The Seeker, Chapter 23, Demon in the Machine, Part 2

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

** The Seeker, Chapter 23**

** Demon in the Machine, Part 2**

Eddie woke up with a start, and realized she was laying on a bed, on her side, looking at a large red scaly face with a snout full of fangs. She might have freaked out if he hadn't remembered where she was.

"Pet, What happened?" Eddie asked, a little confused.

"You passed out, I said, when Mistress Vulva told you that you were stuck in Hell for good, or for bad, or whatever."

With a squeal Eddie sat up and looked at Mistress Vulva, who was looking at him/her.

"How'd I get in here?" Eddie asked.

"Pet carried you, Vulva hissed, are you OK now? I guess I should have had you sit down first. Hisss. You really knocked your head on the edge of the desk. Pet was worried."

"Ow!" Eddie said as she touched the bump on her head. "Yeah, I guess I'm OK now, it was bit of a shock though. Thanks Pet."

*"My pleasure" I replied. It had been too, she was nice and soft and smelled good. She'd really cracked her head, if demonkind weren't so tough it could have been really bad. And just because we're tough doesn't meant we don't feel pain. *

"Well, since you're feeling better lets go to the breakroom for some refreshments. I need to tell Eddie a few things he, er, she needs to know. Pet, tea!"

*"Yassuh boss, I'se goin, yassuh!" And I slouched out of the bedroom and down the hall. *

Eddie hopped off the bed and followed Vulva down the hallway. "Um, Eddie said, is he always so, um, ....?"

"Strange? Vulva hissed in amusement, Yesss, that's my Pet. I think it's how he copes with this place, he used to be human too you know. I like him like that; he makes things more...interesting. And he makes great tea. But wait out here till he gets through."

*"Why.." Eddie started to ask. *

*KA-BAM! "RAAWWRRRR!", and Eddie gave a screech and ducked behind Vulva as a silver metal tube like object came rocketing through the doorway of the breakroom trailing a tail of steam with Pet in hot pursuit, disappeared into the office, and a second later a loud "OUCH! What the FUCK!" came from the hallway. "Sorry!" said Pet. *

"Because, hiss, hiss, hiss, Vulva said, Pet sometimes has trouble with the samovar."

Eddie rose from where she'd been cowering behind Vulva as Pet walked past carrying the still steaming samovar.

"Sorry Mistress, I said, it got stopped up again. No one got hurt though, it just beaned one of the overseers. I told him to take the rest of the day off; he was a little wobbly on his hooves."

Eddie started to follow Pet into the room, but Vulva grabbed her arm, and said, "Not yet, he isn't, hiss, finished."

As they waited in the hall Eddie had to admit this certainly was the weirdest place she'd ever seen, in addition to the scariest. She really wanted to go home, but from what he... she'd been told that wasn't possible. His/her human body had been destroyed while the demoness's body he currently 'possessed' had been possessing his body, and since the demoness had died with his body he was now stuck as a female demoness, so this 'new' body was his whether he liked it or not. Or something like that. So far he hadn't liked it much. It just felt so weird, especially the being a girl part, and not even a female human. His/her new...needs were overwhelming at times.

"OK Mistress, I called, the coast is clear!"

Eddie followed Vulva into the 'breakroom' and stopped and did a double take. It looked like a cross between a Victorian sitting room and a whorehouse with a Wild West bar thrown in complete with bullet holes and shelves of bottles behind it. There was even a really tacky picture of a naked human woman over it. The large dragon was messing around behind the huge bar, his long tail sticking out from behind it on one side. Two rather large lizards were sitting on the bar and watching him, and Pet turned around and threw them some kind of biscuits or cookies that they grabbed with happy hisses. With the treats in their mouths they hopped down from the bar and ran out the door.

"What are those?" Eddie asked.

"They're tunnel lizards, Vulva replied, they keep the vermin under control. You need about a hundred of them in your, um, Varna's domain.

"More like two hundred!" I said.

Eddie had to agree, the short time he'd been there he'd, no I'm a SHE now she reminded herself, the short time she'd been there it had been disgusting, the place had been filthy and stank. And she felt much better with those damn fleas or lice; or whatever they were, gone now. They'd been driving her crazy, and she still itched, but the lovely sulfur bath had taken care of that problem. She looked up again as Pet approached, and stifled a giggle. He was walking in little mincing steps, a smoldering towel over one arm, and holding a tray with an actual tea serve on it. He looked absolutely ridiculous.

"Tea and crumpets are served madam" I intoned in my best English butler dude voice. Then I paused, thought a second, and asked, "Mistress, what's a crumpet?"

"The Hell if I know, Vulva replied, something like a scone I think."

"Mistress, I asked, what's a scone?"

"I have no idea Pet, Vulva hissed, something like a croissant."

"Mistress, I asked, what's a croissant?"

"PET, HISSSS, Vulva screeched, just SHUT UP and serve the tea already!"

*Yipe! "Yes Mistress!" I said, Geez, ask a simple question! Guess I'll never find out what a crumpet is. *

"Thank you Pet, Vulva said, guests first."

"But of course madam." I replied. I poured Eddie a mug of the thick green sulfur tea, and asked, "Would madam care for some brimstone cubes?"

"Er, Eddie asked, what IS this stuff? It looks like pea soup!"

"I did NOT pee in it!" I said in indignation.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss, Vulva hissed, It's our version of tea Eddie, it's really quite good, the brimstone makes it spicier. Hiss. Try some, you'll like it."

Eddie took a hesitant sip, and then smiled, "Hey, this IS good!"

"Told you so, Vulva said smugly. Pet does make good tea."

I preened a little at that, I do love praise from My Mistress. "The usual two lumps madam?" I inquired.

"Yes please, Vulva replied, hisss, and pour yourself a gallon to two too."

*Oh boy! I thought as I poured the rest of the contents of the samovar into a huge mug with "Property of Eric the Awful" written the bottom in old Norse. I'd swiped it during a visit to Valhalla. I think Loki got blamed, but I didn't care because the guy is a real jerk. I hadn't cared much for place, too damn cold and they kept throwing spears at me and calling me Grendel for some reason, but they did know how to throw a party. I took a chance and grabbed a box of urinal cakes too. Maybe Mistress wouldn't notice. *

"Pet, share the urinal cakes", Vulva said.

Rats, I thought. I handed an unopened one to Eddie, who looked at it kind of askance.

"Um, Eddie said, are these really what I think they are?"

"Tidy Bowl, I said, the Mistress only gets the best!"

*"Eddie, said Vulva in a soft voice, you have to remember where you are. We drink sulfur and ammonia; except Pet, it makes him drunk, and we eat brimstone and raw flesh, and you drink blood. To us a urinal cake is like a Ding-Dong to mortals, a sweet crunchy treat." *

*I don't eat raw flesh! I thought, gross! Give me some nice pyrite anytime, or a lump of feldspar. But I do like industrial strength ammonia, especially the evergreen scented kind. Gives me a buzz and makes my breath nice and minty. Pinesol is horrible though. *

Eddie opened the packet and sniffed the blue cake; and it did smell sweet. She took a nibble, not bad, so took a bigger bite. Pretty good actually. She had a little trouble with crumbs due to her oversize fangs, they were even bigger then Vulva's; and she spilled some of the tea too. Damn fangs! Finally she just lapped it out of the mug with her long tongue. The brimstone cookies were good too, but she'd had a growing hunger for something else for awhile, but controlled it for now.

