The Lesson

Story by Malus on SoFurry

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#3 of Vore Stories

A young jaguarboy decides to take up his brothers big, muscular orca friend's offer to teach him to swim. Little does he know that while he always had a crush on his big brother's best friend, said orca had been eyeing him with not only lust but also hunger ever since the cute but annoying little kid brother grew into a cute and tasty, if still a bit annoying adolescent.

Luckily for him, lessons are meant to be remembered for another day though...

This story is for my "big bro" JamesBeast, who likes his prey to be not quite as willing but still nicely flustered and squirming when they are put where succulent boys belong: in the hungry stomach fo a hot pred.

This one is for you, big bro!

For everyone else, I hope you enjoy this second reformation story. I myself usually go for prey suffering the logical conclusion of a night of lewd gurging and beng basted in digestive juices, but maybe I can manage to make this less permanent outcome fun for you as well.

Sunlight was flickering over the surface of the pool, stretching wide and deep blue in the garden. Verdant plants shielded it from outside view and there was a slight salty tang to the air rather than the scent of chlorine. It actually looked more like a one of the big aquariums they kept seals in at water parks, with islands and a tunnel that lead inside the house. Rico still remembered how he had blurted that out, the thing about the aquarium, when he had first been taken here by his brother. Raul and Anthony had both been teasing him for how excited he was. He remembered the many afternoons where he had been sitting on the island, stretching out in the sun as he watched his brother and his best friend play in the deep water, diving, tackling each other, play-fighting. "Hey, Rico, finally there?" The water suddenly broke with a loud splashing sound as the big blunt head and the broad shoulders and chest rose out of the water to greet him with a wide, toothy grin. The feline smiled, feeling a little bit nervous as he walked closer. "Umh, I hope I did not keep you waiting for too long, mom wanted me to go and get some groceries first before I could go..." His black ears twitched a bit, the tail swaying slightly. Rico did feel nervous about today, for more than one reason, but also excited. "Nah, it is okay, after all those years where you never wanted me to teach you how to swim properly, a few minutes extra I can live with." The orca heaved himself out of the water, his muscular body glistening in the light, black and white, the smooth skin taught over a firm six-pack and big, meaty pecs. Rico felt a bit of heat in his luckily pretty brown cheeks, but he was used to seeing the orca half naked, enough for it to be just a pleasant tingling in the jaguarboy's body. "Well, I just hope I won't regret this by the end of the day." He grinned, stretching a bit, taking the short moment it gave him to let his eyes wander a bit more. Not that Anthony minded him looking, but between Rico only recently having told everyone at his sixteenth birthday that he was gay, exclusively gay, not that anyone really had been surprised, and Anthony having casually talked with his brother about fucking guys quite a few times - though usually when they thought he was not there... Between that and the fact that Anthony was his brother's best friend and a bit like a second big brother to him, Rico did feel a bit of a prickling tension. He had always had a bit of a crush on Anthony, but he did not really know how the orca felt, or what his brother would say if he... "So, what are you waiting for, no chickening out now, get out of those clothes and come in here, kitty and I shall finally teach you how much fun you can have in the water. It will be a lesson for life, trust me." Anthony grinned with a somehow teasing note in his voice and Rico felt the nervousness rise a bit. He should not be spacing out, after all, he had specially prepared for today and, umh, was Anthony flirting? There was something more intimate when they were alone like this, different from when all three of them hung out together at the pool, or playing games and such, or was that just him being hopeful? "Oh, sorry, guess you saw through my plan of staring into space till it would be time to go home then." He giggled, feeling rather silly but also awash with the mix of excitement and nervous tension. "I already got my new swim trunks under my shorts, just have to toss them off and I am ready!" He thought for a moment to see a slightly displeased twitch around the corners of the orca's wide mouth. Rico shrugged out of his shirt, throwing it on the stone bench close to the edge of the pool. The cropped black fabric already had shown of his taught abdomen nicely, but now all of the slender toned dark skin was visible, his black hair tousled, matching his furry ears and tail. Both Rico and his brother Raul were black just like their father. Rico however had taken mostly after their human mother, just a demi with the Latino woman's slender build, big eyes and dark hair. There had been times when he had been a bit jealous of his full blood Jaguar big brother, but Rico did not feel conscious about his body any more, he knew that what he really wanted about an anthro body was having it panting and sweating on top of him, holding him down and... But, given that he had especially picked out a tight, sexy looking black and orange piece of swim wear, an orange that matched his eyes, he should not think of this, or, well, the arousal that usually came with such thoughts would show... "Ooh! Someone's dressed up there!" Anthony whistled, his eyes taking on a strange gleam that made Rico's face flush a bit. "Hmmmh, you did recommend that if I wanted to be serious about swimming, I should pick something that does not slow me down, umh, guess this is okay then?" Rico felt his heart beating a bit faster, again it felt almost a bit like Anthony was