Rubbery Pets are Made from Friends

Story by Seracen on SoFurry

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Soul just wants a quiet day at home, but his friend has more interesting things in mind! There's no morning a little magical latex can't liven up, and everyone knows that friends make the best pets...

This is a commission for DemonSoulz over on FA:

The chance to sit and be alone with one's thoughts came rarely, so Soul capitalised on the situation whenever he could. As such, he was sitting on a rock outside his cave. Unlike his feral cousins, the anthro dragon had made his far more fit to live in. 'Cave' was something of a misnomer. It may have started off that way, but now there was a door covering the entrance, along with several rooms inside, complete with furniture and a few carpets. Just because one lived in a cave didn't mean that comfort wasn't an option.

He was grateful for his fur as he sat on the flat-topped rock a little beyond the door. It was a clear day, around mid-morning, with a cool wind blowing up from the south. It would have been cold but between the dragon's coat and the sun, he was fine. There were birds singing and talking to one another, and it was all around an enjoyable time. The peace was nice; it could be a rarity in modern times. So, of course, it didn't last very long.

Soul had only been on the rock for maybe twenty minutes when there was the sound of wingbeats from overhead. "Not even one morning!" the dragon muttered to himself, looking up and squinting through the light as he looked for whoever was interrupting his solitary day. There was no shape to the sounds for a little bit but as Soul turned slowly on the spot, he saw his visitor: Ryuu.

A good friend, Ryuu was a furred dragon as well. They both had blue fur, close enough that they were occasionally thought related by strangers. Ryuu had yellow horns and markings though, as well as the wings, all of which Soul lacked. Soul gave a sigh as he moved closer to his front door, leaving the flat space outside his home clear for Ryuu to land. The other dragon descended in low, swooping circles, before folding his wings and doing an acrobatic somersault. Ryuu landed on his feet, bowing as he smiled.

"Show off," Soul said, crossing his arms. "And I was having such a good morning..." He couldn't stop a smile as he said the words though.

"Don't be like that," Ryuu said, waving a hand airily. As he did, Soul noticed that he was holding a box beneath his arm. It was a simple thing, about the size of a shoebox with a latch on the front. There were no markings, labels, or adornments and he hadn't seen it before.

Before Soul could ask what it was though, Ryuu was motioning him inside. "Warm enough down here," he said. "But up there, flying, it's cold." He pushed insistently at Soul's back, making him walk forwards and open the door. The room beyond was much warmer. The walls were smooth and seamless, carved from the living rock. There were a few chairs scattered around, all turned towards a fireplace. No chimney was needed; magical fire that required no fuel and made no smoke burned in the little hollow in the stone, keeping the room warm without any of the bothersome trouble that came with a regular blaze.

"So, why'd you come?" Soul said questioningly, then pointed at the box his friend was holding. "And what is that?"

"It's...hmm, I suppose you might say that it's a present," Ryuu said, holding the box a little gingerly as he set it down on a low table, the latched side facing Soul. "I think it'll do you good. You're a rather shy and quiet dragon; perhaps this will help with that."

"Doesn't need helping," Soul muttered, looking down at the box. There was no hint on the outside about what it might contain. Not even its size was a clue; a lot of things could fit in a box like that.

"Aww, come on," the other dragon said, patting him on the arm. "It'll be fun, for both of us."

Soul was not an incautious dragon, and he had a fair bit of suspicion at the moment. There was little chance that whatever Ryuu was planning would be outright harmful, but there was a wide gap between harmful and unpleasant, and their definitions on the latter varied greatly.

"Maybe not," Soul said warily, taking a step back. He poked Ryuu in the chest. "You're being cagey."

Ryuu seemed to consider him for a moment, a thoughtful expression on his face. Then he shrugged. "We can do this another way then." A wide smile broke across his face. "We're going to progress in our friendship a bit, and a little faster than you might ordinarily go."

As Soul opened his mouth to ask what in the world Ryuu meant, the other dragon kicked the box off of the table. It landed heavily on the rug and bounced, the latch flying open as it did. Soul caught a glimpse of a roiling black substance inside before box came to rest at his feet, the contents spilling out. It was thick and dark, emitting the cloying, chemical smell of rubber or latex. On the inside of the box though, Soul spied warding marks; the box was supposed to contain and hide something magical.