*I stuck my head under the table and licked the crumbs off the floor, didn't bother me if they might be dirty since sometimes I eat dirt. Drakes have no table manners; come to think of it we don't even have tables. I can't help it; I'm a pig for urinal cakes. As I licked up the last of the crumbs I took a good sniff of Eddie and she smelled nice, very aroused. Her musk had really improved since her sulfur bath. Hmmm, I thought, and she IS a demi-demoness. So I started to lick her legs, eyeing the pink lips of her sex. She had a fairly pronounced mound with nicely protruding labial lips, and they glistened wetly. Mmm, I thought, responding to her need. I worked my way up her muscular legs with long, slow, soft licks and smelled her increasing arousal. She gave a start when I ran the forked tip of my tongue lightly over her vagina, and tensed, but as I licked her again she gave a soft grunt and spread her legs some more. Offer accepted, I thought in delight. I used more and more of my tongue to lick her swollen wet sex, Mmmm, sweet, and then worked my tongue into her, but took it nice and slow enjoying my treat. Boy is she deep, I thought as over a foot of my tongue slid into her. And she had incredible control of her vaginal muscles as they sucked me farther in, just like Mistress! Hissing, I pushed with my snout spreading her legs even more, and started tongue fucking her with steady laps of my tongue, darting it in and out of her juicy sex. Man she's wet! When she came her pussy clenched my tongue and I sucked and lapped happily at the fresh flow of her sexual juices, and she dug her claws into the table and gave an almost supersonic screech of pleasure that lasted quite a long time. I gave a pleased hiss; I am good at what I do best, and just love it when a female appreciates my attentions. Next I switched my attentions to My Mistress, and she spread her legs for me too. Twice in a row! Happy days are here again, Do-dah, Do-dah! *

Oh, oh, what is he DOING down there? Eddie thought. She'd been talking to Vulva when the dragon started licking her legs. It was a little bit disconcerting at first, but she'd had dogs do that when she was human, so she didn't say anything. Felt kind of nice actually, his tongue was warm and soft. She kept talking to Vulva, but found she was distracted more and more by the feeling of that tongue, and it was moving higher. She found herself wondering what it would feel like if he licked her...there, then gave a grunt and grasped the edge of the table when he did! Then when the tongue licked her pussy again she squealed and spread her legs and he pushed his snout between them lapping eagerly at her sex. Oh, oh, that felt SO good, and she needed what he was giving her SO bad! OH, OH, he's inside of me now, the feel of that thick warm tongue inside her pussy was divine! She stared at Vulva, her mouth open in surprised shock, and panted as Pet tongue fucked her. Vulva stared back at her, a smile on her muzzle. She knows what he's doing, Eddie realized as she gasped and panted, her tongue lolling out of her mouth, Oh, Uggghh, that felt so, so incredible! She pulled and stroked the long thick tongue with her vaginal muscles, trying to pull it farther inside of her, and pet complied until she was full of hot slithery tongue. Finally she couldn't take it anymore and gave a high pitched squealing shriek of pleasure as she climaxed, then fell back in the chair and tried to catch her breath as Pet cleaned her off still slurping happily. She couldn't believe what had just happened, right in front of someone else, and she'd enjoyed it, a LOT!

"I'm, I'm sorry, Eddie gasped, I don't know what, he, I couldn't..., it felt so, I'm sorry! "

"Why?, Vulva smiled, Pet smelled your need; so did I, and did what he's trained to do. One of his duties is pleasuring my guests. Hisss. He's quite good at, aren't you my little jelly bean?"

Don't call me that! I thought as I tongue fucked My Mistress. I stopped long enough to say, "It was my pleasure Eddie; you have a very nice juicy pussy. I enjoyed eating you very much. You know Mistress, she's a demi-demoness like you, so I could, um, you know. I mean, if she wants me to."

"Not yet Pet, Vulva said, you'd scare her to death. She needs to become more aware of her...capabilities first."

Darn, I thought, and plunged my head back between my Mistress's legs to finish what I'd started. Mmmm, I just love eating my Mistress's pussy!

"Capabilities?" Eddie squeaked. She realized the dragon was doing the same thing to Vulva now; the large demoness had a big smile on her muzzle and was giving little grunts of pleasure as wet slurping sounds came from under the table.

"Eddie, Vulva said with a grunt of pleasure, forget all your human sexual morals and inhibitions, none of them apply here. Hisss, ugh! That's nice Pet, don't stop. I'm a sex demoness, Pet is a sex demon, and it's what we do best. We're more like animals in that regard, with enough human thrown in to enjoy ourselves even more. Hisss. You're not a sex demoness, but you'll find your sexual needs are much more, um, hard to resist, and like all demonkind you're almost insatiable. What Pet just did was what any demon will do if you 'advertize' your need, and you did, your pheromones were thicker then Hell. We can't help it; we're in a state of perpetual near rut. If a demonkind shows an interest in mating with another it's considered very rude to turn down the offer. Ugghh, oh yes Pet, that's nice! Doesn't matter is you're female, male, or something else, no sex discrimination down here. Of course if you're not compatible that's one thing. Pet here is limited to other fire demonkind or demi's or above in the hierarchy. Even demonkind that hate one another will fuck one another to satisfy their mutual needs. It's one of the few things we're allowed that give us real pleasure, so we make the most of it. And we do it in public, don't be embarrassed to mate in front of others at all. There is very little privacy here. And...ugggghh, oh yesss Pet!!" Then she paused and gave a short loud screech of pleasure as Pet finally let her cum, and settled back again to enjoy it as he cleaned her up. He was so tidy. The she resumed, "And of course being a demi-demoness you're very powerful, and any demon would be more then glad to service you, and any Imp or beast you desire has no choice in the matter. Hisss, they're all trained to satisfy their owners. If you'd like, I could, um, tutor you? And if you'd like Pet to service you just let him know, he has my permission. He's one Hell of a good fuck too."

Thanks Mistress! I thought, the lovely taste of both females still strong in my mouth. I was really aroused now. I looked at Eddie hopefully, but she seemed to kind of be in shock.

Eddie closed his eyes and though about what Vulva had just said. She remembered the incredible lust she'd felt, and the way it had felt to be fucked by the rat creature and the lizard-goat demon, and what Pet's incredible tongue had just done to her. She wondered what it would be like to have the dragon mount her, and she felt herself start to get wet again at the thought. She opened her eyes and smiled at Vulva,

"I think I'd like you to teach me, my, er, capabilities. But I think I'll wait for a while before I, um,er...try Pet on for size." Eddie said.

Rats I thought, Boy does she need to get laid too, I thought. Man she smells nice! Every demon and male Imp in the domain is going to end up with a boner if she doesn't cool off!

"It would be my, and Pet's, pleasure" Vulva hissed in delight, she so loved corrupting a soul! And it would be even more fun with Eddie considering her new bodies...capabilities. She'd have to arrange a trip to the Marque de Sade's pleasure dungeon for them. Oh yes, that would be fun! But that would come later, for now they had more immediate problems.

"Pet, go watch the office door, NO visitors!" Vulva hissed. She didn't want any eavesdroppers to hear this.

*"Yes Mistress! I hear and obey!" I said, and went and lay down in the office with my head sticking out the door, and snarled at anyone who came close. And the few Imps and demonkind who probably had legitimate business got the hint and decided to come back later. Who says Imps are stupid, not me. *

"First of all Eddie, your name is Varna now, we have to forget Eddie ever existed. Hissss. You have to become Varna, BE her in every way. Do you understand why? Like I said before, there are those who would...take advantage if they knew. We need to keep this between you, me, and Pet. And I'll make sure he keeps his big snout shut."

"Vulva, Eddie said, I'm really sorry about your cousin, I didn't want that to happen."

Vulva gave a sad smile, and replied, "Don't be Eddie, Varna was, well, not a nice person. She was bad even for here. Don't get me wrong, I didn't want her dissipated, but it was her own damn fault, hissss, for messing with something she didn't understand. That possession by computer thing is just wrong! It's in no way your fault; you're just an unfortunate victim of her stupidity. Now tell me 'Varna', have you ever run a business?"

Right, Eddie thought, I'm Varna now, got to remember that. "Um, not really. I was driving a cab part time while I went to Community College. I was working on a degree in Business Administration. So I have some schooling in micro and macro economics and stuff like that."

Hmmm, Vulva thought, don't know how much that will help here. "Well, hopefully that will help some; you'll have to learn how to run your domain."

"That place was my domain? Eddie/Varna asked, what does it do, I mean, and what do I do?"

"Your domain manufactures racks and other dungeon equipment. Manacles, whips, chains, stuff like that. You also build custom designed equipment on special order. You have a reputation for good quality. I buy those kind of supplies from you."

Erk, thought Eddie. "But I don't know anything about that kind of stuff! I've never been into, well, bondage and stuff."

"Well, Vulva said, you'll need to learn. And it's mostly used for torture, not just bondage. You probably have overseers, demonkind, and specially trained Imps that perform most of those duties anyway. A domain Master or Mistress is more of the manager anyway. We each have specialties, yours is manufacturing, and mine is breeding slaves."

"Slaves?" Varna echoed.

"Yes, slaves, Vulva hissed. I breed beasts and Imps which I trade to other Masters and Mistresses for what I need, and they do the same. Human male and female virgins, animals, beasts, and Imps are the breeding stock. It's why we like virgin sacrifices so much. I'll have Pet give you a tour sometime. Of course in my case the male virgins all become demonkind or Hell studs. We have no real money here as gold and other precious metals are valueless. Hisss. We have a kind of barter and favors system, you'll learn it fast enough. It can be kind of complicated, but it's worked for thousands of years. Varna will have a ledger or something around with a tally of what's owed her, and what she owes others. You'll need to, hiss, go through it carefully. Forgetting a favor or obligation owed is a major insult down here."

