Keeping the Tables Turned

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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Time to get back to some regularly scheduled posting!

Tess is back to her usual, dominant ways with Joe Tapps. She continues his sexual education, training him on the proper technique to eating a woman out, but even she doesn't expect to squirt in his face the way that she does...

This story was on Patreon months ago, and has been unlocked! To get early access, discounts, AND exclusive content, consider joining!

As always, read, comment and enjoy!

Some people needed a little encouragement in the bedroom to try new things, and willingness didn't always come naturally. It could take something as light as a teasing push, or something as thick and heavy as rope to get the point across, but some people were so set in the vanilla slog that they needed to be given a tug, sometimes literally, and sometimes figuratively.

Joe Tapps didn't need any more encouragement than he'd already been given, and his asshole was still gaping quietly under the base of his tail, a less than subtle reminder of how much Tess had already inspired him.

"You should know by now that my patience is very short. You gonna taste it or not?"

In just the couple of hours before, Joe had learned what it was like to be submissive to a woman, and though he didn't want to admit it at first, he found it to be quite the enjoyable experience, albeit one that came with a little soreness, in this particular instance.

As far as domineering women went, Tess was on the side that bordered abusive with her punishments, but her rewards were angelic, and plentiful to boot.

At that moment, Joe was simply worried that his skills might not be up to par, and he'd already learned better than to disappoint the wolfess in any measure.

"Looks sweeter than any cocktail I've ever tasted before," he claimed, even without a basis for the statement. He was hoping that sugary words might bribe Tess to go a little bit easier on him, but the moment he leaned forward, she gripped the back of his headfur, dug her claws in, and yanked his face forward, dropping webs of glistening arousal over the bridge of his muzzle.

Tess was snickering at the look in his eyes, clearly shocked, but she couldn't decide if it was arousal, or fear that was dilating his pupils. "Talk is cheap, foxy. I'd rather feel what your tongue can do than hear what it has to say."

Can't blame me for trying, he thought. His ears folded back, keeping his appearance submissive, and his eyes gazed up to Tess with a glaze of lust upon them, but under it all, there was a plea for mercy as the flat of his long, canine tongue slurped forth. The tip went right past her folds, to the gap between her womanhood and her tailhole, and she actually pushed his head away, helping him to find the right spot.

Her legs were still trembling from the delicate advance, and she couldn't quite keep the grin from her lips as her new submissive went to work in a fashion that wasn't just rapid, but downright obedient, slurping his tongue through the last of the external juices and cleaning them with the kind of vigor that only came from proper motivation.

Joe still wasn't aware that Tess had squirted upon the sex toy, and the last of the slippery juices were actually the remnants of the same. He had no idea that a woman could make such a mess with their wetness, and that was only one of the things he'd learned from Tess that evening, as she curled her digits tighter into the tufts of fur she held.

She could educate him on so much more than that, if she was given the proper amount of time. "A little sloppy," she critiqued him, and then shook his head when he paused, "But that doesn't mean you can stop. If I'm going to keep you around, you're going to learn to eat pussy like a pro...not this haphazard bullshit you're trying to pass on me."

Being in control in the bedroom his entire life meant that the arctic fox was experiencing something completely new, being told exactly what to do and what his place was by a female. The fact that it was something different would have been exciting enough to begin with, but Tess never did anything halfway when it came to her sexual interludes, and if lust could be palpable, hers would be nothing short of a thick miasma, encompassing all those who dared to go near her.

Joe was learning that lesson the hard way, but it wasn't a way that he could rightly complain about. Tess had a delicious, natural aroma, and his nostrils were forced to fill with the scent as he was pushed and pulled, creating a thrusting motion for his tongue, even if it was just moving without proper direction.

She easily could have worked herself to another orgasm that way, but it would be unbecoming of a mistress to do all of the work; he'd have to pick up the slack if he wanted to avoid having something even bigger shoved in his ass, that night.

"You thought you were the top dog all of the time, didn't you?" she asked, keeping her eyes narrowed on him, and her lips curled in a taunting grin. "Never learned how to really pleasure a woman because you were so busy worrying about yourself?"

Tess knew it was impossible for the arctic fox to properly answer, and he was smart enough to keep his tongue busy on her womanhood, rather than pausing to reply. Her sex was greedy, and though it was subtle, he was sure that there was a new shimmer of liquid arousal building on her labia as they were spread apart by his wet, slippery muscle.

He'd almost completely ignored her clit, however, and his strokes weren't nearly deep enough into her passage to be properly satisfying.

"I'm willing to educate you, for a greater cost. This kind of oral ignorance cannot be allowed to stand."

Joe wasn't sure how else he could give himself up to the wolfess, and he was afraid of what he might find if he was bold enough to pry at her thoughts. He thought he was doing a decent job, but it was only then that he noticed she wasn't moaning, stammering, or even breathing heavily, now that she wasn't pounding his hips from behind.

She was just glaring at him, as if this should have been an easy task.

"Wh...what else can I do?" he replied, his words muffled by the smooth velvet of her glistening folds. He truly was clueless, and perhaps, that much wasn't actually his fault...but he knew he was going to be punished for it regardless.

Tess had only one dilemma: choosing what method of punishment was best for an arctic fox that was eager to learn, but unable to perform to her standards.

"You're in luck. I think I've got an idea, but you won't find out the price until after I cum."

Tess was a woman with her priorities in order. She'd already gotten her fill of pleasure that night, and one squirting climax would have been enough for most people, but there was such a mental thrill in breaking a new submissive, and molding them into one of her new pets was something that she didn't get to do every day.

