Farr and the Milk of Eternal Life

Story by Seracen on SoFurry

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After a dragoness spends a few years kidnapping people from a village, an enterprising fox decides to deal with the problem. His methods have...interesting effects on this poor dragoness!

This was a commission for kitsugen hereon SoFurry!

This story has been up on my Patreon for two weeks, and the rough draft even longer. There are other perks too so if you'd like to support me, check here: https://www.patreon.com/seracen

Farr stopped to rest a little as he reached the top of the ridge, hefting his pack on his back as he looked down into the valley. Mountains rose up on either side of a large town, smoke rising from dozens of chimneys. Beyond it, the mountains dwindled away into the lowlands, a large river glittering in the distance. The fox had been travelling through the mountains for some time and it was a relief to finally reach civilisation. "Soft beds and hot food," he muttered to himself with a sigh, looking up at the sun. It was still mid-morning but it would take the rest of the day to make his way down to the town.

The fox stood again with a groan, shouldering his pack. "Might as well get going," he said to himself. The sooner he was there, the sooner that he could have a hot meal. The slope wasn't too steep and there were short trees and bushes along the way that could provide shade. It was cool in the mountains anyway; the sun overhead was a pleasing source of welcome warmth. Picking his way carefully down the slope, Farr was about halfway towards the town, just past noon, when he heard a roar echo off of the mountains around him.

It took him a little while to react, scanning the skies for the source, but he ducked under a tree to be safe. It wasn't that difficult to recognise a dragon's roar. Hidden beneath the leaves of the tree, the fox looked towards the town first. He was too far to hear anything that was going down there, but the roar didn't sound very friendly. Looking around the mountains, Farr spotted a small shape coming from the far side of the mountains. It was a dragon alright.

He looked more closely, squinting against the bright sun. The dragon didn't actually seem that big, maybe a little bigger than he would be standing. It was flying fast though, and heading right for the town. The scales, a metallic bronze colour, reflected and flashed in the sun. Too far away to assist in any way, Farr watched as the dragon began to circle over the town. This happened occasionally; some dragons took it upon themselves to raid or attack small villages or towns, either for fun or to pillage valuable things. This one didn't seem to be doing that though.

The dragon continued to circle, gradually moving lower and lower over the wooden buildings. It would take only a single blast of fire to ignite half the town, but the dragon didn't. The plundering kind then, Farr thought to himself. Still, the dragon continued to circle, moving away from the centre of town. Or not, the fox thought, puzzled. The standard method was to demand a tribute, or attack caravans. It was difficult for a dragon to loot a building.

Suddenly, the dragon dived, seemingly having found what it was looking for. It vanished from Farr's sight for a few moments, hidden by buildings on the far side of the town, but reappeared moments later, something large in its claws. Farr let out a small sound of understanding; in the dragon's claws there was a struggling shape. It was kidnapping someone, not treasure. Despite the extra weight, the dragon didn't appear to be struggling to fly, swiftly regaining height and flying off towards the place it had come from. The entire kidnapping, from the dragon's appearance to it flying back with its captive, had only taken a few minutes.

"Now, this is interesting," Farr said to himself, a smile flickering across his muzzle. He went from town to town, solving problems just like this one. If the townspeople here were willing to offer a reward for helping, he just might be able to do something...

Hurrying along, the fox quickly covered the rest of the distance to the town, reaching the outskirts in the early afternoon. The people in the town were acting oddly, given what had happened. Walking onto the main road, Farr noted that they were mostly going about their business. Some would congregate quickly into small groups and then break off again, sharing news most likely. "So this is fairly regular," Farr murmured to himself. If the townspeople weren't in a panic from a dragon attack, it meant that they were used to it, or at least resigned to it. That was important.

There was a vendor on the side of the street, selling cuts of raw meat to passersby. The man behind the stall, a mid-sized rat, was speaking to a small group of people who hurried away quickly. "Excuse me," Farr said when they left, walking over and leaning against the stall.

The rat eyed him, not friendly but not unfriendly either. "New in town," he said. It wasn't a question.

"Yes," Farr confirmed. "Just arrived. As I was coming in, I saw the dragon attack. Scary stuff."

The vendor relaxed a bit, but his face turned grave. "Been happening for about three years now," he said sadly. "She comes down, swoops in and carries someone off every few weeks or so."

"They...come back?" Farr asked hesitantly. The question hung in the air.

The rat nodded. "Eventually. Usually just after she takes another; drops someone else in a field at night. But...they're not the same." He tapped his temple. "Not right in the head. Don't do much except sit and stare when they're back."

"Really?" Farr leaned in. This is getting more and more interesting. "No one has tried to stop her?"

"Tried, when it first happened. Bunch of men with arrows. Only time she used fire; burned half a dozen buildings to the ground then, and we didn't even hurt her. Can't stop her taking them and it only ends up hurting more people."

"Her? How do you know that?" Farr pressed.

The rat looked suspiciously at him. "'Cause she announced herself, that's how. Named herself Everi. Why are you so interested, stranger?"

"Might be able to help," Farr said, shifting his pack a little. "Done similar jobs in other towns."

"You?" the rat said sceptically. "Handle a dragon?"

"A small one," Farr smiled. "As long as there's a reward...?"

The vendor laughed, and not nicely. "If you manage to get her to leave us alone, sure, I'm sure the town leaders will give you a reward: a nice big one." With that, he began to use a cleaver to chop some of the meat; it was a clear dismissal for Farr.

The fox grunted in return, walking off. So, maybe there is a job here, he mused to himself. The buildings around him were mostly wood, with only a couple made of stone. They were, at their biggest, three storeys tall and most were only two. The road he was on led to the central square, which contained a speaker's platform, a well, and a much busier marketplace. The people here were bustling around, buying things in a cacophony of noise and voices, but Farr still observed the small groups talking for a few moments and then splitting up.

Suddenly, there was a commotion from a nearby group of people. One of them, a mare, had dropped a basket full of fruit and was sobbing to into the shoulder of another woman. "My son's been taken!" she wailed, the town square stopping to look at her. Other moved in to comfort the mare, taking her into a building nearby as whispers spread through the crowd.

"Figures," a vixen nearby tutted, shaking her head. "Knew she'd take the stallion."

"How'd you know that?" Farr asked at once.

The vixen looked around at him, startled. "Well...er...Everi always takes the males that are rumoured to be...bigger. Not that a stallion needs the rumours..." Her blush told the rest and she turned and hurried away.

What kind of dragon only kidnaps well-hung males? Farr pondered that question as he left the square for one of the buildings bordering it. Even in a town such as this, the tavern was easy to spot. It was one of the largest buildings around, a mixture of stone and wooden logs and three storeys tall. There was a set of chimneys merrily puffing smoke into the sky on top and the ground-level doors were open.