"I'll try my best." Varna said. Hell help me, she thought.

"Good, Vulva said. If we take it slowly and carefully we should be OK. Varna was pretty anti-social and a bit of a recluse, so you won't be expected to attend, or even be invited, to very many social functions. Hisss. But you will get lots of invitations just to be polite, but I'll tell you which to ignore and which ones are mandatory. We're powerful, but we're slaves ourselves to our Lords or Ladies. We all get slave brands when a Master or Mistress accepts our service and binds us to them, in your case Lord Tepes; but you might know him better as Dracula. I am in the, hiss, service of Great Lord Ba'al. We pay part of our 'earnings' to them as homage in return for their patronage and protection."

"Dracula? THE Dracula? Varna asked, as in 'Good evening, I want to suck your blood, Bleah, Bleah'??"

"Not at all, Vulva replied, that's the Hollywood version. He's actually quite sophisticated, very charming in an old world way. And yes, he does suck blood, all vampire demonkind do, he's the Lord of all vampires."

At the thought of blood Varna realized she'd started drooling. She remembered what the demons hot blood had tasted like. Running her tongue over her fangs, she said,

"Vulva, I'm, I'm hungry."

"Would you like some more cookies or urinal cakes?" Vulva asked.

"No, Varna said, I'm HUNGRY!" and gave deep growl.

"Oh, OH, Vulva hissed. That's right, I'm sorry, you are a vampire after all. Hissss! How rude of me! Wait here."

Vulva got up and went to the bedroom. The two Imp nannies who were taking care of the babies while Lisa was away looked up at her. Vulva beckoned at the largest one in a 'come with me' gesture so they wouldn't wake up the babies. The goat-Imp obediently got to her hooves and followed.

Varna couldn't help herself when she saw the goat-Imp, she could smell the Imps blood; see it pulsing through the veins in her throat. With a snarl she started towards the Imp. When Vulva stepped in front of the Imp Varna bared her fangs and hissed.

"Varna! Vulva hissed back with a threatening growl of her own, snap out of it! I know what you vampires can be like when the hunger needs to be satisfied, but do NOT drain this Imp to death. Hissss. She is very valuable and has given good service! You'll have your own feeding Imps and others back at your domain, but for now you can feed on mine as long as you don't kill them! HISSSS!"

Varna shook her head, geez, snap out of it Eddie! She thought. "I'll try my best Vulva, but you have no idea of what it's like, I've never felt hunger like this before."

"Well, see that you do, Vulva said, it's best to keep them alive for future feedings, otherwise it's a waste of a good Imp. And your hunger will be worse if you're not eating regularly, you need raw meat too."

Yes, thought Eddie/Varna, raw meat would be nice. Then, I cannot believe how good raw bloody meat sounds, or that I actually want to suck blood! This is so weird! She flared her nostrils and scented the Imp again, drool dripping from her fangs. So was hungry, so very hungry!

Vulva pushed the terrified Imp forward, and then stood behind her. Part of Varna felt sorry for the Imp, but her hunger, her need, was far stronger. Slathering she reached out and pulled the Imp into her embrace, wrapping her wings around it. With a snarl she dug her two main fangs into the Imps throat, instinctively finding the jugular, and clamping down started feeding with deep sucking sounds. The Imp gave a bleating squeal, and then went limp. As she fed she ran her hands over the Imps large breasts and felt the nipples harden, and realized she was becoming aroused too. There was an extreme sexual overtone to her feeding like this, and she wished the Imp was male. She could feel the Imps heart beating almost as if it was her own, could feel the Imps blood pulsing through its veins, and closed her eyes at the feeling of incredible ecstasy as she kept feeding. She felt the Imps heart suddenly flutter and miss a beat, and with a gasp pulled her mouth away from its throat. It was the hardest thing she'd ever done. She folded her wings and gently laid the now unconscious Imp down in a chair. Standing up, she said,

"Thank you Vulva, Varna said, you had no idea how badly I needed that. The Imp will be fine, she just needs to rest."

Vulva almost told Varna to put the Imp on the floor as slaves were not allowed to sit in the presence of their Master or Mistress. Chairs were only for demi-demonkind or higher, and even a lesser demonkind could not sit in the presence of their Lord or Lady without permission. Great Lord Ba'al preferred his minions to grovel on the floor while he talked with them. Pet excelled at that, but of course he usually passed out, and being unconscious helped. But in this case she made an exception as the Imp was one of her favorites, and she'd been worried.

"My pleasure", Vulva said, but thought, vampires, ugh! "Well, enough for now. We need to get some sleep, big day tomorrow. Oh, by the way, hisss, you'll be accompanying me to the grand opening of my new domain in the morning. It will be a good experience for you. It should be one Hell of a party."

"A party? In Hell?" Varna asked.

"Oh yes, Vulva hissed in amusement, we party hard down here. We have lots of...steam to blow off. It'll probably last for several days as it's a really big event, no expense has been spared. Everything Who's Who in Hell should be there. Great Lord Ba'al is the guest of honor, and he likes to see everyone have a good time, especially himself. Hiss, hiss, hiss. Now come on, let's get this Imp back to the bedroom and get settled down for the night."

Vulva called with her mind link, 'Pet, time for bed! Tell the plant to keep an eye on the office while he's hunting.'

'Yes Mistress', I replied. I gave the plant his orders and he threw me a salute with his tentacles, and with a rather large yawn I headed down the hallway. As I got to the bedroom Varna was already in bed with the two Imps. It looked like one was already asleep, and the other Imp was as far away from Varna as it could get. I took the basket with the babies; man they're getting bigger, and lying down curled up around it. They woke up a little when I licked them; rumbling low in my throat, smiled at me and licked me back, and went back to sleep. I laid my head down next to the basket, and closed my eyes. It didn't take me long to fall asleep as I was perfectly content.

*Eddie/Varna lay awake for awhile. Because of her huge wings she had to sleep on her side, it was too damn uncomfortable on her back. How Pet did that with equally large bat-like wings she couldn't understand. She looked at Vulva who had already fallen asleep, the large demoness was gently holding the Imp Varna had fed on and she realized Vulva really did care for the Imp even though it was 'only a slave'. The other Imp had gotten out of the bed and laid down next to Pet and the basket with the cute little babies in it. Don't blame it, thought Varna, she still got a start when she looked in the mirror and saw all her fangs, and she'd had to wash the blood from her feeding out of her fur. Actually she just used her long tongue to lick most of it off, it tasted so good. She finally closed her eyes and went to sleep, Pets soft hissing snores and the warmth of Vulva and the Imp's bodies helping her sleep fairly peacefully, all things considered. *

Varna/Eddie woke up with a snort, during the night the Imp she'd fed on had rolled over and had one arm wrapped around her, its muzzle buried in her chest fur between her large breasts. Gently she pulled the arm off of her and rolled the Imp back over; it gave a sleepy bleat, but didn't wake up. She could smell, and see, the blood pulsing in the Imps neck, but somehow knew it was much too soon to feed on that Imp again. She rolled into an upright squat and looked around sleepily. Hell, I'm really in Hell, she thought. She thought for a few minutes, and decided that she could learn to live with it, not that she had much choice as she; or at least her 'new' body, was immortal now. She moved to the edge of the bed and looked at Pet. The large dragon was still curled protectively around the basket containing the two cute little baby demonkind, one that looked like him and one that looked like Vulva. He was lying with his head upside down and his tongue lolling out, his slobber bursting into flames when it hit the floor with a sizzling sound. She ran her tongue over her fangs remembering what Pets tongue had felt like inside her pussy a few hours ago. Must be tougher then I thought, she thought as she stared at the flaming drool. She blinked her large reptilian eyes, hadn't Vulva said something about a party? She hadn't seen any clocks in Hell so far, but some internal clock told her it was mid morning. Leaning over she gave Vulva's shoulder a gentle poke.

Vulva woke up, and opening her eyes gave a startled hiss as a large snouted face full of fangs stared down at her drooling. Oh, right, Varna, or Eddie, or whatever. She'd been expecting Pet.

*"Umm, hisss, Morning Varna." Vulva hissed as she stretched, her long tongue sticking out and curling back to lick her large wet nose. *

"Um, Vulva, Varna said, didn't you say something about a party or something last night?"

Vulva froze in mid-stretch. Crap! She looked at Pet and gave an angry hiss. She hopped down from the bed and gently picked up the basket with the babies, and turning to Varna handed them to her.

"Hold this please Varna, Vulva said, thank you."

Vulva walked around behind Pet's rear and looked at it from a couple of different angles, then started experimentally swinging a leg back and forth as she gauged the angle.

