The Hiring

Story by Malus on SoFurry

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#1 of Dragon Debacle

Part of the Dragon Debacle Series!

This is my (first) part for Kumbartha's Dragon Debacle project, a series of pictures and stories about a fantasy realm terrorized by a rather perverted dragon.

After Ikshus the dragon has decided to turn the reception of his tribute (of muscular male prey) into an outright orgy of sex and large scale destruction, the kingdom seems to have had enough (the cleanup alone will take them ages!) and decides to send off a party consisting of prince Nobregas, Randall, the high priest, and Gruk, a hunky lizardman warrior, in order to fetch some more brave souls to stand up to the dragon.

Their journey takes them to the swamplands of Thuxotor, home of a whole culture of completely depraved reptilians, to find a notorious assassin and necromancer.

But for a stuck up priest and a prince still a bit sheltered despite all efforts to the contrary, the culture shock might be quite intense.;-)

Also starring a certain lion and hyena, who of course will take their destined roll of providing others a stiff boner by their untimely demise.:-p

There will be more coming in the future, so check out the link at the top for more!

The Hiring

The evening sun was casting long shadows over the swamp, making the murky pools lining the wooden walkway glitter with reddish gold and cause sweat dampened fur and hide to glisten in a warm glow. Two of the three travelers had stripped down, revealing their well muscled bodies, in order to better cope with the still lingering humid heat, only the old wolf was still wearing his long traveling cape and trousers, even though his chest was just as bare as the other two's.

"May the lord cast his judgment on this accursed swamp..." The canine muttered into the slight pale beard around his muzzle, swatting a mosquito, that had just perched down to take a drink from him. "The air reeks of decay, it is hot, it breeds sickness..." His gaze traveled ahead to the lights, already visible, fires of aromatic herbs to keep the vermin at bay and lights to illuminate the encroaching night. It would not be long until the three would reach their destination. "And worse yet, nothing but benighted pagans, degenerates and the scum of society dwelling in this forsaken swamp..." His gaze shifted to the other wolf, much younger, with a grayish coat, clad in just high leather boots and armor that consisted of barely more than a few strips and vital guards.

"You should avoid mingling with those people, my prince." The wolf addressed gave the older male a slightly sheepish look, as if caught in a naughty train of thoughts.

"Ah, Randall, as a prince, do I not need to be courteous and pay respect to the culture of our hosts?" He had an innocent look on his face that only seemed to be half an act. The older male muttered darkly in response, while the large, reddish lizardman next to them let out a roaring laugh, clapping the younger wolf on the shoulder.

"Haha, nice words, young Nobregas, but as much as I object to that old quire boy fondler to badmouth my sweet homeland, I do think we better keep an eye on you, if you mean to get cozy to the locals. With a nice bod' like yours, there might be a guy or two who'd get ideas. And I think your father might be upset if all we bring home is your pretty pelt - if even that." The warrior gave the wolf's ass a squeeze, chuckling as he noticed the prince's tail twitching and his face seeming half flustered, half nervous. "Don't you dare accuse me, a servant of our lord, of engaging in your vile abominations!" Randall glared at the lizardman. "Your concern for our prince may honor you, Gruk, but tame your lewd tongue, or you will end up loosing it one of these days." The younger wolf stepped between the two, holding out his hands and trying to strike a conciliatory tone.

"Please, you two, we should better see we get to the settlement before the sun sets. I do not want to have to fumble about in the dark out here. And besides, you said yourself, Randall, that we need this Ikshar fellow, right?" His ears drooped a little, until he saw Randall's pose relax. The older wolf threw the lizard a last contemptuous look, before they all continued their way, remaining quiet for a while, before Gruk broke the silence again.

"Still hardly able to believe the church would authorize this kind of thing. I mean, you guys aren't exactly keen on the whole death magic stuff, nor of guys like little Ikshar." Randall shrugged in response, his eyes fixed on the way ahead, careful not to slip on the damp wooden planks that formed their path.

"His majesty and the council of bishops have granted a dispense, both for that sinful act of necromancy and for hiring one of those benighted practitioners of the arts." The younger wolf waited for a moment before asking a question of his own: "Say, this Ikshar guy, he is some sort of assassin, correct? But also a necromancer? I mean, I thought those guys where more the sort who wear strange robes, hang about in crypts and mess with old forbidden books..." Gruk threw back his bold head, his gleaming yellow eyes twinkling with amusement.