The main room inside was a little smoky but brightly lit and filled with chatter and the smell of food and ale. It was filled with people, no doubt a little more than was usual. News of the kidnapping was spreading quickly, with numerous people hunched over tables. It wasn't just locals though; hunters, trappers, merchants, and travelling entertainers were also present, taking advantage of the food, alcohol, and accommodation. A pair of minstrels, a singer and another with a lute, were sitting at the far end, taking a break from entertaining the crowd.

Filled as it was, when Farr entered the room he received barely a glance, just another stranger after all. There was an empty table not too far from the door and he sat in it with a sigh, relieved to be off his feet. They ached quite a lot and he gratefully slid his pack off his shoulders, though the fox kept it close by his side. Could never be too careful with thieves.

In a surprisingly short amount of time, one of the maids in the tavern swept over. It was a rather shapely female otter and she smiled at Farr. "Hi there, stranger," she beamed. "Name's Lirra. What can I get for you?"

Farr smiled back, looking her up and down with a slight, barely noticeable movement of his eyes. The otter was quite pretty, with a nice face and a pair of breasts that strained enticingly against her blouse. "Well, you're a pretty one," he said, the otter only smiling, obviously used to this. "Some ale, and whatever is hot and fresh, thanks." He reached into a pocket and pulled out a meagre few coins, some of his last from the previous job. "Is this enough?"

Lirra scooped them up. "Sure is," she said with a smile and a nod. "I'll bring it out right away."

"Why don't you sit when you do?" Farr tried. Lirra laughed, but not cruelly, and left with her hips swaying a bit. The fox watched her go, mesmerised by the movement for a few seconds before shaking his head. His pants were already feeling a little tight around the crotch, but there was work to do and lunch at a tavern was one of the best places to gain information.

Farr leaned back against his chair, closing his eyes. The clamour of the room filled his ears and he focused on it, letting it fill his mind. This was a skill and a talent he had honed carefully. Ears twitching, he began to sift through the noises, voices and the words that they were speaking jumping out at him. Concentrating, but not forcing it, he began to listen to the conversations around him.

As expected, they were mostly about the dragon abduction. The words 'Everi', 'dragon', and 'stallion' were being repeated all across the room, usually in tones of resignation. Here and there though, other more regular conversations popped up. One tracker was remarking on how Everi was thinning the deer herds around here. An entertainer was complaining that the winter snows were making it hard to travel around. A third was saying that the town potioneer was running low on ingredients.

_ A potioneer...hmmm,_ Farr thought. _Odd in a town this small...but definitely useful. A little magic goes a long way with dragons._A plan was beginning to form inside the fox's had...a crazy, daring plan but if it worked...

"Here you go!"

Farr's thoughts and careful listening were interrupted as Lirra reappeared. He jumped, eyes snapping open as she put the plate and mug down in front of him. The plate was heaped with a healthy amount of chicken and vegetables, the scent of spices rising from it and making Farr's stomach growl. As Lirra turned, he said quickly, "Not going to sit?"

She laughed. "Not now, foxy," she said, looking him up and down herself, and a lot more flagrantly than he'd done to her. "But...maybe later." She winked and moved back into the crowd. Farr grinned to himself, then began to attack the meal in front of him. Hot, fresh food was more than he'd had in quite a while out on the mountain trails and the fox ate with gusto, pausing only to drain his mug of ale. It was promptly refilled, but unfortunately not by Lirra. Instead it was a decidedly unpretty bull that seemed to be the owner of the tavern.

When his plate had been taken away, his stomach stuffed, Farr nursed another mug of the rather weak alcohol. Both resting and learning, he listened to the tavern talk for the rest of the day. The room stayed consistently filled, people entering as other left. As evening came, the sky darkening early on account of the mountains, more workers and tradesmen came in, the few that hadn't heard of the abduction quickly learning.

There wasn't much more information to be gleaned from the room but Farr continued to listen anyway. Lirra brought him dinner, this time a few slices from a leg of mutton on a spit. As she put it down, her limber tail coiled around Farr's leg for a brief moment, giving it a squeeze before she sauntered off again, smiling. Farr chuckled. Tonight was going to be fun.

A plan to deal with the dragon was mostly formed in his mind now. It was a rather large gamble, and it would require the remainder of his funds, but it was doable. Lirra played a rather large, important role in it though; she'd have to be in on her part...

Farr got up from his seat and found the owner of the tavern. They haggled for almost ten minutes but Farr got a small room. They both looked unhappy with the price that was being paid but Farr dipped into his rapidly diminishing funds to pay for four nights. That would be more than long enough to prepare for Everi. Farr deposited his pack in his room, which was locked with a small brass key. Then he was back downstairs, enjoying the sounds of other people for a while.

Slowly, the night wore on and people left, going home to sleep. Here, most of them would wake up at dawn anyway. Soon only he, the bull, a few drunkards snoozing on tables, and Lirra were left. The otter glanced over at him and smiled as she cleared the tables, disappearing into the kitchen for a while. "Night," she said to the bull when she came back out. He grunted in reply, poring over a ledger. Lirra walked over to the stairs that led to the upper levels, not looking at Farr. As she disappeared though, her tail beckoned to him.

The fox grinned to himself, draining the last few dregs from his mug and setting it aside. Lirra was waiting outside his door, leaning provocatively against the wall. "So, what are you in town for, foxy?" the otter asked, tail curling around her legs.

"Name's Farr," he said, smiling back at her and unlocking the door. She entered first, thick tail swatting him lightly as she passed. He waited until the door was closed to reply to her question. "I'm in town to do a job."

"Oh?" Lirra said, sitting down on the bed. She smiled widely. "Well, you only have to worry about one thing tonight..."

"I'm here to take care of the dragon."

That dropped the smile from her face quickly enough. "Everi?" she said, cautiously. "How do you plan to do that?"

Farr sat beside her, his hands flashing out. The buttons to the top of her blouse were undone in a moment and he pulled it aside to expose her chest. The otter gave a cute little gasp and thrust out her breasts a little, Farr accepting the invitation by squeezing them softly. That drew a soft moan from Lirra, her nipples hardening. Her hand crept around, sitting on the hard bulge in Farr's trousers as he grew. "I'm going to do it with your assistance," he murmured, one hand on her tit as the other crept between her legs. She was already wet and her moan as he touched her there was louder. "But first...I'm going to give you a few reasons to help me..."