My goodness, thought Eddie, she's not going to....yep, she is.

Vulva gave Pet a kick in the butt that lifted his rear about three feet off the ground and roared, "PET, you were supposed to wake us up!! We're running late!"

"RAAAARRRGGHHH, SNORT!" I bellowed as someone kicked me out of a lovely dream about fire salamanders and urinal cakes.

"WHAT THE....WHO DARES!" I roared.

"I DARE YOU LITTLE TROGLADYTE! Screeched Vulva as she smacked him with her tail, "We're going to be late for our own damn party!"

I did what I usually do when I panic, ran around in a circle with my tail tucked between my legs while My Mistress whaled on me.

*"Yipe! Yipe!, SMACK, Owoooo!! WHAM! Ow, ow, owww! WHACK! Yipe! SNORT! Yipe!" *

"Mistress I wailed, it's not my fault, the alarm clock didn't go off!"

"That's NO excuse, HISSSSS, Vulva said, you know we don't have any clocks in Hell, they don't WORK down here!"

Oh yeah, I thought, as I made my escape out the door and down the hallway. Still not my fault, I told those lousy tunnel lizards to wake me up!

The loud commotion woke up the two babies, who took one look at Varna's large fangs, and immediately started crying in high pitched squeals.

With a snarl Vulva turned towards Varna, her tail still whipping back and forth, fangs bared. With a shriek Varna set the basket down carefully, and joined the Imps and tunnel lizards under the bed.

"I didn't do anything! Honest!" Varna/Eddie yelled.

Vulva took a deep breath and calmed down. "I'm sorry Varna; I just go kind of feral when my babies are scared and cry. It's OK now. You can come out, the Imps too."

I stuck my head back in the door, I'd turned back the second I heard my babies start crying. Not sure what was going on, I asked,

"Mistress, I hissed worriedly, are the babies OK?"

"Yes Pet, Vulva said, as she picked up the crying babies and held them to her breasts. At the sight of her nipples the babies quieted down and started feeding hungrily."

Knowing it was safe now I entered, and going to my Mistress I gently licked the babies and her muzzle, hissing softly, and she licked me back. She's like that, one minute mad, next tender. I really like that.

*Varna/Eddie looked at the two Imps, who looked at her, and they exited from under the bed on different sides. Hungry, she started to stalk the Imps without even realizing it, and they disappeared down the hallway with loud bleats, Varna in pursuit. *

Vulva looked up a few minutes later, and asked, "Pet, where's Varna? Come to think of it, where are the Imps?"

"The Imps, I replied, ran out the door with Varna chasing them. No telling where they are now."

"Well, GO GET THEM PET! HISSSS!" We're running late! Tell the Imps to come back here and take care of the babies, and when you catch Varna throw a net over her and meet me at the portal. No time for breakfast! HISSS!"

As I passed the breakroom I grabbed some leftover urinal cakes from the night before; good thing the tunnel lizards hadn't gotten them-the little mooches, and chomped them happily. No breakfast huh, I don't think so! As I entered the office one of the Imps ran past me and down the hallway to the bedroom. Varna came walking in the door licking blood off her fangs with a happy look on her muzzle.

"Varna, I hissed, where's the other Imp?"

"Lying down in the tunnel somewhere." Varna replied. Then seeing the look on Pet's snout, added "I didn't kill her! Honest! I didn't She'll be fine!"

"She'd better be! I said, Mistress doesn't like it when her favorite Imps get killed or eaten." Damn vampires!

Vulva entered the office, and seeing Pet and Varna, yelled "Don't just stand there; we need to fly if we're to get there in time! Come on!!"

*I followed My Mistress and Varna down the tunnel at a trot, enjoying the sight of her lovely tail swishing back and forth. Humans and other demonkind might like boobs and butts, but I'm a tail demon, yes indeedy. But I had to admit Varna had a nice butt, even if her tail was a little short for my taste. *

*The guard Imps must have heard us coming as they already had the portals wide open, and they bowed as we passed through. My Mistress kept running and took to the air with powerful beats of her wings, followed by Varna, then yours truly. I took a short run, leapt into the air, and with strong flaps of my wings fell in behind, to one side, and slightly below the demoness's. Fine by me, the view was fantastic. *

It was a fair distance to the new domain, but by air we made it fairly quickly. I had to admit Varna/Eddie looked a lot better in the air. On the ground her overly large wings made her look awkward, but in the air she was graceful and beautiful. Her wingspan was so large she hardly had to flap at all if there was any kind of wind or updraft at all, but she could pull her wings in flapping them in a blur and hover like a hummingbird if she wanted. As we neared the domain a flight of Bat Imps and bat demonkind with a demon bat overseer approached and challenged us, but when we identified ourselves fell in formation to give us an escort. The demonkind wore harnesses and carried power lances, and the Bat Imps carried nasty lances with tips hardened on the forges of Vulcan, and those tips could penetrate even demonkind scales or hide. Of course they couldn't kill a demonkind, but it would still hurt like a SOB, and they were barbed so it would be hard to pull them out.

*I looked up as I heard a roar, and roared my own greeting back at Vulk and two other fire drakes that were flying high cover. Vulk is one of the older fire drakes, and the dude is huge. He was twice the size of any other dragon I'd seen. One of the others was a dragoness, and I felt my heart suddenly fill with loneliness for my mate Lydia. But I cheered up fast as I knew she'd be at the party too. I sped up my beats, anxious to get there, I missed her so. *

As Varna/Eddie flew through the air with Vulva and Pet she had to admit that being able to fly went a long way towards making this nightmare more bearable. The sex was nice too. She had a moment of concern when a flock of smaller bat like creatures approached them and their fangs and claws looked deadly, plus they were armed. She realized the larger bats with them were demonkind though. One called a high pitched shrieking challenge, but became very courteous and attentive when Vulva indentified them. Pet, who had flown towards the bats when they approached; putting himself between them and his Mistress, returned with the new bat demon following. As they kept flying towards the domain the bat demon; he wasn't a vampire bat though, flew close enough to her for his wingtip to brush hers, his interest apparent. He called to her, his high pitched voice easy to hear even over the wind,

"Hello, who are you? My name is Krak."

Varna almost replied 'Eddie', but caught herself in time. "Um, I'm Varna!"

The demon stroked her wingtip again, very gently and with a soft touch, the fine crushed fur covering it was smooth and soft.

"What a lovely name, Krak said, I get off duty in a few hours. I'll be at "The Bat Cave", it's a new club for our kind of demonkind. I'd really like to get to...know you better."

If Varna/Eddie could have blushed she would, she knew exactly what he meant by "get to know you better", and as she looked at his lithe muscled body, his large balls and penis sheath evident, she decided that's exactly what she wanted.

"I'll be there!" Varna called back.

"Excellent my lovely one!" Krak called back, and shrieked a command at his flight of bats, and they smoothly peeled off one by one in perfect formation to go back on patrol. He took another look at the large imposing vampire demi-demoness and thought, 'She is HOT!'.

Varna admired his grace as he led his attack flight away in a long steep dive. He really was a hunk, and she felt flattered he was interested in her. She still thought of herself as butt ugly compared to someone like Vulva, but couldn't have been more wrong as he/she was still thinking in human terms.

*In Hell beauty is relative. By some demonkind standards Varna was not very good looking. Her large blunt snout-like muzzle, huge fangs, and large wings turned some demons off, but to another bat demonkind she was the epitome of beauty, though she had yet to find that out. *

Wow, I thought, we have our own Air Force! How cool is that? And as we touched down at the portal to the new domain I thought, Wow, we have our own army too!

"Um, Mistress, I said, I think Carl may have gone a little overboard on security."

*"Really, do you think?" Vulva hissed. *

The main portal to the domain was at the back of a short ravine or canyon, and the entrance was now flanked by bunkers, and I could see rapid fire power lances' sticking out of the view slits. A King Tiger tank hull down in a revetment poked its long artillery grade power lance over the edge, lizard demon in a black jacket and beret manned the cupola power lance, and I could see two dug in anti-behemoth crew served power lances in sandbag emplacements. And that wasn't including the barbed wire, anti-tank obstacles, and infantry emplacements. And where the Hell did he get a ground to air missile battery?

"You got to admit Mistress, I said, it's pretty impressive, and the bunkers are kind of neat."

"Just watch out for mines Pet, Vulva said, I told him not to put any out, but those, Hisss, yellow markers with the skulls and "Achtung Minen!" on them seem to indicate he did anyway."