"You likely are thinking of those stage villains from the theaters, right, wolf boy, erh, prince, I mean?" Nobregas huffed slightly, obviously a bit miffed at the derisive note in his companion's voice. It was not like he was just some obedient little princeling who never ventured beyond the castle walls. It was exactly his escapades and such after all which had caused the whole row with his father - and made him decide it might be a good idea to volunteer for this mission to get back into the old man's good graces. "I was not. I have in fact met an actual necromancer, just so you know." He ignored the raised eyebrow and piercing glance this remark earned him from the old priest, and instead looked at the lizardman. "Hey, relax, pup, don't get you cute fur puffed up, doesn't make your nose as pretty when you get angry." Gruk laughed more amicably and despite the fact that the young wolf had no illusions about the lizard treating him like a child, he felt like he could not really stay mad at the hunky warrior... "Well, what is the deal with him then anyway?" He tried to keep his eyes on the path, all too aware that he better not be the one to slow them down after his previous words.

"Getting to that, don't worry." Gruk scanned the waters around them, all too aware that the looming sunset meant that more predators would come out, looking for some fresh meat...

"Magic around here, in Thuxotor, it's less about formal book learning and such. We deal with the raw forces of nature, both the light and the dark. Death magic is all part of that. And what better place do you think would there be to learn all about death than bringing it about yourself? Watching your prey exhale its last breath, be there when their life blood seeps out and taste their still warm meat?" He ignored Randall's muttered curses, the priest seemed content to let him go on. "There are a lot of powerful necromancers who follow this path and while Ikshar is still rather young, he definitely has the makings of a great master of death. And that...", he looked at his companions, "is why for what we have in mind, we are better off with him, than with trying to dig some of your old crypt dwellers out of their hiding place. They might be able to bring our long deceased friend back, but trust me, Ikshar sure is the better when it comes to inflicting death on others, and that is what we need to do when it comes down to it, right?" The young wolf could not help a bit of a shiver. Part of him found the prospect of this forbidden magic quite exciting, but admittedly, part of him also felt slightly reminded of being the small wolf pup who would see dreadful shadows moving in the dark of the night... "Hmpf, well, be that as it may, he can be glad that the swamps are far enough from the capitals, so the church did not yet have the attention to spare to expunge this foul heresy. And he better shall keep in mind that this might always change, should he even think of double crossing us..." Randall was glaring ahead, while the lizardman just shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever you say, boss, just let us get a move on, before the crocodiles and snakes decide we might make an appetizing dinner." Though the lizardman said it in a joking tone, both wolves could not help but nervously eye the water for any suspicious shapes, unable to keep themselves from thinking that the rickety planks might just give in under a sudden assault - and of how any help might come to late for the unfortunate victim to be drawn into the water and to his death in a hungry maw... When at last they reached more solid ground, all of them felt relieved and even more so when they finally passed the torch lit gate, where the light and the noise of the houses and the people milling about kept the night and its terrors at bay.

The air inside of the tavern was thick with sweat, the aroma of cooking meat, the strange swampland spices and cheap alcohol. Most of the patrons were lizardmen or other reptilians of various sorts, but the two wolves waiting for their companion to return were by far not the only warmbloods in here. Jaguars, were hardly a surprise to encounter in such a place, nor were various other cats, but there were also hyenas and even two more wolves. The atmosphere was rowdy, especially around the gambling tables further in the back, where two crocodilians where just dragging off a young lizard boy, stripped naked and obviously paralyzed with fear. Nobregas found himself unable to look away, as the boy was strapped into a strange contraption of leather strings and posts near the center of the bar room. He was positioned so that his body was half hanging in the air, his tail pushed up, held there whimpering and shivering, tears glistening at the corners of his eyes. The boy made a startled yelp as a hand clapped hard on the dark green scales on his ass, blending into a darker cream tone around the underside of his tail, his chest and abdomen. "Pay attention you rowdy bunch!" The crocodilian shouted, showing a toothy grin.

"All of you know the rules of the gambling table and so did this young lad here. You don't have enough to pay your debt, then your ass belongs to the house and you got until midnight to make use of it to pay your debtor back." He grinned, dipping one hand into a jar of oil before pushing one finger into the lizard's tight ass, making the young man scream and whimper. It did not take long though for more fingers to be added and the lizard's whimpers to betray arousal, his cock swelling to full, plump stiffness. The lizard boy's short feathery dark hair hid his golden eyes, his head hanging low, as if to hide his embarrassment.

