Deciphering The Past - 05 - Discoveries

Story by DiceVolti on SoFurry

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#5 of Deciphering The Past

At ten o'clock sharp, they hear a car stop right in front of their car, making Minnie glance from the window. Seamus literally hops out of his car and casually walks to the front door which opens before he can ring the bell.

"Good morning, Minnie. Slept well?" Seamus shakes her hand, a smile on his face.

"Oh, I slept very well. Knowing that my Mickey is back, it's just reassuring. What about you?" she invites him to go inside.

"Slept like a baby. I actually found hating myself for having the alarm clock set to nine o'clock." He grins. "It's really rare for me to sleep that well and it had to be interrupted by the damn alarm clock. Well, we have a lot of things to do anyway."

"Did you get more information in the meantime?" Minnie asks as they both walk into the living room where Mickey, Oswald and Donald are sitting down, having a little chat.

"I just got notifications that they found more stuffs but of course, those things are too sensitive to be shared on a phone call or texts, but don't worry, we will keep you in the loop." Seamus waves to the others. "Hey guys, so are you ready to go?"

"Yes, we are!" Donald leaps out of his seat, looking quite determinate to get to the bottom of this case.

"One more adventure is awaiting I guess." Oswald grins, stretching his arms and legs. "It is a welcoming change from a daily routine."

"Where is Goofy? I thought he was coming with us today." Seamus stretches his neck gently.

"I got a message from him about two minutes ago. Him and Sylvia are going to pick up Horace and Clarabelle at the train station. They are moving here actually. They found a house and they are doing moving in from Disneyville. Oh, they don't know that Mickey is alive so I warned them about it. They have to tell them." Oswald walks to the front door while texting someone on his phone.

"Right, let's go then. Have a great day Minnie. We will keep you updated." Seamus heads off with Donald close behind him. Mickey remains behind to give Minnie a last kiss and then lifts his hoodie up. Deep down, he does not want to go, he wants to stay with her and just live a calm life but he cannot deny the fact that there is part of him that looks forward to this brand-new adventure. An adventure that can either end badly or with a glorious bang.

"Take care." Minnie reluctantly let Mickey walk away to join the others in the car.

"I will, I promise." He winks to her before closing the front door and hop in the car.

The drive takes a solid twenty minutes to the police station and as they arrive, Seamus simply pulls on the side of the road before sending a text message to Casey.

"What are we doing? Aren't we going in your office?" Mickey demands, confused, making sure that his hoodie remains up.

"Oh yeah, sorry. Change of plan. We are going directly to the FBI. When Static saw the sheer number of files and data that were hidden behind the crypted wall; which gave him a hard time to crack by the way, his first thought was to make a little meeting with a few professionals from the FBI, the CSI and us. I don't know what awaits us though. Static is there already and waiting for us."

Casey walks out of the station and jogs to the car while making sure no cars are coming his way while he crosses the road.

"Hey Casey." Mickey greets him once the detective is set in the car and Seamus drives off.

"Hey guys, slept well? I worked the whole night on classifying the finished cases and the ongoing cases. I never thought it would take such an amount of time though but I'm alright, not too tired."

"We all slept pretty damn well." Oswald "It may sound bad what I'm about to say but FINALLY we get something big going on." He lightly punches Donald's shoulder "and he is joining the party."

Donald gives a light tap in return "Of course I will. This is going to be super cool you know and I don't have Huey, Dewey and Louie to take care of...for now."

"How are they doing? We haven't seen them in a while." Oswald asks gently.

"Oh, they are doing fine. they currently are on a retreat with the Junior Woodchuck for about three weeks, once they are back, school restarts. If this case drags on...well, Daisy will take care of them for sure."

"Nice to hear. They are quite crafty and I must say that they often know how to turn you bonkers." The lucky rabbit a chuckle.

"Don't mention it." Donald grumbles slightly. "I have tons and tons of payback I have to do."

The car slows down and turns to the right into an underground parking lot. Once they find a parking spot, they head straight for the meeting room located at the very top of a twenty-four-story building. They enter a room were Static is waiting with a few squads from both the CSI and FBI.

"Hello, we came as fast as we could." Seamus walks toward the head chief of the FBI and they shake hands. They speak to each other at low volume for a few seconds before the head chief walks toward the wall behind him and double taps it, turning the wall into a gigantic screen while the window's shutters close up, removing any hint of sunlight's from outside.

"Greetings everybody. Looks like our last guests our here so we can start explaining why you guys are here and most importantly, why or I should say how Mickey is here. I know you are all surprised and I think we should start with the one who started all this." The head chief, mentions Mickey to come next to him and explain what he experienced. The mouse sigh nervously as he walks and stands next to the chief. He takes a few breaths to calm his nerves down and starts explaining everything, making sure not to miss any details. Once he is done, the chief speaks again.

"Thank you, Mickey, we really appreciate your story on that matter. Static? You are up now. Show us what you found in that USB." Static taps on the screen popping a window up which has all the files in display as a list.