The plan was all set; the dragoness should be set to come and get him. The sky was just beginning to lighten, which was perfect. The dragoness would expect him on the road at dawn, undefended and unsuspecting. The last few days had been spent preparing. Whatever money he had had left was sunk into this plan: he'd bought numerous supplies to help him with the dragon but the most expensive by far were three potions. The potioneer in the town had had a tiny selection and his prices were astronomical, but Farr needed them. Lirra had done her part, spreading rumours far and wide that he was the most well-hung male that she had ever seen. He'd offered her a few coins for the trouble but she'd insisted on taking payment another way, joining his bed each night. However Everi was hearing the town's whispers, she had certainly heard these.

Let's hope she takes the bait. Taking his pack with him, Farr set off, the morning cool and the town still mostly asleep. There was almost no one to see him leave. If this didn't work though, he'd have to think of something else...did the dragoness even know of him? Did she even care? With the stallion taken only a few days ago, she might not even be looking for another victim so soon.

I did make it tempting, Farr thought to himself, heart thudding. No matter how many times he did dangerous things like this, it never got any less stressful. The potions he had were same in his pocket, wrapped in leather to protect them. Hopefully, they would be able to help with the dragoness if and when he had to fight her.

Farr left the town quickly enough. Unlike the day he had come in, now he was on a main road. It was far easier to travel this way and he was soon quite a distance from the town. Too far to run back to safety, he noted as the sun properly rose over the mountains, shining down warmly. As it did, a roar sounded. Perfect; she's taking the bait. It wasn't so comforting knowing that the bait was him. Farr spun around, looking to where he knew the dragoness's cave to be. Sure enough, there was a shape soaring into the air, and not flying towards the town: it was flying towards the fox instead.

He broke into a run, heading towards the town again; it didn't require much acting skill to pretend to be scared. When a dragon was flying at him intently, that was really the only appropriate reaction. His feet pounded along the ground but the sound of his footsteps was quickly obscured by the much louder sound of wingbeats. There was another roar, this one seeming right above Farr and so loud that he covered his ears as he ran.

A shadow fell over him and then there was a lurching feeling as Farr's feet left the ground, an iron grip around his shoulders. He let out a yelp, unprepared for the sight of the ground quickly dropping away until they were very high indeed. Twisting and looking up, the fox saw the dragoness's belly above him. Her front paws were holding him securely, claws pricking through his clothes and he grabbed onto them himself, awfully aware of how far it was to fall. This might have been a bad idea!

There was a chuckling growl from overhead as the dragon sped back home, taking Farr with her. The fox didn't dare struggle lest he get dropped. Banking sharply, they began to rise. Farr saw a sharp cliff-face below him with a dark opening at the top. He gulped. If she lived at the top of this cliff, then this was all-or-nothing; he had to win, because there was no other way out of the cave. Scaling that would be near impossible.

The dragoness beat her wings in reverse as they reached the top. The claws on Farr's shoulders released and he was sent rolling into the cave with a yelp, panting and relieved to be on solid ground again. There was a loud thump as the dragoness landed behind him in the cave entrance, a smile on her muzzle. The fox scrambled to his feet warily, hand moving to his pocket where the potions were.

As he looked towards Everi, he was struck again with her small size; the dragoness's shoulder was about level with his head. The next thing was the potent scents in the air. After his first breath, Farr felt almost light-headed. The scent of draconic heat was strong in the cave, so strong that Farr had to breathe through his mouth instead of his nose. Beneath it was the smell of sex and male musk, overpowering as well and only just covered by the scent of Everi's heat. How long has she been in heat for the cave to smell like this?

"Very nice," the dragoness purred suddenly from the entrance. "You'll make a fine addition to my cave, fox."

Farr let out a growl, though he was hardly a physical threat to the dragon. "I am here on behalf of the townspeople," he declared. "Why have you been kidnapping its citizens?"

The dragoness laughed and began to walk forwards. Farr backed up as she twisted, forcing him against a wall. He pressed against the side of the cave, teeth bared, but she simply walked past. "I'll get you set up in a minute," she laughed. "There's no escape from here unless you can fly!"

As she passed, Farr realised that her tail was being held high, keeping her sex exposed. It was swollen and red with heat, dripping with arousal and a clear target on her underbelly. As his eyes followed her, he gasped in shock. This was not what he expected to find.

There were chains and manacles set clumsily into the walls and hanging from these were half a dozen of the townsmen. They were muzzled and gagged, forced to hang from the walls naked, but that wasn't what surprised Farr. Milkers had been attached to all of them, sucking and vibrating their cocks at once. Tubes led from the ends of the milkers to a machine at the other end of the cave and it was to this that Everi was walking.

"This is your fate," she called back. "You'll give me your essence! Every drop..."

An urgent grunting neigh sounded from close by and Farr saw the closest captive struggling and looking at him with wide eyes. It was the stallion, the most recent abductee from the village. His cock was erect in front of him, a long, thick milker placed over it and sucking intently on his length. It was vibrating as well and as Farr watched, a long moaning neigh came from the stallion as he tensed, an explosion of thick cum pulsing into the milker. The seed was whisked away into the tubes at once but the milker didn't stop. It would have caused painful overstimulation, but the stallion had fainted from the strength of the orgasm and hung there limply.

Beyond him, there was a ram, a large canine, and a few others that came from the town. The stallion had been the most active before fainting, twisting and turning and vocalising. Some of the others did so too, but with less vigour. The ones further into the cave didn't do much moving at all, staring blankly into the opposite wall as the milkers worked, draining them dry regularly.

Meanwhile, the dragoness was approaching the machine at the end of the cave. All of the milkers connected to it and it was this that provided the suction. "You will keep me young and healthy," the dragoness purred, almost to herself. She opened a small panel in the machine and a strong glow of blue light flared out. In spite of himself, Farr came closer, watching. There was a container full of cum in the compartment and something above it, glowing powerfully...

It's a gem! A magic gem! Everi must be using it to take the power from all the cum...keep her young and healthy forever... On cue, the dragoness sat back on her haunches, grabbed the container of cum and began to drink it greedily. The light in the gem slowly dwindled as she drank but Everi's scaled seemed to become shinier, more lustrous. She let a long moan as she finished the container, a fresh wave of heat-scent wafting down the passage towards Farr. He staggered a little bit.

"Mmmm," the dragoness said with a grin, licking her lips and placing the container back into the machine. "Right, let's get you hooked up, foxy." She stalked towards Farr and the fox backed up.

What to do? He thought feverishly; once he was bound, it was all over. He needed a plan. "You're a very smart dragoness," he said nervously, hand inching towards his pocket again. Flattery, that should work. "Setting all this up, takes a lot of brains." Farr glanced back; he was almost to the entrance and the only thing beyond that was a very big drop. "How does it work? And why are you in heat?"

