A Chocobo's Story, Chapter 3

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

** A Chocobo's Story, Chapter 3**

** By William W. Kelso**

*I woke up slowly and reluctantly, but finally opened my eyes with a sleepy warble, the early morning sun sent a few errant rays of light through the stable, motes of dust and the occasional feather dancing in the beams. In the rafters pigeons called to one another, and I added my own "good morning" coo to theirs. Flapping my wings before folding them again I hopped off the perch, and going to my mate where she sat on our nest I settled down at her side and gently ran my beak through her crest. She woke up, and started preening me in return. It was our normal morning routine as we both loved to show our affection and love by running our beaks through one anothers warm soft feathers. Cooing and trilling softly we preened for awhile, then she lifted herself up and we carefully inspected the eggs. We could hear the chicks peeping inside, and knew they would hatch any day now. I was as excited about it as she was. Our soft sounds had woken Alieya, and she sat up in her bedroll and I walked over to her and squatting nibbled at her hair. *

"Stop that, you're messing up my hair!" Alieya muttured sleepily.

*No I'm not, I thought, I'm making it better, it's full of straw. I pulled another piece out and ran some strands between my beak. Yes, much better! "Wark!' I said happily as I kept preening her hair, she could learn a lot from us birds about keeping her plumage clean and pretty I thought. Finally she grabbed my head and kissed my beak; which I love, and then got up and went to look at the eggs herself. The two eggs rested in their lovingly built nest, the woven twigs and straw were lined with fluffy soft down we'd pulled from our chests when my mate was building it. The black and yellow feathers made a nice backdrop for the two large cream colored eggs. The eggs were nice and warm, we carefully maintained their temperature. During the warmer days it was OK to leave them exposed to the air, but at night it was too cool. We also kept a sharp eye out for vermin such as rats or ferrets that would feed on an egg if it was left unattended, but it was well protected with two Chocobo's and an Elf on watch, the eggs were never left untended for a second. Alieya was as excited about the impending hatching as we were. As far as we were concerned she was another Chocobo when it came to our chicks, an aunt of some kind. Any Chocobo will defend another birds chicks, and if a chick is orphaned the others will care for as if it were their own. We knew we could trust her around the nest, and that the chicks would be safe with her. *

My name is Raven, I can't say it but it's what Alieya calls me. I think it's a very nice name, and appropriate due to my coloring. Most Chocobo's are yellow or more of a light brown, my dark steel grey; almost black, plumage with silver highlights is very rare. I'm a handsome bird and I know it. She calls my mate Sandy as her yellow & tan tinted feathers do resemble the color of sand. We can't talk of course, but we know our names. The sad thing is neither of us will ever know the others human name, and neither will Alieya. We're what they call changelings; my mate and I both used to be human, but were transformed into Chocobo's by vile magic users. They do this to unfortunate slaves taken in raids as both sides of the never-ending war need mounts, and Chocobo's are worth more much than a human. So they transform terrified humans or Elves into animals for profit. But it's really not as bad as it sounds. Don't get me wrong, at first it was horrible beyond imagining, being an animal who knew it had once been human. And it's permanent; they make sure of that with a brand that seals the spell. But after awhile your mind merges with the mind of the animal you've become and frankly I can no longer even remember what it was like to be human, as far as I'm concerned I've always been a bird. In a way its good those memories fade; I can't even remember my human name any longer, as otherwise you'd go insane, and some do. My lovely mate was in a bad way when I found her, but my concern and love have helped her to accept what she is now. Now there is no way to tell us from a "natural" bird other than from our brands. But we're very smart birds; our intelligence is still that of humans, just different now. We just have different priorities and ways of looking at life, much simpler ones. And because we are so smart many Chocobo riders prefer us as mounts. Which is why I'm a warbird, and my rider is an Elvin warrior. The war against the dark ones rages on, and we are kept busy. But for now we're in a nice rest and refitting camp, much to our mutual satisfaction.

*One thing that has always struck as rather hypocritical is that even though the humans; and Elves, know we were once human we're considered livestock now, just like any other bird. Period. So we have no rights, and are bought and sold, and bred, just like natural birds. Not that I have any real problem with the breeding part, due to my unique plumage I'm sent to the breeding farms on a regular basis, nope, I have no problem with that at all. And we really don't care that much as like I said earlier our outlook on life is different now, but sometimes it does bother me a little. Any time I see a livestock auction it brings back some really bad memories. But I'm an Elvin warbird now, and will spend the rest of my life as one, and if I survive I'll be retired to a breeding farm. They do take good care of us, even when we're too old to ride anymore. We know that, so we give our riders our full devotion, and serve without complaint. The relationship between a warbird and its rider is more like a partnership then master/beast of burden. *

