Easter Six and the Wood Wolf

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#1 of The SBI Cases

Commissioned by FA: bbbuuu , this story was a rather fun one for me to write, and involves a different sort of universe, one focused on the supernatural and the investigation therein. Though the commissioner had a good idea as to the plot line, I got to enjoy building up the world and setting it up for future stories. Here's hoping we get to do a lot of them. In this one, we introduce our main character, codename Easter Six, a member of the Supernatural Bureau of Investigation, on mission to take down a werewolf.

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Easter Six and the Wood Wolf

For bbbuuu

By Draconicon

"It would be the one cloudy full moon, wouldn't it?"

Easter Six shook his head, the rabbit leaning back against the tree at the back of the shelter the SBI had put together. Not much, not enough to keep them safe from their quarry if they were spotted, but enough to keep them hidden while they searched.

He glanced at the younger dragon that he'd had assigned as a partner. Thai Ridgeback was his SA, or Supernatural Agent, and was the most junior partner he'd had yet. He put the odds of the water dragon coming out of this hunt with a broken bone at just about a sure thing. Full rack of broken ribs were about even.

"Anything from headquarters?" he asked.

"Nothing. I think we've gotten all the data packets we're going to get."

"Fat lot of use they're doing."

"Hey, they mean a lot for my half of the work. Just because you normies don't have powers -"

"Yeah, shut up and start feeling around. Last thing I need is that werewolf sneaking up on us..."

Normies; that was the term that the SAs tended to call the NAs, or Normal Agents. There were days when he wanted to kick his big ol' rabbit feet up the ass of the man who thought that acronym was appropriate.

Far as he was concerned, Easter Six was as close to an SA as one could be without physical proof. Then again, if he had a power, it certainly wasn't one that was beneficial for him.

He stepped away from the tree, long bare feet carrying him to the slots in the wood barricade that let them look out at the forest. Behind them, the lights of four different vacation cabins cast enough light for them to see a little ways, and he had a console in front of him for different light points in the forest. SBI techies and drones had done a good job at setting up the arena to give them as many advantages as they could get. They'd need every one of them, too, against a werewolf.

"You ever hunt one of these things before, Thai?"

"Me? Um...it's kind of my first hunt, actually."


The rabbit shook his head, checking the pistol at his waist for the third time in the last ten minutes. The six-shooter was oversized to hell, and it took him both hands to be sure of lining up a shot right, but it was the only thing that could stop the bigger beasts out there. The concoctions that the magic department came up for ammunition didn't hurt, either.

He tapped it open, his fingers counting out the bullets as he kept talking.

"Alright. What do you know about 'em?"

"Shifter-class beasts, usually pretty dumb when it comes down to it. No real armor, but they regenerate quickly if there's not some element of silver that gets left in the wound."

"Good, least you got that part. Last hunter I saw go out thought that a silver sword would do him good."

"It didn't."

"No. Cuts the beast just fine, but unless some of the silver breaks off inside, still gonna heal from it."

He shook his head. Bad hunt, that one. That was the guy that SBI had sent after this wolf last time. Hadn't ended well. Sure, the agent was still alive, but even the docs back in the magic department weren't sure that they'd be able to give him his legs back.

Least he came home with one, even if it was lodged in his ass.

Easter Six chuckled at the mental image, shaking his head.

"Alright, then. Here's the info you don't got," he said. "They're dumb. Usually. This one...maybe not so much."

"Why do you say that? Because of what he did before?"

"No. He's had time. See, werewolves get better and better at thinking things through the longer that they stay alive. Each time they shift, they get more used to it. Something about acclimation; the eggheads back at the Agency would some idea of how it works, but all I know is that the older a werewolf is, the better it is at controlling its instincts."

"Sort of like experience, yeah?"

"Pretty much. And this one's at least eight shifts along. It won't be stupid enough to fall for fake treats and stuff like that, so don't even try."

"...Fake treats are out. Got it."

"Hey, you want the sciency-magicky bullshit, you go look at the Compendium. Oh, that's right, you've been looking at it all night, and you still ain't found anything new."

"Sorry, sir," the dragon muttered.

"...Eh, it's alright. Just a bit on edge. Don't like hunting these things in the dark..."