"Hey, boy, better play along, if you haven't earned enough by midnight you are off to the block. Auction if you are lucky, chopping block otherwise. You are a bit thin, but there is still some fine meat on your bones and we always have an empty pot or spit for that and lots of hungry mouths to fill..." The words earned a round of bellowing laughter, quite a few customers licking their lips demonstratively, while others were grinning and rubbing their own stiffening cocks. Nobregas felt a bit bad about getting turned on by the display, but he could not help his cock growing stiff. He felt sorry for the boy, who now was looking with a mixture of fear and pleading at the crowd, his body still shaking as he tried to strike an inviting pose.

"Yeah, that is better, need to make those randy bunch want to take your ass and your mouth, or else I don't think cook will need to worry about us running out of meat for tonight." Nobregas was just about to rise up, thinking of the purse of coins he was carrying with him, when suddenly he was grabbed firmly by his arm and roughly pulled back.

"And what do you think are you doing, your highness?!" Randall hissed at him, his eyes gleaming angrily. "I, he, he will be killed unless..." Nobregas stopped mid sentence as he heard the snarling growl and saw the bared teeth of the priest.

"How noble to want to bear that abominable sin, just to save someone, is it that?!" His hand pushed down, painfully grabbing the prince's already swollen knot, making him yowl in pain for a moment - which no one seemed to pay much attention to.

"Or is it that you just search for an excuse?!" He shook his head, drawing the prince's gaze to the raised platform. A line consisting mostly of rough men had already formed, the foremost one, a much larger lizardman, just greasing up his cock with the contents of the oil bucket, while one of the Hyenas was already thrusting his cock into thelizard's open mouth, grabbing his hair roughly and shoving his member down the whimpering boy's throat. "I very much doubt that you need to defile your body to save this poor wretch. And even if so, his fate would be nothing to the hellish torments you both would face for this depravity." Nobregas had his ears folded back, the pain at least had helped to make his arousal subside a bit, if not much... "Your father may be lenient when it comes to these matters, but it is my duty to make sure that you as his heir do not stray from the lord's path. I will not have you fall into sin and thus allow the rot of this abomination to spread through the whole realm." Nobregas looked back, the fur covering the back of his neck bristling, just about to make a defiant retort, but before he could get the words out of his mouth, he was cut off by a muscular arm dropping on his shoulder and Gruk's throaty voice cutting the tension building up between the wolves.

"Seems like you two had quite the nice display to look at while I was asking around." He chuckled, giving Randall a bemused look that seemed to wander down to the old man's loins for a moment. "Looks like we indeed got quite lucky, Ikshar is actually in, so we won't have to go traipsing through the swamps or try to comb through every hovel in town." The priest glared at the lizardman, shifting in his chair, his claws digging into the wood of the table. "Well, that for one thing is good news, I already have had more than enough of this cradle of filth and perversion." Nobregas was just about to raise his voice again, before the lizardman replied, seemingly sensing the still broiling tension between them.

"Yeah, so let us get going then. He is in one of the backrooms, finishing his current job, if I understood my contact correctly. I arranged for them to let us in there, so if we hurry, maybe I and our little prince can have a go at that nice, tight looking lizard ass up there." The priest huffed angrily, while Nobregas felt a mix of gratitude and worry, as his gaze went back to the lizard boy. Cum was dripping down his ass and splattered over his face, shoulders and chest. He had a dull look in his eyes, as he obediently opened his mouth, leaning forward, trying to lick the heavy balls of a muscular jaguar who was next in line. He seemed as if he was in a daze, just a constant wave of sucking, licking and being pounded and whether he was eager for the many cocks, or just eager to please their owners to save himself from ending in their bellies, was hard to tell. "Aaah, don't worry, young prince, with a body like his, he is sure to make it out alive, well, unless he really lost big or someone really is willing to pay to have that cute ass for dinner." He patted Nobregas on his back, while Randall was already up, having his clock pulled around himself as if to shield his body from the sweat and sex saturating the air of the tavern. "Aaah, come on, in the end, it is all part of life anyway. There are worse ways to go, trust me." He grinned toothily, seemingly enjoying Nobregas flustered reaction.

"...I have seen some of them rise and moan on the spit - a good cook always makes sure they add a bit of their own flavor to their meat, if you know what I mean." The younger wolf felt a strange blush creep over his cheeks, as he followed, just a few steps behind, turning his head to see the big jaguar throw back his head in a triumphant roar, hips bucking as he emptied his load first down the lizard's mouth and then all over his face, throwing down an extra coin into the little basket next to the crocodilian overseer, before he strutted away with a broad grin on his face.