flirting with him just a little, but, well, maybe he was just meaning it as some friendly teasing... "It's fine kitty, now, come on in, or do I have to drag you into the water?" To Rico, that actually sounded not too bad, his body was tingling a bit at the thought. "Should I not take a quick shower first, I am all sweaty, you know..." His skin was indeed glistening with a fine sheen of perspiration, he did not reek of sweat or anything but... "Naa it's fine, you smell fine, kitty." Anthony grinned. There was something in the air, Rico was pretty sure he was not just imagining it, but neither did he want to break it while it lasted. "Okay then!" He took a deep breath, trying to still that slight flutter in his heart. "Here I come!" He lowered his pose, a half crouch, a quick, fluid motion as he ran the barely more than two meters towards the edge of the pool, taking a long leap as he splashed into the water, not a graceful plunge, but a ball of half naked jaguarboy causing an explosion of water as he landed in the pool. When he came to the surface, firm, muscular arms gripped him from behind, holding him in a tight lock. "Now, isn't someone being a silly kitten here?" There was a sort of growl in the orca's voice. "Maybe I should dunk you till you behave..." He leered, increasing the tightness of his hold, making Rico gasp and squeal. "Hnnnh, no, s, sorry, sorry, please, mercy, I will be good, I promise!" He laughed, feeling a surge of adrenaline and elation as he felt his back rubbing against the chest of the orca. "Hmmmh, well, I guess I shall spare you then, for now..." He was let loose, drifting, both of them staying afloat, though in Anthony's case, it was so much smoother compared to Rico's dog-, or rather cat paddling. "I do see we will have a good deal to work on, first though, have you tried out what I asked of you? If we are going to do any sort of diving, it won't be any good without you being able to keep your eyes open." Rico nodded, remembering the couple of times he had tried, at first not really with any descent results though. "Yeah, I tried it under the shower and such, umh, will salt water make it worse, I mean, it stung a bit but it got better over time, well, a bit at least..." Anthony shrugged. "I think you should be okay, can't really tell you though, my eyes are naturally adapted, you see." He grinned. "Just try it out, dive and open your eyes, come up again when you cannot bear it any longer, we will try it a bit now and again later and then we work on your strokes." The jaguarboy nodded, nervous, but not scared he did kinda look forward to seeing Anthony under water. Taking a deep breath, he readied himself. The pool here was deep unlike the shallower banks that took up a third to half of the rim and the shores of the islands. The water closed around his head, it was cool enough to feel refreshing, warm enough not to be chilly. He slowly opened his eyes. Hey it worked! He could see the cloud of his dark hair, the distant walls and shores, and Anthony... Rico let himself sink down a bit, paddling clumsily to loose altitude, turning a bit, hnnh, ah! He closed his eyes diving back to the surface, rubbing away the water. "Hnnnh, still feels a bit uncomfortable..." He sighed, feeling a bit of disappointment. "Umh, but I could open them and you won't belief how much I could see, umh it was a bit blurry but..." He stopped, feeling rather self conscious. "...but I guess I must really sound like a child telling a cetacean all that..." He looked away a bit. Anthony just snorted though. "Hey, don't worry, I knew you when you still were that cute little kitten asking if you could touch my skin with those big baby eyes of yours all wide and innocent." He grinned, coming closer again with just a swift motion of his tail fin. "If you can keep your eyes open, it is good for now, so let us work on your strokes. We will start with your breast stroke, I know you can do that one, then we can later see about crawl." Rico felt a sting of embarrassment at that memory, one of the first time Anthony had come over and he had marveled at the smooth, black and white skin that looked so different but at the same time reminded him a little bit of his and his mother's, a contrast to his father's and brother's black fur. He really did want to touch Antony again like he had been allowed that day. "Hmmh, okay, I shall just do a few rounds then and I guess you shall be watching and telling me what I do wrong." He grinned, the idea of the orca watching him was nice, it all was and he just hoped he was not completely misreading Anthony, because he really... But, it was strokes first! Rico was doing his best to repeat the long ago instructions of his teacher, trying to get it right but really, if anything it must have made it even more clumsy. "Ah, stop, stop, enough, I see where your problem lie." Anthony swam over with a swift stroke of his tail fin. "Look, your body is hanging too deep in the water, keep your back straight. And your arms, see you are not going with the flow there..." The orca grabbed him, making a little tingling spark shoot through his body. He was held firmly, Anthony behind him, he could smell him, feel his warmth... His body was sending him a flood of signals, god, how should he keep his attention on what Anthony was saying? The orca was guiding his movements, held him in place... Rico did follow, he did want to do it right, but his body as screaming desperately for something entirely different. "Uh, I, so it is like this...?" He was gasping, his heart beating in a fast staccato, body feeling light and sensitive. He tried to follow the movements, the instructions, but he was quite distracted by his growing arousal. "Yes, now go on try again." Anthony's voice was so close... Rico made a startled gasp when he was suddenly let go, felt a shove on his ass that sent him loose. Or, was it more a groping? "Uh, okay..." He panted a bit, turning away so Anthony would not see the tight fabric tenting under the pressure of his growing erection. It