Deciphering The Past - 06 - On Hold

Story by DiceVolti on SoFurry

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#6 of Deciphering The Past

"Here we are." Cosmo happily comments as he switches the light on in his apartment from the front door. "Please, come on in and make yourself at home. Is there anything you want to drink or eat? I myself will take a nice coffee." He turns to his friends, inviting them to go in his living room. The group talks between them and a few seconds later, Mickey speaks.

"It will be three coffees please." The mouse says as they walk in the living room toward a set of four sofas around a fireplace. Donald jumps on one of the seats and seems to melt in it instantly.

"Oh my, this is so comfy." He relaxes "Perfect to sleep on." He grins as he watches the others take a seat and a wide grin appears on his face as the others seems to understand where he is getting at.

"You are right, I never sat in something that comfortable that's for sure." Oswald leans back on his seat. "Remind me to ask Cosmo where he got them, I'm going to buy a set for sure; Ortensia and the kids will love it."

"I bet." Donald turns his attention to Mickey who is clearly thinking about something else and judging by his expression, it is not some happy thoughts. Donald snaps his fingers a few times to bring back his friend's presence. "Earth to Mickey, earth to Mickey." With that, Mickey slightly jumps in his seat right as Cosmo enters the living room with a plate holding four cups of coffees.

"You haven't talked since we left the meeting Mickey. Are you that afraid?" Donald asks a bit anxious for his friend's state.

"I am. I know I shouldn't be afraid at all but I just can't stop that strange feeling. It's like my whole body is screaming no." The mouse mumbles while he grabs his cup of coffee and adds two sugar cubes of sugar. "I think my body did not appreciate those experiments or the way they were done."

"Well, the thing is, I have to see for myself what they did to you. We will spend a couple of hours to see what you can control and what you don't. From what I read in your files, I can see some stuffs that you control but aren't aware of. For example, I can see your ears twitch at the slightest noises which proves your enhancement in hearing. What worries me is that on the list you have prehensible claws and vampirism. I do not see any influence of vampirism on you right now, well, especially since you walked out under the sun and you were fine. This is where my research will start, on your vampirism and we will also look into your prehensible claws as well. It pains me to say this but...they might become handy in the future." Cosmo rubs his chin with one hand as he sits down in a seat with his cup of coffee in the other hand.

"Prehensible claws?" Oswald's ear perks up in excitement "What do you mean 'useful'? You think he will have to use them...against people?"

"Trust me, I wish he will never have to but if this story blows up, don't you think the one responsible for this will hunt for the mutants he created to kill them and maybe hide any trace of him?" Cosmo says in a 'as matter of fact' tone. "It's sounds stupid and bold, but we all came across baddies doing stuffs like that and getting away with it by a hair."

"You got a point there." Donald gulps his coffee entirely. "But if he does something like that, can't we just use Mickey as bait?" He looks at Mickey who is giving him a death stare in return "Sorry pal, I didn't mean it to be" He attempts at defending himself quickly before Oswald grabs his beak to prevent the duck from digging a bigger hole.

"Now, come with me in the basement, this is where I do my research, in the dark, safe from curious eyes." Cosmo stands up, the others struggling to follow as they feel so comfy in their seat. That along gets a little chuckle from Cosmo as he heads to the corridor which leads to a staircase going either downstairs on the left or upstairs on the right. The group heads downstairs and Cosmo flick a light switch on, revealing a huge basement with high tech equipment, an operation table and a big desk with three flat monitors. "This is, it's a bit more rustic but it gets the job done without any issues." He walks to his monitors while having a sip of his coffee. He applies his palm to the middle screen and after a split second, the screen turns on and recognizes the handprint, booting up the session. "Alright, Mickey, roll up your sleeves and lay down on the operation table." He says as he taps away on the digital keyboard on his desk frantically before taking a syringe full of a weird, yellow liquid from a briefcase in a drawer. "There are restraints on the table, attach them to his hand and legs, will you?"

Oswald and Donald look at each other for a few seconds, questioning Cosmo's intentions but then just obey as Mickey lays on the bed, breathing really slowly to calm himself, his eyes closed. Once the restraints are set, Mickey's fur bristles, his body shivers and he stats to whimper. The whimpers start softly enough but turns into growls on each second that passes. Oswald grabs his brother's hand and hang on tight thinking that it may calm the mouse down if he knows that his friends are here for him. What gives a red alert to Cosmo, Donald and Oswald is when Mickey starts to cough out blood in a non-negligent amount followed by a crying Mickey, screaming in pain. The trio quickly takes the restraints off to move Mickey on his side before he drowns in his own blood and for the first time, they notice his claws against the table growing to several inches. Mickey slowly raises his head after coughing up all the blood he could get out and looks at the group with anger, showing bloody fangs and bloody fingertips.

"Okay..." Cosmo gently backs off with the others "Mickey...can you hear me?" he gulps, hoping for an answer. Mickey does not respond and instead, tilt his head slightly on the right side.

"Brother, snap out of it, will you?" Oswald's voice quivers with Donald hiding behind him. "Please tell us you are in control?"

No answer comes back to the rabbit at least, not the one he was hoping for because the mouse walks toward the group, obviously getting use to the claws that grew on his feet as well. Donald is about to run for his life but Cosmo grabs him by the arm. "Do not run...that's the worse thing you can do right now. Just stay input and show him that we are not afraid." Donald gulps as he closes his eyes.

"Wha...what have you done to me?" Mickey finally speaks, his voice sounding really tired and at least an octave lower. "What have you done!?"

