you and protecting me! You're going to die if you keep freaking out.

I'm in the middle of -

I'm not letting my new friend get hurt. I'm taking over.

Kal was spreading further, the smooth blue of the Crux's body running up his legs. Kajiit didn't know if it was his nerves weakening him, or if the alien had been saving up energy for this take-over, but it was too late for him to fight it. All he could do was get out.

He stood up, interrupting the bull's chatter, and was halfway to the elevator when Jonathan stopped him.

"Kajiit. What's wrong?"

There was enough concern and authority in his employer's voice to stop him in his tracks. The bobcat shivered as he felt the slippery, smooth body of the alien already up to his thighs, tendrils running under his pants and cradling his balls.

Please, please, not here. This...you're going to...

I'm taking over. Besides, you're not freaking out when I'm doing this...oh, I get it, you like this!


"I'm fine."

That was a blatant lie. 'Fine' was the thing he was furthest from. But he couldn't let Jonathan see that. He took another step, chuckling nervously to cover the continued ripping sounds from his boots.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just eager to get back to work, check on the status of my ship, all that stuff."

"Do you need -"

"We'll talk la-ater."

The bobcat's voice rose by nearly an octave as the smooth body of the Crux reached his shaft. He bit his lips as he frantically slammed his finger against the elevator button, knowing he wouldn't be able to keep his moans back as the alien teased him.

This isn't fair!

But it's fun. And you're not freaking out anymore.

Only because you're giving me a...a tentacle-job!

Every passing second brought another slippery tendril to his rapidly-rising cock, and it took everything he had not to whimper from it. It felt all too good, better than anything that he had done to himself in months.

The elevator finally opened, and he almost threw himself in to escape the office. Gasping for breath, he punched the lobby button -


The toes of his boots finally went, the fat toes of the Crux ripping through with their blunted claws. He gasped as he stared at the expanding, inflating digits, watching as they wriggled through the holes they'd left in the leather. Tiny breaks in the fabric turned massive as the toes kept growing, kept spreading, and his paws followed suit.


Kajiit's eyes widened further as his paws grew, swelling as if someone had shoved an air-pump into them. His boots were ripped to shreds in seconds, his paws growing to nearly double their size. The leather fell to the floor of the elevator, nothing more than spent padding for it. And...

And his cock throbbed all the harder in Kal's grip.

"Nnngh...stop...someone...someone might see..."

Hehehe, no way. It's better to be barefoot. You can feel everything this way. See?

His too-smooth blue paws pressed down against the shredded leather, grinding down on them, and against his will, Kajiit let out a moan. The feline rolled his head back, biting his lips, but the sound still escaped him.

Damn it...not...not fair...

The blue was spreading, his body taking on more and more cartoonish features. As the smooth skin of the alien reached his chest, he felt his heart slow, dropping down to a safe level, but even then it felt restrained. The elevator felt like it was dropping faster and faster, even as the blue skin of the Crux reached his shoulders.

When it hit the lobby, he ran. His tail was already warping, morphing into something that wasn't feline in the slightest. Ann said something as he ran by her desk, but he didn't hear it. He just hoped that she didn't notice his barefoot nature, or the way that he was still growing.

Bus? No, no, taxi. Taxi with a blacked-out screen, go back home, and -

Nuh-uh. I'm still in charge, and we're not going anywhere. Not yet.

But people will see! They'll -

They won't see me here, hehehehe.

Without warning, his body whipped to the left, spinning so fast that he would have fallen into the street if he was still in control. But...he wasn't. With only his head still free, and that only by the mercy of the creature inside him, he had no control over where they were going. He was forced to follow along like a dog on a leash, or like a cat in a carrier.

Kal took them to a nearby alley, the blue tendrils of the Crux's body running up his neck and along the sides of his ears. He groaned as it swallowed his face up, warping his face from that of a small-featured feline to a crazy-looking, giddy cartoon creature. A fat, spherical nose replaced the little triangle at the end of his muzzle, and a long tongue drooled out past his lips. It licked his face, shining the blue ooze that had flattened out and bonded with his fur.

Worse, his clothes...

No, please, don't make me naked. Someone...what if someone sees?

Mmm, then they see something fun.

Kal had full control, he realized, and the Crux was using it to his full advantage. The strange skin of the alien pulled at Kajiit's clothes, the bobcat stripped in seconds. The only things keeping him from fainting were the facts that he no longer looked like himself...and that the Crux was completely in control of everything, from his heartbeat to his libido, from his body to his consciousness. There was no fading away. Not this time.

His 'partner' made him look down at their dick. His dick? Kal's? It was not the same size as his, that was for sure, and his cock had never had that much of a shine. It stood up more than seven inches from his crotch, wobbling and bouncing like a toy on the end of a machine, but rather than pre, it drooled some sort of slime, silver with blue streaks.

The alien shifted their position, sitting them by a dumpster and leaning back against it, their massive paws pressed to either side of their shaft. Unable to speak, unable to say anything, Kajiit could only blush in ashamed, forced arousal as their huge paws eased closer and closer to their shaft.

"Hehehe," Kal said with their mouth. "You really like paws. I'm glad; they're my favorite things, too."

You can't do this. Not in public!

"Glad I can do it other times, then."

I didn't say -

"Oh, lighten up. It's just fun. Nobody can be bothered by fun."

Oh, but they could. Kajiit knew how strict the laws were, how Kal could get both of them in trouble if anyone walked in on them. Jail was the least of their worries on this planet...