He shook his head, settling down. The last thing he needed was to get all worked up. If he did, then he'd start getting a more rapid heartbeat, probably sweat more, and that'd carry on the wind. Nobody knew just how strong a werewolf's senses were, and while their little hidey-hole had plenty of fake scents around, it might not be enough to filter out the stink of fear.

So, the rabbit settled back, crossing his arms. The sleeves of his long coat flapped, a few protective spells woven into the hem and the sleeves flashing in the light of their hiding place. He ran his fingers over them, double-checking the works of the tailors back at base, satisfying himself that the symbols were all good.

They were.

It was busywork, but it was better than nothing. Better than talking, too, considering that Thai was getting on his nerves. Not so much from the questions - all the newbies did that - but more the -

"Will you stop?"


The dragon whipped his head away, looking back at the computer instead of at the rabbit's ass. Easter shook his head.


"This a question about the beast, Thai, or about my ass?"

"...up for drinks sometime?"

"Back on task, kid."

The dragon grumbled, but the rabbit just kept his eyes on the forest. It was out there, he was sure. Werewolves that started thinking clearly soon started showing signs of desire, either the sexual sort or the ambitious sort. So far, this one hadn't had a chance to turn anyone or start a pack, but when the satellites started tracking it around the vacation grounds, SBI knew that there was only a matter of time before someone was bitten.

Wonder if he had a backstory around here. Not that it matters. Unless he changes back before we take him out, he's probably gonna make us kill him.

Orders were always flexible in that way. One could take the beasts in alive, or they could just take them down. The only thing that kept everyone from being killers was the rule that, if they were a shifter, they were to be taken alive when they left beast form. It was the only thing that could save their lives once the hunt was on.

For all his guff, Easter preferred that, but he knew that it wasn't always possible, particularly with young ones. Too lost in the power of their new forms, too swallowed up by the instincts that they didn't understand, they always fought to the bitter end. Very bitter, in some cases.

He pushed that thought out of his head. There was work to do.


"There's...something out there. I can feel that much."

"Any direction?"

"No. Too fast for me to get a good lock on it, and sightjacking's impossible at this distance."

"Not that super a power, huh?"

"Like to see someone like you try it..."

"Maybe I'd see you looking at my ass again."

Crack. The sound of a neck nearly whipping itself to pieces as it spun around again confirmed his guess. Easter rolled his eyes, getting to his feet.

"Alright, looks like we're going with Plan B."

"Huh? I thought -"

"He's out there, but he's not coming in without bait."

"How do you know he's out there? I could be sensing a park ranger, for all I know."

"Too quiet for that. Ain't any other wolves out there, either. Howls for weeks, and now..."


"Yeah, he's scared off the local packs. Werewolves and regular wolves don't get on. He's out there, alright...he's just waiting to see what's scared off everything else."

Moving around and grabbing his gear, Easter tucked a couple of knives into the back of his coat, and a couple of sigils into his front pockets. Not much in the way of weaponry outside his pistol, but if the werewolf got close, he wanted something that didn't require too much work. A touch spell was best, a touch and talk second best.

Just gotta hope he's not one of the gray-backs, he thought. All I got is ammo for the regular ones.

Thai was still muttering to himself, probably something about how this was a bad idea. Easter snapped his head around.

"Hey, you got something to say? Say it to my face."

"Just because you get everyone else killed doesn't mean you gotta commit suicide, you know."

"..." The rabbit's ears snapped back and he narrowed his eyes at the dragon. He turned around before he could do something he regretted. "I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. And you're going to thank me for it later."

"Look, just because it's not out there now -"

"You just get ready with that damn sightjack, and tell me when it's coming. And from where! I'll be back in a bit."

Hopping out of their little wood box, the rabbit circled around a couple of trees before turning back towards the center of the campgrounds. No need to lead an easy track back to Thai if he didn't have to.

Damn kid, going on about...Let's just get this done.

Thai must have been hearing the same stories that had been going around SBI since the rabbit had joined. Sure, he hadn't had any supernatural abilities himself, assigned to the NAs from the start. He'd made a name for himself as someone that had taken on ridiculous assignments and come out the better for them, slogging through werewolves and vampires on a regular basis, and once or twice taking on a couple of incubi that had decided to make trouble. He was one of the success stories, but that was only half the legend.

