Dog's Day Out - May Rule 34 Story #2

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#67 of Patreon

Taking their vacation together, Exile and Blitz learn a lot more about one another than they would have expected!


Thanks to everyone who supported this story :) It's always appreciated!

"Dog's Day Out"

The sun, the sand, the ocean. Three things that Exile was still unaccustomed to, even after being with the Road Rovers for several years now. Where dog years were concerned, he probably would have been an old man without the side effects from their Master's experiments. He ran his thumbs through the waistband of his purple and white-striped swimming trunks and gave a deep breath, almost coughing on the humidity blowing in from the water. He had a pair of sunglasses on but it didn't hide out all of the bright sunlight and as he found his way to an adirondack chair and collapsed down into it, he jumped as the heat from the wooden construction radiated against his blue fur.

"I still do not know why you insisted on us going to the beach?" He said. "It is a very hot day." Blitz loomed over him, wearing little more than a pair of red speedos as he let about every other muscle on his body hang out. He was definitely a sight to see in this form, and Exile couldn't help but look at him twice. The doberman snickered and looked toward the water.

"Because it's the perfect day for us to get our beach bodies on." He said. "Come on. We've been waiting for a vacation for a while, I figured you'd like the time out."

"Hmmph... I suppose so. I am just not used to the beach. In Russia, beaches are very different and much...much colder. But why do you ask me? You could have asked Hunter..."

"He's off on some mission to Iowa or something..." Blitz said. "Visiting his family I think?"

"Or Shag..." Blitz stared at him for a moment and Exile nodded. "Point taken... but what about Colleen? I thought she was staying in for her time off..."

"Colleen who?" Blitz pondered.

Exile's eyebrows poked up, then he realized. "Ohhh! Haha... you are making joke... Colleen always pretends to forget who you are, so you are doing it to spite her."

"Exactly. Impressed, no?" Blitz crossed his arms in a show of bravado.

"Then...shouldn't you be doing this to her face?"

Blitz frowned and shook his head. "I just wanted to get out of the headquarters. Don't you ever feel... I don't know... confined there? I wanted to take advantage of our vacations. Do you not feel the same?"

"Blitz..." Exile sighed and slumped in his chair. "The day is just too hot to think about such things."

"We can go for a swim?" Blitz suggested.

"Maybe... later." Exile said.

"How about a milkshake then? Or an ice cream cone?" Blitz asked.

"Hmm..." Exile's fingers found his sunglasses and lifted them up, his icy blue eyes looking at the doberman. "Well, I could go with one of those icy...slush things." He said. "Cherry?"

Blitz's expression seemed to leap for joy as he practically bounced off his feet. "Oh, joy! I'm glad you said something... I will go right away and get you a snow cone then! A snow cone for my buddy Exile!" And with that, he was gone almost as fast as Hunter.

"Huh." Exile mused. "What was that all about?" He asked himself before lounging back in his chair. "After all these years; he's still a weird boy." He said with a chuckle.

Blitz rushed across the hot sands, that squished flat under his feet, pouring what felt like magma over his toes as he made his way toward the distant food stands. The vision of a hotdog and an ice cream cone printed out on the wooden banner on top of the stand only made him salivate more. Standing behind an older-overweight human, he moaned in complaint as she completed an order that included a variety of items from hamburgers, to short ribs to ice cream and he was very impatient by the time she moved away to pick up her order.

"How can I---" The man behind the counter looked up at Blitz, his eyes growing wide at the anthropomorphic dog in a speedo standing before him. " you?" He finished in a weakened, squeaky voice.

"Yes. Yes. I need one Cherry-flavored snow cone..." He pondered, seemingly unaware of the human's staring. "And... do you have peppermint milkshakes?"

The man gagged a bit at the idea and recoiled some. "Uhm... no, that sounds... disgusting actually." He said.

"What, you against peppermint?" Blitz asked. "Do you want to take this outside? Because I can bite that tiny tushy of yours into oblivion, you know!"

"N-no--no sir..." The human muttered. "But we--we do have Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry and Peanut Butter Blast."

"Yuck. What is it with you humans and peanut butter?"

The human raised an eyebrow. "I thought all dogs liked peanut butter."

"And I thought all humans liked peppermint." Blitz scoffed. "Well give me the largest chocolate milkshake you have then. And make it snappy, I've got a friend waiting."

After paying and grabbing his items, Blitz made his way back more casually toward the husky near the water. He'd managed to suck down nearly half of his shake and began to moan in pain as he handed Exile his snack.

"What is it? What is with the moaning?" Exile asked.

"The bane of my addiction to milkshakes..." Blitz whimpered. "Ice cream headache!"

Exile pressed the miniature straw between his lips and began to suck the cherry flavoring through it. "Oh, I've heard of this..." He said. "It's never been a problem for me though. Thank you for the treat."

Blitz nodded and seated himself on the towel he had laid out beside the adirondack. "No problem."

"You know... I've always admired you, Blitz." Exile said. "You've got such optimism, such...I wouldn't say innocence, but you have a certain---nature about you I enjoy."

