The Problem with Pipes - June Rule 34 Story #1

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#69 of Patreon

After Roy Koopa escapes from his world with a magic wand, he encounters another turtle with an attitude under the streets of New York and decides to take advantage of his fellow reptile.


Thank you all for supporting this on my Patreon! <3 Enjoy!

"The Problem with Pipes"

Roy Koopa stormed through the castle; his large feet stomping so hard onto the stone tile below him that he could feel it shudder from his weight, he'd been run home once again with his tail between his legs. After all these years, Mario and his friends could easily beat even his strength. He was so angry now that his normally-pink-tinted head was red in color, and he slammed his claws into the double set of doors in front of him, making the room behind it suddenly fill with a draft of air as he stormed in.

Roy had grown quite large since his childhood; he was at about six feet in height and still not as big and bad as his old man. He slowed his pace as he realized the echo of his angered footsteps meant that he'd walked into an empty room. Looking around, the Koopa realized he had actually stormed into his father's old vault; pedestals lined on either side of him were covered with gold and jewels; spoils of a lifetime of villainy that had not been taken away by those damned Mario brothers. He sneered at a large propeller; one that had belonged on Bowser's old dirigible. An angry-faced logo still emblazoned on the center. "Huh..." He grunted before looking around. "I forgot this old room was still in here." He said.

"Well a lot of it's gonna be mine anyway when I take over as queen." A voice sounded off from behind Roy. He turned around to see that his only sister Wendy was laying belly-down on a gold pile, gold necklaces around her neck dangling down around her finger; that had been bejeweled with several fine rings. "But I'll let you have dibs if you want it."

Roy laughed. "Sis. I don't know what you're talkin' about, but I think I've got the bones to run this show after dad's gone."

Wendy laughed airily; an arrogant guffaw that filled the room with unimagined glee. "Oh Roy, you half-wit. Don't you think the brains of daddy's empire should go to the brains of his children?"

"Guess dat leaves you out too." Roy quipped fast, earning an ireful glance from the female. "I can't believe all this stuff's still here... I remember that propeller from when we was kids though."

"That's not the only thing from our childhood." Wendy said knowingly. "Check that out." She pointed further down the corridor. "Look familiar?"

Roy followed Wendy's finger and saw a glass case not ten feet away; it had a wooden frame, but the color was offset by the glow of the object inside: It was a silver staff, about three feet in length with an onyx-colored jewel at the top. The light radiating off of it was a tarnished gold color, and it was hovering about an inch off the bottom of the case. " that my magic wand?" He asked, remembering back to the childhood of fun he had terrorizing the Mushroom Kingdom with that very scepter. He pressed his face into the glass to look at it, putting his hands on both sides of the case.

"Yep. That was the only wand that daddy recovered." Wendy acknowledged. "Funny isn't it? You don't remember this room being here, but it has the one thing in it that enabled you to be the baddest Koopaling in the eight kingdoms."

"Ay!" Roy pointed at his sister. "I didn't need dat wand to be the baddest." He said. "It just....helped a little, that's all." He returned his attention to the box.

"It's too bad you can't break the box open and take it back. You'd have to deal with daddy if you decided to steal it."

"I ain't scared of our old man." Roy growled indignantly as his grip tightened on the case. As his strength began to unfurl, cracks began to form along the length of the cabinet, causing the wand within to shudder, with a forced snarl, Roy suddenly caused the glass to explode inward, and the scepter fell straight into his hand. With a triumphant laugh, Roy jabbed the wand skyward and a swirl of black energy erupted from it. As the sound faded, a roar could be heard from upstairs that caused Roy to canter slightly backwards. "Ahh... c-come to think of it, I might not wanna be here when dad shows up..." He uttered

Wendy grinned. "Then you better run, big brother." She inhaled sharply "DADDY! ROY'S STEALING YOUR WAAAAAAND!"

Roy winced and used his free hand to cover the side of his head to protect his hearing from her wail. "Jeez...why is it you got more annoying as you got older?" He asked. Wendy passed him a glance and winked; at that moment, it hit him that he would be in utter trouble if he'd stuck around, and like a shot, Roy bolted down the hallway toward the edge of the vault.