took him a few attempts till he was calm enough to actually follow Anthony's advice, but he remembered how he had held him, how he had moved under the gentle touch of his hands... "Hmmmh, yes, that is already better actually." Anthony said, swimming close to him, giving him a grin. "Let us just swim for a bit an I will keep watching your form." Rico nodded, feeling very self conscious and a bit giddy. When Anthony admonished him not to splash as much, Rico ended up splashing right at him deliberately before darting away giggling, sending a barrage of water directly into the orcas open mouth. His flight unsurprisingly was short, a strong hand grabbed his ankle, and the young jaguarboy let himself be dragged back without protest, panting a bit and grinning. "Sorry, could not resist." He met a hard to read, very calm expression on the cetaceans face. "You do remember what I told you about what happens to silly kitties?" There was a bit of a growl in his voice, playful or not, it was hard to tell. "Hmmh, would it save me if I said sorry...?" Rico asked, not too serious, he felt, mischievous a bit, truth was, he kinda wanted Anthony to do something to him. In an answer, he was again gripped tight making him wriggle, playfully more than anything, he did not plan to actually escape. "I don't know if you don't need a bit of discipline, naughty boy." He was so close again. Rico squirmed, he knew what kind of discipline he wanted. "Ah, but big bro already does that, no fair if you both gang up on me!" He kicked his legs, trying to struggle away, feeling how the tightening grip made his heart pound. His thigh brushed against Anthony, brushed against his lower abs, against... Oh...! Anthony was hard... His cock, he had felt it against his thighs, just a moment, bulging out Anthony's own speedos, thick and very big... Rico felt his body growing all rigid and still. "I may have some other discipline in mind than Raul though..." So close... Rico made a whimper, feeling his breath grow still. He, would he...? "Hmmmh, but I shall be merciful one more time, now behave and let's continue." Rico was suddenly let go, having to kick and splash as he suddenly had to keep himself afloat once more. What, what had that been about? Had Anthony not noticed the touch, did he think Rico had not noticed, did he want, want what Rico wanted after all? Damn, he wished he would just make his intentions clear already. He took a breath, Anthony was already ahead, waving to him, calling for him to not slack off. Rico felt like a cat in heat who just had gotten cold water dumped on him, was Anthony toying with him? But, but he had been hard too, so, wait, did he feel like Rico was off limits because he was hie friend's brother? He struggled to keep up trying to put Anthony's advice and guidance into practice and actually succeeding to his surprise. His body shifting to how Anthony had held him... "Quite good, now I think we can see about crawl, ever tried it?" Rico made a grimace. "Umh, technically, yeah, but I don't think I am any good, I mean..." Anthony cut him off with a smirk. "Just show me, then I will tell you what you are doing wrong." Rico felt a bit of a jolt of annoyance at the flippant way the orca said it, but well, he did hope for Anthony to hold him like earlier again... So Rico tried the crawl, and Anthony did snort and take him aside. Rico wanted to just brush against Anthony's groin again, damn, he wanted to say something, or do something, but when he was held, he was too nervous and then Anthony did not push further, even though he held him very close, spoke so closely to his black ears... He had to notice how Rico felt, but for the next hour or two, they did not do more, just letting the electric tension built till Rico was all tense and worked up. He wanted it, but he refrained from pushing, the balance being so close to the tipping point, but just not there. And yet, he could have pushed, he could have tried to make Anthony come out with whether he wanted him like that. But he did not, until... "That's enough for today." Anthony grinned. Rico did feel quite exhausted by now, but also proud that Anthony had praised him for his work. He had wanted that, but he still wanted more. "Oh, okay, thanks for today, Anthony! You really helped me out a lot and, umh, I guess I really must have tried your patience." He grinned, feeling a bit bashful, but more at ease, at least about his swimming and Anthony's evaluation of it. "Kitty, it was fun for me getting to push you around like that, don't worry." The orca chuckled, keeping himself so effortlessly and gracefully afloat. "So, say, wanna hang out a bit more?" The orca was saying it all casually with a bit of a glint in his eyes. "Umh, really?" Rico felt his heart beat a bit faster, looking at Anthony with a smile. "Yeah, we could play some game, or maybe grab a bite to eat first, I do feel pretty hungry, you know." Leaning back to float on the water, the orca patted his very muscular abdomen with a grin. "Can stay here in the water a bit longer too, if you would like that." Maybe it was the slightly playful wink Anthony gave him which pushed, him, maybe it was just all the pent up tension, but Rico did feel a surge of audacity, the pent up tension finally culminating as he grinned at Anthony. "Yeah, I think I would like that. I think what I most would like is this...." With those words he made a quick dive. Already close to Anthony and the orca not reacting at once, he got even closer, diving between the slightly spread, muscular legs, grabbing the tight speedos, feeling Anthony's cock... Rico pushed off against Anthony and pulled. The fabric was tough enough not to rip under the strain, but what it did was slide down, making a length of semi flaccid thick pinkish orca meat spring loose. Rico could see it in the water, Anthony was still not reacting, seconds seemed to stretch as he propelled himself down, his eyes drinking in the image of the protruding cock. Anthony had been aroused not full on, but... The