The puddle was growing, along with Soul's anger. He wasn't sure what this was, but it was soaking into his rug! The edge of the puddle grew closer to his paw and he raised it to step away, ready to yell at his friend for causing the mess. The dragon's words stuck in his throat, unable to be spoken.

As he went to move his paw away, the black stuff suddenly coalesced, thickening before leaping up to grab onto his footpaw. Such was Soul's shock that he couldn't even speak as the thick strands of rubber connected his paw to the ground. The black latex moved again and with surprising strength, yanked his paw back to the ground. The dragon's arms windmilled as he tried to keep his balance. "What is this stuff!?" he half-yelled at his friend, finding his voice after a few moments.

The stuff from the box was all on the rug now but it was moving with purpose, slowly inching towards the dragon without leaving any marks on the rug. All of his poor paw was now covered, the fur hidden beneath the rubber's surface. The bottom remained firmly stuck to the ground no matter how much he tugged on it. There was a strong tickling feeling as the substance forced its way beneath his paw as it coated the bottom, not leaving a single strand of fur free from the latex.

"Well, it's a little alchemical creation that I bought for quite a lot. Don't worry about the price though."

"That's not what I meant!" Soul growled, giving up on tugging on his leg. It was firmly stuck and wasn't going anywhere. More worryingly, the edge of the black rubber was creeping up his leg, coating more of the thick fur and hiding it beneath the shiny surface. He put his hands at the edge of the encroaching latex. Instead of holding it back, the rubber simply began to coat Soul's hands as well. With a yelp, he pulled them back but it was too late. The rubber was on his fingers and it began to spread from there.

Before he could do more than shake his hands, trying to dislodge the rubber, more of the material appeared from nowhere, expanding down his palms. While he'd been distracted with his hands, the latex was now at Soul's mid-thigh. His shorts were being stained from below as if with black ink and as the dragon watched, they dissolved. The cloth fell off quickly, leaving Soul in his underwear. He had little time to feel embarrassed.

"What's it doing?" he growled at Ryuu, his hands quickly becoming useless.

"Oh, just turning you into a slightly more useful form," Ryuu said slyly, teeth exposed in a wide grin. "You'll see...oh, look, it's reaching the fun bits."

Soul looked down just in time to see his underwear falling off him, shredded beyond recognition. There was a flash of embarrassment as he realised that his crotch was suddenly exposed to his friend, but that was short lived as the rubber suddenly got a lot faster. The latex surged up over his balls and sheath, Soul gasping in surprise. It didn't feel like the rubber was simply covering him there...

He blushed as he felt it tighten around his sheath, the rubber hardening a bit as it firmly gripped his balls as well. It almost felt as though they were being massaged and rolled gently, the feeling making Soul squirm slowly. Concentrating as he was on his crotch, he hardly noticed his other leg quickly becoming covered, not a strand of fur missed by the magical blackness.

By now, almost all of the latex was up off the floor, the coating on his leg several times thicker than it would end up as it travelled up Soul's body. Now that both legs were completely covered, the latex unstuck his paw from the ground and Soul remembered that Ryuu was there. The other dragon was sitting with a smile on his face, arms crossed as though there was a very interesting and enjoyable show in front of him. "Stop this!" Soul growled, taking a few steps towards Ryuu, the latex squeaking a little on the floor. He wasn't sure what he was going to do, but he would make this stop.

"I wouldn't try that," Ryuu said lightly, just as Soul gasped again, dropping to his knees. The dragon's hands flew to his hidden sheath as the latex suddenly squeezed it firmly, making rippling motions that made him shudder in surprise and pleasure. The rubber was covering his tail now, smoothing down the fluff before creeping up his back and belly. It was moving faster than ever now, the latex already approaching his armpits as it coated him. "Just let it happen," Ryuu grinned. "Can't stop it anyway; I don't even know how."

The slow squeezes were still happening, distracting the dragon and making his legs feel a little weak. He struggled back to his feet in time for the rubber to surge down his arms, rapidly making them shine. He was expecting it to join up with the coating on his hand. What he did not expect was for there to be a strong pulling sensation on his fingers. The dragon gave a soft yelp as his digits were forced suddenly to curl tightly, hands becoming useless fists before being locked in that position.