Roy reached the hallway and came to a halt; the sudden grinding of his claws on the ground under him giving off a screeching noise as he could hear the thundering footsteps of his father running toward him from his right. Immediately, Roy turned left and ran down the hallway. There were only so many places to hide in the castle, and Bowser knew every nook and cranny his children tended to hide in. Roy wasn't scared of anything; but his father, that Koopa could put a lot of pounding on him. He needed to get out; he needed to escape someplace nobody could ever find him. As he burst through the castle's courtyard doors, the Koopaling rushed through fields of piranha plants and troops of Goombas, but he could still hear the sounds of footsteps thumping loudly behind him. It was then that Roy remembered a Warp Pipe hidden in the garden that he could use to escape. Taking a left, he ran toward a berry-covered shrub. As he approached it, he gave the shrub a swift kick; causing it to bang out a metal ring as a green pipe slowly rose out of the ground. He groaned in realization:

"If I take the pipe, dad'll know where I've gone. He's gonna come lookin' for me..." He looked at the wand in his hand. "Unless I go someplace else...?" He swung his scepter toward the pipe, and instantly the green became a gun-metal black, matching the color of his wand's tip.

"ROY!" The Koopa king roared as he made a thunderous appearance. "You get back here this INSTANT!" He shouted.

"Sorry pops, but I gotta go!" Roy exclaimed before leaping into the air and sliding instantly down the black warp pipe.

"Mikey...Mikey, Mikey, Mikey..." Raphael said with a groan as he looked at his brother, who was busy stuffing his face with pizza.

"What?" Michelangelo replied with a mouthful. "You said you didn't want any?"

"I said I wasn't in the mood for pizza, I didn't say I wasn't fuckin' starving."

Not really thinking much, Mikey opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, a drooly pile of mush resting on it. "You want some then?" He asked.

Raphael cringed. "You know what? Nevermind, I'm just gonna go for a walk."

"Suit yourself." Mikey replied, sucking his tongue back in and swallowing the food as Raph made his way out of the den and began to follow a familiar pathway out into the sewers.

"Jeez... brothers..." He complained as he walked along the passageway. "Can't live with 'em....can't kill 'em."

As he exited their headquarters completely, the lighting of the corridor got distinctly dimmer and Raph began to move on based on his instinct. He knew every inch of this sewer like the back of his hand and he made his way with ease, leaving the memory of his brothers and Master Splinter behind him. He had to cool his head from an argument he'd had with Leonardo earlier regarding his serious case of blue balls and an argument with Donatello among the ideas that reptiles didn't actually *have* balls to get blue balls. It had been a rather troublesome afternoon, and he just figured he'd need to get away from it all before anything else happened.

As Raph rounded a corner, he looked down to realize that he was dripping; his cock had fallen free of the reptilian slit between his legs and was dangling; the concept of sex and breeding was really getting to him and he was overcome with the sudden urge to rub one out before it got out of hand. His member grew rigid as he made his way, making sure that the others wouldn't follow, or they'd have a tough time finding him if they did. His heartbeat was getting faster and by the time he felt safe enough, his hands were trembling as he grabbed his flesh and began to stroke it. Raph seated himself and laid back against a brick wall as he began to grind his hand along his length; causing it to swell and convulse to the touch of his fingers grasping and gripping along the flesh with great anticipation. He was dripping so badly that it was like trying to grab a fountain of water, his green flesh practically glowing against the low lighting as he began to moan loudly in response to the sensitive feel to his touch.

A bang roused Raphael's attention and he had to force himself to stop and listen. After a moment's pause, he heard nothing more. Looking around his immediate vicinity, he wondered what could have made such a strange noise, he pondered only as long as his attention would let him, and he then relented to the call of his aching cock and began to stroke himself again. "Ahhh f-fuck..." He moaned as his hand sped up, the wet noises from his flesh moving across his precum sending tingles across his meat and up through his loins.