About that time the grooms arrived with the morning feed, and soon we were both happily eating. Alieya departed for the messhall and a morning shower and left us to our own devices. We didn't pay much attention though; we were too busy stuffing our beaks. The corn and oats had chunks of dried berries mixed in today which was always a nice treat. One of the main functions of the rest camp was to get us back into top condition before resuming the rigors of frontier garrison duty and/or campaigning, so they feed us very well. That didn't mean we; our or riders, got to squat on our butts all day though. We had new birds and riders to break in, so we trained for several hours every day. I liked the training as it was better than sitting in a stuffy stall all day anyway, or scratching around for worms in a paddock. I love to run through the crisp cool air with Alieya on my back as we go through our paces. We were in the 7th Chocobo Scouts and Messengers, and we were a crack outfit and knew it. Even the natural birds felt that pride and esprit de corp. They looked to the changelings for examples and tried to emulate us as best they could. Even natural Chocobo's are pretty smart too; maybe from breeding with changelings over the centuries?, and teamed with changelings we work together just fine. Though changelings we are just as much birds as they are, and we do not Lord it over our natural relatives. When we're with other birds we're just birds as far as they; and we, are concerned. In a wild setting; or on a farm, there would of course have been dominant cocks and hens, but not in the military. We have no rank like Elves or humans, but new birds instinctively look to veteran birds for guidance. And each unit either has all male, or all female, birds. This prevented fighting over mates. Put a bunch of cocks and hens together and they'd only have one thing on their minds as we're a pretty prolific breed. One thing we had in common with humans and Elves is we enjoy sex, lots of it. Plus males are larger, so we make up most of the front line combat units as we can carry more. Females are used mainly in support roles or for carrying messages. I was very lucky to have my mate with me as the circumstances were a little odd. Females changelings are fairly rare; they're not as in demand as males, and the Elves had recognized her need to be with me, so an exception had been made. And you wonder why I love my rider so very much? So we were all pretty much content, but of course that wouldn't last as such peace is rare during a war.

*The next day as I was out in the paddock cooling down from a rigorous drill of squad tactics I noticed a messenger on a horse arrive at the main headquarters building and barracks. A couple other changelings joined me at the fence and watched curiously. A galloper usually meant orders of some kind, which could be good or bad. They were bad; at least from my point of view. We were moving out the next day, heading back to the front and Fort Zabar to help support the spring campaign. The eggs still hadn't hatched yet, and I was frantic as I didn't want to leave, I wanted to see my chicks! As the others got ready to move out Alieya let me stay in the stall with Sandy as much as possible as Sandy was just as frantic as I was, she didn't want me to leave either. She hadn't been a Chocobo as long as I had, and was still a little traumatized. But unfortunately the needs of the army far outweighed those of two birds, and though I didn't like it I understood it. The troop commander was a decent lady, and arranged for C Troop; to which we'd been assigned, to escort the baggage train that would be following a day or two after the rest of the regiment moved out. That gave us a little more time together. *

*Alieya left us alone in the stall one afternoon so we could be alone together. We preened for a long time, plucking out old or broken feathers and cleaning and straightening one another's plumage until we were both satisfied. Preening serves lots of purposes, we're limited in the way we can show affection since we can't talk and have no arms, so we make up for it in other ways. Preening is good for our health and hygiene, keeps our feathers clean and our plumage nice, shows affection between friends and flock mates, but most of all is serious foreplay. Birds in love can preen for hours before mating, and for hours afterwards. It feels wonderful to have another bird run their beak through your feathers. We preened for a long time trilling and cooing and just looking into one another eyes, my mate has the most beautiful eyes. Finally she was ready for me, and bending over with her head almost on the ground presented herself for my services. But I wasn't ready to mount her just yet, so I rubbed her sex with my beak and licked her both inside and out, her taste and scent increasing my lust until I finally couldn't hold back. It's interesting in that a hen's vagina is very similar to an Elf's or a human females, it even has a clitoris. She gave a soft cry as I mounted her and started servicing her with fast strong thrusts. The first mating is always fast and quick, it whets our 'appetites' and takes the edge off our lust and the pleasure is intense. She gave a shrill call as she climaxed, and I gave a deeper "Rawkk!" as I came for the first time. Instead of dismounting I waited for a few minutes, nibbling her neck and crest, then started thrusting again, only slower now with more control. She gave a low trilling warble, and turning her head we "kissed" by gently clacking our beaks together and rubbing the tips of our tongues against one another's. I made long, slow, love to my mate and our second climaxes were incredibly pleasurable and lasted a nice long time. And we weren't done yet, thanks to my 'overdose' of fertility drugs I was more than capable of servicing my mate as often as she wanted, and hens love that as much as the Elves do. *

*The next time was really special though. Most humans, and Elves, don't know it but some Chocobo's mate like they do, with the female on her back. I think it may be mainly a changeling thing; a last link to our humanity, but I have done it that way with a few natural hens. Sandy got down and rolled over on her back, her wings spread for balance and support, and spread her legs wide for me. When I mounted her she reached up with one powerful leg and pulled me to her and I fucked her long and slow, bringing us to the edge and back time and time again. We 'kissed' and looked into our mates eyes, and towards the end she threw her head back with her eyes closed, her beak open in a silent scream of ecstasy as she climaxed, and I threw my own head back and gave a loud bugle of love as I exploded inside of her as I kept thrusting. After that we were spent and she got back on the nest and I sat next to her until Alieya came to collect me. I had a feeling there would be more eggs in the nest soon. *