The wolf felt his tail nervously twitch, dragging his gaze back to his companions. Gruk was leading them straight to a darker corner behind the bar, exchanging a glance with a nasty looking Hyena, who seemed to nonchalantly stand guard to prevent unwelcome trespassers. He pushed aside a beat curtain that gave way too a narrow hallway, doors opening at regular intervals, to both sides. Only some of them had actual doors, many just partitioned off by curtains, that often were kept open to reduce the buildup of heat inside. As they walked by, some doorways revealed glimpses of sparsely lit rooms were cloaked figures were deep in whispered conversations, swallowed up by the noise from the bar room, while others showed bodies writhing on large bedsteads, moans filling the air, just as the scent of sweat, male arousal and cheap oils and perfumes did. Gruk looked on with quite obvious interest, while Randall cursed under his breath, increasing his pace and trying to force his companions to keep up with him.

Nobregas was just about to follow, when a stifled moan, sounding at the same time helpless and frightened as well as terribly aroused, made his eyes linger on the half open curtain partitioning off one of the rooms.

At a glance, he might have missed it, half twilit as the interior was, but now that he was looking straight through the opening, he could easily make out the faintly glistening coils, spread out across the bed of cushions and blankets that was buried beneath the serpentine body. And close to where the gleaming eyes of the Naga reflected the twilight, a hyena boy lay trapped in the coils, his well muscled chest rising flatly, just as much as the deadly embrace casually wrapping around parts of his body allowed him. His legs, part of his upper body and his arms, stretched out above his head, were securely wrapped up, so that Nobregas could see only little of his unusual reddish and black coat and a lot more of the light tan fur covering his toned pectorals and abdomen. He felt frozen in place as he watched the coils slowly tightening, making the hyena let out another moan. His muscles were flexing as he squirmed in the tight embrace and his darkly colored penis stiff and glistening with precum. A wet, lewd sound followed, making Nobregas' gaze travel down, where he was just about able to make out the naga's own penis pushing into the young male's asshole, obviously being partially responsible for the lustful note in the boy's stifled moaning. The hyena's cock twitched as the Naga slowly pushed in and out.

Nobregas felt how is own cock was standing up hard like a rock as he watched the serpent open his maw, eyeing the hyena hungrily, his forked tongue flicking out, tasting the air. The wolf could smell the scent of sex and sweat himself, and to the naga, it had to be all the more intense.

But when he realized what was about to happen, his heart almost stopped for a moment. The young male's paws began to vanish into the hungry mouth, bit by bit, just as the naga began to release his grip around his arms, the boy still whimpering and groaning and the naga kepeping up his rhythmic thrusts. Nobregas knew that snakes took their time swallowing their prey, but a naga, blessed with strong arms, seemed to be able to be much quicker about it, as he now was finding out. The young hyena's head was already mere inches away from the open maw, his armpits exposed, his muscles flexing, as a helpless shudder went through his body, the snake making an impatient sound as the slow rhythm made way to a last, frantic slapping of flesh against flesh, causing the naga's hapless meal to shoot all of his respectable load over his trembling body, only to be followed mere seconds later by the naga's own seed squelching and dripping from the hyena's ass. A small gasp escaped the young lupine's mouth as he saw the boy's face for a last time, still wracked with a mix of helplessness and arousal, as the naga's jaws enveloped it, sending the young male off to his fate. And then, the reptilian eyes suddenly fixed on him. Nobregas felt rooted in place, unable to look away, to escape the paralyzing gaze and the macabre spectacle of the hyena slowly being pushed into the wide open maw. More and more of the coils released their grip, as the tongue flicked over the big, pert nipples and the fur shimmering faintly with sweat. Nobregas, feeling like he, too, was caught in the lustful, deadly daze, was just about to step forward, as if pulled in by an invisible force, when suddenly, he felt someone yank him by the shoulder and pull him back. "Gods of the swamps, can't let you out of our sight for even a moment, can we?" Gruk's voice was half gruff, half amused. Nobregas still felt as if in a daze, his gaze still lingering on the naga, whose eyes seemed to be gleaming angrily at the lizard, watching as the reptile now slurped up the still hard erection of the hyena, making the young male twitch helplessly. The clearly outlined bulge the boy made in the naga's throat was the last thing Nobregas saw, before the lizardman had pulled him away from the doorway.