Suddenly, Raphael could hear a buzzing in his head. He grunted as his hand stopped moving all of a sudden and his entire body shook beyond his own control. He couldn't move and somehow he was stuck on the edge of his orgasm with no ability to cum or to stop feeling the sensation as it flooded his body.

"Now there's a good sight." A voice lured Raphael's attention toward a large turtle who had emerged from the shadows. "Big, buff turtle cranking it out in the dark." He dragged his tongue along his lips as he raised his scepter toward the turtle, its glow was a deep purple color that resonated off the end of the wand. "Feels like a waste though, how you gonna wash that off you when you're done? I don't think the water around here's for washin'."

Raphael stared curiously at the creature; his bald head, sporting a pair of sunglasses that were raised over his deep red eyes. Spiked bracers, a spiked shell on his back. It was like this turtle was the offspring of their hated enemy turtle Slash. But he couldn't think too much on the subject, his cock was ready to ignite and explode, its rigid flesh pulsing beneath his hand. With a flick of the wand though, the turtle somehow forced Raph to release his member. "W-who..." He managed to whisper before the magic that was holding him in place silenced him.

"Oh, sorry bout that. I'm Roy Koopa. Son of Bowser; the true king of the Mushroom Kingdom." He paused at Raphael's confused look. "Your future leader! The one who rules the Koopa army?" He paused again. "You don't know what I'm talking about do ya?"

Raphael felt the control of his mouth unhinge just for a moment. "Look I don't know what you're talking about, Manhattan's a pretty big place, but it ain't no Mushroom Kingdom."

"Man....hattan?" He paused. "Ain't that were the Mario Brothers come from?"

Raphael realized the familiarity in the creature's naming. "No way! You ain't from the video game are you?"

"" He waved his scepter and Raphael's hands suddenly swung back against the pipes behind them. His erection not near a self destruct anymore, but as Roy's legs straddled across his own, he could hear a growling in his throat. "I don't know what you're talking about, but I ain't gonna lose this chance. You seem pretty bold and bad, turtle brother... but how good are you at this?"

Raphael's gaze fell on the reptilian cock in front of him, it was beginning to drip as well with anticipation, and with hardly a choice, Raph wrapped his lips around the shaft and immediately felt the other turtle drive himself into his mouth. He gargled a bit at the sudden flood now washing over his tongue and dripping down his throat; he swallowed, but it hardly helped as some of it began to escape from his lips. Raph couldn't move, but he doubted this Roy wanted him to, he couldn't move his arms, so Raphael began to move his neck and his jaw to accommodate the other turtle's lustful lunges. Roy grabbed the top of Raphael's head, tugging on the turtle's mask as he continued to feed him, pressing his crotch hard into Raph's face again and again as Raph's own cock began to leak and drip onto himself. He hadn't realized how much he needed this; the flavor filled his senses and Raph began to eagerly suck at the shaft, drawing more of Roy's scent into his sinuses as Roy's hands tightened at the back of Raph's head and began to pull him into it again and again. "Oh yeahhhh....." Roy moaned as he pressed himself to the hilt. "Fuck..." He panted wildly as Raph's lips smacked slightly with each almost-full extraction.

Despite this, Raphael's arousal remained, twitching under himself so wildly that it was slapping wetly against his front shell. It only took Roy a few minutes to put two and two together before sliding himself, dripping from Raph's mouth. "Very nice, let's see what ya got big guy." He said as he reached down between them and fondled Raphael's flesh. He growled in pleasure as he held the member in place and slowly began to crouch over it.

Raphael moaned as he felt his tip penetrating the warm pucker that Roy settled down on him. The flesh collapsing around his shaft, letting him go in was slowed slightly as Roy's eyes rolled back and he dipped down even further, Roy's own twitching flesh gliding along the other turtle's smooth shell. He rested his free hand on Raphael's shoulder. "I don't usually fuck guys I don't know the names of---" He gasped as he felt Raph's girth push upward into him. "What's your name big guy?"