swimwear slid down over the legs, all the way. It had taken, what, a few seconds, or such? His heart beat quickly as he finally broke through the surface again, gasping, clasping his prize. "Got it!" He laughed, turning to where Anthony had been. A firm hand grasped his arm, drawing him close as a deep voice growled in his twitching, wet ears. "Now, didn't someone promise to behave?" Rico froze, there was a fierce note in the orca's voice, more than before, the grip as tighter, slightly painful. "I, I am sorry..." Rico gasped, feeling a bit of fear as he was held by the very arm that still had the speedo clutched tightly in his hand. "No..." Anthony growled. "You are not sorry at all." Rico felt a chill run down his spine. This felt so different, this... His mind stopped when he felt something rub against him, very firm, long... But despite how much he wanted that, Antony was scaring him, laying bare again the very fear he used to have, that had made him hesitant about the water. "I, I am sorry, really!" He gasped, suddenly twisting, pushing, letting go of the fabric in his hand. He thought he heard a surprised grunt as he slipped from Anthony's grip, swam desperately, towards the edge of the pool, wanting to move this at least to safer territory. His flight was stopped when suddenly, something slammed against him making him gasp for breath as he felt the air pushing out from his lung as he flailed helplessly. Anthony had rammed him. An wasn't that how orcas hunted prey? He tried to orient himself, struggling desperately towards the nearest shallow area. Wham! He was hit again, drifting out of control, his body aching slightly from the impact. And this time, before he really could do anything to orient himself, he heard the rush as the big, sleek body broke through the surface, suddenly upon him, pressing him down, pressing him against the soft beachlike area of one of the small islands. Anthony was staring down on him, pressing him down, grinning with a feral gleam in his eyes. His cock was warm and hard against his naked skin, his whole body, close, muscular and powerful. Rico whimpered helplessly, feeling trapped both literally between the Orca and the shore and his own arousal and fear. He could smell Anthony's scent all around him, a salty sligtly musky odor which had an added note he was not familiar with yet... "You should know better..." The Orca growled, his voice filled with an urgent note as he slowly pressed one of his big hands on Rico's chest, pushing him down, fondling, rubbing over the jaguarboy's pert nipples, making Rico whimper even more. "You don't run away from a predator... If you do, you only get hunted..." Anthony's cock was so thick, pulsing as it rubbed against him. Rico had wriggled a bit, trying to escape, but now he was just helplessly gasping and whimpering, feeling his cheeks burn. "And when you have been hunted down by an orca, you get eaten..." His voice was somewhere between dominant, playful and lusty, it confused Rico to no end, left him floating in uncertainty, utterly without control. Anthony's pinkish tongue slurped over his chest and neck up to his cheeks, warm clean breath washing over him like a caress, making a little moan escape him. "Anthony, please, you, you are scaring me..." He was wanting this, god, he did want Anthony to hold him like this, push him down, rub his cock over his naked skin badly, really badly, but as hot as it was, it frightened him. "Well, clever kitty..." The orca held him in place, continuing his exploration, pushing one of his big hands down till it was on Rico's cock, his stiff member pushing against the tight black and orange fabric till the jaguarboy started to make helpless, pathetic sounds of arousal. "You should be afraid of big predators, because if you don't, this is what happens to you..." He pulled at the waistband, the fabric growing almost painfully tight around Rico's cock and balls till both snapped free slapping against his skin with a lewd wet sound. His breath became pants, he could feel sweat running down his skin despite him being in the water, the heat, his body, it was just to much to take in. Anthony was moving him, holding him down with one hand, rubbing it again over his nipples. Rico whimpered, Anthony must have figured what his deal was because one finger was now mercilessly teasing one of the pert nubs of flesh, the orca grinning wildly as he pulled up his legs, flinging his swimwear casually aside. They both now were naked and Anthony rubbed his cock against Rico's raised ass as he lifted up the boys legs, making Rico's hard cock with the dark skin and the pinkish tip slap against his panting body. The jaguarboy winced. If, if this would just be sex, oh, yes, please... He whimpered, shivering, looking up at the orca pleadingly. Anthony rubbed one hand over his cock, over his abdomen, slowly, till his digits were coated in sweat and pre. Rico could just look at him, face flushed, his body jerking as the flood of hormones made him crave every touch. Anthony stopped, just at the moment were Rico thought he would be coming any minute, his mouth opening into a wide grin as he raised his hand, starting to noisily lick his fingers, saliva dripping down on him as the orca made a rumbling sound of pleasure. "Hmmmh, such a tasty kitty I caught here...." He very deliberately licked his lips and Rico could hear a churning, rumbling sound, very close... The sound Rico made was closest to a choked yelp, wriggling, trying to get out of the grip only to be firmly pressed down, his legs so easily restrained. He had just been a bit scared, because of Anthony's sudden shift in behavior. He had only wanted to get out of a situation that, arousing and hot as it was, made him extremely nervous. But, but Anthony was acting like in one of those lewd urban legends, or a horror movie, one were people ended up missing, one where... "A, anthony... Are you, are you going to... eat me...?" It sounded so ridiculous, it was just a joke, right, or...? Anthony was breathing