It was like a madhouse as the regiment got ready to move out. To an uneducated observer it probably looked like utter chaos, but each and every officer, rider, and bird knew exactly what they were doing. We stood and watched as the other Troops moved out one by one in perfect formation with pennants snapping the air, Elves and birds calling farewells to friends. After the main bulk of the regiment was gone the camp seemed strangely barren, and larger somehow, the stables mostly empty and lonely feeling. The afternoon before the baggage train was ready to move out the eggs hatched. We returned from escorting a string of pack birds from a nearby supply depot to find Sandy proudly sitting on the nest, and as I entered the stall she stood up to let me see the two scraggly looking little creatures she was keeping warm. I crouched down and looked at them in wonder, their little eyes still shut as they huddled together. Cooing softly I rubbed my beak against them and they peeped in response, their mother looking on in love and pride. Alieya and some other riders came and knelt next to the nest and added their own sounds of welcome to the two new little lives. Finally Sandy had enough and shooed us away with soft squawks so she could feed the chicks as that was the prerogative of the hens. But if a hen wasn't available a cock will feed chicks too. We do it in a fairly normal avian way, by regurgitating food into our gullets so the chicks can stick their heads in our mouths to get the warm fresh food. It's not gross at all. Soon we'd be giving them bugs and meat as well as we're omnivores, we'll eat just about anything, but love raw meat. And brooding hens with chicks receive a meat ration in addition to the usual grain. Meat is essential for young chicks to grow up strong and healthy. Though we're flightless we're still raptors and need meat in our diets. In the wild Chocobo's regularly eat rodents and snakes, or scavenge off carrion. That night I slept next to my mate and chicks with my wing spread protectively over them, but didn't get much sleep as my mate and I were too busy preening and showing our love and affection for one another. Our soft cooing and warbling didn't bother Alieya at all. We knew it would be the last time we'd be together for who knew how long, and we made the best of it. It tore me apart to have to leave my mate and our chicks.

When we moved out the next morning Sandy wasn't there to say goodbye, like any good hen she wouldn't leave the nest when the chicks were so young, and of course I knew that. But soon enough her main problem would be keeping up with the chicks as they'd soon be running around exploring their new world. Most likely she'd fall in with some other hens and their chicks as it was always good to have more than one adult on watch, we're social birds and like to flock together.

It took three days to reach Fort Zabar, but that was pretty good for a baggage train, but as the pack animals were all Chocobo's we moved faster than horses or mules. Being light cavalry we didn't have anywhere near the same amount of gear as an infantry unit would. The gear we did have tended to be more specialized and we had more of it, but it was the weight factor that made the difference. No heavy armor or shields for us. C & D Troops were quartered at Ft. Zabar, the rest of the regiment was spread out at other posts to perform our primary mission as Scouts, and to carry messages. The Messenger birds didn't have riders, and nine out of ten were changelings. They were the smallest & swiftest birds, and could cover an amazing amount of distance in a short period. The regular messenger corps used both hens and cocks, all that mattered was speed. They wore a special harness with pouches for messages, the crest of an Imperial Messenger as a martingale plate. It was a serious crime to impede a messenger bird. If you killed a bird the Gods help you because no one else would.

*We moved back into our old stables and Alieya and I were assigned the same stall with a new bird and rider named Teeka. She was small even for an Elf and was a busty happy girl and she and Alieya quickly became fast friends. Her bird was a rather large and dour fellow with solid dark yellow plumage, a changeling like me, but fairly new and still not quite sure what he was now. He was still learning to adapt to his new life. But he did his duties without flaw and I had no complaint with him. He was just rather morose all the time, but did allow me to preen him and returned the favor. He also still had inhibitions about mating with his rider; some changelings never overcome that human morals issue, so I took up the slack. I enjoyed mating with Teeka as she was an energetic lover. I was able to handle two lovers at the same time thanks to the permanent effects of some breeding potions I had been given while at one of the breeding farms. They overdosed me and it's never worn off completely. I'm one horny bird, and quite popular with the ladies, hens and Elves. And if the occasional female groom wants a "roll in the hay" it would be rude to refuse as far as I'm concerned, and Alieya doesn't mind sharing me at all. In face I know she enjoys watching me service another Elf and I have to admit it turns me on too. *

*You heard right, I have sex with my rider and other Elvin females. We do it because we're young and healthy, don't have members of the opposite sex of our species around very often, we're compatible sexually, don't need to worry about the females getting pregnant, and we need it to release our pent-up sexual needs. It's healthy, we enjoy it, and it feels so incredibly good. We kind of have to be taught to do it at first as the Elves don't have the right "scent" like the hens, but once we learn just try and stop us, not that we'd ever force ourselves on a partner. But if we get an offer we seldom turn it down. It helps make garrison duty a lot less boring as well. Some races look down on it as being "unnatural"; like humans for one, but we just think they're all anally retentive, and it's none of their business anyway. And if we hear any "bird fucker" jokes we take great umbrage, and believe me you don't want a pissed off Chocobo pecking on your ass. Elves tend to be more tolerant about it then changelings, but then again we're just animals. And I have no idea if male Elves had sex with hens, if they do I've never seen it and of course the hens can't tell me, but I wouldn't be surprised even though most bird riders are female due to their smaller body weight. *