Actually I'd already found that out, and pulling myself out of a smoldering crater I pulled some shrapnel out of my butt, and said,

"Yes Mistress, I noticed." Looks like Checkpoint Charlie, I thought.

*As we neared the main path through the barbed wire and other obstacles the weapons tracked us, the tank turret whining softly as it rotated. As we neared the checkpoint the barrier rose and the guard post door opened and a dapper red lizard in a Waffen-SS officer's uniform stepped out, and snapping to attention clicked his heels. He was followed by a rather large; intimidating, winged black lizard demon called a Slayer. He was the backup in case the other security measures failed; he had been created specifically to tear up other demonkind with relative ease. He'd once been human as well; he'd sold his soul and damned himself to Hell so he could take revenge on those who had killed his family. He was OK I guess, but didn't have much of a sense of humor. He bowed low to Mistress Vulva as he was also her slave. *

"Heil Hitler!, the lizard hissed. Grüße-Lehrerin Vulva und mein kleiner Eidechsenfreund!"

Man, I really wish he wouldn't do that! I thought. "Heil Vulva!" I replied.

"Hello Carl, Vulva hissed, her tail swishing. How are things, and don't you think this is just a little, hisssss, extravagant?"

"Alles ist in Ordnung! Yah, perhaps, but you can never have enough security; Heydrich taught me that, and we will not have any party crashers, werden wir? You are late Mistress, we were getting worried. The guests have already started to arrive."

"You can thank Pet for that." Vulva hissed.

Hey! I thought, it wasn't my fault! It was those stupid tunnel lizards!

"Tell me, Vulva said, have the bands arrived? Are the caterers all set up?"

"Oh yah, Carl replied, everything is going to plan. I made sure of that personally."

"Yessss, Vulva said, I'm sure you did."

"Hey Carl, I asked, have Master Vulkrebs, Lydia, and Lisa showed up yet?"

"Let me check the list, Carl said. Scharfuhrer, die Gastliste schnell!" Another lizard in an SS Sergeants uniform came running up, saluted, and handed Carl a clipboard. "Hmm, nein, no, I am afraid not."

*"Thanks Carl." I looked at the ground and kicked a small rock. Darn, I thought. *

I had been watching the arriving guests, as they neared the checkpoint armed guards in SS uniforms wearing gorgets with "Höllenfeldpolizei" on them in phosphorescent letters hissed "Papers!" If you didn't have an invitation they either threw you out on your butt, or dragged you into a bunker for 'questioning' and then threw you out on your butt. I'm not really sure what kind of questions they asked, but from the sounds I'm sure they got answers. I'd been so interested in the watching the Hellstapo in action I got left behind, and looking up saw My Mistress and Varna disappearing into the domains portal, the guards giving them Nazi salutes. I think Mistress liked it, but Varna was looking a little freaked out. I started after them, but stopped when Carl said,

"Hallo mein Eidechsenfreund, How are you?"

"I'm fine so far, I replied, but I'm sure you'll take care of that sooner or later."

Carl laughed, and said, "Ach, you give me more credit then I deserve. But we do have fun, machen Sie uns nicht?"

You have fun, I thought, I get blamed. But I had to admit with him around things weren't dull.

"Carl, I said, what's with all of this? I mean, don't you think you overdid it just a bit? I mean, it's just a party."

"Well, yah, maybe just a little, Carl replied, but I'm having such fun! It reminds me of Normandy."

"Where we kicked your butts." I said.

"Yah, true, Carl said, but you didn't have fun doing it. Like Panzer Wittman always said, 'The more targets the better!' But anyway, I have a favor to ask my scaly friend."

"Doesn't have anything to do with 'Tears of the Damned', does it?" I asked warily.

"Ach, of course not! Carl chuckled, but that was fun, was it not?"

*"NOT! I hissed. Fun for you maybe, but you didn't end up drinking a gallon of the stuff! I was freaking out for a month, and My Mistress had to lock me in the Office Supplies Closet five times!" *

"Oh my, I am sorry about that", Carl said, actually sounding sincere, "But seriously, can you, for me, do a little favor?"

"What is it? I hissed, but I'm not promising anything."

"Oh, danke! Carl hissed, There is this little lizard demoness, you have seen her before back at my regular job, yah? She is so sweet, her scales so slick! What she can do with a whip or scalpel! So schön, so perfekt! But because, alas, I have no crest she does not pay any attention to me. Please, she will be seated at Table 49 in the main ballroom for the big show. Could you maybe mention what a good job I am doing where she can hear? Please?"

He looked at me earnestly, so how could I say no? He'd had a crush on this lizard demoness for a long time, poor slob was in love. I can relate to that. It would kill me if My Mistress didn't even know I existed. So of course I said 'OK', and I thought he was going to kiss me, but I was too fast for him.

*I ran through the checkpoint to catch up with My Mistress and Varna, and the guards had more sense than to try and stop me. Plus I was friends with the Commandant. *

Varna had to admit the whole thing had been impressive so far, but she flatly refused to wear the Nazi armband the weird SS lizard had given her and Vulva. Vulva felt the same. She kept it though; it would make an interesting souvenir.

"Vulva, where's Pet?" Varna asked when she realized they were alone.

"Oh, he'll turn up, Vulva said, but he and Carl had better not, hisss, be up to anything. That guy is nuts, he gets my poor little Pet in trouble all the time."

Seeing they were alone, Vulva took Varna's arm and stopped. When the bat demoness looked at her questioningly, she said,

"Varna, you need to be careful because of your, um, condition. Just act aloof and stuck-up, that's the way the real, um, you always act. You're a demi-demoness like me, so don't be surprised if some lesser demonkind bow to you or suck up, just ignore it. If someone is bothering you just scream at them unless they're higher ranking. If they are a Lord or higher just grovel a lot. If you have any questions ask me, or Pet. If you want to get laid that's fine; and you can feed off any Imp or lesser demonkind slave you want. That's part of their jobs."

Good, thought Varna/Eddie, she was hungry again. She started drooling at the thought of fresh hot blood, running her tongue over her fangs. And if she could find Krak she was most definitely getting laid, she had no choice; her lust was becoming almost unbearable.

Vulva chuckled to herself, she could smell Varna's need, and so would any male demon. Of course she was horny too, that was the whole idea behind parties in Hell, getting your brains fucked out, as often as possible. There are twelve different words for 'orgy' in demonic; and party is one of the ones used most often.

"But first, Vulva hissed, we are going to get groomed, then we're going to 'Frederick's of Hell' to get some new outfits!"

"You've got to be kidding, Varna said, next thing you'll be telling me you have a 'Victoria's Secrets'!"

"Not yet, Vulva replied, but they have one at the South Vent."

*Like any other female's demoness's love to go shopping, and Vulva was no exception. Plus she wanted to check out the business's that had rented shops in her new domain. If they weren't up to her standards she'd have them booted. *

*Their first stop was a salon called "The Perfect Pelt", a kind of combination hair salon and grooming parlor. The attentive Imps; under careful supervision of a very pretty little lizard demoness, got them seated in very comfortable chairs designed for winged demonkind, and then went to work on them. They filed and trimmed their claws; including their wing claws, and gave Varna a coat of black claw polish while Vulva opted for the blood red polish. Then the attendants carefully and meticulously groomed the large demoness's all over, running combs through their fur and even rubbing oil into their wing membranes while both Varna and Vulva literally purred in pleasure. On Vulva they used special soft cloths to polish her scales to a high sheen. When they were through the change was amazing, and Varna and Vulva preened in front of mirrors the attendants held up. Vulva was so pleased she gave the owner of the shop a six month rent free option in exchange for regular grooming sessions, possibly renewable. The owner was delighted. *

Next they stopped at a jewelry shop and took a look around. Everything was solid gold, silver, platinum, or other precious metals in intricate designs and/or inlaid with precious stones. The actual materials had no value, the skilled artistry was their only worth. Gold and gems are dirt cheap in Hell, they're all over the place. The one exception was hellgold, it was the only metal that a fire demonkind could wear without it melting. Only the hottest of fires could melt it, and only fire demonkind could survive those temperatures to work it. But it was quite rare, and as a result very valuable. A simple plain hellgold ring was worth more than a heavy gold crown inlaid with twenty different kinds of gems. Vulva bought herself a nice diamond crusted tail band, and got a pair of matching red gold & ruby armbands for Varna. Vampires gem of choice were rubies because they were the color of blood. As an afterthought she got a small hellgold hornring for Pet. He'd look so cute; and it would match his harness nicely. She was sure he'd love it.