"Hasn't anyone told you young prince, that you better be careful about looking a naga in the eyes, unless you want to become is next meal?" Nobregas vaguely shook his head, blinking, looking to Randall, who was only a few steps ahead, having an intense but hard to read expression on his face.

"That, that hyena boy..." He croaked, feeling a shiver run down his whole body. "Yeah, that lad apparently didn't know either, or, who knows, might have been a slave or such, who didn't really get to say no. Or maybe some trusting fool who thought that the nice snaky would surely not eat his lover." Gruk snorted, giving Nobregas still stiff erection a lingering look. "Never saw a naga though who was much good at resisting the urge to go straight from sex to food, even if he might actually have wanted to. Bet he thought you would have made some fine company in his stomach for that dumb bone cruncher and a tasty bit of dessert for him." Nobregas felt his body starting to shake as the weird feeling of paralysis left him, leaning against the wall as he quickly drew in breath. "S, sorry, I, I just had never... I mean, I am sorry, I will be more careful, p, promise..." He still felt weird, sweat running down his flanks and his whole body still flushed with arousal, his tail twitching as he tried to force the sensation down and get his head clear. "This better be a lesson to you, my prince. This is exactly why you should not stray from the lord's path." Randall growled slightly. "Even if your life is spared, even if it is just those foul passions and not your death as one of these heathen creatures' meal, your soul will end up damned all the same and you will never turn into the king you owe your country to be."

Nobregas lowered his gaze. Trying to evade the priest's scrutiny. He quickly made another step away from the door, until the background noise covered the gulping sounds and he faint moans. He felt bad for the hyena boy, but the memory also made him flustered and nervous. He had to get it out of his mind, after all, they did have a mission to accomplish here, yes, he just had to focus on that... "Umh, Gruk, how do you know anyway which door we are looking for, erh, do we have to go much farther till we find that Ikshar guy?" He had his voice lowered, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to them. The lizard man just pointed with one finger to the carvings above the door frames.

"If you know what to look for, there is actually a system to those and each door has symbols to mark them. That naga you found so fascinating was in four claws and three pearls, we need to take that corridor to the left over there, three waves and two leaves is the door we are looking for. Ikshar always takes a room where he will be far enough away for no one to just stumble in like you almost did over there. And he also always wants one with a convenient escape route if things go bad." He grinned, showing his sharp teeth. "Then let us go, I want to get this over with, I already have got enough of this place", Randall growled, no longer letting Nobregas out of his sight for long as they continued down the corridor. "Oh, sure, if we hurry, we might be just in time to see how they roast that lizard boy or another lucky guy for our dinner and then we can maybe do something about young Nobregas aching wood." He chuckled, making Nobregas' face flush with embarrassment, while Randall just gave him a glare, seemingly unwilling to rise to the taunt.

The prince tried to refrain from looking to closely at any of the doorways they passed, but his mind was populating them with repeat scenes of naked bodies, trapped in the curls of serpentine bodies anyway. Part of him felt like he could still hear the moaning and gulping sounds from that room. He had to get it out of his mind, but it proved much harder than he expected - about as hard as his still stiff cock... He almost walked into Randall, when they suddenly stopped, the lizard man in front of them pointing to the symbols carved into the wood as he put his hand on the door. This room did not just have a curtain like most of the others did, but it was not locked either. The wolves felt their ears stand up as they made out throttled groaning sounds coming from inside. "Sounds like he is just about to finish up his last job. Let's go inside, a practical demonstration of his skills will sure come in handy, ey?" Gruk gave them a mischievous look as Randall stepped forward to open the door. A small chime sounded, as it pushed open revealing a room that unlike many others actually had a window, that let in the light of the moon, joining the glow of the brazier to illuminate the two bodies, writhing on the wooden floor. One was that of a large, muscular lion, his dark, reddish coat clinging to his rippling form, damp with sweat, his dark mane pooling on the ground around him. His eyes were wide open, seeming to almost pop out - and his dark erection glistening, fully hard and grotesquely big. Nobregas gasped, the slight similarity in colors to the hyena boy before making him blink with surprise. Thus it took him a moment to realize the rope tightly wound around his neck, uncomfortably pushing down the pronounced Adam's apple. And only then did he fully notice the second shape, green and pale yellow scales glistening with sweat, reminding him for a moment of the unfortunate lizard boy from the bar room. But this lizard was a bit more muscular and his hair brushed back and colored brightly orange and red. It was unmistakably him drawing the rope tighter around the lion's neck. The reptile looked up at them, his pale eyes briefly glancing from one to the other, before resting on Gruk, his mouth forming to a grin as he nodded to the other lizard without pausing in his work. The wolves had been surprised that the lion's hands where still at his side, but the reason became clear as they saw how the lizard finished tying a knot with more rope still, slinging it in an x-shape over the lion's muscular chest. The big cat was securely bound, his bulging muscles straining as he desperately fought against the ties, his breath rattling as the lizard toyed with the garrote. The golden rings in his two oversized nipples blinked and flickered in the firelight as he thrashed helplessly, just like the matching ring at the tip of his straining cock. "Hey, good work there, Ikshar." Gruk cheered, walking over to give the straining black meat a pat.