"Hey! What is this?" he asked, confused. This was taking an even different turn than he expected. He rubbed his fists against his chest, latex squeaking on itself as he tried to remove the coating. Failing that, he glared at Ryuu.

"Well, toys don't need their hands, do they?" Ryuu responded, as though this was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Toy?!" Soul shouted, but his attention returned to the rubber. Everything below his neck was covered now but the latex was still moving, creeping up his throat. He craned his head back, trying to keep his muzzle free. It was no use though; Ryuu's 'gift' began to spread up his face. The dragon rubbed at it with his fists, trying to slow the progress as it inched up. It was getting harder and harder to ignore the arousal beginning to flow through him.

As the black edge reached his lips, he closed his muzzle instinctively, not willing to allow the latex access to his mouth. The rubber didn't seem to care, simply continuing to flow. For a moment, Soul was worried that his nostrils would be covered but they were left bare. Instead, when he tried to part his jaws, he found himself unable to besides the slight stretch that the rubber allowed. The dragon let out a muffled grunt as his eyes were next, his vision turning black as sight vanished, the latex forming a blindfold. He pressed his bound fists against his eyes, trying to get the blindfold off.

His hearing was the next thing to disappear, everything becoming muffled as his ears were covered and plugged. It tickled a bit as his sensitive ears were coated in rubber, his horns following quickly. That he couldn't feel but the latex coated the tips thickly, dulling them. With that, not an inch of the dragon was left exposed to the world, apart from his nose.

Soul took a few stumbling steps, blind and deaf, hands out in front of him as he tried to avoid bumping into anything. There was a slight buzzing sound that puzzled the dragon, before he realised that it might have been Ryuu speaking, the words muffled beyond all understanding. He turned to where he thought his 'friend' was standing, arms still outstretched. Instead of something bumping his arms or hands, as Soul expected, Ryuu grabbed his shoulder. The dragon had a firm grip and there was that buzzing sound again as he spoke.

The latex 'suit' covering Soul rippled and he jerked as the plugs in his ears suddenly vanished, letting him hear again. He was still blind though, and the tight coating on his muzzle prevented anything resembling speech. "Alrighty," Ryuu muttered. "Now, how do I activate the sex toy setting again...? Ah right. Get ready, Soul."

The rubber rippled again, a tingling feeling spreading through the dragon's body. Sex toy? "Mmmmrrrrr!" he growled through his closed jaws. Ryuu was going too far this time! Just as he was going to try and curse at Ryuu again, the latex at the end of his muzzle began to shift, slowly forcing itself inside his muzzle. An unseen blush appeared on his cheeks as his mouth was slowly forced open. There was a hint of a rubbery taste but it was oddly muted as the latex poured in. Soul wasn't sure what it was going for a few moments as his mouth was filled but then the rubber began to form a suspicious shape.

Soul blushed even harder as the rubber formed a dragon cock's shape in his maw. The gag muffled his voice even more, further removing his ability to speak. Any words that he tried to say were mutilated beyond recognition. Just as he was trying to get used to the large length in his muzzle, Soul jerked in surprise, almost jumping to his feet as something nudged against his tailhole. Quite a number of thoughts ran through his head, namely that his clothes were gone, along with any protection they might have provided, and that this must be part of Ryuu's plan.

Squeezing his eyes shut, he let out a long groan, fists on either side of his tail as they rubbed uselessly. The rubber began to push its way inside him slowly, making sure not to go too fast. It thickened and lengthened, and soon there was an identical cock to the one in his muzzle beneath his tail. In spite of the situation, Soul couldn't help but squirm. The rubber length pressed against his prostate as he moved about but his cock was still stuck firmly in his sheath. The latex there was dense and firm, his length aching a little as it tried to harden.

"Blindfold off," came Ryuu's voice. Soul blinked as the rubber over his eyes receded, letting him see once more as he looked up at his friend. "I should explain," Ryuu continued, a wide smile on his muzzle still. "Friend offered to sell me this. I suppose it's a sex toy, but it makes the wearer into a sex toy. You live here alone, and really only get me as a visitor so I thought to myself that we might try this out."