Yet, with the Crux in charge, he couldn't panic. Not in the way that he did when he was front. All he could do was sit there, worrying in thought, his body as relaxed as it could be as the alien wiggled their toes ever closer to their dick.

The bobcat kept them away from their shaft by the most insane effort of will. He couldn't pull them back, but he could keep them from advancing, much to Kal's frustration.

"Come on. It's just a bit of fun."

Can't...let you...we need to...get home...

"Oh, will you just relax? I promise, I'm just going to have fun. Here. Let me -"



Kal pulled their head down, leaving the bobcat momentarily astonished at just how flexible the creature actually was. They were bent completely in half, their face and fat nose pressed right against the toes of their paws. The soft scent of something rubbery and something...something...

"Mmm, take a breath. Relax. Take a breath."

There was no other choice. He couldn't breathe through their mouth without Kal's permission, and he needed air, still. Kajiit sniffed.

And then sniffed again.

And again.

Each little sniff pushed his mind down, almost like there was a pheromone in the air that was forcing him to relax. He tried to stop, but once he'd started, it was routine. There was...was no stopping...

He groaned, his tongue lolling out a bit, and the Crux took advantage. At first, he didn't realize what was happening, but when the taste started building up - rubber, flesh, warmth - he realized that he was being made to lick his own paws. He was too weak to stop it, and humiliatingly, their dick started to throb harder.

"Mmm, you want me to do more, huh?"

There...there was a reason not to, he was sure. There was...was a reason not to go further...right? Right?

"Nah. You can just relax -" Liiiiick. "With me. I'm in charge anyway. Just sit back, relax, and let me have some fun. It'll be good for you, playmate."

Good...for him...

Kajiit finally gave in, allowing Kal full control. His - no, Kal's - head kept swiping back and forth, dragging their shared tongue over their paws. The soft taste left him groaning, shivering, panting, and their cock slowly started to throb in response.


"I knew you needed this. All work, no play? Every Crux would tell you that that's unhealthy."


"Don't even think about work. It's time to party!"


Both paws pulled back, the Crux's unnatural flexibility allowing them to push somewhere he'd never been able to touch himself. Kajiit moaned as he felt the chubby, soft-furred toes wrapping around his cock, grinding into it and milking it from either side. Kal didn't moan - the Crux giggled instead - but he couldn't stop.

Despite the slow strokes of his own paws, he felt like he was already on the edge of climax. If it wasn't for the fact that the Crux kept him from panting, cumming, or anything else without permission, he probably would have. As it stood, he shivered as one paw left his shaft, pressing to the side of his face as the other kept milking him.

The pleasure grew stronger and stronger, particularly as Kal brought their lengthened tail around. It coiled about their cock, stroking, teasing, tugging, sliding it along their paw. The buzz, the burn, the pleasurable waves that ran through his mind took him ever deeper into the one-man party until he could think no more.


One-man party? What am I, then?

There was no answer, not that he expected one. He'd pushed Kajiit all the way to the back of his head again, further than he'd ever pushed the bobcat before. All for the best, really; he needed a break, and Kal needed some fun, and with more than just his own paws and tail.

Getting up with a hum and a smile, the Crux walked towards the other end of the alley. Despite shimmering like a well-oiled model - several examples of which sprang from Kajiit's mind - he hadn't been noticed yet. A shame, he felt; he had a lot of fun to offer.

Except...Kajiit said being seen was bad. He didn't know why, but he would listen. Better to have a little less fun than be locked in a cage. And besides...the rooftops could be fun.

With sticky fingers and toes, the climb was easy. Easier than thinking was, at least, especially the way that his host did. It was fascinating - hard, but fascinating - to see how Kajiit lived. The bobcat was so stressed out, so angry, so worried, but...

But it was so new! The Crux couldn't help but wonder what else he'd discover on this world. It might even be a good thing that he couldn't stay in charge all the time. It'd let him learn more. Maybe even fill in the blanks that he couldn't remember.

Hopping the last six feet onto the roof, Kal wiggled his big toes a few times before taking in his surroundings. Several rooftops were in jumping distance, and he was sure he could cling to the sides of other buildings on the way home.

And if anyone looks up, well, they can just appreciate the view, he thought, letting his tail continue its work on his cock as he lined himself up for the first jump.

Just stay down there, Kajiit. I'll bring the party to you soon enough.

And with that, he charged forward. He jumped, flying through the air for a few seconds before landing firmly on his paws on a new building. The Crux never stopped moving, giggling, or stroking, too eager for fun to think about what he'd do next.

The End

A PROPER Proper Fusion 3: Finding Limits

A Proper Fusion Chapter 3: Finding Limits For Kajiit By Draconicon Kal sighed. When his host didn't respond, he 'tapped' against the inside of the bobcat's skull and whined. "I'm boooooooored." _You had your fun. Almost got me...

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A PROPER Proper Fusion 1: Bobcat to Bob-Crux

A Proper Fusion Part 1: Bobcat to Bob-Crux For nfjrrjf By Draconicon _Two hundred habitable planets on the Rim, and GSN sends me here,_ Kajiit grumbled as his fingers danced over the _Diamondback's_ console. _Not to a...

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Stress-Free Summer

Stress-Free Summer For LexOunce By Draconicon The first weekend of summer had arrived, and Ralph thought that it had come just a few weeks too late. The coyote was a bit dizzy as he walked down the steps of the college, his...

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