Nightshade Captures a Coyote

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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An opening commission for our buddy DC Yote, this one is a tale of heroic intentions gone wrong, as the infamous Desert Knight becomes overzealous in his quest to defeat Nightshade. His thirst for revenge blinds his better judgment, and he ends up ensnared in the lively horticulture that she controls...but is his fate death, or something less sinister?

As always, read, comment and enjoy! This story was posted on Patreon a couple months ago. If you want to see all of our content as soon as it comes out, consider joining today!

To say that a beast of the desert was out of place in a greenhouse might have been something of an understatement, but Desert Knight wasn't going to make any excuses if his performance fell short of his own expectations.

After all, a hero didn't often have the chance to make an excuse when things didn't go their way, and Desert Knight was more than once forced to not only run for his life, but fight for it, as well.

The layout and atmosphere of a greenhouse didn't typically inspire thoughts of combat, but Desert Knight was always sure to plan ahead when he went on the attack, and there was no shortage of research about his enemy.

Nightshade wasn't the type of woman to be trifled with, and she was every bit as bold as she was dangerous: she actually preferred the company of the plants that were found in greenhouses, and she didn't much care that the tall, glass ceilings and walls meant that she could be seen from almost any angle...but she didn't show an ounce of fear through it.

From the distance, even though she hadn't seen Desert Knight approaching, she was grinning at the thought of his presence. Among the delicious and floral aromas of the greenery around her, the scent of a coyote was so obvious that she didn't have to see her opponent to know that he was coming, and he hadn't given any sort of a warning that he'd be arriving.

Being bold might have been Nightshade's only shortcoming, as her open walls allowed for a studious hero like Desert Knight to observe her from a distance and figure out what her plan was, given enough time. She was on the move that evening, and she wasn't working alone, but she was the only thing in the sights of the crafty coyote, as he snuck in the front door of the greenhouse.

Somehow, even the colorful petals on the flowers and the spread of viridian stems looked eerie in the dead of the night, and given the reflective nature of the plastic and glass in the greenhouse, Desert Knight was forced to try and navigate mostly by feel, unable to illuminate his path without giving away his position.

He didn't have any clue that there were already vines creeping along the ground, following his footpaws and keeping a close perimeter on him. They weren't trying to stop him right then; he was still too close to the door, and escape would be a fairly easy task if he were just to slice them away from his ankles.

The thicker bundles that were silently forming on the ground alongside him would pose a bigger threat when he was able to see them, but as overly zealous heroes so often did, Desert Knight was playing right into Nightshade's hand.

He made absolutely sure that his footpaws were completely silent on the dirt pathway that made up the floor of the greenhouse, and from his crouched position, he thought that he was safely out of sight, all while keeping a line of vision on Nightshade, who seemed more occupied with moving crates onto a handcart than she was with defending herself.

If there was ever a time to strike, Desert Knight thought, This is it. She'll never see it coming.

There was no door to crash through; no window to break, no grand way for the heroic coyote to make an entrance. There was only the sudden presence of his toes stamping against the dirt as he rushed around the corner, drew his Walther from the holster on hip, and gripped the stock tightly with both hands, securing a shot at the back of Nightshade's head.

"Don't move, Nightshade...I don't want this to get any messier than it has to."

In the dark of the night, the coyote was hardly visible, with his skin-tight bodysuit blending into the midnight air around him. A mask of black covered his eyes and obscured his expression, but she'd met with the hero before, and in their last encounter, she'd easily overwhelmed him and left him behind, in her hubris.

She wouldn't make the same mistake twice. "Progress requires sacrifice, you know. It's almost impossible for society to move forward without things getting a little bit messy."

"Unless you want to be the mess, you'll put your paws in the air and give yourself up. I'm not gonna wait for the authorities to get here, this time..."

Nightshade set down the crate she was holding and turned her head, casting a gaze of brilliant, emerald irises within startlingly yellowed sclera. "I'd bet you aren't. It was pretty embarrassing to have to be cut out of those vines last time, wasn't it?"