Blitz chuckled. "But I am still your weird boy?"


Blitz canted and shook his head. "I am still the weird boy?"

Exile chuckled and lowered his sunglasses. "The weirdest boy ever." He said. "Now, how about we go for that swim?"

If Blitz had a long tail, it would have come to life, wagging wildly at the prospect. "Really? You want to go swimming?" He asked.

"Sure, why not? I can wash the salty smell out of my fur later. Besides you sounded like you really wanted to go for a swim."

"Sure! Let's go!" Blitz bounded in joy and helped to pull Exile out of his chair.

Blitz grabbed an inflatable beach ball and as they ran, he did his best to blow it up with his powerful lungs, only making it about halfway filled before his feet hit the water and sent him sailing into it with a mighty splash. Exile cracked a laugh as Blitz's backside disappeared below the waves and he was still cackling when Blitz came back up, shaking his head off and smiling sheepishly at the husky. Exile then dove in his body swooping with ease between the doberman's legs as he snagged the ball and quickly blew it up. "Hey! That's mine!" Blitz exclaimed.

"You get your own." Exile teased as his eyes flashed a bright blue and a beam fired from them, encircling the doberman in ice around his waist.

"Oh no you don't." Blitz shivered with the cold before bringing his massive arms up and then crashing them down onto the icy ring, shattering it as Blitz vanished under the water.

It was like a scene out of a killer shark movie; Exile losing sight of Blitz, even under these clear waters. All of a sudden, a geyser of water exploded from behind Exile, who spun around, only to be caught in Blitz's massive arms

"Gotcha!" He exclaimed, hugging Exile against him.

Exile struggled to get away, the ball sailing from his fingers, slowly deflating as it slid away. "Hey! That's no fair!" He shouted.

Blitz was relentless, his arms tightening around Exile's torso the more that he struggled. The husky could feel Blitz's thick chest against his back, the muscles of the doberman's body rippling against his fur, which made him shudder at the feeling. Exile wasn't out of shape in the slightest, but he wasn't used to such lean muscle pressing against his body. His body began to work against him and faster than he expected, his cock was standing at full attention in his shorts. Blitz's arms gravitated lower, only to find the prominent bulge and he pulled back quickly. "Ahh! E-Exile I---I am so sorry I didn't mean to--" He paused. "Wait... why are you so hard all of a sudden?"

Exile caught Blitz's arms and held them against himself. "It is because of you, you big dummy." He said.

Exile turned around and pressed himself against Blitz's torso, his chest barely touching the lowest part of the doberman's. He grinned at the man's confusion as his hands slid up Blitz's boulder-sized biceps and reached his thick neck. "Wh-what is this?" He asked nervously. Glancing around as if to make sure they weren't being watched.

"You seem nervous. Blitz." Exile said. "But now I've got you where I want you." He said, sliding his tongue along his teeth. "I have always admired how well you take care of yourself..." His hands slid lower, down the V-shaped waistline and to the doberman's speedo; which Exile was proud to feel was strained tight by a thick, pleasant bulge pressed up against the front. "I have... had this want, this need to touch your body." He said, his hands crawling lower, fondling Blitz's calf muscles before sliding back up. "You waste your time chasing after Colleen, why waste any more of it?"

"A-and here I thought I was the weird boy..." Blitz said, shuddering a bit as Exile's hands continued to explore his stomach, then his chest. His hands finally coming to a rest at the husky's hips.

"You are." Exile said, his hands returning to Blitz's neck and pulling him toward himself. "But you can be my weird boy." He grinned and pulled Blitz in for a kiss.

Blitz muffled out a gasp of surprise at the kiss, his arousal prominent as his cock practically ripped itself free of its confines. Exile's hands worked their way back down to Blitz's waist and slowly dragged the speedo down. They were barely over waist height in the water, Blitz's heart was pounding so hard that Exile could hear it, but he couldn't care less that other people might see them. "S-someone might see..." Blitz said, breaking the kiss.

Exile grinned. "So... let them." He said before slowly sinking himself down below the water.

Blitz's body looked like it was doubling over now, he felt the husky's tongue wrap around his submerged member and tighten against the shaft as he began to suck on it under the water. Blitz bucked his hips forward and could feel Exile's throat tighten around it expertly. The doberman moaned loudly and began to breathe heavily, trying to find anything to hold on to that wouldn't force Exile to stay under the water long. Slowly though, the husky's head rose from the water, and his tongue eventually released the doberman's member. A wild-eyed glance from Exile followed a quick tugging of Blitz's speedo to re-conceal his prominent erection. Exile cocked his head and grasped the doberman's hand before leading the both of them from the water.

The changing house wasn't too far away; it was a place for people to go to switch between their regular outfits and their swimsuits, and thankfully it was empty as Blitz and Exile entered. Blitz was panting as Exile seated him on a bench, then straddled his lap with his thick erection poking through the top of his shorts, resting against Blitz's abdomen. "There we go, some privacy." He said as he began to fondle Blitz's musculature again.