"Bit of a shame to kill someone with such a fine piece of cock." He gave it a short squeeze, making the lion let out a rattling moan. "Oh, that guy was so easy. Lions, I tell you, all those cats ever think with is their dick." The smaller lizard grinned wickedly, one hand holding the rope, drawing it back to make the helpless feline struggle and fight for breath. But no matter how much his powerful muscles strained, it was no use. Veins were popping out, sweat pouring from the tight skin, but all it did was making the lizard's eyes turn hazy with lustful enjoyment. "Oh, you would not believe how it makes their ass feel around your cock when they are doing this, hnnnh, yeah, good kitty..." He chuckled, letting out a moan as he thrust his hips forward. Nobregas only know fully realized the situation - the lizard was fucking the lion, just as he was strangling him.

"Heh, if he thinks with his cock, than by the size of that rod there, he should be mighty smart." Gruk stepped back, seeming to want to fully take in the spectacle - and quite obviously, just like the embarrassed Nobregas, sporting a proud erection of his own. "We are not here for you to gawk, we are here to talk business wit this, this young fellow there." Randall's eyes were widened, his fur bristling as he seemed to try to step even farther away from what was in front of them. "Hnnnnh, business?" Ikshar looked up, still slamming his hips into the tight ass, while seemingly effortlessly keeping the lion struggling for breath with one hand as the other playfully pulled at one of the metal rings in his victim's nipples. "I always like talking business, don't let the lion bother you, won't have him around to get in the way for much longer." He chuckled, moaning with apparent pleasure as the pace of his fucking picked up. "Need someone assassinated like that pussy here, need someone for a dastardly deed of necromancy or wholesome slaughter, I'm your scaly miracle worker, ready for action." He let the rope slacken for a moment, making the lion gasp desperately for air, coughing and struggling for words, his muscular chest rising.

"C, c, curse, youu, d, damn, argh!" The rope pulled tight again, making him struggle with renewed vigor, seeming to only drive the lizard closer to the edge as he chuckled and moaned loudly. "This church guy wants you to accompany us on a dangerous mission. You gotta do something in the reverse of your usual course of action first though, we've got some dead guy who is to be brought back to life." Gruk took the initiative, seeing as Randall was quite apparently teeming with indignation and the prince completely transfixed with what he saw, his eyes showing a mix of pity, shock and arousal. "Hnnnh, well, I don't mind that either, Gruky." He groaned, thrusting faster, his tongue starting to loll out just as the lion's tongue was, if for quite different reasons. "Some get to die, some get to come back, can be really fun if you get to ask them how they feel, hnnnnh, when you fuck them to death, oooh!" He jerked his hips violently, his voice breaking as his orgasm seemed to hit him hard, making the lizard thrash and moan with pleasure, as he pumped the lion's ass full of his seed. "Oooh, had to, had to get this done first, would just distract me now if I still had aching balls..." He withdrew from the lion's body, making the cat buck and struggle helplessly, his sweaty body glistening, his cock sick with precum. The lion himself had to be desperately close to orgasm, his bulging eyes staring at them as if pleading for help as Ikshar got up, his cock still hard and dripping with cum, as he knelt over the lion's head, giving his erection a few more strokes, until a final rope of cum came shooting out with a ragged moan, leaving messy white stains over the lion's face. "Now, I do want to take a little souvenir, so you guys can watch and see some death magic in action." He grinned, his gaze traveling to Randall as he leaned over the lion, is fingers tracing complicated mudras over the fur around the straining cock and along its enormous length. Glowing red and purple symbols were left behind like a sticky residue, the assassin murmuring a series of archaic words in a guttural tongue, until finally, there seemed to be a glowing thread wound around the lion's cock and balls, trailing up through the sweaty fur, over the bulging abs, until it seemed to vanish right into the lion's body around his solar plexus. "Oooh, nice trick, is this what I think it is?" Gruk gave an appreciative sound, reaching down to slowly stroke his own cock. "Yep, not gonna waste something like that." He grinned, giving the cock ring a playful tug, as he quickly moved in place. The momentary slack of the noose around the lion's neck made him renew his struggles in a display of flexing, tied up muscle, accompanied by pained sounds, which could not hide the arousal he must be feeling. "Ooooh, no, p, please, don't, nnnnnnheoww...rgh!" His faced contorted as Ikshar now pulled the rope tightly, his teeth bared with wicked pleasure as his legs pushed against the feline's shoulders. "So, I go with you, raise some guy from the dead first and get paid to kill whatever you want killed as long as I am with you." He looked up at Randall, the wolf watching with a grim expression of disgust, that could not quite hide the rapt attention he was paying to what was happening.