She hadn't forgotten their first encounter, and she could tell that her opponent was just as driven by his desire for revenge as he was by his sense of justice.

"Don't...don't you dare bring that up to me!" Desert Knight yelled back at her, and when the echo of his voice faded from the greenhouse, the room fell so silent that Nightshade could actually hear his digit quivering on the trigger, eager to pull it. "I let my guard down once, and I'm not gonna let you get the better of me this time. Get down on your knees and don't move another muscle!"

"You think you've kept your guard up this whole time, do you?"

Nightshade lifted her paws into the air and placed them behind her head. The doberman playfully tossed the long, flowing locks of her brown headfur as she did, and much to Desert Knight's shock, she actually began going down to a knee, but he'd made the mistake of trusting a villain too soon, before.

He kept his sights trained on her, and only on her, as she set a knee down in the dirt, spreading a small cloud of brown dust around the brilliant, shimmering green of her form-gripping costume.

"Just like those who I seek to destroy, you focus only on the task at hand, and not the bigger picture...the world around you."

As it was in their first meeting, Midnight gazed down and watched as thick, pulsing tentacles wrapped around his ankles. His sense of mercy disappeared in a blink, but it wasn't fast enough for him to take a clean shot with his pistol, as the vines yanked him out of his stance, and the bullet flew just wide of Nightshade's cheek, taking a few strands of her hair with it.

"I can't deny that I respect your bravado for trying to go this alone, and even more than that, you were actually brave enough to march right into the lion's den with a gun, thinking that you could take me down with one shot. It's like something out of a ten year old's dream, you know."

With little respect for his own safety, Desert Knight pointed his gun toward the ground and tried to fire on the vines, but he couldn't risk hitting his own leg, and already, he was struggling to keep his balance as another vine jumped up from the plethora of plants that surrounded him and gripped his right wrist.

He didn't have anywhere near enough ammo to take care of the army of greenery that was advancing on him, and the ringleader was getting closer, as well.

" isn't so generous, is it? Things don't always go the way that we'd planned. You're learning that all over again, aren't you?"

The situation was desperately similar to their first encounter, but this time, the coyote had only himself to blame: there were no plumes of narcotic pollen to twist and weaken his mind, and Nightshade hadn't so much as touched him yet; it was all the fault of his own arrogance that a final vine was allowed to wrap around his other wrist, even as he clenched it up tight in front of his chest, trying to keep his body from being spread to a state of helplessness.

" aren't gonna get away with-

"With this?" she finished his obvious statement for him as she hopped up from her knees and began closing the gap between them with a playful saunter. "Do you even know what this is, Desert Knight? Do you have any sort of a clue what I'm up to, or did you just see your beautiful nemesis moving crates in a greenhouse, so you decided to drop in and pay me a visit?"

Trapped and frustrated, the coyote wasn't going to admit anything without a fight, but he'd have been a fool to believe he had any chance of escape, save for the possibility of mercy within the villainess.

Her eyes didn't offer any such indication, and his own were starting to glow with an extra layer of frustration as she stood over him, reminding him of the way that they first met in the botanical gardens.

She'd kissed his forehead and put him in a trance with just one touch, and now, she was standing right in front of him, threatening to treat him to the same fate.

"If your endgame is just to humiliate me, there isn't anyone around to see you. Get on with it."

Nightshade crossed her arms under her bust and forced a silly frown. "Well, that's just no fun at all, Desert Knight. I'm sure the plants would be happy to see you humiliated...after all, those officers only chopped the vines off of your limbs because you were too weak to escape them, and perhaps these guys would like to see me get some revenge?"

With a dainty flicker of her pawtips, Nightshade manipulated the vines to squeeze tighter around his trapped, spread limbs, and a final, thinner appendage rose up from the ground, wrapping around his neck like a collar and forcing him to look up at his nemesis, whether he wanted to or not.

"They're plants...I don't think they're capable of desire."