"Right, after I managed to break through the script they applied, I found about three-hundred files about the corporation and about two-hundred files about the experiments and the victims they experimented on." He opens a file and widens the page. "This corporation is named F.U.S.E. and of course, when I saw that, I first of all looked on the internet to know how they portrait themselves as. Basically, they are a medical corporation and they focus on doing surgeries and they also offer funeral services. They are in partner with three major hospitals in the city; Clearview General Hospital, Seaside Hospital Center and Broadwater General Hospital. I'll respectively mention them in their acronyms so C.G.H, S.H.C and B.G.H. I did a few hours of research and I did not find anything shady until I looked at the client's reviews. All positive critiques and comments and I went to the very last page of comments and I noticed some scary comments and of course, since they are at the very end of the page, no one will see them, especially when there are a few dozens of thousands of comments pages."

He shows a few screenshots of the comments on the screen. The comments are all about one thing, a loved one who dies for no apparent reasons and they are not allowed to see the body.

"This reminded me of a very similar case a few months ago and I looked it up. Remember, three families filed a lawsuit against B.G.H for the very same reasons as the comments were mentioning. Of course, the case finished with the families dropping out the case because of financial reasons but we all knew that something was up. Well we have everything we need in this very folder." He points to the screen. "Turns out that behind closed doors, F.U.S.E will take few patients that they find capable of handling their experiments and they quietly sneak them out of the hospital without anybody even noticing it. Which leads me to believe that they have F.U.S.E members working in those hospitals. I mean it's impossible for a patient to just disappear and remain unnoticed. Now the real question here, are hospitals aware of this or not? Well according to what I have here..." he zooms on a paragraph ", they aren't aware of it."

"But how?" Oswald questions while Donald scratches his head. "They are so big and busy, surely they would know or at least notice something odd."

"This is exactly what I was thinking too." Static sighs.

"I'm trying to get a mandate for an interview with each CEO of the hospitals." The FBI chiefs says in a very serious tone.

"I sent those documents to experts in both FBI and CSI department for further inspections. So far, this is what I have uncovered. It will still take time to go and analyze through all those documents." Static closes the folder on the screen.

"And it's more then enough to start with, Static." The chief thanks him with a smile. "Listen up! the CSI is currently inspecting and cleaning the whole lab where Mickey was. We, the FBI, will be interviewing and searching for clues along with our friends from the Mouseton Police Department. Nothing and I mean nothing must reach the media's ears. If they do that, it can fuck the reputation of those hospitals and it can compromise the whole case. So, for this case, nobody will be wearing their uniform. Only casual clothing." Everybody nods in the room. "Good, thank you very much. Keep your ears and eyes peeled and if you find something, whatever details you may find, communicate with us. And if somehow, this goes public...we will have to do some serious damage control. Meeting is over."

The window's shutters open up as the chief, shuts down the screen on the wall. Oswald walks up to Mickey, "Well, I guess this went south quite quickly."

"Very quickly indeed." Mickey rubs between his eyes. "and I must say, I'm thankful that this the only information we have right now. My head is ready to explode right about now." He shakes his head and grimaced, faking a headache.

"Well, good thing, training is right up next on the list. You don't seem to cop with this specific case very well." Donald remarks.

"I really don't handle it and I do not know why. Probably because it's a whole new level of's sick...and I was a victim of that." Mickey wraps his tail around his right leg unconsciously.

Cosmo Static walks to the trio chatting and clear his voice to make announce his present. "Mickey pal, we have some things we have to do, or I should say, check...after your training. I talked with Seamus and Casey and we thought that we should examine you further."

"Right...I should have seen this coming..." He mutters, his fur slightly bristling. This alone surprises Oswald and Donald who never saw Mickey's fur bristle like this before. "Actually, let's do this first then train." Mickey suggests.

"Well, I'll see with Seamus if that works." Cosmo walks to the group talking further ahead and about ten minutes later, he comes back with a smile. "Well, seems like they think that it's a good idea as well. How about we do it right now? Let's get this out of the way?"

"I would love that actually?" Mickey nods, his voice quivering a little bit, his body slightly shaking.

"Are you doing okay bro?" Oswald lays a hand on his brother's shoulder. "You don't look so good actually."

"I do not want to be experimented on again..." his voice trails off.

"Don't worry, this time, you know you are in good hands." Donald reassures his friend. "You know we won't hurt you, at least without your approval."

"I know that Donald." Mickey smiles "I know and I am thankful for that."

"Come on guys, follow me, it shouldn't take long." Cosmo walks off, with the group close behind him.

Deciphering The Past - 04 - Let Off Steam (NSFW)

Mickey is in his bed, enable to find a comfortable position to sleep. He wants to sleep but for very different reasons, he doesn't want to sleep just to rest but most importantly, to forget or at least have a break. His brain is running at full speed...

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Deciphering The Past - 03 - Finding Support

While Minnie and Daisy are setting the host bedroom for Mickey, Felicity, Ortensia, and Sylvia prepares supper and to celebrate Mickey's return, they decide to do a gigantic meal composed with: Bourbon spice barbecue chicken wings, bacon and blue...

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Deciphering The Past - 02 - Beyond The Surface

While Mickey is narrating his earlier event, Casey sent a message to Cosmo "Doc" Static to come as soon as possible and see if he can rack the password of the files on the USB. They listen closely to the mouse, taking notes the whole entire time. Once...

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