Everi stopped, purring a little as she arched her neck. "I am very smart," she agreed. "The heat is a side effect of the magic. Can't drink magical cum without a few other effects. I've grown to like it though. Can't mate with anyone, or I'll get eggs, but there are other ways around that..." Her voice trailed off, eyes becoming a little glazed as the dragoness's tail curled around, the tip sliding easily into her soaked pussy. Every moaned, panting a little as she gave her tail a few quick thrusts, but she shook her head a moment later, breaking the trance and peering at Farr.

"You're different from most of the males I bring here," she noted, a slight purr to the words. "Most of them plead or beg, at least until they're muzzled. Then it's just a lot of moaning as they cum and cum and cum." She licked her lips. "And once I'm done with them...well, they don't say too much..." Her voice trailed off once more before she shook her head again. "Heat makes my brain a little fuzzy sometimes."

"And the magic?" Farr prompted, looking around carefully. Has to be something that I can use...

Every brightened. "That's the gem!" She turned, obviously rather excited to finally be able to explain her ingenious plan to someone. She opened the same panel in the machine as before. The glow illuminated her scales again as she plucked the source from a small cradle at the top of the compartment. It was a small crystal, barely larger than her claws. Maybe a kind of sapphire, it glowed brilliantly in the cave. "It takes the life essence in the cum and converts it, so that when I drink it's all transferred to me."

"You thought this up yourself?"

Every nodded proudly. "All me! No one else knows the secret; made this precious gem myself. Of course, the males can be drained a bit too much; leaves them funny." She shrugged. "But that's why I live near a big town. I can just keep changing them. Speaking of that..." The dragoness turned to Farr again with a growl, the gem enclosed safely in her claws. "Strip!" she commanded, licking her lips again. "Can't hook you up if you're wearing that."

When Farr didn't immediately obey, her growl grew louder. "I'll do it if you want," she said, walking forwards, a little unbalanced with one paw holding her precious gem. "But you don't want my claws cutting through your clothes, believe me. I'll almost certainly nick you too."

"All right!" Farr said, holding up his hands placatingly. The potions were in the secret pocket of his shirt, so he'd have to remove the clothing from his bottom half first. Under Everi's watchful and eager gaze, he unbuckled his belt slowly, letting it fall to the ground.

"Let's see if I made a good choice..." the dragoness murmured, smiling again as he pulled down his trousers, kicking them off. As soon as his sheath and balls were visible, Everi lowered her head, looking at them closely, her tail raising itself even higher subconsciously. The dragoness smiled as, now free, Farr's length began to poke free from the sheath, slowly hardening and emerging. "Looks like my heat is getting to you too," she teased with a giggle. "Too bad you can't do anything for that..."

The dragoness leaned forwards, sniffing at his crotch avidly, the musk making her shiver. "Take off the rest," she ordered.

Farr gulped. It was now or never. He slowly began to remove his shirt, taking the precious bottles of potion in their wrapping and holding them securely in his paw. Everi simply watched him lustily for a few seconds before she noticed that he was holding something. "What's that?" she said, a warning growl underlying the words. "Let me see!"

The fox moved quickly, kicking out at the paw that was holding her precious gem. It was a risky move, but one that payed off. The dragoness let her paw fly open in surprise, the gem flying out and skittering along the floor. As Farr predicted, she let out a yelp and immediately turned to run over to it, completely ignoring Farr while she didn't have her jewel. With the dragoness's eyes off of him, Farr leapt for the only thing he could use: an oversized milking tube hanging on the wall.

This tube was quite large, bigger even than the one being used on the stallion, long and wide to accommodate the biggest of lengths. There was a switch on the cord connecting it to the machine and as Farr flicked it, the milker shuddered into life. The whole thing began to vibrate and the sound of sucking was clearly audible as he hefted the large cylinder.

The gem had flown into a pile of torn clothing and Everi was bent over it, pawing through the scraps of cloth. "Got it!" she said, holding up the sapphire triumphantly and the growling. Farr struck and the growl turned into a surprised howl instead.

With Everi facing way from Farr, there was one main target: her heat swollen pussy. With the folds wet and red on her pale underbelly, it was easy to aim at and even easier to hit. Farr shoved the milking cylinder forwards into Everi's sex. The dragoness howled and jerked forwards, but it was too late. The suction in the milker was strong and it attached itself to Everi easily. Her juices helped seal it and then the milker pulled itself even deeper into Everi's heated tunnel. There was a loud moan from Everi and she turned shakily. "What are you doing?" she growled, a moan tailing the words. "I'm going to milk you dry, fox!"

She twisted, her tail slamming into the fox's chest, sending Farr flying back and knocking all of the air from his lungs. He landed heavily and with a loud, "Ooph!" Everi twisted, moaning as that moved the milker inside her, then leapt at the fox, claws outstretched and a snarl on her face. Farr clenched his fist on the leather package in his hand, wincing as he prepared for the dragoness's claws to meet his body. It didn't happen. Instead, Everi yelped again.

The cord leading to the milker currently stuck in her pussy snapped taut and the suction was too strung to yank it from her sex. Instead, it brought the entire dragoness to a halt. With Farr out of reach of her claws, she tried instead to bite him, jaws opening wide. This was the moment; Farr lightly tossed the pouch of potions into her mouth.

As expected, Everi, surprised as she was, bit down on instinct. Her teeth punctured the bag, releasing the potions inside. The pressure forced the potions out into her mouth and down her throat, the dragoness swallowing it automatically before her eyes widened. Spitting out the punctured leather, she growled. "What was that...?" Her voice trailed off into a moan, her muzzle closing as she shuddered.

Seeing another opening, Farr got up, holding his side and wheezing. The fox ripped the milker off of the stallion nearby, the cord breaking off as he jammed it down the dragoness's muzzle while she was distracted, keeping her jaws pressed tightly together. Everi yelped in surprise, coming back around but her eyes quickly became unfocused, nostrils flaring as she inhaled the potent stallion musk that covered the inside of the milker. With the musk in her nose, her heat flared, her sex clenching and milking the device inside her sex powerfully. She moaned, unable to really move, hind legs spread wide as she teetered in place for a moment, then fell onto her side.

Farr smiled, still holding his side. Good; the potions are working. There were three, all meant for livestock. One caused a temporary paralysis, usually for inspecting dangerous animals. That was the most important, but the other two were supposed to distract her. One caused an increase in fertility, and the other an increase in milk production in cattle. With her being in heat, not to mention a dragon, Farr didn't know what effect that the concoctions would have on her. For the moment though, she'd be out of commission.

The fox took the opportunity to inspect the bruise beginning to appear on his chest. Everi had gotten a good hit in but it just seemed to be a bruise; she hadn't broken ribs or anything. He looked down at Everi, walking over to stand beside her. "This cost me a fair bit of gold," he said, knocking her paw with a foot. Everi growled weakly and her paw shifted a few inches towards him before falling limp again. "It's a high-quality potion," he said, squatting down beside the dragoness. "They all are. The town will pay me a fair bit to stop you though." He grinned. "Plus the personal pleasure of having a dragoness to play with."