His hand dropped and ran across the top of Soul's head in a petting motion. The latex-covered dragon gasped at once, arching. The rubber felt like a second skin; he could feel the touch. Unlike a touch to his fur though, this was near unbearably intense, the sensation shooting straight down to his cock in a bolt of pleasure. He let out a moan, arching as his hands leapt between his legs, rubbing at the bulge of rubber that completely covered his sheath and balls. Not even the sensation of pressure made it through this layer and he groaned in frustration.

"Oh, yeah, forgot about that feature," Ryuu laughed, taking his hand away. "Anyway, I figure that we've got a few weeks before anyone notices that you're gone, so we can start your training." His smile widened. "Who knows? We might get enough done that you'll _want_to stay a toy afterwards. But more of that later; activate arousal."

At those words, Soul felt a flush of heat run through him. The sensation focused on his crotch again, making him groan as his lust suddenly surged, his cock aching more intensely despite still being trapped in his sheath. The dragon looked down, seeing the null bulge between his legs. He pressed hard on it, squeaks filling the air but there was no sensation transmitted through. He got so involved with trying that he momentarily forgot that Ryuu was watching and simply focused on the rising horniness that was clouding his thoughts. The urge to rub at his length until he climaxed was rapidly becoming the foremost concern in his mind.

Distracted as he was, he wasn't expecting Ryuu to touch him again, a loud moan sounding as the sensitive rubber coating was stroked. Soul jerked, tailhole squeezing hard on the latex length in his ass. That made it grind against his prostate which made the need to cum even greater, a vicious cycle forming. Ryuu simply sat back and watched Soul squirm, letting the bound dragon work himself up with barely any help from his friend. He rubbed harder to no effect, moaning as he clenched in waves on the toy. Soul realised that he was slowly suckling on the one in his mouth, blushing but only able to stop for a few seconds.

"This is quite hot to watch," Ryuu observed. A wave of embarrassment made Soul flush and blush, the shade hidden by the rubber. He was suddenly acutely aware of how Ryuu's length was straining against the front of his shorts and he blushed harder. This was turning his friend on! For some reason, that made Soul shiver and squirm more. "You know, I'm feeling nice today," Ryuu said, a dominant glint in his eyes. "Do you want to cum?"

"Nnnnmmm," Soul groaned, nodding as he rubbed harder at his crotch. The need was overpowering, his balls beginning to ache as they filled with seed he couldn't spill.

Ryuu stroked Soul's head again, making the bound dragon quiver and moan. "Well, that you'll have to earn," he said, a predatory growl behind the words. In a single, fluid movement, Ryuu stripped off his clothes. Like Soul, he had a sheath but unlike the forcibly chaste toy, Ryuu's cock was hard and fully grown, twitching gently with his heartbeat.

Next, he dragged over a chair, sitting down in it with his legs spread far apart. He smiled down at Soul, his cock well exposed. "Gotta make me happy," he taunted. "Else I'll just rub and stroke at you until you do. Use your muzzle."

Soul whined at that, beginning to inch forwards on his knees. He was already so horny; extra stimulation was the last thing that he needed. He was blushing hard beneath the latex as Ryuu's length loomed in front of him. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do though; his muzzle was currently filled with the cock gag that the suit had made.

Once he was close enough, Ryuu put a hand on the back of Soul's head, pushing firmly down. The dragon's other hand orientated his cock so that the tip pressed against the end of the latex dragon's muzzle. To Soul's surprise, the length sunk into his maw, a _very_male taste suddenly appearing along his tongue. Then he realised that it wasn't a cock gag: it was a sheath, holding his muzzle open and ready for use.

He squirmed a little as the rest of his master's length sunk between his lips, fists moving between his legs again to rub at that frustratingly insensitive bulge. Tentatively, he sucked a little, the rubber sheath constricting around Ryuu's cock and making him moan. He pushed at Soul's head a little harder until the rubbery end of his muzzle pressed against the dragon's furry sheath. "You can take it from here," Ryuu said, a moan following the words and his hand disappeared.

