Class of Paws

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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I'm sure that there's a story here that everyone can relate to on some level. Being in college, being bored, being horny...You just want a bit of fun with a friend. Pity that most colleges don't have as great an ap as this, though. Sequel

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Class of Paws

For LexOunce

By Draconicon

With lunch out of the way and the rest of his classes not until evening, Thomas was a bit at a loss of what to do.

College was often like that, of course, but there were quite a few reasons for it this time. He had gotten through his course-work without anything lingering over his head, and there were no outstanding books that had caught his attention. He was stuck at the campus until the end of the school day, due to not having enough money for gas and a low tank already, and most important of all...well, all his friends-with-paws-benefits had skipped out.

It wasn't something that he usually missed. After all, the college had a sort of underground network for most fetishes and people into them, and the foot fetish one was about as varied and full as one could get. If one partner wasn't around, there was often another that was just as eager to sate their needs as he was to sate his.

Spring break. It would be today that everyone was still sleeping off the hangovers...

Thomas shook his head, the cheetah leaning back and folding his arms behind his head. It was not the best sign for the next few hours, he had to admit.

Hmmmph...maybe there's still someone around...

The cheetah pulled out his phone, tapping around until he reached the right app. He opened it, filled in his password, and tapped the applicable fetishes. He chuckled. If the admins of the school knew that this was a thing...

Unfortunately, almost all of the student pictures were x-ed out, their paws dangling behind a big double-pair of red lines. He sighed as he flicked through them, waiting to find someone, anyone that -


There was one. A canine pair of paws that looked vaguely familiar popped out at him, one glowing icon in a sea of red. He tapped it, bringing up the profile.

"Yadda yadda yadda...prefers to worship rather than be worshiped, looking for a new pair of paws, hope you like having spit-slick toes at the end of it...Damn, pretty good guy. Who is he?"

He scrolled back up, finding the name. Ralph. A coyote, too, and one that looked pretty eager to have fun. Had a lot of little reviews for him, too, though Thomas didn't care for those. They were usually pretty silly, and were more wank material than anything else.


He remembered Ralph from another class, and if he was right, the coyote should be free. He smiled, sending a request through the app, and naming one of the empty classrooms in the east wing of the school.

It only took a few seconds to get a confirmation in return.

Thomas jumped to his feet, his bare paws carrying him through the school at the high speed that all cheetahs were known for, and he was soon in the abandoned classroom. He found a desk and hopped on it, getting comfortable and kicking his legs back and forth.

A minute later, the door opened.

"Heh, Ralph?" he asked.

"Yep. Thomas?"


"Cool paws."

"Thanks. Yours too, but we both know what you're here for."

Thomas smirked playfully, holding out one leg and wiggling his toes. The little dark claws at the tips bounced a bit, a nice contrast to the yellow, spots, and white fuzz that adorned them. The fatter toes were definitely something bigger for most paw fetishists to deal with compared to the narrower ones on plantigrade feet, but from the look on Ralph's face, he'd say that the coyote was not just used to that, but preferred it.

Closing the door behind him, Ralph walked over quickly, getting on his knees and grabbing hold of Thomas's foot. The cheetah was grateful to have the weight supported by someone else, and he chuckled as he ground his toes into the dog's face.

"Heh, you like those?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Saw that you like to leave 'em all slippery and slimy."

"Heh, all the better to find you guys again, when you go leaving footprints all over the place."

"That's hot, dude."


"Get started. I wanna see just how good you - mmmmm..."

The cheetah leaned back, his lips already curled up in a pleased smile as the dog pulled his toes into his mouth. The coyote was quick, he had to give him that, and that tongue...

Mmmm, and this is why I love dogs...

Thomas closed his eyes to slits as he felt that hot, slippery tongue wiping back and forth along the underside of his toes, flicking up to the claw and then back down again. Ralph was quick to give his toes all the attention that they could want, slobbering over them, but never so sloppily as to make it feel token.

He pushed his foot forward a bit, the fat toes slipping past the coyote's lips, rubbing over his tongue and going back a bit further. Some of his playmates hadn't been able to take it, but Ralph just opened his mouth a bit wider, using his fingers to push Thomas's toes together a bit tighter, and kept on sucking on them.

"Mmmm, you really like my paws, huh? Well, I'll have to bookmark you."


The pair of them pulled out their phones at the same time. Thomas had the easier job, just tapping a button, while Ralph had to finagle the app open, pull up the right profile, and do the same. And he did it all while sucking and licking the cheetah's toes.

Yep, he's a keeper.

He groaned, groping himself a bit as he brought his other foot up. He laid the large toes over the dog's nose, letting the scent be part of the play. He leaned to the side, wondering if there was a bit of a bulge. Hard to tell with the cargo shorts that the coyote was wearing, he had to admit, but hey, there might have been.

Ralph eventually pulled back, turning his attention to the other foot. He lowered his nose to the pads, sniffing them, puffing enough hot air against the underside for Thomas to notice. The cheetah arched an eyebrow, chuckling.

"Heh, you one of the guys that likes 'em smelly?"

"You bet. Geez, were you running track or something?"

"Oh, come on, stereotype the cheetah some more. Basketball."

"Heh, well, they're great."

"Stop by the locker room after gym sometime, and I'll let you have 'em before the shower."

Ralph growled in obvious pleasure, and Thomas wondered if the coyote would take him up on the offer. If he did, he planned to make it a good one. There weren't many foot lovers on the app that wanted them that raunchy.

Grinding his feet against the dog's face, he ground at his own bulge a bit more, enjoying the hell out of having such an eager coyote at his feet. The slobber on his toes was still there, so extensive that it left little lines of spit between the digits, even when he fanned them out.

Ralph noticed, and chuckled.

"Told ya that you were going to get all spit slimed."

"You're not kidding. Now, get the other one."

"You got it."

That heavenly tongue got to work right off the bat, dragging up from the lower pad of his foot all the way to the toes, pressed firm and hard to his skin. He groaned, his toes curling at the last second, then getting smoothed out by that tongue pushing a bit further past them. The feeling of that eager licking turning into something so hard and firm was such a contrast, and he loved the dedication behind it.

Lick, lick, lick went the coyote, and he could feel his fur getting groomed down there as much as his flesh. The smell was gonna be all gone by the end of this, and he doubted that anyone would notice at the end of things.

He pulled his foot back, looking at the underside. It was completely spit-shiny as well as spit-slimy, and he chuckled as he wiggled his toes under the classroom lights.

"Good thing that I go barefoot; my shoes would be squelching for hours if I wore them."

"Oh, fuck yeah, man. You didn't say you were a barefooter."

"Well, it's a thing. Not a lotta digitigrade shoes out there, you know?"

"Don't I?"

The coyote shifted, showing his own paws. They were just as damp as his own were, though for different reasons. He chuckled. Apparently, Ralph didn't do a lot of letting others lick his paws.

That was fine with him, at least for now.

Though he was already stiff in his pants, it was part of the app protocol that nobody pulled their dicks out during these encounters. There were enough people just questioning their sexuality that it was a rule that all the encounters specifically kept to paws and feet only, unless it was agreed on before the meet-up that dicks were part of it. Thomas stood up, adjusting himself, and chuckled as he immediately felt the wet squish under his toes.

"Heh, you're going to track me, alright."

"Even if I hadn't said it. Man, love those paws. Never change, man. Never change."

"See you next time."

"Hey, maybe even in class, if it's going slow."

"Heh...don't tempt me."

Thomas waved over his shoulder, and started his jog around the campus. Maybe he'd even get another session, if Ralph was up for it afterwards, but at the very least, it'd get the evidence off his feet.

The End

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