His pack was discarded near the cave entrance and he retrieved it, quickly rooting through it. He'd left almost all of his own things back in the inn, stuffing chains inside instead. He took out a pile of rattling chains with a couple of locks as well. Everi glared at him as he approached, trying to speak into the tube but her words were muffled beyond understanding. While the paralysis was still in effect, Farr got to work. "We'll get you some proper cuffs back in the town," he explained, taking a roll of bandages from the pile of metal. They were thick linen, and good quality. Farr quickly forced her paws to curl, wrapping them tightly in the linen. Quickly, the paw was turned into a useless ball. "See? Safe for me now?"

Everi's muffled grunts made it through the tube but she only twitched. Farr sneaked a peak beneath her tail and grinned. "Perhaps you like this?" he said, starting on her other front paw. "You're wet enough; I can see you clenching on that like a whore." The dragoness's blush was visible as her front paws were rendered useless, her hind feet following quickly. Farr saw that she was beginning to get more movement back and moved faster. The chain hobbled her front paws so she'd have to move them together and Farr locked it on.

For her hind legs, Farr chained them individually and then stuck a bar between them, grunting at the weight. It was heavy iron and used to be an axle or something. Now it was a good improvised spreader bar, and the extra weight would help restrict the dragoness's movement further. He also wrapped her wings tightly, not knowing how dangerous they were likely to be. Lastly was her tail. Farr already knew that it was a formidable weapon and wrapped it in chains as well, securing it to her neck and keeping it raised. "As long as you don't try anything with that tail, you won't be choked with the chain."

Slowly, the first potion wore off, Everi beginning to struggle and twist. She got stronger and stronger, beginning to growl and twist again. Her claws strained against the linen, balled up inside but unable to break free. Her growls echoed off in the inside of the tube as she twisted, the paralysis worn off now. Farr was pleased to see that she couldn't work anything free and she seemed to realise it as well, falling still with a whine.

Farr smiled; this was working out better than he had ever hoped. Better yet, now he had a dragoness to play with. The fox let a hand trail down beneath her tail while she was busy trying to separate her fore-paws. He touched her pussy, wet and dripping around the wide shaft of the milker and the dragoness jumped. Her heat made itself known immediately as Everi moaned, arching and humping into his touch before she could stop herself with a blush. Through the clear surface of the milking tube, he could see deep into her pussy and see her clenching down on it, a fair bit of her arousal leaking out around it. Inside, it was sucking at her depths firmly, vibrating softly.

In fact, as Farr watched, the clenching seemed to get faster, gasps coming from the dragoness as she snorted in stallion musk. "My, my," Farr said with a snicker, recognising the signs. "You must be sensitive in your heat if this is all it takes for you to cum."

The dragoness twisted to growl at him but he touched her sex and she broke into a moan again, pressing against his hand. The clenching of her sex got more frequent and her moans louder before finally, the dragoness erupted. Everi bucked and howled muffledly, humping against the fox's hand and into the milker, her juices whisked away by the suction. It seemed to last and last, the dragoness twitching and humping, eyes half-closed as the pleasure ran through her. As she was still coming down from her climax, Farr turned the vibrating milker off, Everi moaning as it stopped moving around inside her.

Experimentally, Farr pushed at her lower belly, looking closely. His hand pressed into her just below her sex, between her hinds. The spreader bar creaked as she tried to close her thighs but it held. "I think one of the other potions is working," he said smugly. "I thought it best to overwhelm you, but they didn't exactly have a wide selection. This was meant for cattle...technically a herd. A drop in their water; hope you don't mind, but I gave you the entire bottle. Can you guess what the potion was for?"

Eyes widening, Everi twisted around to see the point that Farr was rubbing, a low moan sounding in her throat as she saw. With her legs kept spread by the spreader bar, Everi had an excellent view of the space between her hinds, whining out in concern. The scales there were softening into hide and soft flesh filling the space out. With a loud whine, Everi realised what is was forming. "Nnnnnmmm cmmmmm!" she howled into the tube, wide eyed and a little panicked as Farr laughed.

An udder was forming on the dragoness's underbelly, scales softening into hide and then turning into soft flesh that rapidly began to fill out and grow. Every shuddered and let out a long groan as four large teats appeared as the udder grew taut, filling quickly from the inside. Farr ran a hand over it and Everi jerked with a whine. "Sensitive?" he guessed. "Well, it does look very full. Guess if a potion to make milk is given to a creature that can't, it makes you able to make milk."

The dragoness yelped as he touched her new udder, squeezing one of the teats. A squirt of milk shot across the cave. "Might be able to make money off of you with this," Farr mused. "Potioneers and the rich would pay quite a bit for dragon milk. Bet it has all kinds of magical properties."

At that, Everi growled and tried to kick out of him with her hind leg. The chain snapped taut before she could deliver much forced and her claws were bundled safely away but the strike still sent Farr stumbling back. He let out a growl himself, returning to the back and taking out a thin, strong rope. He began to wrap that around her muzzle, slowly sliding the tube off of Everi's face and replacing it with the twine. As her muzzle was freed, she could spit out a few mangled words, though her jaws were still kept locked shut.

"Reverse this!" she snarled through her closed jaws, glaring at him. "I'll tear you apart!"

In response to the threat, Farr gave the dragoness's new udder a sharp pinch, claws digging into one of the teats. She gave a muffled howl but Farr saw her sex clench, the fox returning to stroking the udder instead. "You must be in a deep heat for that to arouse you," he laughed. "Or just that sensitive?" Farr found his hand moving almost on its own, down to his own length. It was only then that he remembered that the dragoness had made him expose himself, and he was very, very hard. His knot was already partly inflated, all from just having the bound dragoness in front of him. Not mention the powerful smell of heat. Even though it was draconic, the powerful pheromones were still very enticing.

"Fuck you!" the dragoness snarled, squirming again. Her ineffectual struggles made Farr laugh and sit back on his legs, watching as she strained against the metal.

"Stop that," he said lightly, not putting much force into the words. The weak order only made the dragoness snarl and growl with greater intensity, chains clinking and jangling as they snapped taut. He waited for a few more moments, allowing her the chance to calm on her own. When she didn't do so, Farr smiled wider and brought his paw down on her udder in a strong slap.

The dragoness jerked but seemed too shocked to respond immediately, the sensation taking a few seconds to reach her brain. When it did, she howled, wriggling and squirming more energetically. As she was still moving, Farr slapped her udder again, then her rump. That last strike had less of an effect, so he directed the next hit beneath her tail, right onto her heat-swollen sex. Again, it took a second for the dragoness to realise what had happened before a yelping howl burst from her jaws. As she howled, Farr spotted how her sex quivered and clenched.