The nice easy going evenings and nights in the stable are my favorite times. It feels so good to take it easy and unwind after coming in from picket duty or a long patrol. For every three days on duty we get a day off, usually two at a time. During our days off duty we usually just sleep or eat, and do as little as possible. We birds have "preening parties", and our riders get to hang out in the post tavern, or sometimes take off for extended R&R at a nearby frontier town. They usually take us too, but we don't care for it much as human towns stink and the stables are not as nice as ours. I got lice at the last human stable I was boarded at, nasty things. But the best is in the later evenings after we've eaten and all the chores have been done and we get to make love to our riders. We see them as a special kind of mate, and love them as much as our hens. There's a lot more "foreplay" then when we mate with hens, the Elves like it, and we learned to as well. Hens are not much on giving cocks oral (either kind) as beaks aren't built for it, but I do enjoy oral sex very much, both giving and receiving. Due to the scent problem most Elves have to "arouse" their birds through fondling and; you got it, oral stimulation. And believe you me we like that, a lot. Even the naturals do, who says birds are stupid. Our genitals are internal and to an untrained eye Chocobo cocks and hens look pretty much the same sexually, but we know the difference of course. And tonight I got a treat as both Alieya and Teeka were in the mood, at the same time. Oh joy!

They'd both finished cleaning up the tack and whatever repairs or odd jobs that needed doing, and already soft trills, warbles, and moans of pleasure were coming from other stalls. We'd just come in that afternoon from a long extended patrol well out into enemy territory, and were well fed, content, and tired. But not that tired! In garrison; at least an Elvin one, the females pretty much go nude except for a kind of breechcloth or short pants, Elves do not have the hang-up about bare breasts that humans do and usually only wear bras if they have large heavy breasts. In fact indoors they often forgo their other clothes as well, so seeing completely nude Elves running around was the norm. Don't know if they do that with male Elves around as have never been in a joint-sexes unit, but it wouldn't surprise me. In a mixed garrison including humans or other races they usually go clothed though, out of courtesy. But Fort Zabar had an almost entirely Elvin garrison, so there was no nudity taboo. The few humans stationed here; engineers, didn't seem to mind the naked Elvin females at all. And since males of any race were in short supply I'll bet they lost a lot of their inhibitions as far as Elves were concerned. A horny female Elf is hard to turn down, as man or bird. Of course we birds didn't really care that much one way or another, but they do smell nicer without clothes on. I had been hoping they'd want my 'services' that night and was not disappointed.

Teeka started it by coming over and running her fingers through my crest and I ran her sweet smelling hair through my beak as I nibbled at her and cooed, and Alieya soon joined us in the foreplay. When I was a human my experiences with the opposite sex had been few and mostly very disappointing. Now as a bird I had two very beautiful naked Elvin women vying for my attentions, go figure! And believe me when I say I gave them ALL my attention, complete and undivided. While Alieya kept preening me Teeka crouched down and reaching between my legs started to stroke and caress my vent which soon got the desired results. My penis is pointed with no real head or glans, and tapered to a fairly thick base, it's also pretty long. My testicles are internal, but when I'm aroused their outline can be seen as a bulge as they swell prior to mating, and it's incredibly pleasurable to have that bulge rubbed and stroked, just like Teeka was doing. I closed my eyes and gave a soft warble of pleasure as she started licking my now rampant erection and gently sucked on the tip. With a grunt I thrust forward and she swallowed more of me, and you have NO idea. Alieya joined her and I stood there quivering with my eyes half closed; my tongue sticking out of my beak, as I gasped and trilled in response to what they were doing to me, both licking, stroking, and sucking at the same time. While Alieya kept deliciously 'torturing' me Teeka dragged over a bale of straw and threw blanket over it for padding. She lay over it face down, and pulling away from Alieya I quickly moved forward and mounted Teeka with a grunt of pleasure and started servicing her with steady thrusts, and she moaned as I hilted and fucked her. Normally I would have given her a taste first, but I was too far gone in my need. Despite my size I've never mated with an Elf that couldn't handle me fairly easily, I think it's because of the tapered shape of my penis, we're easier on females. As I coupled with her Alieya reached between my legs and stroked my testicles bulge and I soon reached orgasm, giving a loud shrill "Wark!" of extreme ecstasy, thrusting hard and gyrating from side to side as I hilted and came, and Teeka squealed as she reached her own release. I stayed inside her a while longer gently nibbling at the back of her neck, just enjoying the lovely feel of her soft warm sex wrapped around my own, and she gave a soft cry as I dismounted.

*Needing to rest a little they sat down next to me as I crouched, and we resumed preening. I rubbed my head against them, running the tip of my tongue across their nipples as I knew they liked it. Doesn't do much for me though, but I do like the taste of their sweat. We all knew we were nowhere near finished though, and I was still rampant as a cock's cock doesn't go limp again until he's completely spent and through. No Mr. Floppy's with Chocobo's, we stay rock hard until the job it done. Alieya got up on the bale next, but lay on her back. The bale is a big help due to the height/size differences between Chocobo's and Elves. We're big birds, and while we can mount an Elf if she's down on all fours it's easier; and more enjoyable, for both of us if she uses a brace of some kind. That way we can achieve much deeper penetration as the angle is better, and service her longer. I dipped my head and ran the tip of my tongue over her nether lips; the taste was lovely, and into her sex until she was nice and wet, and Alieya tucked her legs under my wings as I mounted her, which really opened her wide for maximum penetration, and again I gave shrill trills and warbles of pleasure as I fucked her nice and slow, dragging it out. Like humans and Elves Chocobo's also mate for pleasure as well as procreation, and like to take their time and enjoy it as much as possible; both the cocks and the hens, so I was able to hold back for quite some time. Alieya ran her fingers through my chest feathers as I stroked, and she gave guttural moans and gasps of extreme pleasure. Her sounds helped arouse me even more as I knew she was enjoying my services, and for a Chocobo that is a major turn on, we love to give our mates pleasure, to hear them responding to our attentions. The more you moan, the more determined we are to make it even better, to pleasure you to the best or our abilities. And I was very, very good at it. Lowering my head I gently licked her sweating straining face, and she rubbed my crest with one hand and kissed my beak and I trilled in happiness, and Teeka kept stroking my testicles bulge. Oh yes I thought, two is much better than one! *