heavily, his hand once again rubbing over the jaguarboy's body, teasing his sensitive spots. "Yes..." Rico gasped, his heart beating fast as he looked up shivering. Anthony's face was all serious, Anthony, was still rubbing his cock against his skin, still pushing him down, still rubbing his body, black and white on his brown skin. Rico felt his terror rising and... "And this naughty little kitty is still all hard..." "Anthony, please, stop, I am scared, please!" Rico flinched, his chest was rising and falling quickly, his body paralyzed with terror, terror and lust. He, he still really wanted Anthony to fuck him, but, but... "This one here says he likes what I am doing. Who would have thought, you are one of those pervy little morsels who gets all hard and starts to leak when he is to be eaten? Guys like you are just meant for this, don't you think?" His voice was deep, raspy, his cock was pulsing against him. Anthony, liked this, it, it mad Rico flushed with heat realizing how much, but he did not... "No, I, I am not, not like that, please..." He tried to push against Anthonys chest, his big, broad muscular chest, but it was all futile, no matter how much he struggled, he would not escape. "Plea, hnnnh..." He was interrupted when the orca leaned in and kissed him, hot, and sensual, the thick, big tongue pushing into his mouth, just the tip, licking over him, over his face. Rico whimpered, his body was hot, sweating profusely, pressed against the muscular heat of Anthony, unable to breath, hot... His cock was pulsing, their pecs rubbing together, his nipples, Anthony's, both their cocks fully hard and pulsing. His struggles calmed down as he was held, the salty marine taste flooding his mouth. Then suddenly his head was engulfed, pushed against hat big tongue, his legs and arms starting to thrash and flail again, until the massive body of the Orca pinned them down, the thick cock rubbing over his sphincter, slick and big and hot, starting to push... Rico screamed, his head released again, desperately gasping for air as the thick member kept prodding him, pushing against the ring of muscle, slicked with copious amount of pre. "You still are rock hard, kitty..." Anthony growled, pushing one finger against Rico's raging erection. His muscular body, by now almost all the way out of the water on the shallow shore, was glistening with water and sweat, Rico could smell it, musky, strong, a scent that had always made him lightheaded and flustered. He whimpered, looking up pleadingly. "Please..." He was too exhausted, to flushed with heat and sex to struggle, just feeling his body ache softly with the slow pressure of the orca's cock, back and forth, probing and teasing. But Anthony only grinned, taking one of his unresisting arms and putting his hand against the tight, muscular abdomen, feeling the soft churning inside. "You're going in there. And this is going inside of you. You want this cock and I, I want you all..." He was panting, he was, so obviously aroused, he was making Rico whimper with fear and shameless submissive craving. He made another helpless noise as the thick shaft beached his sphincter, slick and thick, splitting the jaguarboy apart. Rico's own cock was stiff like a rod as Anthony moved, grunting, his muscles flexing as he started the primal rhythm. Sex, fucking his prey in a rut of animal hunger, his muscular arms pushing him down, holding him in place. Anthony was so big... Rico had been fingering himself, had slicked his ass, thought of something like this when he had showered this morning, his ass still lubed with the lotion he had rubbed on, his digit pushing in as the young horny jaguarboy had thought of being fucked. But the orca was taking him to his limits, the thick shaft stretching him, aching and hot. He whimpered and moaned, feeling his erection jolt with he overwhelming sensation, in, out, slowly increasing in speed, the sweaty scent of orca and cat filling the air, mixed with sex and the salty water. Rico could not think of anything but this. He had wanted it badly, he felt his body burn with every touch, the hot rubbery skin against his, the primal intimacy, the hoarse masculine sounds of pleasure Anthony made. He is fucking me, he is making those sounds because he is fucking me... His whole body was throbbing, he could not help it, not help touching, feeling the powerful muscles work, his hand still were Anthony had placed it, he pushed against the taught muscle, panting, holding tight as if to brace himself against the slow relentless thrusts. Anthony was moaning with lust as he fucked him, he wanted him, god, this was so hot... Rico moaned, feeling his cock throb and pulse as more of his pre ran down his shaft, droplets falling on his heaving abdomen. Anthony said he would eat him... He closed his eyes, trying to push away the panic, but he could feel that feral hunger, it, it was part of what made it so hot actually. Anthony pressing him down like this and fucking him was hot, no, not that other thing... Rico bucked wildly, his ass clenching around the thick intruding shaft, the conflicting emotions driving him wild. Anthony made a hoarse cry as he slammed his cock in deeper, his grip tightening. "Oh, yeaaah, so nice and tight and, haaaah!" The orca came, hot, slick and pulsing, his shaft throbbing as he emptied his load right into him, breeding him with his thick hot semen. Rico whimpered at the amazing hot, slick feeling inside. Anthony had come inside of him, Anthony's cum was inside him, his seed was sipping into him. He panted, feeling flushed and hot and amazing, his own cock still rock hard, ultra sensitive as he rode the high of sex, the aching, sweet sensation in his prostate, the feel of a hot, male body on top. Anthony kept where he was for a couple of eternally long seeming seconds, one hand lazily trailing over Rico's skin, touching and making the feline whimper. The slow peaceful afterglow was broken when another rumble this time very loud and audible came from the orca's stomach. "Hmmmh, time to