The other half was a list of names. Injuries, mostly - thankfully - but more deaths than Easter would like. After a half-dozen SAs had died after being assigned to him, his name had basically become an emblem of bad luck to the supernatural side of the agency. If they got assigned to him, there was a hell of a ruckus that spilled out even to the NA side of things, with SAs and supervisors of them saying that there was no way in hell that anyone was partnering up with him.

Made him wonder what Thai had done to piss someone off enough to be allowed on this assignment, for that matter.

The thought made him chuckle, but only for a moment. He was nearly at the clearing, and he wanted to have his attention on the matter at hand. Loosening his holster until his gun was clear to hand, he took a glo-stick out of a side pocket. Cracking it between his fingers, he gave it a shake and tossed it out into the woods.

Repeating the same motion seven more times, he made a makeshift circle of light around him, keeping his night vision but giving him a little more to work with. It would have to do.

His earpiece crackled.

"Easter, I got something."


"Something coming from the east. Pretty quick."

"Alright. Tell me when he can see me."

Sightjacking was one of low-level powers that an SA might have, and was one of the more common ones to find. A step below being a Sensor and a step up from being a telepath (never worked out as well as people thought, too much information to process), they could slip into someone else's head and see what they saw. Not much more than that, and they couldn't blind someone, but it was something.

He knew that Thai wasn't that good at it, or he wouldn't have been seen as expendable. Probably needed to keep still, and didn't have as much range as he could have, but it was better than nothing. Most things were.

Easter turned on the spot, curling his toes and sinking his claws into the earth. Natural rabbit instincts had him wanting to run, old memories of wolves hunting his ancestors nudging at him. He held his ground, his fingers twitching over the grip of his revolver.

Can't be far, now. Back to the east. Back to the east.

The werewolf wouldn't charge if it saw him looking. He needed it to think that it had the advantage, otherwise it would circle around, keep hiding in better locations, be harder to root out. Just a bit further.

Come on, you bastard...

His earpiece crackled again.

"Found him. About three hundred feet out, looking down at you. Or...your ass, rather."

"I swear to God..."

"I'm not making him. He just is. It's a -"

"If you are going to talk about my ass all the time, I'm taking this earpiece out."

"Ugh...Fine. He's moving at a walk. About 280 feet now."

He always had to deal with this. He didn't know why; he was an agent just like the rest of them, and hardly the most bottom-y of the NAs. There were mouse twinks, buffalo muscle studs, and who knew how many others that might have attracted the eye. His ass - and he'd gone to the doctor and got it checked out, just in case someone had cursed it - was no different from anyone else's, save for being maybe a bit bigger.

Yet, somehow, it always brought this attention with it. There's even been an investigation into him after some of his partners getting injured, just to make sure that he wasn't hurting them from sexual harassment. He'd been cleared, but it was more than a bit tempting, some days.

"200 feet," Thai said.

He nodded, taking a few deep breaths. Another fifty feet, and the werewolf would probably charge, clear the remaining distance as fast as it could. He doubted that it would take long, too; this was a big wolf, one of those that would have stood out in the primal times, rather than just a human-sized thing. If it charged, 150 feet would feel like ten.


A little bit more. He was tempted to pull one of the touch sigils out of his pocket, but that would look conspicuous, and he needed both hands for his gun. Just a bit further. Just a bit -

"150 feet.

The howl that he'd been expecting ripped through the air, making his ears shoot up over his head as fast as a feral's might have. His claws were the only thing keeping him from making a run for it, and he had to kick one foot off the ground to move. Fear. Damn fear was still there.

He whipped around, seeing the werewolf leaping through the trees, sharp claws ripping through portions of tree-trunk like a sledgehammer through drywall. The rabbit brought his pistol up, both hands around the grip as the blurring beast came close -


The recoil was hard enough to send him flying backwards three feet through the air, but the blast caught the werewolf. Barely. It grazed across the shoulder, phosphorus and silver combining to set a bright fire to the fur and flesh.

Not enough, though. Not nearly enough.

Even as the werewolf slapped the fire away, Easter was taking aim for another shot. His hands ached from the recoil of the first one, and he hesitated just a second too long. The werewolf dodged the second shot, and he was airborne again.

Before he could take a third, the beast was on him, snarling and grabbing at his middle. The coat's sigils flared, keeping the claws from piercing through and shredding him. The beast leaned in, nose twitching as it sniffed at him.