*I think seeing us enjoying ourselves so much finally removed the final reservations Teeka's bird had concerning inter-species mating, and he gave a low warbling trill of desire and hopped down off his perch, much to Teeka's delight. He was already becoming aroused, and he lowered his head and watched with extreme interest as Teeka began stroking his vent, and then licking and sucking gently on his penis as it emerged. Finally he lifted his head with a surprised, yet very happy look in his eyes, and gave a loud "Wark!" of his own as he watched me servicing Alieya. Friend, I thought, it's about time, you have no idea what you've been missing. Teeka dragged over another bale of straw, and soon her birds sounds of pleasure joined mine and our riders as we serviced them for quite awhile longer, switching partners a couple of more times each. The other bird wasn't as accomplished at giving pleasure as I was, but he was a fast learner and appeared to be making up for lost time. Finally we all fell asleep, very tired but very happy. Yes, I was one lucky bird. The fact we were coupling in stalls without doors, basically in public, didn't bother us at all. Don't get me wrong, we don't do it outside or in the middle of the street or anything (at least with Elves), but in a stall it's perfectly acceptable. On campaign if we need to we can always find a secluded; or at least semi-private place, and most units carry a larger "common tent" for that purpose. Elves are nothing if quite practical when it comes to sex. *

Since spring and early summer is when most campaigning is done; by both sides, we were kept extremely busy. Picket duty, patrols, escorts, training, more picket duty, etc. Ad nauseam. We fell back into the old routine very quickly, we were efficient and competent, we were good at what we did, and knew it. There were a couple of mobilizations to counter some larger raiding parties, but no major battles or conflicts of any kind. We lost a few birds and/or riders to enemy action and the usual accidents. So far it had been pretty quiet and uneventful, which was just dandy as far as we were concerned. Forget all the glory seeking crap, garrison duty was mainly boring hard work. Most of the action was farther towards the front as the main allied Army of the South was campaigning to recover some lost territory and frontier posts. A steady stream of wounded soldiers and livestock; including birds of course, trickled back from the front passing a steady stream of reinforcements, replacements, and supplies going the opposite direction. It was never ending cycle.

We were getting ready to head out on a "recon in force" one morning with a troop of scouts and two of dragoons when we all got a shock that left us stunned and sick. And very, very worried. As our riders were giving our tack a final check and topping off their; and our, canteens, a galloper rode through the gate on a bird so winded he was staggering. She jumped off the bird and ran for the Forts Headquarters building, a wild look on her sweat stained and disheveled face, panic in her eyes. "The 10th, she yelled, the 10th has fallen!" That news was like a bucket of ice in everyone's face; and the troop officers told us to "stand easy" for now until we find out what the hell had happened. A short time later a bugler blew "officer's assembly" on her silver bugle, and the garrison's officers converged on the HQ building. The rest of us stood waiting on the parade ground for over an hour in the hot sun. It was amazingly quiet, just the occasion jingle of harness or a soft worried call from a bird whose rider quickly shushed him.

*When the officers emerged some of them walked slowly like they were shocked or in a trance, others ran to and fro like they didn't really know what to do. They would start to give orders, stop, and then start to give entirely different ones. The news couldn't have been any worse. The main army in the field on campaign had been destroyed, five Legions and auxiliaries had been wiped out, over 40,000 Elves, humans, and Saurian's had fallen. That was over a third of the strength of the Southern Army and included its best units. It was a devastating blow. The 10th and 12th Saurian Legions, and 5th, 9th, and 13th human Legions and their supporting units of archers, cavalry, sappers and engineers, etc., were all gone, almost to the last Legionnaire. And the biggest shock of all was the 10th, they had never been defeated in battle, had never retreated before a foe, and never did. That part of their legend was intact. They had stood their ground to the end. All over the fort we could hear the wails of Elves who had husbands, wives, or other loved ones who had accompanied the Field Army on campaign. And everybody at least knew someone; had friends, who had as well. The biggest question in everyone's minds was, how could this have happened? It was inconceivable, I mean, the occasional fort was taken, or we sometimes lost a fierce battle, but how could five whole Legions; among the best in the army, and all those others have been destroyed so completely and utterly? It beggared the imagination. There had had never been a defeat so horrendous in recorded history. *

We had new orders now, everybody who could march or mount a bird and hold a lance was pressed into service. Every garrison, post, support base, sent everyone they could scrape together. Cooks, grooms, clerks, teamsters, everyone, Elves, humans, and Saurian's. And we all route marched for Breakback Gap, it was the only place we might have a chance to hold until reinforcements could be sent from the Central and Northern Marches, and it would be days before they could arrive in time. The outer post garrisons and patrols; those still living, were falling back to meet us as there was no way they could do anything on their own, they would just have died for nothing. So whatever could be scraped together in the time we had congregated at the only pass through the range of mountains called the Pinnacles of Mist for the early morning fog that takes so long to burn off. It was the only pass useable by an army, or a horde. If we could hold them there it would give the Army time to rally and organize a sizable defense.