"Kinky dragoness indeed," he snickered, and did it again, and again after that. The flurry of swats made the dragoness quiver and squirm, yelps and howls eventually merging with moans as her sex got wetter, dripping onto the floor as the scent of heat got stronger. Her hide grew a little red, a tint beneath the bronze colour as her smacked at her, driving her arousal higher and higher. By the time that he was done, she was gasping, most of her rump soaked as she moaned weakly. The lust running through her made it hard for the dragoness to do anything but clench her sex over and over, mind hazy.

As distracted as she was, it took Everi a few moments to realise that Farr was moving, picking out the smaller milkers from their places on the walls. "What are you doing?" she panted, trying to growl but too aroused to do so. It was taking all she had not to moan.

Farr didn't answer verbally but his movements were clear enough. The milking tubes were all about the same size, and near perfectly matched the dragoness's new teats. Everi took a breath, ready to complain and make more threats, when Farr slid one of the tubes down a teat. The touch to the overly-sensitive flesh made her moan and quiver, something that continued as he fit the tubes over her other three teats, flipping the switches to activate them.

The dragoness groaned and convulsed, eyes squeezed tightly shut. The milking tubes began to work at a steady pace, squeezing her teats every second, the ends tight against her udder. It took only moment for the first squirt of thick white liquid to be whisked away into the tube, all of the milkers emptying her udder at once, slowly.

The fox watched with a large grin on his face. Everi seemed to have forgotten that he was there and he noticed that her sex was clenching in time with the milkers. The dragoness's eyes were closed and she was letting out small huffs and moans. His smile widened as she began to squirm, moaning more loudly as an obvious orgasm approached, her sex dripping faster. "Going to cum from being milked?" he said loudly, just as she was about to cum.

Everi's eyes flew open guiltily and she blushed hard beneath her scales, but it was too late to stop herself from falling off the edge. She gave a muffled howl into her closed jaws as she climaxed, the pleasure prolonged by the milkers that didn't stop or slow. The fox patted her sex, making her jump and growl weakly. "You have fun," Farr told her, eyes on a prize he hadn't expected here.

The sapphire was laying on the ground where the dragoness had dropped it, glowing gently. This was something that he had never dreamed was possible, and now that the dragoness was contained, he could appreciate it. She used it to gain eternal youth,he thought to himself. Perhaps I can do the same... He left Everi to moan and squirm as she was milked, returning to the milking machine she had at the back of her cave.

Opening the panel form which she had extracted the gem, Farr exposed the container that had contained all of the male cum. Now, however, it was mostly filled with Everi's fresh milk, as well as a decent amount of her arousal from when he had thrust the tube into her sex, about to overflow. Too excited over this discovery to really think it through, Farr slotted the sapphire back into the frame above the contained, activating it. Powerful blue light shone into the container and a magical tingle spread through the fox's fur wherever the light touched.

Copying what the dragoness had done before, he removed the container, holding it with both hands. As she was still connected to the machine, Everi's milk flowed out of the machine, no longer caught by the container but Farr didn't care. He lifted the mixture to his muzzle and began to drink greedily. It tasted like one would expect. The dragoness's milk was rich and creamy, and the juices of her heat only added to the taste. The fox gulped it down and as he did, warmth flooded through his body, along with a sense of power and rejuvenation.

Swallowing the last few drops, he threw the container aside, gasping as the magic flooded him. He felt stronger, faster, and better. It was like all the stuff he'd never noticed that was wrong were suddenly gone, leaving him perfect. "Wow!" he gasped, making Everi look at him with wide eyes. "I can see why you like this!"

With the feeling of strength flowing through him came a healthy dose of arousal too and the fox's cock stiffened further, already out of his sheath from Everi's scent and from playing with her. The tingling feeling of magic seemed to be concentrated in that area and Farr looked down at himself a little quizzically. His length pulsed a little with his heartbeat, throbbing gently, but the fox thought... No, it can't be...

He smiled, wrapping a hand around his length experimentally. It is! His cock was growing slowly, more than just getting erect. Whatever the effects of the gem, it was making him bigger as well. His size wasn't just the only thing that was growing; a few drops of precum fell from his tip as he groaned softly, arousal increasing. The need to bury his shaft inside something was quickly taking over and his eyes fell on the dragoness in front of him. Her sex was pointed right at him, open and still clenching as she was milked, so slick she'd made a puddle on the floor.

It barely required conscious thought as he all but ran to her, dropping to his knees behind the ness. That put him at near the perfect height, Farr's length an inch away from her heated folds. With the milking still going on, Everi was distracted and didn't even notice that he was there until the tip of his cock pressed against her pussy. She jerked with a gasp. "What are you doing?" she panted, a hint of concern to the words. She'd said she couldn't have sex lest she risk getting pregnant; perhaps her hyper-fertility extended to even Farr. Considering the added effects of the fertility potion that Farr had given her, that was almost assured.

Farr wasn't thinking at all about that though. He grabbed a handful of the dragoness's udder, making her shudder, as he guided his shaft towards her wet lips with the other. Everi moaned and growled at the touch to her udder, still feeling full and warm even after so much milking. "Stop that!"

"No," Farr said simply and both he and the dragoness moaned as he pushed into her. As soon as he did so, her sex began rippling and clenching, trying to draw him deeper, practically milking the fox already.

"Done it yet?" the dragoness panted, twisting to glare at him. "You're the smallest male I've ever taken... I can barely...nngh...feel you." Her snippy remarks were cut off in a howl as Farr found her clit, giving it a small pinch. She kept on going. "Nothing compared to a dragon," she panted, moaning as he played with her clit.

"We'll see," Farr said simply, breathing rather heavily himself. He pushed deeper into the dragoness, moaning as, despite her words, she clenched and rippled along him, tighter than what he expected for her size. She was slick and very wet, her juices matting Farr's fur as he pressed his belly against her, half-inflated knot resting inside her. She was large and loose enough to allow that. For now. He squeezed her udder and began to thrust, a strong moan bursting from him.

The sensation of growth was much stronger now, his shaft slowly growing thicker and longer. It wasn't confined to just his length either. Farr was sure that his balls were growing larger and heavier as well, filling with seed. "Still small," Everi huffed but her eyes were closed again and her hips were making small rocking motions that she was clearly trying to suppress. "Maybe...nnnggghh...get the stallion..."

The fox didn't reply, making another long thrust into the dragoness. Farr began a fast pace, drawing out to the tip and then thrusting in until his half-swollen knot was inside her again. Everi huffed and squirmed, trying to hide the pleasure that she was feeling but it was a losing battle for the dragoness. The milker was still going on her new udder and she'd been in heat so long without ever once feeling a real cock. Now that there was one inside her, the dragoness's heated body was responding with enthusiastic approval.