"You really didn't learn anything from our last little date, did you?" she asked, treating their encounters as if they really were just a dalliance to her, rather than an actual form of heroic combat. "Plants are living, breathing things, just as people are...and they don't get nearly the respect they deserve. The planet is dying, and the plants along with it, and ordinary people, just like you , are to blame for their suffering...but you're not ordinary in the least, are you?"

The coyote cocked a brow under his mask. "What do you mean by that?"

"You're not the only one who can do a little research on their opponents, you know. As soon as I saw you tailing me around the neighborhood, I decided to launch my own investigation into your abilities, and who you really've got quite the powerful body, don't you?"

Desert Knight wasn't able to find out that much about his opponent, save for the fact that she'd defeated him before, and she was moving crates around in a greenhouse with the help of some hired goons. It all seemed innocent enough on the surface, but his humiliation drove him to find out everything the he could about her, and mount an attack before she could get started on her own.

"Of what concern is my body to you?"

Nightshade reached forth with a covered paw and brushed it along the delicate fluff upon Desert Knight's cheek, stoking her digits along the side of his snarling muzzle. "The line between plants and animals has been blurred in the past, before. We have the common thread of being alive, and where we take from plants, we rarely give back to them. Even the vines around your body would be easily defeated by a knife, a gun, or a flame...but you wouldn't be, Desert Knight, and perhaps the plants can learn to forgive you, if you're willing to help them out."

Her words made it completely clear, and Desert Knight cursed himself under his breath; she'd set him up and lured him in the entire time, and he was too blind to see it. Her plan was to allow him entrance, and the fact that she looked so busy was nothing more than a clever way to make her look unprepared.

She'd been anticipating this night just as long as he had.

"If you're asking me to plant a few more flowers in my window garden, I'd be more than happy to do that."

"Snide remarks aren't going to help you out of this, Desert Knight. You're more than welcome to dig your own grave, but I'm offering you a very fair bargain."

Having to bargain for his life at all didn't sit well with the coyote, but he could already feel his strength being sapped by the effort of straining against the vines, and they held fast against him.

He'd have to think of something, and just agreeing to the bargain would buy him a little more time.

"I don't think we'd quite see eye-to-eye on what's fair...but I'm not really in a position to argue."

"Glad that you're smart enough to see that," Nightshade claimed, "But that doesn't mean that you're in the clear just yet."

Desert Knight, despite his bonded form, was still holding the pistol in his paw, gripping it with all of the strength that he could muster.

"Drop the gun, and I'll make you an offer. You're no good to me dead...not yet, anyway."

Everything that Desert Knight had come to know of Nightshade made him believe that she wasn't above the concept of killing someone if they stood in her way, and somehow, her words didn't shake his belief that he might be taking his last breath that evening.

Everything he did from there on out would have to be done with the utmost care, and it started with releasing the grip on his beloved Walther, allowing it to fall into Nightshade's open palm.

She caught the gun and lifted it right to his forehead, placing the barrel against it with a sneer. Purely of reaction, Desert Knight winced in place, but Nightshade pulled the gun back and set it on one of the many tables to her side, covered in a myriad of different vials, beakers and microscopes. Given the expensive nature of the objects, Desert Knight was slightly ashamed that he hadn't noticed them when he walked in, and he became that much more fearful of wha she was working on in the harsh, heated conditions of the greenhouse.

" actually flinched! You act like that would have killed you or something, but both of us know you could have recovered from that."

Trembling in his binds and swallowing down a heavy gulp, Desert Knight finally put all of the pieces together in his mind. The sadistic tendencies of the super villain who captured him made it hard to focus, but she was fixated on one particular trait of his, and the reason for her bargain revealed itself.

"Y-you want to steal my DNA!"

"And the last horse finally crosses the finish line," Nightshade taunted him, giving his forehead a delicate poke with her fingertip. "I knew you'd figure it out if I gave you enough time!"

Given the power she already wielded over plant life, the idea of providing Nightshade with an army of tentacles and poisonous plants that could regenerate themselves was the stuff of nightmares, and Desert Knight couldn't think of a more noble cause to die for.

He also figured, given the rap sheet that followed Nightshade around, that he'd be dying in vain; she wouldn't be above extracting the DNA from his lifeless corpse while it was still warm.