As we marched we encountered soldiers with more information, and even a few survivors; mainly cavalry, who had managed to escape when it became hopeless. So slowly we put together a picture of what had happened.

The Southern Field Army had been driving the enemy back in a series of swift decisive battles slowly pushing into enemy held territory. They finally engaged what they thought was the main enemy horde; about 100,000 strong, in an area of low rolling hills called the Plains of Iron because of the color of the soil, a dark grey. Unknown to anybody it was a trap, the main horde was actually somewhere else, hidden, and any Scouts who had found it had not lived; or reached the Army in time to do any good. Pinned in battle with the decoy force they suddenly found another horde of over 250,000 fresh enemy troops advancing on their right flank and rear. The first inkling of what was happening was when the baggage and support trains and their escorts were overrun and destroyed, and most of the survivors came from those escorts. The Legions iron discipline enabled them to break contact with the smaller horde in order to redeploy to meet the new threat, each Legion forming shield walls in large squares. The auxiliaries took refuge within the squares and supported the Legionnaires with their arrow and javelin fire, the artillerists adding Onager and Scorpion (large crew served crossbows) fire that they poured into the advancing enemy with deadly effect. They held the horde's infantry at bay for some time until their arrows and javelins ran out, then the ammunition for the artillery. Though they suffered losses from return enemy fire their superior armor and shields turned much of that fire.

*Then it became an infantry battle, over 200,000 against approx. 20,000 surviving Legionnaires and 3,000 auxiliaries. The majority of the cavalry had already been destroyed and/or routed, but some fought on long enough to see the end. One by one the Legions squares broke as the shield walls were breached, but counter attacks would seal the breech, but each time the square was smaller. The auxiliaries threw down their now useless bows, and picking up the sword of fallen Legionnaires joined them in the shield wall. The squares of the 5th and 13th Legions broke for the last time almost as the exact same time, but the Standard Guard of the 13th managed to fight free and reach the square of the 10th Legion which was still holding. In a brilliant maneuver the 12th Legion managed to join ranks with the 10th just as the remnants of the 9th Legion finally fell as they were overwhelmed by fresh enemy units. Now down to less than 3,000 the 10th and 12th fought on, refusing to yield a foot to the enemy. It's estimated the final enemy assault included over 40,000 of their best troops and it still took an hour to break the shield wall. At the end some Saurian's tore off their armor and threw away their swords and fought to the death with their natural fangs and claws as they tore enemy soldiers to pieces until going down. As the shield wall broke the battle broke up into small actions with bands of desperate Legionnaires who sold their lives dearly fighting back to back; Elf, human, and Saurian fighting together, the last few hundred dying around the cluster of Standards in the center of the square. The standards were captured once, retaken, then taken for the last time and for the first time in history two Dragon and two Eagle Standards were taken in battle, not to mention hundreds of lesser standards. In one of those unexplainable miracles of battle that became legend the Eagle of the 13th Legion was saved by a mounted tribune who fought his way free on the only remaining Chocobo warbird, the bird later dying of wounds. *

*It is unknown for sure how many enemy soldiers fell in the battle, but the lower estimates place the number at over 100,000. The Legions made them pay for their victory. Unfortunately this left over 200,000 enemy effectives on the march, and they were heading straight at us. This was the largest horde in the last 100 years, even with the mauling they had received, and they were receiving reinforcements regularly. It was obvious the dark empire had been getting ready for this for a long time. And there were only about 10,000 of us to try and slow them down for as long as possible. There was only one defensible position, and that was Breakback Gap. When C Troop and the rest of the 7th Chocobo's arrived infantry, engineers, and sappers were desperately fortifying the pass, working feverishly in the hot sun. The pass had been fought over by both sides for centuries, and there were ancient and newer fortifications scattered throughout the narrow ½ mile wide pass. It was a good defensive position as the peaks surrounding it were shear and offered at best a few goat paths easily defended, and almost impassable to armored soldiers. The horde had to come through the pass. Facing them were a mixture of approx. 7,000 infantry, engineers, sappers, artilleryman and 3,000 cavalry, both Chocobo and horse. Of the infantry maybe 4,000 were veterans, the rest support troops desperately pressed into frontline service, most volunteers. The cavalry were a little better off, we were all veterans. C, D, and F Troops of the 7th Chocobo's, a force of approx. 1,000 heavy horse mounted human Cataphracti, elements of the 4th, 8th human Dragoons, 11th Elvin Dragoons, two troops of the 14th Elvin Lancers, and a mixture of lighter mounted archers, both bird and horse. The Cataphracti were our best, both horses and riders heavily armored, the horses specially bred to carry the weight. They were the match of anything the enemy might have. The Cataphracti were the 4th Heavy Horse, the famous and elite "Swords of the Lady" each a knight sworn to serve the Lady of Light. They were an inspiring sight in their glittering armor, and all cheered as they passed no matter their race, soldiers running up to offer full canteens to the knights and buckets of water and oats for their mounts. *