Still Farr grew. His balls were clearly larger, almost twice as big and still growing. They felt full in a way that made the fox groan, thrusting faster, but the changes to his cock were even more impressive. His knotted length resembled a stallion for size now and it showed no signs of stopping. Everi had stopped mocking his size now, moaning through her tightly closed jaws. Farr felt a climax approaching already but he held off, wanting to wait and see how much he changed before the magic ran out.

Everi's pussy grew tighter and tighter around him, even with her greater size. That was when she really started to moan, clenching down on him tightly as her sex tried to milk the fox. The changes only began to slow when he approached a small dragon in length and girth, and his knot was larger still. It looked obscenely big on the fox's small body, but he wasn't complaining and neither was Everi. Her sex was going wild along his length, his tip deep inside her as his knot hammered against her entrance, trying to force its way into the dragoness.

Farr was moaning along with her, both of them rapidly approaching a climax. Everi had given up any semblance of self-control, moaning and whining loudly as she humped into Farr's thrusts as much as she could in her bondage. The milker was still drawing heavy spurts from her teats, the dragoness's udder seemingly endless. No matter what, it remained full and plump. Farr's balls, now each the size of his fist, swung against Everi, wet with her juices as he felt his knot growing. He let out a growl, almost ready but needing that last little bit.

The dragoness, now with an appropriately sized cock in her sex, was too tight to easily allow the entry of the knot but Farr wasn't to be denied. He drew back then thrust forwards as hard as he could. For a second, Everi's entrance strained around the bulge at Farr's base, but then he popped in, moaning loudly as his knot swelled the rest of the way, locking them together tightly. The dragoness yelped as the knot spread her wider than anything had before but the sensation tipped her over the edge, the dragon and the fox cumming together.

Farr's balls drew close to his body and a veritable flood burst from his tip, helped along by the tight, clenching waves of Everi's sex along his length, the bound ness milking him firmly as she gasped and shuddered and moaned. After a minute, she went limp, panting hard through her nose. "Well, you're my bitch now," Farr said with a laugh. For once, Everi didn't have a snappy comeback, whimpering quietly as she sagged in the chains. Deep inside, her womb was drinking in Farr's seed, no doubt already fertilising a clutch. It wouldn't be long until her belly began to swell with eggs, and they both knew it.

More jets and pulses of thick come came from Farr's cock but his balls were finally feeling empty and the flow was dying off. As a vulpine, it wouldn't stop until his knot had shrunk but Farr wasn't waiting for that. Even though his knot was still at full size, he began to roll his hips, tugging at it. Everi's eyes flew back open at that, a small yelp rising from her throat as the large bulb yanked at her entrance. "Stop that," she whined, but the words were tremulous and there was little force behind them.

"Quiet, bitch," Farr grunted, still tugging. To his surprise, Everi fell silent, only whining and letting out small yelps as he slowly worked his knot free of her pussy. A large bulge appeared beneath her folds as they were displaced a little from below. With a powerful tug, Farr yanked his hips back, the large knot popping free of her sex with a loud yelp from the ness. "My my," he smirked, looking down at himself. "Quite a big improvement. And look..." He used a hand to spread Everi's folds. She was gaping open lewdly from where his knot and cock had stretched her, and thick cum was dripping from her entrance slowly. "I can see why you never let anyone beneath your tail. Look how loose you've gotten!"

There was an embarrassed whine from Everi and she blushed, but the dragoness seemed lost for words, not responding beyond those sounds. When she did finally speak, it was in a pleading, supplicating voice. "Are you going to give me back my crystal?"

Farr smiled and opened his mouth when an idea struck him. "Sure," he said with a wide grin, moving over to his pack and grabbing out a needle and some wire. "You can take it with us."

Everi blinked at that. "With 'us'?"

The fox smirked, going over to the machine and pulling the sapphire from it. With the wire, he made a small net around the jewel, bending the thick gauge with ease. Stronger now, he thought. "Of course," he said loudly so Everi could hear him. "I said it before: you're mine now. I'm taking you with me, my dragon bitch. Not giving you or that crystal up. Besides, who else is big enough to take my cock now?"

That drew a whine from Everi but her struggles were conspicuously absent. Needle in one hand, wire wrapped gem in the other, Farr knelt beside the dragoness's sex again. His cock was still hard, of course, and he was almost tempted to fuck her again, but he resisted. Everi couldn't see what was happening which made Farr smile. This would be a shock. He spread her folds again, searching until he found the dragoness's clit again. There was a rather undragony squeal as he manipulated it, Everi's hips bucking and squirming as he touched her small nub, gripping it between his claws.

Manoeuvring the needle carefully, Farr thrust it through her clit. The sensation took a few more moments to reach the unsuspecting dragoness before she howled. "Quiet!" he ordered.

Again, to his surprise the dragoness obeyed, whimpering but not making anything louder than that. Quickly, Farr pushed the wire through the newly made hole, making her whine and tremble. He took the end and coiled it around the gem, making a piercing that the dragoness would never be able to take out herself. To do that, she'd have to unwind the wire, which she couldn't do with her claws. To his surprise, the new gem-piercing glowed, healing the tiny wound in her clit. "Wonderful magic," he said and dropped the gem, letting its weight hang from the most sensitive point on her body.

Then he noticed something far more interesting. His cum was dripping from her gaping sex which still hadn't closed up. The thick seed ran down over the gem which glowed brighter. Slowly, her pussy began to tighten again, returning to how it looked before he'd stretched her out. A fresh wave of heat scent filled the air as she moaned, put right back to the depths of her heat. "Well, well, it still works," the fox said with a laugh, slapping her sex. "Guess that if you want to use your magic, you'll have to keep getting fucked. Over and over and over..."

At that, he stuck a few fingers inside her, feeling her restored tightness, when he had his next great idea. The fox picked up the tube from the milker that had been in her pussy and unceremoniously stuffed it back into Everi. It slid in easily enough, though her renewed tightness made her moan and huff. "What are you doing?" she moaned, clenching and milking the tube. It was an honest question.

Farr returned to the milking machine, switching the sucking functions off. Everi shuddered as the milkers on her teats stopped. "I'm not one to be wasteful," he said, opening other panels in the machine. They were filled with spare cum that Everi had collected, still linked to the machine via tubes. "Besides, I want you to have a nice big clutch!"

He flicked a switch and the machine hummed again, Everi whining but offering no resistance, looking towards the tubing. The machine whirred, reversing the flow from the storage tanks. The thick cum sped down the tube, filling the milker inside her pussy and then moving deeper. The pumps were very effective and a lot of cum was stored in the machine. Everi moaned and squirmed, sex clenching so tightly that the tube couldn't come out.