"That is a fair summary of things. You must perform a true resurrection, body and soul, not just bringing him back as some undead monstrosity." He looked sharply at the lizard, whose still hard cock was lewdly on display, slapping against his toned abdomen as he was busily strangling the jerking lion. "Hnnnh, sure, can do it, you won't have to worry about anything like that, when I am paid, I stay paid, no double crossing unless you double cross me first. But I ain't cheap, old man." He let his gaze travel over the helplessly struggling lion to the three males standing there, watching him with very different reactions. "Four hundred gold pieces now, two thousand on the success of the mission." Randall had the eyes fixed on him, while Gruk was watching with a leer as the lion helplessly thrashed, now no longer just for more breath, this time, it was for his quickly fading life. The lizard man's hand moved faster along his aching cock as he watched the muscular body of the lion convulse, the tongue hanging out, the eyes growing dull as he let out a croaking, feeble sound. "I like that sum, I like that sum a lot I think." Ikshar grinned, his muscles straining as he pulled harder. "I am your man. And I think I am about done with this job!" A reddish crackle moved over the rope, matching the eerie light of he magical thread around the lion's pulsing cock. A final gurgling sound accompanied the thick ropes of cum shooting from the massive erection, as the lion died, his whole body shaking violently, the wide open eyes beginning to cloud over, as the thick muscles where painted by sticky semen. He had not been the only one. Nobregas saw Gruk riding out the last of his orgasm with throaty moans, his red hands sticky with thick seed. But the prince, too, could feel the sticky warms now smeared over the inside of his loincloth and dripping down his legs, betraying his own climax as he had watched the lion's end. It made him feel dirty and confused, this was wrong, but... well, at the very least, it seemed to have snapped him out of the weird, dazed state he had been trapped in ever since he had peered into that room earlier... Randall seemed to not have noticed him luckily, his gaze just focused on Gruk, displaying his own climax unashamedly. "You swamp dwellers really are godless heathens, every last of you..." He muttered, shaking his head and glaring at both of the lizards. "If you are done, maybe we can get out of this room and see about finalizing our agreement. I have got a contract for you with the royal seal, is that good enough, necromancer?!" Ikshar shrugged, leaning over the lion, seemingly still not done with him.

"Oh, sure, that will do fine, but, I am not quite done with this one yet..." He chuckled, murmuring a few more words. Nobregas noticed that the red glow seemed to have fully engulfed the feline's head , penis and balls, the very moment the lion had died. And now that Ikshar was doing his magic, the glow seemed to tighten into a faintly glowing second skin stretching tight over fur and flesh. Then the strange magical thread seemed to become thinner, winding tight till an eerie humming sound filled the air. "Gonna take his head for my last employer and the rest for myself, hehe." He grabbed the magical threat tightly. Gruk let out a throaty sound in response.