*Our defense was anchored on two strongpoint's held by the best of the infantry and supported by missile troops. There was no way to hold the entire pass, but the enemy would not dare to leave enemy held forts in their rear, especially at a strangle point in their supply line. So while the ground pounders worked frantically to improve the defenses the cavalry moved out to do what it could to slow the horde down and give them time to dig in. 3,000 against over 200,000, at least 30,000 of that enemy mounted troops on their own Chocobo's, horses, and other mounts. But we had to buy the infantry as much time as possible, even if it meant never coming back. As we moved out there was none of the usual banter and jovial insults between the infantry and the cavalry. *

*It wasn't long before the first enemy units came into sight, we deployed and advanced on the horde's vanguard at a steady walk; driving in their scouts, pennants snapping in the breeze. The Scouts and archers leading the way as skirmishers, the Dragoons and Cataphracti following. As soon as we were in range we began loosing volleys of arrows, the lighter units circling as close to the enemy formation as they could until being scattered by enemy cavalry charges and falling back through our ranks. Since we had lances as well we had been held back to add our strength to the 14th Lancers. Seeing a large force of enemy Dragoons moving up to finish off the skirmishers our commander saw an opportunity to do some serious damage, so the bugles blew, the lances came down, and we charged the enemy formation. They outnumbered us three to one, but our lances gave us the initial advantage and we caught them before they could fully deploy to counter charge. Alieya brought down two enemy riders with her lance before drawing her saber and engaging another as I sparred with her bird, our beaks jabbing at one another as we hissed and gave shrill battle shrieks. Finally the enemy rider went down under one of Alieya's saber strokes and I savaged the other bird as his rider pulled him over. About that time our own Dragoons came charging past us and into fresh enemy units; including light infantry, that had been moving up. They looked magnificent as they swept past us leaning low over their saddles, leaning forward with the points of their sabers leading the way. They rolled up the enemy units like a carpet and pushed them back, giving the Lancers a chance to fall back and regroup. We had lost almost half our number but weren't out of the fight yet, the enemy's losses had been twice that. Alieya gave a loud cry as we saw Teeka and her bird falling back with us; and Teeka smiled and waved her saber. We fell in on the left flank of the Cataphracti as they moved into position. They had been out of sight until now behind some low rises, and as the heavily armored troops crested the hill there was consternation in the enemy ranks as they tried to bring up pikemen, but the Cataphracti never gave them the chance. Their charge was almost in slow motion compared to ours, but they were moving downhill on good ground. A bugle blew and their heavy lances came down, and whereas our the Elven lances were almost flimsy and made to be flexible and bend on contact, the Cataphracts lances were solid oak tipped with fifteen inch iron spear points with tempered tips designed to penetrate plate armor. I personally saw those lances skewer up to three infantry at one time. Their charge literally rode under the first few units of enemy infantry without even slowing, the battered enemy cavalry fleeing before them. And we followed in their wake with the remnants of the Dragoons picking off enemy survivors and protecting their flanks as best we could. They never stopped their charge until finally brought to a slow halt by stiffening enemy resistance, and when formations of pikemen finally started to move up we all fell back, what their was left of us. *

*Alieya and I went to aid of a hard pressed Cataphract who was engaging three enemy Dragoons, Alieya's saber took one enemy rider in the back as I literally ran up the enemy rider's birds rear and clawed her as well, and a second fell to the Cataphract's mace. With a yell of thanks the armored rider spurred his mount past us towards a low rise where the remnants of our cavalry was attempting to reform into some sort of cohesive unit to form for a final charge or to make a stand. I belled a war cry at a block of advancing enemy infantry and then we turned and headed towards the rise with a few other riders who managed to break contact with the ever increasing number of enemy cavalry. As we neared the rise Teeka called a greeting, raising her own bloody saber and her bird and I exchanged warbles. Reaching our depleted ranks we turned and faced the enemy. *

The horde stretched out before us; our view from the rise was excellent. And by the Gods there were so many. Had we done any good at all? They had already advanced over their own; and our, fallen and we couldn't even tell how much damage we'd done, but we knew we'd given a lot better then we'd received. And we were cut off, as we'd fought enemy units had marched around the flanks and moved behind us, there had been no way we could have engaged their whole front. As we watched enemy units opened up and made way for a large force of dark knights. The horse mounted elite knights wore black armor, their lances flying blood red pennants. They were among the best the enemy had and greatly respected. There was movement in the ranks of the Cataphracti as they reformed into a wedge formation to meet the enemy knights. Less than 200 remained, and maybe three hundred mixed lancers and dragoons. Again the Cataphracti didn't give the enemy time to form up for a charge, and I'm sure the enemy was shocked to see such a small force charge them, but that wedge of steel drove deep into the enemies formations and just pushed both enemy horses and knights out of the way before bowling them over. And the 7th Chocobo's and remnants of the other cavalry followed in their wake doing what we could to protect their rear, but it was a foregone conclusion, a grand gesture of defiance and contempt.