A combination of eagerness, and yet, ineffectiveness like Joe Tapps didn't come along every day.

There was still no chance for the arctic fox to question his position, and knowing she'd feel the gesture, he nodded, finally brushing his muzzle against the hood of her clit.

Her legs quaked for a moment; it was a start, but he'd have to do much better than that.

"I hope you remember how emphatically you just nodded when you get yours later on," she murmured, but her forceful paw yanked his head away, and she gazed down at him, holding his stare and captivating him all over again. Her emerald eyes were still radiating with an unanswered sexual frustration, and Joe came to wonder how a girl with such a powerful appetite could ever be a bad thing.

He'd likely find out firsthand, but in the brief moments that followed, Tess simply stepped over his head, allowing her wetness to soak a trail in the mane of his headfur, and spun around, sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs spread open.

"Crawl to me, my pet, and examine the treasure that your mistress has offered."

Leaning back and making sure her tail was sprawled out behind her, Tess was putting everything on display, and the underside of her rump made for an alluring path to her tailhole, even if it wasn't quite exposed. Two pawtips held her labia open, and the deliciously pink flesh took full control of Joe's actions, even before he started crawling.

What would have been a slow pace was hastened by the mouthwatering sight, and when he came to the valley of her sex, he felt her pawtips gripping tightly on his ear, holding it with claws that threatened to easily pierce the thin, delicate flesh.

"If you screw up this time, you're going to feel it, and you'll have something to remember me by for a very long time," she warned him, and pumped her grip to emphasize the razor sharpness of her claws. "Now...swirl your tongue around my clit."

His head moved in fast, and she gave a quick tug on his ear, drawing a whimper from the base of his throat. "Slowly."

It wasn't easy for Joe to only use the tip when his tongue was so wide, but he did the best that he could to fold his flesh on itself as he leaned in close. His breath was warm on her sex, and she smiled a bit more genuinely as she finally felt a patient touch against her clitoral hood. The moisture his muscle brought was gleefully welcomed, and the buzz of her sensitive nub left her legs to tremble the tiniest bit as he knelt before her.

"Perhaps you are a capable lover," she praised him, even if it was only momentarily. "One lucky strike isn't going to get you out of trouble, though. Keep going."

A few delicate, gentle swirls around the tiny, but obvious nub of her clit had Tess licking her lips with the possibility of a climax brought on only by the tongue of the fox. She didn't think he had it in him, but with an equally smooth and light stroke, his tongue trailed down from her clit and passed along the slim, enticing gap in her outer lips and stoked their passionate heat, while giving her a taste of relief in the same motion.

Her grip on his ear loosened in the slightest, and her free paw quickly and eagerly cupped the underside of one of her breasts. She could have been squeezing it the whole time, but she waited, savoring that moment for when he figured out how to make her toes curl.

Ankles dipped over his shoulders, footpaws rested on his upper back, and the claws upon her toes dug right in to his flesh, giving him no chance to move without leaving tiny bits of himself behind.

"D-dip it in," she groaned, her breathing starting to pick up as her folds pouted and moved. She had full control over them still, but her body was taking the reins away from her mind, and Joe was treated to the sight of her inner muscles clenching just a little bit, still carrying an extremely subtle gape from the egg that was placed there before. "Reach as deep as you f-fucking can, you slutty little fox."

Berating her pet might not have been necessary for Tess to keep his loyalty, but in made the moment so much more fun for her, and she could hear him whimpering at the insult, which was driving her up the wall. There was genuine fear in his whine; tiny as it might have been, in disappointing his mistress, and that passion made up the gap that inexperience left behind.

His tongue was every bit as satisfying as his cock would have been, jabbing deeply and rapidly into the depths of her womanhood. Her inner walls were contracting from the added delights, and his eager, panting breath on the whole of her sex was just what she needed for her muscles to clamp down on the wet, invading muscle.

Joe's brow cocked, and his eyes shrunk down in panic as he had to struggle to pull his tongue free, but it was a desperate mistake: her paw left her breast in an instant, leaving the poor nipple unattended to as her claws dug into his other ear. Both paws yanked forward with an unforgiving strength and forced Joe to plunge the deepest reaches of her depths, until his long and flexible tongue was brushing over her g-spot. His muzzle actually opened around the crest of her pubic mound, and a flood of saliva joined the fray as she bucked his hips at his maw, trapping him completely in the moment.

It was exhilarating, and though he wanted to, he didn't dare settle his paws on her thighs. The feeling of those muscles quaking and shivering around his head as Tess fucked herself on his tongue couldn't possibly be enhanced by his digits, and they gripped onto the edge of the bed as he held on and looked up at Tess, her breasts heaving and her tongue bouncing over the side of her jowls as she panted her way through a literally taken orgasm.

It wasn't until the pressure of another messy, powerful ejaculation that Joe's tongue was finally pushed free of her passage, and as it came out, a stream of juices followed it, soaking the bridge of his muzzle anew and leaving his eyes to wince shut as he was marked. He didn't know that she was claiming him as her pet in the most intimate way that she knew, but as his fur matted down with the juicy mess, he came to understand that his place truly was on his knees, between her thighs and eager to serve her once more.

"W...We'll get to y-your punishment shortly," she panted, looking down at her messy pet with eyes that could hardly stay open in their pleasured wince.

Joe's knees were already getting sore, and the moment he rocked back against her paws, she cut him off, refusing to even let him ask for a break.

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