eat this tasty kitty..." He grinned. It was not even malicious, it was just hungry, hungry and dominant, there was no doubt or uncertainty in it as he looked down at him, as if to eat him up with his dark eyes before... "Hnnnh, no, please, stop..." Rico panted, his still hard erection undiminished, kept alive and aching in the afterglow. He tried again to wriggle out, but Anthony just held tight, opening his mouth as he started to lick over his face, over his chest... Rico made helpless whimpering noises when his nipples got licked, the attack on his sensitive spots making him shake and spurt pre. They pebbled under the assault of the rough tongue and when the big hand grabbed his cock, he almost came. Anthony stopped his fondling just when he began to moan and thrash. He was doing it on purpose, he kept him there, so close to orgasm, draining his resistance, making him blush like a helpless kitten as the chuckling orca lifted him up. "Nooo... please..." He helplessly pushed against the broad shoulders as the mouth opened wide, treating him to the cavernous vista of ebony teeth and the yawning darkness of the gullet... "Hmmmh, you taste delicious, I could never leave such a sweet morsel uneaten..." The playful tease seemed so cruel, but at the same time it only served to make his cock throb even more with the lewd shameful confusion. His vision darkened when suddenly the maw stretched impossibly wide around him. Anthony was not big enough to eat him whole, that could not work... The thought rushed through his confused kitty brain at the same time as his head was enveloped, his feebly pushing arms pressed against his side as Anthony gripped him with both hands. He could feel the scrape of teeth on his skin, making him freeze in shock, long enough for the slick, hot tongue to lap over his chest as he was dragged in. Anthony, Anthony was swallowing him whole. It could not work, it should not work, but it was like in a horror movie, the maw was stretched wide, seeming bigger than before, it fit around him, his naked skin was washed with saliva, his pert nipples, his toned, slender chest and shoulders, he was tasted... Rico was still hard, shamefully aroused as he feebly tried to kick his legs. His body oversensitive, it seemed impossibly hard not to react to all this. The tongue working on him, rubbing over his young body, slick warm and soft like the most sensual massage. He trembled, his cock throbbing stiff and ready to burst. Anthony was so intimately close, his breath was around him, feeling warm and weirdly familiar... Anthony's hands had wandered, he was kneading his ass, playing with his tail. The cock had already started to slip out, still feeling hard and warm, slick with cum. The orca's semen was starting to flow out of him in slow, hot trickles. It felt lewd and arousing and Rico whimpered helplessly as he felt himself being slowly moved. Then suddenly his world seemed to topple over. The jaguarboy yelped, his voice muffled as he was suddenly half on Anthony's lap, the Orca chuckling around him as he slowly shoved his cock, inside and out, his hard meat slowly growing softer, until finally Rico could feel only the tip inside. The ecstatic sensation was wonderful, like a torrent of electric heat flushing his body, his limbs thrashing as his cock throbbed. He was coming, he would, just, just a little more and his body would give in. With a lewdly wet sound, the shaft sprang free and the throat opened as Rico's body slid inside pushed up, gripped by the powerful muscles as teeth grazed his abdomen, just enough to tease, not enough to cut skin. The sensation seemed to push him back from the peak of ecstasy, but, not for long. His ass was cupped, his firm cheeks fitting so easily in the big hands and then he was in to the thighs, then his cock landed right on the thick, fleshy tongue that had molested his body. His just so shortly ago virgin ass was enveloped by the impossibly big maw and slowly, his trembling body was lapped, his ass, his raging erection. Rico wanted it badly, he jerked helplessly his body flushed with desperate need, after all the teasing, the fucking, he needed to come, but... He was being eaten, he had to escape, plead, anything didn't he? He did not want to die, just, just so hard... Anthony pushed him against the roof of his mouth, washing him with hot stale breath smelling of the acrid juices of the stomach. His head and shoulders were tightly gripped by relentlessly pushing muscle, the tongue cupped his aching balls and cocks, licked the trickle of orca cum from his tender ass. Rico whimpered, his body jerking as he tight hungry embrace became just too much. It felt embarrassing and lewd and shamefully hot. Anthony's words echoed in his head as he gave in with a whimper, his whole body throbbing as he just let go, giving in to the desperate need. His cock spurted his cum, his body aching with need, his hips bucking helplessly as he felt the hungry maw pushing, the tongue lapping up his release, accompanied by a purring sound of satisfaction. What followed was a slow, lewd gulp, big hands groping his trembling legs. Everything around him became tight and hot, his head, his chest, then his abdomen. But Rico could not even struggle, the wave of lusty heat still lingered making his body heavy and his senses dulled by the heavy cocktail of sexual bliss. He was now sliding down by the force of his own weight, his cock being rubbed mercilessly, sliding over the pink tongue, torturing him with the overflow of the intimate touch, all around him, clinging to his body in a deadly embrace as he was worked down. His tail had disappeared, slicked and matted with warm saliva, his knees vanished, his calves given a few lase teasing licks till only his bare feet remained, gulped down, toyed with, teasing his sensitive soles till it all became almost too much. Then they vanished into the hungry embrace, the maw closing finally, heat all around him. He throat was almost constricting him, merciless like a squishy vice, but before