"Son of a bitch...I ain't got a newspaper, but I still got a gun!"

He pistol-whipped the wolf, slamming the silver-chased bottom of the revolver against that black nose. The wolf dropped him instantly, and he rolled to the side. He brought his gun up desperately, barely holding it with one hand and hoped to luck that he'd hit.

He didn't, and the gun went flying back so hard that it went shooting out of his hand, landing somewhere dozens of feet off.


Easter looked back at the werewolf. The creature was rubbing its nose, wiping away the blood that had spilled. Its shoulder had been burned bald, and it looked...more than a little angry. And at the same time, more than a little curious.

"Nobody's hurt you like that before, huh?" Easter grunted, one hand slowly going behind his back. "Wanna try your luck again, asshole? I got more where that came from..."

A deep growl answered him, but there was something else behind it. He was used to the way that dogs seemed to smile when they looked at people, but seeing that same grin on a werewolf, with all those teeth...it set every one of his rabbit instincts on edge, making the urge to run all the more pressing.

The barefooted rabbit took a few steps back as the werewolf advanced on him, the creature going to all fours. Its limbs were far longer than its body, giving it an almost spider-like appearance as it crawled across the ground. Even like that, it was nearly of a height to him, and it seemed to smirk as it drove him back, licking its lips and dragging away the blood on its muzzle.

"Oh, you're a smart one, aren't you?" he muttered. "Yeah, you know that you can't just bite me right now...you know you need to be clever. Well, come on...show me what you got..."

The wolf took his invitation, and just as fast as he thought it would. The black-furred creature lunged for him, going low rather than high. He jumped, his big feet coming down on the wolf's head, and he rolled forward. The shiv-blade that he'd drawn stabbed right into the werewolf's side, but scored off a rib rather than getting deep enough to do real damage. He grunted, twisting his wrist by habit, leaving the blade where it was.

He hit the ground just behind the beast as it got back to its feet, growling in obvious anger. Rather than rushing him again, though, it reached over its back. Easter's eyes went wide as it fumbled about for a few seconds, then pulled the broken-off bit of metal from its back, holding it in hand. Even as it bled, it seemed to know what it was doing.

"Oh, shit...you really are clever..."


"Oh, high conversation...Let's get this over with."

They charged at the same time, the rabbit pulling out another blade. It broke on the first pass, shattered by the werewolf's greater strength, and he was knocked back, hitting the ground hard.

Before he could roll away, the werewolf had slashed out with the knife. It missed, twice, and he managed to roll away from the third. He jumped to his feet, only for the werewolf to slash at his back. He waited, knowing the sigil would take it.

It didn't.


The rabbit shouted as he was sent flying, his back bleeding from the blow. He hit the side of a tree, flopped off and landed on his back, coughing.


That...that wasn't supposed to happen. He had protection, or so he'd thought. He reached back, felt around...and froze.

That son of a bitch...it didn't miss at all... The sigils were cut with the knife. Made to protect against piercing teeth and crushing strength, they weren't protected against things that cut and slashed. The werewolf had used the damn shiv to cut through his protection.

Worse, he knew that even if he could win this fight, he'd be in trouble if he killed in. Research division would be all over themselves to get their hands on this thing while it was still living, see what evolution had happened to get them using tools again. Damn, damn, damn.

The rabbit struggled back to his feet, feeling the knives broken in his belt. None useful anymore, and if he tried to use one barehanded the way the werewolf was doing, he'd just slice his hand apart. But...

He pulled the blades out, making a makeshift punching dagger by slotting them between his fingers.

"No Wolverine, but it'll have to do," he muttered.


"...Ah, shit..."

The werewolf stopped ten feet away, slowly turning to look at the green and blue water dragon on the approach. Thai had his own gun out, a more standard pistol with a larger barrel, held tight on the werewolf.

"Under the SBI accords with the sideways universes and the Affected People, I, Supernatural Agent Tha Ridgeback, charge you with endangerment of yourself and others, assault, and murder. I ask that you come quietly, so we can -"


The dragon had underestimated just how far those long limbs could reach, and lost his weapon in an even more humiliating fashion than Easter had. The pistol went flying, and as Thai stared after it, the dragon went flying after it.