Next stop was a place that sold choice meats and other treats such as goat-Imp cheese and brimstone crackers. The proprietor; a fussy little fox demon; was thrilled to have two such "esteemed" customers and insisted on making up a special sample tray for them, and they both pigged out on the delicacies. Varna drew the line at jellied eyeballs though, but Vulva speared them with a gold toothpick and popped them between her fangs with relish like grapes, causing Varna to make grossed out sounds. Varna's favorite was the blood sausage. She ate two large ones in record time, slobbering and growling in delight, while Vulva made grossed out sounds. The fox demon gave them a large bag of assorted wares, and asked them to "mention his place", which they readily agreed to do, but they got the treats.

As they walked through the tunnels Varna was amazed at the sheer number of different kinds of demonkind and Imps. Two cockroach like insect demonkind came by riding a small tame sand worm, every kind of combination of human and animal hybrids was represented, some looking like mythical creatures and others so bizarre she had no idea what they were supposed to be. A fair number were bat demonkind; several different kinds, and goat-lizards like Vulva. There were even a few humans, powerful warlocks, demonologists, and Sorcerer's & Sorceress's that could survive in Hell. She didn't like the looks of them, most seemed to be more evil then the creatures surrounding them. There were a few living human slaves as well, big status symbols in Hell as they were favorite pets, but only the more powerful demonkind could afford them as they were expensive on the upkeep.

The place was packed and everything seemed to be having a good time, and Varna was also amazed she was having so much fun. There was music of every kind coming from the stores, everything from classical to rock to stuff she didn't recognize. Every so often there were small alcoves along the walls, and in many two or more demonkind and/or Imps were having sex. There were no doors and no privacy; the alcoves were just there to keep them from blocking the tunnels. Varna couldn't help but stare; but so did others as it wasn't considered impolite. Any demonkind appreciates a really good fuck and likes to watch, and its considered a compliment if you have an audience. She was surprised to find it didn't bother her much at all to see such flagrant public sex, and in fact it was making her own lust grow. The air reeked of the sexual pheromones of dozens of different species and it was heady to someone with her sensitive nose. Of course for Imps it wasn't as much fun, even if they didn't want to have sex with a demonkind they had no choice, and it wasn't considered rape. However, outright physical abuse causing bodily damage was frowned upon unless it was approved by the Imp's owner. Some poor Imps wore red armbands indicating they were available as food should a hungry Naga or other demonkind feel like a snack as certain kinds of demonkind prefer living meals. So while she was fascinated, she was also horrified, by some of what she saw. The snacks they'd had earlier, and seeing an Imp being swallowed alive feet first by a big slug like creature, helped to suppress her appetite for awhile.

I looked for My Mistress and Varna for awhile, but had to give up. There were just too many creatures and I couldn't pick out their scents. I also thought about hanging around the entrance for awhile and wait for Lydia, but finally decided to head out on my own. I wanted to check the place out as I hadn't been back in quite awhile. The old original domain had been a mine, and it was pretty boring. It was the caverns and lave caves I'd found that were the attraction. They were huge, went for miles, and still hadn't been entirely explored. It was the largest new addition to a domain in Hell in 500+ years and I was pretty proud of myself for discovering it, though I'd had to blow myself through a wall to find it. Ever since then they'd been cleaning it up, excavating shop niches in the walls, running out the Hell roaches and other vermin and feral wildlife, and getting it ready to open. When I reached the main cavern system I took flight so I could move faster, winging my way around absolutely huge stalagmites, stalactites, and other formations including huge glowing multi-colored crystals. The decorators had done a fantastic job, the place was tastefully lit by strategically places glow stones in some areas, or torches for a more 'classic' effect. And it was packed; I'd never seen so many demonkind in one place before. I headed for the lava cave; it was where all my fellow fire demonkind would be hanging out. I was hoping to see Vulkna and the kiddies, or maybe those yummy fire salamanders that had tried to gang-rape me to death once, man that had been a rush! I hoped they'd try it again sometime.

Vulva turned around in front of the mirror, and looked at Varna who gave a shake of her head. Hmm, Vulva thought, maybe she was right; it was a little too frilly. She went back to pick out another outfit. Varna had already picked out a simple elegant black leather outfit that Vulva approved of. Sexy as Hell, but didn't cover up much. The male's tongues will be dragging on the ground when they saw that one she thought. Varna looked good in leather.

As Vulva was talking to the rat demoness clerk Varna looked at herself in the mirror again. She' picked out a simple black leather 'harness' she'd spotted on a discount rack. As far as clothes went it wasn't, at least not really. It had a narrow waist belt, two straps making an "X" between her breasts and helped to spread and call attention to them, and was designed to be worn by a winged demoness. In addition she had black net leggings held up with garters attached to the belt. The black leather straps were embroidered with silver wire designs of swirling and flowing lines with small rubies in the center of the swirls. She quite liked it; it went very nicely with the lovely armbands Vulva had bought her. Vulva came back in another outfit and Varna gave a big emphatic nod, she may not be a fashion expert, but she thought it made Vulva look even more impressive.

*Vulva turned around in front of the mirror again. Yesss; Varna was right, this was more like it! Like Varna's outfit it didn't hide any of the important bits, but there was a little more too it. It had a fishnet vest with cut out holes for her tits to stick through, a fairly wide belt, and sleek shiny black hipboots. Everything had matching silver conchos and brads around the belt, tops of the boots, and the leather circles around her breasts. To top it off she had a black leather billed cap cut out for her horns. It made her look like a BDSM biker bitch from, well, Hell. On her it worked just fine. Pet will freak when he sees this, she hissed as she turned around again to get a look at her rear. *

In Hell no clothes are the norm. Except for uniforms, and those are usually just coats, or a few higher ranking demonkind who like to dress up as a status symbol. Humans take clothes off; or mostly off, to be sexy, demonkind put them on. When a demonkind goes out to party they like to 'dress down'. That's why places like Victoria's Secrets or Frederick's are just as popular in Hell as in the mortal realm. Don't know about Heaven. As Vulva and Varna excited Frederick's the admiring stares tripled, and more than one passing demon stroked a tail or other appendage against their legs in admiration and invitation, but they held off for now.

Varna didn't really realize just how big the place was until they exited into a series of huge caverns. She stopped and stared, the incredible sight taking her breath away. She'd been to Carlsbad Caverns once, but his place made it seem like a gopher hole. In a soft voice, she said,

"Vulva, it's beautiful! I've never seen anything like it!"

"Yes, it is, isn't it, Vulva hissed. Hell isn't just flames and brimstone you know, at least this level isn't. The other levels aren't quite as nice, at least in my opinion."

Vulva was very pleased indeed with the way the place had turned out. She'd kept a constant eye on the work as it progressed, making numerous trips to check on the progress. She had to admit the construction and engineering crews had done a first rate job for a change. Of course the fact she was sworn as a slave in the service of a Great Lord helped as well. Pissing off a demi-demoness was one thing, but a Great Lord? Not a good idea.

Varna turned in surprise when she heard a voice call her name; and turning she saw a large bat-demon making his way through the crowd towards her. It was Krak! As he approached them he bowed to Mistress Vulva and Varna, and said,

*"I'm off duty now Varna; want me to show you around?" *

*Krak licked his fangs as he looked at Varna's outfit, if he'd thought she was hot before, she was incandescent now. That outfit was fantastic! He liked vampire-bats, they tended to be a little heavier bodied then other bats and had bigger tits, and he was a real tit demon. Varna's were superb; he could hardly wait to get his tongue around those large nipples; and her protruding pussy lips were a major turn on too. She was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. He flared his nostrils to take in her scent and shuddered, she was ripe, he wanted to mount her right here and now. *

*Varna wasn't sure how to respond to the invitation, but Vulva rescued her from that predicament. *

"You two have a good time, Vulva hissed, I have some business to attend to that will take awhile.

Thank you Vulva! Varna thought as she followed Krak.

"Were are we going?" Varna asked.

"Why, to the Bat Cave of course!" Krak hissed, it's fantastic, I'm sure you'll love it!"