The battle raged on for another half hour or longer, knights and Cataphracts locked in combat as the lighter cavalry swirled around them. It was a hell of clattering sabers, flashing maces and battle axes, and the screams of riders and their mounts. It was one big swirling melee with no organization or coherence of any kind. I saw Teeka's bird go down with a lance through his chest, and Teeka literally ran up the side of the dark knights flank and cut his throat with her dagger, then we were dragged away in the tide of combat and I never saw her again. We were both wounded by then, and exhausted, but we fought on as surrender was not an option, and there was no escape as we were surrounded. Alieya was finally knocked from my saddle by a blow from a knights mace, and with a screech of rage I leaped up and gripping him with my claws dragged him from his horse, and using my beak I tore his throat out under the edge of his helm, the geyser of blood drenching my head and neck. Then I stood over Alieya and fought on, but after several infantry fell to my attacks the advancing enemy formed a kind of flowing ring around my lonely stand as no newcomers wanted to join the heap of dead and dying around the blood drenched crazed warbird in tattered armor. I crouched over my rider, and love, and hissed defiance at all comers.

Finally the infantry moved past us and revealed the field of battle. I was the only bird still standing, at least on our side. Here and there enemy troops moved through the piles of bodies, their spears and swords rising and falling as they found wounded. Evidently it was no prisoners. A spearman made a jab at me, and I stepped around his thrust and grabbing his arm in my beak pulled him over and danced on him as my talons tore him to pieces. Finally a more intelligent Orc called for archers. I crouched and shielded Alieya as well as I could with my wings, one not responding as it had been broken by a blow from a mace. I didn't know if she was dead or alive, but I wouldn't leave her, not ever. They were about to fire a volley when a female dark Elf in fancy silver trimmed black armor; mounted on the biggest Chocobo I'd ever seen, came riding up and yelled,

"HOLD! What is happening here!?"

"My Lady, the officer of the archers replied, this bird has killed all who came with reach of his beak and talons, so we are going to bring him down with arrows to spare anymore casualties."

The Elf rode closer and I assumed a defensive stance, and then lunged at her bird who nimbly danced back as I snapped my beak at him, hissing loudly. She smiled, and said,

"I think not captain, I like his spirit. He truly killed this many?"

*"Yes my lady, he is a demon." The captain replied. *

"Yes, it would appear so. He is magnificent, such marvelous plumage. Captain, you will take him alive, I want him."

*"But, but how, My Lady? The captain stuttered in disbelief, look at the bodies, we can't get near him!" *

"That, said the Elf, is up to you. But know this Captain, if this bird is not waiting for me in camp when I return you will personally lead the next attack on the enemy. Is that understood?"

"Y-y-yess My Lady!" The captain replied.

As she rode away I heard the Orc officer say; very quietly under his breath, "Bitch!"

He looked at me, and I looked back at him and hissed, and he took a couple of steps back. The archers surrounded me in a loose circle and it was a stalemate. One got too close and I grabbed him by the neck and flung him through the air like a doll, and he didn't get up again. The others stepped back a little further. They had no real idea as how to bring me down without killing me, and I wasn't budging. I took a chance, and keeping one eye on the Orcs I lowered my head and gently pushed at Alieya's head with a soft trill of grief, but then she moaned! She was still alive! But since there was nothing I could do I resumed my protective posture. I was starting to feel weak though, and my broken wing was throbbing painfully.

Finally the archer's quandary was solved when a human engineering officer rode up to see what was going on. The archer captain said,

"Lady Freya wants that crazy bird for a pet. He's already killed four of my Orcs, I'm not going anywhere near him."

The human officer laughed, and replied "I don't blame you, but maybe I can help. Wait here."

"Yeah, OK, muttered the Orc, like where would I go anyway?"

The human laughed again, and spurred his horse away. He returned shortly with a wagon, and several men got out of the back carrying a big bundle of rope, it was one of the nets teamsters used to secure cargo in wagons. Their intent was obvious, and I hissed in frustration as they deployed the net.

I managed to dodge the first toss, but the second toss landed over my head and their combined weight on the net brought me down. I gave one a nasty gash to his arm with my beak, but then two of them held my neck while another tired my beak shut, then they tied my ankles together and I was helpless despite frenzied struggles. As they loaded me in the wagon I heard one say,

"Hey the Elf is alive too!", and another said, "Well, kill her!"

NO! I thought, and went berserk, but it was hopeless, and with a final heave they threw me in the back of the wagon.

"Wait!" said the officer, "Bring her too, Lady Freya might like to have a little fun with her."

"Yeah, or give her to us so she can watch us rape her!" laughed a couple of the men.

A short time later Alieya was thrown in the back of the wagon next to me, and as it started moving I put my unbroken wing over her before passing out from my own pain and exhaustion.

The battle for Breakback Gap lasted two more days before the last bastion fell to the horde. It cost the enemy another 30,000 casualties to destroy the 7,000 defenders to almost the last soldier. After that the horde had no choice but the rest and regroup for a few days due to the mauling they'd taken for their "victories". But neither Alieya or I would know this until much later.

** The End**

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A Chocobo's Story, Chapter 4

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! A Chocobo's Story, Chapter 4 By William W. Kelso I faded in and out of consciousness as the wagon lumbered along, shock from my wounds making me weak and semi-delirious. I'd been hurt pretty badly in the...

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Zodiac, Chapter 4

**My stories are copyrighted, so NO...

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