the helpless jaguarboy could pass out, the grip began to relax and stale air greeted him as inch by inch his body was squeezed into a tight chamber. Finally, all of him was dumped unceremoniously inside, a tight ball of shivering feline, his heart pounding as he tried to push against the walls, like soft, wet velvet, they churning around him, mercilessly forcing him into a helpless fetal ball. He was in the stomach, Anthony had eaten him, he was just big enough to bulge out the tight fleshy chamber. The tight confines made his heart race, all was dark, his body was slippery, all around him just smooth walls. Orcas, did they not have different stomachs or something? Or was that just beast Orcas? Was, was he going to digest in here...? He could feel a bit of a tingle and the thought made him wriggle and thrash, but it was all futile. No, he would likely pass out, suffocate... His heart bumped wildly, breathing already felt hard, the air was so stale inside... Then he felt a pressure, soft and vague, pushing him together into the squishy walls until he was whimpering. His skin, it felt like someone had rubbed him with bit of peppermint oil making him feel a lewd gush of sensation where his skin was most sensitive. The walls rubbed against him, a deep chuckle reverberating all around. "Hmmmh, what a tasty boy you've been, Rico... Love how you feel there squirming inside." Anthony, Anthony was talking to him, he was rubbing his gut. The jaguarboy felt heat rushing into his cheeks when he realized what the movements, pressure and grunting sounds that came now meant. Anthony was jerking off, right as he was wriggling inside, his hands sliding of the slippery walls. The mix of pressure, tingling and increasing lack of oxygen made him scramble wildly, trying to push for the opening he had passed through, if only to get more air. More chucking sounded around him, muffled by the powerful body. His sensitive nipples felt on fire, his hands and feet just slipped and with a yelp, he ended up twisting and turning, his knees bending, sliding again in a wild sensation like falling. Panting and dizzy in his head, he ended up with his legs bend and his feet against his upper back, arms all over the place and his groin with his renewedly stiff, tingling cock pressing against the stomach walls. Right where he could feel Anthony's hand. He whimpered, feeling his cock reacting, his whole body reacting. He, he was going to die, he would be digested whole and... The big hand rubbed against him, his cock throbbed. Arousal felt weirdly appropriate, the dulled sounds of Anthony jerking off to his last struggles, the humiliating ultimate nature of his submission. Rico wanted to come again and he knew that it was the only thing left to him now, he could just submit... And it was wrong and scary and, overwhelmingly arousing. He panted, feeling his head swimming from lack of oxygen, his cock growing stiffer as asphyxiation surely was starting to set in. He bucked his hips, his cock rubbing against the squishy wall, feeling the pressure of the big hand against him. He was sweating, his skin was tingling, the head of his cock, his ass, his tortured nipples. And his mind, his mind finally gave up the struggle for survival, no matter how rational or sane it might be. There was no rationality here, no sanity, only the lulling comfort of mad abandon. He gave in to the part that had been shamefully flustered, aroused from the start, that willingly submitted to Anthony taking all of him. And now he was just food. Rico bucked wildly, feeling his chest heaving in vain, his mind succumbing as snippets of flickering lewd memories and hallucinations flooded him, just the moment he came with a whimpering, helpless cry. White flooded him, a rush of euphoria and then the merciful comfort of unconsciousness, his spent, slender body giving a last twitch before everything went still.

Leaves rustling... Cool air on his naked skin. Rico felt that heavy, peaceful sensation of slowly waking in the comforting half-light of early morning, the sweet sensation of knowing it was still not time to get up, still time to drift back to sleep... He yawned and stretched, flicking his eyes open. Everything felt blurry, his eyes crusted, his body aching softly like from a mild growth spurt. There was light... Dusk? No, softer, paler, early morning maybe... Oh, yes, and he had definite morning wood... A soft smile spread across his face as he felt the grass tickle against his naked skin, memories coming flickering with a lewd caress. He blinked, trying to clear his eyes stretching a bit in a lazy wave of motion. Yes, grass, he must be outside, smelled of plants and, salt... He blinked again, seeing a dark figure slowly forming, taking shape as he wiped the sleep from his eyes slowly, making a very feline sound, half a moan, half a meow. "Hnnnh, Anthony..." He said, trying to get up but having to compromise and settle for a half lying, half sitting posture, his arms still feeling a bit weak. "Ah, finally with us again, Rico..." There was a wide toothy grin across the orca's snout, a grin that brought the most recent memories suddenly back to the forefront. Rico made a sudden whimper, half earful, half surprised and, slightly needy? "Umh, why, why am I still here...?" He had been eaten, he should, he should be dead or, well, if Anthony had spit him out, he should have bruises and aches and scraps maybe from his teeth... But he felt only that weak dizzy ache of unfamiliar limbs... "You mean, shouldn't you be dead, kitty?" Anthony grinned coming closer, leaning down to touch him, gently stroking over his naked chest in a slow, gentle caress. "You were, now you aren't. Would have been a waste to eat you otherwise, no matter how tasty a little thing you are..." Rico looked up, confused but to his surprise actually much less skeptical than he rightfully should be. "Hmmmmh, you, you sure this is not all still a dream? Cause nothing of it makes sense, you know..." He tried to arch up against the touch, wanting