"Oh, nice work, haven't seen you do it like that yet!" The wolves just looked on with confusion, until suddenly there was a slick noise and both the head as well as the still firmly erect shaft and ball sack cleanly came of, no blood gushing out. Instead, the stump of the head just shimmered with the red light, until Ikshar held both severed parts in his hands, speaking a last couple of word until the glow faded. Where the head had been attached, now only a clean cut remained, seeming almost as if it had been glazed over, perfectly neat. It made the deadly wound seem almost harmless, the thick, muscular body stretched out on the ground, covered in sweat and cum like that of a passed out lover. "Hehe, I know you are only saying that Gruk, because you want to borrow this little toy here..." Ikshar grinned, opening the lion's jaws and playfully pushing the thick shaft right into the mouth with the still lolling tongue, caught in a final death mask of lust and asphyxiation. "Ah, found me out, it seems, but hey, you would not mind lending a hand, or, well, a cock to an old friend, or?" Gruk chuckled, watching the macabre puppet play, while Randall just snarled, drawing his cloak around his body. "Umh, what, what did he do, I mean, for people to want to see him dead...?" Nobregas finally asked, feeling a tightness in his throat as he had watched the grotesque spectacle, making the lizards look at him with almost bemused expressions. "Eh, no idea honestly", Ikshar just shrugged, passing the disembodied head and shaft to the other lizard man, who chuckled as he continued the macabre little performance. "Someone wanted him dead and that someone was willing to pay me to do it, full money on the delivery of that lion's head. The rest is none of my business really." He eyed Nobregas with a strange expression, as if to take measure of the boy.

"Umh, I, I see..." The young wolf swallowed. He could not deny that there was something quite appealing to the lewdly unrestrained ways of the people of the swamp, but their equal disregard for life and seeming lack of compassion disturbed him, as much as other things drew him in, like an invisible hand on his still erect cock... "Oh, wow!" Gruk let out a shout of surprise, holding the shaft in his hand, cum dripping from its length, his hand and the dead lion's face.

"Yeah, not a bad feat is it? Told you that it would be a shame to waste that - and this lizard here knows how not to waste even a single drop of it. I can even keep it making more lion juice if I charge it up regularly."

He walked over, taking the head from the lizard warrior, not bothering to wipe off the cum as he looked at Gruk, still holding the semen dripping permanent erection. "You can have this one for tonight and another night on our way, but in return, your ass belongs to me until we finish this mission." Gruk grinned, rising up to clap Ikshar on the shoulder. "Deal. Though you better watch out, death boy, cause I may be giving you that ass on my own terms." Both of them chuckled, each with a part of the dead lion in their hands. Nobregas watched, still not quite sure what to make of his new soon to be traveling companion, his attention drawn with a sudden jolt to Randall, who had loudly cleared his throat, making the two lizards pause and look at the old wolf. "I think you got everything you need, assassin. Come now, or we might have to see about getting another man for this job. One who does not dawdle about for such abominations" His voice was stern and both his tone as well as the expression on his face made it clear that he would not tolerate any more fooling about.

Gruk stood to attention, his face betraying a slight grin as he was putting his hand with the severed lion cock to his chest, while Ikshar shrugged, smiling placatingly, the head dangling in his left hand by the long black mane. "Hey, no need to get angry, I shall just let the owner know on our way back to the bar room, promised him that he could have what's left of that guy. A red lion's coat like that is rare enough and lots of good meat on his bones too." He moved to a corner of the room, where he hastily grabbed his things, putting them into a bundle and slinging it over his shoulder. Just as he had his arms stretched out to open the door, he turned his gaze back to Randall, a curious look on his face.

"Say, that mission you want me for, what exactly are we setting out to do?" He seemed nonchalant, but Randall's eyes took on a strange gleam in response, as if he was having to keep himself from laughing at a joke Ikshar was not yet in on.

"Oh, have I not mentioned that yet?" He paused letting his gaze wander up and down the naked lizardman with his small bundle and the lion's head dangling from the thick mane, staring into nothing with a vacant expression.

"We are out to rid this realm of a beast which is an even greater abomination in the eyes of our lord than you are, necromancer. We are going to slay a dragon."

The lizard man's jaw grew slack for a moment, his eyes growing wider, almost resembling those of the lion as the garrote had drawn tight around his neck. He just stared at the wolf for a moment, before he was able to catch himself. When Ikshar replied, there was an almost convincing haughty note in his young voice as he grinned, bearing his teeth: "Well, I guess that might after all turn out to be quite the interesting job then."

The Minotaur and the Snake Prince

The minotaur inhaled the slightly humid air the wind was carrying towards him together with the burbling sound of the spring. His tail flicked and he reflexively turned his head from one side to the other. There was a bad odor clinging to it, as if...

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The Lesson

Sunlight was flickering over the surface of the pool, stretching wide and deep blue in the garden. Verdant plants shielded it from outside view and there was a slight salty tang to the air rather than the scent of chlorine. It actually looked more like...

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Brother Time

"Hmfh, big bro, wai.." my muffled protest was cut short as I was slammed down, my mouth shut with a rather fierce, demanding kiss, still tasting of the dinner I had cooked earlier. I made a whimper of protest but it was cut short as my legs were parted...

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