The last of the shout was almost swallowed by the hollow 'thunk' of the water dragon slamming into a tree head-first. Easter winced, hoping that Thai would be alright for a bit; he didn't have any way of going for help.

Nor did he have time to play this honorably. He'd take the heat when he got back from Research. Better to be in trouble than to have someone else dead because of this thing.

Easter leaped forward and then slid on his knees, bringing his improvised weapons in with a punch towards the werewolf's knee. The blades shimmered as he came close, almost -

But the werewolf was, again, faster. It spun, grabbing him by the wrist, squeezing him tighter and tighter until he was forced to drop the weapons. He grunted as the blades clattered to the forest floor, leaving him weaponless, and the beast lifted him up, slowly dragging him further and further from the ground, until they were face to face.

The werewolf leaned in, sniffing at him a few times, turning its head from side to side. Easter groaned; if he didn't have proof before that this beast was intelligent, he did now. Anything feral would have either run away or killed him for hurting it as much as he had. This one was curious, or...or something.

Jacket's shredded, no protection from it anymore, he thought. Sigils... The weight of the ones he'd brought had disappeared, he realized. They must have fallen out during the fight, and there was no way for him to search around and see if there was one left. Fuck, he's got me over a barrel.

The werewolf sniffed his neck, and then pulled back, chuffing softly.

"Hrr-hrr-hrr..." It snarled, its throat and lips struggling to do something. Finally, it managed, speaking one word. "Bitch."

"Look in a mirror lately, Fido?"

The werewolf tossed him to the ground, though not as hard as it could have. He landed on his stomach, coughing as the air was knocked out of him. He desperately rooted around in his pocket, trying to find something, anything. His fingers caught the edge of a small disk -


The growl of his target was much closer this time, clawed fingers wrapping around his coat and yanking it off him. His arms were almost wrenched out of their sockets, but he kept hold of the damn disk. Even as the creature was pulling him closer, even as it was starting to pull at the remnants of his weapons, Easter looked down at the disk to see what it was.

'Sleep' was the sigil inscribed. He groaned. Not ideal, and one that the werewolf might even be able to resist. But if he didn't do something, if he didn't try, then he was dead.


He shouted as the creature pulled at his pants, almost ripping them off him in one sharp pull. The rabbit looked back, staring at the werewolf, and seeing it staring back at his ass with all the undisguised hunger that the other agents had hid behind glances of want and desire.

Shit...I'm not dead, but I'm gonna be fucked, for sure...

Shuffling forward did nothing; the beast had too good a grip on his pants, and the rabbit's ass was working against him, keeping his pants from sliding any further down without reaching down and undoing them properly. Regretting his choice in attire, Easter tried to reach down to the button on his pants, but he was pinned too well, unable to wriggle his hand between his belly and his -

Hot breath puffed over his ass, and his eyes went wide as he felt each breath sliding over the hard swell of his rump. Easter shook his head.

"Oh, this is not happening..."

Unnaturally long thumbs spread his ass cheeks apart, the warm air spreadin from his ass cheeks to his hole. A shiver ran down his spine as he felt the heat getting hotter and wetter with each successive puff, seeing it perfectly in his mind's eye as the werewolf leaned in towards his pucker.

Thank fuck this stuff isn't transmitted by anything but blood...

Then, the tongue.

His eyes just about bugged out of his head as he felt that tongue working from the very end of his taint all the way back to his hole. It was wetter, slimier, and almost electrifying in the way that it sent every nerve to firing at once. His entire backside felt like it was being bathed in slime, and he shuddered as the warm tendril of a tongue worked over his pucker. It bathed it in spit, and his cock...

His cock throbbed, much as he hated to admit it. It throbbed in his pants, pushing against the front, getting harder and giving one more obstacle to getting the damn things off. The werewolf chuffed, thumbs fanning his ass cheeks further apart until there was nothing between that furred muzzle and his slippery hole.

The beast licked at him again and again, and Easter struggled to get a better angle, to wriggle forward, to find some way to reach behind him and slap the sigil on the werewolf. It was just out of reach, too far around for him to get it, and it kept licking and distracting him. Gritting his teeth, he tried kicking, but even his huge feet meant nothing against the ton of muscle that was pinning him down.