more. Anthony chuckled, sat next to him, pulling him half on his lap so he head rested against the muscular six-pack abdomen and the rest of him draped over the big, powerful thighs. Hmmmh, this felt so nice... Rico was purring, his erect penis rubbing against smooth cetacean skin. "Just think of it like magic kitty, I know you like the whole fantasy stuff..." Anthony chuckled, starting to pet him, stroking his soft hair, scritching the jaguarboy's nicely shaped back glistening faintly in the morning light, his brown skin all smooth and unblemished like a newborn's. "It is not like some power people channel with laws and causality, it is things that just happen, at some places, to some people... My family, this place, guys like you." Rico purred, still feeling sleepy but also feeling his body surging with ecstatic delight at the touch and at the hope of more as he wrapped his arms around the muscular chest, climbing half on Anthony's lap, nuzzling his pecs brushing against groin and abdomen. Hmmmh, Anthony was naked too, naked and his cock starting to grow firm and erect. "So, how? I mean, you eat me, you suddenly are able to swallow all of me whole and, I, I die..." He shivered, feeling a cold, fearful sensation run over him, one that ran contrary to the surge in his cock he felt at the same time - and due to the same cause. "And, and you knew this, I mean, that I would, would not..." It seemed all so confusing... "I knew, no, it is rather, I can feel it, others can too. It happens when it happens, you die, you return to the soil and the soil returns you." Anthony wrapped one arm around him to hold him, while the other caressed his ass. "And if I or someone else should eat you again, the circle repeats..." Rico whimpered, burying his face in the warm comforting scent of the orca. "That, just sounds so weird! How can that even work, I mean, does that mean if a car runs me over, I come back here, or somewhere else, or when some beast rips me to shreds or if I get sick..." He trailed off. "Some, maybe, most likely in the second to last case, just do not go trying this out just for the heck of it." Anthony sighed. "It is part of my family, but not only us, others like Raul get sucked in by it too. And it does not happen with everyone. But you just feel it when it will and both of us have been feeling it coming from you for a while now..." Anthony chuckled. "Raul would have tried to claw me to death if I had tried anything with you otherwise, still better make sure he does not claw out my cock for putting it into his sweet little brother..." Rico had to suppress a laugh at that image. "I promise, I will plead for your cock with my brother, I would hate not to get to take it again after all..." He purred with a very definitely needy tone as he began to rub his own cock and ass against Anthony's crotch, being rewarded with a deep, masculine groan and a now fully hard length rubbing against him. "Now, what a sweet little thing you can be..." He held him, pulling him close, kissing his ears, stroking him, shifting till the leaking tip was rubbing against his tight ass again. Rico whimpered, preparing for a forceful penetration, but this time Anthony was all gentle, starting slow, rubbing, teasing with a saliva slick finger, waiting till he had a purring mess of horny jaguarboy on his lap, ready to be helped to impale himself on his cock. Anthony' salty scent of sweat and seawater was intoxicating, the heated, tender moment when he was finally ready to accept the pulsing shaft, whimpering needily as he licked and caressed the orca's heaving chest as Anthony whispered softly in his ear, groaning as his throbbing cock bucked up. The feeling of melting heat consuming them, letting them merge into a mass of sweating, panting, moaning bodies as Rico shot his load all over his chest in splurts of thick white cum, clenching tight around Anthony till the Orca growled in ecstatic pleasure, flooding him with the thick, viscous heat... He felt so wonderfully exhausted and perfectly at ease slumping against Anthony, just content to hug around his muscular body and be held secure. "Hmmmh, so, you planned to do that right from the start, having me for a meal and not telling me?" He asked sleepily with a little bit of reproach though. Anthony groaned, softly stroking across his back: "Actually, I had planned on breaking it a bit more slowly to you, well, but, you were being a naughty boy and I kinda had the feeling you were asking for me to lose my control and just fuck you and... You just looked and smelled so damn delicious..." Anthony was giving him a teasing lick. "You still do, you know, so maybe take this as a warning that naughty boys like you should better behave." Anthony chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Umh, but what if I would actually like you to do that to me again...?" Rico smiled with a very mischievous look on his face, purring low as he teasingly rubbed one hand over Anthony's biceps while his body lasciviously pressed against the tight six-pack abs. The orca let out an exasperated sigh, clutching Rico to his chest, one hand playing with his soft black tail. "Cats..." he orca grinned, then they both had to laugh, Rico held tight, feeling the vibrations through the mighty body, before Anthony continued with a smirk. "Guess I should take this as a lesson as well then, you are just such a handful!"

Brother Time

"Hmfh, big bro, wai.." my muffled protest was cut short as I was slammed down, my mouth shut with a rather fierce, demanding kiss, still tasting of the dinner I had cooked earlier. I made a whimper of protest but it was cut short as my legs were parted...

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My Last Birthday

**My Last Birthday** "You really are worthless!" The words of the teacher resonated within as my bare soles tapped on the pavement. It was not like I had not heard that before, whether from Mr Grant, the maths teacher, or from others, like my...

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