For some reason, having a cock fill his jaws was almost as bad for Soul's arousal as being touched was and any degree of rebelliousness that he might have otherwise felt was lost under a sea of lust. His embarrassment was likewise covered and he began to bob his head awkwardly. It was awkward and he wasn't too sure of his actions, but Ryuu moaned loader and thrust a little, driving his cock a little deeper into Soul's mouth. The rubber sheath constricted tightly as the dragon sucked, the latex making sure that he could taste the length inside his muzzle.

Soul had only been going for a few minutes, though it seemed much, much longer to the horny dragon, when Ryuu let out a shuddering gasp and pushed Soul off of his cock. At the touch to his rubber covering, Soul moaned, sitting back. He realised that the cock in front of him was wet with his saliva; the suit had made it very easy to use him for oral.

"Have to stop you there," Ryuu said a little shakily. "That's a good muzzle...but I want to end your first time with me on a...different note." He smiled and made a twirling motion with his finger and Soul understood at once, blushing as his tailhole squeezed down hard on the dildo already inside it. That one must be a sheath too, he realised. Something about that made him rub harder against his chastity, moaning and wishing desperately that he could feel something. Would this make Ryuu happy enough to let him out, let him cum?

Trembling a little with need and nervousness, Soul whined and turned, getting down on all fours and lifting his tail high. The position was very exposed, making him blush even harder; this was the position that a dragoness would take. "Mmm, hard to resist that sight," Ryuu snickered.

In that position, Soul couldn't see what was happening but he gasped into his gag as sensation flooded through him. Ryuu's paw stroked along the shiny curve of Soul's butt, giving it a squeeze as he knelt behind him. "Always thought you had a nice ass; who would've thought that this was how I'd make it mine?" He chuckled at that and groped the base of Soul's tail, the spot a pretty powerful erogenous zone even without the suit heightening everything to near unbearable levels.

"Mmmm, the suit is supposed to lube up this hole as well," Ryuu said, setting his tip against the rubber ring beneath Soul's tail, placed there by the suit to let everyone know that he was open for use. Soul tried to relax, looking forwards to it in spite of himself. His sheath and balls were aching, desperate to be touched. If this helped him do that, the dragon would offer his ass happily. The dull throbbing in his cock was driving him insane.

Ryuu slowly pushed in and both dragons moaned together, Soul sounding more muffled. The rubber sheath beneath his tail wasn't as thick as Ryuu's shaft so he could feel himself being stretched still wider around him as he pushed forwards. With the suit already having prepared him, and the lube that was inside the rubber sheath, Ryuu pressed against Soul's ass quickly enough, panting a little as the tight tailhole squeezed and clenched around him. "Fuck," Ryuu panted, staying still for a few moments.

From Soul's perspective, it was even worse. The thick length in his tailhole, combined with the feeling of his master's fur stroking along the rubber, made him moan and tremble with lust. He moved a useless paw back, trying futilely once more to try and get some sensation through that bulge between his legs, when Ryuu began to thrust. The sensitivity increase was along the rubber sleeve as well and the feeling of the dragon's flesh rubbing against it made Soul whine. He clenched down hard again, unable to help it.

Slowly, very slowly, the dragon pulled back out, leaving Soul feeling rather empty. There was a possessive growl over Soul's shoulder as Ryuu said, "My pet." With that, he slammed back into the dragon's ass. Soul gave a muffled yelp of surprise but there was no pain or discomfort. Instead, more pleasure exploded through him, amazingly intense but just as frustrating. His cock strained and pulsed inside its forced chastity, not gaining an inch of freedom. He wanted to touch it so badly but between the feeling of Ryuu thrusting into his tailhole and the touches along the rubber, Soul was frozen in place.

Ryuu was moaning and panting loudly, not bothering to try and restrain himself as he began a quick pace. The latex was well lubed and snug around his length, slick enough to prevent discomfort to either one of them. Simply knowing that he was experiencing such pleasure while the one he was using was denied was even better for Ryuu and he shuddered, already feeling close. Between the situation and the oral he had gotten, he knew that he wouldn't be able to last long. Already his cock was pulsing a little, balls churning with seed.

His movements got even faster, hammering his length into his new pet. He went as deep as he could with each one, the sheath gripping and rippling with Soul's internal movements, firmly milking at Ryuu. With that, it was impossible to resist.