"R-Raphael..." Raph felt his jaw unhinge as if the magic surrounding his sudden loss of control weakened some. His hands were freed as well and he quickly grasped the other turtle's backside. He'd never seen someone so commanding before, he couldn't resist giving him a desperate plow. "Ahh fuuuuuck!" He moaned out.

Despite freeing Raph's mobility some, Roy remained in control; he pressed his body downward, pushing his claws into Raphael's chest and pinning his back against the wall. He loved to be fucked, but preferred being the one in charge for it. His body gyrated madly against Raph's attempts to hold him and he forcefully began to drive himself down to the hilt of the male's cock. His rugged reptilian underside pressing hard against the firm shell of the other turtle. Raphael's hands grasped at the spikes protruding from Roy's back and Roy's muscles flexed as he lunged downward again, his own shaft riding the smooth edge of the turtle's shell. Their bodies pressed together, then their mouths locked in tight as each tried to out-aggressively-kiss the other. Roy's sunglasses fell over his eyes and he leaned back, rutting hard down on Raph's cock. Raph felt himself turning slightly as the wand moved them around and the turtle found himself now laying on his back as Roy loomed over him, riding him harder. His cock pulsed against the other turtle's chest and stomach as he thumbed it down against Raph's torso; Raphael had little more to do than to hold on for dear life as his body rocked under the weight of the larger male. He could feel Roy's cock sliding against him, arching upward as it readied for its eventual release. And it released only a few moments later;

"Awww fuck!" Roy moaned and culminated it with a fierce grunt as wave after wave of cum shot from the tip and spread across Raphael's chest and face in a series of impressive cum shots; it took four or five thick strands before the shooting finally began to settle for the large and accommodating turtle. Raphael wanted to hold it back, he didn't want to give in to Roy's control; but having been stalled earlier and from the sheer force of the male, Raph didn't last much longer himself. "C'mon... fucking let it go!" Roy goaded as Raph's mouth opened and another, surprising shot of fluid found its way straight into his gullet, Raph came hard. His entire body shook under Roy as shot after shot pulsed into the Koopa; their bodies grinding together hard now, their breathing had become erratic and their snarls began to fill the passageways.

It took several minutes for Raphael to recover enough to realize he wasn't being held in place by the wand anymore, angrily, he grapped Roy by the neck and forced him upright, slamming him hard into the wall. "Okay! Now, answers! Where the fuck did you get that thing? And what did you do to me?"

Roy's defiant sneer gave way to the look of amusement as he grabbed at Raph's strong hand. "Looks like you got some claws, I like that." He admitted. "But I ain't telling you nothing." He said as he grasped Raph's wrist, twisted it over and nearly slammed him back into the ground. Raphael's strength kept that from happening, but Roy successfully pinned the turtle to his knee and held his arm back tight behind him. "Now you ain't gonna tell no one about me bein here are ya?"

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Cause I ain't gonna get in trouble with no one. Especially my old man if he comes lookin' for me."

"What did you run away from home? You look a little old to be hiding from daddy." Raph responded back smartly.

"This is what brought me here." Roy showed the wand to the other turtle. "It's gonna send me back, but I gotta hide out for a while until I'm sure I ain't in trouble. I may be big, but my dad's bigger and he's gonna kick my ass if he catches me." He explained. "This is my wand, but I had to steal it back from Bowser."

"So you're going to bring all your problems to my world? Nu-uh... I don't think so." Raph said as he swung his arm around, missing Roy, who vanished then reappeared a few feet away.

Roy pointed his scepter at Raphael. "You got spunk. And you're a good fuck, but don't get in my way. If you're lucky I'll be gone in a few days..."

"And if I'm not, your dad's going to tear the whole city apart looking for ya." Roy shrugged at Raph's words, as if judging them to not be important. "Sorry, can't risk it. You're goin back now."

With a wave of his scepter, a cloud of smoke appeared around Roy and he shook his head. "Sorry, not today." He said as he vanished into the smoke and the smoke itself disappeared, leaving the ninja alone. He moaned and furrowed his eyes with his fingers:

"Great. Just what New York needs; another interdimensional being with magical powers..."


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