"S-someone could walk in at any moment." Blitz replied, not trying to argue with the situation as his hands fondled the husky's round bottom as Exile rested on his lap.

Exile smiled and stood up again. "Why do you worry about such things?" He asked as he non-chalantly pulled his shorts down, revealing a thick member and a pair of plump balls that dangled down below them. Exile's balls were stark white like the rest of his mid-section and upper-thighs. A good compliment to the light blue coloring of his fur that was now matted wet from the ocean water. Exile then grasped Blitz's speedo and pulled them down, revealing his own milk-chocolate-brown balls and massive erection. It was then that Exile returned to his seat, crossing his cock with Blitz's as their bodies pressed together. "The point is we are here without anything to come in between us." He said.

Exile leaned forward and nipped on Blitz's neck, slowly lowering his focus along his pectorals as Blitz moaned in lustful throes. It didn't take long for his seed to begin spilling down between them, covering their cocks as Exile's hand tightened around them and he began to stroke them together. "Ahh... scheiße..." Blitz muttered out, slipping the curse from his native tongue before Exile locked his lips. "Mmm da..." He spoke back as his paw began to work even more rapidly at the flesh locked between them.

There was no doubt now who was in control as Exile's lips parted from Blitz's once more and he bit firmly on the doberman's neck, asserting his own dominance as their bodies writhed against each other. "Ahh---nnhhh!" Blitz came first and came hard into Exile's hand, the husky not relenting as he continued to stroke every wet, slippery shot that exploded between them. Blitz blushed at his sudden climax and the two kissed again. "S-sorry...I couldn't help myself."

Exile grinned. "Oh that was still nice." He chuckled and kissed him briefly. "Weird boy."

"I really wish you would stop calling me that..." Blitz said, casting a glance. Suddenly, his ears perked. "Oh no... someone's coming!"

Exile turned his ears and also heard the noises of people approaching. He grabbed Blitz by the paw and pulled him to the shower area; luckily the showers were separate stalls of wooden planks that went up several feet, each having their own window high up to provide light. Just as the two entered the stall, they could hear people entering the house, chattering loudly. Blitz turned on the shower, suddenly covering them in warm water, and it seemed like they were both in the clear. Such a close call would have had some people on the edge of their seats; but in this case, it was a moment of passion as Exile practically threw himself into Blitz's body, the two rovers thumping loudly against the shower wall as they kissed. Exile hadn't gotten off and began to grind himself against Blitz's cock, which was quickly building steam again after its last release. Their scuffle was somewhat masked by the shower water running, though their feet might be visible to those watching. Exile didn't care and as his hands ran over Blitz's continually-wettening body, he turned him over abruptly and pressed the doberman against the stall's wall. Blitz didn't look like he would object and even bent himself down to Exile's demands. Exile spread the doberman's cheeks apart and lewdly ran his fingers over Blitz's hole. Digging his digits in as he pressed his thick cock against the warm, fuzzy taint. Blitz let out a gasp so loud that he had to muffle himself, feeling Exile penetrate him. Exile growled and moaned as he thrust himself inward hard. His fingers splayed and dug into Blitz's hips as he lunged in again and again. The sound of the shower water slapping around them as their bodies thrust together almost sounded conspicuous, but they didn't care. Exile pulled Blitz's waist into his crotch and Blitz moaned louder as his back lurched upright, the sound of his own flesh slapping against his stomach told both of them that he was getting ready for another explosion.

"E-Exile... w-why didn't we do this before... fuck!" He exclaimed, prompting Exile to close the doberman's mouth to keep his passionate cries to a minimum. He wasn't immune to it himself though as his growls and grunts were getting louder and louder. His free hand wrapped tightly around Blitz's torso and sliding lower as he grew closer to his own climax. He pressed forward, leaning Blitz harder against the shower's wall, their bodies thumping so hard that the stall began to shake as Exile's lunges turned into an overturned jackhammer. It soon didn't even matter to them that people were outside, both males began to howl loudly as they grew to their climax.

Both of them let out furious howls as Blitz began to shoot a second jet of cum all over the shower's inside wall directly under the faucets. The sudden tightening of his canal was enough to send Exile over the edge and he thrust up and began to hold himself deep in Blitz's ass as he came, shooting thick ropes deep into the doberman that quickly sloshed out and began to trickle down toward their feet. Their bodies twisted together for several minutes until the climax began to settle down, and in a moment of casual bathing, they began to wash their fur clean of the salty sea water outside before making their way back out into the main changing area.

Three men were there, staring at the showers as the two anthros left. Their eyes widening at the dogs, they quickly scattered and ran outside, leaving them alone. Blitz chuckled nervously. "You think they enjoyed the show?"

Exile grinned at the doberman as they opened their assigned lockers and began to collect their gear. "Either that or we'll never be allowed back here again."

Blitz blushed as he opened his bag and started to pull out his clothing. "I...ahh...I'm okay with that." He said. "It was worth it."

Exile smiled, hiding a blush. "I think so too...." He chuckled. "Weird boy."


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