Ryuu let out a long growl, thrusting hard and as deep as he could go into Soul's tailhole as his body tightened. He didn't pull back this time, tensing as his cum shot deep into Soul. Pulses of seed filled him, the suit letting the cum pass through the sheath. Soul felt the warmth spurt into him, moaning in frustration. He wanted to cum! Maybe now Ryuu would let him? Had he done enough?

Panting, Ryuu let the last few pulses of cum drip into Soul then pulled out. "Well, well," he said, heavy breathes interspersing the words. "That was amazing... With a performance like that, we're going to have a lot of fun together."

"Mmmmph!" Soul moaned, sitting back up on his knees and turning to face Ryuu. A bit of cum ran from his tailhole, still held open by the suit and he shivered at the sensation. "Mmnnnph!" Using both hands, he tried to motion at the bulge between his legs, an obvious plea accompanying the movement.

"Want something?" Ryuu said innocently, a smirk playing along his muzzle.

"Nnnnnnnnnn!" Soul moaned, as loudly as he could, unable to hold back any longer. His fists when over his cock, rubbing furiously, as fast and as hard as he could. There wasn't even the slightest sensation of pressure to the dragon's chaste length and he howled into the gag.!

"Ohhh," Ryuu laughed, as though only just understanding. "Oh no, I'm afraid that you'll have to do far better than that to get that reward."

He pet Soul's head again, a muffled howl sounding as that made him shake with pleasure and frustration, suckling hard on the gag as the rubber was alight with sensation.

Ryuu's next words made his heart sink, even as it made his arousal climb higher still. "We'll see if you've been good enough to cum in two weeks. But...don't hold your hopes up."

Soul shuddered at that, his heart thudding inside his chest. "Mmmm? Nnnngggh!" he protested, only for Ryuu to touch him on head again. He didn't rub, only tap lightly but it caused the latex to react again. It began to pull and contract in certain areas, forcing Soul to curl his arms close to his chest. There the rubber stuck to itself, keeping his arms curled tightly. His legs were next; the dragon was already kneeling so the rubber stuck his legs together in their folded position.

He twisted and jerked at his arms, wanting to keep rubbing at his cock but all he succeeded in doing was unbalancing himself. Soul began to tip over, about to fall, when Ryuu caught him, grabbing him firmly. That made Soul quiver and moan as the touches sent pleasure through him. Ryuu hoisted him up, carrying him over to Soul's own bed, still messy from when he'd woken in the morning. He bounced a little as he landed on the mattress.

"I need a little time before I'm ready again," Ryuu smiled, giving his sheath a suggestive squeeze. "Don't worry though...I don't intend to leave you without any entertainment." He began to rummage through the drawers and bedside tables in Soul's room, going through all of them one after the other. Soul blushed, knowing what he was about to find. "Ah ha!" Ryuu said victoriously, holding up Soul's vibrating plug. "I knew you'd have something like this."

He came closer. The butt plug was a good quality one, made to press against the prostate. He used it on occasion but never would have shown it to Ryuu. That hadn't stopped him finding it though. Ryuu approached, flipping Soul onto his belly on the sheets. That was nice in that he could grind his bulge against the mattress but as his tail was pushed up and out of the way, he blushed hard. The familiar shape of the butt plug pushed its way into him. It his tailhole closed around the thin neck, the sheath inside him shrunk, fitting in a snug skin around the toy.

Then Ryuu turned it on. Soul arched and moaned, squirming and thrusting slowly against the bed as she tried to move his arms. It wasn't on that strong, but the vibrations went straight into his prostate, making his cock ache even more. He wanted to cum so badly, thrusting and grinding uselessly against the bed.

"Well, you look like you're having fun!" Ryuu said cheerily as Soul tried to hump against the bed. "I'll leave you to it; be back when I'm ready for some more fun." Without any other words, he left, leaving Soul alone with a buzzing toy in his ass. The dragon on the bed moaned and squirming, whimpering, moaning, and whining in equal measures as he tried desperately cum. The ache in his crotch was permanent company, not helped with the constant stimulation against his prostate. And that was how he was left, begging for an orgasm as he tried futilely to give it to himself.

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