"I'd never let you have it. You don't even know if your experiment would work!"

"Right again, genius: I have no idea if it would work or not, but the scientific method says that I have to form a hypothesis, experiment within it, observe the results, and document my success...or failure, if it comes to that. The few experiments that I've run so far show that the strains of DNA I've tried aren't quite doing the trick, as most reptilian creatures have regenerative properties written into their code, but you're the only mammalian creature that I know of with such an ability. Perhaps there's something else within you that the plants will be able to bond with a bit more effectively."

"And if I refu-

A pawtip pressed into his lips to silence him. "How the hell are you going to refuse? There's nothing you can do to stop me from taking what I want, and you damn well know it. You're only still alive because you're kind of cute, honestly."

It was a weird thing to hear in the middle of life or death negotiations, but Nightshade had a bit of a weird personality, and Desert Knight wasn't going to try to make rhyme or reason of his situation. She was clearly wrapped up in her experiment and was determined to try it, but his mind was able to stay focused on the topic of survival, even then.

She wasn't going to allow it to stay there any longer.

"If you're smart enough to give me a sample willingly, then I'll take it, send your silly little mind into a daze, and you get carted off to an alleyway somewhere for the rats to deal with. If you continue to resist...I switch the order of operations up a little bit, and I can't promise you'll survive the process..."

The flowers would have made for a very romantic setting, and somehow, Desert Knight couldn't help feeling that this was her way of flirting with him.

He knew that he was a literal breath away from being turned into her own personal slave, but he'd fight it every step of the way, and he wasn't afraid to make that known.

"Just because you've trapped me here doesn't mean I have to cooperate. I can't possibly abide this."

"A fighter, through and through. That's just what I would have expected out of you, Desert Knight."

Thousands of points of uncomfortable pressure stuck into the coyote's flesh, and he shuddered from the pain as thorns erupted out of the binding vines. His bodysuit was torn to literal ribbons the slow rotation of the previously smooth tentacles, and with no armor to protect his flesh, Desert Knight trembled once again, wishing that he could bite back on his fear.

Were his life not in such grave danger, he likely would have enjoyed the feeling of a paw, wrapped in a latex glove, slowly encompassing the fuzzy entrance of his sheath and squeezing around it.

"Y-you' fucking twisted..."

Nightshade snickered as she knelt down once more, but this time, there was no threat of resistance. "Twisted for wanting to use science to save the planet? I think I'm the only person in the world who makes sense anymore," she explained, and in doing so, she revealed just how quickly her mind could not only change gears, but how far gone she could be when she was passionate about a topic. "If your DNA is the key to saving my darlings, there's nothing I won't do to extract it..."

A spit or blood sample would have been the easier route to go, but Nightshade revealed just how cute she thought her captive really was, as she continued squeezing the base of his sheath and rubbing his balls, now that his bodysuit was a thing of the past. His righteous nature kept him from enjoying the touch, at first, but his one weakness was so easy for the doberman to exploit, it was almost unfair.

"You can't make me a willing participant, Nightshade. Y-you...c-can't make me do this!"

Kneeling before his hiding manhood and wearing a sinister grin, Nightshade opened her muzzle and slurped her tongue along the front of the warm, tasty orifice. She sealed her lips down upon it, and the same toxins that poisoned his mind in their first encounter entered his body from a different point, forcing his cock to react before his judgment was clouded.

As the walls around him grew distant and his member suddenly jumped from his sheath and grew in rapid fashion, Desert Knight could only gaze down helplessly and offer the weakest of protests to his treatment. "No...n-no, you can't d-do...thaaaaat..."

An unusual numbness spread along his jawline and down through his neck, and the sensation of cotton filled his maw, leaving the defeated hero to mumble aimlessly as Nightshade literally had her way with him. His mind was slowly following suit with his body, and no amount of upright and heroic self-justice would stop him from enjoying his treatment as she carried on with it.

Underneath the smooth, gripping fabric of her own costume, Nightshade was dripping with lust, and she allowed the vines around her knees to creep into the seams around her neck, prying the stretchy material from her body as she worked.