Lick, lick, lick that tongue went, always dragging particularly firmly over his hole, always making it harder for him to think, always making him that much harder. Wet, warm, then suddenly cold as the tongue moved away, a chill of arousal that he didn't want.

The wolf pulled him up a bit more, making his ass easier to lick, and he was able to look back and see the werewolf's cock slowly sliding free of its sheath. Even the head was huge, nearly the size of four of his fingers together. If it got thicker...

Shit, it could kill me with that alone...

He struggled again, but the wolf just pulled him back like some disobedient pup, licking against his hole again and again until -


Easter bit his lips as he felt the tip of that tongue probing into him, nudging his pucker open and slowly working its way deeper inside. His breath huffed and puffed as the werewolf opened him up with its long, forceful tongue, feeling like a tentacle from an Old One as it pushed deeper and deeper.

And all the while, he could feel his cock getting harder, soon swimming in its own pre as the werewolf's tongue slid in and out of him. That strange mix of hot and cold, that throbbing, electrical feeling of being licked somewhere so sensitive...

It turned him on and pissed him off!

You...fuck...I'm gonna...beat the hide...right off you!

The werewolf finally pulled his tongue free, and despite the aching emptiness that was left behind and the feeling that one could have slid a fist inside of his slippery hole, the rabbit managed to look back without gasping or groaning or moaning. He fixed the werewolf with a glare that challenged him to do anything more.


The garbled word from the werewolf sent a shiver down his spine, particularly as the beast flopped its cock out on his ass. It was right on the verge of going in, slipping between his ass cheeks. They barely contained it, and that shouldn't have been possible for someone his size. It slipped up and down, up and down, hot-dogging between them.

And the werewolf's arms slipped further, and further, and further up.

Easter forced himself to stay calm, not thinking about anything except where those arms were. Just a bit closer, now. They were above his hips, making their way past his waist. Just a bit more, and he could slap the disk down.

And just a bit more, and that dick would slide in. He could feel the tapered point rubbing against his ass, felt its heat. Just a bit more, and the werewolf really would have a bitch.

"Come on, you furry fuck...just a bit closer..."

As if it heard and understood him, the werewolf leaned down, looming over him like he was a feral bitch for the taking. One of its arms slipped in front of him, landing right by his hand.

Easter took his chance. He smacked the sigil disk down as the werewolf's cock rubbed against his pucker. It flared with light, heat and pressure burned on his hole...

And the werewolf flopped on him.


The breath was knocked right out of him from the wolf's weight, though thankfully the damn thing didn't quite manage to penetrate him. Instead, it just seemed to be pointed down on him for a bit, almost like a bike's kickstand, before gravity and leverage forced it back up between his ass cheeks. The rabbit shook his head, knowing that he'd be washing werewolf spit and pre off his ass for the next day.

Wriggling until he was out from underneath the beast, he got to his feet, brushed off his coat, and sighed.

"Well, at least you're gone. Thai? You okay?"

"...What a moon."

"It's still...Oh, you've GOT to be kidding me."

He whipped around, seeing the water dragon leaning against a tree trunk and staring at him with blushing cheeks. Easter growled, yanking up the back of his pants and settling them back in place.

"Can you walk?"


"Toss your sigils over. I'll be right there."

Thai tossed him a bag, and the rabbit started placing the appropriate disks around the werewolf. Some to trap it in place, others to weigh it down, and about a dozen more sleeping disks to keep it unconscious for the next week. The last thing he wanted was for it to wake up and start trying to ass-rape him again.

Rubbing his rump, he walked back to Thai, checking him out. Surprisingly, the dragon's head was perfectly fine. Probably something to do with having a thick skull. His ribs, on the other hand...

"Looks like four broken, one cracked," he muttered. "You're not walking for a while."

"Nnngh...probably not...but at least I saw something great."

"...If you're referring to my ass, I reserve the right to shoot you."

"Worth it."

"Fuck you."

The rabbit stood up, shaking his head.

"Seriously, get yourself transferred to another partner. You're going to be in a shitload of trouble if you stay with me. You got off pretty light tonight, compared to some."

"...I can agree to that, if I can get drinks later."

"...Ugh. Fine. One drink. But you put in for that transfer, got me?"

"Yes, sir."

It was only later, when the drones and support team showed up, that he realized that the impossible had happened. An SA had called him, an NA, 'sir'.

The End

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