"Nothing. We just restrained you and that's it. Nothing touched you besides that." Oswald gulps, his ears dropping in fear. He then realizes that this maybe was not the best answer to give. " are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling overwhelmed by the different scents in this room...and I am sooo hungry..."

Cosmo walks to his friend and kneels besides him, providing standing support in case the mouse collapse without warning. "Seems like your senses were enhanced even more...your eyes also changed...they look like wolves, which is pretty cool..."

"...and scary I might add" adds Donald quickly.

"That's it. I think I get it now, they experimented a very specific type of vampirism on you Mickey and I think I know which one it is." He says as he motions Oswald and Donald to take Mickey with them before rushing to his computer. After a few taps on the digital keyboard, a file appears on the screen. "Vaewolf Physiology which is actually a combination of Werewolf and Vampire Physiology. Basically, if I have to judge your appearance right now Mickey, you are a hybrid of those two and it kind of shows."

"But what happened to me right about now?" Mickey looks at his bloody claws, looking terrified.

"Well, your body reacted to being immobilized and it triggered something in you. Something that made your body and mind scream of incoming danger or something like that. Do you remember anything?"

"uummm not really...I think..." He says and then, he realizes that his claws are retracting back into his fingers and toes. "mmm weird, now they retracted. I have to know how I can control them and how I can..." Cosmo's phone rings in his pocket, which he picks up and answer the call.

"Hello? Yes, he is with me why? WHAT!? HOW!?...........oh god, ok I will.... What else? Are you kidding? Well shit... ok see you later and thank you for the call... bye." he hangs up the phone and turns to his friends. "Well shit...we are in some deep trouble."

"What the fuck do you mean?" Oswald nearly yells at the doctor.

"Well, one of our guys who is in charge of analyzing the files found something stupidly well hidden, a script that warns someone, god who knows where, of this key being plugged in. In short, if we do not act fast, we might never catch the ones responsible. And I have another layer of bad news, looks like someone is after Mickey, an agent at the FBI received an email from someone under the alias of E.A. rings a bell doesn't it? He wants Mickey but does not mention any reasons why. He is warning us but doesn't say anything else to it." Cosmo looks quite unease.

"I might have an idea on that. Back at the meeting, you mention about two-hundred files of experiment on victims. Surely, they have successful mutated mutants with them." Mickey weakly point it out.

"You think he will send some of his... that makes sense when we think about it."

"But to what purpose though?" Donald's legs slightly shake.

"Doesn't matter...I do not like it. Doc, let's do this right now." Mickey walks back to the table and lies down again.

"Are you sure about that?" Oswald scratches his head, afraid of another bloody reaction.

"Absolutely, and the time ticking. If I have to fight off mutants, I want to know what my body is capable of." Mickey applies the restrains on his legs.

"Okay then, let's do this." Cosmo grabs the syringe and this time doesn't lose any time to inject the content in Mickey's neck. The mouse's body goes numb for a brief moment and at this point, the doc takes a tool to scan Mickey's body, on the screens, the injected product reveals a major change in the bone's construction. "The bones are made of graphene which is carbon arrange in a very strange way, it's as strong as steel itself and quite light. "Doc whispers "fascinating. Really fascinating and also, it seems that his claws and teethes are made out of a stronger material called vibramentium which is a fusion of adamantium and vibranium. This is astounding but something that is quite strange is that none of it is mentioned in any files I've seen so far except yours and I mean another file you haven't seen yet. You are the only one with those elements."

"I guess, that's the reason he wants to get me I guess." Mickey comments, his heart rate accelerating. "Now that we know what I'm made of, we should figure out that Vaewolf Physiology thing you mentioned earlier. You explained it but we have to found out what are my weakness and advantages. Right?" The mouse looks at the doc, hoping he would agree straight up.

"We will do it that way. At this point, time is not on our side so let's use it wisely." They take off the restraints and help Mickey to stand up.

"So, Vaewolf Physiology. We can already say that the sun will not kill you but there is a good chance that it nullifies your powers in that case."

The claws suddenly unsheathe in one swift motion scaring the hell out of everybody.

"Okay, how the hell did you do that?" Oswald grabs his brother the arm while looking at his long claws.

"I just thought about sheathing them, like giving my body an order. I guess it's simple as that." Mickey smiles softly.

"Great, one mystery has been resolved and more to come." Donald shakes his head "Will we see an end to this?"

"Why wouldn't we?" Mickey unsheathes his claws. "Once we finish this case, it will be peaceful again."

"Not until we find a way to bring you back to normal though." Oswald points at his brother's teethes.


"Now let's go outside, in a reclusive area, we will see what you can really do." Static shuts down all of his equipment.

Deciphering The Past - 05 - Discoveries

At ten o'clock sharp, they hear a car stop right in front of their car, making Minnie glance from the window. Seamus literally hops out of his car and casually walks to the front door which opens before he can ring the bell. "Good morning, Minnie....

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Deciphering The Past - 04 - Let Off Steam (NSFW)

Mickey is in his bed, enable to find a comfortable position to sleep. He wants to sleep but for very different reasons, he doesn't want to sleep just to rest but most importantly, to forget or at least have a break. His brain is running at full speed...

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Deciphering The Past - 03 - Finding Support

While Minnie and Daisy are setting the host bedroom for Mickey, Felicity, Ortensia, and Sylvia prepares supper and to celebrate Mickey's return, they decide to do a gigantic meal composed with: Bourbon spice barbecue chicken wings, bacon and blue...

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