Meanwhile, her womb was still accepting all of the cum that the machine had stored within it. Her belly began to expand from within, and still the machine pumped into her. Everi moaned and huffed as her egg chamber was filled to the brim and then some. By the time that the machine's tanks began to run dry, her belly looked like a fair-sized clutch was already within it, the dragoness's full udder below it. Farr double-checked to make sure that all of the tanks were empty and switched the machine off for the last time.

"How do you feel?" he asked, smiling as he yanked on the tube in her pussy. It slid out with a wet pop, a small flood of cum following it but, compared to the amount inside her, not that much. The gem glowed brighter, keeping Everi horny, tight, and in heat. She whined and whimpered but she didn't say anything. The dragoness was staring at Farr in an odd way. Has she...submitted? Farr wondered. He didn't know terribly much about dragons but this was one was acting odd. He'd heard rumours of dragons behaving submissively to others, willingly acting as all but slaves. Apparently, he'd gotten this one to do so to him by beating her, restraining her, and then fucking her well enough to breed.

"You're mine now," Farr said, breathing in deeply. This might be a big mistake, but...well, he was feeling brave. He unlocked the makeshift spreader bars from the dragoness, letting her draw her hind legs closed. At least, she tried to; as soon as her legs squished her udder a tiny bit, she moaned and spread them again. Her claws were still balled up in the linen, but a kick from her could seriously injure or kill. Everi stared at him, then slowly got to her feet, moaning as she kept her hind spreads, wary of her udder and belly. They threw her off balance a little, especially considering her forepaws were still bound together. She tried to bring her hinds closer together again but gave a long moan as the motion squeezed her udder.

That hung beneath her heavily, still very tender and overfull with milk. The dragoness tried to keep her hind legs closed but that was impossible. It put pressure on the sensitive organ, enough to send a squirt from one of her teats. Whining, she kept her hinds spread and a little bent.

Farr waited, tensed, for her to attack him but the dragoness only whined, bending her head so that it was below his and looking up at him. She shivered and whined as he pat her muzzle, a hint of a growl appearing but it cut off soon enough. "You're mine now," he repeated softly.

Everi shivered and closed her eyes.


The townspeople always stayed well back from Farr and his new 'pet'. Everi had carried him and all of her prisoners back to the town from her cliff-top home. He'd kept her paws balled and forelegs chained, along with her makeshift muzzle, but the dragoness had shown no inclination of disobeying. She did whatever he said, whining sometimes but never outright refusing.

Right now, she was gazing at him as he sat on a stool, milking her as he would a common cow on the outskirts of town. She shifted and moaned as he tugged on her teats, thick squirts of milk shooting into a pail. Everi was blushing powerfully as others watched her being milked, especially when she moaned or squirmed from the touches to her udder. It was a rather long process, milking Everi. Farr was careful to never make her cum from it, but that meant stopping frequently to let the hypersensitive ness calm down.

She had a proper muzzle on her now, steel and with a bit and connecting reigns. Unlike a horse's bit, this one had a gag built in to keep her from speaking. Likewise, there was a saddle and bags on her, and her legs had some proper cuffs. Thick leather and chainmail bags hid her claws, impervious to claws and teeth, her gear ensuring she couldn't use either unless Farr desired it. The townspeople had been very grateful indeed for his help, and the 'product' he made from the dragoness.

Her udder never emptied, no matter how much she was milked but that was good. There were close to three dozen males that were all but catatonic after Everi had drained them dry. Farr though, had found a way to restore them. The pail was nearly full of milk and he gave her udder a slap as he pulled it away. Everi yelped but did as she was supposed to, squatting over the bucket a little. The jewel swung from her clit, right over the bucket and already glowing. The lips of her pussy spread even further as she bent down, but they never really closed now. With the perpetually full and aching udder, she kept her legs spread. That had the added effect of parting her sex a little and letting her inner folds peak out, especially her clit though that stood out anyway with the piercing.

Everi, still in heat and always dripping, moaned as he began to play with her pussy, making her arousal fall steadily into the bucket to mix with her milk. The glow of the gem became brilliant and he stopped, not letting her cum. That drew a whimper from the dragoness but she knew the rules: she was only to cum when he fucked her. It kept her extra needy and even more receptive and submissive.

Already, there was a sizable clutch growing in her belly. The dragoness was fatter, moving slower, but her heat hadn't abated. If anything, being pregnant made her more needy, not less. Farr didn't think that the eggs would be viable, but he still enjoyed the look of the swollen hen. Once the mixture of her juices and milk was changed by the gem, Farr took a generous gulp himself, gasping as the warmth flowed through him, making him stronger and rejuvenating him. Beneath his loincloth, his cock stiffened but he ignored that urge for now. The loincloth was the only thing he could wear now with his enhanced length.

"Ooh, yeah, that's the stuff," he muttered, taking Everi's reigns in his hand and walking her back to the buildings. She didn't resist, the leather strands only tugging at her for a moment before she followed, waddling a little awkwardly with the weight of her clutch and her udder. Farr had quickly grown to love her walk. With her inability to close her hind legs any reasonable distance, and her belly, she wasn't that fast. The watching crowd moved back, except for a village leader. They came out, taking the pail with a silent nod before walking away. That was the last bucket that Farr had promised. With the gear for Everi, and her saddlebags packed with food and supplies, Farr was done with this town.

The fox clambered onto the saddle, strapping himself into it and taking a deep breath. He still wasn't used to this but flicked the reigns. Everi gave a small moan and leapt into the sky, beating her wings. Even with his weight, and the weight of the bags and everything else, she could still fly quite well and fast; it just tired her out faster. The dragon and the fox soared effortlessly over ground it would have taken hours for Farr alone to cross, leaving the valley behind.

It was only two hours later though that Everi began to descend, panting. The effort of flying added up quickly, but as they landed heavily, Farr slipped off. He had a way of getting Everi ready for flight quickly enough; his cum and the gem restored her energy. He flipped up his loincloth, Everi immediately raising her tail needily to expose her sex, whining with desire. Farr rapidly got hard, gripping his knot and grinning as he approached his dragoness, eyes on her eternally-wet sex.

My New Rubber Pet

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The Desert Trap

Myra shielded her eyes, looking over the flat, sandy ground into the distance. The sun beat down all around her, the air shimmering as heat reflected off of the earth. Luckily, the hippogryph's white feathers on her top half deflected most of the heat....

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My Pet Babysitter

"There's food in the pantry and cupboards," the vixen reassured Tamara. The border collie was shorter even than the vulpine, though not by much. "You can make it fresh if you want, or just heat up something from the fridge." "Thanks," Tam smiled. The...

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