"I can do whatever I want to you, Desert Knight. If you ever get the better of me, I hope that you'll be kind enough to return the favor," she whispered, her voice riddled with a lust that she hoped he'd remember when this was all over. She could have teased him with her voice for hours and enjoyed it all the while, but there was a greater pleasure in feeling the delicious warmth of the tip of his canine cock against her lips, and then against her tongue as it continued to spill eagerly from his sheath.

Precum wouldn't have been so fast to follow in a usual setting, but this was anything but a usual setting, and Desert Knight was already vaguely unaware of what he was actually doing. Though it was the dead of night, pharmacological toxins were tricking his mind into seeing a bloom of iridescent colors around Nightshade, giving her a sense of beauty that made her a goddess in his eyes. She hardly needed the boost to her looks, but she could see his desire and obedience, even through his mask.

Ever eager to take whatever she could, she paused her sampling of his flavor and reached up, pulling the mask away from his fur and revealing eyes that she couldn't properly read. There was just the slightest hint of regret in the pit of her heart that she had to resort to such tactics in order to bring the coyote around; she wanted to see what his eyes really looked like, rather than the tired, drunken orbs she gazed upon.

To pass up this opportunity, however, she'd have to feel a lot worse than she did, and she fought back against those feelings as she gripped the base of his pulsing cock and aimed it right at her lips. "It's a shame that fate brought us together in such a way, another life, maybe we could have been honest lovers," she said, effectively thinking aloud as Desert Knight continued standing mindlessly before her. "But I'm being very honest when I say that if you cross me next time, it will be your last mistake."

Business before pleasure wasn't a mantra that Nightshade identified with properly. She mingled the two as often as she could, and as the vines finished stripping the last of her costume away, her mind commanded them to move slowly along the flesh upon her thighs, creeping ever closer to the glistening petals of her womanhood. The thin, wispy tendrils would spread her cunt apart and reveal the clenching of her inner muscles, and the eager treasure that was her vaginal entrance, but even if she summoned a thicker tentacle to come and take their place, it wouldn't quite measure up to the thick, tapered length that she was swirling her tongue upon.

Aided by the lustful toxins within his body, Desert Knight wasn't able to control just how quickly he'd achieve his orgasm, and though he might have felt shame about the subject in his right of mind, his hypnotized state couldn't have cared less about it. Nightshade could feel that familiar throbbing against her tongue, and quickly, she gave a mental order to a vine to bring her a beaker, and she pressed it right up to the underside of his cock as the first few spurts of his cum splashed against the inside of the glass.

"You're doing a wonderful service to all of my children," Nightshade claimed, watching with wide, eager eyes as she forced herself to visually savor the sight of his splashing mess, rather than tasting it. Her saliva might taint the experiment, and she needed a rather plentiful sample to work with, given the short shelf life of fresh sperm...but as she watched the gushing shots of ejaculate slow to a trickling ooze, she set the beaker back in the trusted grip of the vine, and watched the knotted, throbbing length bobbing against the air, still desperate for stimulation.

The sight of a couple of drops falling upon her chest was more than Nightshade could resist, and for just a moment, she gripped the base of his sheath and threw her head forward, spearing her own maw with the impressive flesh and stopping only when she felt the tapered, canine tip pushing against the back of her throat.

Hers was a torn and twisted mind, to say the least. The villain in her knew that it would be best to do away with the coyote in his state of defeat, and yet, there she was, trying to gag herself on his cock while he mindlessly gasped at a pleasure that he couldn't even fully appreciate.

She slowly eased herself off of the length and watched as her own saliva spilled to the ground, falling from the tip of his spent, leaking member. Just one taste of his cum would never be enough for her to be satisfied, but there was so much work to do, even then.

"...Bring him to his knees," Nightshade uttered her orders out loud, for once, and the vines cooperated all the same, setting Desert Knight in a purely submissive position. "I'm going to run some tests while he sobers up...I want him to know that I'm fucking his brains out when I take the next sample."

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