** He climbed up on an outcropping and took flight, followed closely by Varna. As they winged through the huge cave complex, darting and weaving around obstacles and other fliers she was amazed there were no collisions seeing as how crowded the air was. There were lots of bats, dragons, and other winged demonkind. Her night vision; like all her kind, was superb, but she found herself instinctively using her natural sonar by giving high pitched almost supersonic squeaks, the resulting images in her mind looking like a 3-D holograph display as the returning sound wave revealed anything hidden in the dimness in sharp detail. And despite all the other bats doing the same she had no trouble recognizing her own calls from all the others. Despite the crowed airspace and numerous stalactites and stalagmites she easily avoided them by dipping, rising, of moving to one side or the other in order to avoid collisions, the other fliers doing the same. The only ones she really had to watch out for were those without sonar capability. He had no trouble keeping Krak in sight either, she could see him and smell his scent trail even in the air, her large nostrils incredibly sensitive. He eventually climbed towards the ceiling in a very large cavern, disappearing through a dark opening in one wall. The only way in was by flying. Other bats were converging on the opening, and she and joined them as she flew through and into another large cave.**

Varna paused in awe just inside the entrance, hovering in midair, the short entrance tunnel opened into a truly huge cavern. Some bats flying in behind her shrieked at her to 'quite blocking the entrance', so she flew to one side and perched on a ledge next to some other bats who made room for her with polite squeaks, and looked around in awe. The cave was dimmer then the others had been, but she could see just fine, to her it was perfect. The air was filled with bats of all kinds, from fairly small to fairly large, a few gigantic. She herself was fairly large, in the mid+ range size category. There must have been hundreds in the air, and a few would seem to collide and lock together, fall towards the floor, then break apart with shrieks and squeaks of laughter and she realized they were just playing and having a good time. Krak suddenly appeared out of the swarm, and with a flare of his wings touched down beside her and said,

*"Impressive, isn't it?" *

*"It's wonderful!" Varna replied. *

Looking down she saw the floor was covered with tables of various sizes, most seemingly carved out of stone or flattened off stalagmites and other natural formations. Bat Imps moved through the throng of bat-demonkind delivering drinks and taking orders. On some higher raised platforms bat Imps and demonkind danced seductively, or engaged in various kinds of sexual acts. In a large cage a very large natural feral hell bat was coupling with a much smaller bat demoness, who from the sounds was enjoyed it very much. There was a line of other bat demoness's waiting their turn. Varna was suddenly aware of movement overhead, and looking up saw that the roof of the cave had also been converted, the stalactites having been modified to allow more spaces for bats to grip them as they hung upside down, and numerous small bumps and ridges had been carved out of the flat parts of the roof to provide more roosting grips. The roof looked alive, it was covered with furry bodies, and the ledges on the walls were also crowded. There must be thousands! Varna realized. The air had been full of high pitched squeaks, shrieks, and other sounds that most other demonkind probably couldn't hear, but to her it was a bedlam of joyous happiness, and she found herself shrieking too. So she noticed the sudden drop in volume gradually dying to almost perfect silence. The bats still flying quickly found perches and the air was soon clear.

"Krak, what is it, what's happening?" Varna asked in a whisper.

"Shhh, Krak replied, he's coming!"

"Who?" Varna asked.

"Dracul, Lord of the Bats!" Krak answered, "Look, here he comes!!"

As Varna watched a very large solid black bat flanked by several other bats, all vampires like herself she noticed, came flying through the entrance. The escorts peeled off to the sides and the huge black bat landed light as a feather on a large raised platform at the center of the cave. He knelt for a moment with his wings folded around him, then stood up and spread them wide and all Hell broke loose. Every bat in the cave started shrieking, and a loud rumble like thunder echoed through the huge chamber as the bats clapped their wings together, against their backs, and against one another. The black bat turned around slowly so all could have a good look at him, and Varna saw glowing red eyes that seemed to look directly at her. When the black bat lowered his wings it became perfectly quiet again. He said in a soft voice, yet loud enough to reach into every corner of the vast cavern.

"Good Evening Children of the Night, Rulers of the Skies of Hell! Are you enjoying yourselves? Are my children happy!?!"

"YES!" thousands of voices shrieked, Varna's one of them; and the great demon bowed elegantly, and said,

"GOOD! Then let the party continue! Come, who will fly with me!?!"

*The black bat leapt into the air, and was instantly joined by thousands of other bats in a whirling, swirling dance of exultation, the air filled with the quiet thunder of wings. Varna launched herself into the tumult followed by Krak. Chants of "DRACUL! DRACUL!" falling and rising, echoing throughout the depths of the cavern and spilling out into the other caverns to be picked up and repeated by non-bat demonkind who paid homage to the Bat Lord as well. "DRACUL! DRACUL!" *

The great swarm curled and twisted as the flock followed their leader and Lord in a twisting graceful dance as elegant as any ballroom dance or waltz. There was not one collision, not one missed wing beat or turn as bodies rubbed and brushed against one another in an erotic display of joyful intimacy. In the swarm there was no rank, no hierarchy, every bat an equal whether Imp or demonkind. Lords and demi's, Imps and natural Hell bats, all exchanged soft touches and caresses of affection. It was the one time they could all come together as equals as they participated in the joy of flight and honored their Lord and Master

I flew around the lava caves for awhile, but was disappointed as I didn't see anyone I knew. Vulkna was nowhere to be seen, and Lydia still hadn't shown up. Or if she had I hadn't found her yet. Finally I stood on my head and did a graceful dive into a seething lava pool without even splashing, leaving only a ripple to mark my entry, which got polite applause from some lesser fire demonkind who had been watching. I swam through the molten rock with my legs by my side, my tail swishing as I moved easily through the thick liquid magma, I was in my element. Suddenly I felt a large smooth form brush against my body, curling around it, caressing and stroking me before moving away. I couldn't see in the lava, but being a fire demonkind I had a kind of sixth sense and knew where my unexpected companion was, and turned to follow. As I surfaced a large fire salamander was pulling herself out of the pool, and she looked over her shoulder and slowly swished her tail back and forth in an obvious invitation, the tip giving that 'come hither' curl. She was easily twice my size; which was huge for a fire salamander, and looked very much like a regular salamander except her skin was obsidian black, her belly dark grey, and she had glowing red and golden eyes. Very rare as most salamanders are bright red. I recognized her instantly, Samanthis! When I'd discovered the cavern system she'd been in charge of a large colony of fire salamanders who had captured me and raped me for days; at least they thought they did, but being a sex demon I'd rather enjoyed it.

"Samanthis!" I roared.

"Hello Pet, Samanthis replied, my daughters and I have missed you. So have your children."

*I pulled myself out of the lava, and it ran off of me like oil off water. When my skin is the same temperature as the lava it's almost frictionless. Hissing softly I moved over to Samanthis and rubbed my snout down her slick black side, my tongue licking over her almost incandescent hide. Then I lay down next to her, our tails entwining and stroking one another's. Of all the fire demonkind salamanders are the hottest as they literally live in the lava, preferring to leave it as seldom as possible. I gently nibbled her neck, and she gave a deep hiss of pleasure and nipped me back, and we kissed in our way, our tongues entwining as we locked our jaws together hissing and snarling. It looks painful, but by our standard was actually quite gentle and affectionate. We finally broke our 'kiss' and licked one another's snouts for a couple of minutes. The first time we'd met it had been kind of weird as I'd been chained down and she'd raped me, but since then we'd become great friends and mated quite a few times as Mistress wanted us to breed, and I'd sired a clutch of eggs with her and most of her daughters. The hatchlings had been about half salamanders and half minor fire drakes. When two different demonkind mate the children are always one or the other, there are no hybrids. But since she was not a demi-demoness none of the offspring were Seekers. It keeps the species pure. Remember, we're not human or animal, the normal 'rules' don't apply to us. *

"We really have missed you; Samanthis hissed softly, we get so lonely."

"I thought you'd caught yourself a few male salamanders?" I hissed.

"Oh indeed, when word of our colony got out we had plenty of 'volunteers' to 'punish', hisss, hisss, hissss. But it's just not the same, you spoiled us you know. Now we prefer fire dragons."

*"That's funny, I hissed, I prefer salamanders." And we kissed again and it was lovely. *

Varna was in an almost crazed sexual daze as she turned, dived, looped and swooped with the swarm, fellow bat after bat caressing and stroking her body, as she did theirs. She had never known such incredible lust; she thought she would cum every time another warm furry body brushed against hers. She didn't notice at first as the swarm began to thin out, pairs and threesomes of bats breaking off to land and hang suspended from the perches on the ceiling provided for that purpose, their wings wrapped around one another like cloaks as they satisfied their mutual lusts, the cave filling with soft cries and screeches of pleasure. When Krak left the swarm she followed close after, her attention riveted on him and his powerful musk. He did a flip and caught one of the roosting bumps on the wall in his feet, and flipping herself upside down Varna joined him. She wrapped her wings around him and they licked and kissed one another passionately as their hands explored one another bodies. Varna groaned as he caressed her breasts, his fingers pushing into her sex, her fangs clacking against his as they ran their long tongues deep into ones another throats, their strange reptilian eyes staring with lust and need into the wells of their dark souls, Eddie was gone and only a lusting demonic beast remained. Krak positioned himself and gave a loud screech as he pushed his penis into Varna's needy sex; and she added her own screech of pleasure to his, their cries blending into those of their fellows. He fucked her hard and brutal and the feel of his hardness inside of her, and her nipples rubbing against his warm furry body, was almost unbearable and she opened her muzzle as wide as she could and shrieked her ecstasy, her cries joining thousands of others deep in the throes of sexual bliss, lost in the embrace of their lovers and completely oblivious to the world.

*I got up and started nipping Samanthis on her neck again, and slowly worked my way down her body to her tail, nipping and rubbing against the base of it as I courted her, letting her know my interest and intention. She lay on her belly and enjoyed it for awhile, giving a pleased hiss every time I rubbed against her lovely smooth body. Finally I gave an impatient bite, and with a moan of lust she raised her rear and lifted her tail to one side presenting herself to me. I watched as her cloaca bloomed, the soft lips of her sex steaming with her need, small flames dancing and flickering across her hide, and with a loud bellowing roar I mounted her, hooking a leg over her tail to help keep it out of the way, and lunging into her I hilted and started fucking her with rapid powerful thrusts, my body heat increasing to the point I ignited with a loud 'whoosh', flames dancing across our glowing bodies as flaming drool dripped from our fangs. She was a raging inferno, so tight, so slick, and as I extended my nether tongue she gave a hiss like a steam boiler and I threw back my head and roared with my eyes tightly shut from the incredible pleasure as I mated with her. Our love was as incandescent as a blast furnace, and even hotter. The very rock under us began to melt and run off in molten rivulets. We were on a raised mound and an audience of fellow fire demonkind applauded politely, but we didn't even know they were there. In a chain reaction our coupling started a massive orgy, the walls of the great chamber flickering from the glowing bodies of mating fire demonkind locked in demonic ecstasy. *

Varna gasped and moaned as Krak thrust into her, his claws digging into her breasts as he roughly fondled and caressed them, his tongue licking across her tender aching nipples. She was so lost in her pleasure she didn't notice at first when another bat perched behind her. She turned her head as she felt hot breath on the back of her neck and felt a muzzle push into her fur and a wet tongue lick across her neck and ears, powerful hands gripping her waist as his wings wrapped around both the coupling bats. She found herself staring into the glowing red eyes of a bat so black he seemed to absorb the shadows. His tongue licked out across her muzzle and she licked him back, panting heavily.

"Lord Dracul!" Varna stammered, "Oh, ugghh, I, I.....!" Then she shrieked as his penis found; and slid into, her anus, pushing deeply into her. He repositioned himself for a better angle, and then added his own thrusts to Krak's coordinating them perfectly. Varna almost lost her grip on the roof of the cave from the feel of the two large penises pistoning in and out of her; she could feel them rubbing against one another through the thin skin separating them, the feeling indescribable. Oh, oh, oh, she thought, it was, it was wonderful! Dracul pressed his nose against her fur scenting her, nibbling her ears with his huge fangs as gently as a feather as he hissed softly, then rested his head on her shoulder and ran his tongue into her mouth to join Krak's as they kissed the object of their lust and she writhed and gasped in their grip. Her eyes rolled up in her head as she became almost incoherent from the sheer pleasure of coupling with the two large males. As they fucked her she felt another need growing in her that became undeniable, and with a growl; unable to help herself, she sank her fangs into Krak's neck and sucked hungrily, giving a muffled shriek of ecstasy as her first orgasm exploded deep in her loins. Krak gave his own screech of pleasure as his mate fed on him, his own pleasure increasing and becoming more intense. As she fed Dracul's tongue licked the few drops of blood that escaped her eagerly sucking lips. Despite his own need he did not feed on her, vampires do not feed on their own kind as it's unhealthy. He had fed earlier and his hunger was satiated for now. Varna finally broke her bite on Krak's neck as another orgasm caused her to cum and cum as she writhed helplessly, pinned between the two thrusting males as they also climaxed, their hot seed filling her as they all shrieked their agonizing release.

I slammed into Samanthis's rear as I serviced her, grunting and hissing in pleasure, the feel of her smooth soft flesh on my belly bands exquisite. She was panting heavily, small gusts of flame shooting from her gaping maw and nostrils in response to my every thrust, small jets of flame shooting from my own nostrils. I don't really breathe, but that didn't keep me from panting in pleasure. She was deeper then I was used to, so despite my length; about 24 inches including my nether tongue, I had plenty of room to explore with my weird; but wonderful, penis tongue. And believe you me the ladies love the thing as much as I do. Finally I bit her on her back to try and take some of the edge off my agonizing ecstasy as I orgasmed, and she gave a guttural grunting roar, trying to turn and claw at me, but I held her firmly pinned until our orgasms faded. Then I collapsed across her back while her vaginal muscles gently stroked and caressed my aching cock. I just lay there licking her sizzling hide in pure bliss, the applause from a fairly large audience of fire demonkind washing over us. Wow, I thought, oh Wow.

Varna lost track of how many orgasms Krak and Dracul brought her too as she screeched and shrieked in sexual euphoria, giving herself entirely over to the agonizing pleasure. She only knew one thing; she didn't want it to stop, not ever. But even her kind had their limits, and after awhile Dracul gave her a final tender kiss, then dismounted, and dropping from the perch snapped his wings open and glided smoothly away into the dark to land at a table occupied by other Lords and demi-demonkind. Slowly the flock orgy was dying down, couples separating, or remaining wrapped in their wings gently kissing and affectionately embracing their lovers. As Krak finally pulled his penis from her deliciously serviced sex Varna held him close and licked his muzzle and the already healing wound on his neck. He was not the least bit upset she had fed on him, when one couples with a vampire bat it was to be expected, and the feeding was an intense sexual experience itself, and made sex even more pleasurable. No, he was not upset at all as he hugged his lover enjoying the feel of her firm breasts against his fur. It was the best sex he'd had in years. He licked her back, perfectly content.

*One thing you have to say about fire salamanders, I thought, they don't hold back when they make love. Samanthis just about wore me out; and that was no small achievement seeing as what I am. I lost track of my orgasms around number ten, and when we finally broke apart for the last time we got a loud applause from the now much larger audience. I also got several promises from other demoness's 'to look me up in the near future'. Oh boy, I am a glutton for punishment! We took a dip in the lava to 'cool off', then she went to check on the kids leaving me lying exhausted; but quite happy, on one of the lava pool ledges with just my head showing. After one last affectionate kiss though. I have the rather unique capability; for a demon, of loving all my mates, and they don't mind sharing me at all. There is no marriage in Hell, so as a result, no bigamy. I can have as many mates as I can handle, and vice versa. Of course I only have one life mate, my lovely Lydia, and my love for My Mistress is something different and special. She makes me complete in a way I can never explain. Slowly I dozed off, the heat from the lava soothing to my tired muscles. Even the other demonkind playing in; and around, the lava pools didn't bother me. They didn't dare, it's not a good idea to wake up a sleeping dragon. We usually bite first, and then have to try and put the pieces back together. *

Finally Varna un-wrapped her wings from around Krak, and they dropped from the ceiling, spread their wings, and landed next to an unoccupied table. Hopping up on the low benches that served their kind for chairs they flagged down a bat Imp; by grabbing him, and told him what they'd do to him if he didn't bring them flaming luggies and a pitcher of beer, ASAP, as in an hour ago. The drink would kill a human, but was a favorite in Hell. It was a combination of sulfur and other liquid minerals, and was served on fire. It looked like burning green snot, hence the name. The beer was made from a fungus and also wasn't recommended for humans; the spores in it would take root in their bodies and grow turning them into a large fuzzy pile of mold. It just made demonkind burp. As they relaxed over their drinks they talked idly for a little while and watched as some very slinky bats, both male and female, pole danced. The large feral bat was busy in his cage again servicing female volunteers, and Varna considered giving it a try. Varna/Eddie's sudden plunge into the joys of sex 'ala Hell' made her feel like being adventuresome. Being humped by a feral bat four times her size was actually starting to look like fun, at least the screaming females sounded like they were enjoying it and the hulking male certainly was. Krak reached over and took her hand and started to lick the back of it, and she hissed in pleasure, the feel of his warm tongue on her skin felt wonderful. She was starting to think her new life as a demoness in Hell might not be so bad after all. Krak got up and came around the table, and she bent over bracing herself against the edge, and gave a grunt of pleasure as he mounted her from behind. Nope, she thought, not so bad after all.

** The End**


The Seeker, Chapter 24

**My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!** ** The Seeker,...

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Endangered Species, Chapter 3

**My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!** ** Endangered Species,...

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